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Last Day 1.3


Rekomendowane odpowiedzi

5 minut temu, tom3kb napisał:

Lol, robić moda i wpaść na pomysł, że dzięki niemu zostanie się milionerem

No i przy okazji nadszarpnąć reputację strony:



1 godzinę temu, cichy napisał:

na AP-PRO.RU został czasowo zawieszony

Ja bym go oddał w ręce Monolitu. Taka "naturalna" selekcja :sniperprone:

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Przetłumaczyłem(wolne tłumaczenie) - sens wpisu od redakcji - autor zarzucił dyrekcji forum, że zarabiają kasę na głupich użytkownikach i gniją (od środka, głowy), więc podkopsał na forum moda w który wszył "wirus-majner"(nie wiem co to jest ale chyba takie coś jak robak - zbiera dane lub kasę w niewielkich ilościach od każdego kto pobierze i zainstaluje moda).

Został zawieszony.

Wniosek: jak można się "mścić" na kimś kogo się nawet raz na oczy nie widziało?!(jest tu na forum paru takich "artystów" :D) - retoryczne.

Żeby mieć te w/w w tekście "bitkoiny" to podobno trzeba mieć jakiś tam adres do ich transferu.

Ta w/w odmiana paranoi prowadzi do wniosku coby się nie przejmować bo i tak nic się nie poradzi gdyż takich "mścicieli" jak Kameleon jest i będzie więcej.

I tak gra oraz wirtualni znajomi stała/stali się  sensem życia.


p.s. za tego baranka Chleb to ci punkt in plus podkopsałem, wynika z tej animacji, że barany można golić nie tylko od głowy ;):D

p.s. 2 co do wydania w ręce Monolitu to bym kwit dla nas Najmusów wystawił na niego, niech se potem robią z nim co chcą - ale jak zapłacą za zlecenie.

Edytowane przez vidkunsen
  • Super 1
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Kiedyś jak robiłem kampanie do army 2 to miałem na kompie jakiegoś pierdołowatego wirusa nic tam groźnego ale przegapiłem. Jak ją wysłałem na armaholic to mi admini dali cynk, że pliki zainfekowane. Ale tam to zanim dodadzą coś do swojego downloadu i zrobią newsa na stronie to sprawdzają co się wysyła. A widzę u towarzyszy wolna amerykanka, twój temat na stronie to sobie robisz co chcesz ;)

@vidkunsen ten majner czyli kopacz to używa twpjego kompa, jego mocy obluczeniowej do kopania bitcoinów czyli takiej wirtualnej waluty.

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Na razie proponowałbym nie ściągać w ogóle tej modyfikacji (żadnej wersji, licho wie gdzie ci "górnicy" są jeszcze ukryci, jeśli nawet na nie sprawdzają plików). @cichy dodaj proszę stosowną notkę w #1.

A jeśli już się ściągnęło, to proponuję dokładnie przeskanować komputer (w szczególności zwrócić uwagę na procesy z miner w nazwie) i zwrócić uwagę na zwiększoną "aktywność" karty graficznej.

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Dałem w #1 poście ostrzeżenie. U mnie poszedł mod w kosz - TAK SIĘ NIE ROBI JAK POSTAPIŁ AUTOR MODA !!! Nie po to wydaję tysiące złotych na sprzęt, żeby bez mojej zgody ktoś eksploatował go. Tyle co o tym dziadostwie myślę.

PS. 1 Bitcoin stoi niemal 60 tysięcy złotych.... - sprostowałem wartość po uwadze @apg2312  z poniższego postu.

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A ja bym temat zamknął w piguły i ukrył linki do pobrania, bo ludzie lubią "przeoczyć" takie wielkie, czerwone litery ostrzegające przed czymś, a potem pretensje będą do nas. I poczekać na wyjaśnienie...

... chociaż z drugiej strony: ktoś będzie chciał w to grać po takiej akcji? 

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  • apg2312 zablokował(a) ten temat
  • 3 tygodnie później...


Otóz dziś zdecydowałem się na pobranie i odpalenie S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Last Day - version 1.3 + patch z ModDB i w momencie w którym chcę rozpocząć dialog z naszym kochanym handlarzem Sidem gra się wykrzacza z takim oto logiem.


[error]Expression : no_assert
[error]Function : CXML_IdToIndex<class CPhraseDialog>::GetById
[error]File : E:\X-ray 1.6 COM\1.4.22\src\xrServerEntities\xml_str_id_loader.h
[error]Line : 112
[error]Description : item not found, id
[error]Arguments : devushka_3_quest

stack trace:

0023:00773813 xrCore.dll, xrDebug::fail()
0023:05532B5A xrGame.dll, CDialogHolder::UseIndicators()
0023:055335E4 xrGame.dll, CDialogHolder::UseIndicators()
0023:05532F91 xrGame.dll, CDialogHolder::UseIndicators()
0023:05534668 xrGame.dll, CDialogHolder::UseIndicators()
0023:052C635C xrGame.dll, CDialogHolder::operator=()
0023:056A9C3A xrGame.dll, CDialogHolder::TopInputReceiver()
0023:056A9DF0 xrGame.dll, CDialogHolder::TopInputReceiver()
0023:056A9ED3 xrGame.dll, CDialogHolder::TopInputReceiver()
0023:056A8E03 xrGame.dll, CDialogHolder::TopInputReceiver()
0023:056A94AF xrGame.dll, CDialogHolder::TopInputReceiver()
0023:056A94CF xrGame.dll, CDialogHolder::TopInputReceiver()
0023:056A8F12 xrGame.dll, CDialogHolder::TopInputReceiver()
0023:056A932A xrGame.dll, CDialogHolder::TopInputReceiver()
0023:0561A3C6 xrGame.dll, CDialogHolder::AddDialogToRender()
0023:0561AB81 xrGame.dll, CDialogHolder::StartMenu()
0023:0561AB35 xrGame.dll, CDialogHolder::StartDialog()
0023:0564F8CA xrGame.dll, CDialogHolder::TopInputReceiver()
0023:0562392D xrGame.dll, CDialogHolder::TopInputReceiver()
0023:052C6201 xrGame.dll, CDialogHolder::operator=()
0023:052C6297 xrGame.dll, CDialogHolder::operator=()
0023:052C344F xrGame.dll, CDialogHolder::operator=()
0023:77D9A8D7 ntdll.dll, RtlDetermineDosPathNameType_U()
0023:74253BC3 MSVCR120.dll, _uncaught_exception()
0023:74253DAE MSVCR120.dll, _uncaught_exception()
0023:007759F8 xrCore.dll, xrCriticalSection::Leave()
0023:74253551 MSVCR120.dll, wsetlocale()
0023:0075D7CA xrCore.dll, CLocatorAPI::file_find_it()
0023:742DE6CB MSVCR120.dll, get_unexpected()
0023:742DEA53 MSVCR120.dll, _RTDynamicCast()
0023:052C6026 xrGame.dll, CDialogHolder::operator=()
0023:054CAF9F xrGame.dll, CDialogHolder::UseIndicators()
0023:03978B0E xrRender_R2.dll
0023:03978D89 xrRender_R2.dll
0023:03978DCA xrRender_R2.dll

Więc mam pytanie. Co go powoduje i jak to naprawić?

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  • cichy odblokował(a) ten temat

Postanowiłem otworzyć temat, pomimo nieetycznego zachowania Autora, Mam nadzieję, że MODDB jest na tyle solidnym portalem, że sprawdza podawane przez siebie linki.

NAJNOWSZA WERSJA MODA Z MODDB LINK v.1.3.4:łem i sprawdziłem powyższe problemy - jak napisał przedmówca - możliwe, ze był błąd w pobieraniu, bo nikt takich problemów nie zgłaszał. Po "postawieniu" gry mogę napisać, że problemu nie zauważyłem - patrz screeny niżej:


ss_cichy_01-29-18_11-58-32_(l01_escape).jpg ss_cichy_01-29-18_11-58-49_(l01_escape).jpg ss_cichy_01-29-18_11-58-54_(l01_escape).jpg

ss_cichy_01-29-18_11-58-59_(l01_escape).jpg ss_cichy_01-29-18_11-59-24_(l01_escape).jpg ss_cichy_01-29-18_11-59-31_(l01_escape).jpg



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  • 1 rok później...
W dniu 29.11.2019 o 10:21, tom3kb napisał:


Chyba, że coś z loga podasz co może naprowadzić.


To pierwszy


* Detected CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-5200U CPU @ 2.20GHz [GenuineIntel], F6/M13/S4, 2195.00 mhz, 28-clk 'rdtsc'
* CPU features: RDTSC, MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, HTT
* CPU cores/threads: 2/4

Initializing File System...
using fs-ltx fsgame.ltx
FS: 61646 files cached 127 archives, 10990Kb memory used.
Init FileSystem 2.421087 sec
'xrCore' build 6532, Dec 24 2016

