Ranger801 Opublikowano 6 Września 2018 Zgłoś Udostępnij Opublikowano 6 Września 2018 @Mixons Spróbuj usunąć plik user.ltx, znajduje się w tam, gdzie jest folder z logami. Cytuj Odnośnik do komentarza Udostępnij na innych stronach Więcej opcji udostępniania...
Mixons Opublikowano 6 Września 2018 Zgłoś Udostępnij Opublikowano 6 Września 2018 Niestety nic to nie pomogło, ale tym razem zauważyłem, że gra crashuje przy wczytywaniu tekstur, a nie przy synchronizacji. Log: Spoiler * Detected CPU: GenuineIntel P3 family, F6/M12/S3, 2791.00 mhz, 22-clk 'rdtsc' * CPU Features: RDTSC, MMX, SSE, SSE2 Initializing File System... using fs-ltx fsgame.ltx FS: 33730 files cached, 5549Kb memory used. Init FileSystem 0.855971 sec 'xrCore' build 3312, Feb 27 2008 Initializing Engine... Executing config-script "user.ltx"... [c:\users\miki\docume~1\stalke~1\user.ltx] successfully loaded. Starting INPUT device... Loading DLL: xrRender_R1.dll Loading DLL: xrGame.dll * [win32]: free[4044848 K], reserved[48352 K], committed[101040 K] * [ D3D ]: textures[0 K] * [x-ray]: crt heap[7758 K], process heap[1818 K], game lua[0 K], engine lua[0 K], render[0 K] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[1325 K], smem[0 K] Executing config-script "c:\gry\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. shadow of chernobyl\gamedata\config\default_controls.ltx"... ! cant convert dik_name for dik[144], prop=[Poprzednia [c:\gry\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. shadow of chernobyl\gamedata\config\default_controls.ltx] successfully loaded. Executing config-script "user.ltx"... Executing config-script "c:\gry\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. shadow of chernobyl\gamedata\config\rspec_default.ltx"... ! Unknown command: r__wallmark_ttl ! Unknown command: rs_skeleton_update [c:\gry\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. shadow of chernobyl\gamedata\config\rspec_default.ltx] successfully loaded. Executing config-script "c:\gry\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. shadow of chernobyl\gamedata\config\default_controls.ltx"... [c:\gry\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. shadow of chernobyl\gamedata\config\default_controls.ltx] successfully loaded. [c:\users\miki\docume~1\stalke~1\user.ltx] successfully loaded. SOUND: OpenAL: enumerate devices... SOUND: OpenAL: EnumerationExtension Present devices Generic Hardware SOUND: OpenAL: system default SndDevice name is Generic Hardware SOUND: OpenAL: default SndDevice name set to Generic Software SOUND: OpenAL: All available devices: 1. Generic Software, Spec Version 1.1 (default) 2. Generic Software, Spec Version 1.1 (default) SOUND: OpenAL: SelectBestDevice is Generic Software 1.1 SOUND: OpenAL: Required device: Generic Software. Created device: Generic Software. * sound: EAX 2.0 extension: absent * sound: EAX 2.0 deferred: absent * sound : cache: 32773 kb, 3805 lines, 8820 bpl Starting RENDER device... * GPU [vendor:10DE]-[device:1391]: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 850M * GPU driver: * CREATE: DeviceREF: 1 * Vertex Processor: PURE HARDWARE * Texture memory: 4081 M * DDI-level: 9.0 * GPU shading: vs(fffe0300/3.0/30), ps(ffff0300/3.0/30) * GPU vertex cache: unrecognized, 16 * DVB created: 1536K * DIB created: 512K count of .thm files=130 load time=112 ms * distortion: used, dev(30),need(14) * SSample: 1024x768 * SSample: enabled - r__tf_aniso 4 - r1_tf_mipbias 0. Starting engine... Loading DLL: xrGameSpy.dll * DVB created: 1536K * DIB created: 512K - r__tf_aniso 4 - r1_tf_mipbias 0. * SSample: 1024x768 * SSample: enabled * GPU shading: vs(fffe0300/3.0/30), ps(ffff0300/3.0/30) * GPU vertex cache: recognized, 24 *** RESET [173 ms] "c:\gry\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. shadow of chernobyl\bin\xr_3da.exe" * phase time: 0 ms * phase cmem: 62265 K Ładowanie obiektów... Loading objects... Loading models... * [prefetch] time: 5092 ms * [prefetch] memory: 0Kb * phase time: 5125 ms * phase cmem: 62265 K SERWER: Rozpoczynanie... * phase time: 61 ms * phase cmem: 62426 K SERWER: Wczytywanie symulatora Alife... * phase time: 1 ms * phase cmem: 62426 K Wczytywanie zapisanej gry "2.sav"... * Loading spawn registry... * 8660 spawn points are successfully loaded * Loading objects... * 16569 objects are successfully loaded * Game 2 is successfully loaded from file 'c:\users\miki\docume~1\stalke~1\savedgames\2.sav' (1.351s) * phase time: 1350 ms * phase cmem: 89811 K SERVER: Łączenie... MaxPlayers = 32 * phase time: 11 ms * phase cmem: 89827 K KLIENT: Łączenie z localhost... # Player not found. New player created. * client : connection accepted - <> * phase time: 80 ms * phase cmem: 89851 K Otwieranie strumienia... * phase time: 6 ms * phase cmem: 89851 K Wczytywanie CFORM... * phase time: 414 ms * phase cmem: 102666 K Wczytywanie shaderów... * phase time: 94 ms * phase cmem: 103621 K Wczytywanie danych geometrycznych... * [Loading VB] 65532 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65530 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65525 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65525 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 60154 verts, 1879 Kb * [Loading VB] 64539 verts, 2016 Kb * [Loading VB] 7068 verts, 220 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 180858 indices, 353 Kb * phase time: 369 ms * phase cmem: 103624 K Wczytywanie przestrzennej bazy danych... * phase time: 54 ms * phase cmem: 104323 K Wczytywanie detali... * phase time: 1 ms * phase cmem: 104323 K Wczytywanie stref i portali... * Loading HOM: c:\gry\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. shadow of chernobyl\gamedata\levels\l12u_control_monolith\level.hom * phase time: 13 ms * phase cmem: 104461 K Wczytywanie obiektów SI... - Loading music tracks from 'l12u_control_musics'... * phase time: 33 ms * phase cmem: 104528 K KLIENT: Odradzanie... - Game configuring : Started - Game configuring : Finished * phase time: 343 ms * phase cmem: 107332 K Wczytywanie tekstur... * t-report - base: 663, 297633 K * t-report - lmap: 6, 6144 K * phase time: 1679 ms * phase cmem: 107332 K KLIENT: Synchronizacja... * phase time: 34 ms * phase cmem: 107332 K * [win32]: free[3264216 K], reserved[191768 K], committed[738256 K] * [ D3D ]: textures[303778 K] * [x-ray]: crt heap[107332 K], process heap[374266 K], game lua[17903 K], engine lua[192 K], render[0 K] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[3524 K], smem[0 K] ! Unknown command: >>12:11_idx:13->14,time:12:00->13:00_weather:indoor,cycle_time:360 sv destroy object [368][separator:separator0368] [399] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [368][separator:separator0368] [399] cl setDestroy [368][399] * MEMORY USAGE: 156455 K sv destroy object [5838][physic_destroyable_object:] [833] cl setDestroy [5838][833] sv destroy object [2509][physic_destroyable_object:monolith_generator_0000] [941] cl setDestroy [2509][941] sv destroy object [8683][physic_destroyable_object:] [995] cl setDestroy [8683][995] sv destroy object [2511][physic_destroyable_object:monolith_generator_0002] [1112] cl setDestroy [2511][1112] sv destroy object [8684][physic_destroyable_object:] [1173] cl setDestroy [8684][1173] sv destroy object [2512][physic_destroyable_object:monolith_generator_0003] [1292] cl setDestroy [2512][1292] sv destroy object [11583][physic_destroyable_object:] [1332] cl setDestroy [11583][1332] sv destroy object [2513][physic_destroyable_object:monolith_generator_0004] [1451] cl setDestroy [2513][1451] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [8300][ammo_gauss:ammo_gauss8300] [1500] sv destroy object [8300][ammo_gauss:ammo_gauss8300] [1500] cl setDestroy [8300][1501] sv destroy object [12552][physic_destroyable_object:] [1808] cl setDestroy [12552][1808] sv destroy object [2514][physic_destroyable_object:monolith_generator_0005] [1923] cl setDestroy [2514][1923] sv destroy object [2475][physic_destroyable_object:mon_physic_destroyable_object_0006] [1971] cl setDestroy [2475][1971] sv destroy object [12548][physic_destroyable_object:] [1974] cl setDestroy [12548][1974] sv destroy object [12554][physic_destroyable_object:] [1986] cl setDestroy [12554][1986] sv destroy object [2510][physic_destroyable_object:monolith_generator_0001] [2094] cl setDestroy [2510][2094] * Saving spawns... * Saving objects... * 16586 objects are successfully saved * Game Miki_autosave.sav is successfully saved to file 'c:\users\miki\docume~1\stalke~1\savedgames\miki_autosave.sav' - Disconnect sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [372][bolt:bolt] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [33284][shokolad:shokolad33284] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [32837][ammo_vog-25:ammo_vog-2532837] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [32836][ammo_vog-25:ammo_vog-2532836] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [31490][ammo_m209:ammo_m20931490] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [30725][af_electra_flash:af_electra_flash30725] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [29972][af_night_star:af_night_star29972] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [29971][af_dummy_battery:af_dummy_battery29971] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [29958][af_electra_sparkler:af_electra_sparkler29958] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [29706][det_artefact_super:det_artefact_super29706] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [29456][ammo_gauss:ammo_gauss29456] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [29450][ammo_gauss:ammo_gauss29450] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [29232][repair_weapon:repair_weapon29232] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [28945][ammo_gauss:] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [28930][ammo_gauss:] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [28190][conserva:conserva28190] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [26628][shokolad:shokolad26628] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [25911][ammo_9x39_sp5:ammo_9x39_sp525911] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [24875][af_night_star:af_night_star24875] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [24581][ammo_9x39_sp5:ammo_9x39_sp524581] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [24371][ammo_gauss:] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [24094][ammo_9x39_sp5:ammo_9x39_sp524094] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [24093][ammo_9x39_sp5:ammo_9x39_sp524093] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [23820][af_cristall:af_cristall23820] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [23557][ammo_gauss:ammo_gauss23557] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [22791][af_ameba_slug:af_ameba_slug22791] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [22297][ammo_9x39_sp5:ammo_9x39_sp522297] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [21771][ammo_vog-25:ammo_vog-2521771] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [20241][wpn_addon_silencer:] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [19999][conserva:conserva19999] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [19793][ammo_9x39_sp5:ammo_9x39_sp519793] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [19473][wpn_knife:wpn_knife19473] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [19366][ammo_9x39_sp5:ammo_9x39_sp519366] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [18975][ammo_9x39_sp5:ammo_9x39_sp518975] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [17935][good_psy_helmet:good_psy_helmet17935] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [16978][ammo_9x39_sp5:ammo_9x39_sp516978] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [16646][wpn_addon_scope:] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [15998][ammo_gauss:ammo_gauss15998] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [15996][medkit_army:medkit_army15996] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [13943][medkit_scientic:medkit_scientic13943] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [13637][gunslinger_flash:kat_gunslinger_flash] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [13098][ammo_9x39_sp5:ammo_9x39_sp513098] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [12810][kolbasa:kolbasa12810] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [12442][ammo_9x39_sp5:ammo_9x39_sp512442] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [12441][ammo_9x39_sp5:ammo_9x39_sp512441] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [12239][wpn_val_m1:wpn_val_m112239] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [11843][ammo_9x39_sp5:ammo_9x39_sp511843] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [11115][wpn_vintorez:wpn_vintorez11115] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [10773][ammo_7.62x51_fmj:] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [10269][pri_decoder_documents:pri_decoder_documents] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [10179][decoder:pri_decoder] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [8803][medkit_scientic:medkit_scientic8803] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [7481][medkit_scientic:dar_medkit_scientic] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [6042][ammo_9x39_ap:] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [5441][wpn_gauss:wpn_gauss5441] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [4439][medkit_scientic:medkit_scientic4439] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [3697][device_pda:device_pda3697] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [3696][wpn_binoc:wpn_binoc3696] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [3694][device_torch:device_torch3694] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [3693][detector_simple:detector_simple3693] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [2467][military_outfit:mon_military_outfit] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [2371][medkit_scientic:medkit_scientic2371] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [2108][conserva:conserva] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [1545][wpn_addon_scope:] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [1031][kolbasa:kolbasa1031] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2462][m_osoznanie:mon_stalker] id_entity [373][bolt:bolt] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2462][m_osoznanie:mon_stalker] id_entity [8186][grenade_f1:grenade_f18186] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2462][m_osoznanie:mon_stalker] id_entity [2463][device_pda:device_pda2463] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2462][m_osoznanie:mon_stalker] id_entity [1351][grenade_rgd5:grenade_rgd51351] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2533][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_camper_0001] id_entity [374][bolt:bolt] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2533][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_camper_0001] id_entity [15183][grenade_f1:grenade_f115183] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2533][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_camper_0001] id_entity [15182][medkit:medkit15182] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2533][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_camper_0001] id_entity [2540][wpn_usp:wpn_usp2540] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2542][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_camper_0002] id_entity [375][bolt:bolt] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2551][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_camper_0003] id_entity [348][bolt:bolt] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2551][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_camper_0003] id_entity [29234][ammo_9x39_sp5:ammo_9x39_sp529234] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2551][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_camper_0003] id_entity [29233][bread:bread29233] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2551][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_camper_0003] id_entity [29186][grenade_f1:grenade_f129186] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2551][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_camper_0003] id_entity [2559][wpn_usp:wpn_usp2559] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2560][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_monolith] id_entity [349][bolt:bolt] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2560][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_monolith] id_entity [11328][medkit_army:medkit_army11328] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2560][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_monolith] id_entity [11327][ammo_9x39_sp5:ammo_9x39_sp511327] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2560][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_monolith] id_entity [2568][wpn_usp:wpn_usp2568] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2569][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_monolith_0000] id_entity [350][bolt:bolt] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2569][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_monolith_0000] id_entity [11329][medkit_army:medkit_army11329] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2569][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_monolith_0000] id_entity [11281][ammo_12x70_buck:ammo_12x70_buck11281] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2569][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_monolith_0000] id_entity [2575][wpn_usp:wpn_usp2575] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2576][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_monolith_0001] id_entity [351][bolt:bolt] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2576][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_monolith_0001] id_entity [16550][grenade_f1:grenade_f116550] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2576][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_monolith_0001] id_entity [16514][ammo_12x70_buck:ammo_12x70_buck16514] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2576][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_monolith_0001] id_entity [16513][medkit:medkit16513] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2576][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_monolith_0001] id_entity [2583][wpn_usp:wpn_usp2583] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2584][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_monolith_post1] id_entity [271][bolt:bolt] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2584][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_monolith_post1] id_entity [6293][conserva:conserva6293] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2584][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_monolith_post1] id_entity [2591][wpn_usp:wpn_usp2591] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2592][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_monolith_post2] id_entity [272][bolt:bolt] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2592][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_monolith_post2] id_entity [8299][kolbasa:kolbasa8299] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2592][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_monolith_post2] id_entity [8253][bread:bread8253] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2592][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_monolith_post2] id_entity [2598][wpn_usp:wpn_usp2598] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2599][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_monolith_post3] id_entity [319][bolt:bolt] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2599][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_monolith_post3] id_entity [15997][antirad:antirad15997] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2599][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_monolith_post3] id_entity [2604][wpn_usp:wpn_usp2604] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2605][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker2_0001] id_entity [320][bolt:bolt] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2605][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker2_0001] id_entity [4702][antirad:antirad4702] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2605][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker2_0001] id_entity [4644][medkit:medkit4644] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2605][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker2_0001] id_entity [4623][flask1:flask14623] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2605][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker2_0001] id_entity [2611][wpn_usp:wpn_usp2611] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2613][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker2_0002] id_entity [308][bolt:bolt] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2613][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker2_0002] id_entity [15989][bandage:bandage15989] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2613][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker2_0002] id_entity [15988][sok:sok15988] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2613][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker2_0002] id_entity [2619][wpn_usp:wpn_usp2619] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2621][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker2_0003] id_entity [322][bolt:bolt] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2621][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker2_0003] id_entity [6764][flask1:flask16764] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2621][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker2_0003] id_entity [2629][wpn_usp:wpn_usp2629] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2630][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker2_0004] id_entity [386][bolt:bolt] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2630][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker2_0004] id_entity [15935][energy_drink:energy_drink15935] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2630][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker2_0004] id_entity [2636][wpn_usp:wpn_usp2636] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2638][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker2_0005] id_entity [419][bolt:bolt] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2638][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker2_0005] id_entity [8287][antirad:antirad8287] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2638][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker2_0005] id_entity [8256][ammo_12x70_buck:ammo_12x70_buck8256] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2638][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker2_0005] id_entity [8255][grenade_f1:grenade_f18255] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2638][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker2_0005] id_entity [8254][medkit_scientic:medkit_scientic8254] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2638][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker2_0005] id_entity [2646][wpn_usp:wpn_usp2646] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2647][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker2_0006] id_entity [420][bolt:bolt] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2647][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker2_0006] id_entity [15990][bread:bread15990] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2657][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker3_0001] id_entity [421][bolt:bolt] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2657][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker3_0001] id_entity [9254][ammo_9x39_sp5:ammo_9x39_sp59254] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2657][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker3_0001] id_entity [9237][bandage:bandage9237] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2657][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker3_0001] id_entity [2663][wpn_usp:wpn_usp2663] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2665][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker3_0002] id_entity [422][bolt:bolt] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2665][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker3_0002] id_entity [22581][antirad:antirad22581] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2665][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker3_0002] id_entity [22580][medkit:medkit22580] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2665][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker3_0002] id_entity [2672][wpn_usp:wpn_usp2672] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2673][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker3_0003] id_entity [387][bolt:bolt] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2673][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker3_0003] id_entity [15995][conserva:conserva15995] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2681][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker3_0004] id_entity [358][bolt:bolt] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2681][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker3_0004] id_entity [6245][ammo_12x70_buck:ammo_12x70_buck6245] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2681][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker3_0004] id_entity [2688][wpn_usp:wpn_usp2688] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2689][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker4_0001] id_entity [359][bolt:bolt] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2689][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker4_0001] id_entity [11312][antirad:antirad11312] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2689][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker4_0001] id_entity [11311][ammo_9x39_sp5:ammo_9x39_sp511311] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2689][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker4_0001] id_entity [2697][wpn_usp:wpn_usp2697] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2698][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker4_0002] id_entity [390][bolt:bolt] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2698][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker4_0002] id_entity [9920][antirad:antirad9920] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2698][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker4_0002] id_entity [9919][ammo_9x39_sp5:ammo_9x39_sp59919] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2698][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker4_0002] id_entity [2703][wpn_usp:wpn_usp2703] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2705][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker4_0003] id_entity [391][bolt:bolt] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2705][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker4_0003] id_entity [9889][ammo_5.45x39_fmj:ammo_5.45x39_fmj9889] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2705][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker4_0003] id_entity [9761][drink_beer:drink_beer9761] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2705][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker4_0003] id_entity [9760][ammo_9x18_fmj:ammo_9x18_fmj9760] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2705][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker4_0003] id_entity [2716][wpn_pb:wpn_pb2716] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2717][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker4_0004] id_entity [360][bolt:bolt] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2717][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker4_0004] id_entity [9005][ammo_5.45x39_fmj:ammo_5.45x39_fmj9005] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2717][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker4_0004] id_entity [8972][ammo_9x18_fmj:ammo_9x18_fmj8972] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2717][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker4_0004] id_entity [2727][wpn_pb:wpn_pb2727] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2728][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker4_0005] id_entity [305][bolt:bolt] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2728][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker4_0005] id_entity [10553][ammo_9x39_sp5:ammo_9x39_sp510553] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2728][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker4_0005] id_entity [2734][wpn_usp:wpn_usp2734] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2736][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker_0001] id_entity [314][bolt:bolt] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2736][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker_0001] id_entity [6244][ammo_12x70_buck:ammo_12x70_buck6244] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2736][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker_0001] id_entity [2744][wpn_usp:wpn_usp2744] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2745][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker_0002] id_entity [315][bolt:bolt] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2745][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker_0002] id_entity [5119][ammo_5.45x39_fmj:ammo_5.45x39_fmj5119] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2745][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker_0002] id_entity [5017][ammo_9x18_fmj:ammo_9x18_fmj5017] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2745][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker_0002] id_entity [2752][wpn_pb:wpn_pb2752] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2753][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker_0003] id_entity [316][bolt:bolt] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2753][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker_0003] id_entity [6406][shokolad:shokolad6406] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2753][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker_0003] id_entity [6400][ammo_12x70_buck:ammo_12x70_buck6400] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2753][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker_0003] id_entity [2758][wpn_usp:wpn_usp2758] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2759][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker_0004] id_entity [347][bolt:bolt] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2759][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker_0004] id_entity [6405][bandage:bandage6405] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2759][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker_0004] id_entity [2767][wpn_usp:wpn_usp2767] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2768][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker_0005] id_entity [366][bolt:bolt] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2768][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker_0005] id_entity [5281][ammo_5.45x39_fmj:ammo_5.45x39_fmj5281] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2768][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker_0005] id_entity [5280][ammo_9x18_fmj:ammo_9x18_fmj5280] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2768][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker_0005] id_entity [5124][flask2:flask25124] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2768][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker_0005] id_entity [5120][antirad:antirad5120] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2768][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker_0005] id_entity [2775][wpn_pm:wpn_pm2775] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2776][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker_0006] id_entity [367][bolt:bolt] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2776][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker_0006] id_entity [5286][flask2:flask25286] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2776][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker_0006] id_entity [5285][conserva:conserva5285] [3711] sv reject. id_parent [2776][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker_0006] id_entity [2783][wpn_usp:wpn_usp2783] [3711] cl setDestroy [372][3712] cl setDestroy [33284][3712] cl setDestroy [32837][3712] cl setDestroy [32836][3712] cl setDestroy [31490][3712] cl setDestroy [30725][3712] cl setDestroy [29972][3712] cl setDestroy [29971][3712] cl setDestroy [29958][3712] cl setDestroy [29706][3712] cl setDestroy [29456][3712] cl setDestroy [29450][3712] cl setDestroy [29232][3712] cl setDestroy [28945][3712] cl setDestroy [28930][3712] cl setDestroy [28190][3712] cl setDestroy 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[359][3712] cl setDestroy [11312][3712] cl setDestroy [11311][3712] cl setDestroy [2697][3712] cl setDestroy [2689][3712] cl setDestroy [2696][3712] cl setDestroy [390][3712] cl setDestroy [9920][3712] cl setDestroy [9919][3712] cl setDestroy [2703][3712] cl setDestroy [2698][3712] cl setDestroy [2704][3712] cl setDestroy [391][3712] cl setDestroy [9889][3712] cl setDestroy [9761][3712] cl setDestroy [9760][3712] cl setDestroy [2716][3712] cl setDestroy [2705][3712] cl setDestroy [2715][3712] cl setDestroy [360][3712] cl setDestroy [9005][3712] cl setDestroy [8972][3712] cl setDestroy [2727][3712] cl setDestroy [2717][3712] cl setDestroy [2726][3712] cl setDestroy [305][3712] cl setDestroy [10553][3712] cl setDestroy [2734][3712] cl setDestroy [2728][3712] cl setDestroy [2735][3712] cl setDestroy [314][3712] cl setDestroy [6244][3712] cl setDestroy [2744][3712] cl setDestroy [2736][3712] cl setDestroy [2743][3712] cl setDestroy [315][3712] cl setDestroy [5119][3712] cl setDestroy [5017][3712] cl setDestroy [2752][3712] cl setDestroy [2745][3712] cl setDestroy [2751][3712] cl setDestroy [316][3712] cl setDestroy [6406][3712] cl setDestroy [6400][3712] cl setDestroy [2758][3712] cl setDestroy [2753][3712] cl setDestroy [2757][3712] cl setDestroy [347][3712] cl setDestroy [6405][3712] cl setDestroy [2767][3712] cl setDestroy [2759][3712] cl setDestroy [2766][3712] cl setDestroy [366][3712] cl setDestroy [5281][3712] cl setDestroy [5280][3712] cl setDestroy [5124][3712] cl setDestroy [5120][3712] cl setDestroy [2775][3712] cl setDestroy [2768][3712] cl setDestroy [2774][3712] cl setDestroy [367][3712] cl setDestroy [5286][3712] cl setDestroy [5285][3712] cl setDestroy [2783][3712] cl setDestroy [2776][3712] cl setDestroy [2784][3712] cl setDestroy [10229][3712] cl setDestroy [23064][3712] cl setDestroy [23068][3712] cl setDestroy [26123][3712] cl setDestroy [26905][3712] cl setDestroy [26910][3712] cl setDestroy [31233][3712] cl setDestroy [31256][3712] cl setDestroy [52224][3712] - Destroying level * DVB created: 1536K * DIB created: 512K - r__tf_aniso 4 - r1_tf_mipbias 0. * SSample: 1024x768 * SSample: enabled * GPU shading: vs(fffe0300/3.0/30), ps(ffff0300/3.0/30) * GPU vertex cache: recognized, 24 *** RESET [78 ms] "c:\gry\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. shadow of chernobyl\bin\xr_3da.exe" * phase time: 1 ms * phase cmem: 130089 K SERWER: Rozpoczynanie... * phase time: 77 ms * phase cmem: 130119 K SERWER: Wczytywanie symulatora Alife... * phase time: 4 ms * phase cmem: 130119 K Wczytywanie zapisanej gry "miki_autosave.sav"... * Loading spawn registry... * 8660 spawn points are successfully loaded * Loading objects... * 16586 objects are successfully loaded * Game miki_autosave is successfully loaded from file 'c:\users\miki\docume~1\stalke~1\savedgames\miki_autosave.sav' (1.253s) * phase time: 1252 ms * phase cmem: 134823 K SERVER: Łączenie... MaxPlayers = 32 * phase time: 8 ms * phase cmem: 134823 K KLIENT: Łączenie z localhost... # Player not found. New player created. * client : connection accepted - <> * phase time: 50 ms * phase cmem: 134847 K Otwieranie strumienia... * phase time: 48 ms * phase cmem: 134847 K Wczytywanie CFORM... * phase time: 3976 ms * phase cmem: 249446 K Wczytywanie shaderów... FATAL ERROR [error]Expression : fatal error [error]Function : CBlender_default_aref::Compile [error]File : E:\stalker\sources\trunk\xr_3da\xrRender_R1\Blender_default_aref.cpp [error]Line : 75 [error]Description : <no expression> [error]Arguments : Not enought textures for shader, base tex: prop\prop_mask_setka stack trace: Cytuj Odnośnik do komentarza Udostępnij na innych stronach Więcej opcji udostępniania...
OldMan Opublikowano 6 Września 2018 Zgłoś Udostępnij Opublikowano 6 Września 2018 Takie małe pytanie w co Ty w końcu grasz? W SoC i dodane AA czy w SoC + AA2? I jaką masz wersję podstawki 1.0004 czy 1.0006? Na razie na moment przed problemem zmniejsz ustawienia oświetlenia na statyczne. Pamiętaj, że najlepiej jest po takiej zmianie zapisać ją zamknąć całkowicie grę i wejść ponownie. Cytuj Odnośnik do komentarza Udostępnij na innych stronach Więcej opcji udostępniania...
Mixons Opublikowano 6 Września 2018 Zgłoś Udostępnij Opublikowano 6 Września 2018 Gram w SoC + AA2, wersja podstawki 1.0006. Próbowałem tak robić, bo też gdzieś o tym wyczytałem, że może pomóc, ale niestety nic to nie daje. Cytuj Odnośnik do komentarza Udostępnij na innych stronach Więcej opcji udostępniania...
Ranger801 Opublikowano 6 Września 2018 Zgłoś Udostępnij Opublikowano 6 Września 2018 @Mixons Ten drugi błąd występuje bodajże tylko na oświetleniu statycznym, spróbuj na dynamicznym. Cytuj Odnośnik do komentarza Udostępnij na innych stronach Więcej opcji udostępniania...
