pajak117 Opublikowano 20 Kwietnia 2014 Zgłoś Udostępnij Opublikowano 20 Kwietnia 2014 Witam, potrzebuję pliku config i tekstury celownika vintoreza z Soli. Nie mam na dysku a nie chce mi się za bardzo ściągać 10 gb dla paru mb ;) 1.przykładowa [bardzo prawdopodobna bo nie jestem pewien] lokalizacja pliku config powinna być w gamedata/config/weapons/w_vintorez.ltx2.jak już mamy tenże plik to go otwieramy notatnikiem i znajdujemy linijkę scope_texturenp scope_texture = wpnPSO1w tym wypadku tekstura celownika byłaby w gamedata/textures/wpn/ Odnośnik do komentarza Udostępnij na innych stronach Więcej opcji udostępniania...
Кристофер (Kpuc) Opublikowano 22 Kwietnia 2014 Zgłoś Udostępnij Opublikowano 22 Kwietnia 2014 Zobacz to z dmx,soli nie mam aktualnie. w_vintorez ; Âčíňîâęŕ Ńďĺöčŕëüíŕ˙ Ńíŕéďĺđńęŕ˙ ÂŃŃ.[wpn_vintorez]:identity_immunitiesGroupControlSection = spawn_groupdiscovery_dependency = $spawn = "weaponsvintorez" ; option for Level Editor$npc = off$prefetch = 8scheduled = off ; option for ALife Simulatorcform = skeletonclass = WP_VINTmin_radius = 50max_radius = 150description = enc_weapons1_wpn-vintorezef_main_weapon_type = 3ef_weapon_type = 8;--- scope weapons -----------------------------------------------------------------holder_range_modifier = 2.0 ; âî ńęîëüęî đŕç óâĺëč÷čâŕĺňń˙ eye_range holder_fov_modifier = 0.3 ; âî ńęîëüęî đŕç óâĺëč÷čâŕĺňń˙ eye_fov;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------cost = 12000 ;8000weapon_class = sniper_rifleammo_limit = 180ammo_current = 90ammo_elapsed = 10ammo_mag_size = 10hand_dependence = 1single_handed = 0ammo_class = ammo_9x39_sp5, ammo_9x39_ap, ammo_9x39_pab9, ammo_9x39_izomorffire_modes = -1, 1f_mode = 1slot = 2 ; // secondaryanimation_slot = 2 ; type of the animation that will be used inv_name = wpn-vintorezinv_name_short = wpn-vintorezinv_weight = 3.2inv_grid_width = 5inv_grid_height = 2inv_grid_x = 31inv_grid_y = 20kill_msg_x = 98kill_msg_y = 0kill_msg_width = 78kill_msg_height = 25;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------;áŕçîâŕ˙ äčńďĺđńč˙fire_dispersion_base = 0.022 ;óăîë (â ăđŕäóńŕő) áŕçîâîé äčńďĺđńčč îđóćč˙ (îđóćč˙ çŕćŕňîăî â ňčńęŕő)control_inertion_factor = 1.44fdisp_rate = 1.8;îňäŕ÷ŕcam_relax_speed = 6.75 ;ńęîđîńňü âîçâđŕňŕ â čńőîäíîĺ ďîëîćĺíčĺcam_dispersion = 0.21 ;óâĺëč÷ĺíč˙ óăëŕ (â ăđŕäóńŕő) ń ęŕćäűě âűńňđĺëîěcam_dispersion_inc = 0.15 ;óâĺëč÷ĺíče cam_dispersion ń ęŕćäűě âűńňđĺëîěcam_dispertion_frac = 0.9 ;ńňâîë áóäĺň ďîäűěŕňüń˙ íŕ cam_dispersion*cam_dispertion_frac +- cam_dispersion*(1-cam_dispertion_frac)cam_max_angle = 7.0 ;ěŕęńčěŕëüíűé óăîë îňäŕ÷čcam_max_angle_horz = 10.0 ;(degree) maximum shot