EH: 7C8194B1D3B7FC27EF8AB759C034CAC7

-----loading c:\users\admin\desktop\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. last day 1.3\gamedata\configs\system.ltx
-----loading c:\users\admin\desktop\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. last day 1.3\gamedata\configs\system.ltx
Initializing Engine...
Starting INPUT device...
Loading DLL: xrRender_R2.dll
Loading DLL: xrRender_R3.dll
refCount:m_pAdapter 1
Loading DLL: xrRender_R4.dll
command line 
Executing config-script "user.ltx"...
[appdata\user.ltx] successfully loaded.
Loading DLL: xrRender_R1.dll
Loading DLL: xrGame.dll
* [win32]: free[4008212 K], reserved[78180 K], committed[107848 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[0 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[31060 K], game lua[0 K], render[0 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[35012 K], smem[0 K]
SOUND: OpenAL: enumerate devices...
SOUND: OpenAL: EnumerationExtension Present
dir[0]=C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Last Day 1.3\bin\
dir[1]=C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Last Day 1.3\
dir[2]=C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Last Day 1.3\bin\
CleanDeviceSpecifierList OpenAL Soft
devices OpenAL Soft
SOUND: OpenAL: system  default SndDevice name is Generic Hardware
SOUND: OpenAL: default SndDevice name set to Generic Software
SOUND: OpenAL: All available devices:
1. OpenAL Soft, Spec Version 1.1  eax[0] efx[no] xram[no]
2. Generic Software, Spec Version 1.1 (default) eax[0] efx[no] xram[no]
3. Generic Software, Spec Version 1.1 (default) eax[0] efx[no] xram[no]
Executing config-script "c:\users\admin\desktop\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. last day 1.3\gamedata\configs\default_controls.ltx"...
[c:\users\admin\desktop\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. last day 1.3\gamedata\configs\default_controls.ltx] successfully loaded.
Executing config-script "user.ltx"...
Executing config-script "c:\users\admin\desktop\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. last day 1.3\gamedata\configs\rspec_default.ltx"...
! Unknown command:  r2_sun_far
[c:\users\admin\desktop\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. last day 1.3\gamedata\configs\rspec_default.ltx] successfully loaded.
Executing config-script "c:\users\admin\desktop\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. last day 1.3\gamedata\configs\default_controls.ltx"...
[c:\users\admin\desktop\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. last day 1.3\gamedata\configs\default_controls.ltx] successfully loaded.
~ Invalid syntax in call to 'r2_aa_break'
~ Valid arguments: vector3 in range [0.000000e+000,0.000000e+000,0.000000e+000]-[1.000000e+000,1.000000e+000,1.000000e+000]
~ Invalid syntax in call to 'r2_aa_weight'
~ Valid arguments: vector3 in range [0.000000e+000,0.000000e+000,0.000000e+000]-[1.000000e+000,1.000000e+000,1.000000e+000]
~ Invalid syntax in call to 'sv_adm_menu_ban_time'
~ Valid arguments: ui_mp_am_10_minutes/ui_mp_am_30_minutes/ui_mp_am_1_hour/ui_mp_am_6_hours/ui_mp_am_1_day/ui_mp_am_1_week/ui_mp_am_1_month/ui_mp_am_3_monthes/ui_mp_am_forever
[appdata\user.ltx] successfully loaded.
SOUND: Selected device is Generic Software
* sound: EAX 2.0 extension: absent
* sound: EAX 2.0 deferred: absent
* sound : cache: 65537 kb, 4856 lines, 13820 bpl
! sound: OpenAL: Can't create source. Error: Invalid Value.
! SOUND: OpenAL: Max targets -  256
Starting RENDER device...
* GPU [vendor:8086]-[device:1616]: Intel(R) HD Graphics 5500
* GPU driver:
* CREATE: DeviceREF: 1
* Vertex Processor: PURE HARDWARE
*     Texture memory: 4084 M
*          DDI-level: 9.0
* GPU shading: vs(fffe0300/3.0/30), ps(ffff0300/3.0/30)
* GPU vertex cache: recognized, 32
* NVAPI is missing.
* Starting rendering as 2-GPU.
* DVB created: 1536K
* DIB created: 512K
* distortion: used, dev(30),need(14)
* color_mapping: used, dev(30),need(14)
* SSample: 1366x768
compiling shader postprocess
compiling shader postprocess_d
compiling shader postprocess_cm_pre
* SSample: enabled
compiling shader particle_distort
compiling shader particle
compiling shader particle
- r__tf_aniso 5
- r1_tf_mipbias 0.
compiling shader simple_color
compiling shader portal
compiling shader editor
compiling shader sky2
compiling shader sky2
compiling shader clouds
compiling shader clouds
Starting engine...
compiling shader hud_font
Loading DLL: xrGameSpy.dll
intro_start intro_logo
intro_delete ::update_logo_intro
* [win32]: free[3744796 K], reserved[130496 K], committed[318948 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[16 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[147007 K], game lua[2075 K], render[158 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[35632 K], smem[0 K]
*  0.0 : [  55] $null
*  0.0 : [   2] $user$cmap0
*  0.0 : [   2] $user$cmap1
*  0.0 : [   3] $user$distort
*  0.0 : [   6] $user$rendertarget
*  0.0 : [   5] $user$rendertarget_color_map
*  0.0 : [   1] $user$sky0
*  0.0 : [   1] $user$sky1
*  0.0 : [   1] $user$tonemap
*  0.0 : [   1] act\act_controller_hit
*  0.0 : [   1] act\act_controller_hit1
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\anomaly\electric_radial
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\explosions\boom_0
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\explosions\boom_1
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\explosions\boom_2
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\explosions\decal_concrete
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\explosions\explo_end
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\explosions\explosion_dynamite\explosion_din
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\explosions\explosion_dynamite\flashlight
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\explosions\explosion_dynamite\smoke
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\explosions\explosion_flash_atlas
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\explosions\explosion_fuelcan\boom_1
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\explosions\explosion_fuelcan\boom_3
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\explosions\explosion_fuelcan\grey_xpl
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\explosions\explosion_smoke03
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\explosions\final_expl
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\explosions\smoke_cannon
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\hit_fx\water_splash\water_splash_anim
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\hit_fx\water_splash\water_spurt
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\nature\list
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\nature\stonedebris1
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\nature\wood_part
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\static\gas_light\flame_zippo
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\00
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\12x70
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\6ways1
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\6ways2
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\9x39
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\btr\muzzle 6ways1
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\btr\muzzle 6ways2
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\dtk_2
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\dtk_3
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\dtk_4
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\dtk_4_1
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\dtk_5
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\dtk_6
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\dtk_8
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\flameshoot_1
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\flameshoot_2
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\flameshoot_3
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\flameshoot_4
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\flameshoot_5
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\mg42out
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\trace
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\trace_01
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\trail
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\flash_01
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\flash_02
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\flash_04
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\flash_05
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\357mag
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\45
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\50_ae
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\5x45x39
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\5x45x39_00
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\5x45x39_01
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\5x56x45
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\5x56x45_00
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\5x7x28
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\6x5x50
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x25_0
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x25_1
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x25_2
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x25_3
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x25_4
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x39_00
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x39_01
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x39_02
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x39_03
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x51_1
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x51_2
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x54
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x7x57
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x92x57
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\9x18_1
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\9x18_2
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\9x18_3
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\9x39
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\mg42out
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\shells_12x70
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\shells_ak
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\shells_ak_01
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\smokeshoot_0
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\smokeshoot_1
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\trace
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\trace_01
*  0.0 : [   1] fx\fx_flare1
*  0.0 : [   1] fx\fx_flare2
*  0.0 : [   1] fx\fx_flare3
*  0.0 : [   1] fx\fx_gradient
*  0.0 : [   1] fx\fx_gradient1
*  0.0 : [   1] fx\fx_lightning
*  0.0 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_1
*  0.0 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_2
*  0.0 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_3
*  0.0 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_4
*  0.0 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_5
*  0.0 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_6
*  0.0 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_7
*  0.0 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_phase_1
*  0.0 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_phase_2
*  0.0 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_phase_3
*  0.0 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_phase_4
*  0.0 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_phase_5
*  0.0 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_phase_6
*  0.0 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_phase_7
*  0.0 : [   1] fx\fx_rain
*  0.0 : [   1] fx\fx_rainsplash1
*  0.0 : [   1] fx\fx_sun
*  0.0 : [   1] fx\fx_sun_fog
*  0.0 : [   1] fx\fx_sun_gradient
*  0.0 : [   1] fx\fx_sun_halo
*  0.0 : [   1] fx\fx_sun_morning
*  0.0 : [   1] fx\fx_sun_rise
*  0.0 : [   1] fx\fx_thunderbolts_gradient
*  0.0 : [   1] fx\fx_thunderbolts_gradient_surge
*  0.0 : [   1] fx\fx_volumefog1
*  0.0 : [   1] glow\glow_04
*  0.0 : [   1] glow\glow_anamorphic
*  0.0 : [   1] glow\glow_blue
*  0.0 : [   1] glow\glow_fire1
*  0.0 : [   1] glow\glow_fire1_soc
*  0.0 : [   1] glow\glow_orange
*  0.0 : [   1] glow\glow_orange2
*  0.0 : [   1] glow\glow_orange_bright
*  0.0 : [   1] glow\glow_rays
*  0.0 : [   1] glow\glow_white
*  0.0 : [   1] glow\glow_yellow
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_ani-explosion-02
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_ani-explosion-02-b-a
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_ani-explosion-02a
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_ani-fire01
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_ani-smoke-01
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_1
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_16
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_17
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_18
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_19
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_2
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_21
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_23
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_2_green
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_3
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_4
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_5
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_6
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_7
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_8
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_88
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_9
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_bloodsplash1
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_bloodsplash2
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_blurry_cloud
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_brick
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_bubble
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_bubble_1
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_bubble_water
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_cc_lighting_grad2
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_cc_lightings
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_concretedebris_01
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_concretepuffs_01
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist2
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist2inv
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist3
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist4
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist7
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist8
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist9
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist_lens_base
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist_teleport
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_distort_anomaly
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_distortion
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_electrostatic
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_expl_01
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_explotions_2
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_explotions_3
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_explotions_4
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_explotions_smoke
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_explotions_smoke_benzine
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flame
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flame_01
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flamefx_01
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flash_01
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flash_02
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flash_05
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flash_07
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flash_08
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_g-smoke-01
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_gologramma
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_gradient
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_gradient1
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_leaves_01
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_leaves_02
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_light
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_light1
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_light3
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_light4
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_lighting_stancia_01
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_lighting_stancia_02
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_lightning_01
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_lightning_02
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_ligth_6
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_plasma
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_shells1
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_shells2
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_shells_green
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_shells_pisto1
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_shells_pistol
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_skinsplash1
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_smoke_a
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_smoke_b
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_smokepuffs1
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_smokepuffs2
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_spark_01
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_spark_02
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_sparks
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_sparks1
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_sparks2
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_specks
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_specks_poison
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_spikey_star
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_splash3
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_splash_01
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_splash_02
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_step_blood
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_stonedebris1
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_stonedebris2
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_synus
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_teleport
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_test_textures
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_vehglassdebris_01
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_vehmetaldebris_01
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_water_wave
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_woodchips1
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_woodchips3
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\12ga
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\45acp
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\545x39
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\556x45
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\762x39
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\762x51
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\762x54
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\9x18
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\9x19
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\9x39
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\fake_shells
*  0.0 : [   1] prop\prop_fake_bed_fireplace
*  0.0 : [   1] prop\prop_provod_02
*  0.0 : [   1] shoker_mod\explosions\explosion_smoke01
*  0.0 : [   1] shoker_mod\explosions\final_expl
*  0.0 : [   1] shoker_mod\explosions\firesmokeparticle
*  0.0 : [   1] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_ak_shells_1
*  0.0 : [   1] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_shells1
*  0.0 : [   1] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_shells2
*  0.0 : [   1] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_shells3
*  0.0 : [   1] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_smoke_1
*  0.0 : [  14] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_1
*  0.0 : [  14] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_1#small
*  0.0 : [  40] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_2
*  0.0 : [  40] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_2#small
*  0.0 : [  18] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_3
*  0.0 : [  18] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_3#small
*  0.0 : [  14] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_5
*  0.0 : [  14] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_5#small
*  0.0 : [  40] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_1
*  0.0 : [  40] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_1#small
*  0.0 : [  24] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_2
*  0.0 : [  24] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_2#small
*  0.0 : [  36] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_3
*  0.0 : [  36] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_3#small
*  0.0 : [  32] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_4
*  0.0 : [  32] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_4#small
*  0.0 : [  32] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_5
*  0.0 : [  32] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_5#small
*  0.0 : [   6] sky\af3_blowout\blowout1
*  0.0 : [   6] sky\af3_blowout\blowout1#small
*  0.0 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout1_1
*  0.0 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout1_1#small
*  0.0 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout2
*  0.0 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout2#small
*  0.0 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout2_night
*  0.0 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout2_night#small
*  0.0 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3
*  0.0 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3#small
*  0.0 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_1
*  0.0 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_1#small
*  0.0 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_1_night
*  0.0 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_1_night#small
*  0.0 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_2
*  0.0 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_2#small
*  0.0 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_2_night
*  0.0 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_2_night#small
*  0.0 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_3
*  0.0 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_3#small
*  0.0 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_3_night
*  0.0 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_3_night#small
*  0.0 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_night
*  0.0 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_night#small
*  0.0 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4
*  0.0 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4#small
*  0.0 : [   3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_1
*  0.0 : [   3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_1#small
*  0.0 : [   3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_1_night
*  0.0 : [   3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_1_night#small
*  0.0 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_night
*  0.0 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_night#small
*  0.0 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5
*  0.0 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5#small
*  0.0 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5_night
*  0.0 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5_night#small
*  0.0 : [   7] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5psi
*  0.0 : [   7] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5psi#small
*  0.0 : [   7] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5psi_night
*  0.0 : [   7] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5psi_night#small
*  0.0 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout6
*  0.0 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout6#small
*  0.0 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout6_night
*  0.0 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout6_night#small
*  0.0 : [   3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout7
*  0.0 : [   3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout7#small
*  0.0 : [   4] sky\af3_blowout\blowout7_night
*  0.0 : [   4] sky\af3_blowout\blowout7_night#small
*  0.0 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\00-00-fm
*  0.0 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\00-00-fm#small
*  0.0 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\00-00-hm
*  0.0 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\00-00-hm#small
*  0.0 : [  25] sky\af3_clear\00-00-nm
*  0.0 : [  25] sky\af3_clear\00-00-nm#small
*  0.0 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\01-00-fm
*  0.0 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\01-00-fm#small
*  0.0 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\01-00-hm
*  0.0 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\01-00-hm#small
*  0.0 : [  37] sky\af3_clear\01-00-nm
*  0.0 : [  37] sky\af3_clear\01-00-nm#small
*  0.0 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\02-00-fm
*  0.0 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\02-00-fm#small
*  0.0 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\02-00-hm
*  0.0 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\02-00-hm#small
*  0.0 : [  25] sky\af3_clear\02-00-nm
*  0.0 : [  25] sky\af3_clear\02-00-nm#small
*  0.0 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\03-00-fm
*  0.0 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\03-00-fm#small
*  0.0 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\03-00-hm
*  0.0 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\03-00-hm#small
*  0.0 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\04-00-fm
*  0.0 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\04-00-fm#small
*  0.0 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\04-00-hm
*  0.0 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\04-00-hm#small
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\04-30
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\04-30#small
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\05-00
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\05-00#small
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\05-30
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\05-30#small
*  0.0 : [  66] sky\af3_clear\06-00
*  0.0 : [  66] sky\af3_clear\06-00#small
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\07-00
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\07-00#small
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\08-00
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\08-00#small
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\09-00
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\09-00#small
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\10-00
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\10-00#small
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\11-00
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\11-00#small
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\12-00
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\12-00#small
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\13-00
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\13-00#small
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\14-00
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\14-00#small
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\15-00
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\15-00#small
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\16-00
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\16-00#small
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\17-00
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\17-00#small
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\18-00
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\18-00#small
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\19-00
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\19-00#small
*  0.0 : [  66] sky\af3_clear\20-00
*  0.0 : [  66] sky\af3_clear\20-00#small
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\20-30
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\20-30#small
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\21-00
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\21-00#small
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\21-30
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\21-30#small
*  0.0 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\22-00-fm
*  0.0 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\22-00-fm#small
*  0.0 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\22-00-hm
*  0.0 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\22-00-hm#small
*  0.0 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\23-00-fm
*  0.0 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\23-00-fm#small
*  0.0 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\23-00-hm
*  0.0 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\23-00-hm#small
*  0.0 : [   6] sky\af3_cloudy\05-00
*  0.0 : [   6] sky\af3_cloudy\05-00#small
*  0.0 : [  12] sky\af3_cloudy\06-00
*  0.0 : [  12] sky\af3_cloudy\06-00#small
*  0.0 : [  11] sky\af3_cloudy\07-00
*  0.0 : [  11] sky\af3_cloudy\07-00#small
*  0.0 : [  19] sky\af3_cloudy\08-00
*  0.0 : [  19] sky\af3_cloudy\08-00#small
*  0.0 : [  24] sky\af3_cloudy\09-00
*  0.0 : [  24] sky\af3_cloudy\09-00#small
*  0.0 : [  12] sky\af3_cloudy\10-00
*  0.0 : [  12] sky\af3_cloudy\10-00#small
*  0.0 : [  12] sky\af3_cloudy\11-00
*  0.0 : [  12] sky\af3_cloudy\11-00#small
*  0.0 : [  19] sky\af3_cloudy\12-00
*  0.0 : [  19] sky\af3_cloudy\12-00#small
*  0.0 : [  11] sky\af3_cloudy\13-00
*  0.0 : [  11] sky\af3_cloudy\13-00#small
*  0.0 : [  38] sky\af3_cloudy\14-00
*  0.0 : [  38] sky\af3_cloudy\14-00#small
*  0.0 : [  29] sky\af3_cloudy\15-00
*  0.0 : [  29] sky\af3_cloudy\15-00#small
*  0.0 : [  11] sky\af3_cloudy\16-00
*  0.0 : [  11] sky\af3_cloudy\16-00#small
*  0.0 : [  19] sky\af3_cloudy\17-00
*  0.0 : [  19] sky\af3_cloudy\17-00#small
*  0.0 : [  22] sky\af3_cloudy\18-00
*  0.0 : [  22] sky\af3_cloudy\18-00#small
*  0.0 : [   6] sky\af3_cloudy\19-00
*  0.0 : [   6] sky\af3_cloudy\19-00#small
*  0.0 : [  12] sky\af3_cloudy\20-00
*  0.0 : [  12] sky\af3_cloudy\20-00#small
*  0.0 : [  16] sky\af3_foggy\06-00
*  0.0 : [  16] sky\af3_foggy\06-00#small
*  0.0 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\07-00
*  0.0 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\07-00#small
*  0.0 : [  19] sky\af3_foggy\09-00
*  0.0 : [  19] sky\af3_foggy\09-00#small
*  0.0 : [  40] sky\af3_foggy\10-00
*  0.0 : [  40] sky\af3_foggy\10-00#small
*  0.0 : [  10] sky\af3_foggy\11-00
*  0.0 : [  10] sky\af3_foggy\11-00#small
*  0.0 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\12-00
*  0.0 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\12-00#small
*  0.0 : [  27] sky\af3_foggy\13-00
*  0.0 : [  27] sky\af3_foggy\13-00#small
*  0.0 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\14-00
*  0.0 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\14-00#small
*  0.0 : [  19] sky\af3_foggy\15-00
*  0.0 : [  19] sky\af3_foggy\15-00#small
*  0.0 : [  19] sky\af3_foggy\16-00
*  0.0 : [  19] sky\af3_foggy\16-00#small
*  0.0 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\17-00
*  0.0 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\17-00#small
*  0.0 : [  19] sky\af3_foggy\18-00
*  0.0 : [  19] sky\af3_foggy\18-00#small
*  0.0 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\19-00
*  0.0 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\19-00#small
*  0.0 : [  22] sky\af3_foggy\20-00
*  0.0 : [  22] sky\af3_foggy\20-00#small
*  0.0 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\00-00-fm
*  0.0 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\00-00-fm#small
*  0.0 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\00-00-hm
*  0.0 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\00-00-hm#small
*  0.0 : [  25] sky\af3_partly\00-00-nm
*  0.0 : [  25] sky\af3_partly\00-00-nm#small
*  0.0 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\01-00-fm
*  0.0 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\01-00-fm#small
*  0.0 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\01-00-hm
*  0.0 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\01-00-hm#small
*  0.0 : [  38] sky\af3_partly\01-00-nm
*  0.0 : [  38] sky\af3_partly\01-00-nm#small
*  0.0 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\02-00-fm
*  0.0 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\02-00-fm#small
*  0.0 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\02-00-hm
*  0.0 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\02-00-hm#small
*  0.0 : [  24] sky\af3_partly\02-00-nm
*  0.0 : [  24] sky\af3_partly\02-00-nm#small
*  0.0 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\03-00-fm
*  0.0 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\03-00-fm#small
*  0.0 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\03-00-hm
*  0.0 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\03-00-hm#small
*  0.0 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\04-00-fm
*  0.0 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\04-00-fm#small
*  0.0 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\04-00-hm
*  0.0 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\04-00-hm#small
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\04-30
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\04-30#small
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\05-00
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\05-00#small
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\05-30
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\05-30#small
*  0.0 : [  66] sky\af3_partly\06-00
*  0.0 : [  66] sky\af3_partly\06-00#small
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\07-00
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\07-00#small
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\08-00
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\08-00#small
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\09-00
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\09-00#small
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\10-00
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\10-00#small
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\11-00
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\11-00#small
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\12-00
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\12-00#small
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\13-00
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\13-00#small
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\14-00
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\14-00#small
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\15-00
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\15-00#small
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\16-00
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\16-00#small
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\17-00
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\17-00#small
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\18-00
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\18-00#small
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\19-00
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\19-00#small
*  0.0 : [  66] sky\af3_partly\20-00
*  0.0 : [  66] sky\af3_partly\20-00#small
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\20-30
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\20-30#small
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\21-00
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\21-00#small
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\21-30
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\21-30#small
*  0.0 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\22-00-fm
*  0.0 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\22-00-fm#small
*  0.0 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\22-00-hm
*  0.0 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\22-00-hm#small
*  0.0 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\23-00-fm
*  0.0 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\23-00-fm#small
*  0.0 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\23-00-hm
*  0.0 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\23-00-hm#small
*  0.0 : [  26] sky\af3_rainy\07-00
*  0.0 : [  26] sky\af3_rainy\07-00#small
*  0.0 : [  30] sky\af3_rainy\09-00_19-00
*  0.0 : [  30] sky\af3_rainy\09-00_19-00#small
*  0.0 : [  58] sky\af3_rainy\13-00
*  0.0 : [  58] sky\af3_rainy\13-00#small
*  0.0 : [  24] sky\af3_rainy\15-00
*  0.0 : [  24] sky\af3_rainy\15-00#small
*  0.0 : [  31] sky\af3_rainy\15-00-2
*  0.0 : [  31] sky\af3_rainy\15-00-2#small
*  0.0 : [  44] sky\af3_rainy\16-00
*  0.0 : [  44] sky\af3_rainy\16-00#small
*  0.0 : [  32] sky\af3_rainy\20-00
*  0.0 : [  32] sky\af3_rainy\20-00#small
*  0.0 : [   5] sky\sky_12_vibros_cube
*  0.0 : [   5] sky\sky_12_vibros_cube#small
*  0.0 : [  26] sky\sky_13_cube
*  0.0 : [  26] sky\sky_13_cube#small
*  0.0 : [  16] sky\sky_13_cube_night
*  0.0 : [  16] sky\sky_13_cube_night#small
*  0.0 : [  12] sky\sky_13_vibros_cube
*  0.0 : [  12] sky\sky_13_vibros_cube#small
*  0.0 : [  10] sky\sky_14_cube
*  0.0 : [  10] sky\sky_14_cube#small
*  0.0 : [   4] sky\sky_17_clouds_cube
*  0.0 : [   4] sky\sky_17_clouds_cube#small
*  0.0 : [   4] sky\sky_17_cube
*  0.0 : [   4] sky\sky_17_cube#small
*  0.0 : [   8] sky\sky_18_cube
*  0.0 : [   8] sky\sky_18_cube#small
*  0.0 : [  11] sky\sky_19_cube
*  0.0 : [  11] sky\sky_19_cube#small
*  0.0 : [   4] sky\sky_1_clouds_cube
*  0.0 : [   4] sky\sky_1_clouds_cube#small
*  0.0 : [   4] sky\sky_20_clouds_cube
*  0.0 : [   4] sky\sky_20_clouds_cube#small
*  0.0 : [   4] sky\sky_20_cube
*  0.0 : [   4] sky\sky_20_cube#small
*  0.0 : [   4] sky\sky_2_clouds_cube
*  0.0 : [   4] sky\sky_2_clouds_cube#small
*  0.0 : [   4] sky\sky_2_cube
*  0.0 : [   4] sky\sky_2_cube#small
*  0.0 : [  12] sky\sky_3_cube
*  0.0 : [  12] sky\sky_3_cube#small
*  0.0 : [   3] sky\sky_4_cube
*  0.0 : [   3] sky\sky_4_cube#small
*  0.0 : [  30] sky\sky_5_cube
*  0.0 : [  30] sky\sky_5_cube#small
*  0.0 : [   7] sky\sky_6_cube
*  0.0 : [   7] sky\sky_6_cube#small
*  0.0 : [  11] sky\sky_7_cube
*  0.0 : [  11] sky\sky_7_cube#small
*  0.0 : [   8] sky\sky_8_cube
*  0.0 : [   8] sky\sky_8_cube#small
*  0.0 : [  49] sky\sky_9_cube
*  0.0 : [  49] sky\sky_9_cube#small
*  0.0 : [3269] sky\sky_oblaka
*  0.0 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_multiplayer_game_menu
*  0.0 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_sleep_screen
*  0.0 : [   1] ui\ui_common
*  0.0 : [   1] ui\ui_fog_of_war
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_1
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_1_1
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_1_2
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_1_3
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_drop_4
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_asfalt_1
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_asfalt_2
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_asfalt_3
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_brick_1
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_brick_2
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_1
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_2
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_4
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_5
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_6
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_7
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_glass01
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_glass02
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_glass03
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_glass04
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_ground
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_ground_1
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_ground_2
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik_1
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik_2
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik_3
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_1
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_2
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_3
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_4
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_1
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_2
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_3
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_4
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_5
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_6
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_7
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_8
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_9
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_grenade
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_dead
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_horiz
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_blood
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_blood1
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_metal
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_ston
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_wood
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_wood1
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_wood2
* 10.7 : [   4] fx\fx_noise2
* 16.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_arial_14_1024
* 16.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_hud_01
* 32.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_letter_16_1024
* 32.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_letter_18_1024
* 32.1 : [   1] ui\ui_magnifier2
* 33.0 : [   1] ui\ui_ani_cursor
* 64.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_console_02
* 64.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_graff_19_1024
* 64.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_graff_22_1024
* 64.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_hud_02
* 128.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_graff_32_1024
* 128.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_letter_25_1024
* 256.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_graff_50_1024
* 4096.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_main_menu
compiling shader model_def_hq
compiling shader model_def_hq_4
compiling shader model_def_lq
compiling shader model_def_lq_4
compiling shader add_point
compiling shader model_def_point_4
compiling shader add_spot
compiling shader model_def_spot_4
compiling shader model_shadow
compiling shader model_def_shadow_4
"c:\users\admin\desktop\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. last day 1.3\bin\xrengine.exe" 
* phase time: 0 ms
* phase cmem: 169334 K
Loading objects...
compiling shader model_def_hq_0
compiling shader model_def_lq_0
compiling shader model_def_point_0
compiling shader model_def_spot_0
compiling shader model_def_shadow_0
compiling shader model_env_hq
compiling shader model_env_hq_0
compiling shader model_env_lq
compiling shader model_env_lq_0
compiling shader model_def_hq_1
compiling shader model_def_lq_1
compiling shader model_def_point_1
compiling shader model_def_spot_1
compiling shader model_def_shadow_1
compiling shader model_env_hq_1
compiling shader model_env_lq_1
compiling shader simple
compiling shader model_def_lqs_0
compiling shader model_env_hq_2
compiling shader model_env_lq_2
compiling shader model_def_point_2
compiling shader model_def_spot_2
compiling shader model_def_shadow_2
Loading models...
* [prefetch] time:   2154 ms
* [prefetch] memory: 355831Kb
Call of Chernobyl version 1.4.22
using marshal library
* sound : cache: 65537 kb, 4856 lines, 13820 bpl
* phase time: 3722 ms
* phase cmem: 535442 K
* phase time: 9 ms
* phase cmem: 535442 K
* Loading spawn registry...
* 18652 spawn points are successfully loaded
* Loading objects...
* 36885 objects are successfully loaded
* Game admin - quicksave5 is successfully loaded from file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave5.scop' (1.663s)
* phase time: 1661 ms
* phase cmem: 610215 K
* phase time: 20 ms
* phase cmem: 610763 K
* phase time: 14 ms
* phase cmem: 610768 K
* WARNING: player not logged in
* client : connection accepted - <All Ok>
* phase time: 15 ms
* phase cmem: 610800 K
* phase time: 22 ms
* phase cmem: 616263 K
* phase time: 2578 ms
* phase cmem: 686253 K
compiling shader vert
compiling shader vert
compiling shader vert_point
compiling shader vert_spot
compiling shader vert_l
compiling shader vert_l
compiling shader simple
compiling shader simple_point
compiling shader simple_spot
compiling shader base_lplanes
compiling shader base_lplanes
compiling shader water
compiling shader water
compiling shader waterd
compiling shader waterd
compiling shader wmarkmult
compiling shader wmark
compiling shader wmark_point
compiling shader wmark_spot
compiling shader lmap
compiling shader lmap
compiling shader lmap_point
compiling shader lmap_spot
compiling shader lmap_l
compiling shader lmap_l
compiling shader impl_dt
compiling shader impl_dt
compiling shader impl_point
compiling shader impl_spot
compiling shader impl_l
compiling shader impl_l
compiling shader tree_s
compiling shader tree_s_point
compiling shader tree_s_spot
compiling shader lod
compiling shader lod
compiling shader tree_w
compiling shader tree_w_point
compiling shader tree_w_spot
compiling shader avg4
* phase time: 87 ms
* phase cmem: 687688 K
* [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65530 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65528 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65159 verts, 2036 Kb
* [Loading VB] 16312 verts, 509 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65532 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65532 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65521 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 15882 verts, 496 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 41003 verts, 1281 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048572 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048572 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048572 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048566 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 208677 indices, 407 Kb
* phase time: 63 ms
* phase cmem: 741867 K
* phase time: 31 ms
* phase cmem: 746941 K
compiling shader detail
compiling shader detail_wave
compiling shader detail_still
* [DETAILS] VertexConsts(256), Batch(61)
* [DETAILS] 11590 v(20), 6100 p
* [DETAILS] Batch(61), VB(226K), IB(35K)
* phase time: 25 ms
* phase cmem: 749169 K
* Loading HOM: c:\users\admin\desktop\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. last day 1.3\gamedata\levels\l10_red_forest\level.hom
* phase time: 79 ms
* phase cmem: 749464 K
* phase time: 14 ms
* phase cmem: 744001 K
* phase time: 13 ms
* phase cmem: 744003 K
* t-report - base: 1045, 360897 K
* t-report - lmap: 6, 6144 K
* WARNING: player not logged in
* phase time: 2411 ms
* phase cmem: 891772 K
* phase time: 19 ms
* phase cmem: 891772 K
* [win32]: free[2848524 K], reserved[114552 K], committed[1231164 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[425288 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[891772 K], game lua[43152 K], render[181 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[56637 K], smem[1994 K]
compiling shader model_def_hq_2
compiling shader model_def_lq_2
utils.load_var failed for drx_sl_quest_stash_2_id
task_functor.under_faction_control_target_id is nil
task_functor.under_faction_control_target_id is nil
task_functor.under_faction_control_target_id is nil
task_functor.under_faction_control_target_id is nil
task_functor.under_faction_control_target_id is nil
compiling shader model_distort4glass_2
compiling shader model_def_lplanes_0
compiling shader model_def_hq_3
compiling shader model_def_lq_3
compiling shader model_def_point_3
compiling shader model_def_spot_3
compiling shader model_def_shadow_3
compiling shader model_def_lqs_1
compiling shader model_def_lplanes_1
adding bridge red_bridge
compiling shader model_env_hq_3
compiling shader model_env_lq_3
compiling shader model_distort4glass_3
collectgarbage before=53818180Kb
collectgarbage after=53356952Kb
squad simulation_snork0069 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper2947 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_novice9109 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper18841 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper18910 has no target
squad simulation_dog19199 has no target
squad simulation_flesh19403 has no target
squad simulation_dog19735 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced19744 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_2weak19793 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_red19893 has no target
squad simulation_rats19899 has no target
squad simulation_zombie19986 has no target
squad army_sim_squad_advanced20276 has no target
squad army_sim_squad_novice20307 has no target
squad army_sim_squad_veteran20330 has no target
squad simulation_cat20695 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper20783 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran20789 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran20823 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano20969 has no target
squad simulation_boar20973 has no target
squad simulation_cat21289 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano_7_1021293 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_advanced21400 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_advanced21429 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced21444 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran21499 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_novice21656 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_black22023 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_red22028 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_522034 has no target
squad simulation_cat22118 has no target
squad simulation_dog22125 has no target
squad simulation_snork22217 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog22612 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_red22631 has no target
squad simulation_dog_5_722685 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced22956 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced22996 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_novice23048 has no target
squad simulation_cat23136 has no target
squad simulation_cat23170 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_novice23203 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran23251 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_novice23509 has no target
squad simulation_mix_boar_flesh23534 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog23536 has no target
squad simulation_cat23541 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_523557 has no target
squad simulation_chimera23569 has no target
squad simulation_burer23571 has no target
squad simulation_dog23591 has no target
squad simulation_fracture23597 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog23787 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog23807 has no target
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squad simulation_snork_2_524040 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_advanced24062 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_novice24099 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_advanced24488 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_novice24530 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_advanced24711 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_524750 has no target
squad simulation_snork24851 has no target
squad simulation_dog24863 has no target
squad simulation_psy_dog24864 has no target
squad simulation_gigant_2weak24866 has no target
squad simulation_boar24928 has no target
squad simulation_boar24961 has no target
squad simulation_cat24965 has no target
squad simulation_psy_dog24972 has no target
squad simulation_dog24974 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_novice24979 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano24997 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs25000 has no target
squad simulation_cat25014 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano25017 has no target
squad simulation_cat25041 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_advanced25069 has no target
squad simulation_hostile_killer25087 has no target
squad simulation_dog25092 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog25138 has no target
squad simulation_contr_5dog25474 has no target
squad simulation_cat25575 has no target
squad simulation_controller25577 has no target
squad simulation_psy_dog25599 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran25653 has no target
squad simulation_dog25777 has no target
squad simulation_dog26047 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog26074 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper26095 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_2weak26238 has no target
squad simulation_gigant26241 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs26243 has no target
squad simulation_cat26246 has no target
squad simulation_cat26255 has no target
squad simulation_psy_dog_squad26258 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran26429 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper26459 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_novice26515 has no target
squad simulation_dog_5_726698 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran26815 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran26915 has no target
squad simulation_boar27065 has no target
squad simulation_dog27082 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano27085 has no target
squad simulation_cat27091 has no target
squad simulation_cat27093 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced27105 has no target
squad simulation_boar27510 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_black27543 has no target
squad simulation_boar27547 has no target
squad simulation_snork27586 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano27590 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran27595 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran27608 has no target
squad simulation_cat27627 has no target
squad simulation_cat27629 has no target
squad simulation_dog27639 has no target
squad simulation_snork27769 has no target
squad simulation_snork27772 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog27776 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs27778 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_black27782 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_527918 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran27934 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_novice27955 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced28216 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper28267 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran28276 has no target
squad simulation_contr_4zomb_str28319 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_black28335 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs28337 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_528340 has no target
squad simulation_contr_2sn_4zomb28344 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano28505 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano28509 has no target
squad simulation_mix_boar_flesh28519 has no target
squad simulation_cat28524 has no target
squad simulation_dog28531 has no target
squad merc_sim_squad_veteran28598 has no target
squad simulation_snork28914 has no target
squad simulation_dog_5_728918 has no target
squad army_sim_squad_veteran29479 has no target
squad simulation_rats29583 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_2weak29605 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano_7_1029619 has no target
squad simulation_cat29627 has no target
squad merc_sim_squad_advanced29845 has no target
squad simulation_cat29863 has no target
squad simulation_mix_boar_flesh29924 has no target
squad simulation_dog29946 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced29964 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper30028 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_advanced30114 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs30237 has no target
squad army_sim_squad_novice30468 has no target
squad simulation_cat30469 has no target
squad simulation_dog30605 has no target
squad simulation_cat30610 has no target
squad simulation_dog_5_730614 has no target
squad simulation_rat30632 has no target
squad simulation_flesh30666 has no target
squad simulation_rats31263 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_black31281 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_novice31369 has no target
squad simulation_boar31510 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_advanced31523 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_red31540 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker31754 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran31756 has no target
squad simulation_snork31790 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano32055 has no target
squad simulation_snork32071 has no target
squad simulation_cat32075 has no target
squad simulation_cat32078 has no target
squad simulation_cat32156 has no target
squad simulation_dog32234 has no target
squad army_sim_squad_novice32274 has no target
squad simulation_cat32398 has no target
squad simulation_flesh32401 has no target
squad simulation_poltergeist_tele32781 has no target
squad simulation_snork32798 has no target
squad simulation_dog32808 has no target
squad army_sim_squad_advanced33068 has no target
squad simulation_boar33113 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_novice33119 has no target
squad simulation_rat33336 has no target
squad simulation_snork33576 has no target
squad simulation_snork33590 has no target
squad simulation_dog33594 has no target
squad simulation_rats33598 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano33606 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog33609 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano_7_1033612 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano33620 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog33768 has no target
squad simulation_boar33770 has no target
squad simulation_boar33774 has no target
squad simulation_flesh33776 has no target
squad simulation_dog34063 has no target
squad simulation_boar34092 has no target
squad simulation_rats34564 has no target
squad simulation_snork34580 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano34616 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog34636 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_novice35104 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog36616 has no target
squad simulation_dog_5_736619 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs36642 has no target
squad simulation_boar37377 has no target
squad simulation_dog37396 has no target
squad simulation_snork37655 has no target
squad simulation_dog37662 has no target
squad simulation_cat37923 has no target
squad simulation_snork38410 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced38658 has no target
squad simulation_boar38671 has no target
squad simulation_burer38690 has no target
squad simulation_controller38692 has no target
squad simulation_rat38757 has no target
squad simulation_hostile_killer38765 has no target
squad simulation_snork38828 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano38833 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog38837 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_black38853 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran38855 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran38870 has no target
squad simulation_dog38926 has no target
squad simulation_dog38948 has no target
squad simulation_dog38952 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs38992 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano38995 has no target
squad simulation_cat39031 has no target
squad merc_sim_squad_veteran39042 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano39072 has no target
squad simulation_snork39446 has no target
squad simulation_snork39481 has no target
squad simulation_cat39484 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_539487 has no target
squad simulation_flesh39574 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano39577 has no target
squad simulation_boar39582 has no target
squad simulation_dog40202 has no target
squad simulation_flesh40212 has no target
squad simulation_dog40215 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_novice40249 has no target
squad simulation_boar40288 has no target
squad simulation_snork40299 has no target
squad simulation_dog_5_740334 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_540344 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_540350 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs41227 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano41228 has no target
squad simulation_dog41274 has no target
squad simulation_rat41303 has no target
squad simulation_fracture41323 has no target
squad simulation_cat41325 has no target
squad merc_sim_squad_advanced41329 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_novice41358 has no target
squad simulation_psy_dog_squad41375 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_black41383 has no target
squad simulation_psy_dog41404 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran41427 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_red41467 has no target
squad simulation_gigant41474 has no target
squad simulation_gigant41536 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_541538 has no target
squad simulation_psy_dog41541 has no target
squad simulation_chimera41543 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_advanced41710 has no target
squad merc_sim_squad_novice41777 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced41813 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran41837 has no target
squad simulation_boar41935 has no target
squad simulation_rats41939 has no target
squad simulation_cat41946 has no target
squad simulation_boar41950 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano41957 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano41960 has no target
squad freedom_sim_squad_advanced41963 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano42045 has no target
squad simulation_dog42049 has no target
squad simulation_snork42052 has no target
squad simulation_snork42055 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_black42072 has no target
squad simulation_cat42503 has no target
squad simulation_controller42517 has no target
squad simulation_chimera42519 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_black42521 has no target
squad simulation_gigant43328 has no target
squad simulation_psy_dog_squad43338 has no target
squad simulation_cat43389 has no target
squad simulation_psysucker43414 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker43416 has no target
squad simulation_snork43420 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran43458 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced43868 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_advanced43907 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_veteran43913 has no target
squad simulation_snork44033 has no target
squad simulation_snork44049 has no target
squad simulation_cat44074 has no target
squad simulation_rats44076 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog44085 has no target
squad simulation_boar44087 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano44093 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced44329 has no target
squad simulation_cat45314 has no target
squad simulation_cat46343 has no target
squad simulation_cat46372 has no target
squad simulation_cat46374 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran46607 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran46637 has no target
squad simulation_boar46655 has no target
squad simulation_flesh46676 has no target
squad simulation_dog46696 has no target
squad simulation_boar46759 has no target
squad simulation_rats46792 has no target
squad simulation_dog46804 has no target
squad simulation_cat46820 has no target
squad simulation_dog48145 has no target
squad simulation_cat48388 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_novice49419 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_novice52500 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_novice64047 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_novice26167 has no target
generic_physics_binder:death_callback red_physic_destroyable_object_0037 BEGIN
generic_physics_binder:death_callback red_physic_destroyable_object_0037 END
generic_physics_binder:death_callback red_physic_destroyable_object_0034 BEGIN
generic_physics_binder:death_callback red_physic_destroyable_object_0034 END
intro_start game_loaded
* MEMORY USAGE: 1071116 K
* End of synchronization A[1] R[1]
intro_delete ::update_game_loaded
generic_physics_binder:death_callback red_physic_destroyable_object_0091 BEGIN
generic_physics_binder:death_callback red_physic_destroyable_object_0091 END
generic_physics_binder:death_callback red_physic_destroyable_object_0090 BEGIN
generic_physics_binder:death_callback red_physic_destroyable_object_0090 END
generic_physics_binder:death_callback red_physic_destroyable_object_0089 BEGIN
generic_physics_binder:death_callback red_physic_destroyable_object_0089 END
generic_physics_binder:death_callback red_physic_destroyable_object_0094 BEGIN
generic_physics_binder:death_callback red_physic_destroyable_object_0094 END
generic_physics_binder:death_callback red_physic_destroyable_object_0093 BEGIN
generic_physics_binder:death_callback red_physic_destroyable_object_0093 END
generic_physics_binder:death_callback red_physic_destroyable_object_0092 BEGIN
generic_physics_binder:death_callback red_physic_destroyable_object_0092 END
generic_physics_binder:death_callback red_physic_destroyable_object_0095 BEGIN
generic_physics_binder:death_callback red_physic_destroyable_object_0095 END
* [win32]: free[2409772 K], reserved[137464 K], committed[1647004 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[484928 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1083016 K], game lua[46027 K], render[36962 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[60542 K], smem[10249 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 36879 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave6.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave6.scop'
* [win32]: free[2386020 K], reserved[142392 K], committed[1665828 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[490921 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1077692 K], game lua[48170 K], render[37032 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[61404 K], smem[10267 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 36879 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave7.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave7.scop'
* [win32]: free[2383900 K], reserved[138292 K], committed[1672048 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[491817 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1076309 K], game lua[49831 K], render[37042 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[61816 K], smem[10267 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 36879 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave8.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave8.scop'
* [win32]: free[2381816 K], reserved[161508 K], committed[1650916 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[492073 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1068878 K], game lua[52402 K], render[37045 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[61817 K], smem[10267 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 36879 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave9.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave9.scop'
squad simulation_dog24202 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog26722 has no target
squad simulation_dog28800 has no target
squad simulation_dog_5_728805 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog30164 has no target
squad simulation_snork32570 has no target
squad simulation_snork34621 has no target
squad simulation_controller41321 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_541579 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs43890 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog48385 has no target
squad simulation_snork58142 has no target
* [win32]: free[2385816 K], reserved[170132 K], committed[1638292 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[492073 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1055437 K], game lua[50264 K], render[37048 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[61817 K], smem[10266 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 36889 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave10.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave10.scop'
* [win32]: free[2385084 K], reserved[165868 K], committed[1643288 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[492073 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1054882 K], game lua[54711 K], render[37050 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[61818 K], smem[10266 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 36889 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave1.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave1.scop'
squad simulation_snork20548 has no target
generic_physics_binder:death_callback red_physic_destroyable_object_0060 BEGIN
generic_physics_binder:death_callback red_physic_destroyable_object_0060 END
* [win32]: free[2383724 K], reserved[156236 K], committed[1654280 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[492073 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1058405 K], game lua[49148 K], render[37057 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[61857 K], smem[10266 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 36888 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave2.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave2.scop'
generic_physics_binder:death_callback red_physic_destroyable_object_0061 BEGIN
generic_physics_binder:death_callback red_physic_destroyable_object_0061 END
generic_physics_binder:death_callback red_physic_destroyable_object_0062 BEGIN
generic_physics_binder:death_callback red_physic_destroyable_object_0062 END
* [win32]: free[2381280 K], reserved[156032 K], committed[1656928 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[492073 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1058716 K], game lua[54202 K], render[37058 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[61856 K], smem[10266 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 36886 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave3.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave3.scop'
* [win32]: free[2367708 K], reserved[151116 K], committed[1675416 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[505386 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1075939 K], game lua[58722 K], render[37062 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[61902 K], smem[10267 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 36886 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave4.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave4.scop'
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 36886 objects are successfully saved
* Game Admin - autosave.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - autosave.scop'
- Disconnect
- Destroying level
*  0.0 : [  70] $null
*  0.0 : [   2] $user$cmap0
*  0.0 : [   2] $user$cmap1
*  0.0 : [   3] $user$distort
*  0.0 : [ 407] $user$projector
*  0.0 : [   6] $user$rendertarget
*  0.0 : [   5] $user$rendertarget_color_map
*  0.0 : [   1] $user$sky0
*  0.0 : [   1] $user$sky1
*  0.0 : [   1] $user$tonemap
*  0.0 : [   3] prop\prop_lampa_g_red2
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_spark_02
*  0.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_spark_01
*  0.2 : [   3] wpn\wpn_protecta_dots
*  0.2 : [   1] pfx\pfx_step_blood
*  0.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_bubble
*  0.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_leaves_01
*  0.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_leaves_02
*  0.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_splash3
*  0.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_splash_02
*  0.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_synus
*  0.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_vehmetaldebris_01
*  0.3 : [   1] prop\prop_provod_02
*  0.3 : [   4] prop\prop_provod_03
*  0.4 : [   1] glow\glow_anamorphic
*  0.4 : [   1] glow\glow_rays
*  0.4 : [   1] map\map_nomap
*  0.6 : [ 403] internal\internal_light_attclip
*  0.7 : [   4] mtl\mtl_bochka_02
*  0.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_concretedebris_01
*  1.3 : [   6] act\act_stalker_head_glass
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_21
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_bubble_1
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_bubble_water
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist2
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist2inv
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist3
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist4
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist7
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist8
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist9
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist_glass
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist_teleport
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_distort_anomaly
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_distortion
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flash_05
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flash_07
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_smoke_b
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_specks
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_specks_poison
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_spikey_star
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_splash_01
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_stonedebris1
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_stonedebris2
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_vehglassdebris_01
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_water_wave
*  1.4 : [   4] item\item_key_1
*  1.4 : [   1] fx\fx_rain
*  1.4 : [   1] fx\fx_sun_rise
*  1.4 : [   1] glow\glow_orange2
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_asfalt_1
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_asfalt_2
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_asfalt_3
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_brick_1
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_brick_2
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_1
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_2
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_4
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_5
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_6
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_7
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_ground
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_ground_1
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_ground_2
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik_1
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik_2
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik_3
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_1
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_2
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_3
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_4
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_1
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_2
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_3
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_4
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_5
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_6
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_7
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_8
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_9
*  2.7 : [   4] mtl\mtl_luk_ch_01
*  2.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_electrostatic
*  2.7 : [   4] prop\prop_electroengine1
*  2.7 : [   1] prop\prop_fake_bed_fireplace
*  2.7 : [   4] prop\prop_lock
*  2.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_pkm_lenta
*  2.7 : [   4] act\act_pseudodog_fur
*  2.7 : [   4] act\act_pseudodog_fur1
*  2.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist_glass3
*  2.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_smokepuffs2
*  2.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_sparks
*  2.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_sparks2
*  2.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_woodchips1
*  2.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_woodchips3
*  2.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\trace_01
*  2.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\trace_01
*  2.7 : [   4] food\food_raw___dog
*  2.7 : [   4] food\food_raw_flesh
*  2.7 : [   4] item\item_battery
*  2.7 : [   4] item\item_jar
*  2.7 : [   4] item\item_meinkampf
*  2.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\dtk_3
*  3.1 : [   5] sky\sky_12_vibros_cube#small
*  3.1 : [  26] sky\sky_13_cube#small
*  3.1 : [  16] sky\sky_13_cube_night#small
*  3.1 : [  12] sky\sky_13_vibros_cube#small
*  3.1 : [  10] sky\sky_14_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   4] sky\sky_17_clouds_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   4] sky\sky_17_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   8] sky\sky_18_cube#small
*  3.1 : [  11] sky\sky_19_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   4] sky\sky_1_clouds_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   4] sky\sky_20_clouds_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   4] sky\sky_20_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   4] sky\sky_2_clouds_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   4] sky\sky_2_cube#small
*  3.1 : [  12] sky\sky_3_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   3] sky\sky_4_cube#small
*  3.1 : [  30] sky\sky_5_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   7] sky\sky_6_cube#small
*  3.1 : [  11] sky\sky_7_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   8] sky\sky_8_cube#small
*  3.1 : [  49] sky\sky_9_cube#small
*  4.1 : [   1] fx\fx_flare1
*  4.1 : [   1] fx\fx_flare2
*  4.1 : [   1] fx\fx_flare3
*  4.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flamefx_01
*  4.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_g-smoke-01
*  4.1 : [   1] ui\cursor
*  5.3 : [   1] act\act_controller_hit
*  5.3 : [   1] act\act_controller_hit1
*  5.3 : [   4] act\act_stalker_nauch_glass
*  5.3 : [   4] act\variation mod\act_neutral\gas_mask_glass
*  5.3 : [   4] door\door_metal_01
*  5.3 : [   4] mtl\mtl_barrel_01
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_1
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_16
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_17
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_19
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_3
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_4
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_5
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_6
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_8
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_88
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_9
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_blurry_cloud
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_brick
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_light
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_light1
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_light3
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_light4
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_lightning_01
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_lightning_02
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_ligth_6
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_plasma
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_smoke_a
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_sparks1
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_teleport
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_test_textures
*  5.3 : [   4] prop\prop_ballon1
*  5.3 : [   4] prop\prop_ballon3
*  5.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_pkm_decals
*  5.4 : [   4] item\item_hammer
*  5.4 : [   1] amik\nature\stonedebris1
*  5.4 : [   1] glow\glow_04
*  5.4 : [   1] glow\glow_fire1
*  5.4 : [   1] glow\glow_fire1_soc
*  5.4 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flash_02
*  5.4 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flash_08
*  5.4 : [   1] shoker_mod\explosions\firesmokeparticle
*  5.4 : [   1] wm\wm_grenade
*  5.4 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_dead
*  5.4 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_horiz
*  5.4 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_blood
*  5.4 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_wood
*  5.4 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_wood1
*  5.4 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_wood2
*  5.4 : [   1] amik\weapons\6ways2
*  5.4 : [   1] amik\weapons\btr\muzzle 6ways2
*  5.4 : [   1] amik\nature\list
*  5.4 : [   1] amik\nature\wood_part
*  5.4 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\trail
*  6.1 : [  14] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_1#small
*  6.1 : [  41] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_2#small
*  6.1 : [  18] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_3#small
*  6.1 : [  15] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_5#small
*  6.1 : [  40] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_1#small
*  6.1 : [  24] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_2#small
*  6.1 : [  36] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_3#small
*  6.1 : [  32] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_4#small
*  6.1 : [  32] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_5#small
*  6.1 : [   6] sky\af3_blowout\blowout1#small
*  6.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout1_1#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout2#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout2_night#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3#small
*  6.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_1#small
*  6.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_1_night#small
*  6.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_2#small
*  6.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_2_night#small
*  6.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_3#small
*  6.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_3_night#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_night#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4#small
*  6.1 : [   3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_1#small
*  6.1 : [   3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_1_night#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_night#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5_night#small
*  6.1 : [   7] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5psi#small
*  6.1 : [   7] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5psi_night#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout6#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout6_night#small
*  6.1 : [   3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout7#small
*  6.1 : [   4] sky\af3_blowout\blowout7_night#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\00-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\00-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  25] sky\af3_clear\00-00-nm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\01-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\01-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  37] sky\af3_clear\01-00-nm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\02-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\02-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  25] sky\af3_clear\02-00-nm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\03-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\03-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\04-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\04-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\04-30#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\05-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\05-30#small
*  6.1 : [  66] sky\af3_clear\06-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\07-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\08-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\09-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\10-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\11-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\12-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\13-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\14-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\15-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\16-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\17-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\18-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\19-00#small
*  6.1 : [  66] sky\af3_clear\20-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\20-30#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\21-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\21-30#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\22-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\22-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\23-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\23-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [   6] sky\af3_cloudy\05-00#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_cloudy\06-00#small
*  6.1 : [  11] sky\af3_cloudy\07-00#small
*  6.1 : [  19] sky\af3_cloudy\08-00#small
*  6.1 : [  24] sky\af3_cloudy\09-00#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_cloudy\10-00#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_cloudy\11-00#small
*  6.1 : [  19] sky\af3_cloudy\12-00#small
*  6.1 : [  11] sky\af3_cloudy\13-00#small
*  6.1 : [  38] sky\af3_cloudy\14-00#small
*  6.1 : [  29] sky\af3_cloudy\15-00#small
*  6.1 : [  11] sky\af3_cloudy\16-00#small
*  6.1 : [  19] sky\af3_cloudy\17-00#small
*  6.1 : [  22] sky\af3_cloudy\18-00#small
*  6.1 : [   6] sky\af3_cloudy\19-00#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_cloudy\20-00#small
*  6.1 : [  16] sky\af3_foggy\06-00#small
*  6.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\07-00#small
*  6.1 : [  19] sky\af3_foggy\09-00#small
*  6.1 : [  40] sky\af3_foggy\10-00#small
*  6.1 : [  10] sky\af3_foggy\11-00#small
*  6.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\12-00#small
*  6.1 : [  27] sky\af3_foggy\13-00#small
*  6.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\14-00#small
*  6.1 : [  19] sky\af3_foggy\15-00#small
*  6.1 : [  19] sky\af3_foggy\16-00#small
*  6.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\17-00#small
*  6.1 : [  19] sky\af3_foggy\18-00#small
*  6.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\19-00#small
*  6.1 : [  22] sky\af3_foggy\20-00#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\00-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\00-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  25] sky\af3_partly\00-00-nm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\01-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\01-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  38] sky\af3_partly\01-00-nm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\02-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\02-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  24] sky\af3_partly\02-00-nm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\03-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\03-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\04-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\04-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\04-30#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\05-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\05-30#small
*  6.1 : [  66] sky\af3_partly\06-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\07-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\08-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\09-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\10-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\11-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\12-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\13-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\14-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\15-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\16-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\17-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\18-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\19-00#small
*  6.1 : [  66] sky\af3_partly\20-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\20-30#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\21-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\21-30#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\22-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\22-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\23-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\23-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  26] sky\af3_rainy\07-00#small
*  6.1 : [  30] sky\af3_rainy\09-00_19-00#small
*  6.1 : [  58] sky\af3_rainy\13-00#small
*  6.1 : [  24] sky\af3_rainy\15-00#small
*  6.1 : [  31] sky\af3_rainy\15-00-2#small
*  6.1 : [  44] sky\af3_rainy\16-00#small
*  6.1 : [  32] sky\af3_rainy\20-00#small
*  7.1 : [   4] wpn\wpn_g36_scope
*  8.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_gologramma
*  8.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\fake_shells
*  8.1 : [   1] ui\ui_fog_of_war
* 10.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_vog
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_dogs_big
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_dogs_black
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_dogs_brown
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_green_stalker_head_3
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_pseudodog
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_rat01
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_ryukzak
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_stalker_head_antigas_2
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_stalker_headmask2
* 10.7 : [   4] mtl\mtl_floor_fence_01
* 10.7 : [   4] mtl\mtl_floor_plate_03
* 10.7 : [   4] mtl\mtl_rja_01
* 10.7 : [   4] mtl\mtl_rja_green
* 10.7 : [   4] mtl\mtl_shkaf
* 10.7 : [   4] mtl\mtl_tubes3b
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_dangerbox_2
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_item2
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_item3
* 10.7 : [   6] prop\prop_iten4
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_kitchen_stuff
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_ognetushit
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_spade
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_vagon_gr
* 10.7 : [   4] wood\wood_jasik2
* 10.7 : [   4] wood\wood_plank6
* 10.7 : [   4] wood\wood_table_02
* 10.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_protecta_sights
* 10.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_walter99_mag
* 10.7 : [   4] glas\glas_dirt
* 10.7 : [   4] mtl\mtl_barrel_03
* 10.7 : [   4] mtl\mtl_barrel_04
* 10.7 : [   4] mtl\mtl_barrel_05
* 10.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_2
* 10.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_23
* 10.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_2_green
* 10.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_7
* 10.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_concretepuffs_01
* 10.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_lighting_stancia_01
* 10.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_lighting_stancia_02
* 10.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_smokepuffs1
* 10.7 : [   1] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_shells1
* 10.7 : [   1] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_shells2
* 10.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\dtk_5
* 10.7 : [   4] fx\fx_noise2
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_block_notes
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_calibrate_tools
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_cards
* 10.7 : [   3] item\item_document_01
* 10.7 : [   6] item\item_gazmask1
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_gazmask3
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_medic1
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_medkit
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_medkit_2
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_medkit_3
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_medkit_4
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_parts
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_rebirth
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_small_tools
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_yad
* 10.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_bullet1_556
* 10.7 : [   1] amik\anomaly\electric_radial
* 10.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\6ways1
* 10.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\btr\muzzle 6ways1
* 10.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\dtk_4
* 10.7 : [   1] amik\hit_fx\water_splash\water_spurt
* 10.7 : [   1] lights\lights_cone_handing_lamp
* 10.7 : [   1] lights\lights_ray1
* 10.7 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_blood1
* 10.7 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_metal
* 10.7 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_ston
* 16.1 : [   4] act\act_specnaz_glass
* 16.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\mg42out
* 16.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\trace
* 16.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\mg42out
* 16.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\trace
* 16.1 : [   1] fx\fx_rainsplash1
* 16.1 : [   1] fx\fx_volumefog1
* 16.1 : [ 403] internal\internal_light_att
* 16.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flame
* 16.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flash_01
* 16.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_gradient
* 16.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_gradient1
* 16.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_arial_14_1024
* 16.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_hud_01
* 16.1 : [   1] ui\ui_grid
* 16.1 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_drop_1
* 16.1 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_drop_2
* 16.1 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_drop_3
* 16.1 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_drop_4
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_face_01
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_face_mask_02
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_face_mask_03
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_faces_1_03
* 21.3 : [   4] mtl\mtl_angar_a_b
* 21.3 : [   4] mtl\mtl_bochka_01
* 21.3 : [   4] mtl\mtl_pod_01
* 21.3 : [   4] prop\prop_blue_gate
* 21.3 : [   1] amik\weapons\dtk_2
* 21.4 : [   4] aa\aa_freon
* 21.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_raii
* 21.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_bullet1_545
* 21.4 : [   3] artifact\artifact_sopli2
* 21.4 : [   1] glow\glow_blue
* 21.4 : [   4] glow\glow_ghost
* 21.4 : [   1] glow\glow_orange
* 21.4 : [   1] glow\glow_orange_bright
* 21.4 : [   1] glow\glow_white
* 21.4 : [   1] glow\glow_yellow
* 21.4 : [   4] item\item_goggles
* 21.4 : [   4] item\item_money
* 21.4 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist_lens_base
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_10
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_11
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_1_1
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_1_2
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_1_3
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_1_4
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_1_5
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_3
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_4
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_5
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_6
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_7
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_8
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_9
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_glass01
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_glass02
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_glass03
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_glass04
* 21.4 : [   1] amik\weapons\dtk_4_1
* 32.1 : [   1] fx\fx_lightning
* 32.1 : [   4] item\item_beans
* 32.1 : [   4] item\item_beer
* 32.1 : [   4] item\item_caffeine
* 32.1 : [   4] item\item_corn
* 32.1 : [   4] item\item_medkitai2
* 32.1 : [   4] item\item_tomato
* 32.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_ani-smoke-01
* 32.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_cc_lighting_grad2
* 32.1 : [   4] repair\repair_steel_wool
* 32.1 : [   4] sgm\item_psyhodelin
* 32.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_letter_16_1024
* 32.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_letter_18_1024
* 33.0 : [   1] ui\ui_ani_cursor
* 42.5 : [   1] amik\weapons\9x39
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_psevdogigant
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_monolith_rookie
* 42.6 : [   6] wpn\wpn_upgrade
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_bure2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_burer
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_ca2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_ca4
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_cat
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_controller
* 42.6 : [   6] act\act_krovosos_3
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_nauchniy_monolit
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_plot
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_pseudodog1
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_bandit_2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_ecologb_1
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_monolith2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_monolith4b
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_monolith_2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral2a
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral2g
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral3b
* 42.6 : [   6] act\act_stalker_neutral_4
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral_5
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_soldier_4
* 42.6 : [   4] door\door_brown
* 42.6 : [   4] mtl\mtl_barrel_big
* 42.6 : [   4] prop\prop_bridge_01
* 42.6 : [   4] veh\veh_bugger_1
* 42.6 : [   4] wood\wood_board_01
* 42.6 : [   4] wood\wood_collect
* 42.6 : [   4] wood\wood_walls8
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74m_gp
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74m_mag
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ammo
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_fort17
* 42.6 : [   6] wpn\wpn_gauss
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_grenade_40mm
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_grenade_rdg-m
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_grenade_rdg-s
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_knife_nr40
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_sig550_mag
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_sig550_mag_sk2
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svd_mag
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_walter99_body
* 42.6 : [   4] act\variation mod\act_neutral\pockets_1a
* 42.6 : [   4] act\variation mod\act_neutral\pockets_1b
* 42.7 : [   4] aa\aa_af_aac
* 42.7 : [   4] aa\aa_af_aam
* 42.7 : [   4] aa\aa_camelbak
* 42.7 : [   4] aa\aa_cooler
* 42.7 : [   4] aa\aa_kevlar
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_shovel
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_spalnik
* 42.7 : [   4] aa\aa_plates
* 42.7 : [   4] aa\aa_surge
* 42.7 : [   4] food\food_protein
* 42.7 : [   4] food\food_raw_boar
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_ammo
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_book1
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_book2
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_book3
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_ckit
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_cutlery
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_drugskit
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_energy
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_foto1
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_grooming
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_guitar
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_jbox
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_kithunt
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_maps
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_mirror
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_s_guide
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_sack
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_swiss
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_universalpowerdevice
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_ustroystva
* 42.7 : [   4] item\med_bank
* 42.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_fn2000_lens
* 42.7 : [   1] amik\explosions\smoke_cannon
* 42.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\12x70
* 42.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\flameshoot_3
* 42.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\flameshoot_4
* 42.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\flameshoot_5
* 42.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\shells_12x70
* 42.7 : [   1] map\map_hospital
* 42.7 : [   1] map\map_l08u_brainlab
* 48.1 : [  90] sky\sky_cube_weapons
* 64.1 : [   1] amik\static\gas_light\flame_zippo
* 64.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\dtk_6
* 64.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\dtk_8
* 64.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\flash_01
* 64.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\flash_02
* 64.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\flash_04
* 64.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\flash_05
* 64.1 : [   4] arsenal_mod\ammo\762x39_ap
* 64.1 : [   4] arsenal_mod\ammo\762x39_fmj
* 64.1 : [   4] arsenal_mod\ammo\762x51_ap
* 64.1 : [   4] arsenal_mod\ammo\762x51_fmj
* 64.1 : [   4] artifact\artifact_val000
* 64.1 : [   1] dinamic_hud\breath1
* 64.1 : [   1] dinamic_hud\breath2
* 64.1 : [   1] dinamic_hud\breath3
* 64.1 : [   1] dinamic_hud\breath5
* 64.1 : [   1] fx\fx_sun
* 64.1 : [   1] fx\fx_sun_fog
* 64.1 : [   1] fx\fx_sun_gradient
* 64.1 : [   1] fx\fx_sun_halo
* 64.1 : [   1] fx\fx_sun_morning
* 64.1 : [   1] fx\fx_thunderbolts_gradient
* 64.1 : [   1] fx\fx_thunderbolts_gradient_surge
* 64.1 : [ 806] internal\internal_light_attpoint
* 64.1 : [   4] item\item_medkit_5
* 64.1 : [   4] item\jgut
* 64.1 : [   4] item\kielbasa
* 64.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_18
* 64.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_bloodsplash1
* 64.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flame_01
* 64.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_skinsplash1
* 64.1 : [   4] sap\sap_medal_01
* 64.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_console_02
* 64.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_graff_19_1024
* 64.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_graff_22_1024
* 64.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_hud_02
* 64.1 : [   1] ui\ui_hud_grenade_mark
* 64.1 : [   1] ui\ui_hud_hit_mark
* 64.1 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_kobra_lens
* 85.2 : [   4] act\act_krovosos_new1
* 85.2 : [   4] act\act_mutant_boar
* 85.3 : [   4] act\act_face_her9
* 85.3 : [   4] item\item_stims
* 85.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_lastochka
* 85.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_lastochkb
* 85.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_lastochkc
* 85.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_9mm
* 85.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_aps
* 85.3 : [   4] act\metro\act_maska_leather
* 85.3 : [   1] amik\explosions\explosion_dynamite\flashlight
* 85.3 : [   1] amik\explosions\explosion_smoke03
* 85.3 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\flameshoot_1
* 85.3 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\flameshoot_2
* 85.3 : [   4] arsenal_mod\ammo\wpn_cartridge357
* 85.3 : [   4] drink\drink_cocaine
* 85.3 : [   4] drink\drink_match0
* 85.3 : [   4] item\[stayler]\w_medkin1
* 85.3 : [   4] item\[stayler]\w_medkin3
* 85.3 : [   4] item\item_detector_2
* 85.3 : [   4] item\item_drink_waterxx
* 85.3 : [   4] item\item_food
* 85.3 : [   1] map\map_labx8
* 85.3 : [   1] shoker_mod\explosions\explosion_smoke01
* 85.3 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_1
* 85.3 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_2
* 85.3 : [   1] amik\explosions\explosion_dynamite\smoke
* 85.3 : [   1] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_smoke_1
* 128.1 : [   4] act\act_crow
* 128.1 : [   4] act\variation mod\act_neutral\gp5a
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\357mag
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\50_ae
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\5x45x39
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\5x45x39_00
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\5x45x39_01
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\5x56x45
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\5x56x45_00
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\5x7x28
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\6x5x50
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x25_0
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x25_1
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x25_2
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x25_3
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x25_4
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x39_00
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x39_01
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x39_02
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x39_03
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x51_1
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x51_2
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x54
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x7x57
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x92x57
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\9x18_1
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\9x18_2
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\9x18_3
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\9x39
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\shells_ak_01
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\smokeshoot_0
* 128.1 : [   4] cooking\cooking_kerosene
* 128.1 : [   4] cooking\cooking_wood_stove
* 128.1 : [   4] drink\drink_cigar0
* 128.1 : [   4] drink\drink_cigar1
* 128.1 : [   4] drink\drink_cigar2
* 128.1 : [   4] drink\drink_cigar3
* 128.1 : [   4] drink\drink_crow
* 128.1 : [   4] drink\drink_joint
* 128.1 : [   4] drink\drink_tea
* 128.1 : [   4] drink\drink_vodka
* 128.1 : [   4] drink\drink_water
* 128.1 : [   4] food\food_bls
* 128.1 : [   4] food\food_dog
* 128.1 : [   4] food\food_flesh
* 128.1 : [   4] food\food_pdg
* 128.1 : [   4] food\food_raw_tush
* 128.1 : [   4] food\food_tushkano
* 128.1 : [   4] food\snork_food
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_chocolate
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_cigar
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_cigarettes_lucky
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_cigarettes_russian
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_glucose
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_glucose_s
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_hand_rolling_tobacco
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_mint
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_mre
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_raisins
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_salmon
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_tobacco
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_tushonka
* 128.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_shells1
* 128.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_shells2
* 128.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_shells_green
* 128.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_shells_pisto1
* 128.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_shells_pistol
* 128.1 : [   4] prop\prop_voda1
* 128.1 : [   4] prop\prop_voda2
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_armor_repair_fa
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_cleaning_kit
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_cleaning_kit_r7
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_glue
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_grease_solvent
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_gun_oil
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_gun_oil_ru
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_sewing_kit
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_sharpening_stones
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_textile_patch_b
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_textile_patch_e
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_textile_patch_m
* 128.1 : [   1] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_ak_shells_1
* 128.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_graff_32_1024
* 128.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_letter_25_1024
* 128.1 : [   4] wpn\wpn_pfm1
* 170.4 : [   4] act\act_gasmask
* 170.4 : [   4] act\act_stalker_lesnik
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_abakan
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74_sk1
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74m
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74m_body
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aksu
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_beretta
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_binokl
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_colt1911
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_colt1911_sk6
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_desert_eagle
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_g36
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_grenade_f1
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_grenade_rgd5
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_groza
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_groza_grenade_launcher
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_knife
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_l85
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_mp5
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_mp5_sk3
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_pb
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_pb_sk2
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_pkm
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_pkm_magazin
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_pm
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_protecta
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_rg6
* 170.4 : [   6] wpn\wpn_rpg-7
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_sig-p220
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_sig550
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_sig550_sk2
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_sig550_sk3
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_spas12
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_spas12_sk3
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svd_body
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svd_grips
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_toz-34
* 170.4 : [   6] wpn\wpn_toz-34_sk4
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_usp
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_vss
* 170.6 : [   4] act\new_stalker\act_atach
* 170.6 : [   4] act\new_stalker\t_guerilla
* 170.6 : [   4] item\item_xxporn2
* 170.6 : [   4] akt\act_arm_mono_glove
* 170.6 : [   4] item\item_conserva
* 170.6 : [   4] item\item_flash
* 170.6 : [   4] item\item_rope
* 170.6 : [   4] item\item_rops
* 170.6 : [   4] item\item_torch
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_gl_gp25
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_mount_mtk83
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_mp5_mount
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_1p29
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_ac10632
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_acog
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_l96
* 170.6 : [   6] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_po4x34
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_45
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_atg
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_kzrzp
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_nato
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_pbs1
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_pbs4
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_tgp-a
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak100_grips
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak101_mag
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aps
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_apw
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_bullet1
* 170.6 : [   1] amik\explosions\boom_0
* 170.6 : [   1] amik\explosions\boom_1
* 170.6 : [   1] amik\explosions\boom_2
* 170.6 : [   1] map\map_aes_1
* 170.6 : [   1] map\map_aes_2
* 170.6 : [   1] map\map_l04_darkvalley
* 170.6 : [   1] map\map_l05_bar
* 170.6 : [   1] map\map_l06_rostok
* 170.6 : [   1] map\map_limansk
* 213.5 : [   3] artifact\artifact_hell1
* 256.1 : [   4] act\act_ratwolf_01
* 256.1 : [   1] amik\explosions\explosion_flash_atlas
* 256.1 : [   4] artifact\artifact_val024
* 256.1 : [   4] drink\drink_flask
* 256.1 : [   4] food\food_boar
* 256.1 : [   1] fx\fx_gradient1
* 256.1 : [   4] item\[stayler]\w_medkin2
* 256.1 : [   3] item\item_detector_2_segment
* 256.1 : [   4] item\item_lead_box
* 256.1 : [   4] item\item_mineral_water
* 256.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_bloodsplash2
* 256.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_expl_01
* 256.1 : [   4] prop\prop_tarp
* 256.1 : [   4] sap\sap_medal
* 256.1 : [   4] sap\sap_medal_00
* 256.1 : [   4] sap\sap_orbital
* 256.1 : [   4] sgm\sumka_2
* 256.1 : [3271] sky\sky_oblaka
* 256.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_graff_50_1024
* 340.8 : [   4] wpn\wpn_hpsa
* 340.8 : [   4] wpn\wpn_hpsa_sk1
* 340.8 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svu-a
* 341.1 : [   4] act\act_arm_bandit
* 341.1 : [   1] amik\explosions\explosion_dynamite\explosion_din
* 341.1 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_kobra
* 341.1 : [   1] amik\explosions\final_expl
* 341.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\smokeshoot_1
* 341.1 : [   1] fx\fx_gradient
* 341.1 : [   1] map\map_agroprom
* 341.1 : [   1] map\map_fake_start
* 341.1 : [   1] map\map_garbage
* 341.1 : [   1] map\map_jupiter_underground
* 341.1 : [   1] map\map_k01_darkscape
* 341.1 : [   1] map\map_l04u_labx18
* 341.1 : [   1] map\map_l07_military
* 341.1 : [   1] map\map_l08_yantar
* 341.1 : [   1] map\map_l09_deadcity
* 341.1 : [   1] map\map_l10_radar
* 341.1 : [   1] map\map_l11_pripyat
* 341.1 : [   1] map\map_l13_generators
* 341.1 : [   1] map\map_red_forest
* 379.8 : [   1] map\map_k02_trucks_cemetery
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_atach
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_faction_badges_tfw
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_monoold1
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_monoold2
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_monoold3
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_mutant_boar_leg
* 512.1 : [   3] act\act_puh
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_scientist_suit_orang
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_monolith1
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_monoliths
* 512.1 : [   1] amik\explosions\explosion_fuelcan\boom_1
* 512.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\00
* 512.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\45
* 512.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\shells_ak
* 512.1 : [   4] amk\items\500
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_ani-fire01
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_explotions_3
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\12ga
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\45acp
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\545x39
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\556x45
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\762x39
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\762x51
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\762x54
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\9x18
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\9x19
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\9x39
* 512.1 : [   4] sgm\sumka_1
* 512.1 : [   1] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_shells3
* 512.1 : [   4] sumka\sumka_4
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_grenade_launcher
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_grenade_launcher_m203
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_pso-1m2-1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_pso1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_pu
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_susat
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak105_body
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_akm_gadges
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_akms_gadges
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_akn
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aks74
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aks76
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aks77
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ar15
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ar16
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aug_sk4
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_cz75
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_fn2000
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_fn2000_sk1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_lr300
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_lr303
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_m1891_scope
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_mosin_scope
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_mp153_sk1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_mp412
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_oc33
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_toz194
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_toz194_sk1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_toz66
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_toz66_sk2
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_tt33
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_val
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_vz61_sk4
* 682.2 : [   1] map\map_escape
* 768.1 : [  14] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_1
* 768.1 : [  41] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_2
* 768.1 : [  18] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_3
* 768.1 : [  15] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_5
* 768.1 : [  40] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_1
* 768.1 : [  24] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_2
* 768.1 : [  36] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_3
* 768.1 : [  32] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_4
* 768.1 : [  32] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_5
* 768.1 : [   6] sky\af3_blowout\blowout1
* 768.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout1_1
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout2
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout2_night
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3
* 768.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_1
* 768.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_1_night
* 768.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_2
* 768.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_2_night
* 768.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_3
* 768.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_3_night
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_night
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4
* 768.1 : [   3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_1
* 768.1 : [   3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_1_night
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_night
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5_night
* 768.1 : [   7] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5psi
* 768.1 : [   7] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5psi_night
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout6
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout6_night
* 768.1 : [   3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout7
* 768.1 : [   4] sky\af3_blowout\blowout7_night
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\00-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\00-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  25] sky\af3_clear\00-00-nm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\01-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\01-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  37] sky\af3_clear\01-00-nm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\02-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\02-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  25] sky\af3_clear\02-00-nm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\03-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\03-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\04-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\04-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\04-30
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\22-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\22-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\23-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\23-00-hm
* 768.1 : [   6] sky\af3_cloudy\19-00
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_cloudy\20-00
* 768.1 : [  16] sky\af3_foggy\06-00
* 768.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\07-00
* 768.1 : [  19] sky\af3_foggy\09-00
* 768.1 : [  40] sky\af3_foggy\10-00
* 768.1 : [  10] sky\af3_foggy\11-00
* 768.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\12-00
* 768.1 : [  27] sky\af3_foggy\13-00
* 768.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\14-00
* 768.1 : [  19] sky\af3_foggy\15-00
* 768.1 : [  19] sky\af3_foggy\16-00
* 768.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\17-00
* 768.1 : [  19] sky\af3_foggy\18-00
* 768.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\19-00
* 768.1 : [  22] sky\af3_foggy\20-00
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\00-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\00-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  25] sky\af3_partly\00-00-nm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\01-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\01-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  38] sky\af3_partly\01-00-nm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\02-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\02-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  24] sky\af3_partly\02-00-nm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\03-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\03-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\04-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\04-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\22-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\22-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\23-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\23-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  26] sky\af3_rainy\07-00
* 768.1 : [  30] sky\af3_rainy\09-00_19-00
* 768.1 : [  58] sky\af3_rainy\13-00
* 768.1 : [  24] sky\af3_rainy\15-00
* 768.1 : [  31] sky\af3_rainy\15-00-2
* 768.1 : [  44] sky\af3_rainy\16-00
* 768.1 : [  32] sky\af3_rainy\20-00
* 768.1 : [   5] sky\sky_12_vibros_cube
* 768.1 : [  26] sky\sky_13_cube
* 768.1 : [  16] sky\sky_13_cube_night
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\sky_13_vibros_cube
* 768.1 : [  10] sky\sky_14_cube
* 768.1 : [   4] sky\sky_17_clouds_cube
* 768.1 : [   4] sky\sky_17_cube
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\sky_18_cube
* 768.1 : [  11] sky\sky_19_cube
* 768.1 : [   4] sky\sky_1_clouds_cube
* 768.1 : [   4] sky\sky_20_clouds_cube
* 768.1 : [   4] sky\sky_20_cube
* 768.1 : [   4] sky\sky_2_clouds_cube
* 768.1 : [   4] sky\sky_2_cube
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\sky_3_cube
* 768.1 : [   3] sky\sky_4_cube
* 768.1 : [  33] sky\sky_5_cube
* 768.1 : [   7] sky\sky_6_cube
* 768.1 : [  11] sky\sky_7_cube
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\sky_8_cube
* 768.1 : [  49] sky\sky_9_cube
* 1024.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral_2
* 1024.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral_3
* 1024.1 : [   4] act\new_stalker\ct_urban_1
* 1024.1 : [   1] amik\explosions\decal_concrete
* 1024.1 : [   1] amik\explosions\explo_end
* 1024.1 : [   1] amik\explosions\explosion_fuelcan\boom_3
* 1024.1 : [   1] amik\explosions\explosion_fuelcan\grey_xpl
* 1024.1 : [   1] amik\hit_fx\water_splash\water_splash_anim
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_1
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_2
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_3
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_4
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_5
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_6
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_7
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_phase_1
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_phase_2
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_phase_3
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_phase_4
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_phase_5
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_phase_6
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_phase_7
* 1024.1 : [   1] map\map_l03u_agr_underground
* 1024.1 : [   1] map\map_l12u_control_monolith
* 1024.1 : [   1] map\map_y04_pole
* 1024.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_ani-explosion-02
* 1024.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_ani-explosion-02-b-a
* 1024.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_ani-explosion-02a
* 1024.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_explotions_2
* 1024.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_explotions_4
* 1024.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_explotions_smoke
* 1024.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_explotions_smoke_benzine
* 1024.1 : [   1] shoker_mod\explosions\final_expl
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_achivments
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_dialog_screen
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_menu
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_mp_screen
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_multiplayer_game_menu
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_newsmanager_icons
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_pda
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_sleep_screen
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_upgrades_1
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_upgrades_2
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_upgrades_3
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_widescreen_sidepanels
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_common
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_hud
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_ingame2_common
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_pda2
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_pda2_noice
* 1024.1 : [   4] wpn\wpn_bolt
* 1024.1 : [   1] wpn\wpn_crosshair_class
* 1024.1 : [   1] wpn\wpn_crosshair_fn2000
* 1024.1 : [   1] wpn\wpn_crosshair_l85
* 1363.3 : [   4] act\act_stalker_sviter
* 1364.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_l96
* 1364.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_skw
* 1364.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svt
* 1364.3 : [   4] act\act_arm_sviter_1
* 1364.3 : [   1] map\map_jupiter
* 1364.3 : [   1] map\map_marsh
* 1364.3 : [   1] map\map_pripyat
* 1364.3 : [   1] map\map_zaton
* 1792.9 : [   6] item\item_detector_1
* 2048.1 : [   4] akt\act_arm_mono_1
* 2048.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_cc_lightings
* 2048.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_hint_wnd
* 2048.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_weapons
* 2048.1 : [   1] ui\ui_global_map
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\05-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\05-30
* 3072.1 : [  66] sky\af3_clear\06-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\07-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\08-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\09-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\10-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\11-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\12-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\13-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\14-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\15-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\16-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\17-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\18-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\19-00
* 3072.1 : [  66] sky\af3_clear\20-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\20-30
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\21-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\21-30
* 3072.1 : [   6] sky\af3_cloudy\05-00
* 3072.1 : [  12] sky\af3_cloudy\06-00
* 3072.1 : [  11] sky\af3_cloudy\07-00
* 3072.1 : [  19] sky\af3_cloudy\08-00
* 3072.1 : [  24] sky\af3_cloudy\09-00
* 3072.1 : [  12] sky\af3_cloudy\10-00
* 3072.1 : [  12] sky\af3_cloudy\11-00
* 3072.1 : [  19] sky\af3_cloudy\12-00
* 3072.1 : [  11] sky\af3_cloudy\13-00
* 3072.1 : [  38] sky\af3_cloudy\14-00
* 3072.1 : [  29] sky\af3_cloudy\15-00
* 3072.1 : [  11] sky\af3_cloudy\16-00
* 3072.1 : [  19] sky\af3_cloudy\17-00
* 3072.1 : [  22] sky\af3_cloudy\18-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\04-30
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\05-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\05-30
* 3072.1 : [  66] sky\af3_partly\06-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\07-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\08-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\09-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\10-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\11-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\12-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\13-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\14-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\15-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\16-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\17-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\18-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\19-00
* 3072.1 : [  66] sky\af3_partly\20-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\20-30
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\21-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\21-30
* 7427.6 : [   4] sap\sap_fire_loop_00
* 8192.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_portrets
* 8193.0 : [   4] item\item_detector_3
* 32768.1 : [   1] ui\ui_icon_equipment
* [ D3D ]: textures[479780 K]
*  0.0 : [  70] $null
*  0.0 : [   2] $user$cmap0
*  0.0 : [   2] $user$cmap1
*  0.0 : [   3] $user$distort
*  0.0 : [ 407] $user$projector
*  0.0 : [   6] $user$rendertarget
*  0.0 : [   5] $user$rendertarget_color_map
*  0.0 : [   1] $user$sky0
*  0.0 : [   1] $user$sky1
*  0.0 : [   1] $user$tonemap
*  0.0 : [   3] prop\prop_lampa_g_red2
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_spark_02
*  0.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_spark_01
*  0.2 : [   3] wpn\wpn_protecta_dots
*  0.2 : [   1] pfx\pfx_step_blood
*  0.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_bubble
*  0.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_leaves_01
*  0.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_leaves_02
*  0.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_splash3
*  0.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_splash_02
*  0.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_synus
*  0.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_vehmetaldebris_01
*  0.3 : [   1] prop\prop_provod_02
*  0.3 : [   4] prop\prop_provod_03
*  0.4 : [   1] glow\glow_anamorphic
*  0.4 : [   1] glow\glow_rays
*  0.6 : [ 403] internal\internal_light_attclip
*  0.7 : [   4] mtl\mtl_bochka_02
*  0.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_concretedebris_01
*  1.3 : [   6] act\act_stalker_head_glass
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_21
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_bubble_1
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_bubble_water
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist2
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist2inv
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist3
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist4
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist7
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist8
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist9
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist_glass
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist_teleport
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_distort_anomaly
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_distortion
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flash_05
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flash_07
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_smoke_b
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_specks
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_specks_poison
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_spikey_star
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_splash_01
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_stonedebris1
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_stonedebris2
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_vehglassdebris_01
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_water_wave
*  1.4 : [   4] item\item_key_1
*  1.4 : [   1] fx\fx_rain
*  1.4 : [   1] fx\fx_sun_rise
*  1.4 : [   1] glow\glow_orange2
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_asfalt_1
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_asfalt_2
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_asfalt_3
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_brick_1
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_brick_2
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_1
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_2
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_4
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_5
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_6
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_7
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_ground
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_ground_1
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_ground_2
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik_1
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik_2
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik_3
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_1
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_2
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_3
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_4
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_1
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_2
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_3
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_4
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_5
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_6
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_7
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_8
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_9
*  2.7 : [   4] mtl\mtl_luk_ch_01
*  2.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_electrostatic
*  2.7 : [   4] prop\prop_electroengine1
*  2.7 : [   1] prop\prop_fake_bed_fireplace
*  2.7 : [   4] prop\prop_lock
*  2.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_pkm_lenta
*  2.7 : [   4] act\act_pseudodog_fur
*  2.7 : [   4] act\act_pseudodog_fur1
*  2.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist_glass3
*  2.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_smokepuffs2
*  2.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_sparks
*  2.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_sparks2
*  2.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_woodchips1
*  2.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_woodchips3
*  2.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\trace_01
*  2.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\trace_01
*  2.7 : [   4] food\food_raw___dog
*  2.7 : [   4] food\food_raw_flesh
*  2.7 : [   4] item\item_battery
*  2.7 : [   4] item\item_jar
*  2.7 : [   4] item\item_meinkampf
*  2.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\dtk_3
*  3.1 : [   5] sky\sky_12_vibros_cube#small
*  3.1 : [  26] sky\sky_13_cube#small
*  3.1 : [  16] sky\sky_13_cube_night#small
*  3.1 : [  12] sky\sky_13_vibros_cube#small
*  3.1 : [  10] sky\sky_14_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   4] sky\sky_17_clouds_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   4] sky\sky_17_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   8] sky\sky_18_cube#small
*  3.1 : [  11] sky\sky_19_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   4] sky\sky_1_clouds_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   4] sky\sky_20_clouds_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   4] sky\sky_20_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   4] sky\sky_2_clouds_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   4] sky\sky_2_cube#small