Mixons Opublikowano 6 Września 2018 Zgłoś Udostępnij Opublikowano 6 Września 2018 Próbowałem na zwykłym dynamicznym (nie pełnym, na którym grałem normalnie) i tym razem znowu gra crashuje przy synchronizacji i znowu ten sam fatal error w logu: "***FATAL***: Too many lmap-textures (limit: 8 textures or 32M). Reduce pixel density (worse) or use more vertex lighting (better)." cały log: Spoiler * Detected CPU: GenuineIntel P3 family, F6/M12/S3, 2791.00 mhz, 28-clk 'rdtsc' * CPU Features: RDTSC, MMX, SSE, SSE2 Initializing File System... using fs-ltx fsgame.ltx FS: 33738 files cached, 5565Kb memory used. Init FileSystem 0.850390 sec 'xrCore' build 3312, Feb 27 2008 Initializing Engine... Executing config-script "user.ltx"... [c:\users\miki\docume~1\stalke~1\user.ltx] successfully loaded. Starting INPUT device... Loading DLL: xrRender_R2.dll Loading DLL: xrGame.dll * [win32]: free[4041092 K], reserved[50288 K], committed[102860 K] * [ D3D ]: textures[0 K] * [x-ray]: crt heap[7759 K], process heap[2408 K], game lua[0 K], engine lua[0 K], render[0 K] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[1325 K], smem[0 K] Executing config-script "c:\gry\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. shadow of chernobyl\gamedata\config\default_controls.ltx"... ! cant convert dik_name for dik[144], prop=[Poprzednia [c:\gry\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. shadow of chernobyl\gamedata\config\default_controls.ltx] successfully loaded. Executing config-script "user.ltx"... Executing config-script "c:\gry\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. shadow of chernobyl\gamedata\config\rspec_extreme.ltx"... ! Unknown command: r__dtex_range ! Unknown command: r__ssa_glod_end ! Unknown command: r__ssa_glod_start ! Unknown command: r__wallmark_ttl ! Unknown command: rs_detail ! Unknown command: rs_skeleton_update ! Unknown command: vid_bpp [c:\gry\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. shadow of chernobyl\gamedata\config\rspec_extreme.ltx] successfully loaded. Executing config-script "c:\gry\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. shadow of chernobyl\gamedata\config\default_controls.ltx"... [c:\gry\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. shadow of chernobyl\gamedata\config\default_controls.ltx] successfully loaded. [c:\users\miki\docume~1\stalke~1\user.ltx] successfully loaded. SOUND: OpenAL: enumerate devices... SOUND: OpenAL: EnumerationExtension Present devices Generic Hardware SOUND: OpenAL: system default SndDevice name is Generic Hardware SOUND: OpenAL: default SndDevice name set to Generic Software SOUND: OpenAL: All available devices: 1. Generic Software, Spec Version 1.1 (default) 2. Generic Software, Spec Version 1.1 (default) SOUND: OpenAL: SelectBestDevice is Generic Software 1.1 SOUND: OpenAL: Required device: Generic Software. Created device: Generic Software. * sound: EAX 2.0 extension: absent * sound: EAX 2.0 deferred: absent * sound : cache: 32773 kb, 3805 lines, 8820 bpl Starting RENDER device... * GPU [vendor:10DE]-[device:1391]: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 850M * GPU driver: * CREATE: DeviceREF: 1 * Vertex Processor: PURE HARDWARE * Texture memory: 4056 M * DDI-level: 9.0 * GPU shading: vs(fffe0300/3.0/30), ps(ffff0300/3.0/30) * GPU vertex cache: unrecognized, 16 * DVB created: 1536K * DIB created: 512K ! Version conflict in shader 'def_shaders\def_aref' ! Version conflict in shader 'def_shaders\def_aref_v' ! Version conflict in shader 'def_shaders\def_trans' ! Version conflict in shader 'def_shaders\def_trans_v' ! Version conflict in shader 'def_shaders\def_trans_v_tuchi' ! Version conflict in shader 'def_shaders\lod_old' ! Renderer doesn't support blender 'effects\shadow_world' ! Version conflict in shader 'effects\watertest-1' count of .thm files=130 load time=36 ms * NULLRT supported * ...and used * HWDST/PCF supported and used * NV-DBT supported and used - r__tf_aniso 16 - r2_tf_mipbias -0.35 Starting engine... [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_mp_icon_rank.xml] returns [ui_mp_icon_rank.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_icons_map.xml] returns [ui_icons_map.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_common.xml] returns [ui_common.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_old_textures.xml] returns [ui_old_textures.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_ingame.xml] returns [ui_ingame.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_map_description.xml] returns [ui_map_description.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_models_multiplayer.xml] returns [ui_models_multiplayer.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_team_logo.xml] returns [ui_team_logo.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_team_logo_small.xml] returns [ui_team_logo_small.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_mainmenu.xml] returns [ui_mainmenu.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_mp_main.xml] returns [ui_mp_main.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_statistics.xml] returns [ui_statistics.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_hud.xml] returns [ui_hud.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_numpad.xml] returns [ui_numpad.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_inventory.xml] returns [ui_inventory.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_inventory2.xml] returns [ui_inventory2.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_iconstotal.xml] returns [ui_iconstotal.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_pda.xml] returns [ui_pda.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_icons_npc.xml] returns [ui_icons_npc.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_npc_monster.xml] returns [ui_npc_monster.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_npc_unique.xml] returns [ui_npc_unique.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_buy_menu.xml] returns [ui_buy_menu.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_asus_intro.xml] returns [ui_asus_intro.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_button_sleep.xml] returns [ui_button_sleep.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[amk_pda.xml] returns [amk_pda.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[amk_pda_blank.xml] returns [amk_pda_blank.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_cop_hud.xml] returns [ui_cop_hud_16.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_cop_loot.xml] returns [ui_cop_loot_16.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_cop_loot_other.xml] returns [ui_cop_loot_other.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_cop_trade.xml] returns [ui_cop_trade_16.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_cop_trade_other.xml] returns [ui_cop_trade_other.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_cop_talk.xml] returns [ui_cop_talk_16.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_cop_char_info.xml] returns [ui_cop_char_info.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_faction.xml] returns [ui_faction.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_cop_radblood.xml] returns [ui_cop_radblood_16.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_cop_hud_16.xml] returns [ui_cop_hud_16.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_cop_loot_16.xml] returns [ui_cop_loot_16.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_cop_talk_16.xml] returns [ui_cop_talk_16.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_cop_trade_16.xml] returns [ui_cop_trade_16.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[color_defs.xml] returns [color_defs.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[hint_item.xml] returns [hint_item.xml] Loading DLL: xrGameSpy.dll [16-9] get_xml_name for[message_box.xml] returns [message_box.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[message_box.xml] returns [message_box.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[message_box.xml] returns [message_box.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[message_box.xml] returns [message_box.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[message_box.xml] returns [message_box.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[message_box.xml] returns [message_box.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[message_box.xml] returns [message_box.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[message_box.xml] returns [message_box.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[message_box.xml] returns [message_box.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[message_box.xml] returns [message_box.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[message_box.xml] returns [message_box.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[message_box.xml] returns [message_box.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[message_box.xml] returns [message_box.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[message_box.xml] returns [message_box.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[message_box.xml] returns [message_box.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[message_box.xml] returns [message_box.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[message_box.xml] returns [message_box.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[game_tutorials.xml] returns [game_tutorials.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_credits.xml] returns [ui_credits.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_movies.xml] returns [ui_movies.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_mm_main.xml] returns [ui_mm_main.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_mm_load_dlg.xml] returns [ui_mm_load_dlg.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml] * DVB created: 1536K * DIB created: 512K - r__tf_aniso 16 - r2_tf_mipbias -0.35 * GPU shading: vs(fffe0300/3.0/30), ps(ffff0300/3.0/30) * GPU vertex cache: unrecognized, 16 *** RESET [243 ms] "c:\gry\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. shadow of chernobyl\bin\xr_3da.exe" * phase time: 0 ms * phase cmem: 62380 K Ładowanie obiektów... Loading objects... Loading models... * [prefetch] time: 423 ms * [prefetch] memory: 0Kb * phase time: 440 ms * phase cmem: 62380 K SERWER: Rozpoczynanie... * phase time: 71 ms * phase cmem: 62540 K SERWER: Wczytywanie symulatora Alife... * phase time: 6 ms * phase cmem: 62540 K Wczytywanie zapisanej gry "2.sav"... * Loading spawn registry... * 8660 spawn points are successfully loaded * Loading objects... * 16569 objects are successfully loaded [16-9] get_xml_name for[map_spots.xml] returns [map_spots.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[map_spots_escape.xml] returns [map_spots_escape.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[map_spots_garbage.xml] returns [map_spots_garbage.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[map_spots_agroprom.xml] returns [map_spots_agroprom.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[map_spots_darkvalley.xml] returns [map_spots_darkvalley.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[map_spots_bar.xml] returns [map_spots_bar.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[map_spots_military.xml] returns [map_spots_military.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[map_spots_radar.xml] returns [map_spots_radar.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[map_spots_mp.xml] returns [map_spots_mp.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[map_spots_relations.xml] returns [map_spots_relations.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[map_spots_lchangers.xml] returns [map_spots_lchangers.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[map_spots_artefacts.xml] returns [map_spots_artefacts.xml] * Game 2 is successfully loaded from file 'c:\users\miki\docume~1\stalke~1\savedgames\2.sav' (1.099s) * phase time: 1099 ms * phase cmem: 89925 K SERVER: Łączenie... MaxPlayers = 32 * phase time: 12 ms * phase cmem: 89925 K KLIENT: Łączenie z localhost... # Player not found. New player created. * client : connection accepted - <> * phase time: 68 ms * phase cmem: 89951 K Otwieranie strumienia... * phase time: 1 ms * phase cmem: 89951 K Wczytywanie CFORM... * phase time: 332 ms * phase cmem: 102765 K Wczytywanie shaderów... * phase time: 87 ms * phase cmem: 106430 K Wczytywanie danych geometrycznych... * [Loading VB] 65532 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65530 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65525 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65525 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 60154 verts, 1879 Kb * [Loading VB] 64539 verts, 2016 Kb * [Loading VB] 7068 verts, 220 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 180858 indices, 353 Kb * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 58531 verts, 685 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048572 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048572 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 809220 indices, 1580 Kb * phase time: 27 ms * phase cmem: 106436 K Wczytywanie przestrzennej bazy danych... * phase time: 7 ms * phase cmem: 107827 K Wczytywanie detali... * phase time: 1 ms * phase cmem: 107827 K Wczytywanie stref i portali... * Loading HOM: c:\gry\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. shadow of chernobyl\gamedata\levels\l12u_control_monolith\level.hom * phase time: 5 ms * phase cmem: 107981 K Wczytywanie obiektów SI... - Loading music tracks from 'l12u_control_musics'... * phase time: 16 ms * phase cmem: 108031 K KLIENT: Odradzanie... - Game configuring : Started - Game configuring : Finished [16-9] get_xml_name for[maingame.xml] returns [maingame_16.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[zone_map.xml] returns [zone_map_16.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[car_panel.xml] returns [car_panel_16.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[motion_icon.xml] returns [motion_icon_16.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[messages_window.xml] returns [messages_window.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_custom_msgs.xml] returns [ui_custom_msgs.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[inventory_new.xml] returns [inventory_new_16.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[inventory_item.xml] returns [inventory_item_16.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[af_params.xml] returns [af_params_16.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[inventory_new.xml] returns [inventory_new_16.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[pda.xml] returns [pda.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[pda_map.xml] returns [pda_map.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[hint_item.xml] returns [hint_item.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[pda_contacts_new.xml] returns [pda_contacts_new.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[events_new.xml] returns [events_new.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[news.xml] returns [news.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[encyclopedia.xml] returns [encyclopedia.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[actor_statistic.xml] returns [actor_statistic.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[pda_dialog_character.xml] returns [pda_dialog_character_16.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[stalkers_ranking.xml] returns [stalkers_ranking.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[stalkers_ranking_character.xml] returns [stalkers_ranking_character_16.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[pda_events.xml] returns [pda_events.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[pda_events.xml] returns [pda_events.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[hint_item.xml] returns [hint_item.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[job_item.xml] returns [job_item.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[talk.xml] returns [talk_16.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[trade_character.xml] returns [trade_character_16.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[trade_character.xml] returns [trade_character_16.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[trade.xml] returns [trade_16.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[trade_character.xml] returns [trade_character_16.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[trade_character.xml] returns [trade_character_16.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[trade_item.xml] returns [trade_item_16.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[af_params.xml] returns [af_params_16.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[carbody_new.xml] returns [carbody_new_16.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[trade_character.xml] returns [trade_character_16.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[trade_character.xml] returns [trade_character_16.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[carbody_item.xml] returns [carbody_item_16.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[af_params.xml] returns [af_params_16.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[inventory_new.xml] returns [inventory_new_16.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[message_box.xml] returns [message_box.xml] * phase time: 116 ms * phase cmem: 111147 K Wczytywanie tekstur... * t-report - base: 776, 346201 K * t-report - lmap: 3, 3072 K * phase time: 251 ms * phase cmem: 111147 K KLIENT: Synchronizacja... * phase time: 18 ms * phase cmem: 111147 K * [win32]: free[3178840 K], reserved[173600 K], committed[841800 K] * [ D3D ]: textures[349273 K] * [x-ray]: crt heap[111147 K], process heap[440184 K], game lua[17903 K], engine lua[190 K], render[0 K] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[3523 K], smem[0 K] ! Unknown command: >>12:11_idx:13->14,time:12:00->13:00_weather:indoor,cycle_time:360 [16-9] get_xml_name for[game_tutorials.xml] returns [game_tutorials.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_credits.xml] returns [ui_credits.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_movies.xml] returns [ui_movies.xml] sv destroy object [368][separator:separator0368] [309] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [368][separator:separator0368] [309] cl setDestroy [368][309] * MEMORY USAGE: 160539 K * DVB created: 1536K * DIB created: 512K - r__tf_aniso 16 - r2_tf_mipbias -0.35 * GPU shading: vs(fffe0300/3.0/30), ps(ffff0300/3.0/30) * GPU vertex cache: unrecognized, 16 *** RESET [3235 ms] * MEMORY USAGE: 160324 K sv destroy object [5838][physic_destroyable_object:] [3005] cl setDestroy [5838][3005] sv destroy object [2509][physic_destroyable_object:monolith_generator_0000] [3108] cl setDestroy [2509][3108] sv destroy object [5814][physic_destroyable_object:] [3170] cl setDestroy [5814][3170] sv destroy object [2510][physic_destroyable_object:monolith_generator_0001] [3285] cl setDestroy [2510][3285] sv destroy object [8683][physic_destroyable_object:] [3342] cl setDestroy [8683][3342] sv destroy object [2514][physic_destroyable_object:monolith_generator_0005] [3459] cl setDestroy [2514][3459] sv destroy object [11583][physic_destroyable_object:] [3531] cl setDestroy [11583][3531] sv destroy object [2513][physic_destroyable_object:monolith_generator_0004] [3648] cl setDestroy [2513][3648] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [8300][ammo_gauss:ammo_gauss8300] [3660] sv destroy object [8300][ammo_gauss:ammo_gauss8300] [3660] cl setDestroy [8300][3661] sv destroy object [12552][physic_destroyable_object:] [3859] cl setDestroy [12552][3859] sv destroy object [2512][physic_destroyable_object:monolith_generator_0003] [3961] cl setDestroy [2512][3961] sv destroy object [2475][physic_destroyable_object:mon_physic_destroyable_object_0006] [3982] cl setDestroy [2475][3982] sv destroy object [12548][physic_destroyable_object:] [3994] cl setDestroy [12548][3994] sv destroy object [12554][physic_destroyable_object:] [4001] cl setDestroy [12554][4001] sv destroy object [2511][physic_destroyable_object:monolith_generator_0002] [4113] cl setDestroy [2511][4113] [16-9] get_xml_name for[maingame_pda_msg.xml] returns [maingame_pda_msg.