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7 godzin temu, Zwinny napisał:

Dobrze, próbuję się upewnić czy nie będzie problemów na wyższej wersji

To może przyjmij inną i jak dla mnie oczywistą taktykę: zainstaluję i sprawdzę a dopiero w razie problemów spytam....
Dodatkowo na głównym zrzucie który dodałem do namiarów na mod strzałką masz wskazaną wersję moda z prawej masz widoczne menu PL.
Napisałem również, że u mnie wszystko śmiga i zrobiłem pierwsze zadanie.... Dalej nie grałem bo nie interesuje mnie ten mod i zaznaczam,
że Ci którzy pobiorą mój wrzut sami muszą więcej sprawdzić...
Podsumowując zmień taktykę najpierw sprawdź u siebie a dopiero w przypadku kłopotów pytaj na Forum :)       

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Zainstalowałem wersję tak jak opisał to kazik a i tak przy odpalaniu wyskakuje takie coś: 

Expression    : fatal error
Function      : CInifile::r_section
File          : Xr_ini.cpp
Line          : 514
Description   : <no expression>
Arguments     : Can't open section 'weapon_probability'

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Musiałeś coś pominąć. Na na ten wylot dano taką łatkę - tylko, że tam grają po ROSYJSKU i pliki mogą się gryźć - przed nałożeniem zrób kopię katalogu WEAPONS. W razie niepowodzenia przywróć starą, tu łatka: weapons.rar


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W Wigilię t.j. 24.12.2017 (kopiowanie na serwer trwało trochę dłużej) ukazał się patch 1.4005. Poniżej lista zmian w języku angielskim:


Changelog for Lost Alpha Developer's Cut v1.4005

Engine updated: Dec 22 2017
Engine version: 1.4005
Build number: 6890
Log updated: Dec 23 2017 
ETA: 24th December 2017 :)