*  3.1 : [  12] sky\sky_3_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   3] sky\sky_4_cube#small
*  3.1 : [  30] sky\sky_5_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   7] sky\sky_6_cube#small
*  3.1 : [  11] sky\sky_7_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   8] sky\sky_8_cube#small
*  3.1 : [  49] sky\sky_9_cube#small
*  4.1 : [   1] fx\fx_flare1
*  4.1 : [   1] fx\fx_flare2
*  4.1 : [   1] fx\fx_flare3
*  4.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flamefx_01
*  4.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_g-smoke-01
*  5.3 : [   1] act\act_controller_hit
*  5.3 : [   1] act\act_controller_hit1
*  5.3 : [   4] act\act_stalker_nauch_glass
*  5.3 : [   4] act\variation mod\act_neutral\gas_mask_glass
*  5.3 : [   4] door\door_metal_01
*  5.3 : [   4] mtl\mtl_barrel_01
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_1
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_16
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_17
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_19
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_3
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_4
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_5
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_6
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_8
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_88
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_9
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_blurry_cloud
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_brick
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_light
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_light1
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_light3
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_light4
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_lightning_01
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_lightning_02
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_ligth_6
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_plasma
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_smoke_a
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_sparks1
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_teleport
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_test_textures
*  5.3 : [   4] prop\prop_ballon1
*  5.3 : [   4] prop\prop_ballon3
*  5.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_pkm_decals
*  5.4 : [   4] item\item_hammer
*  5.4 : [   1] amik\nature\stonedebris1
*  5.4 : [   1] glow\glow_04
*  5.4 : [   1] glow\glow_fire1
*  5.4 : [   1] glow\glow_fire1_soc
*  5.4 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flash_02
*  5.4 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flash_08
*  5.4 : [   1] shoker_mod\explosions\firesmokeparticle
*  5.4 : [   1] wm\wm_grenade
*  5.4 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_dead
*  5.4 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_horiz
*  5.4 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_blood
*  5.4 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_wood
*  5.4 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_wood1
*  5.4 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_wood2
*  5.4 : [   1] amik\weapons\6ways2
*  5.4 : [   1] amik\weapons\btr\muzzle 6ways2
*  5.4 : [   1] amik\nature\list
*  5.4 : [   1] amik\nature\wood_part
*  5.4 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\trail
*  6.1 : [  14] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_1#small
*  6.1 : [  41] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_2#small
*  6.1 : [  18] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_3#small
*  6.1 : [  15] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_5#small
*  6.1 : [  40] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_1#small
*  6.1 : [  24] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_2#small
*  6.1 : [  36] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_3#small
*  6.1 : [  32] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_4#small
*  6.1 : [  32] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_5#small
*  6.1 : [   6] sky\af3_blowout\blowout1#small
*  6.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout1_1#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout2#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout2_night#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3#small
*  6.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_1#small
*  6.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_1_night#small
*  6.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_2#small
*  6.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_2_night#small
*  6.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_3#small
*  6.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_3_night#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_night#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4#small
*  6.1 : [   3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_1#small
*  6.1 : [   3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_1_night#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_night#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5_night#small
*  6.1 : [   7] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5psi#small
*  6.1 : [   7] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5psi_night#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout6#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout6_night#small
*  6.1 : [   3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout7#small
*  6.1 : [   4] sky\af3_blowout\blowout7_night#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\00-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\00-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  25] sky\af3_clear\00-00-nm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\01-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\01-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  37] sky\af3_clear\01-00-nm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\02-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\02-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  25] sky\af3_clear\02-00-nm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\03-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\03-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\04-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\04-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\04-30#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\05-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\05-30#small
*  6.1 : [  66] sky\af3_clear\06-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\07-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\08-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\09-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\10-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\11-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\12-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\13-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\14-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\15-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\16-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\17-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\18-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\19-00#small
*  6.1 : [  66] sky\af3_clear\20-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\20-30#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\21-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\21-30#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\22-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\22-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\23-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\23-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [   6] sky\af3_cloudy\05-00#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_cloudy\06-00#small
*  6.1 : [  11] sky\af3_cloudy\07-00#small
*  6.1 : [  19] sky\af3_cloudy\08-00#small
*  6.1 : [  24] sky\af3_cloudy\09-00#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_cloudy\10-00#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_cloudy\11-00#small
*  6.1 : [  19] sky\af3_cloudy\12-00#small
*  6.1 : [  11] sky\af3_cloudy\13-00#small
*  6.1 : [  38] sky\af3_cloudy\14-00#small
*  6.1 : [  29] sky\af3_cloudy\15-00#small
*  6.1 : [  11] sky\af3_cloudy\16-00#small
*  6.1 : [  19] sky\af3_cloudy\17-00#small
*  6.1 : [  22] sky\af3_cloudy\18-00#small
*  6.1 : [   6] sky\af3_cloudy\19-00#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_cloudy\20-00#small
*  6.1 : [  16] sky\af3_foggy\06-00#small
*  6.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\07-00#small
*  6.1 : [  19] sky\af3_foggy\09-00#small
*  6.1 : [  40] sky\af3_foggy\10-00#small
*  6.1 : [  10] sky\af3_foggy\11-00#small
*  6.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\12-00#small
*  6.1 : [  27] sky\af3_foggy\13-00#small
*  6.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\14-00#small
*  6.1 : [  19] sky\af3_foggy\15-00#small
*  6.1 : [  19] sky\af3_foggy\16-00#small
*  6.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\17-00#small
*  6.1 : [  19] sky\af3_foggy\18-00#small
*  6.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\19-00#small
*  6.1 : [  22] sky\af3_foggy\20-00#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\00-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\00-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  25] sky\af3_partly\00-00-nm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\01-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\01-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  38] sky\af3_partly\01-00-nm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\02-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\02-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  24] sky\af3_partly\02-00-nm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\03-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\03-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\04-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\04-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\04-30#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\05-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\05-30#small
*  6.1 : [  66] sky\af3_partly\06-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\07-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\08-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\09-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\10-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\11-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\12-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\13-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\14-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\15-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\16-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\17-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\18-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\19-00#small
*  6.1 : [  66] sky\af3_partly\20-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\20-30#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\21-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\21-30#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\22-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\22-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\23-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\23-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  26] sky\af3_rainy\07-00#small
*  6.1 : [  30] sky\af3_rainy\09-00_19-00#small
*  6.1 : [  58] sky\af3_rainy\13-00#small
*  6.1 : [  24] sky\af3_rainy\15-00#small
*  6.1 : [  31] sky\af3_rainy\15-00-2#small
*  6.1 : [  44] sky\af3_rainy\16-00#small
*  6.1 : [  32] sky\af3_rainy\20-00#small
*  7.1 : [   4] wpn\wpn_g36_scope
*  8.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_gologramma
*  8.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\fake_shells
*  8.1 : [   1] ui\ui_fog_of_war
* 10.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_vog
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_dogs_big
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_dogs_black
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_dogs_brown
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_green_stalker_head_3
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_pseudodog
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_rat01
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_ryukzak
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_stalker_head_antigas_2
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_stalker_headmask2
* 10.7 : [   4] mtl\mtl_floor_fence_01
* 10.7 : [   4] mtl\mtl_floor_plate_03
* 10.7 : [   4] mtl\mtl_rja_01
* 10.7 : [   4] mtl\mtl_rja_green
* 10.7 : [   4] mtl\mtl_shkaf
* 10.7 : [   4] mtl\mtl_tubes3b
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_dangerbox_2
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_item2
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_item3
* 10.7 : [   6] prop\prop_iten4
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_kitchen_stuff
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_ognetushit
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_spade
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_vagon_gr
* 10.7 : [   4] wood\wood_jasik2
* 10.7 : [   4] wood\wood_plank6
* 10.7 : [   4] wood\wood_table_02
* 10.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_protecta_sights
* 10.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_walter99_mag
* 10.7 : [   4] glas\glas_dirt
* 10.7 : [   4] mtl\mtl_barrel_03
* 10.7 : [   4] mtl\mtl_barrel_04
* 10.7 : [   4] mtl\mtl_barrel_05
* 10.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_2
* 10.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_23
* 10.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_2_green
* 10.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_7
* 10.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_concretepuffs_01
* 10.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_lighting_stancia_01
* 10.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_lighting_stancia_02
* 10.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_smokepuffs1
* 10.7 : [   1] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_shells1
* 10.7 : [   1] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_shells2
* 10.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\dtk_5
* 10.7 : [   4] fx\fx_noise2
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_block_notes
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_calibrate_tools
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_cards
* 10.7 : [   3] item\item_document_01
* 10.7 : [   6] item\item_gazmask1
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_gazmask3
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_medic1
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_medkit
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_medkit_2
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_medkit_3
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_medkit_4
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_parts
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_rebirth
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_small_tools
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_yad
* 10.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_bullet1_556
* 10.7 : [   1] amik\anomaly\electric_radial
* 10.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\6ways1
* 10.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\btr\muzzle 6ways1
* 10.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\dtk_4
* 10.7 : [   1] amik\hit_fx\water_splash\water_spurt
* 10.7 : [   1] lights\lights_cone_handing_lamp
* 10.7 : [   1] lights\lights_ray1
* 10.7 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_blood1
* 10.7 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_metal
* 10.7 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_ston
* 16.1 : [   4] act\act_specnaz_glass
* 16.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\mg42out
* 16.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\trace
* 16.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\mg42out
* 16.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\trace
* 16.1 : [   1] fx\fx_rainsplash1
* 16.1 : [   1] fx\fx_volumefog1
* 16.1 : [ 403] internal\internal_light_att
* 16.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flame
* 16.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flash_01
* 16.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_gradient
* 16.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_gradient1
* 16.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_arial_14_1024
* 16.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_hud_01
* 16.1 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_drop_1
* 16.1 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_drop_2
* 16.1 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_drop_3
* 16.1 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_drop_4
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_face_01
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_face_mask_02
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_face_mask_03
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_faces_1_03
* 21.3 : [   4] mtl\mtl_angar_a_b
* 21.3 : [   4] mtl\mtl_bochka_01
* 21.3 : [   4] mtl\mtl_pod_01
* 21.3 : [   4] prop\prop_blue_gate
* 21.3 : [   1] amik\weapons\dtk_2
* 21.4 : [   4] aa\aa_freon
* 21.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_raii
* 21.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_bullet1_545
* 21.4 : [   3] artifact\artifact_sopli2
* 21.4 : [   1] glow\glow_blue
* 21.4 : [   4] glow\glow_ghost
* 21.4 : [   1] glow\glow_orange
* 21.4 : [   1] glow\glow_orange_bright
* 21.4 : [   1] glow\glow_white
* 21.4 : [   1] glow\glow_yellow
* 21.4 : [   4] item\item_goggles
* 21.4 : [   4] item\item_money
* 21.4 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist_lens_base
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_10
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_11
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_1_1
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_1_2
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_1_3
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_1_4
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_1_5
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_3
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_4
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_5
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_6
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_7
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_8
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_9
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_glass01
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_glass02
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_glass03
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_glass04
* 21.4 : [   1] amik\weapons\dtk_4_1
* 32.1 : [   1] fx\fx_lightning
* 32.1 : [   4] item\item_beans
* 32.1 : [   4] item\item_beer
* 32.1 : [   4] item\item_caffeine
* 32.1 : [   4] item\item_corn
* 32.1 : [   4] item\item_medkitai2
* 32.1 : [   4] item\item_tomato
* 32.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_ani-smoke-01
* 32.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_cc_lighting_grad2
* 32.1 : [   4] repair\repair_steel_wool
* 32.1 : [   4] sgm\item_psyhodelin
* 32.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_letter_16_1024
* 32.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_letter_18_1024
* 33.0 : [   1] ui\ui_ani_cursor
* 42.5 : [   1] amik\weapons\9x39
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_psevdogigant
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_monolith_rookie
* 42.6 : [   6] wpn\wpn_upgrade
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_bure2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_burer
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_ca2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_ca4
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_cat
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_controller
* 42.6 : [   6] act\act_krovosos_3
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_nauchniy_monolit
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_plot
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_pseudodog1
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_bandit_2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_ecologb_1
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_monolith2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_monolith4b
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_monolith_2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral2a
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral2g
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral3b
* 42.6 : [   6] act\act_stalker_neutral_4
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral_5
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_soldier_4
* 42.6 : [   4] door\door_brown
* 42.6 : [   4] mtl\mtl_barrel_big
* 42.6 : [   4] prop\prop_bridge_01
* 42.6 : [   4] veh\veh_bugger_1
* 42.6 : [   4] wood\wood_board_01
* 42.6 : [   4] wood\wood_collect
* 42.6 : [   4] wood\wood_walls8
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74m_gp
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74m_mag
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ammo
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_fort17
* 42.6 : [   6] wpn\wpn_gauss
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_grenade_40mm
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_grenade_rdg-m
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_grenade_rdg-s
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_knife_nr40
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_sig550_mag
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_sig550_mag_sk2
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svd_mag
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_walter99_body
* 42.6 : [   4] act\variation mod\act_neutral\pockets_1a
* 42.6 : [   4] act\variation mod\act_neutral\pockets_1b
* 42.7 : [   4] aa\aa_af_aac
* 42.7 : [   4] aa\aa_af_aam
* 42.7 : [   4] aa\aa_camelbak
* 42.7 : [   4] aa\aa_cooler
* 42.7 : [   4] aa\aa_kevlar
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_shovel
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_spalnik
* 42.7 : [   4] aa\aa_plates
* 42.7 : [   4] aa\aa_surge
* 42.7 : [   4] food\food_protein
* 42.7 : [   4] food\food_raw_boar
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_ammo
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_book1
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_book2
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_book3
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_ckit
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_cutlery
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_drugskit
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_energy
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_foto1
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_grooming
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_guitar
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_jbox
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_kithunt
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_maps
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_mirror
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_s_guide
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_sack
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_swiss
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_universalpowerdevice
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_ustroystva
* 42.7 : [   4] item\med_bank
* 42.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_fn2000_lens
* 42.7 : [   1] amik\explosions\smoke_cannon
* 42.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\12x70
* 42.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\flameshoot_3
* 42.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\flameshoot_4
* 42.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\flameshoot_5
* 42.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\shells_12x70
* 48.1 : [  90] sky\sky_cube_weapons
* 64.1 : [   1] amik\static\gas_light\flame_zippo
* 64.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\dtk_6
* 64.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\dtk_8
* 64.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\flash_01
* 64.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\flash_02
* 64.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\flash_04
* 64.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\flash_05
* 64.1 : [   4] arsenal_mod\ammo\762x39_ap
* 64.1 : [   4] arsenal_mod\ammo\762x39_fmj
* 64.1 : [   4] arsenal_mod\ammo\762x51_ap
* 64.1 : [   4] arsenal_mod\ammo\762x51_fmj
* 64.1 : [   4] artifact\artifact_val000
* 64.1 : [   1] fx\fx_sun
* 64.1 : [   1] fx\fx_sun_fog
* 64.1 : [   1] fx\fx_sun_gradient
* 64.1 : [   1] fx\fx_sun_halo
* 64.1 : [   1] fx\fx_sun_morning
* 64.1 : [   1] fx\fx_thunderbolts_gradient
* 64.1 : [   1] fx\fx_thunderbolts_gradient_surge
* 64.1 : [ 806] internal\internal_light_attpoint
* 64.1 : [   4] item\item_medkit_5
* 64.1 : [   4] item\jgut
* 64.1 : [   4] item\kielbasa
* 64.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_18
* 64.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_bloodsplash1
* 64.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flame_01
* 64.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_skinsplash1
* 64.1 : [   4] sap\sap_medal_01
* 64.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_console_02
* 64.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_graff_19_1024
* 64.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_graff_22_1024
* 64.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_hud_02
* 64.1 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_kobra_lens
* 85.2 : [   4] act\act_krovosos_new1
* 85.2 : [   4] act\act_mutant_boar
* 85.3 : [   4] act\act_face_her9
* 85.3 : [   4] item\item_stims
* 85.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_lastochka
* 85.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_lastochkb
* 85.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_lastochkc
* 85.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_9mm
* 85.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_aps
* 85.3 : [   4] act\metro\act_maska_leather
* 85.3 : [   1] amik\explosions\explosion_dynamite\flashlight
* 85.3 : [   1] amik\explosions\explosion_smoke03
* 85.3 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\flameshoot_1
* 85.3 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\flameshoot_2
* 85.3 : [   4] arsenal_mod\ammo\wpn_cartridge357
* 85.3 : [   4] drink\drink_cocaine
* 85.3 : [   4] drink\drink_match0
* 85.3 : [   4] item\[stayler]\w_medkin1
* 85.3 : [   4] item\[stayler]\w_medkin3
* 85.3 : [   4] item\item_detector_2
* 85.3 : [   4] item\item_drink_waterxx
* 85.3 : [   4] item\item_food
* 85.3 : [   1] shoker_mod\explosions\explosion_smoke01
* 85.3 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_1
* 85.3 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_2
* 85.3 : [   1] amik\explosions\explosion_dynamite\smoke
* 85.3 : [   1] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_smoke_1
* 128.1 : [   4] act\act_crow
* 128.1 : [   4] act\variation mod\act_neutral\gp5a
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\357mag
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\50_ae
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\5x45x39
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\5x45x39_00
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\5x45x39_01
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\5x56x45
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\5x56x45_00
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\5x7x28
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\6x5x50
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x25_0
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x25_1
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x25_2
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x25_3
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x25_4
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x39_00
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x39_01
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x39_02
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x39_03
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x51_1
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x51_2
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x54
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x7x57
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x92x57
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\9x18_1
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\9x18_2
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\9x18_3
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\9x39
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\shells_ak_01
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\smokeshoot_0
* 128.1 : [   4] cooking\cooking_kerosene
* 128.1 : [   4] cooking\cooking_wood_stove
* 128.1 : [   4] drink\drink_cigar0
* 128.1 : [   4] drink\drink_cigar1
* 128.1 : [   4] drink\drink_cigar2
* 128.1 : [   4] drink\drink_cigar3
* 128.1 : [   4] drink\drink_crow
* 128.1 : [   4] drink\drink_joint
* 128.1 : [   4] drink\drink_tea
* 128.1 : [   4] drink\drink_vodka
* 128.1 : [   4] drink\drink_water
* 128.1 : [   4] food\food_bls
* 128.1 : [   4] food\food_dog
* 128.1 : [   4] food\food_flesh
* 128.1 : [   4] food\food_pdg
* 128.1 : [   4] food\food_raw_tush
* 128.1 : [   4] food\food_tushkano
* 128.1 : [   4] food\snork_food
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_chocolate
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_cigar
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_cigarettes_lucky
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_cigarettes_russian
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_glucose
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_glucose_s
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_hand_rolling_tobacco
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_mint
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_mre
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_raisins
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_salmon
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_tobacco
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_tushonka
* 128.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_shells1
* 128.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_shells2
* 128.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_shells_green
* 128.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_shells_pisto1
* 128.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_shells_pistol
* 128.1 : [   4] prop\prop_voda1
* 128.1 : [   4] prop\prop_voda2
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_armor_repair_fa
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_cleaning_kit
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_cleaning_kit_r7
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_glue
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_grease_solvent
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_gun_oil
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_gun_oil_ru
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_sewing_kit
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_sharpening_stones
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_textile_patch_b
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_textile_patch_e
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_textile_patch_m
* 128.1 : [   1] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_ak_shells_1
* 128.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_graff_32_1024
* 128.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_letter_25_1024
* 128.1 : [   4] wpn\wpn_pfm1
* 170.4 : [   4] act\act_gasmask
* 170.4 : [   4] act\act_stalker_lesnik
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_abakan
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74_sk1
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74m
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74m_body
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aksu
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_beretta
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_binokl
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_colt1911
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_colt1911_sk6
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_desert_eagle
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_g36
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_grenade_f1
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_grenade_rgd5
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_groza
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_groza_grenade_launcher
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_knife
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_l85
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_mp5
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_mp5_sk3
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_pb
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_pb_sk2
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_pkm
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_pkm_magazin
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_pm
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_protecta
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_rg6
* 170.4 : [   6] wpn\wpn_rpg-7
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_sig-p220
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_sig550
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_sig550_sk2
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_sig550_sk3
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_spas12
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_spas12_sk3
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svd_body
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svd_grips
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_toz-34
* 170.4 : [   6] wpn\wpn_toz-34_sk4
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_usp
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_vss
* 170.6 : [   4] act\new_stalker\act_atach
* 170.6 : [   4] act\new_stalker\t_guerilla
* 170.6 : [   4] item\item_xxporn2
* 170.6 : [   4] akt\act_arm_mono_glove
* 170.6 : [   4] item\item_conserva
* 170.6 : [   4] item\item_flash
* 170.6 : [   4] item\item_rope
* 170.6 : [   4] item\item_rops
* 170.6 : [   4] item\item_torch
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_gl_gp25
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_mount_mtk83
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_mp5_mount
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_1p29
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_ac10632
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_acog
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_l96
* 170.6 : [   6] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_po4x34
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_45
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_atg
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_kzrzp
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_nato
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_pbs1
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_pbs4
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_tgp-a
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak100_grips
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak101_mag
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aps
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_apw
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_bullet1
* 170.6 : [   1] amik\explosions\boom_0
* 170.6 : [   1] amik\explosions\boom_1
* 170.6 : [   1] amik\explosions\boom_2
* 213.5 : [   3] artifact\artifact_hell1
* 256.1 : [   4] act\act_ratwolf_01
* 256.1 : [   1] amik\explosions\explosion_flash_atlas
* 256.1 : [   4] artifact\artifact_val024
* 256.1 : [   4] drink\drink_flask
* 256.1 : [   4] food\food_boar
* 256.1 : [   1] fx\fx_gradient1
* 256.1 : [   4] item\[stayler]\w_medkin2
* 256.1 : [   3] item\item_detector_2_segment
* 256.1 : [   4] item\item_lead_box
* 256.1 : [   4] item\item_mineral_water
* 256.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_bloodsplash2
* 256.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_expl_01
* 256.1 : [   4] prop\prop_tarp
* 256.1 : [   4] sap\sap_medal
* 256.1 : [   4] sap\sap_medal_00
* 256.1 : [   4] sap\sap_orbital
* 256.1 : [   4] sgm\sumka_2
* 256.1 : [3271] sky\sky_oblaka
* 256.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_graff_50_1024
* 340.8 : [   4] wpn\wpn_hpsa
* 340.8 : [   4] wpn\wpn_hpsa_sk1
* 340.8 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svu-a
* 341.1 : [   4] act\act_arm_bandit
* 341.1 : [   1] amik\explosions\explosion_dynamite\explosion_din
* 341.1 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_kobra
* 341.1 : [   1] amik\explosions\final_expl
* 341.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\smokeshoot_1
* 341.1 : [   1] fx\fx_gradient
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_atach
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_faction_badges_tfw
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_monoold1
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_monoold2
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_monoold3
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_mutant_boar_leg
* 512.1 : [   3] act\act_puh
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_scientist_suit_orang
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_monolith1
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_monoliths
* 512.1 : [   1] amik\explosions\explosion_fuelcan\boom_1
* 512.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\00
* 512.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\45
* 512.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\shells_ak
* 512.1 : [   4] amk\items\500
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_ani-fire01
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_explotions_3
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\12ga
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\45acp
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\545x39
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\556x45
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\762x39
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\762x51
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\762x54
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\9x18
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\9x19
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\9x39
* 512.1 : [   4] sgm\sumka_1
* 512.1 : [   1] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_shells3
* 512.1 : [   4] sumka\sumka_4
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_grenade_launcher
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_grenade_launcher_m203
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_pso-1m2-1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_pso1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_pu
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_susat
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak105_body
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_akm_gadges
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_akms_gadges
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_akn
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aks74
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aks76
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aks77
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ar15
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ar16
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aug_sk4
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_cz75
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_fn2000
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_fn2000_sk1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_lr300
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_lr303
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_m1891_scope
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_mosin_scope
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_mp153_sk1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_mp412
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_oc33
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_toz194
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_toz194_sk1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_toz66
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_toz66_sk2
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_tt33
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_val
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_vz61_sk4
* 768.1 : [  14] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_1
* 768.1 : [  41] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_2
* 768.1 : [  18] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_3
* 768.1 : [  15] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_5
* 768.1 : [  40] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_1
* 768.1 : [  24] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_2
* 768.1 : [  36] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_3
* 768.1 : [  32] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_4
* 768.1 : [  32] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_5
* 768.1 : [   6] sky\af3_blowout\blowout1
* 768.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout1_1
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout2
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout2_night
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3
* 768.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_1
* 768.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_1_night
* 768.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_2
* 768.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_2_night
* 768.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_3
* 768.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_3_night
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_night
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4
* 768.1 : [   3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_1
* 768.1 : [   3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_1_night
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_night
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5_night
* 768.1 : [   7] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5psi
* 768.1 : [   7] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5psi_night
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout6
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout6_night
* 768.1 : [   3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout7
* 768.1 : [   4] sky\af3_blowout\blowout7_night
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\00-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\00-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  25] sky\af3_clear\00-00-nm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\01-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\01-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  37] sky\af3_clear\01-00-nm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\02-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\02-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  25] sky\af3_clear\02-00-nm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\03-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\03-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\04-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\04-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\04-30
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\22-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\22-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\23-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\23-00-hm
* 768.1 : [   6] sky\af3_cloudy\19-00
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_cloudy\20-00
* 768.1 : [  16] sky\af3_foggy\06-00
* 768.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\07-00
* 768.1 : [  19] sky\af3_foggy\09-00
* 768.1 : [  40] sky\af3_foggy\10-00
* 768.1 : [  10] sky\af3_foggy\11-00
* 768.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\12-00
* 768.1 : [  27] sky\af3_foggy\13-00
* 768.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\14-00
* 768.1 : [  19] sky\af3_foggy\15-00
* 768.1 : [  19] sky\af3_foggy\16-00
* 768.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\17-00
* 768.1 : [  19] sky\af3_foggy\18-00
* 768.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\19-00
* 768.1 : [  22] sky\af3_foggy\20-00
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\00-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\00-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  25] sky\af3_partly\00-00-nm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\01-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\01-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  38] sky\af3_partly\01-00-nm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\02-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\02-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  24] sky\af3_partly\02-00-nm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\03-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\03-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\04-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\04-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\22-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\22-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\23-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\23-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  26] sky\af3_rainy\07-00
* 768.1 : [  30] sky\af3_rainy\09-00_19-00
* 768.1 : [  58] sky\af3_rainy\13-00
* 768.1 : [  24] sky\af3_rainy\15-00
* 768.1 : [  31] sky\af3_rainy\15-00-2
* 768.1 : [  44] sky\af3_rainy\16-00
* 768.1 : [  32] sky\af3_rainy\20-00
* 768.1 : [   5] sky\sky_12_vibros_cube
* 768.1 : [  26] sky\sky_13_cube
* 768.1 : [  16] sky\sky_13_cube_night
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\sky_13_vibros_cube
* 768.1 : [  10] sky\sky_14_cube
* 768.1 : [   4] sky\sky_17_clouds_cube
* 768.1 : [   4] sky\sky_17_cube
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\sky_18_cube
* 768.1 : [  11] sky\sky_19_cube
* 768.1 : [   4] sky\sky_1_clouds_cube
* 768.1 : [   4] sky\sky_20_clouds_cube
* 768.1 : [   4] sky\sky_20_cube
* 768.1 : [   4] sky\sky_2_clouds_cube
* 768.1 : [   4] sky\sky_2_cube
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\sky_3_cube
* 768.1 : [   3] sky\sky_4_cube
* 768.1 : [  33] sky\sky_5_cube
* 768.1 : [   7] sky\sky_6_cube
* 768.1 : [  11] sky\sky_7_cube
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\sky_8_cube
* 768.1 : [  49] sky\sky_9_cube
* 1024.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral_2
* 1024.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral_3
* 1024.1 : [   4] act\new_stalker\ct_urban_1
* 1024.1 : [   1] amik\explosions\decal_concrete
* 1024.1 : [   1] amik\explosions\explo_end
* 1024.1 : [   1] amik\explosions\explosion_fuelcan\boom_3
* 1024.1 : [   1] amik\explosions\explosion_fuelcan\grey_xpl
* 1024.1 : [   1] amik\hit_fx\water_splash\water_splash_anim
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_1
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_2
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_3
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_4
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_5
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_6
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_7
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_phase_1
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_phase_2
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_phase_3
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_phase_4
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_phase_5
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_phase_6
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_phase_7
* 1024.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_ani-explosion-02
* 1024.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_ani-explosion-02-b-a
* 1024.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_ani-explosion-02a
* 1024.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_explotions_2
* 1024.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_explotions_4
* 1024.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_explotions_smoke
* 1024.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_explotions_smoke_benzine
* 1024.1 : [   1] shoker_mod\explosions\final_expl
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_mp_screen
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_multiplayer_game_menu
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_sleep_screen
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_common
* 1024.1 : [   4] wpn\wpn_bolt
* 1024.1 : [   1] wpn\wpn_crosshair_class
* 1024.1 : [   1] wpn\wpn_crosshair_fn2000
* 1024.1 : [   1] wpn\wpn_crosshair_l85
* 1363.3 : [   4] act\act_stalker_sviter
* 1364.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_l96
* 1364.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_skw
* 1364.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svt
* 1364.3 : [   4] act\act_arm_sviter_1
* 1792.9 : [   6] item\item_detector_1
* 2048.1 : [   4] akt\act_arm_mono_1
* 2048.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_cc_lightings
* 2048.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_hint_wnd
* 2048.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_weapons
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\05-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\05-30
* 3072.1 : [  66] sky\af3_clear\06-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\07-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\08-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\09-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\10-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\11-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\12-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\13-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\14-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\15-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\16-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\17-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\18-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\19-00
* 3072.1 : [  66] sky\af3_clear\20-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\20-30
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\21-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\21-30
* 3072.1 : [   6] sky\af3_cloudy\05-00
* 3072.1 : [  12] sky\af3_cloudy\06-00
* 3072.1 : [  11] sky\af3_cloudy\07-00
* 3072.1 : [  19] sky\af3_cloudy\08-00
* 3072.1 : [  24] sky\af3_cloudy\09-00
* 3072.1 : [  12] sky\af3_cloudy\10-00
* 3072.1 : [  12] sky\af3_cloudy\11-00
* 3072.1 : [  19] sky\af3_cloudy\12-00
* 3072.1 : [  11] sky\af3_cloudy\13-00
* 3072.1 : [  38] sky\af3_cloudy\14-00
* 3072.1 : [  29] sky\af3_cloudy\15-00
* 3072.1 : [  11] sky\af3_cloudy\16-00
* 3072.1 : [  19] sky\af3_cloudy\17-00
* 3072.1 : [  22] sky\af3_cloudy\18-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\04-30
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\05-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\05-30
* 3072.1 : [  66] sky\af3_partly\06-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\07-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\08-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\09-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\10-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\11-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\12-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\13-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\14-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\15-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\16-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\17-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\18-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\19-00
* 3072.1 : [  66] sky\af3_partly\20-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\20-30
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\21-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\21-30
* 7427.6 : [   4] sap\sap_fire_loop_00
* 8193.0 : [   4] item\item_detector_3
* 32768.1 : [   1] ui\ui_icon_equipment
"c:\users\admin\desktop\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. last day 1.3\bin\xrengine.exe" 
Call of Chernobyl version 1.4.22
using marshal library
* sound : cache: 65537 kb, 4856 lines, 13820 bpl
* phase time: 1537 ms
* phase cmem: 852410 K
* phase time: 33 ms
* phase cmem: 852410 K
* Loading spawn registry...
* 18652 spawn points are successfully loaded
* Loading objects...
* 36886 objects are successfully loaded
* Game admin - autosave is successfully loaded from file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - autosave.scop' (2.052s)
* phase time: 2050 ms
* phase cmem: 920611 K
* phase time: 47 ms
* phase cmem: 920646 K
* phase time: 33 ms
* phase cmem: 920646 K
* WARNING: player not logged in
* client : connection accepted - <All Ok>
* phase time: 38 ms
* phase cmem: 920680 K
* phase time: 62 ms
* phase cmem: 929236 K
* phase time: 4698 ms
* phase cmem: 1052816 K
compiling shader simple
compiling shader simple_point
compiling shader simple_spot
compiling shader vert
compiling shader vert
compiling shader vert_point
compiling shader vert_spot
compiling shader vert_l
compiling shader vert_l
compiling shader base_lplanes
compiling shader wmark
compiling shader wmark_point
compiling shader wmark_spot
compiling shader wmarkmult
compiling shader lmap
compiling shader lmap
compiling shader lmap_point
compiling shader lmap_spot
compiling shader lmap_l
compiling shader lmap_l
compiling shader impl_dt
compiling shader impl_dt
compiling shader impl_point
compiling shader impl_spot
compiling shader impl_l
compiling shader impl_l
compiling shader water
compiling shader water
compiling shader waterd
compiling shader waterd
compiling shader tree_s
compiling shader tree_s_point
compiling shader tree_s_spot
compiling shader lod
compiling shader lod
compiling shader tree_w
compiling shader tree_w_point
compiling shader tree_w_spot
compiling shader avg4
* phase time: 286 ms
* phase cmem: 1053924 K
* [Loading VB] 65529 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65514 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65530 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65528 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 30185 verts, 943 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65532 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65532 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65530 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 61949 verts, 1935 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65532 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65532 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 17768 verts, 555 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048572 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048572 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048572 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 517158 indices, 1010 Kb
* phase time: 402 ms
* phase cmem: 1158878 K
* phase time: 81 ms
* phase cmem: 1163894 K
compiling shader detail
compiling shader detail_wave
compiling shader detail_still
* [DETAILS] VertexConsts(256), Batch(61)
* [DETAILS] 40199 v(20), 21716 p
* [DETAILS] Batch(61), VB(785K), IB(127K)
* phase time: 84 ms
* phase cmem: 1172853 K
* Loading HOM: c:\users\admin\desktop\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. last day 1.3\gamedata\levels\zaton\level.hom
* phase time: 72 ms
* phase cmem: 1173107 K
* phase time: 34 ms
* phase cmem: 1164552 K
* phase time: 32 ms
* phase cmem: 1164552 K
* t-report - base: 1418, 473789 K
* t-report - lmap: 28, 28675 K
* WARNING: player not logged in
* phase time: 2832 ms
* phase cmem: 1326390 K
* phase time: 39 ms
* phase cmem: 1326390 K
* [win32]: free[2121800 K], reserved[207828 K], committed[1864612 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[526919 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1326390 K], game lua[57845 K], render[37091 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[58838 K], smem[10260 K]
utils.load_var failed for drx_sl_quest_stash_2_id
task_functor.under_faction_control_target_id is nil
task_functor.under_faction_control_target_id is nil
task_functor.under_faction_control_target_id is nil
task_functor.under_faction_control_target_id is nil
task_functor.under_faction_control_target_id is nil
compiling shader particle_alphaonly
compiling shader model_distort_2
compiling shader model_def_lqs_2
collectgarbage before=40078168Kb
collectgarbage after=39500080Kb
squad simulation_snork0069 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper2947 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_novice9109 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper18841 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper18910 has no target
squad simulation_dog19199 has no target
squad simulation_flesh19403 has no target
squad simulation_dog19735 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced19744 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_2weak19793 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_red19893 has no target
squad simulation_rats19899 has no target
squad simulation_zombie19986 has no target
squad army_sim_squad_veteran20330 has no target
squad simulation_snork20548 has no target
squad simulation_cat20695 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper20783 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran20789 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran20823 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano20969 has no target
squad simulation_boar20973 has no target
squad simulation_cat21289 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano_7_1021293 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced21444 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran21499 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_novice21656 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_black22023 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_red22028 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_522034 has no target
squad simulation_cat22118 has no target
squad simulation_dog22125 has no target
squad simulation_snork22217 has no target
squad simulation_gigant22324 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano22325 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog22612 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_red22631 has no target
squad simulation_dog_5_722685 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced22956 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced22996 has no target
squad simulation_cat23136 has no target
squad simulation_cat23170 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_novice23509 has no target
squad simulation_mix_boar_flesh23534 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog23536 has no target
squad simulation_cat23541 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_523557 has no target
squad simulation_chimera23569 has no target
squad simulation_burer23571 has no target
squad simulation_dog23591 has no target
squad simulation_fracture23597 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog23787 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog23807 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_veteran23967 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_524040 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_advanced24062 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_novice24099 has no target
squad simulation_dog24202 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_advanced24711 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_524750 has no target
squad simulation_snork24851 has no target
squad simulation_dog24863 has no target
squad simulation_psy_dog24864 has no target
squad simulation_gigant_2weak24866 has no target
squad simulation_boar24928 has no target
squad simulation_boar24961 has no target
squad simulation_cat24965 has no target
squad simulation_dog24969 has no target
squad simulation_dog24974 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_novice24979 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano24997 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs25000 has no target
squad simulation_cat25014 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano25017 has no target
squad simulation_cat25041 has no target
squad simulation_dog25092 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog25138 has no target
squad simulation_contr_5dog25474 has no target
squad simulation_cat25575 has no target
squad simulation_controller25577 has no target
squad simulation_psy_dog25599 has no target
squad simulation_dog25777 has no target
squad simulation_dog26047 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog26074 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper26095 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_2weak26238 has no target
squad simulation_gigant26241 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs26243 has no target
squad simulation_cat26246 has no target
squad simulation_cat26255 has no target
squad simulation_psy_dog_squad26258 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper26459 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper26465 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_novice26515 has no target
squad simulation_cat26615 has no target
squad simulation_dog_5_726698 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran26915 has no target
squad simulation_boar27065 has no target
squad simulation_dog27082 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano27085 has no target
squad simulation_cat27091 has no target
squad simulation_cat27093 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced27105 has no target
squad simulation_boar27510 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_black27543 has no target
squad simulation_boar27547 has no target
squad simulation_snork27586 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano27590 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran27595 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran27608 has no target
squad simulation_cat27627 has no target
squad simulation_cat27629 has no target
squad simulation_dog27639 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced27717 has no target
squad simulation_snork27769 has no target
squad simulation_snork27772 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog27776 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs27778 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_black27782 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_527918 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_novice27955 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced28216 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper28267 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran28276 has no target
squad simulation_contr_4zomb_str28319 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_black28335 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs28337 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_528340 has no target
squad simulation_contr_2sn_4zomb28344 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano28505 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano28509 has no target
squad simulation_mix_boar_flesh28519 has no target
squad simulation_cat28524 has no target
squad simulation_dog28531 has no target
squad simulation_dog28800 has no target
squad simulation_dog_5_728805 has no target
squad simulation_snork28914 has no target
squad simulation_dog_5_728918 has no target
squad army_sim_squad_veteran29479 has no target
squad simulation_rats29583 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_2weak29605 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano_7_1029619 has no target
squad simulation_cat29627 has no target
squad merc_sim_squad_advanced29845 has no target
squad simulation_cat29863 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_novice29899 has no target
squad simulation_mix_boar_flesh29924 has no target
squad simulation_dog29946 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper30028 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_advanced30114 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog30164 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs30237 has no target
squad army_sim_squad_novice30468 has no target
squad simulation_cat30469 has no target
squad simulation_dog30605 has no target
squad simulation_cat30610 has no target
squad simulation_dog_5_730614 has no target
squad simulation_rat30632 has no target
squad simulation_flesh30666 has no target
squad simulation_rats31263 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_black31281 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_novice31369 has no target
squad simulation_boar31510 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_advanced31523 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_red31540 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker31754 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran31756 has no target
squad simulation_snork31790 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano32055 has no target
squad simulation_snork32071 has no target
squad simulation_cat32075 has no target
squad simulation_cat32078 has no target
squad simulation_cat32156 has no target
squad simulation_dog32234 has no target
squad army_sim_squad_novice32274 has no target
squad simulation_cat32398 has no target
squad simulation_flesh32401 has no target
squad simulation_snork32570 has no target
squad simulation_poltergeist_tele32781 has no target
squad simulation_snork32798 has no target
squad simulation_dog32808 has no target
squad army_sim_squad_advanced33068 has no target
squad simulation_boar33113 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_novice33119 has no target
squad simulation_snork33576 has no target
squad simulation_snork33590 has no target
squad simulation_dog33594 has no target
squad simulation_rats33598 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano33606 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog33609 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano_7_1033612 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano33620 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog33768 has no target
squad simulation_boar33770 has no target
squad simulation_boar33774 has no target
squad simulation_flesh33776 has no target
squad simulation_dog34063 has no target
squad simulation_boar34092 has no target
squad simulation_rats34564 has no target
squad simulation_snork34580 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano34616 has no target
squad simulation_snork34621 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog34636 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_novice35104 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog36616 has no target
squad simulation_dog_5_736619 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs36642 has no target
squad simulation_boar37377 has no target
squad simulation_dog37396 has no target
squad simulation_snork37655 has no target
squad simulation_dog37662 has no target
squad simulation_snork38410 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced38658 has no target
squad simulation_boar38671 has no target
squad simulation_burer38690 has no target
squad simulation_controller38692 has no target
squad simulation_snork38828 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano38833 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog38837 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_black38853 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran38855 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran38870 has no target
squad simulation_dog38926 has no target
squad simulation_dog38948 has no target
squad simulation_dog38952 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs38992 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano38995 has no target
squad simulation_cat39031 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano39072 has no target
squad simulation_snork39446 has no target
squad simulation_snork39481 has no target
squad simulation_cat39484 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_539487 has no target
squad simulation_flesh39574 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano39577 has no target
squad simulation_boar39582 has no target
squad simulation_dog40202 has no target
squad simulation_flesh40212 has no target
squad simulation_dog40215 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_novice40249 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_advanced40267 has no target
squad simulation_boar40288 has no target
squad simulation_snork40299 has no target
squad simulation_dog_5_740334 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_540344 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_540350 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs41227 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano41228 has no target
squad simulation_dog41274 has no target
squad simulation_controller41321 has no target
squad simulation_cat41325 has no target
squad merc_sim_squad_advanced41329 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_novice41358 has no target
squad simulation_psy_dog_squad41375 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_black41383 has no target
squad simulation_psy_dog41404 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran41427 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_red41467 has no target
squad simulation_gigant41474 has no target
squad simulation_gigant41536 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_541538 has no target
squad simulation_psy_dog41541 has no target
squad simulation_chimera41543 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_541579 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_advanced41710 has no target
squad simulation_psy_dog41752 has no target
squad merc_sim_squad_novice41777 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced41813 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran41837 has no target
squad simulation_boar41935 has no target
squad simulation_rats41939 has no target
squad simulation_cat41946 has no target
squad simulation_boar41950 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano41957 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano41960 has no target
squad freedom_sim_squad_advanced41963 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano42045 has no target
squad simulation_snork42052 has no target
squad simulation_snork42055 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_black42072 has no target
squad simulation_cat42503 has no target
squad simulation_controller42517 has no target
squad simulation_chimera42519 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_black42521 has no target
squad simulation_gigant43328 has no target
squad simulation_psy_dog_squad43338 has no target
squad simulation_cat43389 has no target
squad simulation_psysucker43414 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker43416 has no target
squad simulation_snork43420 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran43458 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced43868 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs43890 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_advanced43907 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_veteran43913 has no target
squad simulation_snork44033 has no target
squad simulation_snork44049 has no target
squad simulation_cat44074 has no target
squad simulation_rats44076 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog44085 has no target
squad simulation_boar44087 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano44093 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced44329 has no target
squad simulation_cat45314 has no target
squad simulation_cat46343 has no target
squad simulation_cat46372 has no target
squad simulation_cat46374 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran46607 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran46637 has no target
squad simulation_boar46655 has no target
squad simulation_flesh46676 has no target
squad simulation_dog46696 has no target
squad simulation_boar46759 has no target
squad simulation_rats46792 has no target
squad simulation_dog46804 has no target
squad simulation_cat46820 has no target
squad simulation_dog48145 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog48385 has no target
squad simulation_cat48388 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_novice49419 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_novice52500 has no target
squad simulation_snork58142 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_novice64047 has no target
squad simulation_hostile_killer38765 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_advanced21429 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran26758 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_novice24530 has no target
squad merc_sim_squad_veteran39042 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_advanced24488 has no target
squad merc_sim_squad_veteran28598 has no target
intro_start game_loaded
* MEMORY USAGE: 1426794 K
* End of synchronization A[1] R[1]
intro_delete ::update_game_loaded
main_menu on console command is executed
* [win32]: free[1980552 K], reserved[119600 K], committed[2094088 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[565153 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1438741 K], game lua[64787 K], render[37118 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[63638 K], smem[14730 K]
* [win32]: free[1980552 K], reserved[119600 K], committed[2094088 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[565153 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1436646 K], game lua[64787 K], render[37118 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[63638 K], smem[14730 K]
Call of Chernobyl version 1.4.22
using marshal library
* sound : cache: 65537 kb, 4856 lines, 13820 bpl
* phase time: 1562 ms
* phase cmem: 1437890 K
* phase time: 49 ms
* phase cmem: 1437893 K
* Loading spawn registry...
* 18652 spawn points are successfully loaded
* Loading objects...
* 36886 objects are successfully loaded
* Game admin - autosave is successfully loaded from file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - autosave.scop' (1.993s)
* phase time: 1991 ms
* phase cmem: 1461504 K
* phase time: 48 ms
* phase cmem: 1461508 K
* phase time: 48 ms
* phase cmem: 1461508 K
* [win32]: free[1954416 K], reserved[115344 K], committed[2124480 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[556395 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1461508 K], game lua[59008 K], render[37119 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[59733 K], smem[14722 K]
squad simulation_snork0069 has no target
utils.load_var failed for drx_sl_quest_stash_2_id
task_functor.under_faction_control_target_id is nil
task_functor.under_faction_control_target_id is nil
task_functor.under_faction_control_target_id is nil
task_functor.under_faction_control_target_id is nil
task_functor.under_faction_control_target_id is nil
collectgarbage before=30326320Kb
collectgarbage after=29790712Kb
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper2947 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_novice9109 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper18841 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper18910 has no target
squad simulation_dog19199 has no target
squad simulation_flesh19403 has no target
squad simulation_dog19735 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced19744 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_2weak19793 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_red19893 has no target
squad simulation_rats19899 has no target
squad simulation_zombie19986 has no target
squad army_sim_squad_veteran20330 has no target
squad simulation_snork20548 has no target
squad simulation_cat20695 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper20783 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran20789 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran20823 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano20969 has no target
squad simulation_boar20973 has no target
squad simulation_cat21289 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano_7_1021293 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced21444 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran21499 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_novice21656 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_black22023 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_red22028 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_522034 has no target
squad simulation_cat22118 has no target
squad simulation_dog22125 has no target
squad simulation_snork22217 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog22612 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_red22631 has no target
squad simulation_dog_5_722685 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced22956 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced22996 has no target
squad simulation_cat23136 has no target
squad simulation_cat23170 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_novice23509 has no target
squad simulation_mix_boar_flesh23534 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog23536 has no target
squad simulation_cat23541 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_523557 has no target
squad simulation_chimera23569 has no target
squad simulation_burer23571 has no target
squad simulation_dog23591 has no target
squad simulation_fracture23597 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog23787 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog23807 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_veteran23967 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_524040 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_advanced24062 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_novice24099 has no target
squad simulation_dog24202 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_advanced24711 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_524750 has no target
squad simulation_snork24851 has no target
squad simulation_dog24863 has no target
squad simulation_psy_dog24864 has no target
squad simulation_gigant_2weak24866 has no target
squad simulation_boar24928 has no target
squad simulation_boar24961 has no target
squad simulation_cat24965 has no target
squad simulation_dog24969 has no target
squad simulation_dog24974 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_novice24979 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano24997 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs25000 has no target
squad simulation_cat25014 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano25017 has no target
squad simulation_cat25041 has no target
squad simulation_dog25092 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog25138 has no target
squad simulation_contr_5dog25474 has no target
squad simulation_cat25575 has no target
squad simulation_controller25577 has no target
squad simulation_psy_dog25599 has no target
squad simulation_dog25777 has no target
squad simulation_dog26047 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog26074 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper26095 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_2weak26238 has no target
squad simulation_gigant26241 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs26243 has no target
squad simulation_cat26246 has no target
squad simulation_cat26255 has no target
squad simulation_psy_dog_squad26258 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper26459 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper26465 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_novice26515 has no target
squad simulation_cat26615 has no target
squad simulation_dog_5_726698 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran26915 has no target
squad simulation_boar27065 has no target
squad simulation_dog27082 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano27085 has no target
squad simulation_cat27091 has no target
squad simulation_cat27093 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced27105 has no target
squad simulation_boar27510 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_black27543 has no target
squad simulation_boar27547 has no target
squad simulation_snork27586 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano27590 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran27595 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran27608 has no target
squad simulation_cat27627 has no target
squad simulation_cat27629 has no target
squad simulation_dog27639 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced27717 has no target
squad simulation_snork27769 has no target
squad simulation_snork27772 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog27776 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs27778 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_black27782 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_527918 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_novice27955 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced28216 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper28267 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran28276 has no target
squad simulation_contr_4zomb_str28319 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_black28335 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs28337 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_528340 has no target
squad simulation_contr_2sn_4zomb28344 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano28505 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano28509 has no target
squad simulation_mix_boar_flesh28519 has no target
squad simulation_cat28524 has no target
squad simulation_dog28531 has no target
squad simulation_dog28800 has no target
squad simulation_dog_5_728805 has no target
squad simulation_snork28914 has no target
squad simulation_dog_5_728918 has no target
squad army_sim_squad_veteran29479 has no target
squad simulation_rats29583 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_2weak29605 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano_7_1029619 has no target
squad simulation_cat29627 has no target
squad merc_sim_squad_advanced29845 has no target
squad simulation_cat29863 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_novice29899 has no target
squad simulation_mix_boar_flesh29924 has no target
squad simulation_dog29946 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper30028 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_advanced30114 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog30164 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs30237 has no target
squad army_sim_squad_novice30468 has no target
squad simulation_cat30469 has no target
squad simulation_dog30605 has no target
squad simulation_cat30610 has no target
squad simulation_dog_5_730614 has no target
squad simulation_rat30632 has no target
squad simulation_flesh30666 has no target
squad simulation_rats31263 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_black31281 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_novice31369 has no target
squad simulation_boar31510 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_advanced31523 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_red31540 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker31754 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran31756 has no target
squad simulation_snork31790 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano32055 has no target
squad simulation_snork32071 has no target
squad simulation_cat32075 has no target
squad simulation_cat32078 has no target
squad simulation_cat32156 has no target
squad simulation_dog32234 has no target
squad army_sim_squad_novice32274 has no target
squad simulation_cat32398 has no target
squad simulation_flesh32401 has no target
squad simulation_snork32570 has no target
squad simulation_poltergeist_tele32781 has no target
squad simulation_snork32798 has no target
squad simulation_dog32808 has no target
squad army_sim_squad_advanced33068 has no target
squad simulation_boar33113 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_novice33119 has no target
squad simulation_snork33576 has no target
squad simulation_snork33590 has no target
squad simulation_dog33594 has no target
squad simulation_rats33598 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano33606 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog33609 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano_7_1033612 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano33620 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog33768 has no target
squad simulation_boar33770 has no target
squad simulation_boar33774 has no target
squad simulation_flesh33776 has no target
squad simulation_dog34063 has no target
squad simulation_boar34092 has no target
squad simulation_rats34564 has no target
squad simulation_snork34580 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano34616 has no target
squad simulation_snork34621 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog34636 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_novice35104 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog36616 has no target
squad simulation_dog_5_736619 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs36642 has no target
squad simulation_boar37377 has no target
squad simulation_dog37396 has no target
squad simulation_snork37655 has no target
squad simulation_dog37662 has no target
squad simulation_snork38410 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced38658 has no target
squad simulation_boar38671 has no target
squad simulation_burer38690 has no target
squad simulation_controller38692 has no target
squad simulation_snork38828 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano38833 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog38837 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_black38853 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran38855 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran38870 has no target
squad simulation_dog38926 has no target
squad simulation_dog38948 has no target
squad simulation_dog38952 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs38992 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano38995 has no target
squad simulation_cat39031 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano39072 has no target
squad simulation_snork39446 has no target
squad simulation_snork39481 has no target
squad simulation_cat39484 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_539487 has no target
squad simulation_flesh39574 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano39577 has no target
squad simulation_boar39582 has no target
squad simulation_dog40202 has no target
squad simulation_flesh40212 has no target
squad simulation_dog40215 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_novice40249 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_advanced40267 has no target
squad simulation_boar40288 has no target
squad simulation_snork40299 has no target
squad simulation_dog_5_740334 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_540344 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_540350 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs41227 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano41228 has no target
squad simulation_dog41274 has no target
squad simulation_controller41321 has no target
squad simulation_cat41325 has no target
squad merc_sim_squad_advanced41329 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_novice41358 has no target
squad simulation_psy_dog_squad41375 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_black41383 has no target
squad simulation_psy_dog41404 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran41427 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_red41467 has no target
squad simulation_gigant41474 has no target
squad simulation_gigant41536 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_541538 has no target
squad simulation_psy_dog41541 has no target
squad simulation_chimera41543 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_541579 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_advanced41710 has no target
squad merc_sim_squad_novice41777 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced41813 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran41837 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano41916 has no target
squad simulation_boar41935 has no target
squad simulation_rats41939 has no target
squad simulation_snork41943 has no target
squad simulation_cat41946 has no target
squad simulation_boar41950 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano41957 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano41960 has no target
squad freedom_sim_squad_advanced41963 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano42045 has no target
squad simulation_snork42052 has no target
squad simulation_snork42055 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_black42072 has no target
squad simulation_cat42503 has no target
squad simulation_controller42517 has no target
squad simulation_chimera42519 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_black42521 has no target
squad simulation_gigant43328 has no target
squad simulation_psy_dog_squad43338 has no target
squad simulation_cat43389 has no target
squad simulation_psysucker43414 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker43416 has no target
squad simulation_snork43420 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran43458 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced43868 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs43890 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_advanced43907 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_veteran43913 has no target
squad simulation_snork44033 has no target
squad simulation_snork44049 has no target
squad simulation_cat44074 has no target
squad simulation_rats44076 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog44085 has no target
squad simulation_boar44087 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano44093 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced44329 has no target
squad simulation_cat45314 has no target
squad simulation_cat46343 has no target
squad simulation_cat46372 has no target
squad simulation_cat46374 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran46607 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran46637 has no target
squad simulation_boar46655 has no target
squad simulation_flesh46676 has no target
squad simulation_dog46696 has no target
squad simulation_boar46759 has no target
squad simulation_rats46792 has no target
squad simulation_dog46804 has no target
squad simulation_cat46820 has no target
squad simulation_dog48145 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog48385 has no target
squad simulation_cat48388 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_novice49419 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_novice52500 has no target
squad simulation_snork58142 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_novice64047 has no target
squad merc_sim_squad_veteran39042 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_novice24530 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_advanced24488 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_advanced21429 has no target
squad simulation_hostile_killer38765 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran26758 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran25653 has no target
compiling shader model_def_lqs_3
intro_start game_loaded
* MEMORY USAGE: 1474195 K
* End of synchronization A[1] R[1]
intro_delete ::update_game_loaded
* [win32]: free[1914940 K], reserved[137620 K], committed[2141680 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[562967 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1479736 K], game lua[55812 K], render[37127 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[63684 K], smem[14730 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 36973 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave5.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave5.scop'
* [win32]: free[1893092 K], reserved[149928 K], committed[2151220 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[572183 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1486692 K], game lua[62143 K], render[37148 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[63490 K], smem[14730 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 36955 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave6.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave6.scop'
* [win32]: free[1894160 K], reserved[160132 K], committed[2139948 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[571159 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1475777 K], game lua[70251 K], render[37149 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[63518 K], smem[14730 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 36961 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave7.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave7.scop'
* [win32]: free[1892520 K], reserved[150552 K], committed[2151168 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[572908 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1449184 K], game lua[68848 K], render[37341 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[63354 K], smem[14730 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 36934 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave8.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave8.scop'
* [win32]: free[1893784 K], reserved[196628 K], committed[2103828 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[573505 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1428926 K], game lua[74044 K], render[37361 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[63351 K], smem[14730 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 36906 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave9.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave9.scop'
* [win32]: free[1893788 K], reserved[217628 K], committed[2082824 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[573548 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1401218 K], game lua[68643 K], render[37380 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[63365 K], smem[14730 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 36917 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave10.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave10.scop'
! WARNING: SV: can't find children [26773] of parent [195777968]
squad simulation_tushkano27002 has no target
main_menu on console command is executed
* [win32]: free[1888632 K], reserved[215364 K], committed[2090244 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[579406 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1407252 K], game lua[66789 K], render[37387 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[63381 K], smem[14730 K]
* [win32]: free[1888632 K], reserved[215364 K], committed[2090244 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[579406 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1406929 K], game lua[66789 K], render[37387 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[63380 K], smem[14730 K]
Call of Chernobyl version 1.4.22
using marshal library
* sound : cache: 65537 kb, 4856 lines, 13820 bpl
* phase time: 1603 ms
* phase cmem: 1464957 K
* phase time: 53 ms
* phase cmem: 1464960 K
* Loading spawn registry...
* 18652 spawn points are successfully loaded
* Loading objects...
* 36917 objects are successfully loaded
* Game admin - quicksave10 is successfully loaded from file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave10.scop' (2.010s)
* phase time: 2008 ms
* phase cmem: 1488208 K
* phase time: 52 ms
* phase cmem: 1488211 K
* phase time: 53 ms
* phase cmem: 1488211 K
* [win32]: free[1896548 K], reserved[127336 K], committed[2170356 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[570967 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1488211 K], game lua[58943 K], render[37388 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[59798 K], smem[14721 K]
squad simulation_snork0069 has no target
utils.load_var failed for drx_sl_quest_stash_2_id
task_functor.under_faction_control_target_id is nil
task_functor.under_faction_control_target_id is nil
task_functor.under_faction_control_target_id is nil
task_functor.under_faction_control_target_id is nil
task_functor.under_faction_control_target_id is nil
collectgarbage before=34676320Kb
collectgarbage after=34169348Kb
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper2947 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_novice9109 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper18841 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper18910 has no target
squad simulation_dog19199 has no target
squad simulation_flesh19403 has no target
squad simulation_dog19735 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced19744 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_2weak19793 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_red19893 has no target
squad simulation_rats19899 has no target
squad simulation_zombie19986 has no target
squad army_sim_squad_veteran20330 has no target
squad simulation_snork20548 has no target
squad simulation_cat20695 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper20783 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran20789 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran20823 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano20969 has no target
squad simulation_boar20973 has no target
squad simulation_cat21289 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano_7_1021293 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_advanced21400 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced21444 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran21499 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_novice21656 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_black22023 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_red22028 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_522034 has no target
squad simulation_cat22118 has no target
squad simulation_dog22125 has no target
squad simulation_snork22217 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog22612 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_red22631 has no target
squad simulation_dog_5_722685 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced22956 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced22996 has no target
squad simulation_cat23136 has no target
squad simulation_cat23170 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_novice23509 has no target
squad simulation_mix_boar_flesh23534 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog23536 has no target
squad simulation_cat23541 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_523557 has no target
squad simulation_chimera23569 has no target
squad simulation_burer23571 has no target
squad simulation_dog23591 has no target
squad simulation_fracture23597 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog23787 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog23807 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_veteran23967 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_524040 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_advanced24062 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_novice24099 has no target
squad simulation_dog24202 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_advanced24711 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_524750 has no target
squad simulation_snork24851 has no target
squad simulation_dog24863 has no target
squad simulation_psy_dog24864 has no target
squad simulation_gigant_2weak24866 has no target
squad simulation_boar24928 has no target
squad simulation_boar24961 has no target
squad simulation_cat24965 has no target
squad simulation_dog24969 has no target
squad simulation_psy_dog24972 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_novice24979 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano24997 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs25000 has no target
squad simulation_cat25014 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano25017 has no target
squad simulation_cat25041 has no target
squad simulation_dog25092 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog25138 has no target
squad simulation_contr_5dog25474 has no target
squad simulation_cat25575 has no target
squad simulation_controller25577 has no target
squad simulation_psy_dog25599 has no target
squad simulation_dog25777 has no target
squad simulation_dog26047 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog26074 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper26095 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_2weak26238 has no target
squad simulation_gigant26241 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs26243 has no target
squad simulation_cat26246 has no target
squad simulation_cat26255 has no target
squad simulation_psy_dog_squad26258 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper26459 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper26465 has no target
squad simulation_dog_5_726698 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog26722 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran26915 has no target
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squad simulation_dog27082 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano27085 has no target
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squad simulation_cat27093 has no target
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squad simulation_boar27547 has no target
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squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran27608 has no target
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squad simulation_cat27629 has no target
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squad simulation_snork27772 has no target
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squad simulation_mix_dogs27778 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_black27782 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_527918 has no target
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squad simulation_snork_2_528340 has no target
squad simulation_contr_2sn_4zomb28344 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano28505 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano28509 has no target
squad simulation_mix_boar_flesh28519 has no target
squad simulation_cat28524 has no target
squad simulation_dog28531 has no target
squad simulation_dog28800 has no target
squad simulation_dog_5_728805 has no target
squad simulation_snork28914 has no target
squad simulation_dog_5_728918 has no target
squad army_sim_squad_veteran29479 has no target
squad simulation_rats29583 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_2weak29605 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano_7_1029619 has no target
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squad simulation_cat29863 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_novice29899 has no target
squad simulation_mix_boar_flesh29924 has no target
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squad simulation_cat30469 has no target
squad simulation_dog30605 has no target
squad simulation_cat30610 has no target
squad simulation_dog_5_730614 has no target
squad simulation_rat30632 has no target
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squad simulation_rats31263 has no target
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squad simulation_bloodsucker31754 has no target
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squad simulation_snork31790 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano32055 has no target
squad simulation_snork32071 has no target
squad simulation_cat32075 has no target
squad simulation_cat32078 has no target
squad simulation_cat32156 has no target
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squad simulation_cat32398 has no target
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squad simulation_snork32798 has no target
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squad simulation_snork33590 has no target
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squad simulation_rats33598 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano33606 has no target
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squad simulation_tushkano_7_1033612 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano33620 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog33768 has no target
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squad simulation_boar33774 has no target
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squad simulation_dog34063 has no target
squad simulation_boar34092 has no target
squad simulation_rats34564 has no target
squad simulation_snork34580 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano34616 has no target
squad simulation_snork34621 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog34636 has no target
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squad simulation_pseudodog36616 has no target
squad simulation_dog_5_736619 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs36642 has no target
squad simulation_boar37377 has no target
squad simulation_dog37396 has no target
squad simulation_snork37655 has no target
squad simulation_dog37662 has no target
squad simulation_cat37923 has no target
squad simulation_snork38410 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced38658 has no target
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squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran38870 has no target
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squad simulation_dog38948 has no target
squad simulation_dog38952 has no target
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squad simulation_tushkano38995 has no target
squad simulation_cat39031 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano39072 has no target
squad simulation_snork39446 has no target
squad simulation_snork39481 has no target
squad simulation_cat39484 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_539487 has no target
squad simulation_flesh39574 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano39577 has no target
squad simulation_boar39582 has no target
squad simulation_dog40202 has no target
squad simulation_flesh40212 has no target
squad simulation_dog40215 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_novice40249 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_advanced40267 has no target
squad simulation_boar40288 has no target
squad simulation_snork40299 has no target
squad simulation_dog_5_740334 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_540344 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_540350 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs41227 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano41228 has no target
squad simulation_dog41274 has no target
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squad merc_sim_squad_advanced41329 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_novice41358 has no target
squad simulation_psy_dog_squad41375 has no target
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squad simulation_psy_dog41404 has no target
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squad simulation_bloodsucker_red41467 has no target
squad simulation_gigant41474 has no target
squad simulation_gigant41536 has no target
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squad simulation_psy_dog41541 has no target
squad simulation_chimera41543 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_541579 has no target
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squad merc_sim_squad_novice41777 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced41813 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran41837 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano41916 has no target
squad simulation_boar41935 has no target
squad simulation_rats41939 has no target
squad simulation_snork41943 has no target
squad simulation_cat41946 has no target
squad simulation_boar41950 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano41957 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano41960 has no target
squad freedom_sim_squad_advanced41963 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano42045 has no target
squad simulation_snork42052 has no target
squad simulation_snork42055 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_black42072 has no target
squad simulation_cat42503 has no target
squad simulation_controller42517 has no target
squad simulation_chimera42519 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_black42521 has no target
squad simulation_gigant43328 has no target
squad simulation_psy_dog_squad43338 has no target
squad simulation_cat43389 has no target
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squad simulation_bloodsucker43416 has no target
squad simulation_snork43420 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran43458 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced43868 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs43890 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_advanced43907 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_veteran43913 has no target
squad simulation_snork44033 has no target
squad simulation_snork44049 has no target
squad simulation_cat44074 has no target
squad simulation_rats44076 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog44085 has no target
squad simulation_boar44087 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano44093 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced44329 has no target
squad simulation_cat45314 has no target
squad simulation_cat46343 has no target
squad simulation_cat46372 has no target
squad simulation_cat46374 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran46607 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran46637 has no target
squad simulation_boar46655 has no target
squad simulation_flesh46676 has no target
squad simulation_dog46696 has no target
squad simulation_boar46759 has no target
squad simulation_rats46792 has no target
squad simulation_dog46804 has no target
squad simulation_cat46820 has no target
squad simulation_dog48145 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog48385 has no target
squad simulation_cat48388 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_novice49419 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_novice52500 has no target
squad simulation_snork58142 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_novice64047 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_novice24530 has no target
squad merc_sim_squad_veteran39042 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran25653 has no target
intro_start game_loaded
* MEMORY USAGE: 1499338 K
* End of synchronization A[1] R[1]
intro_delete ::update_game_loaded
* [win32]: free[1892832 K], reserved[125936 K], committed[2175472 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[574829 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1499465 K], game lua[57582 K], render[37391 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[63254 K], smem[14729 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 36901 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave1.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave1.scop'
! WARNING: SV: can't find children [26773] of parent [187603712]
squad simulation_pseudodog10124 has no target
* [win32]: free[1879276 K], reserved[124924 K], committed[2190040 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[588975 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1513096 K], game lua[64033 K], render[37399 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[63521 K], smem[14730 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 36900 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave2.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave2.scop'
compiling shader model_env_hq_4
compiling shader model_env_lq_4
* [win32]: free[1873028 K], reserved[124904 K], committed[2196308 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[589872 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1499306 K], game lua[71769 K], render[37404 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[68524 K], smem[14748 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 36901 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave3.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave3.scop'
* [win32]: free[1869164 K], reserved[114896 K], committed[2210180 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[599817 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1493523 K], game lua[68278 K], render[37459 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[65062 K], smem[14760 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 36928 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave4.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave4.scop'
* [win32]: free[1869164 K], reserved[176596 K], committed[2148480 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[599817 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1457957 K], game lua[71633 K], render[37465 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[65064 K], smem[14760 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 36933 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave5.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave5.scop'
* [win32]: free[1866344 K], reserved[166300 K], committed[2161596 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[604881 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1469420 K], game lua[69535 K], render[37613 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[65663 K], smem[14760 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 36898 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave6.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave6.scop'
* [win32]: free[1866344 K], reserved[158088 K], committed[2169808 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[605648 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1479021 K], game lua[71145 K], render[37615 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[65840 K], smem[14762 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 36921 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave7.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave7.scop'
main_menu on console command is executed
* [win32]: free[1857628 K], reserved[156216 K], committed[2180396 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[609947 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1486747 K], game lua[59246 K], render[37661 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[66054 K], smem[14750 K]
* [win32]: free[1858076 K], reserved[156216 K], committed[2179948 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[609947 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1485807 K], game lua[59246 K], render[37661 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[66054 K], smem[14750 K]
Call of Chernobyl version 1.4.22
using marshal library
* sound : cache: 65537 kb, 4856 lines, 13820 bpl
* phase time: 1601 ms
* phase cmem: 1554175 K
* phase time: 62 ms
* phase cmem: 1554178 K
* Loading spawn registry...
* 18652 spawn points are successfully loaded
* Loading objects...
* 36921 objects are successfully loaded
* Game admin - quicksave7 is successfully loaded from file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave7.scop' (2.045s)
* phase time: 2043 ms
* phase cmem: 1577461 K
* phase time: 60 ms
* phase cmem: 1577464 K
* phase time: 61 ms
* phase cmem: 1577464 K
* [win32]: free[1791804 K], reserved[113272 K], committed[2289164 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[602563 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1577464 K], game lua[56801 K], render[37661 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[59964 K], smem[14736 K]
squad simulation_snork0069 has no target
utils.load_var failed for drx_sl_quest_stash_2_id
task_functor.under_faction_control_target_id is nil
task_functor.under_faction_control_target_id is nil
task_functor.under_faction_control_target_id is nil
task_functor.under_faction_control_target_id is nil
task_functor.under_faction_control_target_id is nil
current_state 5
next_state 5
item_sect wpn_bm16_worn
H_Parent sim_default_stalker_0
current_state 5
next_state 5
item_sect wpn_mp5_worn_acog
H_Parent sim_default_killer_2
current_state 5
next_state 5
item_sect wpn_vz61_rusty
H_Parent sim_default_bandit_0
current_state 5
next_state 5
item_sect wpn_pm_rusty
H_Parent sim_default_zombied_1
current_state 5
next_state 5
item_sect wpn_hpsa_rusty
H_Parent sim_default_zombied_3
collectgarbage before=36863532Kb
collectgarbage after=36191440Kb
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper2947 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_novice9109 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog10124 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper18841 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper18910 has no target
squad simulation_dog19199 has no target
squad simulation_flesh19403 has no target
squad simulation_dog19735 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced19744 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_2weak19793 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_red19893 has no target
squad simulation_rats19899 has no target
squad simulation_zombie19986 has no target
squad army_sim_squad_veteran20330 has no target
squad simulation_snork20548 has no target
squad simulation_cat20695 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper20783 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran20789 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran20823 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano20969 has no target
squad simulation_boar20973 has no target
squad simulation_cat21289 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano_7_1021293 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_advanced21400 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced21444 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran21499 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_novice21656 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_black22023 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_red22028 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_522034 has no target
squad simulation_cat22118 has no target
squad simulation_dog22125 has no target
squad simulation_snork22217 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog22612 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_red22631 has no target
squad simulation_dog_5_722685 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced22956 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced22996 has no target
squad simulation_cat23136 has no target
squad simulation_cat23170 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_novice23509 has no target
squad simulation_mix_boar_flesh23534 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog23536 has no target
squad simulation_cat23541 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_523557 has no target
squad simulation_chimera23569 has no target
squad simulation_burer23571 has no target
squad simulation_dog23591 has no target
squad simulation_fracture23597 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog23787 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog23807 has no target
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squad simulation_snork_2_524040 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_advanced24062 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_novice24099 has no target
squad simulation_dog24202 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_advanced24711 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_524750 has no target
squad simulation_snork24851 has no target
squad simulation_dog24863 has no target
squad simulation_psy_dog24864 has no target
squad simulation_gigant_2weak24866 has no target
squad simulation_boar24928 has no target
squad simulation_boar24961 has no target
squad simulation_cat24965 has no target
squad simulation_dog24969 has no target
squad simulation_psy_dog24972 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_novice24979 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano24997 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs25000 has no target
squad simulation_cat25014 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano25017 has no target
squad simulation_cat25041 has no target
squad simulation_dog25092 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog25138 has no target
squad simulation_contr_5dog25474 has no target
squad simulation_cat25575 has no target
squad simulation_controller25577 has no target
squad simulation_psy_dog25599 has no target
squad simulation_dog25777 has no target
squad simulation_dog26047 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog26074 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper26095 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_novice26167 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_2weak26238 has no target
squad simulation_gigant26241 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs26243 has no target
squad simulation_cat26246 has no target
squad simulation_cat26255 has no target
squad simulation_psy_dog_squad26258 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper26459 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper26465 has no target
squad simulation_dog_5_726698 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran26915 has no target
squad simulation_boar27065 has no target
squad simulation_dog27082 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano27085 has no target
squad simulation_cat27091 has no target
squad simulation_cat27093 has no target
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squad simulation_boar27510 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_black27543 has no target
squad simulation_boar27547 has no target
squad simulation_snork27586 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano27590 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran27595 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran27608 has no target
squad simulation_cat27627 has no target
squad simulation_cat27629 has no target
squad simulation_dog27639 has no target
squad simulation_snork27769 has no target
squad simulation_snork27772 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog27776 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs27778 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_black27782 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_527918 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced28216 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper28267 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran28276 has no target
squad simulation_contr_4zomb_str28319 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_black28335 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs28337 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_528340 has no target
squad simulation_contr_2sn_4zomb28344 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano28505 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano28509 has no target
squad simulation_mix_boar_flesh28519 has no target
squad simulation_cat28524 has no target
squad simulation_dog28531 has no target
squad simulation_dog28800 has no target
squad simulation_dog_5_728805 has no target
squad simulation_snork28914 has no target
squad simulation_dog_5_728918 has no target
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squad simulation_rats29583 has no target
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squad simulation_tushkano_7_1029619 has no target
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squad simulation_cat29863 has no target
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squad simulation_dog29946 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced29964 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper30028 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_advanced30114 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog30164 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs30237 has no target
squad army_sim_squad_novice30468 has no target
squad simulation_cat30469 has no target
squad simulation_dog30605 has no target
squad simulation_cat30610 has no target
squad simulation_dog_5_730614 has no target
squad simulation_rat30632 has no target
squad simulation_flesh30666 has no target
squad simulation_rats31263 has no target
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squad bandit_sim_squad_novice31369 has no target
squad simulation_boar31510 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_advanced31523 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_red31540 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker31754 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran31756 has no target
squad simulation_snork31790 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano32055 has no target
squad simulation_snork32071 has no target
squad simulation_cat32075 has no target
squad simulation_cat32078 has no target
squad simulation_cat32156 has no target
squad simulation_dog32234 has no target
squad army_sim_squad_novice32274 has no target
squad simulation_cat32398 has no target
squad simulation_flesh32401 has no target
squad simulation_snork32570 has no target
squad simulation_poltergeist_tele32781 has no target
squad simulation_snork32798 has no target
squad simulation_dog32808 has no target
squad army_sim_squad_advanced33068 has no target
squad simulation_boar33113 has no target
squad simulation_snork33576 has no target
squad simulation_snork33590 has no target
squad simulation_dog33594 has no target
squad simulation_rats33598 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano33606 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog33609 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano_7_1033612 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano33620 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog33768 has no target
squad simulation_boar33770 has no target
squad simulation_boar33774 has no target
squad simulation_flesh33776 has no target
squad simulation_dog34063 has no target
squad simulation_boar34092 has no target
squad simulation_rats34564 has no target
squad simulation_snork34580 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano34616 has no target
squad simulation_snork34621 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog34636 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_novice35104 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog36616 has no target
squad simulation_dog_5_736619 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs36642 has no target
squad simulation_boar37377 has no target
squad simulation_dog37396 has no target
squad simulation_snork37655 has no target
squad simulation_dog37662 has no target
squad simulation_cat37923 has no target
squad simulation_snork38410 has no target
squad simulation_boar38671 has no target
squad simulation_burer38690 has no target
squad simulation_controller38692 has no target
squad simulation_snork38828 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano38833 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog38837 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_black38853 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran38855 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran38870 has no target
squad simulation_dog38926 has no target
squad simulation_dog38948 has no target
squad simulation_dog38952 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs38992 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano38995 has no target
squad simulation_cat39031 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano39072 has no target
squad simulation_snork39446 has no target
squad simulation_snork39481 has no target
squad simulation_cat39484 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_539487 has no target
squad simulation_flesh39574 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano39577 has no target
squad simulation_boar39582 has no target
squad simulation_dog40202 has no target
squad simulation_flesh40212 has no target
squad simulation_dog40215 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_novice40249 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_advanced40267 has no target
squad simulation_boar40288 has no target
squad simulation_snork40299 has no target
squad simulation_dog_5_740334 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_540344 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_540350 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs41227 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano41228 has no target
squad simulation_dog41274 has no target
squad simulation_controller41321 has no target
squad simulation_cat41325 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_novice41358 has no target
squad simulation_psy_dog_squad41375 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_black41383 has no target
squad simulation_psy_dog41404 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran41427 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_red41467 has no target
squad simulation_gigant41474 has no target
squad simulation_gigant41536 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_541538 has no target
squad simulation_psy_dog41541 has no target
squad simulation_chimera41543 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_541579 has no target
squad merc_sim_squad_novice41777 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced41813 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran41837 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano41916 has no target
squad simulation_boar41935 has no target
squad simulation_rats41939 has no target
squad simulation_snork41943 has no target
squad simulation_cat41946 has no target
squad simulation_boar41950 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano41957 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano41960 has no target
squad freedom_sim_squad_advanced41963 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano42045 has no target
squad simulation_snork42052 has no target
squad simulation_snork42055 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_black42072 has no target
squad simulation_cat42503 has no target
squad simulation_controller42517 has no target
squad simulation_chimera42519 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_black42521 has no target
squad simulation_gigant43328 has no target
squad simulation_psy_dog_squad43338 has no target
squad simulation_cat43389 has no target
squad simulation_psysucker43414 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker43416 has no target
squad simulation_snork43420 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran43458 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced43868 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs43890 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_advanced43907 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_veteran43913 has no target
squad simulation_snork44033 has no target
squad simulation_snork44049 has no target
squad simulation_cat44074 has no target
squad simulation_rats44076 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog44085 has no target
squad simulation_boar44087 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano44093 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced44329 has no target
squad simulation_cat45314 has no target
squad simulation_cat46343 has no target
squad simulation_cat46372 has no target
squad simulation_cat46374 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran46607 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran46637 has no target
squad simulation_boar46655 has no target
squad simulation_flesh46676 has no target
squad simulation_dog46696 has no target
squad simulation_boar46759 has no target
squad simulation_rats46792 has no target
squad simulation_dog46804 has no target
squad simulation_cat46820 has no target
squad simulation_dog48145 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog48385 has no target
squad simulation_cat48388 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_novice49419 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_novice52500 has no target
squad simulation_snork58142 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_novice64047 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran27934 has no target
squad merc_sim_squad_advanced41329 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran23251 has no target
intro_start game_loaded
* MEMORY USAGE: 1591859 K
* End of synchronization A[1] R[1]
intro_delete ::update_game_loaded
* [win32]: free[1790604 K], reserved[111604 K], committed[2292032 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[604089 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1589522 K], game lua[66602 K], render[37663 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[65622 K], smem[14747 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 36922 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave8.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave8.scop'
! WARNING: SV: can't find children [24584] of parent [193502944]
! WARNING: SV: can't find children [24578] of parent [193384992]
* [win32]: free[1790156 K], reserved[111108 K], committed[2292976 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[604089 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1589079 K], game lua[77283 K], render[37684 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[66244 K], smem[14748 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 36906 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave9.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave9.scop'
* [win32]: free[1790092 K], reserved[125224 K], committed[2278924 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[604089 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1572119 K], game lua[70759 K], render[37708 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[66247 K], smem[14748 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 36903 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave10.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave10.scop'
* [win32]: free[1785964 K], reserved[159688 K], committed[2248588 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[604089 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1539843 K], game lua[68217 K], render[37711 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[66249 K], smem[14748 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 36895 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave1.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave1.scop'
* [win32]: free[1785964 K], reserved[194848 K], committed[2213428 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[604132 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1502059 K], game lua[64300 K], render[37719 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[66240 K], smem[14748 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 36875 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave2.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave2.scop'
! WARNING: SV: can't find children [24463] of parent [191552624]
! WARNING: SV: can't find children [24472] of parent [191552624]
! WARNING: SV: can't find children [27698] of parent [193502944]
! WARNING: SV: can't find children [26518] of parent [193387104]
* [win32]: free[1750220 K], reserved[218068 K], committed[2225952 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[607715 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1489132 K], game lua[69187 K], render[37769 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[66281 K], smem[14749 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 36865 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave3.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave3.scop'
! ERROR on rejecting: entity not found. parent_id = [0], entity_id = [33182], frame = [73518].
! ERROR on rejecting: entity not found. parent_id = [0], entity_id = [35885], frame = [73518].
* [win32]: free[1748608 K], reserved[206220 K], committed[2239412 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[609380 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1491680 K], game lua[73009 K], render[37771 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[66255 K], smem[14749 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 36860 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave4.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave4.scop'
* [win32]: free[1748608 K], reserved[206208 K], committed[2239424 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[609380 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1491213 K], game lua[70081 K], render[37771 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[66254 K], smem[14749 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 36859 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave5.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave5.scop'
* [win32]: free[1748608 K], reserved[206208 K], committed[2239424 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[609380 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1491594 K], game lua[75570 K], render[37773 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[66291 K], smem[14749 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 36862 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave6.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave6.scop'
* [win32]: free[1748608 K], reserved[206208 K], committed[2239424 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[609380 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1491609 K], game lua[70898 K], render[37773 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[66289 K], smem[14749 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 36859 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave7.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave7.scop'
* [win32]: free[1747488 K], reserved[205732 K], committed[2241020 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[611493 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1496526 K], game lua[65881 K], render[37773 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[66344 K], smem[14751 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 36860 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave8.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave8.scop'
* [win32]: free[1747488 K], reserved[201604 K], committed[2245148 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[611493 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1496558 K], game lua[69718 K], render[37773 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[66342 K], smem[14751 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 36860 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave9.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave9.scop'
* [win32]: free[1747488 K], reserved[203804 K], committed[2242948 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[611535 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1499716 K], game lua[63803 K], render[37776 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[66368 K], smem[14752 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 36865 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave10.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave10.scop'
* [win32]: free[1747488 K], reserved[203804 K], committed[2242948 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[611535 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1500208 K], game lua[64907 K], render[37776 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[66367 K], smem[14752 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 36863 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave1.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave1.scop'
* [win32]: free[1743840 K], reserved[205628 K], committed[2244772 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[611621 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1503961 K], game lua[73710 K], render[37781 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[66391 K], smem[14772 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 36863 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave2.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave2.scop'
stack trace:





A to drugi 



* Detected CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-5200U CPU @ 2.20GHz [GenuineIntel], F6/M13/S4, 2193.00 mhz, 21-clk 'rdtsc'
* CPU features: RDTSC, MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, HTT
* CPU cores/threads: 2/4

Initializing File System...
using fs-ltx fsgame.ltx
FS: 61646 files cached 127 archives, 10990Kb memory used.
Init FileSystem 2.414695 sec
'xrCore' build 6532, Dec 24 2016

EH: 7C8194B1D3B7FC27EF8AB759C034CAC7

-----loading c:\users\admin\desktop\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. last day 1.3\gamedata\configs\system.ltx
-----loading c:\users\admin\desktop\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. last day 1.3\gamedata\configs\system.ltx
Initializing Engine...
Starting INPUT device...
Loading DLL: xrRender_R2.dll
Loading DLL: xrRender_R3.dll
refCount:m_pAdapter 1
Loading DLL: xrRender_R4.dll
command line 
Executing config-script "user.ltx"...
[appdata\user.ltx] successfully loaded.
Loading DLL: xrRender_R1.dll
Loading DLL: xrGame.dll
* [win32]: free[4008240 K], reserved[78136 K], committed[107864 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[0 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[31060 K], game lua[0 K], render[0 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[35012 K], smem[0 K]
SOUND: OpenAL: enumerate devices...
SOUND: OpenAL: EnumerationExtension Present
dir[0]=C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Last Day 1.3\bin\
dir[1]=C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Last Day 1.3\
dir[2]=C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Last Day 1.3\bin\
CleanDeviceSpecifierList OpenAL Soft
devices OpenAL Soft
SOUND: OpenAL: system  default SndDevice name is Generic Hardware
SOUND: OpenAL: default SndDevice name set to Generic Software
SOUND: OpenAL: All available devices:
1. OpenAL Soft, Spec Version 1.1  eax[0] efx[no] xram[no]
2. Generic Software, Spec Version 1.1 (default) eax[0] efx[no] xram[no]
3. Generic Software, Spec Version 1.1 (default) eax[0] efx[no] xram[no]
Executing config-script "c:\users\admin\desktop\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. last day 1.3\gamedata\configs\default_controls.ltx"...
[c:\users\admin\desktop\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. last day 1.3\gamedata\configs\default_controls.ltx] successfully loaded.
Executing config-script "user.ltx"...
Executing config-script "c:\users\admin\desktop\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. last day 1.3\gamedata\configs\rspec_default.ltx"...
! Unknown command:  r2_sun_far
[c:\users\admin\desktop\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. last day 1.3\gamedata\configs\rspec_default.ltx] successfully loaded.
Executing config-script "c:\users\admin\desktop\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. last day 1.3\gamedata\configs\default_controls.ltx"...
[c:\users\admin\desktop\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. last day 1.3\gamedata\configs\default_controls.ltx] successfully loaded.
~ Invalid syntax in call to 'r2_aa_break'
~ Valid arguments: vector3 in range [0.000000e+000,0.000000e+000,0.000000e+000]-[1.000000e+000,1.000000e+000,1.000000e+000]
~ Invalid syntax in call to 'r2_aa_weight'
~ Valid arguments: vector3 in range [0.000000e+000,0.000000e+000,0.000000e+000]-[1.000000e+000,1.000000e+000,1.000000e+000]
~ Invalid syntax in call to 'sv_adm_menu_ban_time'
~ Valid arguments: ui_mp_am_10_minutes/ui_mp_am_30_minutes/ui_mp_am_1_hour/ui_mp_am_6_hours/ui_mp_am_1_day/ui_mp_am_1_week/ui_mp_am_1_month/ui_mp_am_3_monthes/ui_mp_am_forever
[appdata\user.ltx] successfully loaded.
SOUND: Selected device is Generic Software
* sound: EAX 2.0 extension: absent
* sound: EAX 2.0 deferred: absent
* sound : cache: 65537 kb, 4856 lines, 13820 bpl
! sound: OpenAL: Can't create source. Error: Invalid Value.
! SOUND: OpenAL: Max targets -  256
Starting RENDER device...
* GPU [vendor:8086]-[device:1616]: Intel(R) HD Graphics 5500
* GPU driver:
* CREATE: DeviceREF: 1
* Vertex Processor: PURE HARDWARE
*     Texture memory: 4084 M
*          DDI-level: 9.0
* GPU shading: vs(fffe0300/3.0/30), ps(ffff0300/3.0/30)
* GPU vertex cache: recognized, 32
* NVAPI is missing.
* Starting rendering as 2-GPU.
* DVB created: 1536K
* DIB created: 512K
* distortion: used, dev(30),need(14)
* color_mapping: used, dev(30),need(14)
* SSample: 1366x768
compiling shader postprocess
compiling shader postprocess_d
compiling shader postprocess_cm_pre
* SSample: enabled
compiling shader particle_distort
compiling shader particle
compiling shader particle
- r__tf_aniso 5
- r1_tf_mipbias 0.
compiling shader simple_color
compiling shader portal
compiling shader editor
compiling shader sky2
compiling shader sky2
compiling shader clouds
compiling shader clouds
Starting engine...
compiling shader hud_font
Loading DLL: xrGameSpy.dll
intro_start intro_logo
intro_delete ::update_logo_intro
* [win32]: free[3744868 K], reserved[130640 K], committed[318732 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[16 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[147016 K], game lua[2075 K], render[158 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[35632 K], smem[0 K]
*  0.0 : [  55] $null
*  0.0 : [   2] $user$cmap0
*  0.0 : [   2] $user$cmap1
*  0.0 : [   3] $user$distort
*  0.0 : [   6] $user$rendertarget
*  0.0 : [   5] $user$rendertarget_color_map
*  0.0 : [   1] $user$sky0
*  0.0 : [   1] $user$sky1
*  0.0 : [   1] $user$tonemap
*  0.0 : [   1] act\act_controller_hit
*  0.0 : [   1] act\act_controller_hit1
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\anomaly\electric_radial
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\explosions\boom_0
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\explosions\boom_1
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\explosions\boom_2
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\explosions\decal_concrete
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\explosions\explo_end
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\explosions\explosion_dynamite\explosion_din
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\explosions\explosion_dynamite\flashlight
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\explosions\explosion_dynamite\smoke
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\explosions\explosion_flash_atlas
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\explosions\explosion_fuelcan\boom_1
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\explosions\explosion_fuelcan\boom_3
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\explosions\explosion_fuelcan\grey_xpl
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\explosions\explosion_smoke03
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\explosions\final_expl
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\explosions\smoke_cannon
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\hit_fx\water_splash\water_splash_anim
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\hit_fx\water_splash\water_spurt
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\nature\list
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\nature\stonedebris1
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\nature\wood_part
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\static\gas_light\flame_zippo
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\00
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\12x70
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\6ways1
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\6ways2
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\9x39
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\btr\muzzle 6ways1
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\btr\muzzle 6ways2
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\dtk_2
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\dtk_3
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\dtk_4
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\dtk_4_1
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\dtk_5
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\dtk_6
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\dtk_8
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\flameshoot_1
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\flameshoot_2
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\flameshoot_3
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\flameshoot_4
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\flameshoot_5
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\mg42out
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\trace
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\trace_01
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\trail
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\flash_01
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\flash_02
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\flash_04
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\flash_05
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\357mag
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\45
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\50_ae
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\5x45x39
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\5x45x39_00
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\5x45x39_01
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\5x56x45
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\5x56x45_00
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\5x7x28
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\6x5x50
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x25_0
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x25_1
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x25_2
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x25_3
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x25_4
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x39_00
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x39_01
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x39_02
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x39_03
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x51_1
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x51_2
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x54
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x7x57
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x92x57
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\9x18_1
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\9x18_2
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\9x18_3
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\9x39
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\mg42out
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\shells_12x70
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\shells_ak
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\shells_ak_01
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\smokeshoot_0
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\smokeshoot_1
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\trace
*  0.0 : [   1] amik\weapons\trace_01
*  0.0 : [   1] fx\fx_flare1
*  0.0 : [   1] fx\fx_flare2
*  0.0 : [   1] fx\fx_flare3
*  0.0 : [   1] fx\fx_gradient
*  0.0 : [   1] fx\fx_gradient1
*  0.0 : [   1] fx\fx_lightning
*  0.0 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_1
*  0.0 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_2
*  0.0 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_3
*  0.0 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_4
*  0.0 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_5
*  0.0 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_6
*  0.0 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_7
*  0.0 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_phase_1
*  0.0 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_phase_2
*  0.0 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_phase_3
*  0.0 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_phase_4
*  0.0 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_phase_5
*  0.0 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_phase_6
*  0.0 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_phase_7
*  0.0 : [   1] fx\fx_rain
*  0.0 : [   1] fx\fx_rainsplash1
*  0.0 : [   1] fx\fx_sun
*  0.0 : [   1] fx\fx_sun_fog
*  0.0 : [   1] fx\fx_sun_gradient
*  0.0 : [   1] fx\fx_sun_halo
*  0.0 : [   1] fx\fx_sun_morning
*  0.0 : [   1] fx\fx_sun_rise
*  0.0 : [   1] fx\fx_thunderbolts_gradient
*  0.0 : [   1] fx\fx_thunderbolts_gradient_surge
*  0.0 : [   1] fx\fx_volumefog1
*  0.0 : [   1] glow\glow_04
*  0.0 : [   1] glow\glow_anamorphic
*  0.0 : [   1] glow\glow_blue
*  0.0 : [   1] glow\glow_fire1
*  0.0 : [   1] glow\glow_fire1_soc
*  0.0 : [   1] glow\glow_orange
*  0.0 : [   1] glow\glow_orange2
*  0.0 : [   1] glow\glow_orange_bright
*  0.0 : [   1] glow\glow_rays
*  0.0 : [   1] glow\glow_white
*  0.0 : [   1] glow\glow_yellow
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_ani-explosion-02
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_ani-explosion-02-b-a
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_ani-explosion-02a
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_ani-fire01
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_ani-smoke-01
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_1
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_16
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_17
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_18
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_19
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_2
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_21
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_23
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_2_green
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_3
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_4
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_5
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_6
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_7
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_8
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_88
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_9
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_bloodsplash1
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_bloodsplash2
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_blurry_cloud
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_brick
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_bubble
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_bubble_1
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_bubble_water
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_cc_lighting_grad2
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_cc_lightings
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_concretedebris_01
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_concretepuffs_01
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist2
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist2inv
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist3
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist4
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist7
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist8
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist9
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist_lens_base
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist_teleport
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_distort_anomaly
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_distortion
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_electrostatic
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_expl_01
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_explotions_2
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_explotions_3
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_explotions_4
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_explotions_smoke
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_explotions_smoke_benzine
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flame
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flame_01
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flamefx_01
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flash_01
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flash_02
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flash_05
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flash_07
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flash_08
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_g-smoke-01
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_gologramma
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_gradient
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_gradient1
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_leaves_01
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_leaves_02
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_light
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_light1
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_light3
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_light4
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_lighting_stancia_01
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_lighting_stancia_02
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_lightning_01
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_lightning_02
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_ligth_6
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_plasma
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_shells1
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_shells2
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_shells_green
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_shells_pisto1
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_shells_pistol
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_skinsplash1
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_smoke_a
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_smoke_b
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_smokepuffs1
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_smokepuffs2
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_spark_01
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_spark_02
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_sparks
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_sparks1
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_sparks2
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_specks
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_specks_poison
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_spikey_star
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_splash3
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_splash_01
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_splash_02
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_step_blood
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_stonedebris1
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_stonedebris2
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_synus
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_teleport
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_test_textures
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_vehglassdebris_01
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_vehmetaldebris_01
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_water_wave
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_woodchips1
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_woodchips3
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\12ga
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\45acp
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\545x39
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\556x45
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\762x39
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\762x51
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\762x54
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\9x18
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\9x19
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\9x39
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\fake_shells
*  0.0 : [   1] prop\prop_fake_bed_fireplace
*  0.0 : [   1] prop\prop_provod_02
*  0.0 : [   1] shoker_mod\explosions\explosion_smoke01
*  0.0 : [   1] shoker_mod\explosions\final_expl
*  0.0 : [   1] shoker_mod\explosions\firesmokeparticle
*  0.0 : [   1] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_ak_shells_1
*  0.0 : [   1] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_shells1
*  0.0 : [   1] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_shells2
*  0.0 : [   1] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_shells3
*  0.0 : [   1] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_smoke_1
*  0.0 : [  14] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_1
*  0.0 : [  14] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_1#small
*  0.0 : [  40] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_2
*  0.0 : [  40] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_2#small
*  0.0 : [  18] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_3
*  0.0 : [  18] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_3#small
*  0.0 : [  14] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_5
*  0.0 : [  14] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_5#small
*  0.0 : [  40] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_1
*  0.0 : [  40] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_1#small
*  0.0 : [  24] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_2
*  0.0 : [  24] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_2#small
*  0.0 : [  36] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_3
*  0.0 : [  36] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_3#small
*  0.0 : [  32] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_4
*  0.0 : [  32] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_4#small
*  0.0 : [  32] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_5
*  0.0 : [  32] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_5#small
*  0.0 : [   6] sky\af3_blowout\blowout1
*  0.0 : [   6] sky\af3_blowout\blowout1#small
*  0.0 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout1_1
*  0.0 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout1_1#small
*  0.0 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout2
*  0.0 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout2#small
*  0.0 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout2_night
*  0.0 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout2_night#small
*  0.0 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3
*  0.0 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3#small
*  0.0 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_1
*  0.0 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_1#small
*  0.0 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_1_night
*  0.0 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_1_night#small
*  0.0 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_2
*  0.0 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_2#small
*  0.0 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_2_night
*  0.0 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_2_night#small
*  0.0 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_3
*  0.0 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_3#small
*  0.0 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_3_night
*  0.0 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_3_night#small
*  0.0 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_night
*  0.0 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_night#small
*  0.0 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4
*  0.0 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4#small
*  0.0 : [   3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_1
*  0.0 : [   3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_1#small
*  0.0 : [   3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_1_night
*  0.0 : [   3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_1_night#small
*  0.0 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_night
*  0.0 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_night#small
*  0.0 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5
*  0.0 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5#small
*  0.0 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5_night
*  0.0 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5_night#small
*  0.0 : [   7] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5psi
*  0.0 : [   7] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5psi#small
*  0.0 : [   7] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5psi_night
*  0.0 : [   7] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5psi_night#small
*  0.0 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout6
*  0.0 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout6#small
*  0.0 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout6_night
*  0.0 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout6_night#small
*  0.0 : [   3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout7
*  0.0 : [   3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout7#small
*  0.0 : [   4] sky\af3_blowout\blowout7_night
*  0.0 : [   4] sky\af3_blowout\blowout7_night#small
*  0.0 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\00-00-fm
*  0.0 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\00-00-fm#small
*  0.0 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\00-00-hm
*  0.0 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\00-00-hm#small
*  0.0 : [  25] sky\af3_clear\00-00-nm
*  0.0 : [  25] sky\af3_clear\00-00-nm#small
*  0.0 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\01-00-fm
*  0.0 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\01-00-fm#small
*  0.0 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\01-00-hm
*  0.0 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\01-00-hm#small
*  0.0 : [  37] sky\af3_clear\01-00-nm
*  0.0 : [  37] sky\af3_clear\01-00-nm#small
*  0.0 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\02-00-fm
*  0.0 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\02-00-fm#small
*  0.0 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\02-00-hm
*  0.0 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\02-00-hm#small
*  0.0 : [  25] sky\af3_clear\02-00-nm
*  0.0 : [  25] sky\af3_clear\02-00-nm#small
*  0.0 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\03-00-fm
*  0.0 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\03-00-fm#small
*  0.0 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\03-00-hm
*  0.0 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\03-00-hm#small
*  0.0 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\04-00-fm
*  0.0 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\04-00-fm#small
*  0.0 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\04-00-hm
*  0.0 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\04-00-hm#small
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\04-30
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\04-30#small
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\05-00
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\05-00#small
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\05-30
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\05-30#small
*  0.0 : [  66] sky\af3_clear\06-00
*  0.0 : [  66] sky\af3_clear\06-00#small
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\07-00
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\07-00#small
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\08-00
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\08-00#small
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\09-00
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\09-00#small
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\10-00
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\10-00#small
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\11-00
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\11-00#small
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\12-00
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\12-00#small
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\13-00
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\13-00#small
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\14-00
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\14-00#small
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\15-00
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\15-00#small
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\16-00
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\16-00#small
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\17-00
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\17-00#small
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\18-00
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\18-00#small
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\19-00
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\19-00#small
*  0.0 : [  66] sky\af3_clear\20-00
*  0.0 : [  66] sky\af3_clear\20-00#small
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\20-30
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\20-30#small
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\21-00
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\21-00#small
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\21-30
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\21-30#small
*  0.0 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\22-00-fm
*  0.0 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\22-00-fm#small
*  0.0 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\22-00-hm
*  0.0 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\22-00-hm#small
*  0.0 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\23-00-fm
*  0.0 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\23-00-fm#small
*  0.0 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\23-00-hm
*  0.0 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\23-00-hm#small
*  0.0 : [   6] sky\af3_cloudy\05-00
*  0.0 : [   6] sky\af3_cloudy\05-00#small
*  0.0 : [  12] sky\af3_cloudy\06-00
*  0.0 : [  12] sky\af3_cloudy\06-00#small
*  0.0 : [  11] sky\af3_cloudy\07-00
*  0.0 : [  11] sky\af3_cloudy\07-00#small
*  0.0 : [  19] sky\af3_cloudy\08-00
*  0.0 : [  19] sky\af3_cloudy\08-00#small
*  0.0 : [  24] sky\af3_cloudy\09-00
*  0.0 : [  24] sky\af3_cloudy\09-00#small
*  0.0 : [  12] sky\af3_cloudy\10-00
*  0.0 : [  12] sky\af3_cloudy\10-00#small
*  0.0 : [  12] sky\af3_cloudy\11-00
*  0.0 : [  12] sky\af3_cloudy\11-00#small
*  0.0 : [  19] sky\af3_cloudy\12-00
*  0.0 : [  19] sky\af3_cloudy\12-00#small
*  0.0 : [  11] sky\af3_cloudy\13-00
*  0.0 : [  11] sky\af3_cloudy\13-00#small
*  0.0 : [  38] sky\af3_cloudy\14-00
*  0.0 : [  38] sky\af3_cloudy\14-00#small
*  0.0 : [  29] sky\af3_cloudy\15-00
*  0.0 : [  29] sky\af3_cloudy\15-00#small
*  0.0 : [  11] sky\af3_cloudy\16-00
*  0.0 : [  11] sky\af3_cloudy\16-00#small
*  0.0 : [  19] sky\af3_cloudy\17-00
*  0.0 : [  19] sky\af3_cloudy\17-00#small
*  0.0 : [  22] sky\af3_cloudy\18-00
*  0.0 : [  22] sky\af3_cloudy\18-00#small
*  0.0 : [   6] sky\af3_cloudy\19-00
*  0.0 : [   6] sky\af3_cloudy\19-00#small
*  0.0 : [  12] sky\af3_cloudy\20-00
*  0.0 : [  12] sky\af3_cloudy\20-00#small
*  0.0 : [  16] sky\af3_foggy\06-00
*  0.0 : [  16] sky\af3_foggy\06-00#small
*  0.0 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\07-00
*  0.0 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\07-00#small
*  0.0 : [  19] sky\af3_foggy\09-00
*  0.0 : [  19] sky\af3_foggy\09-00#small
*  0.0 : [  40] sky\af3_foggy\10-00
*  0.0 : [  40] sky\af3_foggy\10-00#small
*  0.0 : [  10] sky\af3_foggy\11-00
*  0.0 : [  10] sky\af3_foggy\11-00#small
*  0.0 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\12-00
*  0.0 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\12-00#small
*  0.0 : [  27] sky\af3_foggy\13-00
*  0.0 : [  27] sky\af3_foggy\13-00#small
*  0.0 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\14-00
*  0.0 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\14-00#small
*  0.0 : [  19] sky\af3_foggy\15-00
*  0.0 : [  19] sky\af3_foggy\15-00#small
*  0.0 : [  19] sky\af3_foggy\16-00
*  0.0 : [  19] sky\af3_foggy\16-00#small
*  0.0 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\17-00
*  0.0 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\17-00#small
*  0.0 : [  19] sky\af3_foggy\18-00
*  0.0 : [  19] sky\af3_foggy\18-00#small
*  0.0 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\19-00
*  0.0 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\19-00#small
*  0.0 : [  22] sky\af3_foggy\20-00
*  0.0 : [  22] sky\af3_foggy\20-00#small
*  0.0 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\00-00-fm
*  0.0 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\00-00-fm#small
*  0.0 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\00-00-hm
*  0.0 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\00-00-hm#small
*  0.0 : [  25] sky\af3_partly\00-00-nm
*  0.0 : [  25] sky\af3_partly\00-00-nm#small
*  0.0 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\01-00-fm
*  0.0 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\01-00-fm#small
*  0.0 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\01-00-hm
*  0.0 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\01-00-hm#small
*  0.0 : [  38] sky\af3_partly\01-00-nm
*  0.0 : [  38] sky\af3_partly\01-00-nm#small
*  0.0 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\02-00-fm
*  0.0 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\02-00-fm#small
*  0.0 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\02-00-hm
*  0.0 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\02-00-hm#small
*  0.0 : [  24] sky\af3_partly\02-00-nm
*  0.0 : [  24] sky\af3_partly\02-00-nm#small
*  0.0 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\03-00-fm
*  0.0 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\03-00-fm#small
*  0.0 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\03-00-hm
*  0.0 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\03-00-hm#small
*  0.0 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\04-00-fm
*  0.0 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\04-00-fm#small
*  0.0 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\04-00-hm
*  0.0 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\04-00-hm#small
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\04-30
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\04-30#small
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\05-00
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\05-00#small
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\05-30
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\05-30#small
*  0.0 : [  66] sky\af3_partly\06-00
*  0.0 : [  66] sky\af3_partly\06-00#small
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\07-00
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\07-00#small
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\08-00
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\08-00#small
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\09-00
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\09-00#small
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\10-00
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\10-00#small
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\11-00
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\11-00#small
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\12-00
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\12-00#small
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\13-00
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\13-00#small
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\14-00
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\14-00#small
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\15-00
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\15-00#small
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\16-00
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\16-00#small
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\17-00
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\17-00#small
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\18-00
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\18-00#small
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\19-00
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\19-00#small
*  0.0 : [  66] sky\af3_partly\20-00
*  0.0 : [  66] sky\af3_partly\20-00#small
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\20-30
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\20-30#small
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\21-00
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\21-00#small
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\21-30
*  0.0 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\21-30#small
*  0.0 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\22-00-fm
*  0.0 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\22-00-fm#small
*  0.0 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\22-00-hm
*  0.0 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\22-00-hm#small
*  0.0 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\23-00-fm
*  0.0 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\23-00-fm#small
*  0.0 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\23-00-hm
*  0.0 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\23-00-hm#small
*  0.0 : [  26] sky\af3_rainy\07-00
*  0.0 : [  26] sky\af3_rainy\07-00#small
*  0.0 : [  30] sky\af3_rainy\09-00_19-00
*  0.0 : [  30] sky\af3_rainy\09-00_19-00#small
*  0.0 : [  58] sky\af3_rainy\13-00
*  0.0 : [  58] sky\af3_rainy\13-00#small
*  0.0 : [  24] sky\af3_rainy\15-00
*  0.0 : [  24] sky\af3_rainy\15-00#small
*  0.0 : [  31] sky\af3_rainy\15-00-2
*  0.0 : [  31] sky\af3_rainy\15-00-2#small
*  0.0 : [  44] sky\af3_rainy\16-00
*  0.0 : [  44] sky\af3_rainy\16-00#small
*  0.0 : [  32] sky\af3_rainy\20-00
*  0.0 : [  32] sky\af3_rainy\20-00#small
*  0.0 : [   5] sky\sky_12_vibros_cube
*  0.0 : [   5] sky\sky_12_vibros_cube#small
*  0.0 : [  26] sky\sky_13_cube
*  0.0 : [  26] sky\sky_13_cube#small
*  0.0 : [  16] sky\sky_13_cube_night
*  0.0 : [  16] sky\sky_13_cube_night#small
*  0.0 : [  12] sky\sky_13_vibros_cube
*  0.0 : [  12] sky\sky_13_vibros_cube#small
*  0.0 : [  10] sky\sky_14_cube
*  0.0 : [  10] sky\sky_14_cube#small
*  0.0 : [   4] sky\sky_17_clouds_cube
*  0.0 : [   4] sky\sky_17_clouds_cube#small
*  0.0 : [   4] sky\sky_17_cube
*  0.0 : [   4] sky\sky_17_cube#small
*  0.0 : [   8] sky\sky_18_cube
*  0.0 : [   8] sky\sky_18_cube#small
*  0.0 : [  11] sky\sky_19_cube
*  0.0 : [  11] sky\sky_19_cube#small
*  0.0 : [   4] sky\sky_1_clouds_cube
*  0.0 : [   4] sky\sky_1_clouds_cube#small
*  0.0 : [   4] sky\sky_20_clouds_cube
*  0.0 : [   4] sky\sky_20_clouds_cube#small
*  0.0 : [   4] sky\sky_20_cube
*  0.0 : [   4] sky\sky_20_cube#small
*  0.0 : [   4] sky\sky_2_clouds_cube
*  0.0 : [   4] sky\sky_2_clouds_cube#small
*  0.0 : [   4] sky\sky_2_cube
*  0.0 : [   4] sky\sky_2_cube#small
*  0.0 : [  12] sky\sky_3_cube
*  0.0 : [  12] sky\sky_3_cube#small
*  0.0 : [   3] sky\sky_4_cube
*  0.0 : [   3] sky\sky_4_cube#small
*  0.0 : [  30] sky\sky_5_cube
*  0.0 : [  30] sky\sky_5_cube#small
*  0.0 : [   7] sky\sky_6_cube
*  0.0 : [   7] sky\sky_6_cube#small
*  0.0 : [  11] sky\sky_7_cube
*  0.0 : [  11] sky\sky_7_cube#small
*  0.0 : [   8] sky\sky_8_cube
*  0.0 : [   8] sky\sky_8_cube#small
*  0.0 : [  49] sky\sky_9_cube
*  0.0 : [  49] sky\sky_9_cube#small
*  0.0 : [3269] sky\sky_oblaka
*  0.0 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_multiplayer_game_menu
*  0.0 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_sleep_screen
*  0.0 : [   1] ui\ui_common
*  0.0 : [   1] ui\ui_fog_of_war
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_1
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_1_1
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_1_2
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_1_3
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_drop_4
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_asfalt_1
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_asfalt_2
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_asfalt_3
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_brick_1
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_brick_2
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_1
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_2
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_4
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_5
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_6
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_7
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_glass01
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_glass02
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_glass03
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_glass04
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_ground
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_ground_1
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_ground_2
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik_1
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik_2
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik_3
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_1
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_2
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_3
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_4
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_1
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_2
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_3
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_4
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_5
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_6
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_7
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_8
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_9
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_grenade
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_dead
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_horiz
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_blood
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_blood1
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_metal
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_ston
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_wood
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_wood1
*  0.0 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_wood2
* 10.7 : [   4] fx\fx_noise2
* 16.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_arial_14_1024
* 16.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_hud_01
* 32.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_letter_16_1024
* 32.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_letter_18_1024
* 32.1 : [   1] ui\ui_magnifier2
* 33.0 : [   1] ui\ui_ani_cursor
* 64.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_console_02
* 64.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_graff_19_1024
* 64.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_graff_22_1024
* 64.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_hud_02
* 128.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_graff_32_1024
* 128.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_letter_25_1024
* 256.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_graff_50_1024
* 4096.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_main_menu
compiling shader model_def_hq
compiling shader model_def_hq_4
compiling shader model_def_lq
compiling shader model_def_lq_4
compiling shader add_point
compiling shader model_def_point_4
compiling shader add_spot
compiling shader model_def_spot_4
compiling shader model_shadow
compiling shader model_def_shadow_4
"c:\users\admin\desktop\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. last day 1.3\bin\xrengine.exe" 
* phase time: 0 ms
* phase cmem: 169343 K
Loading objects...
compiling shader model_def_hq_0
compiling shader model_def_lq_0
compiling shader model_def_point_0
compiling shader model_def_spot_0
compiling shader model_def_shadow_0
compiling shader model_env_hq
compiling shader model_env_hq_0
compiling shader model_env_lq
compiling shader model_env_lq_0
compiling shader model_def_hq_1
compiling shader model_def_lq_1
compiling shader model_def_point_1
compiling shader model_def_spot_1
compiling shader model_def_shadow_1
compiling shader model_env_hq_1
compiling shader model_env_lq_1
compiling shader simple
compiling shader model_def_lqs_0
compiling shader model_env_hq_2
compiling shader model_env_lq_2
compiling shader model_def_point_2
compiling shader model_def_spot_2
compiling shader model_def_shadow_2
Loading models...
* [prefetch] time:   2154 ms
* [prefetch] memory: 355831Kb
Call of Chernobyl version 1.4.22
using marshal library
* sound : cache: 65537 kb, 4856 lines, 13820 bpl
* phase time: 3727 ms
* phase cmem: 535447 K
* phase time: 10 ms
* phase cmem: 535447 K
* Loading spawn registry...
* 18652 spawn points are successfully loaded
* Loading objects...
* 36863 objects are successfully loaded
* Game admin - quicksave2 is successfully loaded from file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave2.scop' (1.990s)
* phase time: 1988 ms
* phase cmem: 666281 K
* phase time: 29 ms
* phase cmem: 666830 K
* phase time: 14 ms
* phase cmem: 666834 K
* WARNING: player not logged in
* client : connection accepted - <All Ok>
* phase time: 17 ms
* phase cmem: 666868 K
* phase time: 31 ms
* phase cmem: 675423 K
* phase time: 4660 ms
* phase cmem: 799877 K
compiling shader simple
compiling shader simple_point
compiling shader simple_spot
compiling shader vert
compiling shader vert
compiling shader vert_point
compiling shader vert_spot
compiling shader vert_l
compiling shader vert_l
compiling shader base_lplanes
compiling shader base_lplanes
compiling shader wmark
compiling shader wmark_point
compiling shader wmark_spot
compiling shader wmarkmult
compiling shader lmap
compiling shader lmap
compiling shader lmap_point
compiling shader lmap_spot
compiling shader lmap_l
compiling shader lmap_l
compiling shader impl_dt
compiling shader impl_dt
compiling shader impl_point
compiling shader impl_spot
compiling shader impl_l
compiling shader impl_l
compiling shader water
compiling shader water
compiling shader waterd
compiling shader waterd
compiling shader tree_s
compiling shader tree_s_point
compiling shader tree_s_spot
compiling shader lod
compiling shader lod
compiling shader tree_w
compiling shader tree_w_point
compiling shader tree_w_spot
compiling shader avg4
* phase time: 156 ms
* phase cmem: 801479 K
* [Loading VB] 65529 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65514 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65530 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65528 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 30185 verts, 943 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65532 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65532 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65530 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 61949 verts, 1935 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65532 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65532 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 17768 verts, 555 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048572 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048572 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048572 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 517158 indices, 1010 Kb
* phase time: 108 ms
* phase cmem: 906448 K
* phase time: 58 ms
* phase cmem: 914346 K
compiling shader detail
compiling shader detail_wave
compiling shader detail_still
* [DETAILS] VertexConsts(256), Batch(61)
* [DETAILS] 40199 v(20), 21716 p
* [DETAILS] Batch(61), VB(785K), IB(127K)
* phase time: 61 ms
* phase cmem: 923338 K
* Loading HOM: c:\users\admin\desktop\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. last day 1.3\gamedata\levels\zaton\level.hom
* phase time: 87 ms
* phase cmem: 923856 K
* phase time: 16 ms
* phase cmem: 915301 K
* phase time: 15 ms
* phase cmem: 915301 K
* t-report - base: 1108, 375992 K
* t-report - lmap: 28, 28675 K
* WARNING: player not logged in
* phase time: 2559 ms
* phase cmem: 1119456 K
* phase time: 24 ms
* phase cmem: 1119456 K
* [win32]: free[2606256 K], reserved[122380 K], committed[1465604 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[462913 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1119456 K], game lua[41229 K], render[187 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[58627 K], smem[1994 K]
compiling shader model_def_hq_2
compiling shader model_def_lq_2
utils.load_var failed for drx_sl_quest_stash_2_id
task_functor.under_faction_control_target_id is nil
task_functor.under_faction_control_target_id is nil
task_functor.under_faction_control_target_id is nil
task_functor.under_faction_control_target_id is nil
task_functor.under_faction_control_target_id is nil
compiling shader model_def_lplanes_0
compiling shader model_def_hq_3
compiling shader model_def_lq_3
compiling shader model_def_point_3
compiling shader model_def_spot_3
compiling shader model_def_shadow_3
compiling shader model_def_lqs_1
compiling shader model_env_hq_3
compiling shader model_env_lq_3
compiling shader model_distort_2
compiling shader model_distort4glass_3
compiling shader model_env_hq_4
compiling shader model_env_lq_4
compiling shader model_def_lqs_3
collectgarbage before=36736628Kb
collectgarbage after=36086200Kb
squad simulation_snork0069 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper2947 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_novice9109 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog10124 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper18841 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper18910 has no target
squad simulation_dog19199 has no target
squad simulation_flesh19403 has no target
squad simulation_dog19735 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced19744 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_2weak19793 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_red19893 has no target
squad simulation_rats19899 has no target
squad simulation_zombie19986 has no target
squad army_sim_squad_veteran20330 has no target
squad simulation_snork20548 has no target
squad simulation_cat20695 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper20783 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran20789 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran20823 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano20969 has no target
squad simulation_boar20973 has no target
squad simulation_cat21289 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano_7_1021293 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_advanced21400 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced21444 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran21499 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_novice21656 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_black22023 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_red22028 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_522034 has no target
squad simulation_cat22118 has no target
squad simulation_dog22125 has no target
squad simulation_snork22217 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog22612 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_red22631 has no target
squad simulation_dog_5_722685 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced22956 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced22996 has no target
squad simulation_cat23136 has no target
squad simulation_cat23170 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_novice23509 has no target
squad simulation_mix_boar_flesh23534 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog23536 has no target
squad simulation_cat23541 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_523557 has no target
squad simulation_chimera23569 has no target
squad simulation_burer23571 has no target
squad simulation_dog23591 has no target
squad simulation_fracture23597 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog23787 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog23807 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_veteran23967 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_524040 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_advanced24062 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_novice24099 has no target
squad simulation_dog24202 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_advanced24711 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_524750 has no target
squad simulation_snork24851 has no target
squad simulation_dog24863 has no target
squad simulation_psy_dog24864 has no target
squad simulation_gigant_2weak24866 has no target
squad simulation_boar24928 has no target
squad simulation_boar24961 has no target
squad simulation_cat24965 has no target
squad simulation_dog24969 has no target
squad simulation_psy_dog24972 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_novice24979 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano24997 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs25000 has no target
squad simulation_cat25014 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano25017 has no target
squad simulation_cat25041 has no target
squad simulation_dog25092 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog25138 has no target
squad simulation_contr_5dog25474 has no target
squad simulation_cat25575 has no target
squad simulation_controller25577 has no target
squad simulation_psy_dog25599 has no target
squad simulation_dog25777 has no target
squad simulation_dog26047 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog26074 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper26095 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_novice26167 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_2weak26238 has no target
squad simulation_gigant26241 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs26243 has no target
squad simulation_cat26246 has no target
squad simulation_cat26255 has no target
squad simulation_psy_dog_squad26258 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran26429 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper26459 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper26465 has no target
squad simulation_dog_5_726698 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran26915 has no target
squad simulation_boar27065 has no target
squad simulation_dog27082 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano27085 has no target
squad simulation_cat27091 has no target
squad simulation_cat27093 has no target
squad simulation_boar27510 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_black27543 has no target
squad simulation_boar27547 has no target
squad simulation_snork27586 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano27590 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran27595 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran27608 has no target
squad simulation_cat27627 has no target
squad simulation_cat27629 has no target
squad simulation_dog27639 has no target
squad simulation_snork27769 has no target
squad simulation_snork27772 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog27776 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs27778 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_black27782 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_527918 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced28216 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper28267 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran28276 has no target
squad simulation_contr_4zomb_str28319 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_black28335 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs28337 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_528340 has no target
squad simulation_contr_2sn_4zomb28344 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano28505 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano28509 has no target
squad simulation_mix_boar_flesh28519 has no target
squad simulation_cat28524 has no target
squad simulation_dog28531 has no target
squad simulation_dog28800 has no target
squad simulation_dog_5_728805 has no target
squad simulation_snork28914 has no target
squad simulation_dog_5_728918 has no target
squad army_sim_squad_veteran29479 has no target
squad simulation_rats29583 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_2weak29605 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano_7_1029619 has no target
squad simulation_cat29627 has no target
squad merc_sim_squad_advanced29845 has no target
squad simulation_cat29863 has no target
squad simulation_mix_boar_flesh29924 has no target
squad simulation_dog29946 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced29964 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper30028 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_advanced30114 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog30164 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs30237 has no target
squad army_sim_squad_novice30468 has no target
squad simulation_cat30469 has no target
squad simulation_dog30605 has no target
squad simulation_cat30610 has no target
squad simulation_dog_5_730614 has no target
squad simulation_rat30632 has no target
squad simulation_flesh30666 has no target
squad simulation_rats31263 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_black31281 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_novice31369 has no target
squad simulation_boar31510 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_advanced31523 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_red31540 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker31754 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran31756 has no target
squad simulation_snork31790 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano32055 has no target
squad simulation_snork32071 has no target
squad simulation_cat32075 has no target
squad simulation_cat32078 has no target
squad simulation_cat32156 has no target
squad simulation_dog32234 has no target
squad army_sim_squad_novice32274 has no target
squad simulation_cat32398 has no target
squad simulation_flesh32401 has no target
squad simulation_snork32570 has no target
squad simulation_poltergeist_tele32781 has no target
squad simulation_snork32798 has no target
squad simulation_dog32808 has no target
squad army_sim_squad_advanced33068 has no target
squad simulation_boar33113 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_novice33119 has no target
squad simulation_snork33576 has no target
squad simulation_snork33590 has no target
squad simulation_dog33594 has no target
squad simulation_rats33598 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano33606 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog33609 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano_7_1033612 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano33620 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog33768 has no target
squad simulation_boar33770 has no target
squad simulation_boar33774 has no target
squad simulation_flesh33776 has no target
squad simulation_dog34063 has no target
squad simulation_boar34092 has no target
squad simulation_rats34564 has no target
squad simulation_snork34580 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano34616 has no target
squad simulation_snork34621 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog34636 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_novice35104 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog36616 has no target
squad simulation_dog_5_736619 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs36642 has no target
squad simulation_boar37377 has no target
squad simulation_dog37396 has no target
squad simulation_snork37655 has no target
squad simulation_dog37662 has no target
squad simulation_cat37923 has no target
squad simulation_snork38410 has no target
squad simulation_boar38671 has no target
squad simulation_burer38690 has no target
squad simulation_controller38692 has no target
squad simulation_snork38828 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano38833 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog38837 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_black38853 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran38855 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran38870 has no target
squad simulation_dog38926 has no target
squad simulation_dog38948 has no target
squad simulation_dog38952 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs38992 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano38995 has no target
squad simulation_cat39031 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano39072 has no target
squad simulation_snork39446 has no target
squad simulation_snork39481 has no target
squad simulation_cat39484 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_539487 has no target
squad simulation_flesh39574 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano39577 has no target
squad simulation_boar39582 has no target
squad simulation_dog40202 has no target
squad simulation_flesh40212 has no target
squad simulation_dog40215 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_novice40249 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_advanced40267 has no target
squad simulation_boar40288 has no target
squad simulation_snork40299 has no target
squad simulation_dog_5_740334 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_540344 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_540350 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs41227 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano41228 has no target
squad simulation_dog41274 has no target
squad simulation_controller41321 has no target
squad simulation_cat41325 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_novice41358 has no target
squad simulation_psy_dog_squad41375 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_black41383 has no target
squad simulation_psy_dog41404 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran41427 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_red41467 has no target
squad simulation_gigant41474 has no target
squad simulation_gigant41536 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_541538 has no target
squad simulation_psy_dog41541 has no target
squad simulation_chimera41543 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_541579 has no target
squad merc_sim_squad_novice41777 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced41813 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran41837 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano41916 has no target
squad simulation_boar41935 has no target
squad simulation_rats41939 has no target
squad simulation_snork41943 has no target
squad simulation_cat41946 has no target
squad simulation_boar41950 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano41957 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano41960 has no target
squad freedom_sim_squad_advanced41963 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano42045 has no target
squad simulation_snork42052 has no target
squad simulation_snork42055 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_black42072 has no target
squad simulation_cat42503 has no target
squad simulation_controller42517 has no target
squad simulation_chimera42519 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_black42521 has no target
squad simulation_gigant43328 has no target
squad simulation_psy_dog_squad43338 has no target
squad simulation_cat43389 has no target
squad simulation_psysucker43414 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker43416 has no target
squad simulation_snork43420 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran43458 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced43868 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs43890 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_advanced43907 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_veteran43913 has no target
squad simulation_snork44033 has no target
squad simulation_snork44049 has no target
squad simulation_cat44074 has no target
squad simulation_rats44076 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog44085 has no target
squad simulation_boar44087 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano44093 has no target
squad simulation_cat45314 has no target
squad simulation_cat46343 has no target
squad simulation_cat46372 has no target
squad simulation_cat46374 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran46607 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran46637 has no target
squad simulation_boar46655 has no target
squad simulation_flesh46676 has no target
squad simulation_dog46696 has no target
squad simulation_boar46759 has no target
squad simulation_rats46792 has no target
squad simulation_dog46804 has no target
squad simulation_cat46820 has no target
squad simulation_dog48145 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog48385 has no target
squad simulation_cat48388 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_novice49419 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_novice52500 has no target
squad simulation_snork58142 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_novice64047 has no target
intro_start game_loaded
* MEMORY USAGE: 1394027 K
* End of synchronization A[1] R[1]
intro_delete ::update_game_loaded
* [win32]: free[2096892 K], reserved[140384 K], committed[1956964 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[548845 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1397866 K], game lua[57043 K], render[749 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[64667 K], smem[12925 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 36864 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave3.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave3.scop'
* [win32]: free[2096892 K], reserved[135792 K], committed[1961556 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[548845 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1397857 K], game lua[52802 K], render[775 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[64667 K], smem[12925 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 36864 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave4.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave4.scop'
* [win32]: free[2088604 K], reserved[136728 K], committed[1968908 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[557037 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1398089 K], game lua[52396 K], render[802 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[65296 K], smem[12925 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 36895 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave5.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave5.scop'
* [win32]: free[2094104 K], reserved[133504 K], committed[1966632 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[557037 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1372052 K], game lua[49337 K], render[802 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[65299 K], smem[12925 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 36894 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave6.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave6.scop'
* [win32]: free[2094104 K], reserved[163684 K], committed[1936452 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[557037 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1366777 K], game lua[54729 K], render[802 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[65299 K], smem[12925 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 36894 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave7.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave7.scop'
* [win32]: free[2094104 K], reserved[163484 K], committed[1936652 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[557037 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1363571 K], game lua[48126 K], render[802 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[65298 K], smem[12925 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 36893 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave8.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave8.scop'
* [win32]: free[2090024 K], reserved[167292 K], committed[1936924 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[557037 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1355330 K], game lua[52273 K], render[802 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[65290 K], smem[12925 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 36887 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave8.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave8.scop'
* [win32]: free[2090024 K], reserved[171884 K], committed[1932332 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[557037 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1346427 K], game lua[48428 K], render[803 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[65287 K], smem[12925 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 36873 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave9.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave9.scop'
* [win32]: free[2090024 K], reserved[170956 K], committed[1933260 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[557037 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1345726 K], game lua[46780 K], render[804 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[65288 K], smem[12925 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 36869 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave10.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave10.scop'
* [win32]: free[2084560 K], reserved[169376 K], committed[1940304 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[562474 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1357168 K], game lua[50435 K], render[897 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[65766 K], smem[12931 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 36865 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave1.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave1.scop'
* [win32]: free[2084560 K], reserved[165200 K], committed[1944480 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[562474 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1357943 K], game lua[58463 K], render[904 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[65772 K], smem[12932 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 36865 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave2.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave2.scop'
* [win32]: free[2078288 K], reserved[164924 K], committed[1951028 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[568651 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1363957 K], game lua[53759 K], render[909 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[65791 K], smem[12932 K]
* [win32]: free[2078288 K], reserved[164924 K], committed[1951028 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[568651 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1362970 K], game lua[53759 K], render[909 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[65791 K], smem[12932 K]
Call of Chernobyl version 1.4.22
using marshal library
* sound : cache: 65537 kb, 4856 lines, 13820 bpl
* phase time: 1571 ms
* phase cmem: 1428663 K
* phase time: 49 ms
* phase cmem: 1428666 K
* Loading spawn registry...
* 18652 spawn points are successfully loaded
* Loading objects...
* 36865 objects are successfully loaded
* Game admin - quicksave2 is successfully loaded from file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave2.scop' (1.997s)
* phase time: 1996 ms
* phase cmem: 1452476 K
* phase time: 49 ms
* phase cmem: 1452479 K
* phase time: 49 ms
* phase cmem: 1452479 K
* [win32]: free[2008344 K], reserved[141700 K], committed[2044196 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[558868 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1452479 K], game lua[43253 K], render[909 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[59675 K], smem[12920 K]
squad simulation_snork0069 has no target
utils.load_var failed for drx_sl_quest_stash_2_id
task_functor.under_faction_control_target_id is nil
task_functor.under_faction_control_target_id is nil
task_functor.under_faction_control_target_id is nil
task_functor.under_faction_control_target_id is nil
task_functor.under_faction_control_target_id is nil
collectgarbage before=47112632Kb
collectgarbage after=46619184Kb
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper2947 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_novice9109 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog10124 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper18841 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper18910 has no target
squad simulation_dog19199 has no target
squad simulation_flesh19403 has no target
squad simulation_dog19735 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced19744 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_2weak19793 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_red19893 has no target
squad simulation_rats19899 has no target
squad simulation_zombie19986 has no target
squad army_sim_squad_veteran20330 has no target
squad simulation_snork20548 has no target
squad simulation_cat20695 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper20783 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran20789 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran20823 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano20969 has no target
squad simulation_boar20973 has no target
squad simulation_cat21289 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano_7_1021293 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_advanced21400 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced21444 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran21499 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_novice21656 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_black22023 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_red22028 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_522034 has no target
squad simulation_cat22118 has no target
squad simulation_dog22125 has no target
squad simulation_snork22217 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog22612 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_red22631 has no target
squad simulation_dog_5_722685 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced22956 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced22996 has no target
squad simulation_cat23136 has no target
squad simulation_cat23170 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_novice23509 has no target
squad simulation_mix_boar_flesh23534 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog23536 has no target
squad simulation_cat23541 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_523557 has no target
squad simulation_chimera23569 has no target
squad simulation_burer23571 has no target
squad simulation_dog23591 has no target
squad simulation_fracture23597 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog23787 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog23807 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_veteran23967 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_524040 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_advanced24062 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_novice24099 has no target
squad simulation_dog24202 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_advanced24711 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_524750 has no target
squad simulation_snork24851 has no target
squad simulation_dog24863 has no target
squad simulation_psy_dog24864 has no target
squad simulation_gigant_2weak24866 has no target
squad simulation_boar24928 has no target
squad simulation_boar24961 has no target
squad simulation_cat24965 has no target
squad simulation_dog24969 has no target
squad simulation_psy_dog24972 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_novice24979 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano24997 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs25000 has no target
squad simulation_cat25014 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano25017 has no target
squad simulation_cat25041 has no target
squad simulation_dog25092 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog25138 has no target
squad simulation_contr_5dog25474 has no target
squad simulation_cat25575 has no target
squad simulation_controller25577 has no target
squad simulation_psy_dog25599 has no target
squad simulation_dog25777 has no target
squad simulation_dog26047 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog26074 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper26095 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_novice26167 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_2weak26238 has no target
squad simulation_gigant26241 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs26243 has no target
squad simulation_cat26246 has no target
squad simulation_cat26255 has no target
squad simulation_psy_dog_squad26258 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran26429 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper26459 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper26465 has no target
squad simulation_dog_5_726698 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran26915 has no target
squad simulation_boar27065 has no target
squad simulation_dog27082 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano27085 has no target
squad simulation_cat27091 has no target
squad simulation_cat27093 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced27105 has no target
squad simulation_boar27510 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_black27543 has no target
squad simulation_boar27547 has no target
squad simulation_snork27586 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano27590 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran27595 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran27608 has no target
squad simulation_cat27627 has no target
squad simulation_cat27629 has no target
squad simulation_dog27639 has no target
squad simulation_snork27769 has no target
squad simulation_snork27772 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog27776 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs27778 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_black27782 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_527918 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper28267 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran28276 has no target
squad simulation_contr_4zomb_str28319 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_black28335 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs28337 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_528340 has no target
squad simulation_contr_2sn_4zomb28344 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano28505 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano28509 has no target
squad simulation_mix_boar_flesh28519 has no target
squad simulation_cat28524 has no target
squad simulation_dog28531 has no target
squad simulation_dog28800 has no target
squad simulation_dog_5_728805 has no target
squad simulation_snork28914 has no target
squad simulation_dog_5_728918 has no target
squad army_sim_squad_veteran29479 has no target
squad simulation_rats29583 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_2weak29605 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano_7_1029619 has no target
squad simulation_cat29627 has no target
squad merc_sim_squad_advanced29845 has no target
squad simulation_cat29863 has no target
squad simulation_mix_boar_flesh29924 has no target
squad simulation_dog29946 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced29964 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper30028 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_advanced30114 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog30164 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs30237 has no target
squad army_sim_squad_novice30468 has no target
squad simulation_cat30469 has no target
squad simulation_dog30605 has no target
squad simulation_cat30610 has no target
squad simulation_dog_5_730614 has no target
squad simulation_rat30632 has no target
squad simulation_flesh30666 has no target
squad simulation_rats31263 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_black31281 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_novice31369 has no target
squad simulation_boar31510 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_advanced31523 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_red31540 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker31754 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran31756 has no target
squad simulation_snork31790 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano32055 has no target
squad simulation_snork32071 has no target
squad simulation_cat32075 has no target
squad simulation_cat32078 has no target
squad simulation_cat32156 has no target
squad simulation_dog32234 has no target
squad army_sim_squad_novice32274 has no target
squad simulation_cat32398 has no target
squad simulation_flesh32401 has no target
squad simulation_snork32570 has no target
squad simulation_poltergeist_tele32781 has no target
squad simulation_snork32798 has no target
squad simulation_dog32808 has no target
squad army_sim_squad_advanced33068 has no target
squad simulation_boar33113 has no target
squad simulation_snork33576 has no target
squad simulation_snork33590 has no target
squad simulation_dog33594 has no target
squad simulation_rats33598 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano33606 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog33609 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano_7_1033612 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano33620 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog33768 has no target
squad simulation_boar33770 has no target
squad simulation_boar33774 has no target
squad simulation_flesh33776 has no target
squad simulation_dog34063 has no target
squad simulation_boar34092 has no target
squad simulation_rats34564 has no target
squad simulation_snork34580 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano34616 has no target
squad simulation_snork34621 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog34636 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_novice35104 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog36616 has no target
squad simulation_dog_5_736619 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs36642 has no target
squad simulation_boar37377 has no target
squad simulation_dog37396 has no target
squad simulation_snork37655 has no target
squad simulation_dog37662 has no target
squad simulation_cat37923 has no target
squad simulation_snork38410 has no target
squad simulation_boar38671 has no target
squad simulation_burer38690 has no target
squad simulation_controller38692 has no target
squad simulation_snork38828 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano38833 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog38837 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_black38853 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran38855 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran38870 has no target
squad simulation_dog38926 has no target
squad simulation_dog38948 has no target
squad simulation_dog38952 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs38992 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano38995 has no target
squad simulation_cat39031 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano39072 has no target
squad simulation_snork39446 has no target
squad simulation_snork39481 has no target
squad simulation_cat39484 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_539487 has no target
squad simulation_flesh39574 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano39577 has no target
squad simulation_boar39582 has no target
squad simulation_dog40202 has no target
squad simulation_flesh40212 has no target
squad simulation_dog40215 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_novice40249 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_advanced40267 has no target
squad simulation_boar40288 has no target
squad simulation_snork40299 has no target
squad simulation_dog_5_740334 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_540344 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_540350 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs41227 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano41228 has no target
squad simulation_dog41274 has no target
squad simulation_controller41321 has no target
squad simulation_cat41325 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_novice41358 has no target
squad simulation_psy_dog_squad41375 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_black41383 has no target
squad simulation_psy_dog41404 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran41427 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_red41467 has no target
squad simulation_gigant41474 has no target
squad simulation_gigant41536 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_541538 has no target
squad simulation_psy_dog41541 has no target
squad simulation_chimera41543 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_541579 has no target
squad merc_sim_squad_novice41777 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced41813 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran41837 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano41916 has no target
squad simulation_boar41935 has no target
squad simulation_rats41939 has no target
squad simulation_snork41943 has no target
squad simulation_cat41946 has no target
squad simulation_boar41950 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano41957 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano41960 has no target
squad freedom_sim_squad_advanced41963 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano42045 has no target
squad simulation_snork42052 has no target
squad simulation_snork42055 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_black42072 has no target
squad simulation_cat42503 has no target
squad simulation_controller42517 has no target
squad simulation_chimera42519 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_black42521 has no target
squad simulation_gigant43328 has no target
squad simulation_psy_dog_squad43338 has no target
squad simulation_cat43389 has no target
squad simulation_psysucker43414 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker43416 has no target
squad simulation_snork43420 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran43458 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced43868 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs43890 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_advanced43907 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_veteran43913 has no target
squad simulation_snork44033 has no target
squad simulation_snork44049 has no target
squad simulation_cat44074 has no target
squad simulation_rats44076 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog44085 has no target
squad simulation_boar44087 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano44093 has no target
squad simulation_cat45314 has no target
squad simulation_cat46343 has no target
squad simulation_cat46372 has no target
squad simulation_cat46374 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran46607 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran46637 has no target
squad simulation_boar46655 has no target
squad simulation_flesh46676 has no target
squad simulation_dog46696 has no target
squad simulation_boar46759 has no target
squad simulation_rats46792 has no target
squad simulation_dog46804 has no target
squad simulation_cat46820 has no target
squad simulation_dog48145 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog48385 has no target
squad simulation_cat48388 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_novice49419 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_novice52500 has no target
squad simulation_snork58142 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_novice64047 has no target
intro_start game_loaded
* MEMORY USAGE: 1467345 K
* End of synchronization A[1] R[1]
intro_delete ::update_game_loaded
* [win32]: free[2003604 K], reserved[137140 K], committed[2053496 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[563498 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1466733 K], game lua[48511 K], render[930 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[65336 K], smem[12931 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 36859 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave3.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave3.scop'
* [win32]: free[2006484 K], reserved[135008 K], committed[2052748 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[562517 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1467113 K], game lua[50191 K], render[932 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[65143 K], smem[12932 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 36842 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave4.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave4.scop'
* [win32]: free[2005352 K], reserved[134784 K], committed[2054104 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[563541 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1462299 K], game lua[46194 K], render[953 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[65145 K], smem[12932 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 36843 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave5.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave5.scop'
* [win32]: free[2005352 K], reserved[136664 K], committed[2052224 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[563541 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1442482 K], game lua[52157 K], render[957 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[65147 K], smem[12932 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 36846 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave6.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave6.scop'
! ERROR on rejecting: entity not found. parent_id = [0], entity_id = [33026], frame = [16089].
! ERROR on rejecting: entity not found. parent_id = [0], entity_id = [50944], frame = [16836].
* [win32]: free[2008432 K], reserved[237260 K], committed[1948548 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[564181 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1362199 K], game lua[64376 K], render[963 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[65002 K], smem[12932 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 36845 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave7.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave7.scop'
* [win32]: free[2008432 K], reserved[236488 K], committed[1949320 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[564181 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1362002 K], game lua[55384 K], render[963 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[65007 K], smem[12932 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 36853 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave8.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave8.scop'
* [win32]: free[2008432 K], reserved[229260 K], committed[1956548 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[564437 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1362809 K], game lua[50831 K], render[1019 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[64980 K], smem[12932 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 36796 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave9.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave9.scop'
* [win32]: free[2008432 K], reserved[228864 K], committed[1956944 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[564181 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1361911 K], game lua[56491 K], render[1020 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[64982 K], smem[12932 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 36795 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave10.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave10.scop'
main_menu on console command is executed
* [win32]: free[2003904 K], reserved[227952 K], committed[1962384 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[568309 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1367565 K], game lua[46108 K], render[1020 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[64986 K], smem[12889 K]
* [win32]: free[2000632 K], reserved[230396 K], committed[1963212 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[568309 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1367618 K], game lua[46108 K], render[1020 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[64986 K], smem[12889 K]
Call of Chernobyl version 1.4.22
using marshal library
* sound : cache: 65537 kb, 4856 lines, 13820 bpl
* phase time: 1571 ms
* phase cmem: 1435733 K
* phase time: 52 ms
* phase cmem: 1435736 K
* Loading spawn registry...
* 18652 spawn points are successfully loaded
* Loading objects...
* 36795 objects are successfully loaded
* Game admin - quicksave10 is successfully loaded from file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave10.scop' (2.000s)
* phase time: 1997 ms
* phase cmem: 1458987 K
* phase time: 50 ms
* phase cmem: 1458990 K
* phase time: 51 ms
* phase cmem: 1458990 K
* [win32]: free[2006064 K], reserved[130752 K], committed[2057424 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[562655 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1458990 K], game lua[42128 K], render[1020 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[59696 K], smem[12878 K]
squad simulation_snork0069 has no target
utils.load_var failed for drx_sl_quest_stash_2_id
task_functor.under_faction_control_target_id is nil
task_functor.under_faction_control_target_id is nil
task_functor.under_faction_control_target_id is nil
task_functor.under_faction_control_target_id is nil
task_functor.under_faction_control_target_id is nil
current_state 5
next_state 5
item_sect wpn_spas12
H_Parent zat_b18_noah
current_state 5
next_state 5
item_sect wpn_hpsa_rusty
H_Parent sim_default_zombied_1
collectgarbage before=48919128Kb
collectgarbage after=48446388Kb
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper2947 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_novice9109 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog10124 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper18841 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper18910 has no target
squad simulation_dog19199 has no target
squad simulation_flesh19403 has no target
squad simulation_dog19735 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced19744 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_2weak19793 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_red19893 has no target
squad simulation_rats19899 has no target
squad simulation_zombie19986 has no target
squad army_sim_squad_veteran20330 has no target
squad simulation_snork20548 has no target
squad simulation_cat20695 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper20783 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran20789 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran20823 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano20969 has no target
squad simulation_boar20973 has no target
squad simulation_cat21289 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano_7_1021293 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_advanced21400 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced21444 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran21499 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_novice21656 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_black22023 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_red22028 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_522034 has no target
squad simulation_cat22118 has no target
squad simulation_dog22125 has no target
squad simulation_snork22217 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog22612 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_red22631 has no target
squad simulation_dog_5_722685 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced22956 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced22996 has no target
squad simulation_cat23136 has no target
squad simulation_cat23170 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_novice23509 has no target
squad simulation_mix_boar_flesh23534 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog23536 has no target
squad simulation_cat23541 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_523557 has no target
squad simulation_chimera23569 has no target
squad simulation_burer23571 has no target
squad simulation_dog23591 has no target
squad simulation_fracture23597 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog23787 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog23807 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_veteran23967 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_524040 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_advanced24062 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_novice24099 has no target
squad simulation_dog24202 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_advanced24711 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_524750 has no target
squad simulation_snork24851 has no target
squad simulation_dog24863 has no target
squad simulation_psy_dog24864 has no target
squad simulation_gigant_2weak24866 has no target
squad simulation_boar24928 has no target
squad simulation_boar24961 has no target
squad simulation_cat24965 has no target
squad simulation_dog24969 has no target
squad simulation_psy_dog24972 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_novice24979 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano24997 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs25000 has no target
squad simulation_cat25014 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano25017 has no target
squad simulation_cat25041 has no target
squad simulation_dog25092 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog25138 has no target
squad simulation_contr_5dog25474 has no target
squad simulation_cat25575 has no target
squad simulation_controller25577 has no target
squad simulation_psy_dog25599 has no target
squad simulation_dog25777 has no target
squad simulation_dog26047 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog26074 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper26095 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_novice26167 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_2weak26238 has no target
squad simulation_gigant26241 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs26243 has no target
squad simulation_cat26246 has no target
squad simulation_cat26255 has no target
squad simulation_psy_dog_squad26258 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran26429 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper26459 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper26465 has no target
squad simulation_dog_5_726698 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran26915 has no target
squad simulation_boar27065 has no target
squad simulation_dog27082 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano27085 has no target
squad simulation_cat27091 has no target
squad simulation_cat27093 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced27105 has no target
squad simulation_boar27510 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_black27543 has no target
squad simulation_boar27547 has no target
squad simulation_snork27586 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano27590 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran27595 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran27608 has no target
squad simulation_cat27627 has no target
squad simulation_cat27629 has no target
squad simulation_dog27639 has no target
squad simulation_snork27769 has no target
squad simulation_snork27772 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog27776 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs27778 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_black27782 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_527918 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper28267 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran28276 has no target
squad simulation_contr_4zomb_str28319 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_black28335 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs28337 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_528340 has no target
squad simulation_contr_2sn_4zomb28344 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano28505 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano28509 has no target
squad simulation_mix_boar_flesh28519 has no target
squad simulation_cat28524 has no target
squad simulation_dog28531 has no target
squad simulation_dog28800 has no target
squad simulation_dog_5_728805 has no target
squad simulation_snork28914 has no target
squad simulation_dog_5_728918 has no target
squad army_sim_squad_veteran29479 has no target
squad simulation_rats29583 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_2weak29605 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano_7_1029619 has no target
squad simulation_cat29627 has no target
squad merc_sim_squad_advanced29845 has no target
squad simulation_cat29863 has no target
squad simulation_mix_boar_flesh29924 has no target
squad simulation_dog29946 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced29964 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper30028 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_advanced30114 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog30164 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs30237 has no target
squad army_sim_squad_novice30468 has no target
squad simulation_cat30469 has no target
squad simulation_dog30605 has no target
squad simulation_cat30610 has no target
squad simulation_dog_5_730614 has no target
squad simulation_rat30632 has no target
squad simulation_flesh30666 has no target
squad simulation_rats31263 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_black31281 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_novice31369 has no target
squad simulation_boar31510 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_advanced31523 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_red31540 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker31754 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran31756 has no target
squad simulation_snork31790 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano32055 has no target
squad simulation_snork32071 has no target
squad simulation_cat32075 has no target
squad simulation_cat32078 has no target
squad simulation_cat32156 has no target
squad simulation_dog32234 has no target
squad army_sim_squad_novice32274 has no target
squad simulation_cat32398 has no target
squad simulation_flesh32401 has no target
squad simulation_snork32570 has no target
squad simulation_poltergeist_tele32781 has no target
squad simulation_snork32798 has no target
squad simulation_dog32808 has no target
squad army_sim_squad_advanced33068 has no target
squad simulation_boar33113 has no target
squad simulation_snork33576 has no target
squad simulation_snork33590 has no target
squad simulation_dog33594 has no target
squad simulation_rats33598 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano33606 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog33609 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano_7_1033612 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano33620 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog33768 has no target
squad simulation_boar33770 has no target
squad simulation_boar33774 has no target
squad simulation_flesh33776 has no target
squad simulation_dog34063 has no target
squad simulation_boar34092 has no target
squad simulation_rats34564 has no target
squad simulation_snork34580 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano34616 has no target
squad simulation_snork34621 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog34636 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_novice35104 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog36616 has no target
squad simulation_dog_5_736619 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs36642 has no target
squad simulation_boar37377 has no target
squad simulation_dog37396 has no target
squad simulation_snork37655 has no target
squad simulation_dog37662 has no target
squad simulation_cat37923 has no target
squad simulation_snork38410 has no target
squad simulation_boar38671 has no target
squad simulation_burer38690 has no target
squad simulation_controller38692 has no target
squad simulation_snork38828 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano38833 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog38837 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_black38853 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran38855 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran38870 has no target
squad simulation_dog38926 has no target
squad simulation_dog38948 has no target
squad simulation_dog38952 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs38992 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano38995 has no target
squad simulation_cat39031 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano39072 has no target
squad simulation_snork39446 has no target
squad simulation_snork39481 has no target
squad simulation_cat39484 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_539487 has no target
squad simulation_flesh39574 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano39577 has no target
squad simulation_boar39582 has no target
squad simulation_dog40202 has no target
squad simulation_flesh40212 has no target
squad simulation_dog40215 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_novice40249 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_advanced40267 has no target
squad simulation_boar40288 has no target
squad simulation_snork40299 has no target
squad simulation_dog_5_740334 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_540344 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_540350 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs41227 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano41228 has no target
squad simulation_dog41274 has no target
squad simulation_controller41321 has no target
squad simulation_cat41325 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_novice41358 has no target
squad simulation_psy_dog_squad41375 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_black41383 has no target
squad simulation_psy_dog41404 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran41427 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_red41467 has no target
squad simulation_gigant41474 has no target
squad simulation_gigant41536 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_541538 has no target
squad simulation_psy_dog41541 has no target
squad simulation_chimera41543 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_541579 has no target
squad merc_sim_squad_novice41777 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced41813 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran41837 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano41916 has no target
squad simulation_boar41935 has no target
squad simulation_rats41939 has no target
squad simulation_snork41943 has no target
squad simulation_cat41946 has no target
squad simulation_boar41950 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano41957 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano41960 has no target
squad freedom_sim_squad_advanced41963 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano42045 has no target
squad simulation_snork42052 has no target
squad simulation_snork42055 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_black42072 has no target
squad simulation_cat42503 has no target
squad simulation_controller42517 has no target
squad simulation_chimera42519 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_black42521 has no target
squad simulation_gigant43328 has no target
squad simulation_psy_dog_squad43338 has no target
squad simulation_cat43389 has no target
squad simulation_psysucker43414 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker43416 has no target
squad simulation_snork43420 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran43458 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced43868 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs43890 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_advanced43907 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_veteran43913 has no target
squad simulation_snork44033 has no target
squad simulation_snork44049 has no target
squad simulation_cat44074 has no target
squad simulation_rats44076 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog44085 has no target
squad simulation_boar44087 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano44093 has no target
squad simulation_cat45314 has no target
squad simulation_cat46343 has no target
squad simulation_cat46372 has no target
squad simulation_cat46374 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran46607 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran46637 has no target
squad simulation_boar46655 has no target
squad simulation_flesh46676 has no target
squad simulation_dog46696 has no target
squad simulation_boar46759 has no target
squad simulation_rats46792 has no target
squad simulation_dog46804 has no target
squad simulation_cat46820 has no target
squad simulation_dog48145 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog48385 has no target
squad simulation_cat48388 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_novice49419 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_novice52500 has no target
squad simulation_snork58142 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_novice64047 has no target
intro_start game_loaded
* MEMORY USAGE: 1468808 K
* End of synchronization A[1] R[1]
intro_delete ::update_game_loaded
* [win32]: free[2004816 K], reserved[130012 K], committed[2059412 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[564437 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1467296 K], game lua[40564 K], render[1022 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[64836 K], smem[12885 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 36790 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave1.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave1.scop'
* [win32]: free[2004816 K], reserved[129880 K], committed[2059544 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[564181 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1468292 K], game lua[55108 K], render[1022 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[64838 K], smem[12885 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 36790 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave2.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave2.scop'
* [win32]: free[2008472 K], reserved[129084 K], committed[2056684 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[564181 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1456951 K], game lua[53308 K], render[1026 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[64840 K], smem[12885 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 36783 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave3.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave3.scop'
* [win32]: free[2008472 K], reserved[190456 K], committed[1995312 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[564181 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1395965 K], game lua[54390 K], render[1032 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[64838 K], smem[12885 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 36773 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave4.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave4.scop'
* [win32]: free[2007392 K], reserved[206864 K], committed[1979984 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[565205 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1380162 K], game lua[56099 K], render[1034 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[64883 K], smem[12886 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 36786 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave5.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave5.scop'
* [win32]: free[2008472 K], reserved[206180 K], committed[1979588 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[564181 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1371492 K], game lua[54549 K], render[1034 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[64886 K], smem[12886 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 36785 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave6.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave6.scop'
* [win32]: free[2006772 K], reserved[205660 K], committed[1981808 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[565717 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1366363 K], game lua[56062 K], render[1035 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[64887 K], smem[12886 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 36784 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave7.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave7.scop'
* [win32]: free[2006772 K], reserved[201532 K], committed[1985936 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[565717 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1366299 K], game lua[52972 K], render[1036 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[64887 K], smem[12886 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 36784 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave8.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave8.scop'
compiling shader particle_alphaonly
compiling shader model_def_lqs_2
current_state 5
next_state 5
item_sect wpn_ak74u_worn_kobra
H_Parent sim_default_monolith_2
* [win32]: free[1998036 K], reserved[205560 K], committed[1990644 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[568883 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1377694 K], game lua[55353 K], render[1063 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[65624 K], smem[12917 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 36764 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave9.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave9.scop'
* [win32]: free[1995444 K], reserved[198476 K], committed[2000320 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[571571 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1385616 K], game lua[53310 K], render[1132 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[65858 K], smem[12919 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 36747 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave10.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave10.scop'
* [win32]: free[1995444 K], reserved[198476 K], committed[2000320 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[571571 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1384999 K], game lua[46481 K], render[1135 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[65860 K], smem[12919 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 36738 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave1.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave1.scop'
* [win32]: free[1996532 K], reserved[198412 K], committed[1999296 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[570632 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1384465 K], game lua[52351 K], render[1138 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[65896 K], smem[12919 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 36726 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave2.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave2.scop'
* [win32]: free[1992404 K], reserved[198412 K], committed[2003424 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[570632 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1384522 K], game lua[55883 K], render[1138 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[65897 K], smem[12919 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 36726 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave3.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave3.scop'
squad bandit_sim_squad_novice20258 has no target
squad army_sim_squad_advanced20276 has no target
compiling shader model_def_lplanes_1
compiling shader model_distort_0
* [win32]: free[1997004 K], reserved[196348 K], committed[2000888 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[572575 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1392716 K], game lua[46914 K], render[1152 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[65907 K], smem[12923 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 36743 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave4.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave4.scop'
* [win32]: free[1997004 K], reserved[196348 K], committed[2000888 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[572575 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1393429 K], game lua[57679 K], render[1153 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[65905 K], smem[12923 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 36738 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave5.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave5.scop'
! WARNING: SV: can't find children [25062] of parent [902927344]
* [win32]: free[1992876 K], reserved[199324 K], committed[2002040 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[572746 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1393097 K], game lua[53411 K], render[1155 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[65919 K], smem[12923 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 36744 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave6.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave6.scop'
* [win32]: free[1984608 K], reserved[199364 K], committed[2010268 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[576874 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1397626 K], game lua[54395 K], render[1155 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[65919 K], smem[12923 K]
* [win32]: free[1988748 K], reserved[203364 K], committed[2002128 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[572746 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1391943 K], game lua[53236 K], render[1155 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[65919 K], smem[12923 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 36747 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave7.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave7.scop'
* [win32]: free[1987708 K], reserved[203376 K], committed[2003156 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[573770 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1390184 K], game lua[48595 K], render[1155 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[65925 K], smem[12923 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 36759 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave8.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave8.scop'
! ERROR on rejecting: entity not found. parent_id = [0], entity_id = [41636], frame = [55430].
! ERROR on rejecting: entity not found. parent_id = [0], entity_id = [37405], frame = [55430].
* [win32]: free[1992084 K], reserved[200828 K], committed[2001328 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[572917 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1388560 K], game lua[53553 K], render[1155 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[65934 K], smem[12923 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 36768 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave9.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave9.scop'
releasing object [m_crow43405]
releasing object [m_crow49922]
releasing object [m_crow45067]
releasing object [m_crow48401]
releasing object [m_crow53253]
releasing object [m_crow55811]
releasing object [m_crow44800]
* [win32]: free[1992468 K], reserved[200828 K], committed[2000944 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[572917 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1388273 K], game lua[47839 K], render[1156 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[65936 K], smem[12923 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 36765 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave10.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave10.scop'
* [win32]: free[1992420 K], reserved[200728 K], committed[2001092 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[572917 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1388704 K], game lua[59574 K], render[1165 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[65944 K], smem[12923 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 36777 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave1.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave1.scop'
* [win32]: free[1992420 K], reserved[200368 K], committed[2001452 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[572917 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1391124 K], game lua[45241 K], render[1166 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[65950 K], smem[12922 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 36752 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave2.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave2.scop'