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[maingame_pda_msg.xml] returns [maingame_pda_msg.xml] * Saving spawns... * Saving objects... * 16561 objects are successfully saved * Game Miki_autosave.sav is successfully saved to file 'c:\users\miki\docume~1\stalke~1\savedgames\miki_autosave.sav' - Disconnect sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [372][bolt:bolt] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [33284][shokolad:shokolad33284] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [32837][ammo_vog-25:ammo_vog-2532837] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [32836][ammo_vog-25:ammo_vog-2532836] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [31490][ammo_m209:ammo_m20931490] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [30725][af_electra_flash:af_electra_flash30725] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [29972][af_night_star:af_night_star29972] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [29971][af_dummy_battery:af_dummy_battery29971] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [29958][af_electra_sparkler:af_electra_sparkler29958] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [29706][det_artefact_super:det_artefact_super29706] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [29456][ammo_gauss:ammo_gauss29456] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [29450][ammo_gauss:ammo_gauss29450] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [29232][repair_weapon:repair_weapon29232] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [28945][ammo_gauss:] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [28930][ammo_gauss:] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [28190][conserva:conserva28190] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [26628][shokolad:shokolad26628] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [25911][ammo_9x39_sp5:ammo_9x39_sp525911] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [24875][af_night_star:af_night_star24875] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [24581][ammo_9x39_sp5:ammo_9x39_sp524581] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [24371][ammo_gauss:] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [24094][ammo_9x39_sp5:ammo_9x39_sp524094] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [24093][ammo_9x39_sp5:ammo_9x39_sp524093] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [23820][af_cristall:af_cristall23820] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [23557][ammo_gauss:ammo_gauss23557] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [22791][af_ameba_slug:af_ameba_slug22791] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [22297][ammo_9x39_sp5:ammo_9x39_sp522297] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [21771][ammo_vog-25:ammo_vog-2521771] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [20241][wpn_addon_silencer:] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [19999][conserva:conserva19999] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [19793][ammo_9x39_sp5:ammo_9x39_sp519793] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [19473][wpn_knife:wpn_knife19473] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [19366][ammo_9x39_sp5:ammo_9x39_sp519366] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [18975][ammo_9x39_sp5:ammo_9x39_sp518975] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [17935][good_psy_helmet:good_psy_helmet17935] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [16978][ammo_9x39_sp5:ammo_9x39_sp516978] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [16646][wpn_addon_scope:] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [15998][ammo_gauss:ammo_gauss15998] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [15996][medkit_army:medkit_army15996] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [13943][medkit_scientic:medkit_scientic13943] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [13637][gunslinger_flash:kat_gunslinger_flash] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [13098][ammo_9x39_sp5:ammo_9x39_sp513098] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [12810][kolbasa:kolbasa12810] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [12442][ammo_9x39_sp5:ammo_9x39_sp512442] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [12441][ammo_9x39_sp5:ammo_9x39_sp512441] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [12239][wpn_val_m1:wpn_val_m112239] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [11843][ammo_9x39_sp5:ammo_9x39_sp511843] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [11115][wpn_vintorez:wpn_vintorez11115] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [10773][ammo_7.62x51_fmj:] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [10269][pri_decoder_documents:pri_decoder_documents] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [10179][decoder:pri_decoder] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [8803][medkit_scientic:medkit_scientic8803] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [7481][medkit_scientic:dar_medkit_scientic] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [6042][ammo_9x39_ap:] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [5441][wpn_gauss:wpn_gauss5441] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [4439][medkit_scientic:medkit_scientic4439] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [3697][device_pda:device_pda3697] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [3696][wpn_binoc:wpn_binoc3696] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [3694][device_torch:device_torch3694] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [3693][detector_simple:detector_simple3693] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [2467][military_outfit:mon_military_outfit] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [2371][medkit_scientic:medkit_scientic2371] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [2108][conserva:conserva] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [1545][wpn_addon_scope:] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [1031][kolbasa:kolbasa1031] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2462][m_osoznanie:mon_stalker] id_entity [373][bolt:bolt] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2462][m_osoznanie:mon_stalker] id_entity [8186][grenade_f1:grenade_f18186] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2462][m_osoznanie:mon_stalker] id_entity [2463][device_pda:device_pda2463] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2462][m_osoznanie:mon_stalker] id_entity [1351][grenade_rgd5:grenade_rgd51351] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2533][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_camper_0001] id_entity [374][bolt:bolt] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2533][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_camper_0001] id_entity [15183][grenade_f1:grenade_f115183] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2533][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_camper_0001] id_entity [15182][medkit:medkit15182] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2533][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_camper_0001] id_entity [2540][wpn_usp:wpn_usp2540] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2542][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_camper_0002] id_entity [375][bolt:bolt] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2551][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_camper_0003] id_entity [348][bolt:bolt] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2551][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_camper_0003] id_entity [29234][ammo_9x39_sp5:ammo_9x39_sp529234] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2551][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_camper_0003] id_entity [29233][bread:bread29233] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2551][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_camper_0003] id_entity [29186][grenade_f1:grenade_f129186] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2551][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_camper_0003] id_entity [2559][wpn_usp:wpn_usp2559] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2560][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_monolith] id_entity [349][bolt:bolt] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2560][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_monolith] id_entity [11328][medkit_army:medkit_army11328] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2560][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_monolith] id_entity [11327][ammo_9x39_sp5:ammo_9x39_sp511327] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2560][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_monolith] id_entity [2568][wpn_usp:wpn_usp2568] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2569][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_monolith_0000] id_entity [350][bolt:bolt] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2569][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_monolith_0000] id_entity [11329][medkit_army:medkit_army11329] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2569][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_monolith_0000] id_entity [11281][ammo_12x70_buck:ammo_12x70_buck11281] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2569][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_monolith_0000] id_entity [2575][wpn_usp:wpn_usp2575] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2576][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_monolith_0001] id_entity [351][bolt:bolt] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2576][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_monolith_0001] id_entity [16550][grenade_f1:grenade_f116550] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2576][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_monolith_0001] id_entity [16514][ammo_12x70_buck:ammo_12x70_buck16514] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2576][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_monolith_0001] id_entity [16513][medkit:medkit16513] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2576][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_monolith_0001] id_entity [2583][wpn_usp:wpn_usp2583] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2584][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_monolith_post1] id_entity [271][bolt:bolt] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2584][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_monolith_post1] id_entity [6293][conserva:conserva6293] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2584][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_monolith_post1] id_entity [2591][wpn_usp:wpn_usp2591] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2592][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_monolith_post2] id_entity [272][bolt:bolt] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2592][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_monolith_post2] id_entity [8299][kolbasa:kolbasa8299] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2592][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_monolith_post2] id_entity [8253][bread:bread8253] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2592][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_monolith_post2] id_entity [2598][wpn_usp:wpn_usp2598] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2599][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_monolith_post3] id_entity [319][bolt:bolt] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2599][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_monolith_post3] id_entity [15997][antirad:antirad15997] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2599][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_monolith_post3] id_entity [2604][wpn_usp:wpn_usp2604] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2605][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker2_0001] id_entity [320][bolt:bolt] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2605][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker2_0001] id_entity [4702][antirad:antirad4702] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2605][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker2_0001] id_entity [4644][medkit:medkit4644] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2605][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker2_0001] id_entity [4623][flask1:flask14623] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2605][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker2_0001] id_entity [2611][wpn_usp:wpn_usp2611] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2613][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker2_0002] id_entity [308][bolt:bolt] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2613][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker2_0002] id_entity [15989][bandage:bandage15989] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2613][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker2_0002] id_entity [15988][sok:sok15988] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2613][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker2_0002] id_entity [2619][wpn_usp:wpn_usp2619] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2621][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker2_0003] id_entity [322][bolt:bolt] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2621][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker2_0003] id_entity [6764][flask1:flask16764] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2621][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker2_0003] id_entity [2629][wpn_usp:wpn_usp2629] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2630][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker2_0004] id_entity [386][bolt:bolt] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2630][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker2_0004] id_entity [15935][energy_drink:energy_drink15935] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2630][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker2_0004] id_entity [2636][wpn_usp:wpn_usp2636] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2638][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker2_0005] id_entity [419][bolt:bolt] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2638][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker2_0005] id_entity [8287][antirad:antirad8287] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2638][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker2_0005] id_entity [8256][ammo_12x70_buck:ammo_12x70_buck8256] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2638][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker2_0005] id_entity [8255][grenade_f1:grenade_f18255] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2638][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker2_0005] id_entity [8254][medkit_scientic:medkit_scientic8254] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2638][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker2_0005] id_entity [2646][wpn_usp:wpn_usp2646] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2647][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker2_0006] id_entity [420][bolt:bolt] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2647][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker2_0006] id_entity [15990][bread:bread15990] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2657][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker3_0001] id_entity [421][bolt:bolt] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2657][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker3_0001] id_entity [9254][ammo_9x39_sp5:ammo_9x39_sp59254] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2657][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker3_0001] id_entity [9237][bandage:bandage9237] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2657][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker3_0001] id_entity [2663][wpn_usp:wpn_usp2663] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2665][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker3_0002] id_entity [422][bolt:bolt] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2665][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker3_0002] id_entity [22581][antirad:antirad22581] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2665][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker3_0002] id_entity [22580][medkit:medkit22580] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2665][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker3_0002] id_entity [2672][wpn_usp:wpn_usp2672] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2673][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker3_0003] id_entity [387][bolt:bolt] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2673][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker3_0003] id_entity [15995][conserva:conserva15995] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2681][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker3_0004] id_entity [358][bolt:bolt] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2681][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker3_0004] id_entity [6245][ammo_12x70_buck:ammo_12x70_buck6245] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2681][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker3_0004] id_entity [2688][wpn_usp:wpn_usp2688] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2689][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker4_0001] id_entity [359][bolt:bolt] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2689][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker4_0001] id_entity [11312][antirad:antirad11312] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2689][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker4_0001] id_entity [11311][ammo_9x39_sp5:ammo_9x39_sp511311] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2689][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker4_0001] id_entity [2697][wpn_usp:wpn_usp2697] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2698][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker4_0002] id_entity [390][bolt:bolt] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2698][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker4_0002] id_entity [9920][antirad:antirad9920] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2698][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker4_0002] id_entity [9919][ammo_9x39_sp5:ammo_9x39_sp59919] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2698][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker4_0002] id_entity [2703][wpn_usp:wpn_usp2703] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2705][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker4_0003] id_entity [391][bolt:bolt] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2705][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker4_0003] id_entity [9889][ammo_5.45x39_fmj:ammo_5.45x39_fmj9889] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2705][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker4_0003] id_entity [9761][drink_beer:drink_beer9761] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2705][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker4_0003] id_entity [9760][ammo_9x18_fmj:ammo_9x18_fmj9760] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2705][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker4_0003] id_entity [2716][wpn_pb:wpn_pb2716] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2717][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker4_0004] id_entity [360][bolt:bolt] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2717][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker4_0004] id_entity [9005][ammo_5.45x39_fmj:ammo_5.45x39_fmj9005] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2717][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker4_0004] id_entity [8972][ammo_9x18_fmj:ammo_9x18_fmj8972] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2717][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker4_0004] id_entity [2727][wpn_pb:wpn_pb2727] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2728][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker4_0005] id_entity [305][bolt:bolt] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2728][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker4_0005] id_entity [10553][ammo_9x39_sp5:ammo_9x39_sp510553] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2728][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker4_0005] id_entity [2734][wpn_usp:wpn_usp2734] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2736][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker_0001] id_entity [314][bolt:bolt] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2736][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker_0001] id_entity [6244][ammo_12x70_buck:ammo_12x70_buck6244] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2736][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker_0001] id_entity [2744][wpn_usp:wpn_usp2744] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2745][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker_0002] id_entity [315][bolt:bolt] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2745][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker_0002] id_entity [5119][ammo_5.45x39_fmj:ammo_5.45x39_fmj5119] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2745][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker_0002] id_entity [5017][ammo_9x18_fmj:ammo_9x18_fmj5017] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2745][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker_0002] id_entity [2752][wpn_pb:wpn_pb2752] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2753][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker_0003] id_entity [316][bolt:bolt] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2753][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker_0003] id_entity [6406][shokolad:shokolad6406] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2753][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker_0003] id_entity [6400][ammo_12x70_buck:ammo_12x70_buck6400] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2753][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker_0003] id_entity [2758][wpn_usp:wpn_usp2758] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2759][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker_0004] id_entity [347][bolt:bolt] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2759][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker_0004] id_entity [6405][bandage:bandage6405] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2759][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker_0004] id_entity [2767][wpn_usp:wpn_usp2767] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2768][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker_0005] id_entity [366][bolt:bolt] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2768][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker_0005] id_entity [5281][ammo_5.45x39_fmj:ammo_5.45x39_fmj5281] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2768][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker_0005] id_entity [5280][ammo_9x18_fmj:ammo_9x18_fmj5280] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2768][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker_0005] id_entity [5124][flask2:flask25124] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2768][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker_0005] id_entity [5120][antirad:antirad5120] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2768][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker_0005] id_entity [2775][wpn_pm:wpn_pm2775] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2776][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker_0006] id_entity [367][bolt:bolt] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2776][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker_0006] id_entity [5286][flask2:flask25286] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2776][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker_0006] id_entity [5285][conserva:conserva5285] [6051] sv reject. id_parent [2776][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker_0006] id_entity [2783][wpn_usp:wpn_usp2783] [6051] cl setDestroy [372][6052] cl setDestroy [33284][6052] cl setDestroy [32837][6052] cl setDestroy [32836][6052] cl setDestroy [31490][6052] cl setDestroy [30725][6052] cl setDestroy [29972][6052] cl setDestroy [29971][6052] cl setDestroy [29958][6052] cl setDestroy [29706][6052] cl setDestroy [29456][6052] cl setDestroy [29450][6052] cl setDestroy [29232][6052] cl setDestroy [28945][6052] cl setDestroy [28930][6052] cl setDestroy [28190][6052] cl setDestroy [26628][6052] cl setDestroy [25911][6052] cl setDestroy [24875][6052] cl setDestroy [24581][6052] cl setDestroy [24371][6052] cl setDestroy [24094][6052] cl setDestroy [24093][6052] cl setDestroy [23820][6052] cl setDestroy [23557][6052] cl setDestroy [22791][6052] cl setDestroy [22297][6052] cl setDestroy [21771][6052] cl setDestroy [20241][6052] cl setDestroy [19999][6052] cl setDestroy [19793][6052] cl setDestroy [19473][6052] cl setDestroy [19366][6052] cl setDestroy [18975][6052] cl setDestroy [17935][6052] cl setDestroy [16978][6052] cl setDestroy 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setDestroy [2774][6052] cl setDestroy [367][6052] cl setDestroy [5286][6052] cl setDestroy [5285][6052] cl setDestroy [2783][6052] cl setDestroy [2776][6052] cl setDestroy [2784][6052] cl setDestroy [10229][6052] cl setDestroy [23064][6052] cl setDestroy [23068][6052] cl setDestroy [26123][6052] cl setDestroy [26905][6052] cl setDestroy [26910][6052] cl setDestroy [31233][6052] cl setDestroy [31256][6052] cl setDestroy [52224][6052] - Destroying level * DVB created: 1536K * DIB created: 512K - r__tf_aniso 16 - r2_tf_mipbias -0.35 * GPU shading: vs(fffe0300/3.0/30), ps(ffff0300/3.0/30) * GPU vertex cache: unrecognized, 16 *** RESET [231 ms] "c:\gry\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. shadow of chernobyl\bin\xr_3da.exe" * phase time: 1 ms * phase cmem: 130413 K SERWER: Rozpoczynanie... * phase time: 87 ms * phase cmem: 130443 K SERWER: Wczytywanie symulatora Alife... * phase time: 4 ms * phase cmem: 130443 K Wczytywanie zapisanej gry "miki_autosave.sav"... * Loading spawn registry... * 8660 spawn points are successfully loaded * Loading objects... * 16561 objects are successfully loaded * Game miki_autosave is successfully loaded from file 'c:\users\miki\docume~1\stalke~1\savedgames\miki_autosave.sav' (1.076s) * phase time: 1075 ms * phase cmem: 135146 K SERVER: Łączenie... MaxPlayers = 32 * phase time: 16 ms * phase cmem: 135146 K KLIENT: Łączenie z localhost... # Player not found. New player created. * client : connection accepted - <> * phase time: 51 ms * phase cmem: 135171 K Otwieranie strumienia... * phase time: 16 ms * phase cmem: 135171 K Wczytywanie CFORM... * phase time: 3493 ms * phase cmem: 249769 K Wczytywanie shaderów... * phase time: 250 ms * phase cmem: 253393 K Wczytywanie danych geometrycznych... * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65532 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 35392 verts, 1106 Kb * [Loading VB] 65529 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65516 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65515 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65528 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65530 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65524 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65531 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65532 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65529 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65522 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65532 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65332 verts, 2041 Kb * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 3077 verts, 96 Kb * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 34530 verts, 1079 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048572 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 799767 indices, 1562 Kb * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65532 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 49142 verts, 575 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048572 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 945183 indices, 1846 Kb * phase time: 2699 ms * phase cmem: 253770 K Wczytywanie przestrzennej bazy danych... * phase time: 1700 ms * phase cmem: 257689 K Wczytywanie detali... * [DETAILS] VertexConsts(256), Batch(61) * [DETAILS] 40687 v(20), 26352 p * [DETAILS] Batch(61), VB(794K), IB(154K) * phase time: 174 ms * phase cmem: 257699 K Wczytywanie stref i portali... * Loading HOM: c:\gry\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. shadow of chernobyl\gamedata\levels\l12_stancia_2\level.hom * phase time: 24 ms * phase cmem: 257862 K Wczytywanie obiektów SI... - Loading music tracks from 'l12_stancia_2_musics'... * phase time: 295 ms * phase cmem: 258023 K KLIENT: Odradzanie... - Game configuring : Started - Game configuring : Finished * phase time: 20 ms * phase cmem: 261586 K Wczytywanie tekstur... * t-report - base: 1387, 847553 K * t-report - lmap: 9, 9217 K ***FATAL***: Too many lmap-textures (limit: 8 textures or 32M). Reduce pixel density (worse) or use more vertex lighting (better). * phase time: 13638 ms * phase cmem: 261586 K KLIENT: Synchronizacja... * phase time: 69 ms * phase cmem: 261586 K * [win32]: free[2200672 K], reserved[263296 K], committed[1730272 K] * [ D3D ]: textures[856770 K] * [x-ray]: crt heap[261586 K], process heap[1157384 K], game lua[17720 K], engine lua[197 K], render[405 K] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[7779 K], smem[5739 K] stack trace: 0023:04A3371B xrGame.dll [error][ 87] : Parametr jest niepoprawny. Cytuj Odnośnik do komentarza Udostępnij na innych stronach Więcej opcji udostępniania...
OldMan Opublikowano 6 Września 2018 Zgłoś Udostępnij Opublikowano 6 Września 2018 Takie małe pytanie czy grasz na podstawce z GOG? Cytuj Odnośnik do komentarza Udostępnij na innych stronach Więcej opcji udostępniania...
Mixons Opublikowano 6 Września 2018 Zgłoś Udostępnij Opublikowano 6 Września 2018 Tak Cytuj Odnośnik do komentarza Udostępnij na innych stronach Więcej opcji udostępniania...
OldMan Opublikowano 6 Września 2018 Zgłoś Udostępnij Opublikowano 6 Września 2018 Tak myślałem... Moim zdaniem zmień podstawkę SoC i wszystko będzie dobrze. Cytuj Odnośnik do komentarza Udostępnij na innych stronach Więcej opcji udostępniania...
Mixons Opublikowano 6 Września 2018 Zgłoś Udostępnij Opublikowano 6 Września 2018 Hmm... Ale przez większość gry wszystko działało jak należy, tylko w tym ostatnim rozdziale po rozmowie z Świadomość-Z coś się dzieje, a nie wiem czy jest sens na sam koniec gry kupować nową podstawkę. No nic najwyżej sobie odpuszczę tą końcówkę. Cytuj Odnośnik do komentarza Udostępnij na innych stronach Więcej opcji udostępniania...
kondotier Opublikowano 7 Września 2018 Zgłoś Udostępnij Opublikowano 7 Września 2018 @Mixons - Skoro wyskoczył Ci problem w tym modzie, to musisz się liczyć że będzie się powtarzał w następnych. Mody są robione dla podstawek z płyt, a nie cyfrowych, ściąganych z internetu. One różnią się od oryginałów, stąd problemy. Cytuj Odnośnik do komentarza Udostępnij na innych stronach Więcej opcji udostępniania...
OldMan Opublikowano 7 Września 2018 Zgłoś Udostępnij Opublikowano 7 Września 2018 W dniu 6.09.2018 o 23:41, Mixons napisał: Hmm... Ale przez większość gry wszystko działało jak należy, tylko w tym ostatnim rozdziale po rozmowie z Świadomość-Z coś się dzieje, a nie wiem czy jest sens na sam koniec gry kupować nową podstawkę. No nic najwyżej sobie odpuszczę tą końcówkę. To z niekompatybilnością płyt GOG z modami to tylko moja teoria... ale coraz więcej posiadaczy tych wersji i chcących grać w mody zgłasza problemy. Nie ma też znaczenia kiedy błędy się się pojawią to raczej loteria. Na razie skoro masz kupioną podstawkę skorzystaj z wersji repack SoC. Pobierz paczki z: https://mega.nz/#F!Ql5CSLxb!gNkfqg-xAUfYezLuMaFtYQ Na MEGA można założyć darmowe konto z limitem dziennym 5GB (przynajmniej wcześniej tak było). Interesuje Ciebie z folderu Repacks/Russian 1. Podstawka SoC Shadow of Chernobyl.7z Z folderu Localization/Polish 2. Shadow of Chernobyl - Voiceover.7z 3. Shadow of Chernobyl - Text.7z Trzy paczki wypakowujesz do jednego folderu w dowolne miejsce. Robisz skrót do pliku XR_3DA.exe (plik jest w folderze bin w głównym katalogu gry) na plupit I grasz w wersję SoC 1.0006 Do tego dodaj mod + fix + spolszczenie i sprawdź Gdybyś chciał zmienić wersję podstawki na 1.0004 wystarczy skasować swój folder bin i z katalogu \patches\1.0004 (jest w głównym katalogu gry) przenieść folder bin + gamedata.dbc + gamedata.dbd ze zgodą na napisanie plików. Od tej pory masz wersję 1.0004 (która przez wielu jest zalecana do NS2016) Teraz do folderu \savedata\savedgames przenosisz wcześniejsze sejwy i to wszystko. Sprawdź i daj znać. Cytuj Odnośnik do komentarza Udostępnij na innych stronach Więcej opcji udostępniania...
kondotier Opublikowano 7 Września 2018 Zgłoś Udostępnij Opublikowano 7 Września 2018 Co dotyczy tych repacków, to po pobraniu mamy wersję 1.0004. Nic nie trzeba robić. Dopiero kiedy potrzebujemy v.1.0006 nadpisujemy patchami które są w katalogu patches. Cytuj Odnośnik do komentarza Udostępnij na innych stronach Więcej opcji udostępniania...
Mixons Opublikowano 8 Września 2018 Zgłoś Udostępnij Opublikowano 8 Września 2018 Dzięki za wrzucenie, ale nie mogę znaleźć folderów Repacks i Localization... Cytuj Odnośnik do komentarza Udostępnij na innych stronach Więcej opcji udostępniania...
OldMan Opublikowano 8 Września 2018 Zgłoś Udostępnij Opublikowano 8 Września 2018 SORRY mój błąd odpisuje kilku osobom na raz... Poprawny link do wersji repack: https://mega.nz/#F!Ql5CSLxb!gNkfqg-xAUfYezLuMaFtYQ Cytuj Odnośnik do komentarza Udostępnij na innych stronach Więcej opcji udostępniania...
Mixons Opublikowano 9 Września 2018 Zgłoś Udostępnij Opublikowano 9 Września 2018 Po zainstalowaniu podanego przez Ciebie repacka i wgraniu moda Autumn Aurora 2.1 wraz z spolszczeniem gra przy uruchamianiu crashuje, poniżej wstawiam log. A i jeszcze jedno, jaki fix masz tu na myśli? W dniu 7.09.2018 o 11:40, OldMan napisał: Do tego dodaj mod + fix + spolszczenie i sprawdź Spoiler * Detected CPU: GenuineIntel P3 family, F6/M12/S3, 2791.00 mhz, 21-clk 'rdtsc' * CPU Features: RDTSC, MMX, SSE, SSE2 Initializing File System... using fs-ltx fsgame.ltx FS: 32078 files cached, 4828Kb memory used. Init FileSystem 0.794563 sec 'xrCore' build 3312, Feb 27 2008 Initializing Engine... Executing config-script "user.ltx"... [c:\gry\stalker soc repack\savedata\user.ltx] successfully loaded. Starting INPUT device... Loading DLL: xrRender_R2.dll Loading DLL: xrGame.dll * [win32]: free[4039020 K], reserved[50824 K], committed[104396 K] * [ D3D ]: textures[0 K] * [x-ray]: crt heap[7038 K], process heap[2413 K], game lua[0 K], engine lua[0 K], render[0 K] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[1325 K], smem[0 K] Executing config-script "c:\gry\stalker soc repack\gamedata\config\default_controls.ltx"... ! cant convert dik_name for dik[144], prop=[Poprzednia [c:\gry\stalker soc repack\gamedata\config\default_controls.ltx] successfully loaded. Executing config-script "user.ltx"... Executing config-script "c:\gry\stalker soc repack\gamedata\config\rspec_extreme.ltx"... ! Unknown command: r__dtex_range ! Unknown command: r__ssa_glod_end ! Unknown command: r__ssa_glod_start ! Unknown command: r__wallmark_ttl ! Unknown command: rs_detail ! Unknown command: rs_skeleton_update ! Unknown command: vid_bpp [c:\gry\stalker soc repack\gamedata\config\rspec_extreme.ltx] successfully loaded. Executing config-script "c:\gry\stalker soc repack\gamedata\config\default_controls.ltx"... [c:\gry\stalker soc repack\gamedata\config\default_controls.ltx] successfully loaded. [c:\gry\stalker soc repack\savedata\user.ltx] successfully loaded. SOUND: OpenAL: enumerate devices... SOUND: OpenAL: EnumerationExtension Present devices Generic Hardware SOUND: OpenAL: system default SndDevice name is Generic Hardware SOUND: OpenAL: default SndDevice name set to Generic Software SOUND: OpenAL: All available devices: 1. Generic Software, Spec Version 1.1 (default) 2. Generic Software, Spec Version 1.1 (default) SOUND: OpenAL: SelectBestDevice is Generic Software 1.1 SOUND: OpenAL: Required device: Generic Software. Created device: Generic Software. * sound: EAX 2.0 extension: absent * sound: EAX 2.0 deferred: absent * sound : cache: 32773 kb, 3805 lines, 8820 bpl Starting RENDER device... * GPU [vendor:10DE]-[device:1391]: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 850M * GPU driver: * CREATE: DeviceREF: 18 * Vertex Processor: PURE HARDWARE * Texture memory: 4025 M * DDI-level: 9.0 * GPU shading: vs(fffe0300/3.0/30), ps(ffff0300/3.0/30) * GPU vertex cache: unrecognized, 16 * DVB created: 1536K * DIB created: 512K ! Version conflict in shader 'def_shaders\def_aref' ! Version conflict in shader 'def_shaders\def_aref_v' ! Version conflict in shader 'def_shaders\def_trans' ! Version conflict in shader 'def_shaders\def_trans_v' ! Version conflict in shader 'def_shaders\def_trans_v_tuchi' ! Version conflict in shader 'def_shaders\lod_old' ! Renderer doesn't support blender 'effects\shadow_world' ! Version conflict in shader 'effects\watertest-1' count of .thm files=130 load time=43 ms * NULLRT supported * ...and used * HWDST/PCF supported and used * NV-DBT supported and used - r__tf_aniso 16 - r2_tf_mipbias 0. Starting engine... [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_mp_icon_rank.xml] returns [ui_mp_icon_rank.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_icons_map.xml] returns [ui_icons_map.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_common.xml] returns [ui_common.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_old_textures.xml] returns [ui_old_textures.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_ingame.xml] returns [ui_ingame.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_map_description.xml] returns [ui_map_description.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_models_multiplayer.xml] returns [ui_models_multiplayer.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_team_logo.xml] returns [ui_team_logo.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_team_logo_small.xml] returns [ui_team_logo_small.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_mainmenu.xml] returns [ui_mainmenu.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_mp_main.xml] returns [ui_mp_main.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_statistics.xml] returns [ui_statistics.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_hud.xml] returns [ui_hud.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_numpad.xml] returns [ui_numpad.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_inventory.xml] returns [ui_inventory.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_inventory2.xml] returns [ui_inventory2.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_iconstotal.xml] returns [ui_iconstotal.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_pda.xml] returns [ui_pda.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_icons_npc.xml] returns [ui_icons_npc.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_npc_monster.xml] returns [ui_npc_monster.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_npc_unique.xml] returns [ui_npc_unique.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_buy_menu.xml] returns [ui_buy_menu.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_asus_intro.xml] returns [ui_asus_intro.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_button_sleep.xml] returns [ui_button_sleep.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[amk_pda.xml] returns [amk_pda.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[amk_pda_blank.xml] returns [amk_pda_blank.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_cop_hud.xml] returns [ui_cop_hud_16.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_cop_loot.xml] returns [ui_cop_loot_16.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_cop_loot_other.xml] returns [ui_cop_loot_other.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_cop_trade.xml] returns [ui_cop_trade_16.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_cop_trade_other.xml] returns [ui_cop_trade_other.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_cop_talk.xml] returns [ui_cop_talk_16.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_cop_char_info.xml] returns [ui_cop_char_info.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_faction.xml] returns [ui_faction.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_cop_radblood.xml] returns [ui_cop_radblood_16.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_cop_hud_16.xml] returns [ui_cop_hud_16.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_cop_loot_16.xml] returns [ui_cop_loot_16.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_cop_talk_16.xml] returns [ui_cop_talk_16.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_cop_trade_16.xml] returns [ui_cop_trade_16.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[color_defs.xml] returns [color_defs.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[hint_item.xml] returns [hint_item.xml] FATAL ERROR [error]Expression : fatal error [error]Function : CStringTable::Load [error]File : E:\stalker\sources\trunk\xr_3da\xrGame\string_table.cpp [error]Line : 53 [error]Description : <no expression> [error]Arguments : string table xml file not found ui_st_pda.xml, for language pol stack trace: Cytuj Odnośnik do komentarza Udostępnij na innych stronach Więcej opcji udostępniania...