List of changes, fixes and extras:
- All weather cycles and brightness-related console parameters were carefully tweaked for best image quality (no overbright sun, no darkness during the day, etc.)
- Default gloss factor tweaked to get better bumps
- Changed default weather after blowout to thunder
- Changed default weather period after blowout to "bad"
- Enabled detail textures and bumps for many surfaces like bricks, concrete, metal, etc
- Replaced Sidorovich model with Clear Sky version
- Changed firing sounds of some weapons to CoP variants (they were of low quality)
- Multiple round-robin quick-saves (with configurable number of saves through the max_quick_saves parameter)
- Map spots for mechanics and traders (a cog and moneybag respectively)
- Disabled game saving and restricted player from moving to other levels during blowout. (Saving during blowout is not working good) 
- The Guiders Mod is now integrated (and modified), granting fast travel via the services of several NPCs, which are recognizable by a unique map spot after you talk to them (an orange lightning bolt in a circle)
- Petrenko will now give you a small reward after X18
- All bandit outfits are now enabled for that one Dark Valley quest
- Proverb will hold on to his Vintorez even in his afterlife (translation: his weapon is removed upon death to deal with a potential break in balance very early on)
- Killing Wolf or Mole will damage your reputation more than you think
- Mole has a few new quests
- Participants of the Cordon factory cutscene spawn only when the cutscene is triggered and made immortal to prevent exploits
- Dark Valley Monolith informer won't try to kill you now after steal docs task completed
- Start point from Garbage to Escape was moved to north
- A certain task in Forest was remade
- Added missing call for help message when entering Garbage for the first time
- Player's current outfit is now applied to the actor in all scenes
- Player starts the game without armor
- Real weapon names added
- Outfit rebalance
- Complete rebalance of weapon/ammo/grenade stats and their damage against all classes of NPCs
- Improved weapon ballistics
- Fixed ragdolls not receiving impulse from bullets and rebalanced those impulses
- Abakan unique burst mechanics are now better reflected
- Trader configs were completely rewritten to get rid of numerous related bugs and pricing/item availability issues
- Some traders now won't buy weapons and outfit in bad condition
- NPC supplies (weapons and items) were rewritten using systematic tier-based approach
- PDA's from NPC drop can be sold to traders now
- Weapons dropped from killed NPCs now vary in condition from decent to completely broken (and not repairable - minimum repair condition raised)
- Ammo drops from NPCs were rebalanced and depend on game difficulty
- Vanilla meds are now delayed use, so you have to wait a bit for them to be applied (your weapon will be holstered) and then a moment for them to work
- Added boosters from CoP
- Artefact spawn rebalanced
- Artefact detector economy reworked
- Burrers and Controllers aura radius is not restricted by height to prevent underground mutants to harass anyone on surface
- Controllers now take control over up to 10 monsters
- Controller types and thier psy attacks were rebalanced
- Zombies rebalanced - less bullet sponges, but can turn faster now which makes them efficient up close
- Chimera rebalanced - jump attack restored, revamped health and damage
- All other monsters were rebalanced as well in terms of health
- New dynamic item descriptions now shows more useful info like installed upgrades, currently loaded ammo and additional stats for weapons like ammo types, durability, addon mounts, etc.
- Disable UI marks in upgrade screen, those that indicate where upgrade is being done (they are time consuming to configure)
- Automatic UI marks for unique and quest items
- Bars in weapon info panel now reflect actual stats better and respect installed upgrades
- Enabled use of all slots when climbing the ladder, except for detector and main weapon
- Items dropped on maps will now be cleaned, thanks to new garbage cleaner script (made specially for LA)
- Torches now reduce their brightness over time more realistically (slow at first, but very fast under 25% of charge and lower)
- Fixed most known bugs related to quests and story
- Crash with xr_conditions get_distance_to_player is fixed
- Weather logic for dynamic renderers re-done:
	* Saving\loading should not change weather anymore
	* Fixed weather changing spikes from one to other
	* Script will now deffinitly choose a new weather for each hour and apply it in engine
	* Made saving of bunch of script variables, that will fix stuff like undergroind weather when actor is outside
	* Added "new game" weather period which will have only "clear" or "partly" weathers to chose from for first 3-6 hours of gameplay
	* Tweaked other weather periods for more logic weather changes
	* Added autosave before blowouts
- Nimble won't be sleeping all the time after being rescued
- Re-added a few disabled 'bore' sounds
- Controler aura won't get applies on the surface of Agroprom
- Fixed lagging when player moves stuff back and forth in stash windows (lagging in car trunk, trade window, stash window etc.)