* [win32]: free[1992420 K], reserved[198656 K], committed[2003164 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[572917 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1391384 K], game lua[57889 K], render[1166 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[65952 K], smem[12922 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 36755 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave3.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave3.scop'
* [win32]: free[1992420 K], reserved[198656 K], committed[2003164 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[572917 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1391167 K], game lua[54393 K], render[1174 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[65952 K], smem[12922 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 36755 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave4.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave4.scop'
* [win32]: free[1988292 K], reserved[198656 K], committed[2007292 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[572917 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1391321 K], game lua[58399 K], render[1174 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[65949 K], smem[12922 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 36749 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave5.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave5.scop'
* [win32]: free[1984648 K], reserved[204604 K], committed[2004988 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[572917 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1392876 K], game lua[56587 K], render[1180 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[65758 K], smem[12922 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 36748 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave6.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave6.scop'
* [win32]: free[1984648 K], reserved[204588 K], committed[2005004 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[572917 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1392767 K], game lua[54071 K], render[1180 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[65754 K], smem[12922 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 36742 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave7.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave7.scop'
* [win32]: free[1986508 K], reserved[203188 K], committed[2004544 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[572917 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1392053 K], game lua[55426 K], render[1180 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[65754 K], smem[12922 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 36742 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave8.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave8.scop'
squad simulation_pseudodog27079 has no target
squad simulation_dog27514 has no target
squad simulation_fracture42726 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs25169 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced29453 has no target
squad simulation_dog33109 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_black39448 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano24854 has no target
* [win32]: free[1974828 K], reserved[177596 K], committed[2041816 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[581899 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1429694 K], game lua[51699 K], render[1181 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[76976 K], smem[12922 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 37119 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave9.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave9.scop'
squad simulation_cat45121 has no target
* [win32]: free[1978472 K], reserved[175580 K], committed[2040188 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[581899 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1427619 K], game lua[61813 K], render[1181 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[72588 K], smem[12922 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 37130 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave10.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave10.scop'
squad simulation_fracture38831 has no target
run tutorial called
stop tutorial called
squad bandit_sim_squad_novice21794 has no target
squad simulation_mix_boar_flesh41754 has no target
compiling shader model_def_lqs_4
squad bandit_sim_squad_veteran28080 has no target
squad simulation_dog_5_710182 has no target
squad simulation_dog30530 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran39087 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_novice23048 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran25608 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano23015 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced25378 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced18776 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_black25820 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs40328 has no target
* [win32]: free[1967608 K], reserved[169272 K], committed[2057360 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[592783 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1442551 K], game lua[52105 K], render[1183 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[66170 K], smem[12922 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 37161 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave1.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave1.scop'
* [win32]: free[1963480 K], reserved[168988 K], committed[2061772 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[592783 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1442361 K], game lua[48326 K], render[1183 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[66170 K], smem[12922 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 37161 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave2.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave2.scop'
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced28216 has no target
squad simulation_mix_boar_flesh28527 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano32102 has no target
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 37161 objects are successfully saved
* Game Admin - autosave.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - autosave.scop'
- Disconnect
- Destroying level
*  0.0 : [  70] $null
*  0.0 : [   2] $user$cmap0
*  0.0 : [   2] $user$cmap1
*  0.0 : [   3] $user$distort
*  0.0 : [ 618] $user$projector
*  0.0 : [   6] $user$rendertarget
*  0.0 : [   5] $user$rendertarget_color_map
*  0.0 : [   1] $user$sky0
*  0.0 : [   1] $user$sky1
*  0.0 : [   1] $user$tonemap
*  0.0 : [   3] prop\prop_lampa_g_red2
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_spark_02
*  0.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_spark_01
*  0.2 : [   3] wpn\wpn_protecta_dots
*  0.2 : [   1] pfx\pfx_step_blood
*  0.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_bubble
*  0.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_leaves_01
*  0.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_leaves_02
*  0.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_splash3
*  0.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_splash_02
*  0.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_synus
*  0.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_vehmetaldebris_01
*  0.3 : [   1] prop\prop_provod_02
*  0.3 : [   4] prop\prop_provod_03
*  0.4 : [   1] glow\glow_anamorphic
*  0.4 : [   1] glow\glow_rays
*  0.4 : [   3] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_blue_lense
*  0.4 : [   1] map\map_nomap
*  0.6 : [ 609] internal\internal_light_attclip
*  0.7 : [   4] act\act_stalker_head_glass_02
*  0.7 : [   4] mtl\mtl_bochka_02
*  0.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_concretedebris_01
*  1.1 : [   3] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_red_lense
*  1.3 : [   6] act\act_stalker_head_glass
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_21
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_bubble_1
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_bubble_water
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist2
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist2inv
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist3
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist4
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist7
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist8
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist9
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist_teleport
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_distort_anomaly
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_distortion
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flash_05
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flash_07
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_smoke_b
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_specks
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_specks_poison
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_spikey_star
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_splash_01
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_stonedebris1
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_stonedebris2
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_vehglassdebris_01
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_water_wave
*  1.4 : [   3] artifact\artifact_eye
*  1.4 : [   4] item\item_key_1
*  1.4 : [   1] fx\fx_rain
*  1.4 : [   1] fx\fx_sun_rise
*  1.4 : [   1] glow\glow_orange2
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_asfalt_1
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_asfalt_2
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_asfalt_3
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_brick_1
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_brick_2
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_1
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_2
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_4
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_5
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_6
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_7
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_ground
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_ground_1
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_ground_2
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik_1
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik_2
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik_3
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_1
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_2
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_3
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_4
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_1
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_2
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_3
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_4
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_5
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_6
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_7
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_8
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_9
*  2.7 : [   4] prop\prop_speakerphone
*  2.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_electrostatic
*  2.7 : [   4] prop\prop_box_3
*  2.7 : [   4] prop\prop_elec_kran
*  2.7 : [   1] prop\prop_fake_bed_fireplace
*  2.7 : [   4] prop\prop_instrument_2
*  2.7 : [   4] prop\prop_teapot_1
*  2.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_pkm_lenta
*  2.7 : [   4] act\act_pseudodog_fur
*  2.7 : [   4] act\act_pseudodog_fur1
*  2.7 : [   4] mtl\mtl_truba_pod_01
*  2.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist_glass3
*  2.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_smokepuffs2
*  2.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_sparks
*  2.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_sparks2
*  2.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_woodchips1
*  2.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_woodchips3
*  2.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\trace_01
*  2.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\trace_01
*  2.7 : [   4] food\food_raw___dog
*  2.7 : [   4] food\food_raw_flesh
*  2.7 : [   4] item\item_battery
*  2.7 : [   4] item\item_jar
*  2.7 : [   4] item\item_meinkampf
*  2.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\dtk_3
*  3.0 : [   1] artifact\artifact_anim_dist
*  3.1 : [   5] sky\sky_12_vibros_cube#small
*  3.1 : [  26] sky\sky_13_cube#small
*  3.1 : [  16] sky\sky_13_cube_night#small
*  3.1 : [  12] sky\sky_13_vibros_cube#small
*  3.1 : [  10] sky\sky_14_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   4] sky\sky_17_clouds_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   4] sky\sky_17_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   8] sky\sky_18_cube#small
*  3.1 : [  11] sky\sky_19_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   4] sky\sky_1_clouds_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   4] sky\sky_20_clouds_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   4] sky\sky_20_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   4] sky\sky_2_clouds_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   4] sky\sky_2_cube#small
*  3.1 : [  12] sky\sky_3_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   3] sky\sky_4_cube#small
*  3.1 : [  30] sky\sky_5_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   7] sky\sky_6_cube#small
*  3.1 : [  11] sky\sky_7_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   8] sky\sky_8_cube#small
*  3.1 : [  49] sky\sky_9_cube#small
*  4.1 : [   1] fx\fx_flare1
*  4.1 : [   1] fx\fx_flare2
*  4.1 : [   1] fx\fx_flare3
*  4.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flamefx_01
*  4.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_g-smoke-01
*  4.1 : [   1] ui\cursor
*  5.3 : [   1] act\act_controller_hit
*  5.3 : [   1] act\act_controller_hit1
*  5.3 : [   6] act\act_stalker_nauch_glass
*  5.3 : [   4] act\variation mod\act_neutral\gas_mask_glass
*  5.3 : [   4] door\door_sheet
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_1
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_16
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_17
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_19
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_3
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_4
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_5
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_6
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_8
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_88
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_9
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_blurry_cloud
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_brick
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_light
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_light1
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_light3
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_light4
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_lightning_01
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_lightning_02
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_ligth_6
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_plasma
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_smoke_a
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_sparks1
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_teleport
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_test_textures
*  5.3 : [   4] prop\prop_ballon2
*  5.3 : [   4] prop\prop_ballon3
*  5.3 : [   4] prop\prop_bottle_box
*  5.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_pkm_decals
*  5.4 : [   4] item\item_hammer
*  5.4 : [   1] amik\nature\stonedebris1
*  5.4 : [   1] glow\glow_04
*  5.4 : [   1] glow\glow_fire1
*  5.4 : [   1] glow\glow_fire1_soc
*  5.4 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flash_02
*  5.4 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flash_08
*  5.4 : [   1] shoker_mod\explosions\firesmokeparticle
*  5.4 : [   1] wm\wm_grenade
*  5.4 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_dead
*  5.4 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_horiz
*  5.4 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_blood
*  5.4 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_wood
*  5.4 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_wood1
*  5.4 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_wood2
*  5.4 : [   1] amik\weapons\6ways2
*  5.4 : [   1] amik\weapons\btr\muzzle 6ways2
*  5.4 : [   1] amik\nature\list
*  5.4 : [   1] amik\nature\wood_part
*  5.4 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\trail
*  6.1 : [  14] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_1#small
*  6.1 : [  40] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_2#small
*  6.1 : [  18] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_3#small
*  6.1 : [  14] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_5#small
*  6.1 : [  40] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_1#small
*  6.1 : [  24] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_2#small
*  6.1 : [  36] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_3#small
*  6.1 : [  32] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_4#small
*  6.1 : [  32] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_5#small
*  6.1 : [   6] sky\af3_blowout\blowout1#small
*  6.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout1_1#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout2#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout2_night#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3#small
*  6.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_1#small
*  6.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_1_night#small
*  6.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_2#small
*  6.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_2_night#small
*  6.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_3#small
*  6.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_3_night#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_night#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4#small
*  6.1 : [   3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_1#small
*  6.1 : [   3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_1_night#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_night#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5_night#small
*  6.1 : [   7] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5psi#small
*  6.1 : [   7] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5psi_night#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout6#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout6_night#small
*  6.1 : [   3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout7#small
*  6.1 : [   4] sky\af3_blowout\blowout7_night#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\00-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\00-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  25] sky\af3_clear\00-00-nm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\01-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\01-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  37] sky\af3_clear\01-00-nm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\02-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\02-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  25] sky\af3_clear\02-00-nm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\03-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\03-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\04-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\04-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  34] sky\af3_clear\04-30#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\05-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\05-30#small
*  6.1 : [  66] sky\af3_clear\06-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\07-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\08-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\09-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\10-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\11-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\12-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\13-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\14-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\15-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\16-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\17-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\18-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\19-00#small
*  6.1 : [  66] sky\af3_clear\20-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\20-30#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\21-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\21-30#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\22-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\22-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\23-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\23-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [   6] sky\af3_cloudy\05-00#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_cloudy\06-00#small
*  6.1 : [  11] sky\af3_cloudy\07-00#small
*  6.1 : [  19] sky\af3_cloudy\08-00#small
*  6.1 : [  24] sky\af3_cloudy\09-00#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_cloudy\10-00#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_cloudy\11-00#small
*  6.1 : [  19] sky\af3_cloudy\12-00#small
*  6.1 : [  11] sky\af3_cloudy\13-00#small
*  6.1 : [  38] sky\af3_cloudy\14-00#small
*  6.1 : [  30] sky\af3_cloudy\15-00#small
*  6.1 : [  11] sky\af3_cloudy\16-00#small
*  6.1 : [  19] sky\af3_cloudy\17-00#small
*  6.1 : [  22] sky\af3_cloudy\18-00#small
*  6.1 : [   6] sky\af3_cloudy\19-00#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_cloudy\20-00#small
*  6.1 : [  16] sky\af3_foggy\06-00#small
*  6.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\07-00#small
*  6.1 : [  19] sky\af3_foggy\09-00#small
*  6.1 : [  40] sky\af3_foggy\10-00#small
*  6.1 : [  10] sky\af3_foggy\11-00#small
*  6.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\12-00#small
*  6.1 : [  27] sky\af3_foggy\13-00#small
*  6.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\14-00#small
*  6.1 : [  19] sky\af3_foggy\15-00#small
*  6.1 : [  19] sky\af3_foggy\16-00#small
*  6.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\17-00#small
*  6.1 : [  19] sky\af3_foggy\18-00#small
*  6.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\19-00#small
*  6.1 : [  22] sky\af3_foggy\20-00#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\00-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\00-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  25] sky\af3_partly\00-00-nm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\01-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\01-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  38] sky\af3_partly\01-00-nm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\02-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\02-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  24] sky\af3_partly\02-00-nm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\03-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\03-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\04-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\04-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\04-30#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\05-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\05-30#small
*  6.1 : [  66] sky\af3_partly\06-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\07-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\08-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\09-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\10-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\11-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\12-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\13-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\14-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\15-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\16-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\17-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\18-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\19-00#small
*  6.1 : [  66] sky\af3_partly\20-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\20-30#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\21-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\21-30#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\22-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\22-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\23-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\23-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  26] sky\af3_rainy\07-00#small
*  6.1 : [  30] sky\af3_rainy\09-00_19-00#small
*  6.1 : [  58] sky\af3_rainy\13-00#small
*  6.1 : [  24] sky\af3_rainy\15-00#small
*  6.1 : [  31] sky\af3_rainy\15-00-2#small
*  6.1 : [  44] sky\af3_rainy\16-00#small
*  6.1 : [  32] sky\af3_rainy\20-00#small
*  7.1 : [   4] wpn\wpn_g36_scope
*  8.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_gologramma
*  8.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\fake_shells
*  8.1 : [   1] ui\ui_fog_of_war
* 10.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_vog
* 10.7 : [   4] door\door_white_04
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_electricalunit3
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_kanistra
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_dogs_brown
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_green_stalker_head_3
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_green_stalker_head_3_mask
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_head2
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_pseudodog
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_rat01
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_ryukzak
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_ryukzak_black
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_stalker_head_antigas_2
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_stalker_head_antigas_9
* 10.7 : [   4] door\door_katakomb_01
* 10.7 : [   4] door\door_white_02
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_blind01
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_dangerbox_2
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_el_shkaf_01
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_freez
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_item2
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_item3
* 10.7 : [   6] prop\prop_iten4
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_kitchen_stuff
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_plita
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_spade
* 10.7 : [   4] wood\wood_plank6
* 10.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aksu_synth
* 10.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_protecta_sights
* 10.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_walter99_mag
* 10.7 : [   4] glas\glas_dirt
* 10.7 : [   4] mtl\mtl_barrel_02
* 10.7 : [   4] mtl\mtl_barrel_04
* 10.7 : [   4] mtl\mtl_barrel_05
* 10.7 : [   4] mtl\mtl_truba_pod_02
* 10.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_2
* 10.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_23
* 10.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_2_green
* 10.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_7
* 10.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_concretepuffs_01
* 10.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_lighting_stancia_01
* 10.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_lighting_stancia_02
* 10.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_smokepuffs1
* 10.7 : [   1] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_shells1
* 10.7 : [   1] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_shells2
* 10.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\dtk_5
* 10.7 : [   3] artifact\artifact_mp_green
* 10.7 : [   4] artifact\artifact_myasorubka2
* 10.7 : [   4] artifact\artifact_myasorubka3
* 10.7 : [   4] fx\fx_noise2
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_block_notes
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_calibrate_tools
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_cards
* 10.7 : [   3] item\item_document_01
* 10.7 : [   6] item\item_gazmask1
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_medic1
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_medkit
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_medkit_2
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_medkit_3
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_medkit_4
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_parts
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_rebirth
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_small_tools
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_yad
* 10.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_bullet1_556
* 10.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_bullet1_939
* 10.7 : [   1] amik\anomaly\electric_radial
* 10.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\6ways1
* 10.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\btr\muzzle 6ways1
* 10.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\dtk_4
* 10.7 : [   1] amik\hit_fx\water_splash\water_spurt
* 10.7 : [   1] artifact\artifact_fire_light
* 10.7 : [   1] lights\lights_cone_handing_lamp
* 10.7 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_blood1
* 10.7 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_metal
* 10.7 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_ston
* 13.3 : [   3] artifact\artifact_lava
* 16.1 : [   4] act\act_specnaz_glass
* 16.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\mg42out
* 16.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\trace
* 16.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\mg42out
* 16.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\trace
* 16.1 : [   1] fx\fx_rainsplash1
* 16.1 : [   1] fx\fx_volumefog1
* 16.1 : [ 609] internal\internal_light_att
* 16.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flame
* 16.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flash_01
* 16.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_gradient
* 16.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_gradient1
* 16.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_arial_14_1024
* 16.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_hud_01
* 16.1 : [   1] ui\ui_grid
* 16.1 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_drop_1
* 16.1 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_drop_2
* 16.1 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_drop_3
* 16.1 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_drop_4
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_face_mask_05
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_faces_2_01
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_face_01
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_face_mask_01
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_face_mask_02
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_face_mask_03
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_face_mask_04
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_face_mask_07
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_face_mask_08
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_face_zombie_01
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_faces_1_03
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_faces_1_08
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_faces_4_02
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_faces_4_03
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_faces_4_04
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_ryukzag
* 21.3 : [   4] door\door_ship_metall
* 21.3 : [   4] mtl\mtl_bochka_01
* 21.3 : [   4] mtl\mtl_pod_01
* 21.3 : [   4] prop\prop_instrument_1
* 21.3 : [   1] amik\weapons\dtk_2
* 21.4 : [   4] aa\aa_freon
* 21.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_raii
* 21.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_rail
* 21.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_bullet1_545
* 21.4 : [   3] artifact\artifact_sopli2
* 21.4 : [   1] glow\glow_blue
* 21.4 : [   4] glow\glow_ghost
* 21.4 : [   1] glow\glow_orange
* 21.4 : [   1] glow\glow_orange_bright
* 21.4 : [   1] glow\glow_white
* 21.4 : [   1] glow\glow_yellow
* 21.4 : [   4] item\item_goggles
* 21.4 : [   4] item\item_money
* 21.4 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist_lens_base
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_10
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_11
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_1_1
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_1_2
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_1_3
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_1_4
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_1_5
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_3
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_4
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_5
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_6
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_7
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_8
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_9
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_glass01
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_glass02
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_glass03
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_glass04
* 21.4 : [   1] amik\weapons\dtk_4_1
* 32.1 : [   4] arsenal_mod\ammo\762x25_p
* 32.1 : [   4] arsenal_mod\ammo\762x25_ps
* 32.1 : [   1] fx\fx_lightning
* 32.1 : [   4] item\item_beans
* 32.1 : [   4] item\item_beer
* 32.1 : [   4] item\item_caffeine
* 32.1 : [   4] item\item_corn
* 32.1 : [   4] item\item_medkitai2
* 32.1 : [   4] item\item_tomato
* 32.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_ani-smoke-01
* 32.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_cc_lighting_grad2
* 32.1 : [   4] repair\repair_steel_wool
* 32.1 : [   4] sgm\item_psyhodelin
* 32.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_letter_16_1024
* 32.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_letter_18_1024
* 33.0 : [   1] ui\ui_ani_cursor
* 42.5 : [   1] amik\weapons\9x39
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_head_mask
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_monolith_rookie
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_nebo_1
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neut_2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral2d
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_soldierb4
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_trup_5
* 42.6 : [   6] wpn\wpn_upgrade
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_bure3
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_burer
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_ca2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_ca4
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_cat
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_cat2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_controller
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_free2old
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_himera
* 42.6 : [   6] act\act_krovosos_1
* 42.6 : [   3] act\act_krovosos_3
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_nauchniy_monolit
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_new_details_01
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_plot
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_pseudodog1
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_scientist_zombi_o
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_bandit1az
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_bandit1bz
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_bandit_1
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_bandit_2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_bandit_3
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_bandit_3a
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_black
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_dolg2a
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_dolg3b
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_dolg_2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_dolg_2_2_
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_dolg_3
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_dolg_3000
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_dolgzom_2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_freedom2b
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_freedom_1
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_freedom_2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_merc4a
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_merc_5
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_mercen2b
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_mercen2c
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_mercexo_4
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_mercsuit1
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_monolith2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_monolith4a
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_monolith4b
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_monolith_2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_nebo_3
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral1a
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral1b
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral1c
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral1d
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral1e
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral1f
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral2a
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral2b
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral2c
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral2e
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral4a
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral_1
* 42.6 : [   6] act\act_stalker_neutral_4
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_soldier_4
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_trup_1
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_trup_2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_trup_4
* 42.6 : [   4] wood\wood_collect
* 42.6 : [   4] wood\wood_walls8
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74m_gp
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74m_mag
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ammo
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_beretta_sk2
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_beretta_sk4
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_beretta_sk5
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_fort17
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_fort17_sk1
* 42.6 : [   6] wpn\wpn_gauss
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_grenade_40mm
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_grenade_rdg-m
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_grenade_rdg-s
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_knife_nr40
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_l85_susat
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_sig550_mag
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svd_mag
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svd_mag_sk3
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_walter99_body
* 42.6 : [   4] act\variation mod\act_neutral\pockets_1a
* 42.6 : [   4] act\variation mod\act_neutral\pockets_1b
* 42.6 : [   4] act\variation mod\act_neutral\pockets_1e
* 42.7 : [   4] aa\aa_camelbak
* 42.7 : [   4] aa\aa_kevlar
* 42.7 : [   4] act\metro\act_gasmask_metro_grey
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_shovel
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_spalnik
* 42.7 : [   4] aa\aa_plates
* 42.7 : [   4] aa\aa_surge
* 42.7 : [   4] act\act_exoskeleton
* 42.7 : [   4] food\food_chimera
* 42.7 : [   4] food\food_protein
* 42.7 : [   4] food\food_raw_boar
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_ammo
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_book1
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_book2
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_book3
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_ckit
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_cutlery
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_drugskit
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_energy
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_foto1
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_grooming
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_guitar
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_jbox
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_kithunt
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_maps
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_milimap
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_mirror
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_s_guide
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_sack
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_swiss
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_tarp
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_universalpowerdevice
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_ustroystva
* 42.7 : [   4] item\med_bank
* 42.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_rail_1
* 42.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_docter_sight
* 42.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_fn2000_lens
* 42.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_k98_sil
* 42.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_scar_bullet
* 42.7 : [   1] amik\explosions\smoke_cannon
* 42.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\12x70
* 42.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\flameshoot_3
* 42.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\flameshoot_4
* 42.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\flameshoot_5
* 42.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\shells_12x70
* 42.7 : [   1] map\map_hospital
* 42.7 : [   1] map\map_l08u_brainlab
* 48.1 : [ 130] sky\sky_cube_weapons
* 64.1 : [   1] amik\static\gas_light\flame_zippo
* 64.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\dtk_6
* 64.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\dtk_8
* 64.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\flash_01
* 64.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\flash_02
* 64.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\flash_04
* 64.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\flash_05
* 64.1 : [   4] arsenal_mod\ammo\762x39_ap
* 64.1 : [   4] arsenal_mod\ammo\762x39_fmj
* 64.1 : [   4] arsenal_mod\ammo\762x51_ap
* 64.1 : [   4] arsenal_mod\ammo\762x51_fmj
* 64.1 : [   4] artifact\artifact_val000
* 64.1 : [   1] dinamic_hud\breath1
* 64.1 : [   1] dinamic_hud\breath2
* 64.1 : [   1] dinamic_hud\breath3
* 64.1 : [   1] dinamic_hud\breath5
* 64.1 : [   1] fx\fx_sun
* 64.1 : [   1] fx\fx_sun_fog
* 64.1 : [   1] fx\fx_sun_gradient
* 64.1 : [   1] fx\fx_sun_halo
* 64.1 : [   1] fx\fx_sun_morning
* 64.1 : [   1] fx\fx_thunderbolts_gradient
* 64.1 : [   1] fx\fx_thunderbolts_gradient_surge
* 64.1 : [1218] internal\internal_light_attpoint
* 64.1 : [   4] item\item_medkit_5
* 64.1 : [   4] item\jgut
* 64.1 : [   4] item\kielbasa
* 64.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_18
* 64.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_bloodsplash1
* 64.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flame_01
* 64.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_skinsplash1
* 64.1 : [   4] sap\sap_medal_01
* 64.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_console_02
* 64.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_graff_19_1024
* 64.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_graff_22_1024
* 64.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_hud_02
* 64.1 : [   1] ui\ui_hud_grenade_mark
* 64.1 : [   1] ui\ui_hud_hit_mark
* 85.2 : [   4] act\act_krovosos_new1
* 85.2 : [   4] act\act_mutant_boar
* 85.2 : [   4] act\act_mutant_boar_u
* 85.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_usp_nimble
* 85.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_g43_body
* 85.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_k98_stock
* 85.3 : [   4] act\act_face_her9
* 85.3 : [   4] act\act_stalk_nimble
* 85.3 : [   4] item\item_stims
* 85.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_deagle_comp
* 85.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_lastochka
* 85.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_lastochkb
* 85.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_lastochkc
* 85.3 : [   6] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_9mm
* 85.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_aps
* 85.3 : [   4] act\eye\act_eye_ball
* 85.3 : [   4] act\metro\act_maska_leather
* 85.3 : [   1] amik\explosions\explosion_dynamite\flashlight
* 85.3 : [   1] amik\explosions\explosion_smoke03
* 85.3 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\flameshoot_1
* 85.3 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\flameshoot_2
* 85.3 : [   4] arsenal_mod\ammo\wpn_cartridge357
* 85.3 : [   4] drink\drink_cocaine
* 85.3 : [   4] drink\drink_match0
* 85.3 : [   4] item\[stayler]\w_medkin1
* 85.3 : [   4] item\[stayler]\w_medkin3
* 85.3 : [   4] item\item_detector_2
* 85.3 : [   4] item\item_drink_waterxx
* 85.3 : [   4] item\item_food
* 85.3 : [   1] map\map_labx8
* 85.3 : [   1] shoker_mod\explosions\explosion_smoke01
* 85.3 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_1
* 85.3 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_2
* 85.3 : [   1] amik\explosions\explosion_dynamite\smoke
* 85.3 : [   1] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_smoke_1
* 106.9 : [   1] artifact\artifact_lavahell1
* 128.1 : [   4] act\act_crow
* 128.1 : [   4] act\act_dog_noy_0
* 128.1 : [   4] act\act_ryukzaa
* 128.1 : [   4] act\act_ryukzac
* 128.1 : [   4] act\act_ryukzad
* 128.1 : [   4] act\variation mod\act_neutral\gp5a
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\357mag
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\50_ae
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\5x45x39
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\5x45x39_00
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\5x45x39_01
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\5x56x45
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\5x56x45_00
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\5x7x28
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\6x5x50
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x25_0
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x25_1
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x25_2
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x25_3
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x25_4
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x39_00
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x39_01
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x39_02
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x39_03
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x51_1
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x51_2
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x54
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x7x57
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x92x57
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\9x18_1
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\9x18_2
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\9x18_3
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\9x39
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\shells_ak_01
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\smokeshoot_0
* 128.1 : [   4] cooking\cooking_kerosene
* 128.1 : [   4] cooking\cooking_mfs
* 128.1 : [   4] cooking\cooking_wood_stove
* 128.1 : [   4] drink\drink_cigar0
* 128.1 : [   4] drink\drink_cigar2
* 128.1 : [   4] drink\drink_cigar3
* 128.1 : [   4] drink\drink_crow
* 128.1 : [   4] drink\drink_joint
* 128.1 : [   4] drink\drink_tea
* 128.1 : [   4] drink\drink_vodka
* 128.1 : [   4] drink\drink_water
* 128.1 : [   4] food\food_bls
* 128.1 : [   4] food\food_dog
* 128.1 : [   4] food\food_flesh
* 128.1 : [   4] food\food_pdg
* 128.1 : [   4] food\food_raw_tush
* 128.1 : [   4] food\food_tushkano
* 128.1 : [   4] food\snork_food
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_chocolate
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_cigar
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_cigarettes_lucky
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_cigarettes_russian
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_cloth_mask
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_glucose
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_glucose_s
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_hand_rolling_tobacco
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_mint
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_mre
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_raisins
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_ration_ukr
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_salmon
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_tobacco
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_tushonka
* 128.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_shells1
* 128.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_shells2
* 128.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_shells_green
* 128.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_shells_pisto1
* 128.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_shells_pistol
* 128.1 : [   4] prop\prop_kitchen_krujka
* 128.1 : [   4] prop\prop_voda1
* 128.1 : [   4] prop\prop_voda2
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_armor_repair_fa
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_armor_repair_pro
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_cleaning_kit
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_cleaning_kit_r7
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_cleaning_kit_u
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_glue
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_grease_solvent
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_gun_oil
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_gun_oil_ru
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_sewing_kit
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_sharpening_stones
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_textile_patch_b
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_textile_patch_e
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_textile_patch_m
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_toolkit_nato
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_toolkit_p
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_toolkit_s
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_toolkit_wp
* 128.1 : [   1] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_ak_shells_1
* 128.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_graff_32_1024
* 128.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_letter_25_1024
* 128.1 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ied
* 128.1 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ied_rpg
* 128.1 : [   4] wpn\wpn_pfm1
* 170.4 : [   4] act\act_gasmask
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_abakan
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74_sk1
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74_sk2
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74_sk4
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74_sk5
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74_sk7
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74m
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74m_body
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74m_sk3
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aksu
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aksu_sk3
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aksu_sk5
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aksu_sk6
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_beretta
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_binokl
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_colt1911
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_colt1911_sk4
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_colt1911_sk6
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_desert_eagle
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_desert_eagle_nimble
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_desert_eagle_sk3
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_g36
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_g36k
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_g36k_sk1
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_grenade_f1
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_grenade_rgd5
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_groza
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_groza_grenade_launcher
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_groza_mag
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_knife
* 170.4 : [   6] wpn\wpn_l85
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_l85_sk2
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_l85_sk4
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_mp5
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_mp5_sk3
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_mp5_sk4
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_pb
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_pb_sk2
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_pkm
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_pkm_magazin
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_pm
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_pm_actor
* 170.4 : [   6] wpn\wpn_pm_sk2
* 170.4 : [   6] wpn\wpn_pm_sk3
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_pmm
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_protecta
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_rg6
* 170.4 : [   6] wpn\wpn_rpg-7
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_sig-p220
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_sig-p220_sk4
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_sig550
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_spas12
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_spas12_sk4
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svd_body
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svd_body_sk3
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svd_grips
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svd_grips_sk3
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svd_gripz
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_toz-34
* 170.4 : [   6] wpn\wpn_toz-34_sk3
* 170.4 : [   6] wpn\wpn_toz-34_sk4
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_toz-34_sk5
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_usp
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_vss
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_vss_nimble
* 170.6 : [   4] act\act_izlom
* 170.6 : [   4] act\metro\act_diger_slemnew
* 170.6 : [   4] item\item_xxporn2
* 170.6 : [   4] act\act_mp_team_blue_armor_military
* 170.6 : [   4] akt\act_arm_mono_glove
* 170.6 : [   4] item\item_boots
* 170.6 : [   4] item\item_conserva
* 170.6 : [   4] item\item_flash
* 170.6 : [   4] item\item_rope
* 170.6 : [   4] item\item_rops
* 170.6 : [   4] item\item_torch
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_gl_gp25
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_mount_mtk83
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_mp5_mount
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_1p29
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_ac10632
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_acog
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_eotech
* 170.6 : [   6] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_l96
* 170.6 : [   6] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_po4x34
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_susat_sk2
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_45
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_9mx
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_atg
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_gemtech
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_kzrzp
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_nato
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_pbs1
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_pbs4
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_tgp-a
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_usp_match
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak100_grips
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak101_mag
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_akm_mag
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aps
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_apw
* 170.6 : [   6] wpn\wpn_bullet1
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_bullet2
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_dao12_sights
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_g3_mount
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_kiparis
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_kiparis_mag
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_kipariw
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_kipariw_mag
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_m17_carryhandle
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_vsk94_butt
* 170.6 : [   1] amik\explosions\boom_0
* 170.6 : [   1] amik\explosions\boom_1
* 170.6 : [   1] amik\explosions\boom_2
* 170.6 : [   1] map\map_aes_1
* 170.6 : [   1] map\map_aes_2
* 170.6 : [   1] map\map_l04_darkvalley
* 170.6 : [   1] map\map_l05_bar
* 170.6 : [   1] map\map_l06_rostok
* 170.6 : [   1] map\map_limansk
* 213.5 : [   3] artifact\artifact_hell1
* 256.1 : [   4] act\act_face_zombie_02
* 256.1 : [   4] act\act_face_zombie_03
* 256.1 : [   4] act\act_ratwolf_01
* 256.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_soldier_2
* 256.1 : [   1] amik\explosions\explosion_flash_atlas
* 256.1 : [   4] artifact\artifact_val005
* 256.1 : [   4] artifact\artifact_val013
* 256.1 : [   4] artifact\artifact_val024
* 256.1 : [   4] artifact\artifact_val029
* 256.1 : [   4] drink\drink_flask
* 256.1 : [   4] food\food_boar
* 256.1 : [   1] fx\fx_gradient1
* 256.1 : [   4] item\[stayler]\w_medkin2
* 256.1 : [   4] item\item_lead_box
* 256.1 : [   4] item\item_mineral_water
* 256.1 : [   4] item\item_ration_ru
* 256.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_bloodsplash2
* 256.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_expl_01
* 256.1 : [   4] prop\prop_tarp
* 256.1 : [   4] repair\repair_helmet_repair
* 256.1 : [   4] sap\sap_medal
* 256.1 : [   4] sap\sap_medal_00
* 256.1 : [   4] sap\sap_sand
* 256.1 : [   4] sgm\sumka_2
* 256.1 : [3271] sky\sky_oblaka
* 256.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_graff_50_1024
* 339.8 : [   4] majordolg\scaut
* 340.8 : [   4] wpn\wpn_hpsa
* 340.8 : [   4] wpn\wpn_hpsa_sk1
* 340.8 : [   4] wpn\wpn_hpsa_sk2
* 340.8 : [   4] wpn\wpn_hpsa_sk3
* 340.8 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svu-a
* 341.1 : [   4] wpn\wpn_k98_body
* 341.1 : [   4] act\act_arm_bandit
* 341.1 : [   1] amik\explosions\explosion_dynamite\explosion_din
* 341.1 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_kobra
* 341.1 : [   4] act\face\act_face_risovalshik
* 341.1 : [   4] act\metro\act_stalker_nebo_5_white
* 341.1 : [   1] amik\explosions\final_expl
* 341.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\smokeshoot_1
* 341.1 : [   1] fx\fx_gradient
* 341.1 : [   1] map\map_agroprom
* 341.1 : [   1] map\map_fake_start
* 341.1 : [   1] map\map_garbage
* 341.1 : [   1] map\map_jupiter_underground
* 341.1 : [   1] map\map_k01_darkscape
* 341.1 : [   1] map\map_l04u_labx18
* 341.1 : [   1] map\map_l07_military
* 341.1 : [   1] map\map_l08_yantar
* 341.1 : [   1] map\map_l09_deadcity
* 341.1 : [   1] map\map_l10_radar
* 341.1 : [   1] map\map_l11_pripyat
* 341.1 : [   1] map\map_l13_generators
* 341.1 : [   1] map\map_red_forest
* 378.1 : [   4] sap\sap_glass
* 378.1 : [   4] sap\sap_gubka
* 379.8 : [   1] map\map_k02_trucks_cemetery
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_atach
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_faction_badges_tfw
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_monoold1
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_monoold3
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_mutant_boar_leg
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_puh
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_scientist_suit_orang
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_scientist_suit_red
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_scientist_suit_white
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_scientist_suit_yello
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_scientist_zombi_w
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_scientist_zombi_y
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_monolith_1
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_monoliths
* 512.1 : [   1] amik\explosions\explosion_fuelcan\boom_1
* 512.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\00
* 512.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\45
* 512.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\shells_ak
* 512.1 : [   4] amk\items\500
* 512.1 : [   4] item\item_crowbar
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_ani-fire01
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_explotions_3
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\12ga
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\45acp
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\545x39
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\556x45
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\762x39
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\762x51
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\762x54
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\9x18
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\9x19
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\9x39
* 512.1 : [   4] sgm\sumka_1
* 512.1 : [   1] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_shells3
* 512.1 : [   4] sumka\sumka_4
* 512.1 : [   1] ui\ui_arty_interface
* 576.1 : [   4] sap\sap_star_of_ph
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_galilscope
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_grenade_launcher
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_grenade_launcher_m203
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_1p59
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_pso-1m2-1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_pso1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_pu
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_susat
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_susat_sk4
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak105_body
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak12
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_akm_gadges
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_akms_gadges
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_akn
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aks74
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aks75
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aks76
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ar15
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aug
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_cz75
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_cz75_sk1
* 682.2 : [   6] wpn\wpn_dao12
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_fn2000
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_fn2000_sk1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_fn2000_sk2
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_fn2000_sk3
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_fnx45_sk2
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_g4
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_galil_sk3
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_glock19
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_glock19_sk1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_grach
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_lr300
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_lr302
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_lr303
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_m17
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_m1891
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_m1891_scope
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_m1891_wood
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_m4a1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_m4a3
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_m4a5
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_m590a2
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_mosin_scope
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_mp133_sk1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_mp133_sk2
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_mp153
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_mp153_sk1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_mp412
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_oc33
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_rpk74m
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_rpk_body
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_rpk_grips
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_scar
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_sig551
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_toz194
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_toz194_sk1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_toz66
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_toz66_sk1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_toz66_sk2
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_toz66_sk3
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_tt33_sk1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ump45
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ump45_sk1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_val
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_vsk94
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_vz61_sk4
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_vz61_sk5
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_type63
* 682.2 : [   1] map\map_escape
* 768.1 : [  14] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_1
* 768.1 : [  40] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_2
* 768.1 : [  18] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_3
* 768.1 : [  14] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_5
* 768.1 : [  40] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_1
* 768.1 : [  24] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_2
* 768.1 : [  36] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_3
* 768.1 : [  32] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_4
* 768.1 : [  32] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_5
* 768.1 : [   6] sky\af3_blowout\blowout1
* 768.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout1_1
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout2
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout2_night
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3
* 768.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_1
* 768.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_1_night
* 768.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_2
* 768.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_2_night
* 768.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_3
* 768.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_3_night
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_night
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4
* 768.1 : [   3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_1
* 768.1 : [   3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_1_night
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_night
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5_night
* 768.1 : [   7] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5psi
* 768.1 : [   7] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5psi_night
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout6
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout6_night
* 768.1 : [   3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout7
* 768.1 : [   4] sky\af3_blowout\blowout7_night
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\00-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\00-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  25] sky\af3_clear\00-00-nm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\01-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\01-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  37] sky\af3_clear\01-00-nm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\02-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\02-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  25] sky\af3_clear\02-00-nm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\03-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\03-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\04-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\04-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  34] sky\af3_clear\04-30
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\22-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\22-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\23-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\23-00-hm
* 768.1 : [   6] sky\af3_cloudy\19-00
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_cloudy\20-00
* 768.1 : [  16] sky\af3_foggy\06-00
* 768.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\07-00
* 768.1 : [  19] sky\af3_foggy\09-00
* 768.1 : [  40] sky\af3_foggy\10-00
* 768.1 : [  10] sky\af3_foggy\11-00
* 768.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\12-00
* 768.1 : [  27] sky\af3_foggy\13-00
* 768.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\14-00
* 768.1 : [  19] sky\af3_foggy\15-00
* 768.1 : [  19] sky\af3_foggy\16-00
* 768.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\17-00
* 768.1 : [  19] sky\af3_foggy\18-00
* 768.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\19-00
* 768.1 : [  22] sky\af3_foggy\20-00
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\00-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\00-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  25] sky\af3_partly\00-00-nm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\01-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\01-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  38] sky\af3_partly\01-00-nm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\02-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\02-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  24] sky\af3_partly\02-00-nm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\03-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\03-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\04-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\04-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\22-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\22-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\23-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\23-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  26] sky\af3_rainy\07-00
* 768.1 : [  30] sky\af3_rainy\09-00_19-00
* 768.1 : [  58] sky\af3_rainy\13-00
* 768.1 : [  24] sky\af3_rainy\15-00
* 768.1 : [  31] sky\af3_rainy\15-00-2
* 768.1 : [  44] sky\af3_rainy\16-00
* 768.1 : [  32] sky\af3_rainy\20-00
* 768.1 : [   5] sky\sky_12_vibros_cube
* 768.1 : [  26] sky\sky_13_cube
* 768.1 : [  16] sky\sky_13_cube_night
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\sky_13_vibros_cube
* 768.1 : [  10] sky\sky_14_cube
* 768.1 : [   4] sky\sky_17_clouds_cube
* 768.1 : [   4] sky\sky_17_cube
* 768.1 : [  10] sky\sky_18_cube
* 768.1 : [  11] sky\sky_19_cube
* 768.1 : [   4] sky\sky_1_clouds_cube
* 768.1 : [   4] sky\sky_20_clouds_cube
* 768.1 : [   6] sky\sky_20_cube
* 768.1 : [   4] sky\sky_2_clouds_cube
* 768.1 : [   4] sky\sky_2_cube
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\sky_3_cube
* 768.1 : [   3] sky\sky_4_cube
* 768.1 : [  32] sky\sky_5_cube
* 768.1 : [   7] sky\sky_6_cube
* 768.1 : [  11] sky\sky_7_cube
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\sky_8_cube
* 768.1 : [  49] sky\sky_9_cube
* 1024.1 : [   4] act\act_mtalker
* 1024.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_dolg_8_8_
* 1024.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_merc_2
* 1024.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_mercen_2
* 1024.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral_2
* 1024.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral_3
* 1024.1 : [   4] act\metro\act_att_gasmask_maska
* 1024.1 : [   1] amik\explosions\decal_concrete
* 1024.1 : [   1] amik\explosions\explo_end
* 1024.1 : [   1] amik\explosions\explosion_fuelcan\boom_3
* 1024.1 : [   1] amik\explosions\explosion_fuelcan\grey_xpl
* 1024.1 : [   1] amik\hit_fx\water_splash\water_splash_anim
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_1
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_2
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_3
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_4
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_5
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_6
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_7
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_phase_1
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_phase_2
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_phase_3
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_phase_4
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_phase_5
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_phase_6
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_phase_7
* 1024.1 : [   1] map\map_l03u_agr_underground
* 1024.1 : [   1] map\map_l12u_control_monolith
* 1024.1 : [   1] map\map_y04_pole
* 1024.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_ani-explosion-02
* 1024.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_ani-explosion-02-b-a
* 1024.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_ani-explosion-02a
* 1024.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_explotions_2
* 1024.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_explotions_4
* 1024.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_explotions_smoke
* 1024.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_explotions_smoke_benzine
* 1024.1 : [   1] shoker_mod\explosions\final_expl
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_achivments
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_dialog_screen
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_menu
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_mp_screen
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_multiplayer_background
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_multiplayer_game_menu
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_newsmanager_icons
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_pda
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_sleep_screen
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_widescreen_sidepanels
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_common
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_hud
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_ingame2_common
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_pda2
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_pda2_noice
* 1024.1 : [   4] wpn\wpn_bolt
* 1024.1 : [   1] wpn\wpn_crosshair_class
* 1024.1 : [   1] wpn\wpn_crosshair_fn2000
* 1024.1 : [   1] wpn\wpn_crosshair_l85
* 1363.3 : [   4] act\act_stalker_sviter
* 1364.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_l96
* 1364.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svt
* 1364.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svt_sk2
* 1364.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svu-n
* 1364.3 : [   4] act\act_arm_sviter_1
* 1364.3 : [   4] bodies\it_organs_13rs
* 1364.3 : [   1] map\map_jupiter
* 1364.3 : [   1] map\map_marsh
* 1364.3 : [   1] map\map_pripyat
* 1364.3 : [   1] map\map_zaton
* 1792.9 : [   6] item\item_detector_1
* 2048.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_soldier_v
* 2048.1 : [   4] akt\act_arm_mono_1
* 2048.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_cc_lightings
* 2048.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_hint_wnd
* 2048.1 : [   1] ui\ui_global_map
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\05-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\05-30
* 3072.1 : [  66] sky\af3_clear\06-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\07-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\08-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\09-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\10-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\11-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\12-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\13-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\14-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\15-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\16-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\17-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\18-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\19-00
* 3072.1 : [  66] sky\af3_clear\20-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\20-30
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\21-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\21-30
* 3072.1 : [   6] sky\af3_cloudy\05-00
* 3072.1 : [  12] sky\af3_cloudy\06-00
* 3072.1 : [  11] sky\af3_cloudy\07-00
* 3072.1 : [  19] sky\af3_cloudy\08-00
* 3072.1 : [  24] sky\af3_cloudy\09-00
* 3072.1 : [  12] sky\af3_cloudy\10-00
* 3072.1 : [  12] sky\af3_cloudy\11-00
* 3072.1 : [  19] sky\af3_cloudy\12-00
* 3072.1 : [  11] sky\af3_cloudy\13-00
* 3072.1 : [  38] sky\af3_cloudy\14-00
* 3072.1 : [  30] sky\af3_cloudy\15-00
* 3072.1 : [  11] sky\af3_cloudy\16-00
* 3072.1 : [  19] sky\af3_cloudy\17-00
* 3072.1 : [  22] sky\af3_cloudy\18-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\04-30
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\05-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\05-30
* 3072.1 : [  66] sky\af3_partly\06-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\07-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\08-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\09-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\10-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\11-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\12-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\13-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\14-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\15-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\16-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\17-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\18-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\19-00
* 3072.1 : [  66] sky\af3_partly\20-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\20-30
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\21-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\21-30
* 4096.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_portrets_mlr
* 8192.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_portrets
* 8193.0 : [   4] item\item_detector_3
* 32768.1 : [   1] ui\ui_icon_equipment
* [ D3D ]: textures[526386 K]
*  0.0 : [  70] $null
*  0.0 : [   2] $user$cmap0
*  0.0 : [   2] $user$cmap1
*  0.0 : [   3] $user$distort
*  0.0 : [ 618] $user$projector
*  0.0 : [   6] $user$rendertarget
*  0.0 : [   5] $user$rendertarget_color_map
*  0.0 : [   1] $user$sky0
*  0.0 : [   1] $user$sky1
*  0.0 : [   1] $user$tonemap
*  0.0 : [   3] prop\prop_lampa_g_red2
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_spark_02
*  0.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_spark_01
*  0.2 : [   3] wpn\wpn_protecta_dots
*  0.2 : [   1] pfx\pfx_step_blood
*  0.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_bubble
*  0.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_leaves_01
*  0.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_leaves_02
*  0.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_splash3
*  0.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_splash_02
*  0.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_synus
*  0.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_vehmetaldebris_01
*  0.3 : [   1] prop\prop_provod_02
*  0.3 : [   4] prop\prop_provod_03
*  0.4 : [   1] glow\glow_anamorphic
*  0.4 : [   1] glow\glow_rays
*  0.4 : [   3] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_blue_lense
*  0.6 : [ 609] internal\internal_light_attclip
*  0.7 : [   4] act\act_stalker_head_glass_02
*  0.7 : [   4] mtl\mtl_bochka_02
*  0.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_concretedebris_01
*  1.1 : [   3] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_red_lense
*  1.3 : [   6] act\act_stalker_head_glass
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_21
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_bubble_1
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_bubble_water
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist2
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist2inv
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist3
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist4
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist7
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist8
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist9
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist_teleport
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_distort_anomaly
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_distortion
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flash_05
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flash_07
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_smoke_b
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_specks
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_specks_poison
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_spikey_star
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_splash_01
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_stonedebris1
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_stonedebris2
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_vehglassdebris_01
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_water_wave
*  1.4 : [   3] artifact\artifact_eye
*  1.4 : [   4] item\item_key_1
*  1.4 : [   1] fx\fx_rain
*  1.4 : [   1] fx\fx_sun_rise
*  1.4 : [   1] glow\glow_orange2
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_asfalt_1
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_asfalt_2
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_asfalt_3
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_brick_1
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_brick_2
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_1
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_2
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_4
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_5
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_6
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_7
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_ground
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_ground_1
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_ground_2
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik_1
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik_2
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik_3
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_1
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_2
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_3
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_4
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_1
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_2
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_3
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_4
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_5
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_6
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_7
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_8
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_9
*  2.7 : [   4] prop\prop_speakerphone
*  2.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_electrostatic
*  2.7 : [   4] prop\prop_box_3
*  2.7 : [   4] prop\prop_elec_kran
*  2.7 : [   1] prop\prop_fake_bed_fireplace
*  2.7 : [   4] prop\prop_instrument_2
*  2.7 : [   4] prop\prop_teapot_1
*  2.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_pkm_lenta
*  2.7 : [   4] act\act_pseudodog_fur
*  2.7 : [   4] act\act_pseudodog_fur1
*  2.7 : [   4] mtl\mtl_truba_pod_01
*  2.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist_glass3
*  2.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_smokepuffs2
*  2.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_sparks
*  2.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_sparks2
*  2.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_woodchips1
*  2.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_woodchips3
*  2.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\trace_01
*  2.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\trace_01
*  2.7 : [   4] food\food_raw___dog
*  2.7 : [   4] food\food_raw_flesh
*  2.7 : [   4] item\item_battery
*  2.7 : [   4] item\item_jar
*  2.7 : [   4] item\item_meinkampf
*  2.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\dtk_3
*  3.0 : [   1] artifact\artifact_anim_dist
*  3.1 : [   5] sky\sky_12_vibros_cube#small
*  3.1 : [  26] sky\sky_13_cube#small
*  3.1 : [  16] sky\sky_13_cube_night#small
*  3.1 : [  12] sky\sky_13_vibros_cube#small
*  3.1 : [  10] sky\sky_14_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   4] sky\sky_17_clouds_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   4] sky\sky_17_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   8] sky\sky_18_cube#small
*  3.1 : [  11] sky\sky_19_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   4] sky\sky_1_clouds_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   4] sky\sky_20_clouds_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   4] sky\sky_20_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   4] sky\sky_2_clouds_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   4] sky\sky_2_cube#small
*  3.1 : [  12] sky\sky_3_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   3] sky\sky_4_cube#small
*  3.1 : [  30] sky\sky_5_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   7] sky\sky_6_cube#small
*  3.1 : [  11] sky\sky_7_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   8] sky\sky_8_cube#small
*  3.1 : [  49] sky\sky_9_cube#small
*  4.1 : [   1] fx\fx_flare1
*  4.1 : [   1] fx\fx_flare2
*  4.1 : [   1] fx\fx_flare3
*  4.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flamefx_01
*  4.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_g-smoke-01
*  5.3 : [   1] act\act_controller_hit
*  5.3 : [   1] act\act_controller_hit1
*  5.3 : [   6] act\act_stalker_nauch_glass
*  5.3 : [   4] act\variation mod\act_neutral\gas_mask_glass
*  5.3 : [   4] door\door_sheet
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_1
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_16
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_17
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_19
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_3
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_4
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_5
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_6
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_8
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_88
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_9
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_blurry_cloud
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_brick
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_light
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_light1
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_light3
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_light4
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_lightning_01
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_lightning_02
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_ligth_6
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_plasma
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_smoke_a
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_sparks1
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_teleport
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_test_textures
*  5.3 : [   4] prop\prop_ballon2
*  5.3 : [   4] prop\prop_ballon3
*  5.3 : [   4] prop\prop_bottle_box
*  5.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_pkm_decals
*  5.4 : [   4] item\item_hammer
*  5.4 : [   1] amik\nature\stonedebris1
*  5.4 : [   1] glow\glow_04
*  5.4 : [   1] glow\glow_fire1
*  5.4 : [   1] glow\glow_fire1_soc
*  5.4 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flash_02
*  5.4 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flash_08
*  5.4 : [   1] shoker_mod\explosions\firesmokeparticle
*  5.4 : [   1] wm\wm_grenade
*  5.4 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_dead
*  5.4 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_horiz
*  5.4 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_blood
*  5.4 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_wood
*  5.4 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_wood1
*  5.4 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_wood2
*  5.4 : [   1] amik\weapons\6ways2
*  5.4 : [   1] amik\weapons\btr\muzzle 6ways2
*  5.4 : [   1] amik\nature\list
*  5.4 : [   1] amik\nature\wood_part
*  5.4 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\trail
*  6.1 : [  14] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_1#small
*  6.1 : [  40] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_2#small
*  6.1 : [  18] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_3#small
*  6.1 : [  14] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_5#small
*  6.1 : [  40] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_1#small
*  6.1 : [  24] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_2#small
*  6.1 : [  36] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_3#small
*  6.1 : [  32] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_4#small
*  6.1 : [  32] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_5#small
*  6.1 : [   6] sky\af3_blowout\blowout1#small
*  6.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout1_1#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout2#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout2_night#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3#small
*  6.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_1#small
*  6.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_1_night#small
*  6.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_2#small
*  6.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_2_night#small
*  6.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_3#small
*  6.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_3_night#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_night#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4#small
*  6.1 : [   3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_1#small
*  6.1 : [   3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_1_night#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_night#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5_night#small
*  6.1 : [   7] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5psi#small
*  6.1 : [   7] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5psi_night#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout6#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout6_night#small
*  6.1 : [   3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout7#small
*  6.1 : [   4] sky\af3_blowout\blowout7_night#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\00-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\00-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  25] sky\af3_clear\00-00-nm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\01-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\01-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  37] sky\af3_clear\01-00-nm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\02-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\02-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  25] sky\af3_clear\02-00-nm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\03-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\03-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\04-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\04-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  34] sky\af3_clear\04-30#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\05-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\05-30#small
*  6.1 : [  66] sky\af3_clear\06-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\07-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\08-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\09-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\10-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\11-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\12-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\13-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\14-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\15-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\16-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\17-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\18-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\19-00#small
*  6.1 : [  66] sky\af3_clear\20-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\20-30#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\21-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\21-30#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\22-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\22-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\23-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\23-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [   6] sky\af3_cloudy\05-00#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_cloudy\06-00#small
*  6.1 : [  11] sky\af3_cloudy\07-00#small
*  6.1 : [  19] sky\af3_cloudy\08-00#small
*  6.1 : [  24] sky\af3_cloudy\09-00#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_cloudy\10-00#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_cloudy\11-00#small
*  6.1 : [  19] sky\af3_cloudy\12-00#small
*  6.1 : [  11] sky\af3_cloudy\13-00#small
*  6.1 : [  38] sky\af3_cloudy\14-00#small
*  6.1 : [  30] sky\af3_cloudy\15-00#small
*  6.1 : [  11] sky\af3_cloudy\16-00#small
*  6.1 : [  19] sky\af3_cloudy\17-00#small
*  6.1 : [  22] sky\af3_cloudy\18-00#small
*  6.1 : [   6] sky\af3_cloudy\19-00#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_cloudy\20-00#small
*  6.1 : [  16] sky\af3_foggy\06-00#small
*  6.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\07-00#small
*  6.1 : [  19] sky\af3_foggy\09-00#small
*  6.1 : [  40] sky\af3_foggy\10-00#small
*  6.1 : [  10] sky\af3_foggy\11-00#small
*  6.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\12-00#small
*  6.1 : [  27] sky\af3_foggy\13-00#small
*  6.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\14-00#small
*  6.1 : [  19] sky\af3_foggy\15-00#small
*  6.1 : [  19] sky\af3_foggy\16-00#small
*  6.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\17-00#small
*  6.1 : [  19] sky\af3_foggy\18-00#small
*  6.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\19-00#small
*  6.1 : [  22] sky\af3_foggy\20-00#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\00-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\00-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  25] sky\af3_partly\00-00-nm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\01-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\01-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  38] sky\af3_partly\01-00-nm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\02-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\02-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  24] sky\af3_partly\02-00-nm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\03-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\03-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\04-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\04-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\04-30#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\05-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\05-30#small
*  6.1 : [  66] sky\af3_partly\06-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\07-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\08-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\09-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\10-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\11-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\12-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\13-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\14-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\15-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\16-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\17-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\18-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\19-00#small
*  6.1 : [  66] sky\af3_partly\20-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\20-30#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\21-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\21-30#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\22-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\22-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\23-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\23-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  26] sky\af3_rainy\07-00#small
*  6.1 : [  30] sky\af3_rainy\09-00_19-00#small
*  6.1 : [  58] sky\af3_rainy\13-00#small
*  6.1 : [  24] sky\af3_rainy\15-00#small
*  6.1 : [  31] sky\af3_rainy\15-00-2#small
*  6.1 : [  44] sky\af3_rainy\16-00#small
*  6.1 : [  32] sky\af3_rainy\20-00#small
*  7.1 : [   4] wpn\wpn_g36_scope
*  8.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_gologramma
*  8.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\fake_shells
*  8.1 : [   1] ui\ui_fog_of_war
* 10.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_vog
* 10.7 : [   4] door\door_white_04
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_electricalunit3
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_kanistra
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_dogs_brown
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_green_stalker_head_3
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_green_stalker_head_3_mask
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_head2
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_pseudodog
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_rat01
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_ryukzak
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_ryukzak_black
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_stalker_head_antigas_2
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_stalker_head_antigas_9
* 10.7 : [   4] door\door_katakomb_01
* 10.7 : [   4] door\door_white_02
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_blind01
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_dangerbox_2
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_el_shkaf_01
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_freez
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_item2
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_item3
* 10.7 : [   6] prop\prop_iten4
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_kitchen_stuff
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_plita
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_spade
* 10.7 : [   4] wood\wood_plank6
* 10.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aksu_synth
* 10.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_protecta_sights
* 10.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_walter99_mag
* 10.7 : [   4] glas\glas_dirt
* 10.7 : [   4] mtl\mtl_barrel_02
* 10.7 : [   4] mtl\mtl_barrel_04
* 10.7 : [   4] mtl\mtl_barrel_05
* 10.7 : [   4] mtl\mtl_truba_pod_02
* 10.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_2
* 10.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_23
* 10.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_2_green
* 10.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_7
* 10.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_concretepuffs_01
* 10.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_lighting_stancia_01
* 10.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_lighting_stancia_02
* 10.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_smokepuffs1
* 10.7 : [   1] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_shells1
* 10.7 : [   1] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_shells2
* 10.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\dtk_5
* 10.7 : [   3] artifact\artifact_mp_green
* 10.7 : [   4] artifact\artifact_myasorubka2
* 10.7 : [   4] artifact\artifact_myasorubka3
* 10.7 : [   4] fx\fx_noise2
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_block_notes
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_calibrate_tools
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_cards
* 10.7 : [   3] item\item_document_01
* 10.7 : [   6] item\item_gazmask1
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_medic1
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_medkit
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_medkit_2
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_medkit_3
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_medkit_4
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_parts
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_rebirth
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_small_tools
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_yad
* 10.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_bullet1_556
* 10.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_bullet1_939
* 10.7 : [   1] amik\anomaly\electric_radial
* 10.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\6ways1
* 10.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\btr\muzzle 6ways1
* 10.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\dtk_4
* 10.7 : [   1] amik\hit_fx\water_splash\water_spurt
* 10.7 : [   1] artifact\artifact_fire_light
* 10.7 : [   1] lights\lights_cone_handing_lamp
* 10.7 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_blood1
* 10.7 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_metal
* 10.7 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_ston
* 13.3 : [   3] artifact\artifact_lava
* 16.1 : [   4] act\act_specnaz_glass
* 16.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\mg42out
* 16.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\trace
* 16.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\mg42out
* 16.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\trace
* 16.1 : [   1] fx\fx_rainsplash1
* 16.1 : [   1] fx\fx_volumefog1
* 16.1 : [ 609] internal\internal_light_att
* 16.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flame
* 16.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flash_01
* 16.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_gradient
* 16.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_gradient1
* 16.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_arial_14_1024
* 16.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_hud_01
* 16.1 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_drop_1
* 16.1 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_drop_2
* 16.1 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_drop_3
* 16.1 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_drop_4
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_face_mask_05
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_faces_2_01
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_face_01
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_face_mask_01
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_face_mask_02
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_face_mask_03
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_face_mask_04
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_face_mask_07
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_face_mask_08
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_face_zombie_01
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_faces_1_03
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_faces_1_08
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_faces_4_02
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_faces_4_03
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_faces_4_04
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_ryukzag
* 21.3 : [   4] door\door_ship_metall
* 21.3 : [   4] mtl\mtl_bochka_01
* 21.3 : [   4] mtl\mtl_pod_01
* 21.3 : [   4] prop\prop_instrument_1
* 21.3 : [   1] amik\weapons\dtk_2
* 21.4 : [   4] aa\aa_freon
* 21.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_raii
* 21.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_rail
* 21.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_bullet1_545
* 21.4 : [   3] artifact\artifact_sopli2
* 21.4 : [   1] glow\glow_blue
* 21.4 : [   4] glow\glow_ghost
* 21.4 : [   1] glow\glow_orange
* 21.4 : [   1] glow\glow_orange_bright
* 21.4 : [   1] glow\glow_white
* 21.4 : [   1] glow\glow_yellow
* 21.4 : [   4] item\item_goggles
* 21.4 : [   4] item\item_money
* 21.4 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist_lens_base
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_10
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_11
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_1_1
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_1_2
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_1_3
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_1_4
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_1_5
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_3
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_4
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_5
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_6
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_7
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_8
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_9
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_glass01
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_glass02
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_glass03
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_glass04
* 21.4 : [   1] amik\weapons\dtk_4_1
* 32.1 : [   4] arsenal_mod\ammo\762x25_p
* 32.1 : [   4] arsenal_mod\ammo\762x25_ps
* 32.1 : [   1] fx\fx_lightning
* 32.1 : [   4] item\item_beans
* 32.1 : [   4] item\item_beer
* 32.1 : [   4] item\item_caffeine
* 32.1 : [   4] item\item_corn
* 32.1 : [   4] item\item_medkitai2
* 32.1 : [   4] item\item_tomato
* 32.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_ani-smoke-01
* 32.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_cc_lighting_grad2
* 32.1 : [   4] repair\repair_steel_wool
* 32.1 : [   4] sgm\item_psyhodelin
* 32.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_letter_16_1024
* 32.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_letter_18_1024
* 33.0 : [   1] ui\ui_ani_cursor
* 42.5 : [   1] amik\weapons\9x39
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_head_mask
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_monolith_rookie
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_nebo_1
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neut_2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral2d
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_soldierb4
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_trup_5
* 42.6 : [   6] wpn\wpn_upgrade
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_bure3
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_burer
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_ca2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_ca4
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_cat
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_cat2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_controller
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_free2old
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_himera
* 42.6 : [   6] act\act_krovosos_1
* 42.6 : [   3] act\act_krovosos_3
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_nauchniy_monolit
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_new_details_01
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_plot
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_pseudodog1
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_scientist_zombi_o
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_bandit1az
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_bandit1bz
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_bandit_1
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_bandit_2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_bandit_3
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_bandit_3a
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_black
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_dolg2a
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_dolg3b
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_dolg_2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_dolg_2_2_
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_dolg_3
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_dolg_3000
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_dolgzom_2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_freedom2b
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_freedom_1
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_freedom_2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_merc4a
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_merc_5
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_mercen2b
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_mercen2c
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_mercexo_4
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_mercsuit1
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_monolith2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_monolith4a
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_monolith4b
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_monolith_2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_nebo_3
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral1a
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral1b
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral1c
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral1d
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral1e
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral1f
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral2a
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral2b
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral2c
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral2e
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral4a
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral_1
* 42.6 : [   6] act\act_stalker_neutral_4
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_soldier_4
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_trup_1
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_trup_2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_trup_4
* 42.6 : [   4] wood\wood_collect
* 42.6 : [   4] wood\wood_walls8
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74m_gp
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74m_mag
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ammo
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_beretta_sk2
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_beretta_sk4
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_beretta_sk5
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_fort17
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_fort17_sk1
* 42.6 : [   6] wpn\wpn_gauss
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_grenade_40mm
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_grenade_rdg-m
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_grenade_rdg-s
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_knife_nr40
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_l85_susat
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_sig550_mag
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svd_mag
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svd_mag_sk3
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_walter99_body
* 42.6 : [   4] act\variation mod\act_neutral\pockets_1a
* 42.6 : [   4] act\variation mod\act_neutral\pockets_1b
* 42.6 : [   4] act\variation mod\act_neutral\pockets_1e
* 42.7 : [   4] aa\aa_camelbak
* 42.7 : [   4] aa\aa_kevlar
* 42.7 : [   4] act\metro\act_gasmask_metro_grey
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_shovel
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_spalnik
* 42.7 : [   4] aa\aa_plates
* 42.7 : [   4] aa\aa_surge
* 42.7 : [   4] act\act_exoskeleton
* 42.7 : [   4] food\food_chimera
* 42.7 : [   4] food\food_protein
* 42.7 : [   4] food\food_raw_boar
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_ammo
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_book1
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_book2
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_book3
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_ckit
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_cutlery
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_drugskit
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_energy
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_foto1
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_grooming
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_guitar
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_jbox
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_kithunt
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_maps
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_milimap
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_mirror
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_s_guide
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_sack
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_swiss
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_tarp
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_universalpowerdevice
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_ustroystva
* 42.7 : [   4] item\med_bank
* 42.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_rail_1
* 42.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_docter_sight
* 42.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_fn2000_lens
* 42.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_k98_sil
* 42.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_scar_bullet
* 42.7 : [   1] amik\explosions\smoke_cannon
* 42.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\12x70
* 42.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\flameshoot_3
* 42.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\flameshoot_4
* 42.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\flameshoot_5
* 42.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\shells_12x70
* 48.1 : [ 130] sky\sky_cube_weapons
* 64.1 : [   1] amik\static\gas_light\flame_zippo
* 64.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\dtk_6
* 64.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\dtk_8
* 64.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\flash_01
* 64.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\flash_02
* 64.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\flash_04
* 64.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\flash_05
* 64.1 : [   4] arsenal_mod\ammo\762x39_ap
* 64.1 : [   4] arsenal_mod\ammo\762x39_fmj
* 64.1 : [   4] arsenal_mod\ammo\762x51_ap
* 64.1 : [   4] arsenal_mod\ammo\762x51_fmj
* 64.1 : [   4] artifact\artifact_val000
* 64.1 : [   1] fx\fx_sun
* 64.1 : [   1] fx\fx_sun_fog
* 64.1 : [   1] fx\fx_sun_gradient
* 64.1 : [   1] fx\fx_sun_halo
* 64.1 : [   1] fx\fx_sun_morning
* 64.1 : [   1] fx\fx_thunderbolts_gradient
* 64.1 : [   1] fx\fx_thunderbolts_gradient_surge
* 64.1 : [1218] internal\internal_light_attpoint
* 64.1 : [   4] item\item_medkit_5
* 64.1 : [   4] item\jgut
* 64.1 : [   4] item\kielbasa
* 64.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_18
* 64.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_bloodsplash1
* 64.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flame_01
* 64.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_skinsplash1
* 64.1 : [   4] sap\sap_medal_01
* 64.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_console_02
* 64.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_graff_19_1024
* 64.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_graff_22_1024
* 64.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_hud_02
* 85.2 : [   4] act\act_krovosos_new1
* 85.2 : [   4] act\act_mutant_boar
* 85.2 : [   4] act\act_mutant_boar_u
* 85.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_usp_nimble
* 85.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_g43_body
* 85.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_k98_stock
* 85.3 : [   4] act\act_face_her9
* 85.3 : [   4] act\act_stalk_nimble
* 85.3 : [   4] item\item_stims
* 85.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_deagle_comp
* 85.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_lastochka
* 85.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_lastochkb
* 85.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_lastochkc
* 85.3 : [   6] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_9mm
* 85.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_aps
* 85.3 : [   4] act\eye\act_eye_ball
* 85.3 : [   4] act\metro\act_maska_leather
* 85.3 : [   1] amik\explosions\explosion_dynamite\flashlight
* 85.3 : [   1] amik\explosions\explosion_smoke03
* 85.3 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\flameshoot_1
* 85.3 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\flameshoot_2
* 85.3 : [   4] arsenal_mod\ammo\wpn_cartridge357
* 85.3 : [   4] drink\drink_cocaine
* 85.3 : [   4] drink\drink_match0
* 85.3 : [   4] item\[stayler]\w_medkin1
* 85.3 : [   4] item\[stayler]\w_medkin3
* 85.3 : [   4] item\item_detector_2
* 85.3 : [   4] item\item_drink_waterxx
* 85.3 : [   4] item\item_food
* 85.3 : [   1] shoker_mod\explosions\explosion_smoke01
* 85.3 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_1
* 85.3 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_2
* 85.3 : [   1] amik\explosions\explosion_dynamite\smoke
* 85.3 : [   1] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_smoke_1
* 106.9 : [   1] artifact\artifact_lavahell1
* 128.1 : [   4] act\act_crow
* 128.1 : [   4] act\act_dog_noy_0
* 128.1 : [   4] act\act_ryukzaa
* 128.1 : [   4] act\act_ryukzac
* 128.1 : [   4] act\act_ryukzad
* 128.1 : [   4] act\variation mod\act_neutral\gp5a
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\357mag
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\50_ae
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\5x45x39
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\5x45x39_00
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\5x45x39_01
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\5x56x45
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\5x56x45_00
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\5x7x28
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\6x5x50
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x25_0
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x25_1
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x25_2
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x25_3
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x25_4
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x39_00
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x39_01
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x39_02
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x39_03
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x51_1
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x51_2
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x54
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x7x57
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x92x57
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\9x18_1
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\9x18_2
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\9x18_3
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\9x39
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\shells_ak_01
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\smokeshoot_0
* 128.1 : [   4] cooking\cooking_kerosene