OldMan Opublikowano 9 Września 2018 Zgłoś Udostępnij Opublikowano 9 Września 2018 @Mixons Sorry. Staram się pomagać wszystkim i ten fix to też nie do Ciebie. Co do błędu. W załączniku masz paczkę. Shadow of Chernobyl - Text.7z Wypakuj ją w dowolne miejsce potem wszystkie wpakowane pliki z paczki skopiuj do folderu gamedata\config W razie potrzeby wyraź zgodę na nadpisanie plików i sprawdź. Czy z namiarów na repack pobierałeś trzy paczki ? Cytuj Odnośnik do komentarza Udostępnij na innych stronach Więcej opcji udostępniania...
Mixons Opublikowano 9 Września 2018 Zgłoś Udostępnij Opublikowano 9 Września 2018 Tak, tak pobrałem wszystko tak jak napisałeś i przed wgraniem Autumn Aurory wszystko działało. A jeśli chodzi o plik który teraz wrzuciłeś to jesteś pewien że chodziło Ci o Call of Pripyat? Cytuj Odnośnik do komentarza Udostępnij na innych stronach Więcej opcji udostępniania...
OldMan Opublikowano 9 Września 2018 Zgłoś Udostępnij Opublikowano 9 Września 2018 5 minut temu, Mixons napisał: Tak, tak pobrałem wszystko tak jak napisałeś i przed wgraniem Autumn Aurory wszystko działało. A jeśli chodzi o plik który teraz wrzuciłeś to jesteś pewien że chodziło Ci o Call of Pripyat? @Mixons Chyba muszę zrobić sobie przerwę od pomagania.... Już poprawiłem link. Przed chwilą zainstalowałem SoC+AA2.1. Ten błąd pokazał się i u mnie ale powtórzyłem wypakowanie paczki Shadow of Chernobyl - Text.7z I jak widać wszystko śmiga Cytuj Odnośnik do komentarza Udostępnij na innych stronach Więcej opcji udostępniania...
Mixons Opublikowano 9 Września 2018 Zgłoś Udostępnij Opublikowano 9 Września 2018 No i niestety po przegraniu sejwów i wczytaniu jednego z nich, po rozmowie ze Świadomość-Z i próbie przejścia po schodach na kolejny poziom znowu crash przy synchronizacji i dokładnie ten sam log: No nic chyba naprawdę muszę sobie odpuścić tę końcówkę Stalkera i zabrać się już za Czyste Niebo, w każdym razie wielkie dzięki za próbę rozwiązania problemu i pomoc Spoiler * Detected CPU: GenuineIntel P3 family, F6/M12/S3, 2791.00 mhz, 214-clk 'rdtsc' * CPU Features: RDTSC, MMX, SSE, SSE2 Initializing File System... using fs-ltx fsgame.ltx FS: 32376 files cached, 4876Kb memory used. Init FileSystem 0.808979 sec 'xrCore' build 3312, Feb 27 2008 Initializing Engine... Executing config-script "user.ltx"... [c:\gry\stalker soc repack\savedata\user.ltx] successfully loaded. Starting INPUT device... Loading DLL: xrRender_R2.dll Loading DLL: xrGame.dll * [win32]: free[4040964 K], reserved[50848 K], committed[102428 K] * [ D3D ]: textures[0 K] * [x-ray]: crt heap[7085 K], process heap[2409 K], game lua[0 K], engine lua[0 K], render[0 K] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[1325 K], smem[0 K] Executing config-script "c:\gry\stalker soc repack\gamedata\config\default_controls.ltx"... ! cant convert dik_name for dik[144], prop=[Poprzednia [c:\gry\stalker soc repack\gamedata\config\default_controls.ltx] successfully loaded. Executing config-script "user.ltx"... Executing config-script "c:\gry\stalker soc repack\gamedata\config\rspec_extreme.ltx"... ! Unknown command: r__dtex_range ! Unknown command: r__ssa_glod_end ! Unknown command: r__ssa_glod_start ! Unknown command: r__wallmark_ttl ! Unknown command: rs_detail ! Unknown command: rs_skeleton_update ! Unknown command: vid_bpp [c:\gry\stalker soc repack\gamedata\config\rspec_extreme.ltx] successfully loaded. Executing config-script "c:\gry\stalker soc repack\gamedata\config\default_controls.ltx"... [c:\gry\stalker soc repack\gamedata\config\default_controls.ltx] successfully loaded. [c:\gry\stalker soc repack\savedata\user.ltx] successfully loaded. SOUND: OpenAL: enumerate devices... SOUND: OpenAL: EnumerationExtension Present devices Generic Hardware SOUND: OpenAL: system default SndDevice name is Generic Hardware SOUND: OpenAL: default SndDevice name set to Generic Software SOUND: OpenAL: All available devices: 1. Generic Software, Spec Version 1.1 (default) 2. Generic Software, Spec Version 1.1 (default) SOUND: OpenAL: SelectBestDevice is Generic Software 1.1 SOUND: OpenAL: Required device: Generic Software. Created device: Generic Software. * sound: EAX 2.0 extension: absent * sound: EAX 2.0 deferred: absent * sound : cache: 32773 kb, 3805 lines, 8820 bpl Starting RENDER device... * GPU [vendor:10DE]-[device:1391]: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 850M * GPU driver: * CREATE: DeviceREF: 1 * Vertex Processor: PURE HARDWARE * Texture memory: 4056 M * DDI-level: 9.0 * GPU shading: vs(fffe0300/3.0/30), ps(ffff0300/3.0/30) * GPU vertex cache: unrecognized, 16 * DVB created: 1536K * DIB created: 512K ! Version conflict in shader 'def_shaders\def_aref' ! Version conflict in shader 'def_shaders\def_aref_v' ! Version conflict in shader 'def_shaders\def_trans' ! Version conflict in shader 'def_shaders\def_trans_v' ! Version conflict in shader 'def_shaders\def_trans_v_tuchi' ! Version conflict in shader 'def_shaders\lod_old' ! Renderer doesn't support blender 'effects\shadow_world' ! Version conflict in shader 'effects\watertest-1' count of .thm files=130 load time=35 ms * NULLRT supported * ...and used * HWDST/PCF supported and used * NV-DBT supported and used - r__tf_aniso 16 - r2_tf_mipbias 0. Starting engine... [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_mp_icon_rank.xml] returns [ui_mp_icon_rank.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_icons_map.xml] returns [ui_icons_map.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_common.xml] returns [ui_common.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_old_textures.xml] returns [ui_old_textures.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_ingame.xml] returns [ui_ingame.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_map_description.xml] returns [ui_map_description.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_models_multiplayer.xml] returns [ui_models_multiplayer.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_team_logo.xml] returns [ui_team_logo.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_team_logo_small.xml] returns [ui_team_logo_small.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_mainmenu.xml] returns [ui_mainmenu.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_mp_main.xml] returns [ui_mp_main.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_statistics.xml] returns [ui_statistics.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_hud.xml] returns [ui_hud.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_numpad.xml] returns [ui_numpad.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_inventory.xml] returns [ui_inventory.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_inventory2.xml] returns [ui_inventory2.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_iconstotal.xml] returns [ui_iconstotal.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_pda.xml] returns [ui_pda.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_icons_npc.xml] returns [ui_icons_npc.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_npc_monster.xml] returns [ui_npc_monster.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_npc_unique.xml] returns [ui_npc_unique.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_buy_menu.xml] returns [ui_buy_menu.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_asus_intro.xml] returns [ui_asus_intro.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_button_sleep.xml] returns [ui_button_sleep.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[amk_pda.xml] returns [amk_pda.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[amk_pda_blank.xml] returns [amk_pda_blank.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_cop_hud.xml] returns [ui_cop_hud_16.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_cop_loot.xml] returns [ui_cop_loot_16.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_cop_loot_other.xml] returns [ui_cop_loot_other.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_cop_trade.xml] returns [ui_cop_trade_16.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_cop_trade_other.xml] returns [ui_cop_trade_other.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_cop_talk.xml] returns [ui_cop_talk_16.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_cop_char_info.xml] returns [ui_cop_char_info.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_faction.xml] returns [ui_faction.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_cop_radblood.xml] returns [ui_cop_radblood_16.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_cop_hud_16.xml] returns [ui_cop_hud_16.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_cop_loot_16.xml] returns [ui_cop_loot_16.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_cop_talk_16.xml] returns [ui_cop_talk_16.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_cop_trade_16.xml] returns [ui_cop_trade_16.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[color_defs.xml] returns [color_defs.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[hint_item.xml] returns [hint_item.xml] Loading DLL: xrGameSpy.dll [16-9] get_xml_name for[message_box.xml] returns [message_box.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[message_box.xml] returns [message_box.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[message_box.xml] returns [message_box.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[message_box.xml] returns [message_box.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[message_box.xml] returns [message_box.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[message_box.xml] returns [message_box.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[message_box.xml] returns [message_box.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[message_box.xml] returns [message_box.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[message_box.xml] returns [message_box.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[message_box.xml] returns [message_box.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[message_box.xml] returns [message_box.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[message_box.xml] returns [message_box.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[message_box.xml] returns [message_box.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[message_box.xml] returns [message_box.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[message_box.xml] returns [message_box.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[message_box.xml] returns [message_box.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[message_box.xml] returns [message_box.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[game_tutorials.xml] returns [game_tutorials.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_credits.xml] returns [ui_credits.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_movies.xml] returns [ui_movies.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_mm_main.xml] returns [ui_mm_main.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml] * DVB created: 1536K * DIB created: 512K - r__tf_aniso 16 - r2_tf_mipbias 0. * GPU shading: vs(fffe0300/3.0/30), ps(ffff0300/3.0/30) * GPU vertex cache: recognized, 24 *** RESET [0 ms] * MEMORY USAGE: 61357 K [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_mm_load_dlg.xml] returns [ui_mm_load_dlg.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml] * DVB created: 1536K * DIB created: 512K - r__tf_aniso 16 - r2_tf_mipbias 0. * GPU shading: vs(fffe0300/3.0/30), ps(ffff0300/3.0/30) * GPU vertex cache: unrecognized, 16 *** RESET [213 ms] "c:\gry\stalker soc repack\bin\xr_3da.exe" * phase time: 0 ms * phase cmem: 61439 K Ładowanie obiektów... Loading objects... Loading models... * [prefetch] time: 7890 ms * [prefetch] memory: 1Kb * phase time: 7947 ms * phase cmem: 61440 K SERWER: Rozpoczynanie... * phase time: 181 ms * phase cmem: 61601 K SERWER: Wczytywanie symulatora Alife... * phase time: 1 ms * phase cmem: 61601 K Wczytywanie zapisanej gry "2.sav"... * Loading spawn registry... * 8660 spawn points are successfully loaded * Loading objects... * 16569 objects are successfully loaded [16-9] get_xml_name for[map_spots.xml] returns [map_spots.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[map_spots_escape.xml] returns [map_spots_escape.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[map_spots_garbage.xml] returns [map_spots_garbage.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[map_spots_agroprom.xml] returns [map_spots_agroprom.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[map_spots_darkvalley.xml] returns [map_spots_darkvalley.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[map_spots_bar.xml] returns [map_spots_bar.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[map_spots_military.xml] returns [map_spots_military.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[map_spots_radar.xml] returns [map_spots_radar.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[map_spots_mp.xml] returns [map_spots_mp.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[map_spots_relations.xml] returns [map_spots_relations.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[map_spots_lchangers.xml] returns [map_spots_lchangers.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[map_spots_artefacts.xml] returns [map_spots_artefacts.xml] * Game 2 is successfully loaded from file 'c:\gry\stalker soc repack\savedata\savedgames\2.sav' (2.525s) * phase time: 2525 ms * phase cmem: 89097 K SERVER: Łączenie... MaxPlayers = 32 * phase time: 12 ms * phase cmem: 89098 K KLIENT: Łączenie z localhost... # Player not found. New player created. * client : connection accepted - <> * phase time: 84 ms * phase cmem: 89123 K Otwieranie strumienia... * phase time: 13 ms * phase cmem: 89123 K Wczytywanie CFORM... * phase time: 393 ms * phase cmem: 101937 K Wczytywanie shaderów... * phase time: 118 ms * phase cmem: 105618 K Wczytywanie danych geometrycznych... * [Loading VB] 65532 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65530 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65525 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65525 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 60154 verts, 1879 Kb * [Loading VB] 64539 verts, 2016 Kb * [Loading VB] 7068 verts, 220 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 180858 indices, 353 Kb * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 58531 verts, 685 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048572 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048572 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 809220 indices, 1580 Kb * phase time: 420 ms * phase cmem: 105624 K Wczytywanie przestrzennej bazy danych... * phase time: 84 ms * phase cmem: 106998 K Wczytywanie detali... * phase time: 1 ms * phase cmem: 106998 K Wczytywanie stref i portali... * Loading HOM: c:\gry\stalker soc repack\gamedata\levels\l12u_control_monolith\level.hom * phase time: 4 ms * phase cmem: 107152 K Wczytywanie obiektów SI... - Loading music tracks from 'l12u_control_musics'... * phase time: 53 ms * phase cmem: 107203 K KLIENT: Odradzanie... - Game configuring : Started - Game configuring : Finished [16-9] get_xml_name for[maingame.xml] returns [maingame_16.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[zone_map.xml] returns [zone_map_16.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[car_panel.xml] returns [car_panel_16.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[motion_icon.xml] returns [motion_icon_16.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[messages_window.xml] returns [messages_window.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_custom_msgs.xml] returns [ui_custom_msgs.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[inventory_new.xml] returns [inventory_new_16.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[inventory_item.xml] returns [inventory_item_16.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[af_params.xml] returns [af_params_16.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[inventory_new.xml] returns [inventory_new_16.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[pda.xml] returns [pda.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[pda_map.xml] returns [pda_map.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[hint_item.xml] returns [hint_item.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[pda_contacts_new.xml] returns [pda_contacts_new.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[events_new.xml] returns [events_new.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[news.xml] returns [news.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[encyclopedia.xml] returns [encyclopedia.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[actor_statistic.xml] returns [actor_statistic.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[pda_dialog_character.xml] returns [pda_dialog_character_16.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[stalkers_ranking.xml] returns [stalkers_ranking.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[stalkers_ranking_character.xml] returns [stalkers_ranking_character_16.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[pda_events.xml] returns [pda_events.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[pda_events.xml] returns [pda_events.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[hint_item.xml] returns [hint_item.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[job_item.xml] returns [job_item.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[talk.xml] returns [talk_16.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[trade_character.xml] returns [trade_character_16.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[trade_character.xml] returns [trade_character_16.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[trade.xml] returns [trade_16.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[trade_character.xml] returns [trade_character_16.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[trade_character.xml] returns [trade_character_16.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[trade_item.xml] returns [trade_item_16.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[af_params.xml] returns [af_params_16.