- Crash when killing npc with "trader" community fixed
- Fix for sun going to the center of sky on af_preblowout
- Fix for weather spikes right before blowout starts(First we let the weather selector do the job, only then we should trigger blowout)
- Broken knife fixed
- Artefact spawn on new game fixed
- Artefact hunting behavior is more realistic and doesn't get stuck in idle
- Fixed incorrect HUD positions when aiming for shotguns and some pistols
- Fixed some cases where quest involving returning some item to NPC was much less profitable than selling said item to a trader
- Quest about Karlik for Major: handle case when player did not bring PDA, Purple Beads artefact can now be sold (if not turned in for quest)
- Fixed icons of a few quest items
- Fixed find tools quests had types of required tools messed up (description and actual item to find)
- Fixed the error "Can't find variable item_position in [hands_fireball_weapon_hud]"
- Fixed the error "xr_conditions.script:520: attempt to index field 'actor' (a nil value)"
- Fixed several scenarios in case if actor attack stalkers on escape and agroprom
- Fixed task manager, added "find_item_hide" tasks for Mole
- Fixed Borov colliding with the door during blowout and in other cases
- Fixed Fox colliding with the floor during blowout
- Fixed few mistakes with smarts on swamp and forgotten
- Fixed crash with smart terrain's in case of wrong job
- Removed some unfinished garbage which could cause problems with transition weather
- Fixed bug with fake grenades in kamp's which engine couldn't proceed which turned out to serios error
- Fixed dolina and darkscape different types of bandit's outfit support for several scripts
- Fixed wrong path to models and several missing textures
- Launch speed upgrade for RPG-7 now actually works
- Fixed a lot of small to medium UI bugs across all HUD types and aspect ratios (most notable - incorrect size of player inventory in upgrade screen).
- Fixed actor alcohol camera effect always working at 100% amplitude regardless of current alcohol level
- Fixed inconsistent light levels between DX9 and DX10+ renderers
- Fixed message about game restart not showing after changing video settings that actually require restart to take effect (like SSAO, sun shafts, etc)
- Fixed not being able to enter text in savegame name textbox using system language, also prevented entering wrong symbols for file names
- r3_minmax_sm setting is now off by default - this eliminates problem when sun rays took more and more time to render the longer you play (one of several reasons of FPS drop over time)
- Multiple fixes of script schemes: xr_heli_hunter, sr_aes_deadzone, sr_cutscene, sr_postprocess, others
- Fixed gasmask scripts
- Support of assigning map spots in character desc using tag <map_spot_pointer>
- Console command for dumping all map spots iformation now available in release bins
- Console command for dumping all known info portions now available in release bins
- NPCs can now be individualy set to stand there like a rock when a blowout occurs
- New parameters for controllers:
	* PsyAura_Radius_min, PsyAura_Radius_max
	* PsyAura_Radius_max_y (controls the height of the aura)
	* aura_regular_effector_sect, aura_hit_effector_sect (they control the effects sections)
	* aura_effect_max_factor (controls strength of camera movement)
- Returned the control over the min distance, on which, controler does not do "special psy attack" and starts a melee fight "tube_min_dist"
- Added relation between Controller's distance to actor and strength of camera movement effects (passive psy attack) and also added smooth transition out of the camera effector to prevent sudden camera jumps
- Borov is now a new kind of ugly
- Added command to control "cpu waiting for gpu stage". Just for tests. "r_cpu_wait_gpu"
- Added a thread that monitors if the main engine thread is "ok" or "frozen". If it detects that the engine is stuck, it keeps saving the log until app is shut down. It should help with empty log crashes. It will allow the crash log to save even if the main thread is frozen. Will help a lot if there will be any MT works later.
- Render timing stats, console commands "rs_render_timers" and "rs_log_render_timers"
- Removed some more mp code
- New command for wire frames on all meshes "r__wireframe"
- Renamed "r4_wireframe" to "r4_tess_wireframe" for better understanding of its purpose
- Separate console command for engine timers display "rs_engine_timers"
- Hardcoded NUM5 weather reset replaced by console command "cfg_weather_restart"
- Old script safes were deleted and now are hardcoded, lock UI is in scripts
- New texture params gloss_coef[] anf gloss_offset [] for rough control of texture gloss factor.
- In-Game weather editor for configuring dynamic weathers, use the command "weather_editor" for help.
- New console command "set_weather"(replacement for old not working command)
- (r3 r4 only) Parallax offset is now working. Added separate console commands for STEEP parallax 
	r2_steep_parallax_h, r2_steep_parallax_distance, r2_steep_parallax_samples, r2_steep_parallax_samples_min. 
	Tweaked fading from steep parallax to parallax(depends from r2_steep_parallax_distance)