* 128.1 : [   4] cooking\cooking_mfs
* 128.1 : [   4] cooking\cooking_wood_stove
* 128.1 : [   4] drink\drink_cigar0
* 128.1 : [   4] drink\drink_cigar2
* 128.1 : [   4] drink\drink_cigar3
* 128.1 : [   4] drink\drink_crow
* 128.1 : [   4] drink\drink_joint
* 128.1 : [   4] drink\drink_tea
* 128.1 : [   4] drink\drink_vodka
* 128.1 : [   4] drink\drink_water
* 128.1 : [   4] food\food_bls
* 128.1 : [   4] food\food_dog
* 128.1 : [   4] food\food_flesh
* 128.1 : [   4] food\food_pdg
* 128.1 : [   4] food\food_raw_tush
* 128.1 : [   4] food\food_tushkano
* 128.1 : [   4] food\snork_food
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_chocolate
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_cigar
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_cigarettes_lucky
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_cigarettes_russian
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_cloth_mask
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_glucose
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_glucose_s
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_hand_rolling_tobacco
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_mint
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_mre
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_raisins
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_ration_ukr
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_salmon
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_tobacco
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_tushonka
* 128.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_shells1
* 128.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_shells2
* 128.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_shells_green
* 128.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_shells_pisto1
* 128.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_shells_pistol
* 128.1 : [   4] prop\prop_kitchen_krujka
* 128.1 : [   4] prop\prop_voda1
* 128.1 : [   4] prop\prop_voda2
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_armor_repair_fa
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_armor_repair_pro
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_cleaning_kit
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_cleaning_kit_r7
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_cleaning_kit_u
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_glue
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_grease_solvent
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_gun_oil
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_gun_oil_ru
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_sewing_kit
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_sharpening_stones
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_textile_patch_b
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_textile_patch_e
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_textile_patch_m
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_toolkit_nato
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_toolkit_p
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_toolkit_s
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_toolkit_wp
* 128.1 : [   1] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_ak_shells_1
* 128.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_graff_32_1024
* 128.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_letter_25_1024
* 128.1 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ied
* 128.1 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ied_rpg
* 128.1 : [   4] wpn\wpn_pfm1
* 170.4 : [   4] act\act_gasmask
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_abakan
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74_sk1
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74_sk2
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74_sk4
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74_sk5
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74_sk7
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74m
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74m_body
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74m_sk3
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aksu
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aksu_sk3
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aksu_sk5
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aksu_sk6
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_beretta
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_binokl
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_colt1911
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_colt1911_sk4
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_colt1911_sk6
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_desert_eagle
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_desert_eagle_nimble
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_desert_eagle_sk3
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_g36
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_g36k
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_g36k_sk1
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_grenade_f1
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_grenade_rgd5
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_groza
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_groza_grenade_launcher
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_groza_mag
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_knife
* 170.4 : [   6] wpn\wpn_l85
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_l85_sk2
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_l85_sk4
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_mp5
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_mp5_sk3
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_mp5_sk4
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_pb
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_pb_sk2
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_pkm
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_pkm_magazin
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_pm
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_pm_actor
* 170.4 : [   6] wpn\wpn_pm_sk2
* 170.4 : [   6] wpn\wpn_pm_sk3
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_pmm
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_protecta
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_rg6
* 170.4 : [   6] wpn\wpn_rpg-7
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_sig-p220
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_sig-p220_sk4
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_sig550
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_spas12
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_spas12_sk4
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svd_body
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svd_body_sk3
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svd_grips
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svd_grips_sk3
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svd_gripz
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_toz-34
* 170.4 : [   6] wpn\wpn_toz-34_sk3
* 170.4 : [   6] wpn\wpn_toz-34_sk4
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_toz-34_sk5
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_usp
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_vss
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_vss_nimble
* 170.6 : [   4] act\act_izlom
* 170.6 : [   4] act\metro\act_diger_slemnew
* 170.6 : [   4] item\item_xxporn2
* 170.6 : [   4] act\act_mp_team_blue_armor_military
* 170.6 : [   4] akt\act_arm_mono_glove
* 170.6 : [   4] item\item_boots
* 170.6 : [   4] item\item_conserva
* 170.6 : [   4] item\item_flash
* 170.6 : [   4] item\item_rope
* 170.6 : [   4] item\item_rops
* 170.6 : [   4] item\item_torch
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_gl_gp25
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_mount_mtk83
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_mp5_mount
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_1p29
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_ac10632
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_acog
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_eotech
* 170.6 : [   6] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_l96
* 170.6 : [   6] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_po4x34
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_susat_sk2
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_45
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_9mx
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_atg
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_gemtech
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_kzrzp
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_nato
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_pbs1
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_pbs4
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_tgp-a
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_usp_match
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak100_grips
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak101_mag
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_akm_mag
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aps
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_apw
* 170.6 : [   6] wpn\wpn_bullet1
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_bullet2
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_dao12_sights
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_g3_mount
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_kiparis
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_kiparis_mag
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_kipariw
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_kipariw_mag
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_m17_carryhandle
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_vsk94_butt
* 170.6 : [   1] amik\explosions\boom_0
* 170.6 : [   1] amik\explosions\boom_1
* 170.6 : [   1] amik\explosions\boom_2
* 213.5 : [   3] artifact\artifact_hell1
* 256.1 : [   4] act\act_face_zombie_02
* 256.1 : [   4] act\act_face_zombie_03
* 256.1 : [   4] act\act_ratwolf_01
* 256.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_soldier_2
* 256.1 : [   1] amik\explosions\explosion_flash_atlas
* 256.1 : [   4] artifact\artifact_val005
* 256.1 : [   4] artifact\artifact_val013
* 256.1 : [   4] artifact\artifact_val024
* 256.1 : [   4] artifact\artifact_val029
* 256.1 : [   4] drink\drink_flask
* 256.1 : [   4] food\food_boar
* 256.1 : [   1] fx\fx_gradient1
* 256.1 : [   4] item\[stayler]\w_medkin2
* 256.1 : [   4] item\item_lead_box
* 256.1 : [   4] item\item_mineral_water
* 256.1 : [   4] item\item_ration_ru
* 256.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_bloodsplash2
* 256.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_expl_01
* 256.1 : [   4] prop\prop_tarp
* 256.1 : [   4] repair\repair_helmet_repair
* 256.1 : [   4] sap\sap_medal
* 256.1 : [   4] sap\sap_medal_00
* 256.1 : [   4] sap\sap_sand
* 256.1 : [   4] sgm\sumka_2
* 256.1 : [3271] sky\sky_oblaka
* 256.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_graff_50_1024
* 339.8 : [   4] majordolg\scaut
* 340.8 : [   4] wpn\wpn_hpsa
* 340.8 : [   4] wpn\wpn_hpsa_sk1
* 340.8 : [   4] wpn\wpn_hpsa_sk2
* 340.8 : [   4] wpn\wpn_hpsa_sk3
* 340.8 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svu-a
* 341.1 : [   4] wpn\wpn_k98_body
* 341.1 : [   4] act\act_arm_bandit
* 341.1 : [   1] amik\explosions\explosion_dynamite\explosion_din
* 341.1 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_kobra
* 341.1 : [   4] act\face\act_face_risovalshik
* 341.1 : [   4] act\metro\act_stalker_nebo_5_white
* 341.1 : [   1] amik\explosions\final_expl
* 341.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\smokeshoot_1
* 341.1 : [   1] fx\fx_gradient
* 378.1 : [   4] sap\sap_glass
* 378.1 : [   4] sap\sap_gubka
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_atach
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_faction_badges_tfw
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_monoold1
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_monoold3
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_mutant_boar_leg
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_puh
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_scientist_suit_orang
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_scientist_suit_red
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_scientist_suit_white
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_scientist_suit_yello
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_scientist_zombi_w
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_scientist_zombi_y
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_monolith_1
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_monoliths
* 512.1 : [   1] amik\explosions\explosion_fuelcan\boom_1
* 512.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\00
* 512.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\45
* 512.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\shells_ak
* 512.1 : [   4] amk\items\500
* 512.1 : [   4] item\item_crowbar
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_ani-fire01
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_explotions_3
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\12ga
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\45acp
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\545x39
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\556x45
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\762x39
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\762x51
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\762x54
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\9x18
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\9x19
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\9x39
* 512.1 : [   4] sgm\sumka_1
* 512.1 : [   1] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_shells3
* 512.1 : [   4] sumka\sumka_4
* 512.1 : [   1] ui\ui_arty_interface
* 576.1 : [   4] sap\sap_star_of_ph
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_galilscope
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_grenade_launcher
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_grenade_launcher_m203
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_1p59
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_pso-1m2-1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_pso1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_pu
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_susat
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_susat_sk4
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak105_body
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak12
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_akm_gadges
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_akms_gadges
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_akn
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aks74
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aks75
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aks76
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ar15
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aug
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_cz75
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_cz75_sk1
* 682.2 : [   6] wpn\wpn_dao12
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_fn2000
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_fn2000_sk1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_fn2000_sk2
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_fn2000_sk3
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_fnx45_sk2
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_g4
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_galil_sk3
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_glock19
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_glock19_sk1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_grach
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_lr300
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_lr302
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_lr303
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_m17
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_m1891
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_m1891_scope
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_m1891_wood
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_m4a1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_m4a3
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_m4a5
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_m590a2
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_mosin_scope
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_mp133_sk1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_mp133_sk2
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_mp153
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_mp153_sk1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_mp412
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_oc33
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_rpk74m
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_rpk_body
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_rpk_grips
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_scar
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_sig551
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_toz194
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_toz194_sk1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_toz66
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_toz66_sk1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_toz66_sk2
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_toz66_sk3
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_tt33_sk1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ump45
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ump45_sk1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_val
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_vsk94
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_vz61_sk4
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_vz61_sk5
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_type63
* 768.1 : [  14] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_1
* 768.1 : [  40] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_2
* 768.1 : [  18] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_3
* 768.1 : [  14] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_5
* 768.1 : [  40] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_1
* 768.1 : [  24] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_2
* 768.1 : [  36] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_3
* 768.1 : [  32] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_4
* 768.1 : [  32] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_5
* 768.1 : [   6] sky\af3_blowout\blowout1
* 768.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout1_1
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout2
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout2_night
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3
* 768.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_1
* 768.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_1_night
* 768.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_2
* 768.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_2_night
* 768.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_3
* 768.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_3_night
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_night
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4
* 768.1 : [   3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_1
* 768.1 : [   3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_1_night
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_night
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5_night
* 768.1 : [   7] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5psi
* 768.1 : [   7] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5psi_night
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout6
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout6_night
* 768.1 : [   3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout7
* 768.1 : [   4] sky\af3_blowout\blowout7_night
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\00-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\00-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  25] sky\af3_clear\00-00-nm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\01-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\01-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  37] sky\af3_clear\01-00-nm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\02-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\02-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  25] sky\af3_clear\02-00-nm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\03-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\03-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\04-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\04-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  34] sky\af3_clear\04-30
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\22-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\22-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\23-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\23-00-hm
* 768.1 : [   6] sky\af3_cloudy\19-00
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_cloudy\20-00
* 768.1 : [  16] sky\af3_foggy\06-00
* 768.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\07-00
* 768.1 : [  19] sky\af3_foggy\09-00
* 768.1 : [  40] sky\af3_foggy\10-00
* 768.1 : [  10] sky\af3_foggy\11-00
* 768.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\12-00
* 768.1 : [  27] sky\af3_foggy\13-00
* 768.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\14-00
* 768.1 : [  19] sky\af3_foggy\15-00
* 768.1 : [  19] sky\af3_foggy\16-00
* 768.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\17-00
* 768.1 : [  19] sky\af3_foggy\18-00
* 768.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\19-00
* 768.1 : [  22] sky\af3_foggy\20-00
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\00-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\00-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  25] sky\af3_partly\00-00-nm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\01-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\01-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  38] sky\af3_partly\01-00-nm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\02-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\02-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  24] sky\af3_partly\02-00-nm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\03-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\03-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\04-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\04-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\22-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\22-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\23-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\23-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  26] sky\af3_rainy\07-00
* 768.1 : [  30] sky\af3_rainy\09-00_19-00
* 768.1 : [  58] sky\af3_rainy\13-00
* 768.1 : [  24] sky\af3_rainy\15-00
* 768.1 : [  31] sky\af3_rainy\15-00-2
* 768.1 : [  44] sky\af3_rainy\16-00
* 768.1 : [  32] sky\af3_rainy\20-00
* 768.1 : [   5] sky\sky_12_vibros_cube
* 768.1 : [  26] sky\sky_13_cube
* 768.1 : [  16] sky\sky_13_cube_night
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\sky_13_vibros_cube
* 768.1 : [  10] sky\sky_14_cube
* 768.1 : [   4] sky\sky_17_clouds_cube
* 768.1 : [   4] sky\sky_17_cube
* 768.1 : [  10] sky\sky_18_cube
* 768.1 : [  11] sky\sky_19_cube
* 768.1 : [   4] sky\sky_1_clouds_cube
* 768.1 : [   4] sky\sky_20_clouds_cube
* 768.1 : [   6] sky\sky_20_cube
* 768.1 : [   4] sky\sky_2_clouds_cube
* 768.1 : [   4] sky\sky_2_cube
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\sky_3_cube
* 768.1 : [   3] sky\sky_4_cube
* 768.1 : [  32] sky\sky_5_cube
* 768.1 : [   7] sky\sky_6_cube
* 768.1 : [  11] sky\sky_7_cube
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\sky_8_cube
* 768.1 : [  49] sky\sky_9_cube
* 1024.1 : [   4] act\act_mtalker
* 1024.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_dolg_8_8_
* 1024.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_merc_2
* 1024.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_mercen_2
* 1024.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral_2
* 1024.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral_3
* 1024.1 : [   4] act\metro\act_att_gasmask_maska
* 1024.1 : [   1] amik\explosions\decal_concrete
* 1024.1 : [   1] amik\explosions\explo_end
* 1024.1 : [   1] amik\explosions\explosion_fuelcan\boom_3
* 1024.1 : [   1] amik\explosions\explosion_fuelcan\grey_xpl
* 1024.1 : [   1] amik\hit_fx\water_splash\water_splash_anim
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_1
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_2
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_3
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_4
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_5
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_6
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_7
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_phase_1
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_phase_2
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_phase_3
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_phase_4
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_phase_5
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_phase_6
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_phase_7
* 1024.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_ani-explosion-02
* 1024.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_ani-explosion-02-b-a
* 1024.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_ani-explosion-02a
* 1024.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_explotions_2
* 1024.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_explotions_4
* 1024.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_explotions_smoke
* 1024.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_explotions_smoke_benzine
* 1024.1 : [   1] shoker_mod\explosions\final_expl
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_mp_screen
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_multiplayer_background
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_multiplayer_game_menu
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_sleep_screen
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_common
* 1024.1 : [   4] wpn\wpn_bolt
* 1024.1 : [   1] wpn\wpn_crosshair_class
* 1024.1 : [   1] wpn\wpn_crosshair_fn2000
* 1024.1 : [   1] wpn\wpn_crosshair_l85
* 1363.3 : [   4] act\act_stalker_sviter
* 1364.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_l96
* 1364.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svt
* 1364.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svt_sk2
* 1364.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svu-n
* 1364.3 : [   4] act\act_arm_sviter_1
* 1364.3 : [   4] bodies\it_organs_13rs
* 1792.9 : [   6] item\item_detector_1
* 2048.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_soldier_v
* 2048.1 : [   4] akt\act_arm_mono_1
* 2048.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_cc_lightings
* 2048.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_hint_wnd
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\05-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\05-30
* 3072.1 : [  66] sky\af3_clear\06-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\07-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\08-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\09-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\10-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\11-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\12-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\13-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\14-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\15-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\16-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\17-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\18-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\19-00
* 3072.1 : [  66] sky\af3_clear\20-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\20-30
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\21-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\21-30
* 3072.1 : [   6] sky\af3_cloudy\05-00
* 3072.1 : [  12] sky\af3_cloudy\06-00
* 3072.1 : [  11] sky\af3_cloudy\07-00
* 3072.1 : [  19] sky\af3_cloudy\08-00
* 3072.1 : [  24] sky\af3_cloudy\09-00
* 3072.1 : [  12] sky\af3_cloudy\10-00
* 3072.1 : [  12] sky\af3_cloudy\11-00
* 3072.1 : [  19] sky\af3_cloudy\12-00
* 3072.1 : [  11] sky\af3_cloudy\13-00
* 3072.1 : [  38] sky\af3_cloudy\14-00
* 3072.1 : [  30] sky\af3_cloudy\15-00
* 3072.1 : [  11] sky\af3_cloudy\16-00
* 3072.1 : [  19] sky\af3_cloudy\17-00
* 3072.1 : [  22] sky\af3_cloudy\18-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\04-30
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\05-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\05-30
* 3072.1 : [  66] sky\af3_partly\06-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\07-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\08-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\09-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\10-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\11-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\12-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\13-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\14-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\15-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\16-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\17-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\18-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\19-00
* 3072.1 : [  66] sky\af3_partly\20-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\20-30
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\21-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\21-30
* 8193.0 : [   4] item\item_detector_3
* 32768.1 : [   1] ui\ui_icon_equipment
"c:\users\admin\desktop\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. last day 1.3\bin\xrengine.exe" 
Call of Chernobyl version 1.4.22
using marshal library
* sound : cache: 65537 kb, 4856 lines, 13820 bpl
* phase time: 1566 ms
* phase cmem: 1011384 K
* phase time: 45 ms
* phase cmem: 1011384 K
* Loading spawn registry...
* 18652 spawn points are successfully loaded
* Loading objects...
* 37161 objects are successfully loaded
* Game admin - autosave is successfully loaded from file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - autosave.scop' (1.730s)
* phase time: 1727 ms
* phase cmem: 1029146 K
* phase time: 55 ms
* phase cmem: 1029213 K
* phase time: 46 ms
* phase cmem: 1029213 K
* WARNING: player not logged in
* client : connection accepted - <All Ok>
* phase time: 50 ms
* phase cmem: 1029247 K
* phase time: 53 ms
* phase cmem: 1033455 K
* phase time: 4796 ms
* phase cmem: 1155941 K
compiling shader vert
compiling shader vert
compiling shader vert_point
compiling shader vert_spot
compiling shader vert_l
compiling shader vert_l
compiling shader simple
compiling shader simple_point
compiling shader simple_spot
compiling shader lmap
compiling shader lmap
compiling shader lmap_point
compiling shader lmap_spot
compiling shader lmap_l
compiling shader lmap_l
compiling shader impl_dt
compiling shader impl_dt
compiling shader impl_point
compiling shader impl_spot
compiling shader impl_l
compiling shader impl_l
compiling shader tree_s
compiling shader tree_s_point
compiling shader tree_s_spot
compiling shader lod
compiling shader lod
compiling shader tree_w
compiling shader tree_w_point
compiling shader tree_w_spot
compiling shader avg4
* phase time: 313 ms
* phase cmem: 1154710 K
* [Loading VB] 65522 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65339 verts, 2041 Kb
* [Loading VB] 63140 verts, 1973 Kb
* [Loading VB] 52871 verts, 1652 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65528 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 46946 verts, 1467 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65532 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 21783 verts, 680 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048572 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048572 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 449682 indices, 878 Kb
* phase time: 113 ms
* phase cmem: 1231250 K
* phase time: 85 ms
* phase cmem: 1233430 K
compiling shader detail
compiling shader detail_wave
compiling shader detail_still
* [DETAILS] VertexConsts(256), Batch(61)
* [DETAILS] 8418 v(20), 4514 p
* [DETAILS] Batch(61), VB(164K), IB(26K)
* phase time: 56 ms
* phase cmem: 1236440 K
* Loading HOM: c:\users\admin\desktop\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. last day 1.3\gamedata\levels\l11_pripyat\level.hom
* phase time: 88 ms
* phase cmem: 1236792 K
* phase time: 45 ms
* phase cmem: 1232585 K
* phase time: 43 ms
* phase cmem: 1232585 K
* t-report - base: 1610, 502515 K
* t-report - lmap: 10, 10241 K
* WARNING: player not logged in
* phase time: 2323 ms
* phase cmem: 1362133 K
* phase time: 51 ms
* phase cmem: 1362133 K
* [win32]: free[2058296 K], reserved[255012 K], committed[1880932 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[538234 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1362133 K], game lua[47990 K], render[1205 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[57800 K], smem[12912 K]
utils.load_var failed for drx_sl_quest_stash_2_id
task_functor.under_faction_control_target_id is nil
task_functor.under_faction_control_target_id is nil
task_functor.under_faction_control_target_id is nil
task_functor.under_faction_control_target_id is nil
task_functor.under_faction_control_target_id is nil
compiling shader model_distort_1
current_state 5
next_state 5
item_sect wpn_aug
H_Parent sim_default_monolith_3
collectgarbage before=61418704Kb
collectgarbage after=58579728Kb
squad simulation_snork0069 has no target
squad simulation_dog_5_710182 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced18776 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper18841 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper18910 has no target
squad simulation_flesh19403 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced19744 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_red19893 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs20107 has no target
squad army_sim_squad_veteran20330 has no target
squad simulation_snork20548 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_novice20587 has no target
squad simulation_cat20695 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper20783 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran20789 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran20823 has no target
squad simulation_boar20973 has no target
squad simulation_cat21289 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced21444 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran21499 has no target
squad mar_smart_terrain_doc_dog_squad22000 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_red22028 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_522034 has no target
squad simulation_cat22118 has no target
squad simulation_dog22125 has no target
squad simulation_snork22217 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog22612 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_red22631 has no target
squad simulation_dog_5_722685 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced22956 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced22996 has no target
squad simulation_cat23136 has no target
squad simulation_cat23170 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_novice23509 has no target
squad simulation_cat23526 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog23536 has no target
squad simulation_cat23541 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano23544 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_523557 has no target
squad simulation_chimera23569 has no target
squad simulation_burer23571 has no target
squad simulation_fracture23597 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog23807 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_524040 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_advanced24062 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_novice24099 has no target
squad simulation_dog24202 has no target
squad simulation_burer24572 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_advanced24711 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_524750 has no target
squad simulation_snork24851 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano24854 has no target
squad simulation_dog24863 has no target
squad simulation_psy_dog24864 has no target
squad simulation_gigant_2weak24866 has no target
squad simulation_boar24928 has no target
squad simulation_boar24961 has no target
squad simulation_cat24965 has no target
squad simulation_dog24969 has no target
squad simulation_psy_dog24972 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_novice24979 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano24997 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs25000 has no target
squad simulation_cat25014 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano25017 has no target
squad simulation_cat25041 has no target
squad simulation_dog25092 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog25138 has no target
squad simulation_contr_5dog25474 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_novice25485 has no target
squad simulation_cat25575 has no target
squad simulation_controller25577 has no target
squad simulation_psy_dog25599 has no target
squad simulation_dog25777 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_black25820 has no target
squad simulation_dog26047 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog26074 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper26095 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_novice26167 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_2weak26238 has no target
squad simulation_gigant26241 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs26243 has no target
squad simulation_cat26246 has no target
squad simulation_cat26255 has no target
squad simulation_psy_dog_squad26258 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced26396 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran26429 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper26459 has no target
squad simulation_dog_5_726698 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran26915 has no target
squad simulation_boar27065 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog27079 has no target
squad simulation_dog27082 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano27085 has no target
squad simulation_cat27091 has no target
squad simulation_cat27093 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced27105 has no target
squad simulation_boar27510 has no target
squad simulation_dog27514 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_black27543 has no target
squad simulation_boar27547 has no target
squad simulation_snork27586 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano27590 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran27595 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran27608 has no target
squad simulation_cat27629 has no target
squad simulation_dog27639 has no target
squad simulation_snork27769 has no target
squad simulation_snork27772 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog27776 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs27778 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_black27782 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_527918 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_veteran28080 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced28216 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper28267 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran28276 has no target
squad simulation_contr_4zomb_str28319 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_black28335 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs28337 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_528340 has no target
squad simulation_contr_2sn_4zomb28344 has no target
squad merc_sim_squad_novice28422 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano28505 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano28509 has no target
squad simulation_mix_boar_flesh28519 has no target
squad simulation_cat28524 has no target
squad simulation_mix_boar_flesh28527 has no target
squad simulation_dog28531 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog28536 has no target
squad simulation_dog28800 has no target
squad simulation_dog_5_728805 has no target
squad simulation_snork28914 has no target
squad simulation_dog_5_728918 has no target
squad army_sim_squad_veteran29479 has no target
squad simulation_rats29583 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_2weak29605 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano_7_1029619 has no target
squad simulation_cat29627 has no target
squad merc_sim_squad_advanced29845 has no target
squad simulation_cat29863 has no target
squad simulation_mix_boar_flesh29924 has no target
squad simulation_dog29946 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced29964 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper30028 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_advanced30114 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog30164 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs30237 has no target
squad army_sim_squad_novice30468 has no target
squad simulation_cat30469 has no target
squad simulation_dog30479 has no target
squad simulation_dog30605 has no target
squad simulation_cat30610 has no target
squad simulation_dog_5_730614 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano30619 has no target
squad simulation_rat30632 has no target
squad simulation_flesh30666 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_novice30823 has no target
squad simulation_rats31263 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_black31281 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_advanced31523 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_red31540 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran31756 has no target
squad simulation_snork31790 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano32055 has no target
squad simulation_snork32071 has no target
squad simulation_cat32075 has no target
squad simulation_cat32078 has no target
squad simulation_dog32234 has no target
squad army_sim_squad_novice32274 has no target
squad simulation_boar32396 has no target
squad simulation_flesh32401 has no target
squad simulation_snork32570 has no target
squad simulation_poltergeist_tele32781 has no target
squad simulation_snork32798 has no target
squad simulation_dog32808 has no target
squad army_sim_squad_advanced33068 has no target
squad simulation_dog33109 has no target
squad simulation_boar33113 has no target
squad simulation_snork33576 has no target
squad simulation_snork33590 has no target
squad simulation_dog33594 has no target
squad simulation_rats33598 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano33606 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog33609 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano_7_1033612 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano33620 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog33768 has no target
squad simulation_boar33770 has no target
squad simulation_boar33774 has no target
squad simulation_flesh33776 has no target
squad simulation_dog34063 has no target
squad simulation_boar34092 has no target
squad simulation_rats34564 has no target
squad simulation_snork34580 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano34616 has no target
squad simulation_snork34621 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog34636 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_novice35104 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog36616 has no target
squad simulation_dog_5_736619 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs36642 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs36867 has no target
squad simulation_boar37377 has no target
squad simulation_dog37396 has no target
squad simulation_snork37655 has no target
squad simulation_dog37662 has no target
squad simulation_cat37923 has no target
squad simulation_snork38410 has no target
squad simulation_boar38671 has no target
squad simulation_burer38690 has no target
squad simulation_controller38692 has no target
squad simulation_snork38828 has no target
squad simulation_fracture38831 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano38833 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog38837 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_black38853 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran38855 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran38870 has no target
squad simulation_dog38926 has no target
squad simulation_dog38948 has no target
squad simulation_dog38952 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs38992 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano38995 has no target
squad simulation_cat39031 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano39072 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran39087 has no target
squad simulation_snork39446 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_black39448 has no target
squad simulation_snork39481 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_539487 has no target
squad simulation_flesh39540 has no target
squad simulation_flesh39574 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano39577 has no target
squad simulation_boar39582 has no target
squad merc_sim_squad_novice39615 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_novice39631 has no target
squad simulation_flesh39653 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano39656 has no target
squad simulation_dog40202 has no target
squad simulation_flesh40212 has no target
squad simulation_dog40215 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_novice40249 has no target
squad simulation_boar40288 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_advanced40290 has no target
squad simulation_snork40299 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs40328 has no target
squad simulation_dog_5_740334 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_540344 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_540350 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs41227 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano41228 has no target
squad simulation_dog41274 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran41287 has no target
squad simulation_controller41321 has no target
squad simulation_cat41325 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_novice41358 has no target
squad simulation_psy_dog_squad41375 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_black41383 has no target
squad simulation_psy_dog41404 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran41427 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_red41467 has no target
squad simulation_gigant41474 has no target
squad simulation_gigant41536 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_541538 has no target
squad simulation_psy_dog41541 has no target
squad simulation_chimera41543 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_541579 has no target
squad simulation_burer41617 has no target
squad simulation_mix_boar_flesh41754 has no target
squad merc_sim_squad_novice41777 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced41813 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran41837 has no target
squad simulation_fracture41879 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano41916 has no target
squad simulation_boar41935 has no target
squad simulation_snork41943 has no target
squad simulation_boar41950 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano41957 has no target
squad freedom_sim_squad_advanced41963 has no target
squad simulation_snork42042 has no target
squad simulation_dog42049 has no target
squad simulation_snork42052 has no target
squad simulation_snork42055 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_black42072 has no target
squad simulation_cat42503 has no target
squad simulation_controller42517 has no target
squad simulation_chimera42519 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_black42521 has no target
squad simulation_fracture42726 has no target
squad simulation_gigant43328 has no target
squad simulation_psy_dog_squad43338 has no target
squad simulation_cat43389 has no target
squad simulation_psysucker43414 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker43416 has no target
squad simulation_snork43420 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran43458 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced43868 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs43890 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_advanced43907 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_veteran43913 has no target
squad simulation_snork44033 has no target
squad simulation_snork44049 has no target
squad simulation_cat44074 has no target
squad simulation_rats44076 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog44085 has no target
squad simulation_boar44087 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano44093 has no target
squad simulation_cat45121 has no target
squad simulation_cat45314 has no target
squad simulation_cat46343 has no target
squad simulation_cat46372 has no target
squad simulation_cat46374 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran46607 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran46637 has no target
squad simulation_boar46655 has no target
squad simulation_flesh46676 has no target
squad simulation_dog46696 has no target
squad simulation_boar46759 has no target
squad simulation_rats46792 has no target
squad simulation_dog46804 has no target
squad simulation_cat46820 has no target
squad simulation_dog48145 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog48385 has no target
squad simulation_cat48388 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_novice49419 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_novice52500 has no target
squad freedom_sim_squad_veteran55046 has no target
squad simulation_snork58142 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_novice64047 has no target
compiling shader model_def_lplanes_3
intro_start game_loaded
* MEMORY USAGE: 1466208 K
* End of synchronization A[1] R[1]
intro_delete ::update_game_loaded
* [win32]: free[2028480 K], reserved[131432 K], committed[2034328 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[574417 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1469553 K], game lua[53976 K], render[1226 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[66932 K], smem[14822 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 37358 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave3.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave3.scop'
* [win32]: free[2028480 K], reserved[130756 K], committed[2035004 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[574417 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1468139 K], game lua[46334 K], render[1234 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[66919 K], smem[14822 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 37357 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave4.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave4.scop'
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced18938 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_novice18958 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran19000 has no target
squad merc_sim_squad_advanced19908 has no target
! WARNING: SV: can't find children [43345] of parent [897908240]
squad army_sim_squad_advanced20276 has no target
squad army_sim_squad_novice20307 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced20752 has no target
squad ecolog_sim_squad_veteran20923 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced21609 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_novice22987 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_novice23048 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_red23079 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_novice23203 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran23251 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_novice23346 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_novice23394 has no target
squad ecolog_sim_squad_advanced_2e_2ls_1ss23476 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_novice23997 has no target
squad merc_sim_squad_veteran24471 has no target
squad simulation_hostile_killer24495 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran25054 has no target
squad simulation_hostile_killer25087 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran25442 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced25632 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran25653 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano25845 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced26172 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced26186 has no target
squad army_sim_squad_veteran26306 has no target
squad simulation_chimera26344 has no target
squad ecolog_sim_squad_advanced26477 has no target
squad ecolog_sim_squad_advanced26495 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_veteran26585 has no target
squad ecolog_sim_squad_advanced26699 has no target
! WARNING: SV: can't find children [19535] of parent [897908240]
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran26784 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran26815 has no target
squad merc_sim_squad_veteran27565 has no target
squad stalker_sim_squad_advanced27631 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced27717 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran27739 has no target
squad simulation_fracture27764 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran27934 has no target
squad ecolog_sim_squad_advanced27937 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_novice27970 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper28239 has no target
squad stalker_sim_squad_advanced28478 has no target
squad simulation_fracture28659 has no target
squad ecolog_sim_squad_veteran29576 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran29744 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_novice29899 has no target
squad ecolog_sim_squad_advanced30090 has no target
squad ecolog_sim_squad_advanced30125 has no target
squad stalker_sim_squad_novice30626 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_novice31375 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced32082 has no target
squad simulation_rat33336 has no target
* [win32]: free[2003004 K], reserved[150608 K], committed[2040628 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[583633 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1472069 K], game lua[51463 K], render[1236 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[66944 K], smem[14824 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 37339 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave5.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave5.scop'
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran38726 has no target
squad simulation_rat38757 has no target
squad stalker_sim_squad_advanced39008 has no target
squad ecolog_sim_squad_advanced39595 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_novice40310 has no target
squad stalker_sim_squad_advanced41273 has no target
squad simulation_rat41303 has no target
squad simulation_fracture41323 has no target
squad stalker_sim_squad_veteran41348 has no target
squad ecolog_sim_squad_advanced41734 has no target
squad stalker_sim_squad_advanced41750 has no target
squad stalker_sim_squad_novice41859 has no target
squad army_sim_squad_veteran43798 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced46080 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_novice8393 has no target
* [win32]: free[2003020 K], reserved[151640 K], committed[2039580 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[583633 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1465184 K], game lua[50745 K], render[1236 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[66755 K], smem[14824 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 37336 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave6.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave6.scop'
* [win32]: free[2003020 K], reserved[148520 K], committed[2042700 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[583633 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1460685 K], game lua[53021 K], render[1236 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[66769 K], smem[14824 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 37338 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave7.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave7.scop'
DRX SL task ended: pri_monolith_monolith_trader_stalker_task_2
DRX SL: drx_sl_task_giver_23102 unregistered (0 outstanding)
CRandomTask:give_task() task_id[pri_monolith_monolith_trader_stalker_task_4]
giver_id 23102
! WARNING: SV: can't find children [29975] of parent [897908240]
! WARNING: SV: can't find children [20544] of parent [897908240]
* [win32]: free[2010092 K], reserved[193720 K], committed[1990428 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[582992 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1414517 K], game lua[50348 K], render[1236 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[66727 K], smem[14824 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 37296 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave8.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave8.scop'
compiling shader model_distort4ghost_1
compiling shader model_distort_3
* [win32]: free[2000512 K], reserved[196092 K], committed[1997636 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[588626 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1418983 K], game lua[49002 K], render[1237 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[66724 K], smem[14825 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 37296 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave9.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave9.scop'
* [win32]: free[2006024 K], reserved[192356 K], committed[1995860 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[588626 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1418140 K], game lua[40190 K], render[1237 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[66720 K], smem[14825 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 37294 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave10.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave10.scop'
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 37292 objects are successfully saved
* Game Admin - autosave.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - autosave.scop'
- Disconnect
- Destroying level
*  0.0 : [  70] $null
*  0.0 : [   2] $user$cmap0
*  0.0 : [   2] $user$cmap1
*  0.0 : [   3] $user$distort
*  0.0 : [ 721] $user$projector
*  0.0 : [   6] $user$rendertarget
*  0.0 : [   5] $user$rendertarget_color_map
*  0.0 : [   1] $user$sky0
*  0.0 : [   1] $user$sky1
*  0.0 : [   1] $user$tonemap
*  0.0 : [   3] prop\prop_lampa_g_red2
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_spark_02
*  0.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_spark_01
*  0.2 : [   3] wpn\wpn_protecta_dots
*  0.2 : [   1] pfx\pfx_step_blood
*  0.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_bubble
*  0.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_leaves_01
*  0.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_leaves_02
*  0.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_splash3
*  0.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_splash_02
*  0.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_synus
*  0.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_vehmetaldebris_01
*  0.3 : [   1] prop\prop_provod_02
*  0.3 : [   4] prop\prop_provod_03
*  0.4 : [   1] glow\glow_anamorphic
*  0.4 : [   1] glow\glow_rays
*  0.4 : [   3] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_blue_lense
*  0.4 : [   1] map\map_nomap
*  0.6 : [ 709] internal\internal_light_attclip
*  0.7 : [   4] act\act_stalker_head_glass_02
*  0.7 : [   4] mtl\mtl_bochka_02
*  0.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_concretedebris_01
*  1.1 : [   3] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_red_lense
*  1.3 : [   6] act\act_stalker_head_glass
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_21
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_bubble_1
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_bubble_water
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist2
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist2inv
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist3
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist4
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist7
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist8
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist9
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist_glass
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist_teleport
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_distort_anomaly
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_distortion
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flash_05
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flash_07
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_smoke_b
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_specks
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_specks_poison
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_spikey_star
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_splash_01
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_stonedebris1
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_stonedebris2
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_vehglassdebris_01
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_water_wave
*  1.4 : [   3] artifact\artifact_eye
*  1.4 : [   4] item\item_key_1
*  1.4 : [   1] artifact\artifact_glow
*  1.4 : [   1] fx\fx_rain
*  1.4 : [   1] fx\fx_sun_rise
*  1.4 : [   1] glow\glow_orange2
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_asfalt_1
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_asfalt_2
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_asfalt_3
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_brick_1
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_brick_2
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_1
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_2
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_4
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_5
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_6
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_7
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_ground
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_ground_1
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_ground_2
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik_1
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik_2
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik_3
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_1
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_2
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_3
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_4
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_1
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_2
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_3
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_4
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_5
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_6
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_7
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_8
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_9
*  2.7 : [   4] prop\prop_speakerphone
*  2.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_electrostatic
*  2.7 : [   4] prop\prop_box_3
*  2.7 : [   4] prop\prop_elec_kran
*  2.7 : [   1] prop\prop_fake_bed_fireplace
*  2.7 : [   4] prop\prop_instrument_2
*  2.7 : [   4] prop\prop_lock
*  2.7 : [   4] prop\prop_teapot_1
*  2.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_pkm_lenta
*  2.7 : [   4] act\act_pseudodog_fur
*  2.7 : [   4] act\act_pseudodog_fur1
*  2.7 : [   4] mtl\mtl_truba_pod_01
*  2.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist_glass3
*  2.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_smokepuffs2
*  2.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_sparks
*  2.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_sparks2
*  2.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_woodchips1
*  2.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_woodchips3
*  2.7 : [   4] act\act_jimmy_glaz
*  2.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\trace_01
*  2.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\trace_01
*  2.7 : [   4] food\food_raw___dog
*  2.7 : [   4] food\food_raw_flesh
*  2.7 : [   4] item\item_battery
*  2.7 : [   4] item\item_jar
*  2.7 : [   4] item\item_meinkampf
*  2.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\dtk_3
*  3.0 : [   1] artifact\artifact_anim_dist
*  3.1 : [   5] sky\sky_12_vibros_cube#small
*  3.1 : [  26] sky\sky_13_cube#small
*  3.1 : [  16] sky\sky_13_cube_night#small
*  3.1 : [  12] sky\sky_13_vibros_cube#small
*  3.1 : [  10] sky\sky_14_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   4] sky\sky_17_clouds_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   4] sky\sky_17_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   8] sky\sky_18_cube#small
*  3.1 : [  11] sky\sky_19_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   4] sky\sky_1_clouds_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   4] sky\sky_20_clouds_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   4] sky\sky_20_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   4] sky\sky_2_clouds_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   4] sky\sky_2_cube#small
*  3.1 : [  12] sky\sky_3_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   3] sky\sky_4_cube#small
*  3.1 : [  30] sky\sky_5_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   7] sky\sky_6_cube#small
*  3.1 : [  11] sky\sky_7_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   8] sky\sky_8_cube#small
*  3.1 : [  49] sky\sky_9_cube#small
*  4.1 : [   1] fx\fx_flare1
*  4.1 : [   1] fx\fx_flare2
*  4.1 : [   1] fx\fx_flare3
*  4.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flamefx_01
*  4.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_g-smoke-01
*  4.1 : [   1] ui\cursor
*  5.3 : [   1] act\act_controller_hit
*  5.3 : [   1] act\act_controller_hit1
*  5.3 : [   6] act\act_stalker_nauch_glass
*  5.3 : [   4] act\variation mod\act_neutral\gas_mask_glass
*  5.3 : [   4] door\door_sheet
*  5.3 : [   4] door\door_w01
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_1
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_16
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_17
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_19
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_3
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_4
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_5
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_6
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_8
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_88
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_9
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_blurry_cloud
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_brick
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_light
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_light1
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_light3
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_light4
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_lightning_01
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_lightning_02
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_ligth_6
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_plasma
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_smoke_a
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_sparks1
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_teleport
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_test_textures
*  5.3 : [   4] prop\prop_ballon2
*  5.3 : [   4] prop\prop_ballon3
*  5.3 : [   4] prop\prop_bottle_box
*  5.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_pkm_decals
*  5.4 : [   4] item\item_hammer
*  5.4 : [   1] amik\nature\stonedebris1
*  5.4 : [   1] glow\glow_04
*  5.4 : [   1] glow\glow_fire1
*  5.4 : [   1] glow\glow_fire1_soc
*  5.4 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flash_02
*  5.4 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flash_08
*  5.4 : [   1] shoker_mod\explosions\firesmokeparticle
*  5.4 : [   1] wm\wm_grenade
*  5.4 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_dead
*  5.4 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_horiz
*  5.4 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_blood
*  5.4 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_wood
*  5.4 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_wood1
*  5.4 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_wood2
*  5.4 : [   1] amik\weapons\6ways2
*  5.4 : [   1] amik\weapons\btr\muzzle 6ways2
*  5.4 : [   1] amik\nature\list
*  5.4 : [   1] amik\nature\wood_part
*  5.4 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\trail
*  6.1 : [  14] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_1#small
*  6.1 : [  40] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_2#small
*  6.1 : [  18] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_3#small
*  6.1 : [  14] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_5#small
*  6.1 : [  40] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_1#small
*  6.1 : [  24] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_2#small
*  6.1 : [  36] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_3#small
*  6.1 : [  32] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_4#small
*  6.1 : [  32] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_5#small
*  6.1 : [   6] sky\af3_blowout\blowout1#small
*  6.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout1_1#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout2#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout2_night#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3#small
*  6.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_1#small
*  6.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_1_night#small
*  6.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_2#small
*  6.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_2_night#small
*  6.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_3#small
*  6.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_3_night#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_night#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4#small
*  6.1 : [   3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_1#small
*  6.1 : [   3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_1_night#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_night#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5_night#small
*  6.1 : [   7] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5psi#small
*  6.1 : [   7] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5psi_night#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout6#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout6_night#small
*  6.1 : [   3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout7#small
*  6.1 : [   4] sky\af3_blowout\blowout7_night#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\00-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\00-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  25] sky\af3_clear\00-00-nm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\01-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\01-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  37] sky\af3_clear\01-00-nm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\02-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\02-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  25] sky\af3_clear\02-00-nm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\03-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\03-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\04-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\04-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\04-30#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\05-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\05-30#small
*  6.1 : [  66] sky\af3_clear\06-00#small
*  6.1 : [  34] sky\af3_clear\07-00#small
*  6.1 : [  34] sky\af3_clear\08-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\09-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\10-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\11-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\12-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\13-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\14-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\15-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\16-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\17-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\18-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\19-00#small
*  6.1 : [  66] sky\af3_clear\20-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\20-30#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\21-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\21-30#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\22-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\22-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\23-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\23-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [   6] sky\af3_cloudy\05-00#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_cloudy\06-00#small
*  6.1 : [  11] sky\af3_cloudy\07-00#small
*  6.1 : [  19] sky\af3_cloudy\08-00#small
*  6.1 : [  24] sky\af3_cloudy\09-00#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_cloudy\10-00#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_cloudy\11-00#small
*  6.1 : [  19] sky\af3_cloudy\12-00#small
*  6.1 : [  11] sky\af3_cloudy\13-00#small
*  6.1 : [  38] sky\af3_cloudy\14-00#small
*  6.1 : [  29] sky\af3_cloudy\15-00#small
*  6.1 : [  11] sky\af3_cloudy\16-00#small
*  6.1 : [  19] sky\af3_cloudy\17-00#small
*  6.1 : [  22] sky\af3_cloudy\18-00#small
*  6.1 : [   6] sky\af3_cloudy\19-00#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_cloudy\20-00#small
*  6.1 : [  16] sky\af3_foggy\06-00#small
*  6.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\07-00#small
*  6.1 : [  19] sky\af3_foggy\09-00#small
*  6.1 : [  40] sky\af3_foggy\10-00#small
*  6.1 : [  10] sky\af3_foggy\11-00#small
*  6.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\12-00#small
*  6.1 : [  27] sky\af3_foggy\13-00#small
*  6.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\14-00#small
*  6.1 : [  19] sky\af3_foggy\15-00#small
*  6.1 : [  19] sky\af3_foggy\16-00#small
*  6.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\17-00#small
*  6.1 : [  19] sky\af3_foggy\18-00#small
*  6.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\19-00#small
*  6.1 : [  22] sky\af3_foggy\20-00#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\00-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\00-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  25] sky\af3_partly\00-00-nm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\01-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\01-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  38] sky\af3_partly\01-00-nm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\02-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\02-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  24] sky\af3_partly\02-00-nm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\03-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\03-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\04-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\04-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\04-30#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\05-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\05-30#small
*  6.1 : [  66] sky\af3_partly\06-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\07-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\08-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\09-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\10-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\11-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\12-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\13-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\14-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\15-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\16-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\17-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\18-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\19-00#small
*  6.1 : [  66] sky\af3_partly\20-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\20-30#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\21-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\21-30#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\22-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\22-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\23-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\23-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  26] sky\af3_rainy\07-00#small
*  6.1 : [  30] sky\af3_rainy\09-00_19-00#small
*  6.1 : [  58] sky\af3_rainy\13-00#small
*  6.1 : [  24] sky\af3_rainy\15-00#small
*  6.1 : [  31] sky\af3_rainy\15-00-2#small
*  6.1 : [  44] sky\af3_rainy\16-00#small
*  6.1 : [  32] sky\af3_rainy\20-00#small
*  7.1 : [   1] artifact\artifact_anim_lightning
*  7.1 : [   4] wpn\wpn_g36_scope
*  8.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_gologramma
*  8.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\fake_shells
*  8.1 : [   1] ui\ui_fog_of_war
* 10.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_vog
* 10.7 : [   4] door\door_white_04
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_electricalunit3
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_kanistra
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_dog_red
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_dogs_big
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_dogs_black
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_dogs_brown
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_dogs_bulterer
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_green_stalker_head_3
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_green_stalker_head_3_mask
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_head2
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_pseudodog
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_rat01
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_ratn1
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_ratn2
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_ratn3
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_ryukzak
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_ryukzak_black
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_stalker_head_antigas_2
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_stalker_head_antigas_9
* 10.7 : [   4] door\door_katakomb_01
* 10.7 : [   4] door\door_white_02
* 10.7 : [   4] mtl\mtl_shkaf
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_blind01
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_dangerbox_2
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_el_shkaf_01
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_freez
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_item2
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_item3
* 10.7 : [   6] prop\prop_iten4
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_kitchen_stuff
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_plita
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_spade
* 10.7 : [   4] wood\wood_plank6
* 10.7 : [   4] wood\wood_table_02
* 10.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aksu_synth
* 10.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_protecta_sights
* 10.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_walter99_mag
* 10.7 : [   4] glas\glas_dirt
* 10.7 : [   4] mtl\mtl_barrel_02
* 10.7 : [   4] mtl\mtl_barrel_04
* 10.7 : [   4] mtl\mtl_barrel_05
* 10.7 : [   4] mtl\mtl_truba_pod_02
* 10.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_2
* 10.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_23
* 10.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_2_green
* 10.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_7
* 10.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_concretepuffs_01
* 10.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_lighting_stancia_01
* 10.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_lighting_stancia_02
* 10.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_smokepuffs1
* 10.7 : [   1] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_shells1
* 10.7 : [   1] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_shells2
* 10.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\dtk_5
* 10.7 : [   3] artifact\artifact_mp_green
* 10.7 : [   4] artifact\artifact_myasorubka2
* 10.7 : [   4] artifact\artifact_myasorubka3
* 10.7 : [   4] fx\fx_noise2
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_block_notes
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_calibrate_tools
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_cards
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_document_01
* 10.7 : [   6] item\item_gazmask1
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_gazmask3
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_medic1
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_medkit
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_medkit_2
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_medkit_3
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_medkit_4
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_parts
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_rebirth
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_small_tools
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_yad
* 10.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_bullet1_556
* 10.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_bullet1_939
* 10.7 : [   1] amik\anomaly\electric_radial
* 10.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\6ways1
* 10.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\btr\muzzle 6ways1
* 10.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\dtk_4
* 10.7 : [   1] amik\hit_fx\water_splash\water_spurt
* 10.7 : [   1] artifact\artifact_fire_light
* 10.7 : [   1] lights\lights_cone_handing_lamp
* 10.7 : [   1] lights\lights_ray1
* 10.7 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_blood1
* 10.7 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_metal
* 10.7 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_ston
* 13.3 : [   3] artifact\artifact_lava
* 16.1 : [   4] act\act_specnaz_glass
* 16.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\mg42out
* 16.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\trace
* 16.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\mg42out
* 16.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\trace
* 16.1 : [   1] fx\fx_rainsplash1
* 16.1 : [   1] fx\fx_volumefog1
* 16.1 : [ 709] internal\internal_light_att
* 16.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flame
* 16.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flash_01
* 16.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_gradient
* 16.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_gradient1
* 16.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_arial_14_1024
* 16.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_hud_01
* 16.1 : [   1] ui\ui_grid
* 16.1 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_drop_1
* 16.1 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_drop_2
* 16.1 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_drop_3
* 16.1 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_drop_4
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_face_mask_05
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_faces_2_01
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_face_01
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_face_mask_01
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_face_mask_02
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_face_mask_03
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_face_mask_04
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_face_mask_07
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_face_mask_08
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_face_zombie_01
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_faces_1_03
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_faces_1_08
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_faces_4_02
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_faces_4_03
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_faces_4_04
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_stalker_soldier_1
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_ryukzag
* 21.3 : [   4] door\door_ship_metall
* 21.3 : [   4] mtl\mtl_bochka_01
* 21.3 : [   4] mtl\mtl_pod_01
* 21.3 : [   4] prop\prop_instrument_1
* 21.3 : [   1] amik\weapons\dtk_2
* 21.4 : [   4] aa\aa_freon
* 21.4 : [   4] kdm_ammo\ammo_57x28\ammo_5.7x28_ap
* 21.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_raii
* 21.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_rail
* 21.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_bullet1_545
* 21.4 : [   1] artifact\artifact_lighting
* 21.4 : [   3] artifact\artifact_sopli2
* 21.4 : [   1] glow\glow_blue
* 21.4 : [   4] glow\glow_ghost
* 21.4 : [   1] glow\glow_orange
* 21.4 : [   1] glow\glow_orange_bright
* 21.4 : [   1] glow\glow_white
* 21.4 : [   1] glow\glow_yellow
* 21.4 : [   4] item\item_goggles
* 21.4 : [   4] item\item_money
* 21.4 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist_lens_base
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_10
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_11
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_1_1
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_1_2
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_1_3
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_1_4
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_1_5
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_3
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_4
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_5
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_6
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_7
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_8
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_9
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_glass01
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_glass02
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_glass03
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_glass04
* 21.4 : [   1] amik\weapons\dtk_4_1
* 28.5 : [   4] wpn\wpn_g35_scope
* 32.1 : [   4] arsenal_mod\ammo\50_ae
* 32.1 : [   4] arsenal_mod\ammo\762x25_p
* 32.1 : [   4] arsenal_mod\ammo\762x25_ps
* 32.1 : [   1] fx\fx_lightning
* 32.1 : [   4] item\item_beans
* 32.1 : [   4] item\item_beer
* 32.1 : [   4] item\item_caffeine
* 32.1 : [   4] item\item_corn
* 32.1 : [   4] item\item_medkitai2
* 32.1 : [   4] item\item_tomato
* 32.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_ani-smoke-01
* 32.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_cc_lighting_grad2
* 32.1 : [   4] repair\repair_steel_wool
* 32.1 : [   4] sgm\item_psyhodelin
* 32.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_letter_16_1024
* 32.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_letter_18_1024
* 33.0 : [   1] ui\ui_ani_cursor
* 42.5 : [   1] amik\weapons\9x39
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_head_mask
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_psevdogigant
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_monolith_rookie
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_nebo_1
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neut_2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral2d
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_soldierb4
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_trup_5
* 42.6 : [   6] wpn\wpn_upgrade
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_bure3
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_burer
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_ca2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_ca4
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_cat
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_cat2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_controlle2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_controller
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_free2old
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_himera
* 42.6 : [   6] act\act_krovosos_1
* 42.6 : [   3] act\act_krovosos_3
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_nauchniy_monolit
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_new_details_01
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_plot
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_pseudodog1
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_scientist_zombi_o
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_bandit1az
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_bandit1bz
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_bandit_1
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_bandit_2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_bandit_3
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_bandit_3a
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_black
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_dolg2a
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_dolg3b
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_dolg_2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_dolg_2_2_
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_dolg_3
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_dolg_3000
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_dolgzom_2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_freedom2b
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_freedom_1
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_freedom_2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_merc4a
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_merc_5
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_mercen2b
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_mercen2c
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_mercexo_4
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_mercsuit1
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_monolith2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_monolith4a
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_monolith4b
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_monolith_2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_monolith_4
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_nebo_3
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral1a
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral1b
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral1c
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral1d
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral1e
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral1f
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral2a
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral2b
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral2c
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral2e
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral4a
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral_1
* 42.6 : [   6] act\act_stalker_neutral_4
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_seva_1
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_soldier_4
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_trup_1
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_trup_2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_trup_4
* 42.6 : [   4] wood\wood_collect
* 42.6 : [   4] wood\wood_walls8
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74m_gp
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74m_mag
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74m_mag_camog
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ammo
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_beretta_sk1
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_beretta_sk2
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_beretta_sk4
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_beretta_sk5
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_fort17
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_fort17_sk1
* 42.6 : [   6] wpn\wpn_gauss
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_grenade_40mm
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_grenade_rdg-m
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_grenade_rdg-s
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_knife_nr40
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_l85_susat
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_sig550_mag
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_sig550_mag_sk2
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svd_mag
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svd_mag_sk1
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svd_mag_sk3
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_vssk_sil
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_walter99_body
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_walter99_bodz
* 42.6 : [   4] act\variation mod\act_neutral\pockets_1a
* 42.6 : [   4] act\variation mod\act_neutral\pockets_1b
* 42.6 : [   4] act\variation mod\act_neutral\pockets_1e
* 42.7 : [   4] aa\aa_af_aac
* 42.7 : [   4] aa\aa_af_aam
* 42.7 : [   4] aa\aa_af_iam
* 42.7 : [   4] aa\aa_camelbak
* 42.7 : [   4] aa\aa_cooler
* 42.7 : [   4] aa\aa_frames
* 42.7 : [   4] aa\aa_kevlar
* 42.7 : [   4] act\metro\act_gasmask_metro_grey
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_shovel
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_spalnik
* 42.7 : [   4] aa\aa_plates
* 42.7 : [   4] aa\aa_surge
* 42.7 : [   4] act\act_exoskeleton
* 42.7 : [   4] act\act_face_26
* 42.7 : [   4] act\act_jimmy_face
* 42.7 : [   4] food\food_chimera
* 42.7 : [   4] food\food_protein
* 42.7 : [   4] food\food_raw_boar
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_ammo
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_book1
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_book2
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_book3
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_ckit
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_cutlery
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_drugskit
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_energy
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_foto1
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_grooming
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_guitar
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_jbox
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_kithunt
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_maps
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_milimap
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_mirror
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_s_guide
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_sack
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_swiss
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_tarp
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_universalpowerdevice
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_ustroystva
* 42.7 : [   4] item\med_bank
* 42.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_rail_1
* 42.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_docter_sight
* 42.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_fn2000_lens
* 42.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_k98_sil
* 42.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_scar_bullet
* 42.7 : [   1] amik\explosions\smoke_cannon
* 42.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\12x70
* 42.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\flameshoot_3
* 42.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\flameshoot_4
* 42.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\flameshoot_5
* 42.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\shells_12x70
* 42.7 : [   1] map\map_hospital
* 42.7 : [   1] map\map_l08u_brainlab
* 48.1 : [ 146] sky\sky_cube_weapons
* 64.1 : [   1] amik\static\gas_light\flame_zippo
* 64.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\dtk_6
* 64.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\dtk_8
* 64.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\flash_01
* 64.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\flash_02
* 64.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\flash_04
* 64.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\flash_05
* 64.1 : [   4] arsenal_mod\ammo\762x39_ap
* 64.1 : [   4] arsenal_mod\ammo\762x39_fmj
* 64.1 : [   4] arsenal_mod\ammo\762x51_ap
* 64.1 : [   4] arsenal_mod\ammo\762x51_fmj
* 64.1 : [   4] artifact\artifact_val000
* 64.1 : [   1] dinamic_hud\breath1
* 64.1 : [   1] dinamic_hud\breath2
* 64.1 : [   1] dinamic_hud\breath3
* 64.1 : [   1] dinamic_hud\breath5
* 64.1 : [   1] fx\fx_sun
* 64.1 : [   1] fx\fx_sun_fog
* 64.1 : [   1] fx\fx_sun_gradient
* 64.1 : [   1] fx\fx_sun_halo
* 64.1 : [   1] fx\fx_sun_morning
* 64.1 : [   1] fx\fx_thunderbolts_gradient
* 64.1 : [   1] fx\fx_thunderbolts_gradient_surge
* 64.1 : [1418] internal\internal_light_attpoint
* 64.1 : [   4] item\item_chili
* 64.1 : [   4] item\item_medkit_5
* 64.1 : [   4] item\jgut
* 64.1 : [   4] item\kielbasa
* 64.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_18
* 64.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_bloodsplash1
* 64.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flame_01
* 64.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_skinsplash1
* 64.1 : [   4] sap\sap_medal_01
* 64.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_console_02
* 64.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_graff_19_1024
* 64.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_graff_22_1024
* 64.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_hud_02
* 64.1 : [   1] ui\ui_hud_grenade_mark
* 64.1 : [   1] ui\ui_hud_hit_mark
* 85.2 : [   4] act\act_krovosos_new1
* 85.2 : [   4] act\act_mutant_boar
* 85.2 : [   4] act\act_mutant_boar_u
* 85.2 : [   4] act\act_stalker_nebo_2
* 85.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_usp_nimble
* 85.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_g43_body
* 85.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_k98_stock
* 85.3 : [   4] act\act_face_her9
* 85.3 : [   4] act\act_stalk_nimble
* 85.3 : [   4] item\item_stims
* 85.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_deagle_comp
* 85.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_lastochka
* 85.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_lastochkb
* 85.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_lastochkc
* 85.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_9a91
* 85.3 : [   6] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_9mm
* 85.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_aps
* 85.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_sr25_silencer
* 85.3 : [   4] act\eye\act_eye_ball
* 85.3 : [   4] act\metro\act_maska_leather
* 85.3 : [   1] amik\explosions\explosion_dynamite\flashlight
* 85.3 : [   1] amik\explosions\explosion_smoke03
* 85.3 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\flameshoot_1
* 85.3 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\flameshoot_2
* 85.3 : [   4] arsenal_mod\ammo\wpn_cartridge357
* 85.3 : [   4] drink\drink_cocaine
* 85.3 : [   4] drink\drink_match0
* 85.3 : [   4] item\[stayler]\w_medkin1
* 85.3 : [   4] item\[stayler]\w_medkin3
* 85.3 : [   4] item\item_detector_2
* 85.3 : [   4] item\item_drink_waterxx
* 85.3 : [   4] item\item_food
* 85.3 : [   1] map\map_labx8
* 85.3 : [   1] shoker_mod\explosions\explosion_smoke01
* 85.3 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_1
* 85.3 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_2
* 85.3 : [   1] amik\explosions\explosion_dynamite\smoke
* 85.3 : [   1] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_smoke_1
* 106.9 : [   3] artifact\artifact_lavahell1
* 128.1 : [   4] act\act_crow
* 128.1 : [   4] act\act_dog_noy_0
* 128.1 : [   4] act\act_ryukzaa
* 128.1 : [   4] act\act_ryukzac
* 128.1 : [   4] act\act_ryukzad
* 128.1 : [   4] act\variation mod\act_neutral\gp5a
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\357mag
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\50_ae
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\5x45x39
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\5x45x39_00
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\5x45x39_01
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\5x56x45
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\5x56x45_00
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\5x7x28
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\6x5x50
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x25_0
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x25_1
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x25_2
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x25_3
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x25_4
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x39_00
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x39_01
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x39_02
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x39_03
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x51_1
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x51_2
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x54
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x7x57
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x92x57
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\9x18_1
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\9x18_2
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\9x18_3
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\9x39
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\shells_ak_01
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\smokeshoot_0
* 128.1 : [   4] cooking\cooking_kerosene
* 128.1 : [   4] cooking\cooking_mfs
* 128.1 : [   4] cooking\cooking_wood_stove
* 128.1 : [   4] drink\drink_cigar0
* 128.1 : [   4] drink\drink_cigar2
* 128.1 : [   4] drink\drink_cigar3
* 128.1 : [   4] drink\drink_crow
* 128.1 : [   4] drink\drink_joint
* 128.1 : [   4] drink\drink_tea
* 128.1 : [   4] drink\drink_vodka
* 128.1 : [   4] drink\drink_water
* 128.1 : [   4] food\food_bls
* 128.1 : [   4] food\food_dog
* 128.1 : [   4] food\food_flesh
* 128.1 : [   4] food\food_pdg
* 128.1 : [   4] food\food_raw_tush
* 128.1 : [   4] food\food_tushkano
* 128.1 : [   4] food\snork_food
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_chocolate
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_cigar
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_cigarettes_lucky
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_cigarettes_russian
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_cloth_mask
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_glucose
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_glucose_s
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_hand_rolling_tobacco
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_mint
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_mre
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_raisins
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_ration_ukr
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_salmon
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_sausage
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_tobacco
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_tushonka
* 128.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_shells1
* 128.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_shells2
* 128.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_shells_green
* 128.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_shells_pisto1
* 128.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_shells_pistol
* 128.1 : [   4] prop\prop_kitchen_krujka
* 128.1 : [   4] prop\prop_voda1
* 128.1 : [   4] prop\prop_voda2
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_armor_repair_fa
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_armor_repair_pro
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_cleaning_kit
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_cleaning_kit_r7
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_cleaning_kit_u
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_glue
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_grease_solvent
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_gun_oil
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_gun_oil_ru
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_sewing_kit
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_sharpening_stones
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_textile_patch_b
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_textile_patch_e
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_textile_patch_m
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_toolkit_nato
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_toolkit_p
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_toolkit_s
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_toolkit_wp
* 128.1 : [   1] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_ak_shells_1
* 128.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_graff_32_1024
* 128.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_letter_25_1024
* 128.1 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ied
* 128.1 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ied_rpg
* 128.1 : [   4] wpn\wpn_pfm1
* 170.4 : [   4] act\act_gasmask
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_abakan
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74_sk1
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74_sk2
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74_sk3
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74_sk4
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74_sk5
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74_sk7
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74m
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74m_body
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74m_body_camog
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74m_sk3
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aksu
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aksu_sk3
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aksu_sk5
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aksu_sk6
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_beretta
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_binokl
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_colt1911
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_colt1911_sk4
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_colt1911_sk5
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_colt1911_sk6
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_colt1911_sk8
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_desert_eagle
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_desert_eagle_nimble
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_desert_eagle_sk1
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_desert_eagle_sk2
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_desert_eagle_sk3
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_g36
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_g36k
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_g36k_sk1
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_grenade_f1
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_grenade_rgd5
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_groza
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_groza_grenade_launcher
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_groza_mag
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_knife
* 170.4 : [   6] wpn\wpn_l85
* 170.4 : [   6] wpn\wpn_l85_sk2
* 170.4 : [   6] wpn\wpn_l85_sk3
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_l85_sk4
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_mp5
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_mp5_sk3
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_mp5_sk4
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_mp5sd_sk3
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_pb
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_pb_sk2
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_pkm
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_pkm_magazin
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_pm
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_pm_actor
* 170.4 : [   6] wpn\wpn_pm_sk2
* 170.4 : [   6] wpn\wpn_pm_sk3
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_pmm
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_protecta
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_protecta_sk2
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_rg6
* 170.4 : [   6] wpn\wpn_rpg-7
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_sig-p220
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_sig-p220_sk4
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_sig550
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_sig550_sk3
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_spas12
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_spas12_sk1
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_spas12_sk4
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svd_body
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svd_body_sk1
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svd_body_sk3
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svd_grips
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svd_grips_sk1
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svd_grips_sk3
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svd_gripz
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_toz-34
* 170.4 : [   6] wpn\wpn_toz-34_sk3
* 170.4 : [   6] wpn\wpn_toz-34_sk4
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_toz-34_sk5
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_usp
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_vss
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_vss_nimble
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_vssk
* 170.6 : [   4] act\act_izlom
* 170.6 : [   4] act\metro\act_diger_slemnew
* 170.6 : [   4] item\item_xxporn2
* 170.6 : [   4] item\item_xxxporn
* 170.6 : [   4] act\act_mp_team_blue_armor_military
* 170.6 : [   4] akt\act_arm_mono_glove
* 170.6 : [   4] item\item_boots
* 170.6 : [   4] item\item_conserva
* 170.6 : [   4] item\item_flash
* 170.6 : [   4] item\item_rope
* 170.6 : [   4] item\item_rops
* 170.6 : [   4] item\item_torch
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_gl_gp25
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_mount_mtk83
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_mp5_mount
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_1p29
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_ac10632
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_acog
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_eotech
* 170.6 : [   6] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_l96
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_pks-07
* 170.6 : [   6] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_po4x34
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_susat_sk2
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_susat_sk3
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_45
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_9mx
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_atg
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_gemtech
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_kzrzp
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_nato
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_pbs1
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_pbs4
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_tgp-a
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_vihr
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_usp_match
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak100_grips
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak100_grips_camogreen
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak101_mag
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak101_mag_camog
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_akm_mag
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aps
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_apw
* 170.6 : [   6] wpn\wpn_bullet1
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_bullet2
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_dao12_sights
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_g3_mount
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_kiparis
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_kiparis_mag
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_kipariw
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_kipariw_mag
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_m17_carryhandle
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_rpk_maz
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_vsk94_butt
* 170.6 : [   1] amik\explosions\boom_0
* 170.6 : [   1] amik\explosions\boom_1
* 170.6 : [   1] amik\explosions\boom_2
* 170.6 : [   1] map\map_aes_1
* 170.6 : [   1] map\map_aes_2
* 170.6 : [   1] map\map_l04_darkvalley
* 170.6 : [   1] map\map_l05_bar
* 170.6 : [   1] map\map_l06_rostok
* 170.6 : [   1] map\map_limansk
* 213.5 : [   5] artifact\artifact_hell1
* 256.1 : [   4] act\act_face_zombie_02
* 256.1 : [   4] act\act_face_zombie_03
* 256.1 : [   4] act\act_ratwolf_01
* 256.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_soldier_2
* 256.1 : [   1] amik\explosions\explosion_flash_atlas
* 256.1 : [   4] artifact\artifact_val005
* 256.1 : [   4] artifact\artifact_val013
* 256.1 : [   4] artifact\artifact_val024
* 256.1 : [   4] artifact\artifact_val029
* 256.1 : [   4] artifact\artifact_val031
* 256.1 : [   4] drink\drink_flask
* 256.1 : [   4] food\food_boar
* 256.1 : [   1] fx\fx_gradient1
* 256.1 : [   4] item\[stayler]\w_medkin2
* 256.1 : [   4] item\item_lead_box
* 256.1 : [   4] item\item_mineral_water
* 256.1 : [   4] item\item_nuts
* 256.1 : [   4] item\item_ration_ru
* 256.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_bloodsplash2
* 256.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_expl_01
* 256.1 : [   4] prop\prop_tarp
* 256.1 : [   4] repair\repair_helmet_repair
* 256.1 : [   4] sap\sap_medal
* 256.1 : [   4] sap\sap_medal_00
* 256.1 : [   4] sap\sap_sand
* 256.1 : [   4] sgm\sumka_2
* 256.1 : [3271] sky\sky_oblaka
* 256.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_graff_50_1024
* 300.1 : [   4] sap\sap_generator_00
* 339.8 : [   4] majordolg\scaut
* 340.8 : [   4] wpn\wpn_hpsa
* 340.8 : [   4] wpn\wpn_hpsa_sk1
* 340.8 : [   4] wpn\wpn_hpsa_sk2
* 340.8 : [   4] wpn\wpn_hpsa_sk3
* 340.8 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svu-a
* 341.1 : [   4] wpn\wpn_k98_body
* 341.1 : [   4] act\act_arm_bandit
* 341.1 : [   1] amik\explosions\explosion_dynamite\explosion_din
* 341.1 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_kobra
* 341.1 : [   4] wpn\wpn_johnnysaxe
* 341.1 : [   4] act\face\act_face_risovalshik
* 341.1 : [   4] act\metro\act_stalker_nebo_5_white
* 341.1 : [   1] amik\explosions\final_expl
* 341.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\smokeshoot_1
* 341.1 : [   4] awr\leatherman
* 341.1 : [   1] fx\fx_gradient
* 341.1 : [   1] map\map_agroprom
* 341.1 : [   1] map\map_fake_start
* 341.1 : [   1] map\map_garbage
* 341.1 : [   1] map\map_jupiter_underground
* 341.1 : [   1] map\map_k01_darkscape
* 341.1 : [   1] map\map_l04u_labx18
* 341.1 : [   1] map\map_l07_military
* 341.1 : [   1] map\map_l08_yantar
* 341.1 : [   1] map\map_l09_deadcity
* 341.1 : [   1] map\map_l10_radar
* 341.1 : [   1] map\map_l11_pripyat
* 341.1 : [   1] map\map_l13_generators
* 341.1 : [   1] map\map_red_forest
* 378.1 : [   4] sap\sap_generator
* 378.1 : [   4] sap\sap_glass
* 378.1 : [   4] sap\sap_gubka
* 379.8 : [   1] map\map_k02_trucks_cemetery
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_atach
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_faction_badges_tfw
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_monoold1
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_monoold3
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_mutant_boar_leg
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_puh
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_scientist_suit_orang
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_scientist_suit_red
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_scientist_suit_white
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_scientist_suit_yello
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_scientist_zombi_w
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_scientist_zombi_y
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_merc_sun1
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_monolith1
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_monolith_1
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_monoliths
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_voyak_exo
* 512.1 : [   1] amik\explosions\explosion_fuelcan\boom_1
* 512.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\00
* 512.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\45
* 512.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\shells_ak
* 512.1 : [   4] amk\items\500
* 512.1 : [   4] item\item_crowbar
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_ani-fire01
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_explotions_3
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\12ga
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\45acp
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\545x39
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\556x45
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\762x39
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\762x51
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\762x54
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\9x18
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\9x19
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\9x39
* 512.1 : [   4] sgm\sumka_1
* 512.1 : [   1] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_shells3
* 512.1 : [   4] shoker_mod\wpn\axe\axe_1
* 512.1 : [   4] sumka\sumka_4
* 512.1 : [   1] ui\ui_arty_interface
* 576.1 : [   4] sap\sap_star_of_ph
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_9a91
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_galilscope
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_grenade_launcher
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_grenade_launcher_m203
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_1p59
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_pso-1m2-1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_pso1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_pu
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_susat
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_susat_sk4
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aek971
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aek971_sk2
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak105_body
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak12
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_akm
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_akm_gadgem
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_akm_gadges
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_akm_gadget
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_akms_gadges
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_akn
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aks74
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aks75
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aks76
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aks77
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ar15
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aug
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aug_sk4
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aug_sk5
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_cz75
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_cz75_sk1
* 682.2 : [   6] wpn\wpn_dao12
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_fn2000
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_fn2000_sk1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_fn2000_sk2