horizontal degree cam_step_angle_horz = 1.4 ;(degree) size of step camera moved in horizontal position while shootingfire_dispersion_condition_factor = 4 ;óâĺëč÷ĺíčĺ äčńďĺđńčč â ďđîöĺíňŕő ďđč ěŕęńčěŕëüíîě čçíîńĺ misfire_probability = 0.005 ;0.00001 ;âĺđî˙ňíîńňü îńĺ÷ęč ďđč ěŕęńčěŕëüíîě čçíîńĺ misfire_condition_k = 0.3condition_shot_dec = 0.0002 ;óâĺëč÷ĺíčĺ čçíîńŕ ďđč ęŕćäîě âűńňđĺëĺ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------direction = 0, 0, 1fire_point = 0.0, 0.127, 0.559smoke_particles = weaponsgeneric_shoot_00shell_point = 0.0, 0.127, 0.10shell_dir = 0.0, 1.0, 0.0shell_particles = weaponsgeneric_shellsrpm_empty_click = 200PDM_disp_base = 4.5PDM_disp_vel_factor = 1.8PDM_disp_accel_factor = 1.0PDM_crouch = 1.5PDM_crouch_no_acc = 1.0;;;;;; Äë˙ Íŕđîäíîé ńîë˙íęč 2009hit_power = 1.6hit_impulse = 140hit_type = fire_woundhit_rate = 1.95fire_distance = 180bullet_speed = 295rpm = 650use_aim_bullet = true ;Ďîääĺđćčâŕĺňń˙ ëč ďĺđâŕ˙ ńóďĺđ ďóë˙time_to_aim = 1.0 hud = wpn_vintorez_hudnormal = 0, 1, 0position = -0.026, -0.084, 0.0orientation = 0, 0, 0;--STRAP PARAMETERS-----------------------------------------------------------------;ďîä ěčřęîéstrap_position = -0.26,-0.11,0.20 ; position (offset) and orientation of the weapon when it is strappedstrap_orientation = -15,-9,110 ; (3rd person view in degrees)strap_bone0 = bip01_spine2strap_bone1 = bip01_spine1startup_ammo = 1000visual = weaponsvintorezwpn_vintorez.ogf light_disabled = trueph_mass = 4;cost = 5000;addonsscope_status = 1silencer_status = 1grenade_launcher_status = 0zoom_enabled = truescope_texture = wpncrosshairwpn_crosshair_vintorezzoom_enabled = truescope_zoom_factor = 15 ;ĎŃÎ-1M2-01 AMK 4X;------------------------------ S.T.A.L.K.E.R`s sound remake ------------------------------;çâóęčsnd_draw = weaponsgeneric_drawsnd_holster = weaponsgeneric_holster;snd_shoot = weaponst_vintorez_shot ;silencer4asnd_shoot = weaponstm_val_shot_0 ; t_val_shot ;silencer4asnd_shoot1 = weaponstm_val_shot_1snd_shoot2 = weaponstm_val_shot_2snd_shoot3 = weaponstm_val_shot_3snd_empty = weaponsgen_empty, 0.5snd_reload = weaponsvintorez_reload, 0.7, 0.5snd_shoot_grenade = weaponsgen_grenshootsnd_reload_grenade = weaponsgen_grenload[wpn_vintorez_hud]shell_point = -0.15, -0.02, 0.05shell_dir = 0.0, 1.0, 0.0fire_point = 0.320000,0.040000,0.070000fire_bone = wpn_bodyorientation = 0, 0, 0position = -0.012, 0, 0.1visual = weaponsvintorezwpn_vintorez_hud.ogfanim_idle = idleanim_idle_aim = idleanim_reload = reloadanim_draw = drawanim_holster = holsteranim_shoot = shootanim_idle_sprint = idle_sprint;ńěĺůĺíč˙ HUD äë˙ đĺćčěŕ ďđčáëčćĺíč˙zoom_offset = -0.130000,0.000000,0.000000zoom_rotate_x = 0.000000zoom_rotate_y = 0.000000 w_vintorez_m1 ;Čěĺííîé Âčíňîđĺç[wpn_vintorez_m1]:identity_immunitiesGroupControlSection = spawn_groupdiscovery_dependency = $spawn = "weaponsvintorez_m1" ; option for Level Editor$npc = off$prefetch = 8scheduled = off ; option for ALife Simulatorcform = skeletonclass = WP_VINTmin_radius = 50max_radius = 150ef_main_weapon_type = 3ef_weapon_type = 8;--- scope weapons -----------------------------------------------------------------holder_range_modifier = 2.0 ; âî ńęîëüęî đŕç óâĺëč÷čâŕĺňń˙ eye_range holder_fov_modifier = 0.3 ; âî ńęîëüęî đŕç óâĺëč÷čâŕĺňń˙ eye_fov;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------cost = 30000 weapon_class = sniper_rifleammo_limit = 180ammo_current = 90ammo_elapsed = 10ammo_mag_size = 20hand_dependence = 1single_handed = 0ammo_class = ammo_9x39_sp5, ammo_9x39_ap, ammo_9x39_pab9, ammo_9x39_izomorffire_modes = -1, 1f_mode = 1slot = 2 ; // secondaryanimation_slot = 2 ; type of the animation that will be useddescription = enc_weapons1_wpn-vintorez_m1inv_name = wpn-vintorez_m1inv_name_short = wpn-vintorez_m1inv_weight = 3.2inv_grid_width = 5inv_grid_height = 2inv_grid_x = 14inv_grid_y = 48kill_msg_x = 98kill_msg_y = 0kill_msg_width = 78kill_msg_height = 25;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------;áŕçîâŕ˙ äčńďĺđńč˙fire_dispersion_base = 0.0011 ;óăîë (â ăđŕäóńŕő) áŕçîâîé äčńďĺđńčč îđóćč˙ (îđóćč˙ çŕćŕňîăî â ňčńęŕő)control_inertion_factor = 1.44f;îňäŕ÷ŕcam_relax_speed = 7.0 ;ńęîđîńňü âîçâđŕňŕ â čńőîäíîĺ ďîëîćĺíčĺcam_dispersion = 0.20 ;óâĺëč÷ĺíč˙ óăëŕ (â ăđŕäóńŕő) ń ęŕćäűě âűńňđĺëîěcam_dispersion_inc = 0.15 ;óâĺëč÷ĺíče cam_dispersion ń ęŕćäűě âűńňđĺëîěcam_dispertion_frac = 0.9 ;ńňâîë áóäĺň ďîäűěŕňüń˙ íŕ cam_dispersion*cam_dispertion_frac +- cam_dispersion*(1-cam_dispertion_frac)cam_max_angle = 7.0 ;ěŕęńčěŕëüíűé óăîë îňäŕ÷čcam_max_angle_horz = 10.0 ;(degree) maximum shot horizontal degree cam_step_angle_horz = 1.35 ;(degree) size of step camera moved in horizontal position while shootingfire_dispersion_condition_factor = 1.5 ;óâĺëč÷ĺíčĺ äčńďĺđńčč â ďđîöĺíňŕő ďđč ěŕęńčěŕëüíîě čçíîńĺ misfire_probability = 0.005 ;0.00001 ;âĺđî˙ňíîńňü îńĺ÷ęč ďđč ěŕęńčěŕëüíîě čçíîńĺ misfire_condition_k = 0.1condition_shot_dec = 0.00000000001 ;óâĺëč÷ĺíčĺ čçíîńŕ ďđč ęŕćäîě âűńňđĺëĺ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------direction = 0, 0, 1fire_point = 0.0, 0.127, 0.559smoke_particles = weaponsgeneric_shoot_00shell_point = 0.0, 0.127, 0.10shell_dir = 0.0, 1.0, 0.0shell_particles = weaponsgeneric_shellsrpm_empty_click = 200PDM_disp_base = 4.5PDM_disp_vel_factor = 1.8PDM_disp_accel_factor = 1.0PDM_crouch = 1.5PDM_crouch_no_acc = 1.0hit_power = 1.75hit_impulse = 140hit_type = fire_woundhit_rate = 1.95fire_distance = 180bullet_speed = 450rpm = 800use_aim_bullet = true ;Ďîääĺđćčâŕĺňń˙ ëč ďĺđâŕ˙ ńóďĺđ ďóë˙time_to_aim = 1.0;hud = wpn_vintorez_hudhud = wpn_vintorez_un_hud ; name of the section of the hudnormal = 0, 1, 0position = -0.026, -0.084, 0.0orientation = 0, 0, 0;--STRAP PARAMETERS-----------------------------------------------------------------;ďîä ěčřęîéstrap_position = -0.26,-0.11,0.20 ; position (offset) and orientation of the weapon when it is strappedstrap_orientation = -15,-9,110 ; (3rd person view in degrees)strap_bone0 = bip01_spine2strap_bone1 = bip01_spine1startup_ammo = 1000visual = weaponsvintorez_unwpn_vintorez_un.ogf ; name of the model for 3rd personlight_disabled = trueph_mass = 4;addonsscope_status = 1silencer_status = 1grenade_launcher_status = 0zoom_enabled = truescope_zoom_factor = 15 ;ĎŃÎ-1M2-01 AMK 4Xscope_texture = wpncrosshairwpn_crosshair_un_svd_svu_vintorez;scope_texture = wpnPSO1M2-AMK_1280-T;------------------------------ S.T.A.L.K.E.R`s sound remake ------------------------------;çâóęčsnd_draw = weaponsgeneric_drawsnd_holster = weaponsgeneric_holster;snd_shoot = weaponst_vintorez_shot ;silencer4asnd_shoot = weaponstm_val_shot_0 ; t_val_shot ;silencer4asnd_shoot1 = weaponstm_val_shot_1snd_shoot2 = weaponstm_val_shot_2snd_shoot3 = weaponstm_val_shot_3snd_empty = weaponsgen_empty, 0.5snd_reload = weaponsvintorez_reload, 0.7, 0.5snd_shoot_grenade = weaponsgen_grenshootsnd_reload_grenade = weaponsgen_grenload[wpn_vintorez_un_hud]shell_point = -0.15, -0.02, 0.05shell_dir = 0.0, 1.0, 0.0fire_point = 0.320000,0.040000,0.070000fire_bone = wpn_bodyorientation = 0, 0, 0position = -0.012, 0, 0.1visual = weaponsvintorezwpn_vintorez_hud.ogfanim_idle = idleanim_idle_aim = idleanim_reload = reloadanim_draw = drawanim_holster = holsteranim_shoot = shootanim_idle_sprint = idle_sprint;ńěĺůĺíč˙ HUD äë˙ đĺćčěŕ ďđčáëčćĺíč˙zoom_offset = -0.130000,0.000000,0.000000zoom_rotate_x = 0.000000zoom_rotate_y = 0.000000 1 Odnośnik do komentarza Udostępnij na innych stronach Więcej opcji udostępniania...
pajak117 Opublikowano 22 Kwietnia 2014 Autor Zgłoś Udostępnij Opublikowano 22 Kwietnia 2014 Dzięki wielkie @Kpuc, dmx też mi pasuje. Masz PW. Chcę zrobić vintoreza w ts2 żeby można było mierzyć odległość za pomocą krzyża celowniczego i w ten sposób strzelać odpowiednim sierżantem jak w "realu" ;) Pamiętam, że w soli tak właśnie było. Odnośnik do komentarza Udostępnij na innych stronach Więcej opcji udostępniania...
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