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[carbody_new.xml] returns [carbody_new_16.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[trade_character.xml] returns [trade_character_16.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[trade_character.xml] returns [trade_character_16.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[carbody_item.xml] returns [carbody_item_16.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[af_params.xml] returns [af_params_16.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[inventory_new.xml] returns [inventory_new_16.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[message_box.xml] returns [message_box.xml] * phase time: 680 ms * phase cmem: 110318 K Wczytywanie tekstur... * t-report - base: 776, 346201 K * t-report - lmap: 3, 3072 K * phase time: 4895 ms * phase cmem: 110318 K KLIENT: Synchronizacja... * phase time: 29 ms * phase cmem: 110318 K * [win32]: free[3177400 K], reserved[195164 K], committed[821676 K] * [ D3D ]: textures[349273 K] * [x-ray]: crt heap[110318 K], process heap[433982 K], game lua[17901 K], engine lua[195 K], render[0 K] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[3531 K], smem[0 K] ! Unknown command: >>12:12_idx:13->14,time:12:00->13:00_weather:indoor,cycle_time:360 [16-9] get_xml_name for[game_tutorials.xml] returns [game_tutorials.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_credits.xml] returns [ui_credits.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_movies.xml] returns [ui_movies.xml] sv destroy object [368][separator:separator0368] [7707] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [368][separator:separator0368] [7707] cl setDestroy [368][7707] * MEMORY USAGE: 159554 K * DVB created: 1536K * DIB created: 512K - r__tf_aniso 16 - r2_tf_mipbias -0.35 * GPU shading: vs(fffe0300/3.0/30), ps(ffff0300/3.0/30) * GPU vertex cache: unrecognized, 16 *** RESET [575 ms] * MEMORY USAGE: 158972 K sv destroy object [8683][physic_destroyable_object:] [9440] cl setDestroy [8683][9440] sv destroy object [2509][physic_destroyable_object:monolith_generator_0000] [9572] cl setDestroy [2509][9572] sv destroy object [11583][physic_destroyable_object:] [9822] cl setDestroy [11583][9822] sv destroy object [2510][physic_destroyable_object:monolith_generator_0001] [9942] cl setDestroy [2510][9942] sv destroy object [13394][physic_destroyable_object:] [10084] cl setDestroy [13394][10084] sv destroy object [2514][physic_destroyable_object:monolith_generator_0005] [10202] cl setDestroy [2514][10202] sv destroy object [13395][physic_destroyable_object:] [10258] cl setDestroy [13395][10258] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [8300][ammo_gauss:ammo_gauss8300] [10303] sv destroy object [8300][ammo_gauss:ammo_gauss8300] [10303] cl setDestroy [8300][10304] sv destroy object [2513][physic_destroyable_object:monolith_generator_0004] [10394] cl setDestroy [2513][10394] sv destroy object [15456][physic_destroyable_object:] [10606] cl setDestroy [15456][10606] sv destroy object [2512][physic_destroyable_object:monolith_generator_0003] [10707] cl setDestroy [2512][10707] sv destroy object [2475][physic_destroyable_object:mon_physic_destroyable_object_0006] [10793] cl setDestroy [2475][10793] sv destroy object [16243][physic_destroyable_object:] [10801] cl setDestroy [16243][10801] sv destroy object [16152][physic_destroyable_object:] [10816] cl setDestroy [16152][10816] sv destroy object [2511][physic_destroyable_object:monolith_generator_0002] [10945] cl setDestroy [2511][10945] [16-9] get_xml_name for[maingame_pda_msg.xml] returns [maingame_pda_msg.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[maingame_pda_msg.xml] returns [maingame_pda_msg.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_mm_main.xml] returns [ui_mm_main.xml] [16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml] * Saving spawns... * Saving objects... * 16615 objects are successfully saved * Game Miki_autosave.sav is successfully saved to file 'c:\gry\stalker soc repack\savedata\savedgames\miki_autosave.sav' - Disconnect sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [372][bolt:bolt] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [33284][shokolad:shokolad33284] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [32837][ammo_vog-25:ammo_vog-2532837] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [32836][ammo_vog-25:ammo_vog-2532836] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [31490][ammo_m209:ammo_m20931490] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [30725][af_electra_flash:af_electra_flash30725] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [29972][af_night_star:af_night_star29972] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [29971][af_dummy_battery:af_dummy_battery29971] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [29958][af_electra_sparkler:af_electra_sparkler29958] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [29706][det_artefact_super:det_artefact_super29706] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [29456][ammo_gauss:ammo_gauss29456] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [29450][ammo_gauss:ammo_gauss29450] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [29232][repair_weapon:repair_weapon29232] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [28945][ammo_gauss:] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [28930][ammo_gauss:] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [28190][conserva:conserva28190] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [26628][shokolad:shokolad26628] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [25911][ammo_9x39_sp5:ammo_9x39_sp525911] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [24875][af_night_star:af_night_star24875] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [24581][ammo_9x39_sp5:ammo_9x39_sp524581] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [24371][ammo_gauss:] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [24094][ammo_9x39_sp5:ammo_9x39_sp524094] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [24093][ammo_9x39_sp5:ammo_9x39_sp524093] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [23820][af_cristall:af_cristall23820] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [23557][ammo_gauss:ammo_gauss23557] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [22791][af_ameba_slug:af_ameba_slug22791] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [22297][ammo_9x39_sp5:ammo_9x39_sp522297] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [21771][ammo_vog-25:ammo_vog-2521771] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [20241][wpn_addon_silencer:] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [19999][conserva:conserva19999] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [19793][ammo_9x39_sp5:ammo_9x39_sp519793] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [19473][wpn_knife:wpn_knife19473] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [19366][ammo_9x39_sp5:ammo_9x39_sp519366] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [18975][ammo_9x39_sp5:ammo_9x39_sp518975] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [17935][good_psy_helmet:good_psy_helmet17935] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [16978][ammo_9x39_sp5:ammo_9x39_sp516978] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [16646][wpn_addon_scope:] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [15998][ammo_gauss:ammo_gauss15998] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [15996][medkit_army:medkit_army15996] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [13943][medkit_scientic:medkit_scientic13943] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [13637][gunslinger_flash:kat_gunslinger_flash] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [13098][ammo_9x39_sp5:ammo_9x39_sp513098] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [12810][kolbasa:kolbasa12810] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [12442][ammo_9x39_sp5:ammo_9x39_sp512442] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [12441][ammo_9x39_sp5:ammo_9x39_sp512441] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [12239][wpn_val_m1:wpn_val_m112239] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [11843][ammo_9x39_sp5:ammo_9x39_sp511843] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [11115][wpn_vintorez:wpn_vintorez11115] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [10773][ammo_7.62x51_fmj:] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [10269][pri_decoder_documents:pri_decoder_documents] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [10179][decoder:pri_decoder] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [8803][medkit_scientic:medkit_scientic8803] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [7481][medkit_scientic:dar_medkit_scientic] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [6042][ammo_9x39_ap:] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [5441][wpn_gauss:wpn_gauss5441] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [4439][medkit_scientic:medkit_scientic4439] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [3697][device_pda:device_pda3697] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [3696][wpn_binoc:wpn_binoc3696] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [3694][device_torch:device_torch3694] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [3693][detector_simple:detector_simple3693] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [2467][military_outfit:mon_military_outfit] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [2371][medkit_scientic:medkit_scientic2371] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [2108][conserva:conserva] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [1545][wpn_addon_scope:] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [0][actor:single_player] id_entity [1031][kolbasa:kolbasa1031] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2462][m_osoznanie:mon_stalker] id_entity [373][bolt:bolt] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2462][m_osoznanie:mon_stalker] id_entity [8186][grenade_f1:grenade_f18186] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2462][m_osoznanie:mon_stalker] id_entity [2463][device_pda:device_pda2463] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2462][m_osoznanie:mon_stalker] id_entity [1351][grenade_rgd5:grenade_rgd51351] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2533][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_camper_0001] id_entity [374][bolt:bolt] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2533][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_camper_0001] id_entity [15183][grenade_f1:grenade_f115183] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2533][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_camper_0001] id_entity [15182][medkit:medkit15182] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2533][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_camper_0001] id_entity [2540][wpn_usp:wpn_usp2540] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2542][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_camper_0002] id_entity [375][bolt:bolt] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2551][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_camper_0003] id_entity [348][bolt:bolt] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2551][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_camper_0003] id_entity [29234][ammo_9x39_sp5:ammo_9x39_sp529234] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2551][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_camper_0003] id_entity [29233][bread:bread29233] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2551][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_camper_0003] id_entity [29186][grenade_f1:grenade_f129186] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2551][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_camper_0003] id_entity [2559][wpn_usp:wpn_usp2559] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2560][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_monolith] id_entity [349][bolt:bolt] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2560][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_monolith] id_entity [11328][medkit_army:medkit_army11328] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2560][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_monolith] id_entity [11327][ammo_9x39_sp5:ammo_9x39_sp511327] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2560][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_monolith] id_entity [2568][wpn_usp:wpn_usp2568] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2569][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_monolith_0000] id_entity [350][bolt:bolt] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2569][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_monolith_0000] id_entity [11329][medkit_army:medkit_army11329] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2569][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_monolith_0000] id_entity [11281][ammo_12x70_buck:ammo_12x70_buck11281] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2569][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_monolith_0000] id_entity [2575][wpn_usp:wpn_usp2575] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2576][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_monolith_0001] id_entity [351][bolt:bolt] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2576][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_monolith_0001] id_entity [16550][grenade_f1:grenade_f116550] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2576][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_monolith_0001] id_entity [16514][ammo_12x70_buck:ammo_12x70_buck16514] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2576][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_monolith_0001] id_entity [16513][medkit:medkit16513] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2576][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_monolith_0001] id_entity [2583][wpn_usp:wpn_usp2583] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2584][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_monolith_post1] id_entity [271][bolt:bolt] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2584][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_monolith_post1] id_entity [6293][conserva:conserva6293] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2584][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_monolith_post1] id_entity [2591][wpn_usp:wpn_usp2591] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2592][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_monolith_post2] id_entity [272][bolt:bolt] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2592][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_monolith_post2] id_entity [8299][kolbasa:kolbasa8299] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2592][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_monolith_post2] id_entity [8253][bread:bread8253] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2592][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_monolith_post2] id_entity [2598][wpn_usp:wpn_usp2598] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2599][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_monolith_post3] id_entity [319][bolt:bolt] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2599][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_monolith_post3] id_entity [15997][antirad:antirad15997] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2599][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_monolith_post3] id_entity [2604][wpn_usp:wpn_usp2604] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2605][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker2_0001] id_entity [320][bolt:bolt] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2605][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker2_0001] id_entity [4702][antirad:antirad4702] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2605][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker2_0001] id_entity [4644][medkit:medkit4644] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2605][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker2_0001] id_entity [4623][flask1:flask14623] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2605][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker2_0001] id_entity [2611][wpn_usp:wpn_usp2611] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2613][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker2_0002] id_entity [308][bolt:bolt] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2613][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker2_0002] id_entity [15989][bandage:bandage15989] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2613][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker2_0002] id_entity [15988][sok:sok15988] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2613][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker2_0002] id_entity [2619][wpn_usp:wpn_usp2619] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2621][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker2_0003] id_entity [322][bolt:bolt] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2621][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker2_0003] id_entity [6764][flask1:flask16764] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2621][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker2_0003] id_entity [2629][wpn_usp:wpn_usp2629] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2630][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker2_0004] id_entity [386][bolt:bolt] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2630][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker2_0004] id_entity [15935][energy_drink:energy_drink15935] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2630][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker2_0004] id_entity [2636][wpn_usp:wpn_usp2636] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2638][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker2_0005] id_entity [419][bolt:bolt] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2638][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker2_0005] id_entity [8287][antirad:antirad8287] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2638][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker2_0005] id_entity [8256][ammo_12x70_buck:ammo_12x70_buck8256] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2638][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker2_0005] id_entity [8255][grenade_f1:grenade_f18255] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2638][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker2_0005] id_entity [8254][medkit_scientic:medkit_scientic8254] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2638][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker2_0005] id_entity [2646][wpn_usp:wpn_usp2646] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2647][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker2_0006] id_entity [420][bolt:bolt] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2647][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker2_0006] id_entity [15990][bread:bread15990] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2657][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker3_0001] id_entity [421][bolt:bolt] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2657][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker3_0001] id_entity [9254][ammo_9x39_sp5:ammo_9x39_sp59254] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2657][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker3_0001] id_entity [9237][bandage:bandage9237] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2657][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker3_0001] id_entity [2663][wpn_usp:wpn_usp2663] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2665][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker3_0002] id_entity [422][bolt:bolt] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2665][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker3_0002] id_entity [22581][antirad:antirad22581] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2665][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker3_0002] id_entity [22580][medkit:medkit22580] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2665][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker3_0002] id_entity [2672][wpn_usp:wpn_usp2672] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2673][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker3_0003] id_entity [387][bolt:bolt] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2673][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker3_0003] id_entity [15995][conserva:conserva15995] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2681][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker3_0004] id_entity [358][bolt:bolt] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2681][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker3_0004] id_entity [6245][ammo_12x70_buck:ammo_12x70_buck6245] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2681][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker3_0004] id_entity [2688][wpn_usp:wpn_usp2688] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2689][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker4_0001] id_entity [359][bolt:bolt] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2689][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker4_0001] id_entity [11312][antirad:antirad11312] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2689][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker4_0001] id_entity [11311][ammo_9x39_sp5:ammo_9x39_sp511311] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2689][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker4_0001] id_entity [2697][wpn_usp:wpn_usp2697] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2698][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker4_0002] id_entity [390][bolt:bolt] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2698][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker4_0002] id_entity [9920][antirad:antirad9920] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2698][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker4_0002] id_entity [9919][ammo_9x39_sp5:ammo_9x39_sp59919] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2698][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker4_0002] id_entity [2703][wpn_usp:wpn_usp2703] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2705][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker4_0003] id_entity [391][bolt:bolt] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2705][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker4_0003] id_entity [9889][ammo_5.45x39_fmj:ammo_5.45x39_fmj9889] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2705][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker4_0003] id_entity [9761][drink_beer:drink_beer9761] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2705][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker4_0003] id_entity [9760][ammo_9x18_fmj:ammo_9x18_fmj9760] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2705][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker4_0003] id_entity [2716][wpn_pb:wpn_pb2716] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2717][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker4_0004] id_entity [360][bolt:bolt] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2717][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker4_0004] id_entity [9005][ammo_5.45x39_fmj:ammo_5.45x39_fmj9005] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2717][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker4_0004] id_entity [8972][ammo_9x18_fmj:ammo_9x18_fmj8972] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2717][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker4_0004] id_entity [2727][wpn_pb:wpn_pb2727] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2728][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker4_0005] id_entity [305][bolt:bolt] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2728][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker4_0005] id_entity [10553][ammo_9x39_sp5:ammo_9x39_sp510553] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2728][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker4_0005] id_entity [2734][wpn_usp:wpn_usp2734] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2736][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker_0001] id_entity [314][bolt:bolt] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2736][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker_0001] id_entity [6244][ammo_12x70_buck:ammo_12x70_buck6244] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2736][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker_0001] id_entity [2744][wpn_usp:wpn_usp2744] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2745][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker_0002] id_entity [315][bolt:bolt] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2745][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker_0002] id_entity [5119][ammo_5.45x39_fmj:ammo_5.45x39_fmj5119] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2745][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker_0002] id_entity [5017][ammo_9x18_fmj:ammo_9x18_fmj5017] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2745][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker_0002] id_entity [2752][wpn_pb:wpn_pb2752] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2753][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker_0003] id_entity [316][bolt:bolt] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2753][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker_0003] id_entity [6406][shokolad:shokolad6406] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2753][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker_0003] id_entity [6400][ammo_12x70_buck:ammo_12x70_buck6400] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2753][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker_0003] id_entity [2758][wpn_usp:wpn_usp2758] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2759][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker_0004] id_entity [347][bolt:bolt] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2759][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker_0004] id_entity [6405][bandage:bandage6405] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2759][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker_0004] id_entity [2767][wpn_usp:wpn_usp2767] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2768][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker_0005] id_entity [366][bolt:bolt] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2768][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker_0005] id_entity [5281][ammo_5.45x39_fmj:ammo_5.45x39_fmj5281] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2768][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker_0005] id_entity [5280][ammo_9x18_fmj:ammo_9x18_fmj5280] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2768][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker_0005] id_entity [5124][flask2:flask25124] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2768][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker_0005] id_entity [5120][antirad:antirad5120] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2768][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker_0005] id_entity [2775][wpn_pm:wpn_pm2775] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2776][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker_0006] id_entity [367][bolt:bolt] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2776][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker_0006] id_entity [5286][flask2:flask25286] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2776][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker_0006] id_entity [5285][conserva:conserva5285] [14944] sv reject. id_parent [2776][stalker_monolith:mon_stalker_walker_0006] id_entity [2783][wpn_usp:wpn_usp2783] [14944] cl setDestroy [372][14945] cl setDestroy [33284][14945] cl setDestroy [32837][14945] cl setDestroy [32836][14945] cl setDestroy [31490][14945] cl setDestroy [30725][14945] cl setDestroy [29972][14945] cl setDestroy [29971][14945] cl setDestroy [29958][14945] cl setDestroy [29706][14945] cl setDestroy [29456][14945] cl setDestroy [29450][14945] cl setDestroy [29232][14945] cl setDestroy [28945][14945] cl setDestroy [28930][14945] cl setDestroy [28190][14945] cl setDestroy [26628][14945] cl setDestroy [25911][14945] cl setDestroy [24875][14945] cl setDestroy [24581][14945] cl setDestroy [24371][14945] cl setDestroy [24094][14945] cl setDestroy [24093][14945] cl setDestroy [23820][14945] cl setDestroy [23557][14945] cl 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[26905][14945] cl setDestroy [26910][14945] cl setDestroy [31233][14945] cl setDestroy [31256][14945] cl setDestroy [52224][14945] - Destroying level * DVB created: 1536K * DIB created: 512K - r__tf_aniso 16 - r2_tf_mipbias -0.35 * GPU shading: vs(fffe0300/3.0/30), ps(ffff0300/3.0/30) * GPU vertex cache: unrecognized, 16 *** RESET [237 ms] "c:\gry\stalker soc repack\bin\xr_3da.exe" * phase time: 2 ms * phase cmem: 129656 K SERWER: Rozpoczynanie... * phase time: 82 ms * phase cmem: 129686 K SERWER: Wczytywanie symulatora Alife... * phase time: 4 ms * phase cmem: 129686 K Wczytywanie zapisanej gry "miki_autosave.sav"... * Loading spawn registry... * 8660 spawn points are successfully loaded * Loading objects... * 16615 objects are successfully loaded * Game miki_autosave is successfully loaded from file 'c:\gry\stalker soc repack\savedata\savedgames\miki_autosave.sav' (1.212s) * phase time: 1211 ms * phase cmem: 134390 K SERVER: Łączenie... MaxPlayers = 32 * phase time: 10 ms * phase cmem: 134390 K KLIENT: Łączenie z localhost... # Player not found. New player created. * client : connection accepted - <> * phase time: 8 ms * phase cmem: 134414 K Otwieranie strumienia... * phase time: 92 ms * phase cmem: 134414 K Wczytywanie CFORM... * phase time: 4177 ms * phase cmem: 249013 K Wczytywanie shaderów... * phase time: 261 ms * phase cmem: 252636 K Wczytywanie danych geometrycznych... * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65532 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 35392 verts, 1106 Kb * [Loading VB] 65529 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65516 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65515 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65528 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65530 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65524 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65531 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65532 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65529 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65522 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65532 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65332 verts, 2041 Kb * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 3077 verts, 96 Kb * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 34530 verts, 1079 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048572 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 799767 indices, 1562 Kb * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65532 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 49142 verts, 575 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048572 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 945183 indices, 1846 Kb * phase time: 2757 ms * phase cmem: 253014 K Wczytywanie przestrzennej bazy danych... * phase time: 2753 ms * phase cmem: 256916 K Wczytywanie detali... * [DETAILS] VertexConsts(256), Batch(61) * [DETAILS] 40687 v(20), 26352 p * [DETAILS] Batch(61), VB(794K), IB(154K) * phase time: 150 ms * phase cmem: 256927 K Wczytywanie stref i portali... * Loading HOM: c:\gry\stalker soc repack\gamedata\levels\l12_stancia_2\level.hom * phase time: 23 ms * phase cmem: 257074 K Wczytywanie obiektów SI... - Loading music tracks from 'l12_stancia_2_musics'... * phase time: 189 ms * phase cmem: 257234 K KLIENT: Odradzanie... - Game configuring : Started - Game configuring : Finished * phase time: 18 ms * phase cmem: 260798 K Wczytywanie tekstur... * t-report - base: 1386, 843457 K * t-report - lmap: 9, 9217 K ***FATAL***: Too many lmap-textures (limit: 8 textures or 32M). Reduce pixel density (worse) or use more vertex lighting (better). * phase time: 12292 ms * phase cmem: 260798 K KLIENT: Synchronizacja... * phase time: 46 ms * phase cmem: 260798 K * [win32]: free[2197152 K], reserved[267020 K], committed[1730068 K] * [ D3D ]: textures[852674 K] * [x-ray]: crt heap[260798 K], process heap[1154772 K], game lua[17735 K], engine lua[194 K], render[446 K] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[10658 K], smem[5739 K] stack trace: 0023:04A5371B xrGame.dll [error][ 87] : Parametr jest niepoprawny. Cytuj Odnośnik do komentarza Udostępnij na innych stronach Więcej opcji udostępniania...
OldMan Opublikowano 9 Września 2018 Zgłoś Udostępnij Opublikowano 9 Września 2018 @Mixons Skoro już postawiłem SoC+AA2.1 wstaw jako załącznik sejwa przed wylotem. Sprawdzę u siebie bo z loga wychodzi, że jest problem z oświetleniem. Jestem przy kompie. p.s. Znalazłem u Nas na Forum taki temat: SPOSÓB 1 to zmiana oświetlenia na statyczne SPOSÓB 2 Błąd jest spowodowany zbyt duża ilością jednocześnie załadowanych lmap-textures, niestety zmiana ustawień dystansu widzenia w ustawieniach gry nic nie daje i trzeba zrobić to edytując plik alife.ltx w katalogu gamedata/config/ Znajduje się tam paramtetr switch_distance = 140 Zmniejszamy go i uruchamiamy grę. U mnie po zamianie 140 na 100 udało się wejść na lokację Prypeć i kontynuować przygodę. Oczywiście po wyjsciu z lokacji dobrze jest przywrócić wartość domyślną 140. U Ciebie ten parametr wynosi 150;0 ;150;0 ;75.0 więc moim zdaniem może na początek zmienić na 100;0 ;100;0 ;25.0 albo możesz użyć mojego pliku z załącznika (oczywiście przed zmianą zrób kopie swojego pliku). alife.ltx Cytuj Odnośnik do komentarza Udostępnij na innych stronach Więcej opcji udostępniania...
Mixons Opublikowano 10 Września 2018 Zgłoś Udostępnij Opublikowano 10 Września 2018 Czytałem już wcześniej podany przez Ciebie temat, lecz nie pomógł mi ani pierwszy ani drugi sposób i teraz to samo :/ Wstawiam ostatni save przed bugiem, który działa. Na wszelki wypadek przypomnę, że musisz porozbijać te szybki wszystkie i porozmawiać ze Świadomością-Z, wybrać że nie chcesz im pomagać i po załadowaniu spróbować przejść po schodach na następny poziom, wtedy gra przy synchronizacji się zawiesza i po minimalizacji okna gry widać Bugtrap z błędem. 2.dds 2.sav Cytuj Odnośnik do komentarza Udostępnij na innych stronach Więcej opcji udostępniania...
OldMan Opublikowano 10 Września 2018 Zgłoś Udostępnij Opublikowano 10 Września 2018 Poddaje się. Nie mam pomysłów co jest nie tak. Dłubałem długo ale bez skutku. Jedynie możesz jeszcze raz przejść sarkofag -> sterownia jeśli masz taki sejw. Cytuj Odnośnik do komentarza Udostępnij na innych stronach Więcej opcji udostępniania...
Mixons Opublikowano 10 Września 2018 Zgłoś Udostępnij Opublikowano 10 Września 2018 W sumie mogę spróbować, a jak, Tobie również w tym samym miejscu crashuje? Dzięki w każdym razie jeszcze raz za próby rozwiązania problemu Cytuj Odnośnik do komentarza Udostępnij na innych stronach Więcej opcji udostępniania...
OldMan Opublikowano 10 Września 2018 Zgłoś Udostępnij Opublikowano 10 Września 2018 Miejsce jest to samo a pomysły mi się skończyły. Możesz spróbować przejść jeszcze raz sterownię. I może wstaw jeszcze sejwa z sarkofagu chciałem jeszcze u siebie sprawdzić. Cytuj Odnośnik do komentarza Udostępnij na innych stronach Więcej opcji udostępniania...
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