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_fn2000_sk3
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_fnp45
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_fnp46
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_fnp47
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_fnx45_sk2
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_g35
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_g3sg1_sk1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_g4
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_galil_sk3
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_glock19
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_glock19_sk1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_glock19_sk2
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_grach
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_grach_sk1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_gsh18
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_lr300
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_lr302
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_lr303
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_m16a2
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_m17
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_m1891
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_m1891_scope
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_m1891_wood
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_m4a1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_m4a3
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_m4a5
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_m590a2
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_mosin_scope
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_mp133_sk1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_mp133_sk2
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_mp153
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_mp153_sk1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_mp412
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_oc33
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_rpk74m
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_rpk_body
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_rpk_bodz
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_rpk_grips
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_rpk_gripz
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_scar
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_sig551
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_sig553
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_sv98
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_toz194
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_toz194_sk1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_toz66
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_toz66_sk1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_toz66_sk2
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_toz66_sk3
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_tt33_sk1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ump45
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ump45_sk1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ump45_sk2
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_us2
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_val
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_vihr
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_vsk94
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_vz61
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_vz61_sk2
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_vz61_sk4
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_vz61_sk5
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_type63
* 682.2 : [   1] map\map_escape
* 768.1 : [  14] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_1
* 768.1 : [  40] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_2
* 768.1 : [  18] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_3
* 768.1 : [  14] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_5
* 768.1 : [  40] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_1
* 768.1 : [  24] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_2
* 768.1 : [  36] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_3
* 768.1 : [  32] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_4
* 768.1 : [  32] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_5
* 768.1 : [   6] sky\af3_blowout\blowout1
* 768.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout1_1
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout2
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout2_night
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3
* 768.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_1
* 768.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_1_night
* 768.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_2
* 768.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_2_night
* 768.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_3
* 768.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_3_night
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_night
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4
* 768.1 : [   3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_1
* 768.1 : [   3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_1_night
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_night
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5_night
* 768.1 : [   7] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5psi
* 768.1 : [   7] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5psi_night
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout6
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout6_night
* 768.1 : [   3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout7
* 768.1 : [   4] sky\af3_blowout\blowout7_night
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\00-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\00-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  25] sky\af3_clear\00-00-nm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\01-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\01-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  37] sky\af3_clear\01-00-nm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\02-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\02-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  25] sky\af3_clear\02-00-nm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\03-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\03-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\04-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\04-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\04-30
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\22-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\22-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\23-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\23-00-hm
* 768.1 : [   6] sky\af3_cloudy\19-00
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_cloudy\20-00
* 768.1 : [  16] sky\af3_foggy\06-00
* 768.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\07-00
* 768.1 : [  19] sky\af3_foggy\09-00
* 768.1 : [  40] sky\af3_foggy\10-00
* 768.1 : [  10] sky\af3_foggy\11-00
* 768.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\12-00
* 768.1 : [  27] sky\af3_foggy\13-00
* 768.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\14-00
* 768.1 : [  19] sky\af3_foggy\15-00
* 768.1 : [  19] sky\af3_foggy\16-00
* 768.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\17-00
* 768.1 : [  19] sky\af3_foggy\18-00
* 768.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\19-00
* 768.1 : [  22] sky\af3_foggy\20-00
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\00-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\00-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  25] sky\af3_partly\00-00-nm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\01-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\01-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  38] sky\af3_partly\01-00-nm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\02-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\02-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  24] sky\af3_partly\02-00-nm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\03-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\03-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\04-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\04-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\22-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\22-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\23-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\23-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  26] sky\af3_rainy\07-00
* 768.1 : [  30] sky\af3_rainy\09-00_19-00
* 768.1 : [  58] sky\af3_rainy\13-00
* 768.1 : [  24] sky\af3_rainy\15-00
* 768.1 : [  31] sky\af3_rainy\15-00-2
* 768.1 : [  44] sky\af3_rainy\16-00
* 768.1 : [  32] sky\af3_rainy\20-00
* 768.1 : [   5] sky\sky_12_vibros_cube
* 768.1 : [  26] sky\sky_13_cube
* 768.1 : [  16] sky\sky_13_cube_night
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\sky_13_vibros_cube
* 768.1 : [  10] sky\sky_14_cube
* 768.1 : [   4] sky\sky_17_clouds_cube
* 768.1 : [   4] sky\sky_17_cube
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\sky_18_cube
* 768.1 : [  11] sky\sky_19_cube
* 768.1 : [   4] sky\sky_1_clouds_cube
* 768.1 : [   4] sky\sky_20_clouds_cube
* 768.1 : [   6] sky\sky_20_cube
* 768.1 : [   4] sky\sky_2_clouds_cube
* 768.1 : [   4] sky\sky_2_cube
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\sky_3_cube
* 768.1 : [   3] sky\sky_4_cube
* 768.1 : [  32] sky\sky_5_cube
* 768.1 : [   7] sky\sky_6_cube
* 768.1 : [  11] sky\sky_7_cube
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\sky_8_cube
* 768.1 : [  49] sky\sky_9_cube
* 1024.1 : [   4] act\act_mtalker
* 1024.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_dolg_8_8_
* 1024.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_merc_2
* 1024.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_mercen_2
* 1024.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_monolith_3
* 1024.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral_2
* 1024.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral_3
* 1024.1 : [   4] act\metro\act_att_gasmask_maska
* 1024.1 : [   1] amik\explosions\decal_concrete
* 1024.1 : [   1] amik\explosions\explo_end
* 1024.1 : [   1] amik\explosions\explosion_fuelcan\boom_3
* 1024.1 : [   1] amik\explosions\explosion_fuelcan\grey_xpl
* 1024.1 : [   1] amik\hit_fx\water_splash\water_splash_anim
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_1
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_2
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_3
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_4
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_5
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_6
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_7
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_phase_1
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_phase_2
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_phase_3
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_phase_4
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_phase_5
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_phase_6
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_phase_7
* 1024.1 : [   1] map\map_l03u_agr_underground
* 1024.1 : [   1] map\map_l12u_control_monolith
* 1024.1 : [   1] map\map_y04_pole
* 1024.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_ani-explosion-02
* 1024.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_ani-explosion-02-b-a
* 1024.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_ani-explosion-02a
* 1024.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_explotions_2
* 1024.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_explotions_4
* 1024.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_explotions_smoke
* 1024.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_explotions_smoke_benzine
* 1024.1 : [   1] shoker_mod\explosions\final_expl
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_achivments
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_dialog_screen
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_menu
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_mp_screen
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_multiplayer_background
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_multiplayer_game_menu
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_newsmanager_icons
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_pda
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_sleep_screen
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_upgrades_1
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_upgrades_2
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_widescreen_sidepanels
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_common
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_hud
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_ingame2_common
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_pda2
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_pda2_noice
* 1024.1 : [   4] wpn\wpn_bolt
* 1024.1 : [   1] wpn\wpn_crosshair_class
* 1024.1 : [   1] wpn\wpn_crosshair_fn2000
* 1024.1 : [   1] wpn\wpn_crosshair_l85
* 1363.3 : [   4] act\act_stalker_sviter
* 1364.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_l96
* 1364.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_skw
* 1364.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svt
* 1364.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svt_sk2
* 1364.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svu-n
* 1364.3 : [   4] act\act_arm_sviter_1
* 1364.3 : [   4] bodies\it_organs_13rs
* 1364.3 : [   1] map\map_jupiter
* 1364.3 : [   1] map\map_marsh
* 1364.3 : [   1] map\map_pripyat
* 1364.3 : [   1] map\map_zaton
* 1792.9 : [   6] item\item_detector_1
* 2048.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_soldier_v
* 2048.1 : [   4] akt\act_arm_mono_1
* 2048.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_cc_lightings
* 2048.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_hint_wnd
* 2048.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_weapons
* 2048.1 : [   1] ui\ui_global_map
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\05-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\05-30
* 3072.1 : [  66] sky\af3_clear\06-00
* 3072.1 : [  34] sky\af3_clear\07-00
* 3072.1 : [  34] sky\af3_clear\08-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\09-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\10-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\11-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\12-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\13-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\14-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\15-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\16-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\17-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\18-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\19-00
* 3072.1 : [  66] sky\af3_clear\20-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\20-30
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\21-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\21-30
* 3072.1 : [   6] sky\af3_cloudy\05-00
* 3072.1 : [  12] sky\af3_cloudy\06-00
* 3072.1 : [  11] sky\af3_cloudy\07-00
* 3072.1 : [  19] sky\af3_cloudy\08-00
* 3072.1 : [  24] sky\af3_cloudy\09-00
* 3072.1 : [  12] sky\af3_cloudy\10-00
* 3072.1 : [  12] sky\af3_cloudy\11-00
* 3072.1 : [  19] sky\af3_cloudy\12-00
* 3072.1 : [  11] sky\af3_cloudy\13-00
* 3072.1 : [  38] sky\af3_cloudy\14-00
* 3072.1 : [  29] sky\af3_cloudy\15-00
* 3072.1 : [  11] sky\af3_cloudy\16-00
* 3072.1 : [  19] sky\af3_cloudy\17-00
* 3072.1 : [  22] sky\af3_cloudy\18-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\04-30
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\05-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\05-30
* 3072.1 : [  66] sky\af3_partly\06-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\07-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\08-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\09-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\10-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\11-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\12-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\13-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\14-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\15-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\16-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\17-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\18-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\19-00
* 3072.1 : [  66] sky\af3_partly\20-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\20-30
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\21-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\21-30
* 8192.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_portrets
* 8193.0 : [   4] item\item_detector_3
* 32768.1 : [   1] ui\ui_icon_equipment
* [ D3D ]: textures[556130 K]
*  0.0 : [  70] $null
*  0.0 : [   2] $user$cmap0
*  0.0 : [   2] $user$cmap1
*  0.0 : [   3] $user$distort
*  0.0 : [ 721] $user$projector
*  0.0 : [   6] $user$rendertarget
*  0.0 : [   5] $user$rendertarget_color_map
*  0.0 : [   1] $user$sky0
*  0.0 : [   1] $user$sky1
*  0.0 : [   1] $user$tonemap
*  0.0 : [   3] prop\prop_lampa_g_red2
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_spark_02
*  0.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_spark_01
*  0.2 : [   3] wpn\wpn_protecta_dots
*  0.2 : [   1] pfx\pfx_step_blood
*  0.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_bubble
*  0.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_leaves_01
*  0.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_leaves_02
*  0.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_splash3
*  0.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_splash_02
*  0.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_synus
*  0.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_vehmetaldebris_01
*  0.3 : [   1] prop\prop_provod_02
*  0.3 : [   4] prop\prop_provod_03
*  0.4 : [   1] glow\glow_anamorphic
*  0.4 : [   1] glow\glow_rays
*  0.4 : [   3] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_blue_lense
*  0.6 : [ 709] internal\internal_light_attclip
*  0.7 : [   4] act\act_stalker_head_glass_02
*  0.7 : [   4] mtl\mtl_bochka_02
*  0.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_concretedebris_01
*  1.1 : [   3] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_red_lense
*  1.3 : [   6] act\act_stalker_head_glass
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_21
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_bubble_1
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_bubble_water
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist2
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist2inv
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist3
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist4
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist7
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist8
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist9
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist_glass
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist_teleport
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_distort_anomaly
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_distortion
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flash_05
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flash_07
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_smoke_b
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_specks
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_specks_poison
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_spikey_star
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_splash_01
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_stonedebris1
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_stonedebris2
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_vehglassdebris_01
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_water_wave
*  1.4 : [   3] artifact\artifact_eye
*  1.4 : [   4] item\item_key_1
*  1.4 : [   1] artifact\artifact_glow
*  1.4 : [   1] fx\fx_rain
*  1.4 : [   1] fx\fx_sun_rise
*  1.4 : [   1] glow\glow_orange2
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_asfalt_1
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_asfalt_2
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_asfalt_3
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_brick_1
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_brick_2
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_1
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_2
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_4
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_5
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_6
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_7
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_ground
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_ground_1
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_ground_2
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik_1
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik_2
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik_3
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_1
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_2
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_3
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_4
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_1
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_2
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_3
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_4
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_5
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_6
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_7
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_8
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_9
*  2.7 : [   4] prop\prop_speakerphone
*  2.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_electrostatic
*  2.7 : [   4] prop\prop_box_3
*  2.7 : [   4] prop\prop_elec_kran
*  2.7 : [   1] prop\prop_fake_bed_fireplace
*  2.7 : [   4] prop\prop_instrument_2
*  2.7 : [   4] prop\prop_lock
*  2.7 : [   4] prop\prop_teapot_1
*  2.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_pkm_lenta
*  2.7 : [   4] act\act_pseudodog_fur
*  2.7 : [   4] act\act_pseudodog_fur1
*  2.7 : [   4] mtl\mtl_truba_pod_01
*  2.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist_glass3
*  2.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_smokepuffs2
*  2.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_sparks
*  2.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_sparks2
*  2.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_woodchips1
*  2.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_woodchips3
*  2.7 : [   4] act\act_jimmy_glaz
*  2.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\trace_01
*  2.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\trace_01
*  2.7 : [   4] food\food_raw___dog
*  2.7 : [   4] food\food_raw_flesh
*  2.7 : [   4] item\item_battery
*  2.7 : [   4] item\item_jar
*  2.7 : [   4] item\item_meinkampf
*  2.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\dtk_3
*  3.0 : [   1] artifact\artifact_anim_dist
*  3.1 : [   5] sky\sky_12_vibros_cube#small
*  3.1 : [  26] sky\sky_13_cube#small
*  3.1 : [  16] sky\sky_13_cube_night#small
*  3.1 : [  12] sky\sky_13_vibros_cube#small
*  3.1 : [  10] sky\sky_14_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   4] sky\sky_17_clouds_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   4] sky\sky_17_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   8] sky\sky_18_cube#small
*  3.1 : [  11] sky\sky_19_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   4] sky\sky_1_clouds_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   4] sky\sky_20_clouds_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   4] sky\sky_20_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   4] sky\sky_2_clouds_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   4] sky\sky_2_cube#small
*  3.1 : [  12] sky\sky_3_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   3] sky\sky_4_cube#small
*  3.1 : [  30] sky\sky_5_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   7] sky\sky_6_cube#small
*  3.1 : [  11] sky\sky_7_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   8] sky\sky_8_cube#small
*  3.1 : [  49] sky\sky_9_cube#small
*  4.1 : [   1] fx\fx_flare1
*  4.1 : [   1] fx\fx_flare2
*  4.1 : [   1] fx\fx_flare3
*  4.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flamefx_01
*  4.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_g-smoke-01
*  5.3 : [   1] act\act_controller_hit
*  5.3 : [   1] act\act_controller_hit1
*  5.3 : [   6] act\act_stalker_nauch_glass
*  5.3 : [   4] act\variation mod\act_neutral\gas_mask_glass
*  5.3 : [   4] door\door_sheet
*  5.3 : [   4] door\door_w01
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_1
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_16
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_17
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_19
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_3
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_4
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_5
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_6
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_8
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_88
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_9
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_blurry_cloud
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_brick
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_light
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_light1
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_light3
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_light4
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_lightning_01
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_lightning_02
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_ligth_6
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_plasma
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_smoke_a
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_sparks1
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_teleport
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_test_textures
*  5.3 : [   4] prop\prop_ballon2
*  5.3 : [   4] prop\prop_ballon3
*  5.3 : [   4] prop\prop_bottle_box
*  5.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_pkm_decals
*  5.4 : [   4] item\item_hammer
*  5.4 : [   1] amik\nature\stonedebris1
*  5.4 : [   1] glow\glow_04
*  5.4 : [   1] glow\glow_fire1
*  5.4 : [   1] glow\glow_fire1_soc
*  5.4 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flash_02
*  5.4 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flash_08
*  5.4 : [   1] shoker_mod\explosions\firesmokeparticle
*  5.4 : [   1] wm\wm_grenade
*  5.4 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_dead
*  5.4 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_horiz
*  5.4 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_blood
*  5.4 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_wood
*  5.4 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_wood1
*  5.4 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_wood2
*  5.4 : [   1] amik\weapons\6ways2
*  5.4 : [   1] amik\weapons\btr\muzzle 6ways2
*  5.4 : [   1] amik\nature\list
*  5.4 : [   1] amik\nature\wood_part
*  5.4 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\trail
*  6.1 : [  14] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_1#small
*  6.1 : [  40] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_2#small
*  6.1 : [  18] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_3#small
*  6.1 : [  14] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_5#small
*  6.1 : [  40] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_1#small
*  6.1 : [  24] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_2#small
*  6.1 : [  36] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_3#small
*  6.1 : [  32] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_4#small
*  6.1 : [  32] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_5#small
*  6.1 : [   6] sky\af3_blowout\blowout1#small
*  6.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout1_1#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout2#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout2_night#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3#small
*  6.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_1#small
*  6.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_1_night#small
*  6.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_2#small
*  6.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_2_night#small
*  6.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_3#small
*  6.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_3_night#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_night#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4#small
*  6.1 : [   3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_1#small
*  6.1 : [   3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_1_night#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_night#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5_night#small
*  6.1 : [   7] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5psi#small
*  6.1 : [   7] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5psi_night#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout6#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout6_night#small
*  6.1 : [   3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout7#small
*  6.1 : [   4] sky\af3_blowout\blowout7_night#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\00-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\00-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  25] sky\af3_clear\00-00-nm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\01-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\01-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  37] sky\af3_clear\01-00-nm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\02-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\02-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  25] sky\af3_clear\02-00-nm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\03-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\03-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\04-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\04-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\04-30#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\05-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\05-30#small
*  6.1 : [  66] sky\af3_clear\06-00#small
*  6.1 : [  34] sky\af3_clear\07-00#small
*  6.1 : [  34] sky\af3_clear\08-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\09-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\10-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\11-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\12-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\13-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\14-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\15-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\16-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\17-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\18-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\19-00#small
*  6.1 : [  66] sky\af3_clear\20-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\20-30#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\21-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\21-30#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\22-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\22-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\23-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\23-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [   6] sky\af3_cloudy\05-00#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_cloudy\06-00#small
*  6.1 : [  11] sky\af3_cloudy\07-00#small
*  6.1 : [  19] sky\af3_cloudy\08-00#small
*  6.1 : [  24] sky\af3_cloudy\09-00#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_cloudy\10-00#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_cloudy\11-00#small
*  6.1 : [  19] sky\af3_cloudy\12-00#small
*  6.1 : [  11] sky\af3_cloudy\13-00#small
*  6.1 : [  38] sky\af3_cloudy\14-00#small
*  6.1 : [  29] sky\af3_cloudy\15-00#small
*  6.1 : [  11] sky\af3_cloudy\16-00#small
*  6.1 : [  19] sky\af3_cloudy\17-00#small
*  6.1 : [  22] sky\af3_cloudy\18-00#small
*  6.1 : [   6] sky\af3_cloudy\19-00#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_cloudy\20-00#small
*  6.1 : [  16] sky\af3_foggy\06-00#small
*  6.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\07-00#small
*  6.1 : [  19] sky\af3_foggy\09-00#small
*  6.1 : [  40] sky\af3_foggy\10-00#small
*  6.1 : [  10] sky\af3_foggy\11-00#small
*  6.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\12-00#small
*  6.1 : [  27] sky\af3_foggy\13-00#small
*  6.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\14-00#small
*  6.1 : [  19] sky\af3_foggy\15-00#small
*  6.1 : [  19] sky\af3_foggy\16-00#small
*  6.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\17-00#small
*  6.1 : [  19] sky\af3_foggy\18-00#small
*  6.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\19-00#small
*  6.1 : [  22] sky\af3_foggy\20-00#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\00-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\00-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  25] sky\af3_partly\00-00-nm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\01-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\01-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  38] sky\af3_partly\01-00-nm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\02-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\02-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  24] sky\af3_partly\02-00-nm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\03-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\03-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\04-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\04-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\04-30#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\05-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\05-30#small
*  6.1 : [  66] sky\af3_partly\06-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\07-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\08-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\09-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\10-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\11-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\12-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\13-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\14-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\15-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\16-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\17-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\18-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\19-00#small
*  6.1 : [  66] sky\af3_partly\20-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\20-30#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\21-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\21-30#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\22-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\22-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\23-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\23-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  26] sky\af3_rainy\07-00#small
*  6.1 : [  30] sky\af3_rainy\09-00_19-00#small
*  6.1 : [  58] sky\af3_rainy\13-00#small
*  6.1 : [  24] sky\af3_rainy\15-00#small
*  6.1 : [  31] sky\af3_rainy\15-00-2#small
*  6.1 : [  44] sky\af3_rainy\16-00#small
*  6.1 : [  32] sky\af3_rainy\20-00#small
*  7.1 : [   1] artifact\artifact_anim_lightning
*  7.1 : [   4] wpn\wpn_g36_scope
*  8.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_gologramma
*  8.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\fake_shells
*  8.1 : [   1] ui\ui_fog_of_war
* 10.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_vog
* 10.7 : [   4] door\door_white_04
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_electricalunit3
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_kanistra
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_dog_red
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_dogs_big
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_dogs_black
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_dogs_brown
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_dogs_bulterer
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_green_stalker_head_3
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_green_stalker_head_3_mask
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_head2
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_pseudodog
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_rat01
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_ratn1
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_ratn2
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_ratn3
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_ryukzak
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_ryukzak_black
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_stalker_head_antigas_2
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_stalker_head_antigas_9
* 10.7 : [   4] door\door_katakomb_01
* 10.7 : [   4] door\door_white_02
* 10.7 : [   4] mtl\mtl_shkaf
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_blind01
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_dangerbox_2
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_el_shkaf_01
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_freez
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_item2
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_item3
* 10.7 : [   6] prop\prop_iten4
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_kitchen_stuff
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_plita
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_spade
* 10.7 : [   4] wood\wood_plank6
* 10.7 : [   4] wood\wood_table_02
* 10.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aksu_synth
* 10.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_protecta_sights
* 10.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_walter99_mag
* 10.7 : [   4] glas\glas_dirt
* 10.7 : [   4] mtl\mtl_barrel_02
* 10.7 : [   4] mtl\mtl_barrel_04
* 10.7 : [   4] mtl\mtl_barrel_05
* 10.7 : [   4] mtl\mtl_truba_pod_02
* 10.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_2
* 10.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_23
* 10.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_2_green
* 10.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_7
* 10.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_concretepuffs_01
* 10.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_lighting_stancia_01
* 10.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_lighting_stancia_02
* 10.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_smokepuffs1
* 10.7 : [   1] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_shells1
* 10.7 : [   1] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_shells2
* 10.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\dtk_5
* 10.7 : [   3] artifact\artifact_mp_green
* 10.7 : [   4] artifact\artifact_myasorubka2
* 10.7 : [   4] artifact\artifact_myasorubka3
* 10.7 : [   4] fx\fx_noise2
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_block_notes
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_calibrate_tools
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_cards
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_document_01
* 10.7 : [   6] item\item_gazmask1
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_gazmask3
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_medic1
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_medkit
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_medkit_2
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_medkit_3
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_medkit_4
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_parts
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_rebirth
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_small_tools
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_yad
* 10.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_bullet1_556
* 10.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_bullet1_939
* 10.7 : [   1] amik\anomaly\electric_radial
* 10.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\6ways1
* 10.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\btr\muzzle 6ways1
* 10.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\dtk_4
* 10.7 : [   1] amik\hit_fx\water_splash\water_spurt
* 10.7 : [   1] artifact\artifact_fire_light
* 10.7 : [   1] lights\lights_cone_handing_lamp
* 10.7 : [   1] lights\lights_ray1
* 10.7 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_blood1
* 10.7 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_metal
* 10.7 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_ston
* 13.3 : [   3] artifact\artifact_lava
* 16.1 : [   4] act\act_specnaz_glass
* 16.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\mg42out
* 16.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\trace
* 16.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\mg42out
* 16.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\trace
* 16.1 : [   1] fx\fx_rainsplash1
* 16.1 : [   1] fx\fx_volumefog1
* 16.1 : [ 709] internal\internal_light_att
* 16.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flame
* 16.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flash_01
* 16.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_gradient
* 16.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_gradient1
* 16.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_arial_14_1024
* 16.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_hud_01
* 16.1 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_drop_1
* 16.1 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_drop_2
* 16.1 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_drop_3
* 16.1 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_drop_4
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_face_mask_05
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_faces_2_01
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_face_01
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_face_mask_01
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_face_mask_02
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_face_mask_03
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_face_mask_04
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_face_mask_07
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_face_mask_08
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_face_zombie_01
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_faces_1_03
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_faces_1_08
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_faces_4_02
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_faces_4_03
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_faces_4_04
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_stalker_soldier_1
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_ryukzag
* 21.3 : [   4] door\door_ship_metall
* 21.3 : [   4] mtl\mtl_bochka_01
* 21.3 : [   4] mtl\mtl_pod_01
* 21.3 : [   4] prop\prop_instrument_1
* 21.3 : [   1] amik\weapons\dtk_2
* 21.4 : [   4] aa\aa_freon
* 21.4 : [   4] kdm_ammo\ammo_57x28\ammo_5.7x28_ap
* 21.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_raii
* 21.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_rail
* 21.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_bullet1_545
* 21.4 : [   1] artifact\artifact_lighting
* 21.4 : [   3] artifact\artifact_sopli2
* 21.4 : [   1] glow\glow_blue
* 21.4 : [   4] glow\glow_ghost
* 21.4 : [   1] glow\glow_orange
* 21.4 : [   1] glow\glow_orange_bright
* 21.4 : [   1] glow\glow_white
* 21.4 : [   1] glow\glow_yellow
* 21.4 : [   4] item\item_goggles
* 21.4 : [   4] item\item_money
* 21.4 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist_lens_base
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_10
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_11
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_1_1
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_1_2
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_1_3
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_1_4
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_1_5
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_3
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_4
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_5
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_6
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_7
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_8
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_9
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_glass01
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_glass02
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_glass03
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_glass04
* 21.4 : [   1] amik\weapons\dtk_4_1
* 28.5 : [   4] wpn\wpn_g35_scope
* 32.1 : [   4] arsenal_mod\ammo\50_ae
* 32.1 : [   4] arsenal_mod\ammo\762x25_p
* 32.1 : [   4] arsenal_mod\ammo\762x25_ps
* 32.1 : [   1] fx\fx_lightning
* 32.1 : [   4] item\item_beans
* 32.1 : [   4] item\item_beer
* 32.1 : [   4] item\item_caffeine
* 32.1 : [   4] item\item_corn
* 32.1 : [   4] item\item_medkitai2
* 32.1 : [   4] item\item_tomato
* 32.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_ani-smoke-01
* 32.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_cc_lighting_grad2
* 32.1 : [   4] repair\repair_steel_wool
* 32.1 : [   4] sgm\item_psyhodelin
* 32.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_letter_16_1024
* 32.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_letter_18_1024
* 33.0 : [   1] ui\ui_ani_cursor
* 42.5 : [   1] amik\weapons\9x39
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_head_mask
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_psevdogigant
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_monolith_rookie
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_nebo_1
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neut_2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral2d
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_soldierb4
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_trup_5
* 42.6 : [   6] wpn\wpn_upgrade
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_bure3
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_burer
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_ca2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_ca4
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_cat
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_cat2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_controlle2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_controller
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_free2old
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_himera
* 42.6 : [   6] act\act_krovosos_1
* 42.6 : [   3] act\act_krovosos_3
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_nauchniy_monolit
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_new_details_01
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_plot
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_pseudodog1
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_scientist_zombi_o
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_bandit1az
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_bandit1bz
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_bandit_1
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_bandit_2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_bandit_3
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_bandit_3a
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_black
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_dolg2a
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_dolg3b
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_dolg_2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_dolg_2_2_
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_dolg_3
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_dolg_3000
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_dolgzom_2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_freedom2b
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_freedom_1
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_freedom_2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_merc4a
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_merc_5
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_mercen2b
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_mercen2c
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_mercexo_4
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_mercsuit1
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_monolith2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_monolith4a
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_monolith4b
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_monolith_2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_monolith_4
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_nebo_3
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral1a
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral1b
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral1c
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral1d
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral1e
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral1f
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral2a
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral2b
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral2c
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral2e
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral4a
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral_1
* 42.6 : [   6] act\act_stalker_neutral_4
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_seva_1
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_soldier_4
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_trup_1
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_trup_2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_trup_4
* 42.6 : [   4] wood\wood_collect
* 42.6 : [   4] wood\wood_walls8
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74m_gp
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74m_mag
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74m_mag_camog
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ammo
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_beretta_sk1
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_beretta_sk2
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_beretta_sk4
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_beretta_sk5
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_fort17
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_fort17_sk1
* 42.6 : [   6] wpn\wpn_gauss
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_grenade_40mm
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_grenade_rdg-m
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_grenade_rdg-s
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_knife_nr40
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_l85_susat
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_sig550_mag
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_sig550_mag_sk2
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svd_mag
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svd_mag_sk1
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svd_mag_sk3
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_vssk_sil
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_walter99_body
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_walter99_bodz
* 42.6 : [   4] act\variation mod\act_neutral\pockets_1a
* 42.6 : [   4] act\variation mod\act_neutral\pockets_1b
* 42.6 : [   4] act\variation mod\act_neutral\pockets_1e
* 42.7 : [   4] aa\aa_af_aac
* 42.7 : [   4] aa\aa_af_aam
* 42.7 : [   4] aa\aa_af_iam
* 42.7 : [   4] aa\aa_camelbak
* 42.7 : [   4] aa\aa_cooler
* 42.7 : [   4] aa\aa_frames
* 42.7 : [   4] aa\aa_kevlar
* 42.7 : [   4] act\metro\act_gasmask_metro_grey
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_shovel
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_spalnik
* 42.7 : [   4] aa\aa_plates
* 42.7 : [   4] aa\aa_surge
* 42.7 : [   4] act\act_exoskeleton
* 42.7 : [   4] act\act_face_26
* 42.7 : [   4] act\act_jimmy_face
* 42.7 : [   4] food\food_chimera
* 42.7 : [   4] food\food_protein
* 42.7 : [   4] food\food_raw_boar
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_ammo
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_book1
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_book2
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_book3
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_ckit
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_cutlery
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_drugskit
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_energy
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_foto1
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_grooming
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_guitar
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_jbox
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_kithunt
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_maps
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_milimap
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_mirror
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_s_guide
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_sack
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_swiss
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_tarp
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_universalpowerdevice
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_ustroystva
* 42.7 : [   4] item\med_bank
* 42.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_rail_1
* 42.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_docter_sight
* 42.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_fn2000_lens
* 42.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_k98_sil
* 42.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_scar_bullet
* 42.7 : [   1] amik\explosions\smoke_cannon
* 42.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\12x70
* 42.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\flameshoot_3
* 42.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\flameshoot_4
* 42.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\flameshoot_5
* 42.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\shells_12x70
* 48.1 : [ 146] sky\sky_cube_weapons
* 64.1 : [   1] amik\static\gas_light\flame_zippo
* 64.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\dtk_6
* 64.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\dtk_8
* 64.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\flash_01
* 64.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\flash_02
* 64.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\flash_04
* 64.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\flash_05
* 64.1 : [   4] arsenal_mod\ammo\762x39_ap
* 64.1 : [   4] arsenal_mod\ammo\762x39_fmj
* 64.1 : [   4] arsenal_mod\ammo\762x51_ap
* 64.1 : [   4] arsenal_mod\ammo\762x51_fmj
* 64.1 : [   4] artifact\artifact_val000
* 64.1 : [   1] fx\fx_sun
* 64.1 : [   1] fx\fx_sun_fog
* 64.1 : [   1] fx\fx_sun_gradient
* 64.1 : [   1] fx\fx_sun_halo
* 64.1 : [   1] fx\fx_sun_morning
* 64.1 : [   1] fx\fx_thunderbolts_gradient
* 64.1 : [   1] fx\fx_thunderbolts_gradient_surge
* 64.1 : [1418] internal\internal_light_attpoint
* 64.1 : [   4] item\item_chili
* 64.1 : [   4] item\item_medkit_5
* 64.1 : [   4] item\jgut
* 64.1 : [   4] item\kielbasa
* 64.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_18
* 64.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_bloodsplash1
* 64.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flame_01
* 64.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_skinsplash1
* 64.1 : [   4] sap\sap_medal_01
* 64.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_console_02
* 64.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_graff_19_1024
* 64.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_graff_22_1024
* 64.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_hud_02
* 85.2 : [   4] act\act_krovosos_new1
* 85.2 : [   4] act\act_mutant_boar
* 85.2 : [   4] act\act_mutant_boar_u
* 85.2 : [   4] act\act_stalker_nebo_2
* 85.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_usp_nimble
* 85.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_g43_body
* 85.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_k98_stock
* 85.3 : [   4] act\act_face_her9
* 85.3 : [   4] act\act_stalk_nimble
* 85.3 : [   4] item\item_stims
* 85.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_deagle_comp
* 85.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_lastochka
* 85.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_lastochkb
* 85.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_lastochkc
* 85.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_9a91
* 85.3 : [   6] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_9mm
* 85.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_aps
* 85.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_sr25_silencer
* 85.3 : [   4] act\eye\act_eye_ball
* 85.3 : [   4] act\metro\act_maska_leather
* 85.3 : [   1] amik\explosions\explosion_dynamite\flashlight
* 85.3 : [   1] amik\explosions\explosion_smoke03
* 85.3 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\flameshoot_1
* 85.3 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\flameshoot_2
* 85.3 : [   4] arsenal_mod\ammo\wpn_cartridge357
* 85.3 : [   4] drink\drink_cocaine
* 85.3 : [   4] drink\drink_match0
* 85.3 : [   4] item\[stayler]\w_medkin1
* 85.3 : [   4] item\[stayler]\w_medkin3
* 85.3 : [   4] item\item_detector_2
* 85.3 : [   4] item\item_drink_waterxx
* 85.3 : [   4] item\item_food
* 85.3 : [   1] shoker_mod\explosions\explosion_smoke01
* 85.3 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_1
* 85.3 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_2
* 85.3 : [   1] amik\explosions\explosion_dynamite\smoke
* 85.3 : [   1] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_smoke_1
* 106.9 : [   3] artifact\artifact_lavahell1
* 128.1 : [   4] act\act_crow
* 128.1 : [   4] act\act_dog_noy_0
* 128.1 : [   4] act\act_ryukzaa
* 128.1 : [   4] act\act_ryukzac
* 128.1 : [   4] act\act_ryukzad
* 128.1 : [   4] act\variation mod\act_neutral\gp5a
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\357mag
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\50_ae
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\5x45x39
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\5x45x39_00
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\5x45x39_01
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\5x56x45
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\5x56x45_00
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\5x7x28
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\6x5x50
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x25_0
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x25_1
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x25_2
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x25_3
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x25_4
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x39_00
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x39_01
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x39_02
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x39_03
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x51_1
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x51_2
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x54
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x7x57
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x92x57
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\9x18_1
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\9x18_2
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\9x18_3
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\9x39
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\shells_ak_01
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\smokeshoot_0
* 128.1 : [   4] cooking\cooking_kerosene
* 128.1 : [   4] cooking\cooking_mfs
* 128.1 : [   4] cooking\cooking_wood_stove
* 128.1 : [   4] drink\drink_cigar0
* 128.1 : [   4] drink\drink_cigar2
* 128.1 : [   4] drink\drink_cigar3
* 128.1 : [   4] drink\drink_crow
* 128.1 : [   4] drink\drink_joint
* 128.1 : [   4] drink\drink_tea
* 128.1 : [   4] drink\drink_vodka
* 128.1 : [   4] drink\drink_water
* 128.1 : [   4] food\food_bls
* 128.1 : [   4] food\food_dog
* 128.1 : [   4] food\food_flesh
* 128.1 : [   4] food\food_pdg
* 128.1 : [   4] food\food_raw_tush
* 128.1 : [   4] food\food_tushkano
* 128.1 : [   4] food\snork_food
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_chocolate
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_cigar
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_cigarettes_lucky
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_cigarettes_russian
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_cloth_mask
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_glucose
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_glucose_s
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_hand_rolling_tobacco
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_mint
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_mre
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_raisins
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_ration_ukr
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_salmon
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_sausage
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_tobacco
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_tushonka
* 128.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_shells1
* 128.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_shells2
* 128.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_shells_green
* 128.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_shells_pisto1
* 128.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_shells_pistol
* 128.1 : [   4] prop\prop_kitchen_krujka
* 128.1 : [   4] prop\prop_voda1
* 128.1 : [   4] prop\prop_voda2
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_armor_repair_fa
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_armor_repair_pro
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_cleaning_kit
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_cleaning_kit_r7
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_cleaning_kit_u
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_glue
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_grease_solvent
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_gun_oil
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_gun_oil_ru
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_sewing_kit
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_sharpening_stones
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_textile_patch_b
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_textile_patch_e
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_textile_patch_m
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_toolkit_nato
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_toolkit_p
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_toolkit_s
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_toolkit_wp
* 128.1 : [   1] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_ak_shells_1
* 128.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_graff_32_1024
* 128.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_letter_25_1024
* 128.1 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ied
* 128.1 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ied_rpg
* 128.1 : [   4] wpn\wpn_pfm1
* 170.4 : [   4] act\act_gasmask
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_abakan
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74_sk1
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74_sk2
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74_sk3
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74_sk4
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74_sk5
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74_sk7
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74m
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74m_body
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74m_body_camog
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74m_sk3
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aksu
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aksu_sk3
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aksu_sk5
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aksu_sk6
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_beretta
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_binokl
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_colt1911
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_colt1911_sk4
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_colt1911_sk5
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_colt1911_sk6
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_colt1911_sk8
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_desert_eagle
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_desert_eagle_nimble
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_desert_eagle_sk1
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_desert_eagle_sk2
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_desert_eagle_sk3
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_g36
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_g36k
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_g36k_sk1
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_grenade_f1
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_grenade_rgd5
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_groza
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_groza_grenade_launcher
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_groza_mag
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_knife
* 170.4 : [   6] wpn\wpn_l85
* 170.4 : [   6] wpn\wpn_l85_sk2
* 170.4 : [   6] wpn\wpn_l85_sk3
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_l85_sk4
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_mp5
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_mp5_sk3
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_mp5_sk4
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_mp5sd_sk3
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_pb
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_pb_sk2
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_pkm
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_pkm_magazin
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_pm
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_pm_actor
* 170.4 : [   6] wpn\wpn_pm_sk2
* 170.4 : [   6] wpn\wpn_pm_sk3
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_pmm
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_protecta
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_protecta_sk2
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_rg6
* 170.4 : [   6] wpn\wpn_rpg-7
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_sig-p220
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_sig-p220_sk4
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_sig550
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_sig550_sk3
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_spas12
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_spas12_sk1
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_spas12_sk4
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svd_body
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svd_body_sk1
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svd_body_sk3
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svd_grips
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svd_grips_sk1
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svd_grips_sk3
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svd_gripz
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_toz-34
* 170.4 : [   6] wpn\wpn_toz-34_sk3
* 170.4 : [   6] wpn\wpn_toz-34_sk4
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_toz-34_sk5
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_usp
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_vss
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_vss_nimble
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_vssk
* 170.6 : [   4] act\act_izlom
* 170.6 : [   4] act\metro\act_diger_slemnew
* 170.6 : [   4] item\item_xxporn2
* 170.6 : [   4] item\item_xxxporn
* 170.6 : [   4] act\act_mp_team_blue_armor_military
* 170.6 : [   4] akt\act_arm_mono_glove
* 170.6 : [   4] item\item_boots
* 170.6 : [   4] item\item_conserva
* 170.6 : [   4] item\item_flash
* 170.6 : [   4] item\item_rope
* 170.6 : [   4] item\item_rops
* 170.6 : [   4] item\item_torch
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_gl_gp25
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_mount_mtk83
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_mp5_mount
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_1p29
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_ac10632
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_acog
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_eotech
* 170.6 : [   6] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_l96
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_pks-07
* 170.6 : [   6] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_po4x34
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_susat_sk2
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_susat_sk3
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_45
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_9mx
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_atg
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_gemtech
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_kzrzp
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_nato
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_pbs1
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_pbs4
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_tgp-a
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_vihr
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_usp_match
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak100_grips
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak100_grips_camogreen
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak101_mag
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak101_mag_camog
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_akm_mag
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aps
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_apw
* 170.6 : [   6] wpn\wpn_bullet1
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_bullet2
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_dao12_sights
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_g3_mount
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_kiparis
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_kiparis_mag
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_kipariw
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_kipariw_mag
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_m17_carryhandle
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_rpk_maz
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_vsk94_butt
* 170.6 : [   1] amik\explosions\boom_0
* 170.6 : [   1] amik\explosions\boom_1
* 170.6 : [   1] amik\explosions\boom_2
* 213.5 : [   5] artifact\artifact_hell1
* 256.1 : [   4] act\act_face_zombie_02
* 256.1 : [   4] act\act_face_zombie_03
* 256.1 : [   4] act\act_ratwolf_01
* 256.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_soldier_2
* 256.1 : [   1] amik\explosions\explosion_flash_atlas
* 256.1 : [   4] artifact\artifact_val005
* 256.1 : [   4] artifact\artifact_val013
* 256.1 : [   4] artifact\artifact_val024
* 256.1 : [   4] artifact\artifact_val029
* 256.1 : [   4] artifact\artifact_val031
* 256.1 : [   4] drink\drink_flask
* 256.1 : [   4] food\food_boar
* 256.1 : [   1] fx\fx_gradient1
* 256.1 : [   4] item\[stayler]\w_medkin2
* 256.1 : [   4] item\item_lead_box
* 256.1 : [   4] item\item_mineral_water
* 256.1 : [   4] item\item_nuts
* 256.1 : [   4] item\item_ration_ru
* 256.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_bloodsplash2
* 256.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_expl_01
* 256.1 : [   4] prop\prop_tarp
* 256.1 : [   4] repair\repair_helmet_repair
* 256.1 : [   4] sap\sap_medal
* 256.1 : [   4] sap\sap_medal_00
* 256.1 : [   4] sap\sap_sand
* 256.1 : [   4] sgm\sumka_2
* 256.1 : [3271] sky\sky_oblaka
* 256.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_graff_50_1024
* 300.1 : [   4] sap\sap_generator_00
* 339.8 : [   4] majordolg\scaut
* 340.8 : [   4] wpn\wpn_hpsa
* 340.8 : [   4] wpn\wpn_hpsa_sk1
* 340.8 : [   4] wpn\wpn_hpsa_sk2
* 340.8 : [   4] wpn\wpn_hpsa_sk3
* 340.8 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svu-a
* 341.1 : [   4] wpn\wpn_k98_body
* 341.1 : [   4] act\act_arm_bandit
* 341.1 : [   1] amik\explosions\explosion_dynamite\explosion_din
* 341.1 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_kobra
* 341.1 : [   4] wpn\wpn_johnnysaxe
* 341.1 : [   4] act\face\act_face_risovalshik
* 341.1 : [   4] act\metro\act_stalker_nebo_5_white
* 341.1 : [   1] amik\explosions\final_expl
* 341.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\smokeshoot_1
* 341.1 : [   4] awr\leatherman
* 341.1 : [   1] fx\fx_gradient
* 378.1 : [   4] sap\sap_generator
* 378.1 : [   4] sap\sap_glass
* 378.1 : [   4] sap\sap_gubka
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_atach
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_faction_badges_tfw
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_monoold1
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_monoold3
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_mutant_boar_leg
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_puh
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_scientist_suit_orang
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_scientist_suit_red
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_scientist_suit_white
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_scientist_suit_yello
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_scientist_zombi_w
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_scientist_zombi_y
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_merc_sun1
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_monolith1
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_monolith_1
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_monoliths
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_voyak_exo
* 512.1 : [   1] amik\explosions\explosion_fuelcan\boom_1
* 512.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\00
* 512.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\45
* 512.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\shells_ak
* 512.1 : [   4] amk\items\500
* 512.1 : [   4] item\item_crowbar
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_ani-fire01
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_explotions_3
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\12ga
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\45acp
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\545x39
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\556x45
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\762x39
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\762x51
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\762x54
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\9x18
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\9x19
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\9x39
* 512.1 : [   4] sgm\sumka_1
* 512.1 : [   1] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_shells3
* 512.1 : [   4] shoker_mod\wpn\axe\axe_1
* 512.1 : [   4] sumka\sumka_4
* 512.1 : [   1] ui\ui_arty_interface
* 576.1 : [   4] sap\sap_star_of_ph
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_9a91
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_galilscope
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_grenade_launcher
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_grenade_launcher_m203
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_1p59
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_pso-1m2-1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_pso1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_pu
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_susat
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_susat_sk4
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aek971
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aek971_sk2
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak105_body
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak12
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_akm
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_akm_gadgem
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_akm_gadges
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_akm_gadget
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_akms_gadges
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_akn
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aks74
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aks75
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aks76
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aks77
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ar15
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aug
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aug_sk4
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aug_sk5
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_cz75
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_cz75_sk1
* 682.2 : [   6] wpn\wpn_dao12
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_fn2000
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_fn2000_sk1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_fn2000_sk2
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_fn2000_sk3
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_fnp45
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_fnp46
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_fnp47
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_fnx45_sk2
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_g35
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_g3sg1_sk1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_g4
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_galil_sk3
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_glock19
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_glock19_sk1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_glock19_sk2
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_grach
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_grach_sk1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_gsh18
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_lr300
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_lr302
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_lr303
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_m16a2
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_m17
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_m1891
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_m1891_scope
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_m1891_wood
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_m4a1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_m4a3
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_m4a5
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_m590a2
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_mosin_scope
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_mp133_sk1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_mp133_sk2
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_mp153
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_mp153_sk1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_mp412
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_oc33
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_rpk74m
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_rpk_body
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_rpk_bodz
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_rpk_grips
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_rpk_gripz
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_scar
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_sig551
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_sig553
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_sv98
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_toz194
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_toz194_sk1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_toz66
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_toz66_sk1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_toz66_sk2
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_toz66_sk3
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_tt33_sk1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ump45
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ump45_sk1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ump45_sk2
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_us2
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_val
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_vihr
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_vsk94
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_vz61
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_vz61_sk2
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_vz61_sk4
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_vz61_sk5
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_type63
* 768.1 : [  14] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_1
* 768.1 : [  40] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_2
* 768.1 : [  18] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_3
* 768.1 : [  14] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_5
* 768.1 : [  40] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_1
* 768.1 : [  24] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_2
* 768.1 : [  36] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_3
* 768.1 : [  32] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_4
* 768.1 : [  32] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_5
* 768.1 : [   6] sky\af3_blowout\blowout1
* 768.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout1_1
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout2
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout2_night
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3
* 768.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_1
* 768.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_1_night
* 768.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_2
* 768.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_2_night
* 768.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_3
* 768.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_3_night
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_night
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4
* 768.1 : [   3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_1
* 768.1 : [   3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_1_night
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_night
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5_night
* 768.1 : [   7] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5psi
* 768.1 : [   7] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5psi_night
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout6
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout6_night
* 768.1 : [   3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout7
* 768.1 : [   4] sky\af3_blowout\blowout7_night
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\00-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\00-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  25] sky\af3_clear\00-00-nm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\01-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\01-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  37] sky\af3_clear\01-00-nm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\02-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\02-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  25] sky\af3_clear\02-00-nm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\03-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\03-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\04-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\04-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\04-30
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\22-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\22-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\23-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\23-00-hm
* 768.1 : [   6] sky\af3_cloudy\19-00
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_cloudy\20-00
* 768.1 : [  16] sky\af3_foggy\06-00
* 768.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\07-00
* 768.1 : [  19] sky\af3_foggy\09-00
* 768.1 : [  40] sky\af3_foggy\10-00
* 768.1 : [  10] sky\af3_foggy\11-00
* 768.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\12-00
* 768.1 : [  27] sky\af3_foggy\13-00
* 768.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\14-00
* 768.1 : [  19] sky\af3_foggy\15-00
* 768.1 : [  19] sky\af3_foggy\16-00
* 768.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\17-00
* 768.1 : [  19] sky\af3_foggy\18-00
* 768.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\19-00
* 768.1 : [  22] sky\af3_foggy\20-00
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\00-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\00-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  25] sky\af3_partly\00-00-nm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\01-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\01-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  38] sky\af3_partly\01-00-nm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\02-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\02-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  24] sky\af3_partly\02-00-nm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\03-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\03-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\04-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\04-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\22-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\22-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\23-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\23-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  26] sky\af3_rainy\07-00
* 768.1 : [  30] sky\af3_rainy\09-00_19-00
* 768.1 : [  58] sky\af3_rainy\13-00
* 768.1 : [  24] sky\af3_rainy\15-00
* 768.1 : [  31] sky\af3_rainy\15-00-2
* 768.1 : [  44] sky\af3_rainy\16-00
* 768.1 : [  32] sky\af3_rainy\20-00
* 768.1 : [   5] sky\sky_12_vibros_cube
* 768.1 : [  26] sky\sky_13_cube
* 768.1 : [  16] sky\sky_13_cube_night
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\sky_13_vibros_cube
* 768.1 : [  10] sky\sky_14_cube
* 768.1 : [   4] sky\sky_17_clouds_cube
* 768.1 : [   4] sky\sky_17_cube
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\sky_18_cube
* 768.1 : [  11] sky\sky_19_cube
* 768.1 : [   4] sky\sky_1_clouds_cube
* 768.1 : [   4] sky\sky_20_clouds_cube
* 768.1 : [   6] sky\sky_20_cube
* 768.1 : [   4] sky\sky_2_clouds_cube
* 768.1 : [   4] sky\sky_2_cube
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\sky_3_cube
* 768.1 : [   3] sky\sky_4_cube
* 768.1 : [  32] sky\sky_5_cube
* 768.1 : [   7] sky\sky_6_cube
* 768.1 : [  11] sky\sky_7_cube
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\sky_8_cube
* 768.1 : [  49] sky\sky_9_cube
* 1024.1 : [   4] act\act_mtalker
* 1024.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_dolg_8_8_
* 1024.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_merc_2
* 1024.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_mercen_2
* 1024.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_monolith_3
* 1024.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral_2
* 1024.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral_3
* 1024.1 : [   4] act\metro\act_att_gasmask_maska
* 1024.1 : [   1] amik\explosions\decal_concrete
* 1024.1 : [   1] amik\explosions\explo_end
* 1024.1 : [   1] amik\explosions\explosion_fuelcan\boom_3
* 1024.1 : [   1] amik\explosions\explosion_fuelcan\grey_xpl
* 1024.1 : [   1] amik\hit_fx\water_splash\water_splash_anim
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_1
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_2
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_3
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_4
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_5
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_6
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_7
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_phase_1
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_phase_2
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_phase_3
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_phase_4
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_phase_5
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_phase_6
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_phase_7
* 1024.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_ani-explosion-02
* 1024.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_ani-explosion-02-b-a
* 1024.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_ani-explosion-02a
* 1024.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_explotions_2
* 1024.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_explotions_4
* 1024.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_explotions_smoke
* 1024.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_explotions_smoke_benzine
* 1024.1 : [   1] shoker_mod\explosions\final_expl
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_mp_screen
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_multiplayer_background
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_multiplayer_game_menu
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_sleep_screen
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_common
* 1024.1 : [   4] wpn\wpn_bolt
* 1024.1 : [   1] wpn\wpn_crosshair_class
* 1024.1 : [   1] wpn\wpn_crosshair_fn2000
* 1024.1 : [   1] wpn\wpn_crosshair_l85
* 1363.3 : [   4] act\act_stalker_sviter
* 1364.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_l96
* 1364.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_skw
* 1364.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svt
* 1364.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svt_sk2
* 1364.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svu-n
* 1364.3 : [   4] act\act_arm_sviter_1
* 1364.3 : [   4] bodies\it_organs_13rs
* 1792.9 : [   6] item\item_detector_1
* 2048.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_soldier_v
* 2048.1 : [   4] akt\act_arm_mono_1
* 2048.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_cc_lightings
* 2048.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_hint_wnd
* 2048.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_weapons
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\05-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\05-30
* 3072.1 : [  66] sky\af3_clear\06-00
* 3072.1 : [  34] sky\af3_clear\07-00
* 3072.1 : [  34] sky\af3_clear\08-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\09-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\10-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\11-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\12-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\13-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\14-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\15-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\16-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\17-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\18-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\19-00
* 3072.1 : [  66] sky\af3_clear\20-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\20-30
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\21-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\21-30
* 3072.1 : [   6] sky\af3_cloudy\05-00
* 3072.1 : [  12] sky\af3_cloudy\06-00
* 3072.1 : [  11] sky\af3_cloudy\07-00
* 3072.1 : [  19] sky\af3_cloudy\08-00
* 3072.1 : [  24] sky\af3_cloudy\09-00
* 3072.1 : [  12] sky\af3_cloudy\10-00
* 3072.1 : [  12] sky\af3_cloudy\11-00
* 3072.1 : [  19] sky\af3_cloudy\12-00
* 3072.1 : [  11] sky\af3_cloudy\13-00
* 3072.1 : [  38] sky\af3_cloudy\14-00
* 3072.1 : [  29] sky\af3_cloudy\15-00
* 3072.1 : [  11] sky\af3_cloudy\16-00
* 3072.1 : [  19] sky\af3_cloudy\17-00
* 3072.1 : [  22] sky\af3_cloudy\18-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\04-30
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\05-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\05-30
* 3072.1 : [  66] sky\af3_partly\06-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\07-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\08-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\09-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\10-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\11-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\12-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\13-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\14-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\15-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\16-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\17-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\18-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\19-00
* 3072.1 : [  66] sky\af3_partly\20-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\20-30
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\21-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\21-30
* 8193.0 : [   4] item\item_detector_3
* 32768.1 : [   1] ui\ui_icon_equipment
"c:\users\admin\desktop\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. last day 1.3\bin\xrengine.exe" 
Call of Chernobyl version 1.4.22
using marshal library
* sound : cache: 65537 kb, 4856 lines, 13820 bpl
* phase time: 1548 ms
* phase cmem: 1107056 K
* phase time: 51 ms
* phase cmem: 1107056 K
* Loading spawn registry...
* 18652 spawn points are successfully loaded
* Loading objects...
* 37292 objects are successfully loaded
* Game admin - autosave is successfully loaded from file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - autosave.scop' (2.098s)
* phase time: 2097 ms
* phase cmem: 1173151 K
* phase time: 67 ms
* phase cmem: 1173218 K
* phase time: 51 ms
* phase cmem: 1173218 K
* WARNING: player not logged in
* client : connection accepted - <All Ok>
* phase time: 56 ms
* phase cmem: 1173252 K
* phase time: 66 ms
* phase cmem: 1181808 K
* phase time: 4702 ms
* phase cmem: 1305388 K
compiling shader simple
compiling shader simple_point
compiling shader simple_spot
compiling shader vert
compiling shader vert
compiling shader vert_point
compiling shader vert_spot
compiling shader vert_l
compiling shader vert_l
compiling shader base_lplanes
compiling shader wmark
compiling shader wmark_point
compiling shader wmark_spot
compiling shader wmarkmult
compiling shader lmap
compiling shader lmap
compiling shader lmap_point
compiling shader lmap_spot
compiling shader lmap_l
compiling shader lmap_l
compiling shader impl_dt
compiling shader impl_dt
compiling shader impl_point
compiling shader impl_spot
compiling shader impl_l
compiling shader impl_l
compiling shader water
compiling shader water
compiling shader waterd
compiling shader waterd
compiling shader tree_s
compiling shader tree_s_point
compiling shader tree_s_spot
compiling shader lod
compiling shader lod
compiling shader tree_w
compiling shader tree_w_point
compiling shader tree_w_spot
compiling shader avg4
* phase time: 533 ms
* phase cmem: 1306572 K
* [Loading VB] 65529 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65514 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65530 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65528 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 30185 verts, 943 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65532 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65532 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65530 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 61949 verts, 1935 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65532 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65532 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 17768 verts, 555 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048572 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048572 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048572 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 517158 indices, 1010 Kb
* phase time: 143 ms
* phase cmem: 1411516 K
* phase time: 131 ms
* phase cmem: 1416007 K
compiling shader detail
compiling shader detail_wave
compiling shader detail_still
* [DETAILS] VertexConsts(256), Batch(61)
* [DETAILS] 40199 v(20), 21716 p
* [DETAILS] Batch(61), VB(785K), IB(127K)
* phase time: 100 ms
* phase cmem: 1424967 K
* Loading HOM: c:\users\admin\desktop\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. last day 1.3\gamedata\levels\zaton\level.hom
* phase time: 72 ms
* phase cmem: 1425219 K
* phase time: 51 ms
* phase cmem: 1416664 K
* phase time: 49 ms
* phase cmem: 1416664 K
* t-report - base: 1729, 548617 K
* t-report - lmap: 28, 28675 K
* WARNING: player not logged in
* phase time: 2517 ms
* phase cmem: 1580031 K
* phase time: 57 ms
* phase cmem: 1580031 K
* [win32]: free[1846784 K], reserved[268908 K], committed[2078548 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[602770 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1580031 K], game lua[42118 K], render[1265 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[59974 K], smem[14813 K]
utils.load_var failed for drx_sl_quest_stash_2_id
task_functor.under_faction_control_target_id is nil
task_functor.under_faction_control_target_id is nil
task_functor.under_faction_control_target_id is nil
task_functor.under_faction_control_target_id is nil
task_functor.under_faction_control_target_id is nil
collectgarbage before=42784932Kb
collectgarbage after=42142192Kb
squad simulation_snork0069 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper2947 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_novice8393 has no target
squad simulation_dog_5_710182 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_novice16661 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper18841 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper18910 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced18938 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_novice18958 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran19000 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced19744 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_red19893 has no target
squad merc_sim_squad_advanced19908 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs20107 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_novice20258 has no target
squad army_sim_squad_advanced20276 has no target
squad army_sim_squad_novice20307 has no target
squad army_sim_squad_veteran20330 has no target
squad simulation_cat20695 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper20783 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran20789 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran20823 has no target
squad ecolog_sim_squad_veteran20923 has no target
squad simulation_boar20973 has no target
squad simulation_cat21289 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced21444 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran21499 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced21609 has no target
squad stalker_sim_squad_veteran21646 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_red22028 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_522034 has no target
squad simulation_cat22118 has no target
squad simulation_dog22125 has no target
squad simulation_snork22217 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog22612 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_red22631 has no target
squad simulation_dog_5_722685 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced22956 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_novice22987 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced22996 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_novice23048 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_red23079 has no target
squad simulation_cat23136 has no target
squad simulation_cat23170 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_novice23203 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_novice23346 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_novice23394 has no target
squad ecolog_sim_squad_advanced_2e_2ls_1ss23476 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_novice23509 has no target
squad simulation_cat23526 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog23536 has no target
squad simulation_cat23541 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano23544 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_523557 has no target
squad simulation_chimera23569 has no target
squad simulation_burer23571 has no target
squad simulation_fracture23597 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog23807 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_veteran23967 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_novice23997 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_524040 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_advanced24062 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_novice24099 has no target
squad merc_sim_squad_veteran24471 has no target
squad simulation_hostile_killer24495 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_advanced24711 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_524750 has no target
squad simulation_snork24851 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano24854 has no target
squad simulation_dog24863 has no target
squad simulation_psy_dog24864 has no target
squad simulation_gigant_2weak24866 has no target
squad simulation_boar24928 has no target
squad simulation_boar24961 has no target
squad simulation_cat24965 has no target
squad simulation_dog24969 has no target
squad simulation_psy_dog24972 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano24997 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs25000 has no target
squad simulation_cat25014 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano25017 has no target
squad simulation_cat25041 has no target
squad simulation_hostile_killer25087 has no target
squad simulation_dog25092 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran25442 has no target
squad simulation_contr_5dog25474 has no target
squad simulation_cat25575 has no target
squad simulation_controller25577 has no target
squad simulation_psy_dog25599 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced25632 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran25653 has no target
squad simulation_dog25777 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_black25820 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano25845 has no target
squad simulation_dog26047 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog26074 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper26095 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_novice26167 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced26172 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced26186 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_2weak26238 has no target
squad simulation_gigant26241 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs26243 has no target
squad simulation_cat26246 has no target
squad simulation_cat26255 has no target
squad simulation_psy_dog_squad26258 has no target
squad army_sim_squad_veteran26306 has no target
squad simulation_chimera26344 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced26396 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran26429 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper26459 has no target
squad ecolog_sim_squad_advanced26477 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_veteran26585 has no target
squad simulation_dog_5_726698 has no target
squad ecolog_sim_squad_advanced26699 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran26784 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran26815 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran26915 has no target
squad simulation_boar27065 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog27079 has no target
squad simulation_dog27082 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano27085 has no target
squad simulation_cat27091 has no target
squad simulation_cat27093 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced27105 has no target
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squad simulation_boar27547 has no target
squad merc_sim_squad_veteran27565 has no target
squad simulation_snork27586 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano27590 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran27595 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran27608 has no target
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squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced27717 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran27739 has no target
squad simulation_fracture27764 has no target
squad simulation_snork27769 has no target
squad simulation_snork27772 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog27776 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs27778 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_black27782 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_527918 has no target
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squad bandit_sim_squad_veteran28080 has no target
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squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper28239 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper28267 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran28276 has no target
squad simulation_contr_4zomb_str28319 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_black28335 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs28337 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_528340 has no target
squad simulation_contr_2sn_4zomb28344 has no target
squad merc_sim_squad_novice28422 has no target
squad stalker_sim_squad_advanced28478 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano28505 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano28509 has no target
squad simulation_mix_boar_flesh28519 has no target
squad simulation_cat28524 has no target
squad simulation_mix_boar_flesh28527 has no target
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squad simulation_pseudodog28536 has no target
squad simulation_fracture28659 has no target
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squad ecolog_sim_squad_veteran29576 has no target
squad simulation_rats29583 has no target
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squad simulation_tushkano_7_1029619 has no target
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squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran29744 has no target
squad stalker_sim_squad_advanced29803 has no target
squad merc_sim_squad_advanced29845 has no target
squad simulation_cat29863 has no target
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squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper30028 has no target
squad ecolog_sim_squad_advanced30090 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_advanced30114 has no target
squad ecolog_sim_squad_advanced30125 has no target
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squad army_sim_squad_novice30468 has no target
squad simulation_cat30469 has no target
squad simulation_dog30605 has no target
squad simulation_cat30610 has no target
squad simulation_dog_5_730614 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano30619 has no target
squad stalker_sim_squad_novice30626 has no target
squad simulation_rat30632 has no target
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squad simulation_bloodsucker_red31540 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran31756 has no target
squad simulation_snork31790 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano32055 has no target
squad simulation_snork32071 has no target
squad simulation_cat32075 has no target
squad simulation_cat32078 has no target
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squad simulation_poltergeist_tele32781 has no target
squad simulation_snork32798 has no target
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squad simulation_dog33109 has no target
squad simulation_boar33113 has no target
squad simulation_rat33336 has no target
squad simulation_snork33576 has no target
squad simulation_snork33590 has no target
squad simulation_dog33594 has no target
squad simulation_rats33598 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano33606 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog33609 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano_7_1033612 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano33620 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog33768 has no target
squad simulation_boar33770 has no target
squad simulation_boar33774 has no target
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squad simulation_boar34092 has no target
squad simulation_rats34564 has no target
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squad simulation_pseudodog36616 has no target
squad simulation_dog_5_736619 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs36642 has no target
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squad simulation_boar37377 has no target
squad simulation_dog37396 has no target
squad simulation_snork37655 has no target
squad simulation_dog37662 has no target
squad simulation_cat37923 has no target
squad simulation_snork38410 has no target
squad simulation_boar38671 has no target
squad simulation_burer38690 has no target
squad simulation_controller38692 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran38726 has no target
squad simulation_rat38757 has no target
squad simulation_snork38828 has no target
squad simulation_fracture38831 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano38833 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog38837 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_black38853 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran38855 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran38870 has no target
squad simulation_dog38926 has no target
squad simulation_dog38948 has no target
squad simulation_dog38952 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs38992 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano38995 has no target
squad stalker_sim_squad_advanced39008 has no target
squad simulation_cat39031 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano39072 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran39087 has no target
squad simulation_snork39446 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_black39448 has no target
squad simulation_snork39481 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_539487 has no target
squad simulation_flesh39540 has no target
squad simulation_flesh39574 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano39577 has no target
squad simulation_boar39582 has no target
squad ecolog_sim_squad_advanced39595 has no target
squad merc_sim_squad_novice39615 has no target
squad simulation_dog40202 has no target
squad simulation_flesh40212 has no target
squad simulation_dog40215 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_novice40249 has no target
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squad bandit_sim_squad_advanced40290 has no target
squad simulation_snork40299 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_novice40310 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs40328 has no target
squad simulation_dog_5_740334 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_540344 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_540350 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs41227 has no target
squad stalker_sim_squad_advanced41247 has no target
squad stalker_sim_squad_advanced41273 has no target
squad simulation_dog41274 has no target
squad simulation_rat41303 has no target
squad simulation_fracture41323 has no target
squad simulation_cat41325 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_novice41358 has no target
squad simulation_psy_dog_squad41375 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_black41383 has no target
squad simulation_psy_dog41404 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran41427 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_red41467 has no target
squad simulation_gigant41536 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_541538 has no target
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squad simulation_chimera41543 has no target
squad simulation_burer41617 has no target
squad ecolog_sim_squad_advanced41734 has no target
squad stalker_sim_squad_advanced41750 has no target
squad simulation_mix_boar_flesh41754 has no target
squad merc_sim_squad_novice41777 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced41813 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran41837 has no target
squad simulation_fracture41879 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano41916 has no target
squad simulation_boar41935 has no target
squad simulation_snork41943 has no target
squad simulation_boar41950 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano41957 has no target
squad freedom_sim_squad_advanced41963 has no target
squad simulation_snork42042 has no target
squad simulation_dog42049 has no target
squad simulation_snork42052 has no target
squad simulation_snork42055 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_black42072 has no target
squad simulation_cat42503 has no target
squad simulation_controller42517 has no target
squad simulation_chimera42519 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_black42521 has no target
squad simulation_fracture42726 has no target
squad simulation_dog43264 has no target
squad simulation_gigant43328 has no target
squad simulation_dog43330 has no target
squad simulation_snork43334 has no target
squad simulation_psy_dog_squad43338 has no target
squad simulation_dog43384 has no target
squad simulation_cat43389 has no target
squad simulation_dog43408 has no target
squad simulation_psysucker43414 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker43416 has no target
squad simulation_snork43420 has no target
squad simulation_cat43427 has no target
squad simulation_cat43430 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran43458 has no target
squad army_sim_squad_veteran43798 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced43868 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_advanced43907 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_veteran43913 has no target
squad simulation_snork44033 has no target
squad simulation_snork44049 has no target
squad simulation_cat44074 has no target
squad simulation_rats44076 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog44085 has no target
squad simulation_boar44087 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano44093 has no target
squad simulation_cat45121 has no target
squad simulation_cat45314 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced46080 has no target
squad simulation_cat46343 has no target
squad simulation_cat46372 has no target
squad simulation_cat46374 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran46607 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran46637 has no target
squad simulation_boar46655 has no target
squad simulation_flesh46676 has no target
squad simulation_dog46696 has no target
squad simulation_boar46759 has no target
squad simulation_rats46792 has no target
squad simulation_dog46804 has no target
squad simulation_cat46820 has no target
squad simulation_dog48145 has no target
squad simulation_cat48388 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_novice49419 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_novice52500 has no target
squad freedom_sim_squad_veteran55046 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_novice64047 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_novice39631 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran23251 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced20752 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran25054 has no target
intro_start game_loaded
* MEMORY USAGE: 1613284 K
* End of synchronization A[1] R[1]
intro_delete ::update_game_loaded
main_menu on console command is executed
* [win32]: free[1800444 K], reserved[179908 K], committed[2213888 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[617032 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1620353 K], game lua[40204 K], render[1265 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[65292 K], smem[14824 K]
* [win32]: free[1795276 K], reserved[179948 K], committed[2219016 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[622160 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1623542 K], game lua[40222 K], render[1265 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[65292 K], smem[14824 K]
- Disconnect
- Destroying level
*  0.0 : [  70] $null
*  0.0 : [   2] $user$cmap0
*  0.0 : [   2] $user$cmap1
*  0.0 : [   3] $user$distort
*  0.0 : [ 738] $user$projector
*  0.0 : [   6] $user$rendertarget
*  0.0 : [   5] $user$rendertarget_color_map
*  0.0 : [   1] $user$sky0
*  0.0 : [   1] $user$sky1
*  0.0 : [   1] $user$tonemap
*  0.0 : [   3] prop\prop_lampa_g_red2
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_spark_02
*  0.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_spark_01
*  0.2 : [   3] wpn\wpn_protecta_dots
*  0.2 : [   1] pfx\pfx_step_blood
*  0.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_bubble
*  0.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_leaves_01
*  0.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_leaves_02
*  0.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_splash3
*  0.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_splash_02
*  0.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_synus
*  0.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_vehmetaldebris_01
*  0.3 : [   1] prop\prop_provod_02
*  0.3 : [   4] prop\prop_provod_03
*  0.4 : [   1] glow\glow_anamorphic
*  0.4 : [   1] glow\glow_rays
*  0.4 : [   3] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_blue_lense
*  0.4 : [   1] map\map_nomap
*  0.6 : [ 726] internal\internal_light_attclip
*  0.7 : [   4] act\act_stalker_head_glass_02
*  0.7 : [   4] mtl\mtl_bochka_02
*  0.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_concretedebris_01
*  1.1 : [   3] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_red_lense
*  1.3 : [   6] act\act_stalker_head_glass
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_21
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_bubble_1
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_bubble_water
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist2
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist2inv
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist3
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist4
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist7
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist8
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist9
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist_glass
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist_teleport
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_distort_anomaly
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_distortion
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flash_05
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flash_07
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_smoke_b
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_specks
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_specks_poison
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_spikey_star
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_splash_01
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_stonedebris1
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_stonedebris2
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_vehglassdebris_01
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_water_wave
*  1.4 : [   3] artifact\artifact_eye
*  1.4 : [   4] item\item_key_1
*  1.4 : [   1] artifact\artifact_glow
*  1.4 : [   1] fx\fx_rain
*  1.4 : [   1] fx\fx_sun_rise
*  1.4 : [   1] glow\glow_orange2
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_asfalt_1
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_asfalt_2
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_asfalt_3
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_brick_1
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_brick_2
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_1