- Multithread optimizations - loading time reduced dramatically (MT for c-form loading and texture loading)
- Temporary compromise for sun rays on r4 (Due to complicated code, we had to restrict r4 to only use sun_quality = ultra or maximum)
- Fast aproximate anti-aliasing (FXAA) added (r3, r4 only) (Thanks to MrSwartz)
- Backbuffer count option added (single, double or triplebuffering)
- Armor on the paper doll in the inventory is now a regular icon
- lua_help and hud_adjust_mode fixed
- fire_modes can now be used by any weapon(For moders use and also fixes automatic pistol)
- New weapon params: rpm_semi (for separate semi fire rate control), rpm_no_disp (for AN-94), fire_direction_offset (for ballistics), shot_max_delay (for smoother semi-auto shooting), zoom_inertion_factor (camera sway multiplier)
- Buckshot spread is not affected by shooter's dispersion (PDM_*), only barrel dispersion (fire_dispersion_*)
- Fixed weapon param: condition_queue_shot_dec
- Ability to upgrade launch_speed for RPG-7 and RG-6 and rocket_class for RPG-7
- Enabled k_air_resistance ammo parameter (for ballistics)
- Fixed delayed weapon firing (noticable on low rpm)
- Fixed RPG-7 and RG-6 grenade fired before the firing FX sometimes
- Fixed weapon addon icons misplaced when dragging weapon from slot into inventory or other way around
- Fixed camera jumping when aiming down the iron sights and looking around
- Fixed weapons with different set of upgrades installed being stacked together
- Fixed crash when an item does not have upgrades for every single slot in XML upgrade scheme
- Fixed task objective icons not disappearing sometimes after task/objective is completed
- Fixed broken randomness in mutant parts drops (when groups of mutants are spawned at the same time, i.e. on starting new game)
- Fixed bug in CAnimatorCamLerpEffector that caused all cam effectors to ignore factor parameter and always play at 100% amplitude
- Adjusted set_ammo_elapsed scripting function to work with ammo packs as well as weapons
- Added alternative XML-based way to define character supply spawns using extended spawn settings (like type of ammo in mag, etc.) and supply templates
- Stopped NPC's from deleting ammo packs on death (scripts should take care of this instead)
- Improved handling of physical impulse to ragdolls on death of creatures
- Prevented bullets from damaging the same object twice (as result, the whole damage balance needs to be adjusted)
- Added a third comma-separated parameter to weapon hud anims - animation speed multiplier
- time_factor fixed
- Static particles fixed
- THM files will not overwrite configs in texture_specification and texture_association.ltx, if specific texture is specified there.
- Added 2 ways to make NPC immortal: "invulnerable = true" in the [logic] section or "invulnerable" XML flag in specific_character
- Enabled custom data's [spawn] section for monsters
- Rewritten logic for showing and hiding detector to make it more logical and work more like normal items
- Call of Pripyat helmets (engine work done)
- Allowed *.xdb* archives to be loaded from any folder, just like normal *.db* archives. Unlike normal archives, those are always read relative to the "gamedata" folder, so you can pack a mod, name it how you want and place in the convenient place (fsgame.ltx was also updated to add special "mods" folder that has higher priority than all normal archives, but lower than unpacked files - so you can modify the game as you expect to but still have the convenience of *.xdb packages).
- Added scripting function "alife():objects()" that allows to iterate (using simple for .. in loop) over all alife objects.
- Added scripting function "installed_scope_name" to get the section of currently installed scope.
- Partially fixed incorrect price calculation for half-empty ammo packs and non-empty weapons
- Added buy_item_condition_factor and discounts from CoP, show message explaining why item cannot be sold
- Added overloads for scripting functions "buy_supplies", "buy_condition", "sell_condition", "show_condition" that accept a Lua table instead of IniFile. This allows to dynamically customize prices and ability to trade items without changing the vanilla trading logic.
- Added overloads for "npc:buy_condition" and "npc:sell_condition" that accept boolean value and allow to change if items can be traded by default or not for this NPC (in vanilla, default behavior was to always allow trade, even when you forgot to add it in the price lists).
- Added parameters "buy_allowed" and "sell_allowed" into [trade] section of system.ltx, which allows to configure if items are allowed to be sold or bought when they are not in the price lists.
- Added new params for all items: "trade_ignore_condition", "condition_cost_koef", "condition_cost_curve" to tweak how item is traded in the game
- Added console command "reload_system_ltx" for better modding experience.
- Fixed console commands "run_string" and "run_script" to respect uppercase letters in code.
- Implemented system for upgrades that allows engine to automatically calculate property modifiers based on base property value and given multipliers. This should allow to easily mod weapon/outfit properties without worrying about upgrade inconsistency all the time. Also prevents duplicate configs.
- Outfit info now shows real outfit params after all upgrades, instead of base values all the time
- Fixed item info not being updated in the upgrade window after installing upgrade
- Added optional functor for generating item description on Lua side: ui_wpn_params.GetDescription (called for all items, not just weapons)
- Current ammo section now passed as 3rd param to original ui_wpn_params functions
- Restored r2_sun_lumscale console variable without removing sun_lumscale from weather, now both values will be multiplied 
- Restored r2_tonemap_middlegray limits to their original values [0.000, 2.000] 
- Improved EffectorZoomInertion: better configuration, smooth movement between points, smooth fade-out after stopped zooming
- Added optional second rifle slot (pistol slot remains separate; should be enabled in [actor] section and slot added in inventory UI XML) by partially porting slot-related code from CoP
- Fixed crash when using pda_skills or pda_downloads before PDA UI was initialized
- Fixed crash when using effect.finish script function
- Added optional outfit/helmet params to present bullet protection as a string (eg. armor class) instead of a number, due to complicated damage calculation for bullets that players can't easily understand
- Added console variables to enable/disable build 2218 style bloom and gloss (need new shaders to work)
- Added param "inv_draw_behind" for addons to be drawn behind weapon icon (eg. when scope is attached on the left side)
- Added params "scope_force_icon", "silencer_force_icon", "grenade_launcher_force_icon" to weapons to force engine to draw addon icon when status is not 2
- Outfit info and actor protection info panels now show actual armor values from bones_koef_protection, instead of a fake "fire_wound_immunity"
- Replaced "range_min" with "range_curve" for torches for more realistic range changes
- Added console commands "quick_save_counter" and "max_quick_saves" to control quick-save indexing
- Made upgrading of addon-related settings more simple to use (eg. no need to copy all silencer settings in upgrade section if you just need silencer_status = 2)
- Fixed description of AKMS
- Removed level changer to unfinished location "oldroad"
- Fixed the issue with doors to the Yantar bunker
- Quests from Sin are now optional
- Made harder to get into bandit's warehouse on Dark Valley
- Made impossible to steal the prison key when trader is watching
- Fixed inventory UI on 4:3 and 16:9
- Fixed artefact property icons
- Improved inventory icons
- Finished random quests texts for Shulga in the forest
- Continue to improve "Expedition" quest
- Fixed NVG crash after game load
- Added inventory weight during trade
- Fixed never ending controller sound
- Added test effect for controller on r3, r4 with disabled blur
- Fixed crash on Village location after picking up Levitron
- Limited the range of values for grass density and radius, tone mapping, sun brightness
- New console command r3_backbuffers_count, recommended value 3
- Fixed an error in state_mgr scheme
- Fixed english texts
- Fixed sunshafts on r4
- Fully implemented DX10 renderer and gamma
- Stable shaders for comfortable play
- Added parameter "Sun brightness" to Video options
- Improved weather settings
- Improved default settings after removing user.ltx
- Improved upgrades for detectors and weapon fixer prices
- Fixed bug with netpackets and safes (used to corrupt saves in Dark Escape)
- Fixed bandit base restrictor in Dark Escape (leading to crash)
- Improved AI behavior on bandit base
- The key from Strelok's hideout is now a little easier to find
- Nimble will not move back and forth under the bridge after finishing his first quest
- Fixed time_factor console command (bug with bleeding, thurst and hunger)
- Fixed full screen mode initialization for all renderers
- Reduced probability of mutant parts in corpses after their death
- Killed NPCs, mutants and random quests will be taken into account for skills "Survival", "Sniper" and "Barter"
- Made music in Sid's bunker more diverse
- Fixed crash on Yantar because of Duty soldier's story_id
- Fixed dialog when taking bad psy-helmet from Sakharov on Yantar
- Gameplay on Rostok was optimized in a way that you don't need to run to the Bar for laboratory key
- Changed the order in which gas mask is given on the same location
- Several trader fixes (phobos2077)
- Started to implement russian localization changes from REALM and senyaGTA
- Fixed errors with upgrade icon, PDA and trade in original patch (patch reuploaded)
- NImble should not go back into the dungeon...
- Expedition quest is WIP, but at least completeable
- Fixed r1 crash on Yantar (door model)
- Player will not die from hunger and thirst during sleep (will wake up instead)
- Setting r2_allow_r1_lights enabled by default
- Added postprocess for quest in Yantar
- Fixed teleport with secret cutscene to Kordon
- Added missing texts for documents on Yantar
- Proverb now can give quest after the player has taken the flashdrive
- Added the map for Sid's special mission on Kordon
- Fixed trader's stock not being updated properly (phobos2077)
- Binaries with normal gamma
- Fixed artefact "Cake"
- Configured thirst from food

Dezowave group 2014-17

Patch gotowy jest do pobrania z TORRENTA (bezpieczny z lub w czterech częściach z

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Zapomniałem już, że wysrali w bólach aktualizację... Szczerze mówiąc @sinedaking - nie mam pojęcia. Pewnie może się gryźć, ale najlepiej zrobisz, jak poczekasz na zdanie kogoś, kto testował 1.4005 ze spolszczeniem - o ile ktoś taki w ogóle się znajdzie :005:

Jeśli nie chcesz czekać, to graj po polsku na niższej wersji. Moim zdaniem zmiany względem "normalnego" LA a wersją DC są znikome lub nawet zerowe, więc siłą rzeczy w patchu nie wymyślili koła na nowo. 

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8 godzin temu, sinedaking napisał:

Pobrałem, wypakowałem i podmieniłem pliki. 

Czy problemem może być wersja 1.4005?

No kurde chyba na pewno. Przecież nie ma polonizacji do 1.4005 i jest to napisane w 1-ym poście.

Ale żeby nie trzeba powtarzać tego co stronę to macie teraz Wieeeelki napis z tą informacją. :D


Wczoraj też wyszło pierwsze dlc do LA DC.

W nim pre-patch 1.4006 :P czyli fixy na wszystko co było zwalone w questach w 1.4005 (na bank nie wszystko znaleźli i się okaże, że będziemy czekać na następne patche). Plus weapon pack bazowany na STCoP czyli będą eleganckie giwerki. Jest też kilka innych dodatków: gameplay-owy, Autumn czyli jesień w Zonie, Rosyjskie głosy, paczka podmieniająca wygląd npc.

Oczywiście nowa gra wymagana jak się wrzuci to dlc.

Wszystkie dodatki oprócz Gameplay Expansion są opcjonalne.

Link do dlc:

Dodałem też do 1-ego postu.

Poniżej changelog z tym co dodano w dlc, nie chce mi sie tłumaczyć ale chyba wszystko jasne ;)


Contains a pack of updates and unofficial addons for ultimate Lost Alpha DC experience directly from some of Dezowave developers! This includes a full STCoP-based "PRM Weapons" DLC, a Gameplay Expansion DLC, Autumn DLC, Mercs visuals replacement DLC, Russian Voice DLC (everything except Gameplay Expansion is optional). This also includes a 1.4006 pre-patch with all bug fixes for the main game that were made to this point. (Some addons contain third-party content, thus they are not official, even if developed by Dezowave members)

| Lost Alpha DC 1.4006 pre-patch |

- All fixes to quests, crashes and balance that were made since 1.4005 release


| Gameplay "DLC" |

- version: 1.0
- developed by: RastaMichael, phobos2077, Artem_killer
- compatible with: Lost Alpha 1.4005

>>> FEATURES <<<

- New inventory screen
- 3 slots for firearms: one separate slot for pistol AND two slots for "big" weapons (interchangeable, CoP-style)
- Helmets from CoP
- New outfits
- Complete re-balance of outfits and their upgrades
- Repair Kit rebalanced and allows to repair weapons using parts from compatible weapons (like AKM, AK-74, AKS-74u, etc)
- Many smaller tweaks and improvements to original game balance and gameplay
- Configs and item icons refactoring (for easier modding, not interesting for players)


| PRM Weapons "DLC" |

- version: 1.0
- developed by: Rvip74, phobos2077
- based on: STCoP Weapon Pack by Gaz1k

>>> FEATURES <<<

- Replaces models, textures, animations and sounds of all original weapons (except Magnums...)
- Integrated into LA 1.4005 weapon config format and balance
- Numerous fixes, tweaks and improvements to original STCoP weapons
- Adds some new ammo, weapons and addons (fully integrated into game world and balance)
- New weapons have new upgrade schemes
- Animation speeds tweaked to switch from main weapon to handgun faster

Uwaga: Ne instalować paczki tekstur dla npc bo kończy się to Fatal Error-em:


[error]Expression : fatal error
[error]Function : CKinematicsAnimated::Load
[error]File : ..\xrRender\SkeletonAnimated.cpp
[error]Line : 713
[error]Description : <no expression>
[error]Arguments : Can't find motion file 'actors\exoskeleton_animation_.omf'.

Remove the NPC pack 


Niedługo powinna pojawić się poprawiona wersja dlc z teksturami dla npc to dam znać.

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Pobrałem ten Extended Pack i w folderze jest plik instalacyjny i plik IsMd5.md5. Wypakowuję i klikam instalator, coś sie ładuje po czym komunikat : check a hash sums of installation files succesfully complete. it is checked files 1 of 1
Klikam ok, po czym wyskakuje mi okienko z jakimiś "krzaczkami" i instalator się zamyka. ktoś wie co jest nie tak?

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Pobieram plik ale wolno idzie ma być za godzinę i wtedy sprawdzę. Dam znać.
Witaj na forum :) 

Więc tak.
To co próbujesz instalować to tylko dodatki do moda więc trzeba najpierw pobrać 4 paczki   
lub z torrenta mod a potem dodawać to co próbujesz instalować. W pierwszym poście jest napisane:


1. Pobieramy 4 party z modem.

2. Wrzucamy je razem do jakiegoś folderu i wypakowujemy.

3. Uruchamiamy instalator uruchamiając part 1.

4. (Opcjonalne) Instalujemy sobie to co nas interesuje z DLC  Extended pack for LostAlpha DC [1.4005]

tom3kb: Do póki nie wyjdzie patch 1.4006 wskazane jest chyba instalowanie DLC bo tam są fixy do questów, nie wiem dlaczego nie wpadł nikt z moderów żeby ten pre-patch 1.4006 nie wypuścić też oddzielnie. Ewentualnie jak ktoś nie chce używać dlc to może lepiej wstrzymać się z grą.





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Witam, ostatnio powróciłem do LA w nadziei, że da się w to grać :) przeszedłem już trochę gry i natknąłem się na ten weapon pack na stronie moddb. Problem polega na tym, że instalator nie pozwala zainstalować samego moda na broń, a nie chcę instalować dodatku z fabułą by nie zaczynać znów od początku. Można gdzieś wyrwać sam mod tj weapon pack? może da się wydłubać z instalatora?

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@kfiat Npwa gra po wrzuceniu weapon packa jest konieczna bo muszą się podmienić giwerki npecom. W tym dlc nie ma nowej fabuły tylko fixy do zadań. W ogóle te dez0wave robią te mody pd paru lat a takie zjeb$& zryte mają pomysły w wypuszczaniu patchy. Chociażby wrzucanie koniecznych fixów do opcjonalnego dlc WTF zamiast wypuszczanie samego patcha. Chyba im samogon mózgi wypalił

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A czy nie było zawsze tak, że weapon pack nie wymagał nowej gry? kojarzę, że tak to działało ale mogę się mylić. Z tego wszystkiego nie zarzuciłem linka do moda

Jak im się nie podmienią giwery to nie będę marudził, byle by w sklepie coś nowego było :D Generalnie nie chcę od nowa znów grać bo 2 dni w piz@$ pójdzie.

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Tak w ogóle to wczoraj wyszła wersja 1.1 tego dlc z weapon packiem. A w nim poprawki...żartuje nowe babole i crashe gry. ;) Także jak ktoś planuje instalować to niech na moddb przegląda strony z komentarzami nr 5 i ewentualnie kolejne bo już wyszły przynajmniej 2 hotfixy, które wrzucane są w komentarze bo tam przecież najłatwiej je znaleźć :p lub niech czeka na v1.2.

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