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_2
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_4
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_5
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_6
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_7
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_ground
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_ground_1
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_ground_2
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik_1
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik_2
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik_3
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_1
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_2
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_3
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_4
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_1
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_2
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_3
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_4
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_5
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_6
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_7
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_8
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_9
*  2.7 : [   4] prop\prop_speakerphone
*  2.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_electrostatic
*  2.7 : [   4] prop\prop_box_3
*  2.7 : [   4] prop\prop_elec_kran
*  2.7 : [   1] prop\prop_fake_bed_fireplace
*  2.7 : [   4] prop\prop_instrument_2
*  2.7 : [   4] prop\prop_lock
*  2.7 : [   4] prop\prop_teapot_1
*  2.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_pkm_lenta
*  2.7 : [   4] act\act_pseudodog_fur
*  2.7 : [   4] act\act_pseudodog_fur1
*  2.7 : [   4] mtl\mtl_truba_pod_01
*  2.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist_glass3
*  2.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_smokepuffs2
*  2.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_sparks
*  2.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_sparks2
*  2.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_woodchips1
*  2.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_woodchips3
*  2.7 : [   4] act\act_jimmy_glaz
*  2.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\trace_01
*  2.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\trace_01
*  2.7 : [   4] food\food_raw___dog
*  2.7 : [   4] food\food_raw_flesh
*  2.7 : [   4] item\item_battery
*  2.7 : [   4] item\item_jar
*  2.7 : [   4] item\item_meinkampf
*  2.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\dtk_3
*  3.0 : [   1] artifact\artifact_anim_dist
*  3.1 : [   5] sky\sky_12_vibros_cube#small
*  3.1 : [  26] sky\sky_13_cube#small
*  3.1 : [  16] sky\sky_13_cube_night#small
*  3.1 : [  12] sky\sky_13_vibros_cube#small
*  3.1 : [  10] sky\sky_14_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   4] sky\sky_17_clouds_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   4] sky\sky_17_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   8] sky\sky_18_cube#small
*  3.1 : [  11] sky\sky_19_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   4] sky\sky_1_clouds_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   4] sky\sky_20_clouds_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   4] sky\sky_20_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   4] sky\sky_2_clouds_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   4] sky\sky_2_cube#small
*  3.1 : [  12] sky\sky_3_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   3] sky\sky_4_cube#small
*  3.1 : [  30] sky\sky_5_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   7] sky\sky_6_cube#small
*  3.1 : [  11] sky\sky_7_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   8] sky\sky_8_cube#small
*  3.1 : [  49] sky\sky_9_cube#small
*  4.1 : [   1] fx\fx_flare1
*  4.1 : [   1] fx\fx_flare2
*  4.1 : [   1] fx\fx_flare3
*  4.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flamefx_01
*  4.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_g-smoke-01
*  4.1 : [   1] ui\cursor
*  5.3 : [   1] act\act_controller_hit
*  5.3 : [   1] act\act_controller_hit1
*  5.3 : [   6] act\act_stalker_nauch_glass
*  5.3 : [   4] act\variation mod\act_neutral\gas_mask_glass
*  5.3 : [   4] door\door_sheet
*  5.3 : [   4] door\door_w01
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_1
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_16
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_17
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_19
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_3
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_4
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_5
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_6
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_8
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_88
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_9
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_blurry_cloud
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_brick
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_light
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_light1
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_light3
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_light4
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_lightning_01
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_lightning_02
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_ligth_6
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_plasma
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_smoke_a
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_sparks1
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_teleport
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_test_textures
*  5.3 : [   4] prop\prop_ballon2
*  5.3 : [   4] prop\prop_ballon3
*  5.3 : [   4] prop\prop_bottle_box
*  5.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_pkm_decals
*  5.4 : [   4] item\item_hammer
*  5.4 : [   1] amik\nature\stonedebris1
*  5.4 : [   1] glow\glow_04
*  5.4 : [   1] glow\glow_fire1
*  5.4 : [   1] glow\glow_fire1_soc
*  5.4 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flash_02
*  5.4 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flash_08
*  5.4 : [   1] shoker_mod\explosions\firesmokeparticle
*  5.4 : [   1] wm\wm_grenade
*  5.4 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_dead
*  5.4 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_horiz
*  5.4 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_blood
*  5.4 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_wood
*  5.4 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_wood1
*  5.4 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_wood2
*  5.4 : [   1] amik\weapons\6ways2
*  5.4 : [   1] amik\weapons\btr\muzzle 6ways2
*  5.4 : [   1] amik\nature\list
*  5.4 : [   1] amik\nature\wood_part
*  5.4 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\trail
*  6.1 : [  14] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_1#small
*  6.1 : [  40] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_2#small
*  6.1 : [  18] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_3#small
*  6.1 : [  14] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_5#small
*  6.1 : [  40] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_1#small
*  6.1 : [  24] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_2#small
*  6.1 : [  36] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_3#small
*  6.1 : [  32] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_4#small
*  6.1 : [  32] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_5#small
*  6.1 : [   6] sky\af3_blowout\blowout1#small
*  6.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout1_1#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout2#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout2_night#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3#small
*  6.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_1#small
*  6.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_1_night#small
*  6.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_2#small
*  6.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_2_night#small
*  6.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_3#small
*  6.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_3_night#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_night#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4#small
*  6.1 : [   3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_1#small
*  6.1 : [   3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_1_night#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_night#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5_night#small
*  6.1 : [   7] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5psi#small
*  6.1 : [   7] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5psi_night#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout6#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout6_night#small
*  6.1 : [   3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout7#small
*  6.1 : [   4] sky\af3_blowout\blowout7_night#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\00-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\00-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  25] sky\af3_clear\00-00-nm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\01-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\01-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  37] sky\af3_clear\01-00-nm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\02-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\02-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  25] sky\af3_clear\02-00-nm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\03-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\03-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\04-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\04-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\04-30#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\05-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\05-30#small
*  6.1 : [  66] sky\af3_clear\06-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\07-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\08-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\09-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\10-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\11-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\12-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\13-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\14-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\15-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\16-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\17-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\18-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\19-00#small
*  6.1 : [  66] sky\af3_clear\20-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\20-30#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\21-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\21-30#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\22-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\22-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\23-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\23-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [   6] sky\af3_cloudy\05-00#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_cloudy\06-00#small
*  6.1 : [  11] sky\af3_cloudy\07-00#small
*  6.1 : [  19] sky\af3_cloudy\08-00#small
*  6.1 : [  24] sky\af3_cloudy\09-00#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_cloudy\10-00#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_cloudy\11-00#small
*  6.1 : [  19] sky\af3_cloudy\12-00#small
*  6.1 : [  11] sky\af3_cloudy\13-00#small
*  6.1 : [  38] sky\af3_cloudy\14-00#small
*  6.1 : [  29] sky\af3_cloudy\15-00#small
*  6.1 : [  11] sky\af3_cloudy\16-00#small
*  6.1 : [  19] sky\af3_cloudy\17-00#small
*  6.1 : [  22] sky\af3_cloudy\18-00#small
*  6.1 : [   6] sky\af3_cloudy\19-00#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_cloudy\20-00#small
*  6.1 : [  16] sky\af3_foggy\06-00#small
*  6.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\07-00#small
*  6.1 : [  19] sky\af3_foggy\09-00#small
*  6.1 : [  40] sky\af3_foggy\10-00#small
*  6.1 : [  10] sky\af3_foggy\11-00#small
*  6.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\12-00#small
*  6.1 : [  27] sky\af3_foggy\13-00#small
*  6.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\14-00#small
*  6.1 : [  19] sky\af3_foggy\15-00#small
*  6.1 : [  19] sky\af3_foggy\16-00#small
*  6.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\17-00#small
*  6.1 : [  19] sky\af3_foggy\18-00#small
*  6.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\19-00#small
*  6.1 : [  22] sky\af3_foggy\20-00#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\00-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\00-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  25] sky\af3_partly\00-00-nm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\01-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\01-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  38] sky\af3_partly\01-00-nm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\02-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\02-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  24] sky\af3_partly\02-00-nm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\03-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\03-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\04-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\04-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\04-30#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\05-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\05-30#small
*  6.1 : [  66] sky\af3_partly\06-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\07-00#small
*  6.1 : [  34] sky\af3_partly\08-00#small
*  6.1 : [  34] sky\af3_partly\09-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\10-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\11-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\12-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\13-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\14-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\15-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\16-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\17-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\18-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\19-00#small
*  6.1 : [  66] sky\af3_partly\20-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\20-30#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\21-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\21-30#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\22-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\22-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\23-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\23-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  26] sky\af3_rainy\07-00#small
*  6.1 : [  30] sky\af3_rainy\09-00_19-00#small
*  6.1 : [  58] sky\af3_rainy\13-00#small
*  6.1 : [  24] sky\af3_rainy\15-00#small
*  6.1 : [  31] sky\af3_rainy\15-00-2#small
*  6.1 : [  44] sky\af3_rainy\16-00#small
*  6.1 : [  32] sky\af3_rainy\20-00#small
*  7.1 : [   1] artifact\artifact_anim_lightning
*  7.1 : [   4] wpn\wpn_g36_scope
*  8.1 : [   1] admin - quicksave10
*  8.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_gologramma
*  8.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\fake_shells
*  8.1 : [   1] ui\ui_fog_of_war
* 10.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_vog
* 10.7 : [   4] door\door_white_04
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_electricalunit3
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_kanistra
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_dog_red
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_dogs_big
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_dogs_black
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_dogs_brown
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_dogs_bulterer
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_green_stalker_head_3
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_green_stalker_head_3_mask
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_head2
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_pseudodog
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_rat01
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_ratn1
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_ratn2
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_ratn3
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_ryukzak
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_ryukzak_black
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_stalker_head_antigas_2
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_stalker_head_antigas_9
* 10.7 : [   4] door\door_katakomb_01
* 10.7 : [   4] door\door_white_02
* 10.7 : [   4] mtl\mtl_shkaf
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_blind01
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_dangerbox_2
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_el_shkaf_01
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_freez
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_item2
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_item3
* 10.7 : [   6] prop\prop_iten4
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_kitchen_stuff
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_plita
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_spade
* 10.7 : [   4] wood\wood_plank6
* 10.7 : [   4] wood\wood_table_02
* 10.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aksu_synth
* 10.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_protecta_sights
* 10.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_walter99_mag
* 10.7 : [   4] glas\glas_dirt
* 10.7 : [   4] mtl\mtl_barrel_02
* 10.7 : [   4] mtl\mtl_barrel_04
* 10.7 : [   4] mtl\mtl_barrel_05
* 10.7 : [   4] mtl\mtl_truba_pod_02
* 10.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_2
* 10.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_23
* 10.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_2_green
* 10.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_7
* 10.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_concretepuffs_01
* 10.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_lighting_stancia_01
* 10.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_lighting_stancia_02
* 10.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_smokepuffs1
* 10.7 : [   1] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_shells1
* 10.7 : [   1] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_shells2
* 10.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\dtk_5
* 10.7 : [   3] artifact\artifact_mp_green
* 10.7 : [   4] artifact\artifact_myasorubka2
* 10.7 : [   4] artifact\artifact_myasorubka3
* 10.7 : [   4] fx\fx_noise2
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_block_notes
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_calibrate_tools
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_cards
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_document_01
* 10.7 : [   6] item\item_gazmask1
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_gazmask3
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_medic1
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_medkit
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_medkit_2
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_medkit_3
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_medkit_4
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_parts
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_rebirth
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_small_tools
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_yad
* 10.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_bullet1_556
* 10.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_bullet1_939
* 10.7 : [   1] amik\anomaly\electric_radial
* 10.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\6ways1
* 10.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\btr\muzzle 6ways1
* 10.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\dtk_4
* 10.7 : [   1] amik\hit_fx\water_splash\water_spurt
* 10.7 : [   1] artifact\artifact_fire_light
* 10.7 : [   1] lights\lights_cone_handing_lamp
* 10.7 : [   1] lights\lights_ray1
* 10.7 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_blood1
* 10.7 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_metal
* 10.7 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_ston
* 13.3 : [   3] artifact\artifact_lava
* 16.1 : [   4] act\act_specnaz_glass
* 16.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\mg42out
* 16.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\trace
* 16.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\mg42out
* 16.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\trace
* 16.1 : [   1] fx\fx_rainsplash1
* 16.1 : [   1] fx\fx_volumefog1
* 16.1 : [ 726] internal\internal_light_att
* 16.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flame
* 16.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flash_01
* 16.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_gradient
* 16.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_gradient1
* 16.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_arial_14_1024
* 16.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_hud_01
* 16.1 : [   1] ui\ui_grid
* 16.1 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_drop_1
* 16.1 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_drop_2
* 16.1 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_drop_3
* 16.1 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_drop_4
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_face_mask_05
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_face_mask_06
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_faces_2_01
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_face_01
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_face_mask_01
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_face_mask_02
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_face_mask_03
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_face_mask_04
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_face_mask_07
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_face_mask_08
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_face_zombie_01
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_faces_1_03
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_faces_1_08
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_faces_4_02
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_faces_4_03
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_faces_4_04
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_stalker_soldier_1
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_ryukzag
* 21.3 : [   4] door\door_ship_metall
* 21.3 : [   4] mtl\mtl_bochka_01
* 21.3 : [   4] mtl\mtl_pod_01
* 21.3 : [   4] prop\prop_instrument_1
* 21.3 : [   1] amik\weapons\dtk_2
* 21.4 : [   4] aa\aa_freon
* 21.4 : [   4] kdm_ammo\ammo_57x28\ammo_5.7x28_ap
* 21.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_raii
* 21.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_rail
* 21.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_rair
* 21.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_bullet1_545
* 21.4 : [   1] artifact\artifact_lighting
* 21.4 : [   3] artifact\artifact_sopli2
* 21.4 : [   1] glow\glow_blue
* 21.4 : [   4] glow\glow_ghost
* 21.4 : [   1] glow\glow_orange
* 21.4 : [   1] glow\glow_orange_bright
* 21.4 : [   1] glow\glow_white
* 21.4 : [   1] glow\glow_yellow
* 21.4 : [   4] item\item_goggles
* 21.4 : [   4] item\item_money
* 21.4 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist_lens_base
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_10
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_11
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_1_1
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_1_2
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_1_3
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_1_4
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_1_5
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_3
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_4
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_5
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_6
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_7
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_8
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_9
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_glass01
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_glass02
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_glass03
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_glass04
* 21.4 : [   1] amik\weapons\dtk_4_1
* 28.5 : [   4] wpn\wpn_g35_scope
* 32.1 : [   4] arsenal_mod\ammo\50_ae
* 32.1 : [   4] arsenal_mod\ammo\762x25_p
* 32.1 : [   4] arsenal_mod\ammo\762x25_ps
* 32.1 : [   1] fx\fx_lightning
* 32.1 : [   4] item\item_beans
* 32.1 : [   4] item\item_beer
* 32.1 : [   4] item\item_caffeine
* 32.1 : [   4] item\item_corn
* 32.1 : [   4] item\item_medkitai2
* 32.1 : [   4] item\item_tomato
* 32.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_ani-smoke-01
* 32.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_cc_lighting_grad2
* 32.1 : [   4] repair\repair_steel_wool
* 32.1 : [   4] sgm\item_psyhodelin
* 32.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_letter_16_1024
* 32.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_letter_18_1024
* 32.1 : [   1] ui\ui_magnifier2
* 33.0 : [   1] ui\ui_ani_cursor
* 42.5 : [   1] amik\weapons\9x39
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_head_mask
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_psevdogigant
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_monolith_rookie
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_nebo_1
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neut_2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral2d
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_soldierb4
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_trup_5
* 42.6 : [   6] wpn\wpn_upgrade
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_bure3
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_burer
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_ca2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_ca4
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_cat
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_cat2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_controlle2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_controller
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_free2old
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_himera
* 42.6 : [   6] act\act_krovosos_1
* 42.6 : [   3] act\act_krovosos_3
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_nauchniy_monolit
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_new_details_01
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_plot
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_pseudodog1
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_scientist_zombi_o
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_band_2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_bandit1az
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_bandit1bz
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_bandit1c
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_bandit_1
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_bandit_2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_bandit_3
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_bandit_3a
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_black
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_dolg2a
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_dolg3b
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_dolg_2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_dolg_2_2_
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_dolg_3
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_dolg_3000
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_dolgexo4a
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_dolgexo_4
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_dolgzom_2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_freedom2b
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_freedom4b
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_freedom_1
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_freedom_2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_merc4a
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_merc_5
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_mercen2b
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_mercen2c
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_mercexo_4
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_mercsuit1
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_monolith2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_monolith4a
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_monolith4b
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_monolith_2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_monolith_4
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_nebo_3
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral1a
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral1b
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral1c
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral1d
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral1e
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral1f
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral2a
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral2b
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral2c
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral2e
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral3a
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral4a
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral_1
* 42.6 : [   6] act\act_stalker_neutral_4
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_seva_1
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_soldier_4
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_trup_1
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_trup_2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_trup_3
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_trup_4
* 42.6 : [   4] wood\wood_collect
* 42.6 : [   4] wood\wood_walls8
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74m_gp
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74m_mag
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74m_mag_camog
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ammo
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_beretta_sk1
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_beretta_sk2
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_beretta_sk4
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_beretta_sk5
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_fort17
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_fort17_sk1
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_fort17_sk2
* 42.6 : [   6] wpn\wpn_gauss
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_grenade_40mm
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_grenade_rdg-m
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_grenade_rdg-s
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_knife_nr40
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_l85_susat
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_sig550_mag
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_sig550_mag_sk2
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svd_mag
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svd_mag_sk1
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svd_mag_sk3
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_vssk_sil
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_walter99_body
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_walter99_bodz
* 42.6 : [   4] act\variation mod\act_neutral\pockets_1a
* 42.6 : [   4] act\variation mod\act_neutral\pockets_1b
* 42.6 : [   4] act\variation mod\act_neutral\pockets_1e
* 42.7 : [   4] aa\aa_af_aac
* 42.7 : [   4] aa\aa_af_aam
* 42.7 : [   4] aa\aa_af_iam
* 42.7 : [   4] aa\aa_camelbak
* 42.7 : [   4] aa\aa_cooler
* 42.7 : [   4] aa\aa_frames
* 42.7 : [   4] aa\aa_kevlar
* 42.7 : [   4] act\metro\act_gasmask_metro_grey
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_shovel
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_spalnik
* 42.7 : [   4] aa\aa_plates
* 42.7 : [   4] aa\aa_surge
* 42.7 : [   4] act\act_exoskeleton
* 42.7 : [   4] act\act_face_26
* 42.7 : [   4] act\act_jimmy_face
* 42.7 : [   4] food\food_chimera
* 42.7 : [   4] food\food_protein
* 42.7 : [   4] food\food_raw_boar
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_ammo
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_book1
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_book2
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_book3
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_ckit
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_cutlery
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_drugskit
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_energy
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_foto1
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_grooming
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_guitar
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_jbox
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_kithunt
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_maps
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_milimap
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_mirror
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_s_guide
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_sack
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_swiss
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_tarp
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_universalpowerdevice
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_ustroystva
* 42.7 : [   4] item\med_bank
* 42.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_rail_1
* 42.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_docter_sight
* 42.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_fn2000_lens
* 42.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_k98_sil
* 42.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_scar_bullet
* 42.7 : [   1] amik\explosions\smoke_cannon
* 42.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\12x70
* 42.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\flameshoot_3
* 42.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\flameshoot_4
* 42.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\flameshoot_5
* 42.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\shells_12x70
* 42.7 : [   1] map\map_hospital
* 42.7 : [   1] map\map_l08u_brainlab
* 48.1 : [ 146] sky\sky_cube_weapons
* 64.1 : [   1] amik\static\gas_light\flame_zippo
* 64.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\dtk_6
* 64.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\dtk_8
* 64.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\flash_01
* 64.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\flash_02
* 64.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\flash_04
* 64.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\flash_05
* 64.1 : [   4] arsenal_mod\ammo\762x39_ap
* 64.1 : [   4] arsenal_mod\ammo\762x39_fmj
* 64.1 : [   4] arsenal_mod\ammo\762x51_ap
* 64.1 : [   4] arsenal_mod\ammo\762x51_fmj
* 64.1 : [   4] artifact\artifact_val000
* 64.1 : [   1] dinamic_hud\breath1
* 64.1 : [   1] dinamic_hud\breath2
* 64.1 : [   1] dinamic_hud\breath3
* 64.1 : [   1] dinamic_hud\breath5
* 64.1 : [   1] fx\fx_sun
* 64.1 : [   1] fx\fx_sun_fog
* 64.1 : [   1] fx\fx_sun_gradient
* 64.1 : [   1] fx\fx_sun_halo
* 64.1 : [   1] fx\fx_sun_morning
* 64.1 : [   1] fx\fx_thunderbolts_gradient
* 64.1 : [   1] fx\fx_thunderbolts_gradient_surge
* 64.1 : [1452] internal\internal_light_attpoint
* 64.1 : [   4] item\item_chili
* 64.1 : [   4] item\item_medkit_5
* 64.1 : [   4] item\jgut
* 64.1 : [   4] item\kielbasa
* 64.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_18
* 64.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_bloodsplash1
* 64.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flame_01
* 64.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_skinsplash1
* 64.1 : [   4] sap\sap_medal_01
* 64.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_console_02
* 64.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_graff_19_1024
* 64.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_graff_22_1024
* 64.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_hud_02
* 64.1 : [   1] ui\ui_hud_grenade_mark
* 64.1 : [   1] ui\ui_hud_hit_mark
* 85.2 : [   4] act\act_krovosos_new1
* 85.2 : [   4] act\act_mutant_boar
* 85.2 : [   4] act\act_mutant_boar_u
* 85.2 : [   4] act\act_stalker_nebo_2
* 85.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_usp_nimble
* 85.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_g43_body
* 85.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_k98_stock
* 85.3 : [   4] act\act_face_her9
* 85.3 : [   4] act\act_stalk_nimble
* 85.3 : [   4] item\item_stims
* 85.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_deagle_comp
* 85.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_lastochka
* 85.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_lastochkb
* 85.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_lastochkc
* 85.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_9a91
* 85.3 : [   6] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_9mm
* 85.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_aps
* 85.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_sr25_silencer
* 85.3 : [   4] act\eye\act_eye_ball
* 85.3 : [   4] act\metro\act_maska_leather
* 85.3 : [   1] amik\explosions\explosion_dynamite\flashlight
* 85.3 : [   1] amik\explosions\explosion_smoke03
* 85.3 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\flameshoot_1
* 85.3 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\flameshoot_2
* 85.3 : [   4] arsenal_mod\ammo\wpn_cartridge357
* 85.3 : [   4] drink\drink_cocaine
* 85.3 : [   4] drink\drink_match0
* 85.3 : [   4] item\[stayler]\w_medkin1
* 85.3 : [   4] item\[stayler]\w_medkin3
* 85.3 : [   4] item\item_detector_2
* 85.3 : [   4] item\item_drink_waterxx
* 85.3 : [   4] item\item_food
* 85.3 : [   1] map\map_labx8
* 85.3 : [   1] shoker_mod\explosions\explosion_smoke01
* 85.3 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_1
* 85.3 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_2
* 85.3 : [   1] amik\explosions\explosion_dynamite\smoke
* 85.3 : [   1] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_smoke_1
* 106.9 : [   3] artifact\artifact_lavahell1
* 128.1 : [   4] act\act_crow
* 128.1 : [   4] act\act_dog_noy_0
* 128.1 : [   4] act\act_ryukzaa
* 128.1 : [   4] act\act_ryukzac
* 128.1 : [   4] act\act_ryukzad
* 128.1 : [   4] act\variation mod\act_neutral\gp5a
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\357mag
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\50_ae
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\5x45x39
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\5x45x39_00
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\5x45x39_01
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\5x56x45
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\5x56x45_00
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\5x7x28
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\6x5x50
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x25_0
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x25_1
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x25_2
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x25_3
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x25_4
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x39_00
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x39_01
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x39_02
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x39_03
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x51_1
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x51_2
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x54
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x7x57
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x92x57
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\9x18_1
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\9x18_2
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\9x18_3
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\9x39
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\shells_ak_01
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\smokeshoot_0
* 128.1 : [   4] cooking\cooking_kerosene
* 128.1 : [   4] cooking\cooking_mfs
* 128.1 : [   4] cooking\cooking_wood_stove
* 128.1 : [   4] drink\drink_cigar0
* 128.1 : [   4] drink\drink_cigar2
* 128.1 : [   4] drink\drink_cigar3
* 128.1 : [   4] drink\drink_crow
* 128.1 : [   4] drink\drink_joint
* 128.1 : [   4] drink\drink_tea
* 128.1 : [   4] drink\drink_vodka
* 128.1 : [   4] drink\drink_water
* 128.1 : [   4] food\food_bls
* 128.1 : [   4] food\food_dog
* 128.1 : [   4] food\food_flesh
* 128.1 : [   4] food\food_pdg
* 128.1 : [   4] food\food_raw_tush
* 128.1 : [   4] food\food_tushkano
* 128.1 : [   4] food\snork_food
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_chocolate
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_cigar
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_cigarettes_lucky
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_cigarettes_russian
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_cloth_mask
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_glucose
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_glucose_s
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_hand_rolling_tobacco
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_mint
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_mre
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_raisins
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_ration_ukr
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_salmon
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_sausage
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_tobacco
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_tushonka
* 128.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_shells1
* 128.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_shells2
* 128.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_shells_green
* 128.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_shells_pisto1
* 128.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_shells_pistol
* 128.1 : [   4] prop\prop_kitchen_krujka
* 128.1 : [   4] prop\prop_voda1
* 128.1 : [   4] prop\prop_voda2
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_armor_repair_fa
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_armor_repair_pro
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_cleaning_kit
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_cleaning_kit_r7
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_cleaning_kit_u
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_glue
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_grease_solvent
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_gun_oil
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_gun_oil_ru
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_sewing_kit
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_sharpening_stones
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_textile_patch_b
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_textile_patch_e
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_textile_patch_m
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_toolkit_nato
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_toolkit_p
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_toolkit_s
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_toolkit_wp
* 128.1 : [   1] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_ak_shells_1
* 128.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_graff_32_1024
* 128.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_letter_25_1024
* 128.1 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ied
* 128.1 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ied_rpg
* 128.1 : [   4] wpn\wpn_pfm1
* 170.4 : [   4] act\act_gasmask
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_abakan
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74_sk1
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74_sk2
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74_sk3
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74_sk4
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74_sk5
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74_sk7
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74m
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74m_body
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74m_body_camog
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74m_sk3
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aksu
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aksu_sk3
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aksu_sk4
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aksu_sk5
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aksu_sk6
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_beretta
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_binokl
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_colt1911
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_colt1911_sk4
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_colt1911_sk5
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_colt1911_sk6
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_colt1911_sk8
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_desert_eagle
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_desert_eagle_nimble
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_desert_eagle_sk1
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_desert_eagle_sk2
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_desert_eagle_sk3
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_g36
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_g36k
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_g36k_sk1
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_grenade_f1
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_grenade_rgd5
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_groza
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_groza_grenade_launcher
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_groza_mag
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_knife
* 170.4 : [   6] wpn\wpn_l85
* 170.4 : [   6] wpn\wpn_l85_sk2
* 170.4 : [   6] wpn\wpn_l85_sk3
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_l85_sk4
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_mp5
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_mp5_sk3
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_mp5_sk4
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_mp5sd_sk3
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_pb
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_pb_sk2
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_pkm
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_pkm_magazin
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_pm
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_pm_actor
* 170.4 : [   6] wpn\wpn_pm_sk2
* 170.4 : [   6] wpn\wpn_pm_sk3
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_pmm
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_protecta
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_protecta_sk2
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_rg6
* 170.4 : [   6] wpn\wpn_rpg-7
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_sig-p220
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_sig-p220_sk4
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_sig550
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_sig550_sk3
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_spas12
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_spas12_sk1
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_spas12_sk4
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svd_body
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svd_body_sk1
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svd_body_sk3
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svd_grips
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svd_grips_sk1
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svd_grips_sk3
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svd_gripz
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_toz-34
* 170.4 : [   6] wpn\wpn_toz-34_sk3
* 170.4 : [   6] wpn\wpn_toz-34_sk4
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_toz-34_sk5
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_usp
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_vss
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_vss_nimble
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_vssk
* 170.6 : [   4] act\act_izlom
* 170.6 : [   4] act\metro\act_diger_slemnew
* 170.6 : [   4] item\item_xxporn2
* 170.6 : [   4] item\item_xxxporn
* 170.6 : [   4] act\act_mp_team_blue_armor_military
* 170.6 : [   4] akt\act_arm_mono_glove
* 170.6 : [   4] item\item_boots
* 170.6 : [   4] item\item_conserva
* 170.6 : [   4] item\item_flash
* 170.6 : [   4] item\item_rope
* 170.6 : [   4] item\item_rops
* 170.6 : [   4] item\item_torch
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_gl_gp25
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_mount_mtk83
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_mp5_mount
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_1p29
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_ac10632
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_acog
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_eotech
* 170.6 : [   6] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_l96
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_pks-07
* 170.6 : [   6] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_po4x34
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_susat_sk2
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_susat_sk3
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_45
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_9mx
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_atg
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_gemtech
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_kzrzp
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_nato
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_pbs1
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_pbs4
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_tgp-a
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_vihr
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_usp_match
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak100_grips
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak100_grips_camogreen
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak101_mag
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak101_mag_camog
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_akm_mag
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aps
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_apw
* 170.6 : [   6] wpn\wpn_bullet1
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_bullet2
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_dao12_sights
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_g3_mount
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_kiparis
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_kiparis_mag
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_kipariw
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_kipariw_mag
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_m17_carryhandle
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_rpk_maz
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_vsk94_butt
* 170.6 : [   1] amik\explosions\boom_0
* 170.6 : [   1] amik\explosions\boom_1
* 170.6 : [   1] amik\explosions\boom_2
* 170.6 : [   1] map\map_aes_1
* 170.6 : [   1] map\map_aes_2
* 170.6 : [   1] map\map_l04_darkvalley
* 170.6 : [   1] map\map_l05_bar
* 170.6 : [   1] map\map_l06_rostok
* 170.6 : [   1] map\map_limansk
* 213.5 : [   5] artifact\artifact_hell1
* 256.1 : [   4] act\act_face_zombie_02
* 256.1 : [   4] act\act_face_zombie_03
* 256.1 : [   4] act\act_ratwolf_01
* 256.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_freedom3a
* 256.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_soldier_2
* 256.1 : [   1] amik\explosions\explosion_flash_atlas
* 256.1 : [   4] artifact\artifact_val005
* 256.1 : [   4] artifact\artifact_val013
* 256.1 : [   4] artifact\artifact_val024
* 256.1 : [   4] artifact\artifact_val029
* 256.1 : [   4] artifact\artifact_val031
* 256.1 : [   4] drink\drink_flask
* 256.1 : [   4] food\food_boar
* 256.1 : [   1] fx\fx_gradient1
* 256.1 : [   4] item\[stayler]\w_medkin2
* 256.1 : [   4] item\item_lead_box
* 256.1 : [   4] item\item_mineral_water
* 256.1 : [   4] item\item_nuts
* 256.1 : [   4] item\item_ration_ru
* 256.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_bloodsplash2
* 256.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_expl_01
* 256.1 : [   4] prop\prop_tarp
* 256.1 : [   4] repair\repair_helmet_repair
* 256.1 : [   4] sap\sap_medal
* 256.1 : [   4] sap\sap_medal_00
* 256.1 : [   4] sap\sap_sand
* 256.1 : [   4] sgm\sumka_2
* 256.1 : [3271] sky\sky_oblaka
* 256.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_graff_50_1024
* 300.1 : [   4] sap\sap_generator_00
* 339.8 : [   4] majordolg\scaut
* 340.8 : [   4] wpn\wpn_hpsa
* 340.8 : [   4] wpn\wpn_hpsa_sk1
* 340.8 : [   4] wpn\wpn_hpsa_sk2
* 340.8 : [   4] wpn\wpn_hpsa_sk3
* 340.8 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svu-a
* 341.1 : [   4] wpn\wpn_k98_body
* 341.1 : [   4] act\act_arm_bandit
* 341.1 : [   1] amik\explosions\explosion_dynamite\explosion_din
* 341.1 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_kobra
* 341.1 : [   4] wpn\wpn_johnnysaxe
* 341.1 : [   4] act\face\act_face_risovalshik
* 341.1 : [   4] act\metro\act_stalker_nebo_5_white
* 341.1 : [   1] amik\explosions\final_expl
* 341.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\smokeshoot_1
* 341.1 : [   4] awr\leatherman
* 341.1 : [   1] fx\fx_gradient
* 341.1 : [   1] map\map_agroprom
* 341.1 : [   1] map\map_fake_start
* 341.1 : [   1] map\map_garbage
* 341.1 : [   1] map\map_jupiter_underground
* 341.1 : [   1] map\map_k01_darkscape
* 341.1 : [   1] map\map_l04u_labx18
* 341.1 : [   1] map\map_l07_military
* 341.1 : [   1] map\map_l08_yantar
* 341.1 : [   1] map\map_l09_deadcity
* 341.1 : [   1] map\map_l10_radar
* 341.1 : [   1] map\map_l11_pripyat
* 341.1 : [   1] map\map_l13_generators
* 341.1 : [   1] map\map_red_forest
* 378.1 : [   4] sap\sap_generator
* 378.1 : [   4] sap\sap_glass
* 378.1 : [   4] sap\sap_gubka
* 379.8 : [   1] map\map_k02_trucks_cemetery
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_atach
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_faction_badges_tfw
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_monoold1
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_monoold3
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_mutant_boar_leg
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_puh
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_scientist_suit_orang
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_scientist_suit_red
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_scientist_suit_white
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_scientist_suit_yello
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_scientist_zombi_b
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_scientist_zombi_w
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_scientist_zombi_y
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_dolg_tactic
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_merc_sun1
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_monolith1
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_monolith_1
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_monoliths
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_voyak_exo
* 512.1 : [   1] amik\explosions\explosion_fuelcan\boom_1
* 512.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\00
* 512.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\45
* 512.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\shells_ak
* 512.1 : [   4] amk\items\500
* 512.1 : [   4] item\item_crowbar
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_ani-fire01
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_explotions_3
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\12ga
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\45acp
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\545x39
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\556x45
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\762x39
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\762x51
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\762x54
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\9x18
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\9x19
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\9x39
* 512.1 : [   4] sgm\sumka_1
* 512.1 : [   1] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_shells3
* 512.1 : [   4] shoker_mod\wpn\axe\axe_1
* 512.1 : [   4] sumka\sumka_4
* 576.1 : [   4] sap\sap_star_of_ph
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_9a91
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_galilscope
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_grenade_launcher
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_grenade_launcher_m203
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_1p59
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_pso-1m2-1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_pso1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_pu
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_susat
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_susat_sk4
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aek971
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aek971_sk2
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak105_body
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak12
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_akm
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_akm_gadgem
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_akm_gadges
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_akm_gadget
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_akms_gadges
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_akn
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aks74
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aks75
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aks76
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aks77
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ar15
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aug
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aug_sk4
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aug_sk5
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_cz75
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_cz75_sk1
* 682.2 : [   6] wpn\wpn_dao12
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_fn2000
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_fn2000_sk1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_fn2000_sk2
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_fn2000_sk3
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_fnp45
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_fnp46
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_fnp47
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_fnx45_sk2
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_g35
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_g3sg1_sk1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_g4
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_galil
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_galil_sk3
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_glock19
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_glock19_sk1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_glock19_sk2
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_grach
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_grach_sk1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_gsh18
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_lr300
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_lr302
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_lr303
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_m16a2
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_m17
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_m1891
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_m1891_scope
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_m1891_wood
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_m4a1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_m4a3
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_m4a5
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_m590a2
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_mosin_scope
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_mp133_sk1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_mp133_sk2
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_mp153
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_mp153_sk1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_mp412
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_oc33
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_rpk74m
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_rpk_body
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_rpk_bodz
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_rpk_grips
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_rpk_gripz
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_scar
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_sig551
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_sig553
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_sv98
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_toz194
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_toz194_sk1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_toz66
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_toz66_sk1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_toz66_sk2
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_toz66_sk3
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_tt33
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_tt33_sk1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ump45
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ump45_sk1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ump45_sk2
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_us2
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_val
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_vihr
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_vsk94
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_vz61
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_vz61_sk2
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_vz61_sk4
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_vz61_sk5
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_type63
* 682.2 : [   1] map\map_escape
* 768.1 : [  14] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_1
* 768.1 : [  40] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_2
* 768.1 : [  18] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_3
* 768.1 : [  14] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_5
* 768.1 : [  40] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_1
* 768.1 : [  24] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_2
* 768.1 : [  36] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_3
* 768.1 : [  32] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_4
* 768.1 : [  32] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_5
* 768.1 : [   6] sky\af3_blowout\blowout1
* 768.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout1_1
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout2
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout2_night
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3
* 768.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_1
* 768.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_1_night
* 768.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_2
* 768.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_2_night
* 768.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_3
* 768.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_3_night
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_night
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4
* 768.1 : [   3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_1
* 768.1 : [   3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_1_night
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_night
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5_night
* 768.1 : [   7] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5psi
* 768.1 : [   7] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5psi_night
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout6
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout6_night
* 768.1 : [   3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout7
* 768.1 : [   4] sky\af3_blowout\blowout7_night
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\00-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\00-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  25] sky\af3_clear\00-00-nm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\01-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\01-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  37] sky\af3_clear\01-00-nm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\02-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\02-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  25] sky\af3_clear\02-00-nm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\03-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\03-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\04-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\04-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\04-30
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\22-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\22-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\23-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\23-00-hm
* 768.1 : [   6] sky\af3_cloudy\19-00
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_cloudy\20-00
* 768.1 : [  16] sky\af3_foggy\06-00
* 768.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\07-00
* 768.1 : [  19] sky\af3_foggy\09-00
* 768.1 : [  40] sky\af3_foggy\10-00
* 768.1 : [  10] sky\af3_foggy\11-00
* 768.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\12-00
* 768.1 : [  27] sky\af3_foggy\13-00
* 768.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\14-00
* 768.1 : [  19] sky\af3_foggy\15-00
* 768.1 : [  19] sky\af3_foggy\16-00
* 768.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\17-00
* 768.1 : [  19] sky\af3_foggy\18-00
* 768.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\19-00
* 768.1 : [  22] sky\af3_foggy\20-00
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\00-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\00-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  25] sky\af3_partly\00-00-nm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\01-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\01-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  38] sky\af3_partly\01-00-nm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\02-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\02-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  24] sky\af3_partly\02-00-nm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\03-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\03-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\04-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\04-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\22-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\22-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\23-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\23-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  26] sky\af3_rainy\07-00
* 768.1 : [  30] sky\af3_rainy\09-00_19-00
* 768.1 : [  58] sky\af3_rainy\13-00
* 768.1 : [  24] sky\af3_rainy\15-00
* 768.1 : [  31] sky\af3_rainy\15-00-2
* 768.1 : [  44] sky\af3_rainy\16-00
* 768.1 : [  32] sky\af3_rainy\20-00
* 768.1 : [   5] sky\sky_12_vibros_cube
* 768.1 : [  26] sky\sky_13_cube
* 768.1 : [  16] sky\sky_13_cube_night
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\sky_13_vibros_cube
* 768.1 : [  10] sky\sky_14_cube
* 768.1 : [   4] sky\sky_17_clouds_cube
* 768.1 : [   4] sky\sky_17_cube
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\sky_18_cube
* 768.1 : [  11] sky\sky_19_cube
* 768.1 : [   4] sky\sky_1_clouds_cube
* 768.1 : [   4] sky\sky_20_clouds_cube
* 768.1 : [   6] sky\sky_20_cube
* 768.1 : [   4] sky\sky_2_clouds_cube
* 768.1 : [   4] sky\sky_2_cube
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\sky_3_cube
* 768.1 : [   3] sky\sky_4_cube
* 768.1 : [  32] sky\sky_5_cube
* 768.1 : [   7] sky\sky_6_cube
* 768.1 : [  11] sky\sky_7_cube
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\sky_8_cube
* 768.1 : [  49] sky\sky_9_cube
* 1024.1 : [   4] act\act_mtalker
* 1024.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_dolg_8_8_
* 1024.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_merc_2
* 1024.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_mercen_2
* 1024.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_monolith_3
* 1024.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral_2
* 1024.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral_3
* 1024.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_soldier_a
* 1024.1 : [   4] act\metro\act_att_gasmask_maska
* 1024.1 : [   1] amik\explosions\decal_concrete
* 1024.1 : [   1] amik\explosions\explo_end
* 1024.1 : [   1] amik\explosions\explosion_fuelcan\boom_3
* 1024.1 : [   1] amik\explosions\explosion_fuelcan\grey_xpl
* 1024.1 : [   1] amik\hit_fx\water_splash\water_splash_anim
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_1
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_2
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_3
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_4
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_5
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_6
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_7
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_phase_1
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_phase_2
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_phase_3
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_phase_4
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_phase_5
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_phase_6
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_phase_7
* 1024.1 : [   1] map\map_l03u_agr_underground
* 1024.1 : [   1] map\map_l12u_control_monolith
* 1024.1 : [   1] map\map_y04_pole
* 1024.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_ani-explosion-02
* 1024.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_ani-explosion-02-b-a
* 1024.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_ani-explosion-02a
* 1024.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_explotions_2
* 1024.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_explotions_4
* 1024.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_explotions_smoke
* 1024.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_explotions_smoke_benzine
* 1024.1 : [   1] shoker_mod\explosions\final_expl
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_achivments
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_dialog_screen
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_menu
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_mp_screen
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_multiplayer_background
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_multiplayer_game_menu
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_pda
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_sleep_screen
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_widescreen_sidepanels
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_common
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_hud
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_ingame2_common
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_pda2
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_pda2_noice
* 1024.1 : [   4] wpn\wpn_bolt
* 1024.1 : [   1] wpn\wpn_crosshair_class
* 1024.1 : [   1] wpn\wpn_crosshair_fn2000
* 1024.1 : [   1] wpn\wpn_crosshair_l85
* 1363.3 : [   4] act\act_stalker_sviter
* 1364.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_l96
* 1364.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_skw
* 1364.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svt
* 1364.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svt_sk2
* 1364.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svu-n
* 1364.3 : [   4] act\act_arm_sviter_1
* 1364.3 : [   4] bodies\it_organs_13rs
* 1364.3 : [   1] map\map_jupiter
* 1364.3 : [   1] map\map_marsh
* 1364.3 : [   1] map\map_pripyat
* 1364.3 : [   1] map\map_zaton
* 1792.9 : [   6] item\item_detector_1
* 2048.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_soldier_v
* 2048.1 : [   4] akt\act_arm_mono_1
* 2048.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_cc_lightings
* 2048.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_hint_wnd
* 2048.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_weapons
* 2048.1 : [   1] ui\ui_global_map
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\05-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\05-30
* 3072.1 : [  66] sky\af3_clear\06-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\07-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\08-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\09-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\10-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\11-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\12-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\13-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\14-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\15-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\16-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\17-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\18-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\19-00
* 3072.1 : [  66] sky\af3_clear\20-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\20-30
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\21-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\21-30
* 3072.1 : [   6] sky\af3_cloudy\05-00
* 3072.1 : [  12] sky\af3_cloudy\06-00
* 3072.1 : [  11] sky\af3_cloudy\07-00
* 3072.1 : [  19] sky\af3_cloudy\08-00
* 3072.1 : [  24] sky\af3_cloudy\09-00
* 3072.1 : [  12] sky\af3_cloudy\10-00
* 3072.1 : [  12] sky\af3_cloudy\11-00
* 3072.1 : [  19] sky\af3_cloudy\12-00
* 3072.1 : [  11] sky\af3_cloudy\13-00
* 3072.1 : [  38] sky\af3_cloudy\14-00
* 3072.1 : [  29] sky\af3_cloudy\15-00
* 3072.1 : [  11] sky\af3_cloudy\16-00
* 3072.1 : [  19] sky\af3_cloudy\17-00
* 3072.1 : [  22] sky\af3_cloudy\18-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\04-30
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\05-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\05-30
* 3072.1 : [  66] sky\af3_partly\06-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\07-00
* 3072.1 : [  34] sky\af3_partly\08-00
* 3072.1 : [  34] sky\af3_partly\09-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\10-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\11-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\12-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\13-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\14-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\15-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\16-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\17-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\18-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\19-00
* 3072.1 : [  66] sky\af3_partly\20-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\20-30
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\21-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\21-30
* 4096.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_main_menu
* 4096.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_main_menu_one
* 8193.0 : [   4] item\item_detector_3
* 32768.1 : [   1] ui\ui_icon_equipment
* [ D3D ]: textures[556809 K]
*  0.0 : [  70] $null
*  0.0 : [   2] $user$cmap0
*  0.0 : [   2] $user$cmap1
*  0.0 : [   3] $user$distort
*  0.0 : [ 738] $user$projector
*  0.0 : [   6] $user$rendertarget
*  0.0 : [   5] $user$rendertarget_color_map
*  0.0 : [   1] $user$sky0
*  0.0 : [   1] $user$sky1
*  0.0 : [   1] $user$tonemap
*  0.0 : [   3] prop\prop_lampa_g_red2
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_spark_02
*  0.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_spark_01
*  0.2 : [   3] wpn\wpn_protecta_dots
*  0.2 : [   1] pfx\pfx_step_blood
*  0.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_bubble
*  0.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_leaves_01
*  0.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_leaves_02
*  0.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_splash3
*  0.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_splash_02
*  0.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_synus
*  0.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_vehmetaldebris_01
*  0.3 : [   1] prop\prop_provod_02
*  0.3 : [   4] prop\prop_provod_03
*  0.4 : [   1] glow\glow_anamorphic
*  0.4 : [   1] glow\glow_rays
*  0.4 : [   3] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_blue_lense
*  0.6 : [ 726] internal\internal_light_attclip
*  0.7 : [   4] act\act_stalker_head_glass_02
*  0.7 : [   4] mtl\mtl_bochka_02
*  0.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_concretedebris_01
*  1.1 : [   3] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_red_lense
*  1.3 : [   6] act\act_stalker_head_glass
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_21
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_bubble_1
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_bubble_water
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist2
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist2inv
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist3
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist4
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist7
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist8
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist9
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist_glass
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist_teleport
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_distort_anomaly
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_distortion
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flash_05
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flash_07
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_smoke_b
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_specks
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_specks_poison
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_spikey_star
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_splash_01
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_stonedebris1
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_stonedebris2
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_vehglassdebris_01
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_water_wave
*  1.4 : [   3] artifact\artifact_eye
*  1.4 : [   4] item\item_key_1
*  1.4 : [   1] artifact\artifact_glow
*  1.4 : [   1] fx\fx_rain
*  1.4 : [   1] fx\fx_sun_rise
*  1.4 : [   1] glow\glow_orange2
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_asfalt_1
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_asfalt_2
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_asfalt_3
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_brick_1
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_brick_2
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_1
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_2
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_4
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_5
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_6
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_7
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_ground
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_ground_1
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_ground_2
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik_1
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik_2
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik_3
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_1
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_2
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_3
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_4
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_1
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_2
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_3
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_4
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_5
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_6
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_7
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_8
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_9
*  2.7 : [   4] prop\prop_speakerphone
*  2.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_electrostatic
*  2.7 : [   4] prop\prop_box_3
*  2.7 : [   4] prop\prop_elec_kran
*  2.7 : [   1] prop\prop_fake_bed_fireplace
*  2.7 : [   4] prop\prop_instrument_2
*  2.7 : [   4] prop\prop_lock
*  2.7 : [   4] prop\prop_teapot_1
*  2.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_pkm_lenta
*  2.7 : [   4] act\act_pseudodog_fur
*  2.7 : [   4] act\act_pseudodog_fur1
*  2.7 : [   4] mtl\mtl_truba_pod_01
*  2.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist_glass3
*  2.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_smokepuffs2
*  2.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_sparks
*  2.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_sparks2
*  2.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_woodchips1
*  2.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_woodchips3
*  2.7 : [   4] act\act_jimmy_glaz
*  2.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\trace_01
*  2.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\trace_01
*  2.7 : [   4] food\food_raw___dog
*  2.7 : [   4] food\food_raw_flesh
*  2.7 : [   4] item\item_battery
*  2.7 : [   4] item\item_jar
*  2.7 : [   4] item\item_meinkampf
*  2.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\dtk_3
*  3.0 : [   1] artifact\artifact_anim_dist
*  3.1 : [   5] sky\sky_12_vibros_cube#small
*  3.1 : [  26] sky\sky_13_cube#small
*  3.1 : [  16] sky\sky_13_cube_night#small
*  3.1 : [  12] sky\sky_13_vibros_cube#small
*  3.1 : [  10] sky\sky_14_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   4] sky\sky_17_clouds_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   4] sky\sky_17_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   8] sky\sky_18_cube#small
*  3.1 : [  11] sky\sky_19_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   4] sky\sky_1_clouds_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   4] sky\sky_20_clouds_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   4] sky\sky_20_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   4] sky\sky_2_clouds_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   4] sky\sky_2_cube#small
*  3.1 : [  12] sky\sky_3_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   3] sky\sky_4_cube#small
*  3.1 : [  30] sky\sky_5_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   7] sky\sky_6_cube#small
*  3.1 : [  11] sky\sky_7_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   8] sky\sky_8_cube#small
*  3.1 : [  49] sky\sky_9_cube#small
*  4.1 : [   1] fx\fx_flare1
*  4.1 : [   1] fx\fx_flare2
*  4.1 : [   1] fx\fx_flare3
*  4.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flamefx_01
*  4.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_g-smoke-01
*  5.3 : [   1] act\act_controller_hit
*  5.3 : [   1] act\act_controller_hit1
*  5.3 : [   6] act\act_stalker_nauch_glass
*  5.3 : [   4] act\variation mod\act_neutral\gas_mask_glass
*  5.3 : [   4] door\door_sheet
*  5.3 : [   4] door\door_w01
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_1
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_16
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_17
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_19
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_3
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_4
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_5
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_6
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_8
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_88
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_9
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_blurry_cloud
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_brick
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_light
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_light1
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_light3
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_light4
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_lightning_01
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_lightning_02
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_ligth_6
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_plasma
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_smoke_a
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_sparks1
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_teleport
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_test_textures
*  5.3 : [   4] prop\prop_ballon2
*  5.3 : [   4] prop\prop_ballon3
*  5.3 : [   4] prop\prop_bottle_box
*  5.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_pkm_decals
*  5.4 : [   4] item\item_hammer
*  5.4 : [   1] amik\nature\stonedebris1
*  5.4 : [   1] glow\glow_04
*  5.4 : [   1] glow\glow_fire1
*  5.4 : [   1] glow\glow_fire1_soc
*  5.4 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flash_02
*  5.4 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flash_08
*  5.4 : [   1] shoker_mod\explosions\firesmokeparticle
*  5.4 : [   1] wm\wm_grenade
*  5.4 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_dead
*  5.4 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_horiz
*  5.4 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_blood
*  5.4 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_wood
*  5.4 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_wood1
*  5.4 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_wood2
*  5.4 : [   1] amik\weapons\6ways2
*  5.4 : [   1] amik\weapons\btr\muzzle 6ways2
*  5.4 : [   1] amik\nature\list
*  5.4 : [   1] amik\nature\wood_part
*  5.4 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\trail
*  6.1 : [  14] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_1#small
*  6.1 : [  40] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_2#small
*  6.1 : [  18] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_3#small
*  6.1 : [  14] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_5#small
*  6.1 : [  40] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_1#small
*  6.1 : [  24] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_2#small
*  6.1 : [  36] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_3#small
*  6.1 : [  32] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_4#small
*  6.1 : [  32] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_5#small
*  6.1 : [   6] sky\af3_blowout\blowout1#small
*  6.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout1_1#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout2#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout2_night#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3#small
*  6.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_1#small
*  6.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_1_night#small
*  6.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_2#small
*  6.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_2_night#small
*  6.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_3#small
*  6.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_3_night#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_night#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4#small
*  6.1 : [   3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_1#small
*  6.1 : [   3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_1_night#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_night#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5_night#small
*  6.1 : [   7] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5psi#small
*  6.1 : [   7] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5psi_night#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout6#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout6_night#small
*  6.1 : [   3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout7#small
*  6.1 : [   4] sky\af3_blowout\blowout7_night#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\00-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\00-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  25] sky\af3_clear\00-00-nm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\01-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\01-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  37] sky\af3_clear\01-00-nm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\02-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\02-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  25] sky\af3_clear\02-00-nm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\03-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\03-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\04-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\04-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\04-30#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\05-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\05-30#small
*  6.1 : [  66] sky\af3_clear\06-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\07-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\08-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\09-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\10-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\11-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\12-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\13-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\14-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\15-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\16-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\17-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\18-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\19-00#small
*  6.1 : [  66] sky\af3_clear\20-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\20-30#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\21-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\21-30#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\22-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\22-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\23-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\23-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [   6] sky\af3_cloudy\05-00#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_cloudy\06-00#small
*  6.1 : [  11] sky\af3_cloudy\07-00#small
*  6.1 : [  19] sky\af3_cloudy\08-00#small
*  6.1 : [  24] sky\af3_cloudy\09-00#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_cloudy\10-00#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_cloudy\11-00#small
*  6.1 : [  19] sky\af3_cloudy\12-00#small
*  6.1 : [  11] sky\af3_cloudy\13-00#small
*  6.1 : [  38] sky\af3_cloudy\14-00#small
*  6.1 : [  29] sky\af3_cloudy\15-00#small
*  6.1 : [  11] sky\af3_cloudy\16-00#small
*  6.1 : [  19] sky\af3_cloudy\17-00#small
*  6.1 : [  22] sky\af3_cloudy\18-00#small
*  6.1 : [   6] sky\af3_cloudy\19-00#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_cloudy\20-00#small
*  6.1 : [  16] sky\af3_foggy\06-00#small
*  6.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\07-00#small
*  6.1 : [  19] sky\af3_foggy\09-00#small
*  6.1 : [  40] sky\af3_foggy\10-00#small
*  6.1 : [  10] sky\af3_foggy\11-00#small
*  6.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\12-00#small
*  6.1 : [  27] sky\af3_foggy\13-00#small
*  6.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\14-00#small
*  6.1 : [  19] sky\af3_foggy\15-00#small
*  6.1 : [  19] sky\af3_foggy\16-00#small
*  6.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\17-00#small
*  6.1 : [  19] sky\af3_foggy\18-00#small
*  6.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\19-00#small
*  6.1 : [  22] sky\af3_foggy\20-00#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\00-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\00-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  25] sky\af3_partly\00-00-nm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\01-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\01-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  38] sky\af3_partly\01-00-nm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\02-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\02-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  24] sky\af3_partly\02-00-nm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\03-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\03-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\04-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\04-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\04-30#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\05-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\05-30#small
*  6.1 : [  66] sky\af3_partly\06-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\07-00#small
*  6.1 : [  34] sky\af3_partly\08-00#small
*  6.1 : [  34] sky\af3_partly\09-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\10-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\11-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\12-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\13-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\14-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\15-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\16-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\17-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\18-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\19-00#small
*  6.1 : [  66] sky\af3_partly\20-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\20-30#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\21-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\21-30#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\22-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\22-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\23-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\23-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  26] sky\af3_rainy\07-00#small
*  6.1 : [  30] sky\af3_rainy\09-00_19-00#small
*  6.1 : [  58] sky\af3_rainy\13-00#small
*  6.1 : [  24] sky\af3_rainy\15-00#small
*  6.1 : [  31] sky\af3_rainy\15-00-2#small
*  6.1 : [  44] sky\af3_rainy\16-00#small
*  6.1 : [  32] sky\af3_rainy\20-00#small
*  7.1 : [   1] artifact\artifact_anim_lightning
*  7.1 : [   4] wpn\wpn_g36_scope
*  8.1 : [   1] admin - quicksave10
*  8.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_gologramma
*  8.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\fake_shells
*  8.1 : [   1] ui\ui_fog_of_war
* 10.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_vog
* 10.7 : [   4] door\door_white_04
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_electricalunit3
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_kanistra
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_dog_red
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_dogs_big
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_dogs_black
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_dogs_brown
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_dogs_bulterer
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_green_stalker_head_3
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_green_stalker_head_3_mask
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_head2
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_pseudodog
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_rat01
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_ratn1
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_ratn2
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_ratn3
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_ryukzak
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_ryukzak_black
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_stalker_head_antigas_2
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_stalker_head_antigas_9
* 10.7 : [   4] door\door_katakomb_01
* 10.7 : [   4] door\door_white_02
* 10.7 : [   4] mtl\mtl_shkaf
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_blind01
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_dangerbox_2
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_el_shkaf_01
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_freez
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_item2
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_item3
* 10.7 : [   6] prop\prop_iten4
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_kitchen_stuff
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_plita
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_spade
* 10.7 : [   4] wood\wood_plank6
* 10.7 : [   4] wood\wood_table_02
* 10.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aksu_synth
* 10.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_protecta_sights
* 10.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_walter99_mag
* 10.7 : [   4] glas\glas_dirt
* 10.7 : [   4] mtl\mtl_barrel_02
* 10.7 : [   4] mtl\mtl_barrel_04
* 10.7 : [   4] mtl\mtl_barrel_05
* 10.7 : [   4] mtl\mtl_truba_pod_02
* 10.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_2
* 10.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_23
* 10.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_2_green
* 10.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_7
* 10.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_concretepuffs_01
* 10.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_lighting_stancia_01
* 10.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_lighting_stancia_02
* 10.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_smokepuffs1
* 10.7 : [   1] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_shells1
* 10.7 : [   1] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_shells2
* 10.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\dtk_5
* 10.7 : [   3] artifact\artifact_mp_green
* 10.7 : [   4] artifact\artifact_myasorubka2
* 10.7 : [   4] artifact\artifact_myasorubka3
* 10.7 : [   4] fx\fx_noise2
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_block_notes
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_calibrate_tools
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_cards
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_document_01
* 10.7 : [   6] item\item_gazmask1
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_gazmask3
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_medic1
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_medkit
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_medkit_2
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_medkit_3
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_medkit_4
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_parts
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_rebirth
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_small_tools
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_yad
* 10.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_bullet1_556
* 10.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_bullet1_939
* 10.7 : [   1] amik\anomaly\electric_radial
* 10.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\6ways1
* 10.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\btr\muzzle 6ways1
* 10.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\dtk_4
* 10.7 : [   1] amik\hit_fx\water_splash\water_spurt
* 10.7 : [   1] artifact\artifact_fire_light
* 10.7 : [   1] lights\lights_cone_handing_lamp
* 10.7 : [   1] lights\lights_ray1
* 10.7 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_blood1
* 10.7 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_metal
* 10.7 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_ston
* 13.3 : [   3] artifact\artifact_lava
* 16.1 : [   4] act\act_specnaz_glass
* 16.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\mg42out
* 16.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\trace
* 16.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\mg42out
* 16.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\trace
* 16.1 : [   1] fx\fx_rainsplash1
* 16.1 : [   1] fx\fx_volumefog1
* 16.1 : [ 726] internal\internal_light_att
* 16.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flame
* 16.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flash_01
* 16.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_gradient
* 16.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_gradient1
* 16.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_arial_14_1024
* 16.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_hud_01
* 16.1 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_drop_1
* 16.1 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_drop_2
* 16.1 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_drop_3
* 16.1 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_drop_4
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_face_mask_05
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_face_mask_06
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_faces_2_01
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_face_01
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_face_mask_01
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_face_mask_02
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_face_mask_03
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_face_mask_04
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_face_mask_07
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_face_mask_08
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_face_zombie_01
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_faces_1_03
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_faces_1_08
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_faces_4_02
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_faces_4_03
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_faces_4_04
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_stalker_soldier_1
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_ryukzag
* 21.3 : [   4] door\door_ship_metall
* 21.3 : [   4] mtl\mtl_bochka_01
* 21.3 : [   4] mtl\mtl_pod_01
* 21.3 : [   4] prop\prop_instrument_1
* 21.3 : [   1] amik\weapons\dtk_2
* 21.4 : [   4] aa\aa_freon
* 21.4 : [   4] kdm_ammo\ammo_57x28\ammo_5.7x28_ap
* 21.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_raii
* 21.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_rail
* 21.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_rair
* 21.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_bullet1_545
* 21.4 : [   1] artifact\artifact_lighting
* 21.4 : [   3] artifact\artifact_sopli2
* 21.4 : [   1] glow\glow_blue
* 21.4 : [   4] glow\glow_ghost
* 21.4 : [   1] glow\glow_orange
* 21.4 : [   1] glow\glow_orange_bright
* 21.4 : [   1] glow\glow_white
* 21.4 : [   1] glow\glow_yellow
* 21.4 : [   4] item\item_goggles
* 21.4 : [   4] item\item_money
* 21.4 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist_lens_base
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_10
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_11
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_1_1
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_1_2
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_1_3
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_1_4
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_1_5
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_3
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_4
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_5
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_6
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_7
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_8
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_9
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_glass01
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_glass02
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_glass03
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_glass04
* 21.4 : [   1] amik\weapons\dtk_4_1
* 28.5 : [   4] wpn\wpn_g35_scope
* 32.1 : [   4] arsenal_mod\ammo\50_ae
* 32.1 : [   4] arsenal_mod\ammo\762x25_p
* 32.1 : [   4] arsenal_mod\ammo\762x25_ps
* 32.1 : [   1] fx\fx_lightning
* 32.1 : [   4] item\item_beans
* 32.1 : [   4] item\item_beer
* 32.1 : [   4] item\item_caffeine
* 32.1 : [   4] item\item_corn
* 32.1 : [   4] item\item_medkitai2
* 32.1 : [   4] item\item_tomato
* 32.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_ani-smoke-01
* 32.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_cc_lighting_grad2
* 32.1 : [   4] repair\repair_steel_wool
* 32.1 : [   4] sgm\item_psyhodelin
* 32.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_letter_16_1024
* 32.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_letter_18_1024
* 32.1 : [   1] ui\ui_magnifier2
* 33.0 : [   1] ui\ui_ani_cursor
* 42.5 : [   1] amik\weapons\9x39
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_head_mask
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_psevdogigant
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_monolith_rookie
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_nebo_1
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neut_2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral2d
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_soldierb4
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_trup_5
* 42.6 : [   6] wpn\wpn_upgrade
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_bure3
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_burer
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_ca2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_ca4
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_cat
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_cat2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_controlle2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_controller
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_free2old
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_himera
* 42.6 : [   6] act\act_krovosos_1
* 42.6 : [   3] act\act_krovosos_3
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_nauchniy_monolit
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_new_details_01
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_plot
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_pseudodog1
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_scientist_zombi_o
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_band_2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_bandit1az
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_bandit1bz
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_bandit1c
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_bandit_1
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_bandit_2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_bandit_3
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_bandit_3a
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_black
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_dolg2a
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_dolg3b
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_dolg_2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_dolg_2_2_
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_dolg_3
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_dolg_3000
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_dolgexo4a
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_dolgexo_4
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_dolgzom_2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_freedom2b
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_freedom4b
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_freedom_1
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_freedom_2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_merc4a
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_merc_5
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_mercen2b
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_mercen2c
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_mercexo_4
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_mercsuit1
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_monolith2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_monolith4a
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_monolith4b
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_monolith_2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_monolith_4
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_nebo_3
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral1a
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral1b
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral1c
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral1d
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral1e
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral1f
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral2a
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral2b
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral2c
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral2e
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral3a
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral4a
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral_1
* 42.6 : [   6] act\act_stalker_neutral_4
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_seva_1
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_soldier_4
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_trup_1
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_trup_2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_trup_3
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_trup_4
* 42.6 : [   4] wood\wood_collect
* 42.6 : [   4] wood\wood_walls8
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74m_gp
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74m_mag
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74m_mag_camog
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ammo
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_beretta_sk1
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_beretta_sk2
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_beretta_sk4
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_beretta_sk5
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_fort17
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_fort17_sk1
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_fort17_sk2
* 42.6 : [   6] wpn\wpn_gauss
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_grenade_40mm
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_grenade_rdg-m
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_grenade_rdg-s
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_knife_nr40
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_l85_susat
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_sig550_mag
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_sig550_mag_sk2
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svd_mag
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svd_mag_sk1
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svd_mag_sk3
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_vssk_sil
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_walter99_body
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_walter99_bodz
* 42.6 : [   4] act\variation mod\act_neutral\pockets_1a
* 42.6 : [   4] act\variation mod\act_neutral\pockets_1b
* 42.6 : [   4] act\variation mod\act_neutral\pockets_1e
* 42.7 : [   4] aa\aa_af_aac
* 42.7 : [   4] aa\aa_af_aam
* 42.7 : [   4] aa\aa_af_iam
* 42.7 : [   4] aa\aa_camelbak
* 42.7 : [   4] aa\aa_cooler
* 42.7 : [   4] aa\aa_frames
* 42.7 : [   4] aa\aa_kevlar
* 42.7 : [   4] act\metro\act_gasmask_metro_grey
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_shovel
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_spalnik
* 42.7 : [   4] aa\aa_plates
* 42.7 : [   4] aa\aa_surge
* 42.7 : [   4] act\act_exoskeleton
* 42.7 : [   4] act\act_face_26
* 42.7 : [   4] act\act_jimmy_face
* 42.7 : [   4] food\food_chimera
* 42.7 : [   4] food\food_protein
* 42.7 : [   4] food\food_raw_boar
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_ammo
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_book1
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_book2
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_book3
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_ckit
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_cutlery
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_drugskit
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_energy
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_foto1
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_grooming
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_guitar
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_jbox
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_kithunt
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_maps
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_milimap
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_mirror
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_s_guide
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_sack
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_swiss
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_tarp
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_universalpowerdevice
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_ustroystva
* 42.7 : [   4] item\med_bank
* 42.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_rail_1
* 42.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_docter_sight
* 42.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_fn2000_lens
* 42.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_k98_sil
* 42.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_scar_bullet
* 42.7 : [   1] amik\explosions\smoke_cannon
* 42.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\12x70
* 42.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\flameshoot_3
* 42.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\flameshoot_4
* 42.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\flameshoot_5
* 42.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\shells_12x70
* 48.1 : [ 146] sky\sky_cube_weapons
* 64.1 : [   1] amik\static\gas_light\flame_zippo
* 64.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\dtk_6
* 64.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\dtk_8
* 64.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\flash_01
* 64.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\flash_02
* 64.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\flash_04
* 64.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\flash_05
* 64.1 : [   4] arsenal_mod\ammo\762x39_ap
* 64.1 : [   4] arsenal_mod\ammo\762x39_fmj
* 64.1 : [   4] arsenal_mod\ammo\762x51_ap
* 64.1 : [   4] arsenal_mod\ammo\762x51_fmj
* 64.1 : [   4] artifact\artifact_val000
* 64.1 : [   1] fx\fx_sun
* 64.1 : [   1] fx\fx_sun_fog
* 64.1 : [   1] fx\fx_sun_gradient
* 64.1 : [   1] fx\fx_sun_halo
* 64.1 : [   1] fx\fx_sun_morning
* 64.1 : [   1] fx\fx_thunderbolts_gradient
* 64.1 : [   1] fx\fx_thunderbolts_gradient_surge
* 64.1 : [1452] internal\internal_light_attpoint
* 64.1 : [   4] item\item_chili
* 64.1 : [   4] item\item_medkit_5
* 64.1 : [   4] item\jgut
* 64.1 : [   4] item\kielbasa
* 64.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_18
* 64.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_bloodsplash1
* 64.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flame_01
* 64.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_skinsplash1
* 64.1 : [   4] sap\sap_medal_01
* 64.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_console_02
* 64.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_graff_19_1024
* 64.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_graff_22_1024
* 64.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_hud_02
* 85.2 : [   4] act\act_krovosos_new1
* 85.2 : [   4] act\act_mutant_boar
* 85.2 : [   4] act\act_mutant_boar_u
* 85.2 : [   4] act\act_stalker_nebo_2
* 85.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_usp_nimble
* 85.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_g43_body
* 85.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_k98_stock
* 85.3 : [   4] act\act_face_her9
* 85.3 : [   4] act\act_stalk_nimble
* 85.3 : [   4] item\item_stims
* 85.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_deagle_comp
* 85.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_lastochka
* 85.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_lastochkb
* 85.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_lastochkc
* 85.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_9a91
* 85.3 : [   6] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_9mm
* 85.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_aps
* 85.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_sr25_silencer
* 85.3 : [   4] act\eye\act_eye_ball
* 85.3 : [   4] act\metro\act_maska_leather
* 85.3 : [   1] amik\explosions\explosion_dynamite\flashlight
* 85.3 : [   1] amik\explosions\explosion_smoke03
* 85.3 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\flameshoot_1
* 85.3 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\flameshoot_2
* 85.3 : [   4] arsenal_mod\ammo\wpn_cartridge357
* 85.3 : [   4] drink\drink_cocaine
* 85.3 : [   4] drink\drink_match0
* 85.3 : [   4] item\[stayler]\w_medkin1
* 85.3 : [   4] item\[stayler]\w_medkin3
* 85.3 : [   4] item\item_detector_2
* 85.3 : [   4] item\item_drink_waterxx
* 85.3 : [   4] item\item_food
* 85.3 : [   1] shoker_mod\explosions\explosion_smoke01
* 85.3 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_1
* 85.3 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_2
* 85.3 : [   1] amik\explosions\explosion_dynamite\smoke
* 85.3 : [   1] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_smoke_1
* 106.9 : [   3] artifact\artifact_lavahell1
* 128.1 : [   4] act\act_crow
* 128.1 : [   4] act\act_dog_noy_0
* 128.1 : [   4] act\act_ryukzaa
* 128.1 : [   4] act\act_ryukzac
* 128.1 : [   4] act\act_ryukzad
* 128.1 : [   4] act\variation mod\act_neutral\gp5a
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\357mag
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\50_ae
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\5x45x39
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\5x45x39_00
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\5x45x39_01
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\5x56x45
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\5x56x45_00
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\5x7x28
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\6x5x50
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x25_0
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x25_1
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x25_2
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x25_3
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x25_4
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x39_00
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x39_01
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x39_02
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x39_03
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x51_1
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x51_2
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x54
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x7x57
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x92x57
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\9x18_1
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\9x18_2
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\9x18_3
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\9x39
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\shells_ak_01
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\smokeshoot_0
* 128.1 : [   4] cooking\cooking_kerosene
* 128.1 : [   4] cooking\cooking_mfs
* 128.1 : [   4] cooking\cooking_wood_stove
* 128.1 : [   4] drink\drink_cigar0
* 128.1 : [   4] drink\drink_cigar2
* 128.1 : [   4] drink\drink_cigar3
* 128.1 : [   4] drink\drink_crow
* 128.1 : [   4] drink\drink_joint
* 128.1 : [   4] drink\drink_tea
* 128.1 : [   4] drink\drink_vodka
* 128.1 : [   4] drink\drink_water
* 128.1 : [   4] food\food_bls
* 128.1 : [   4] food\food_dog
* 128.1 : [   4] food\food_flesh
* 128.1 : [   4] food\food_pdg
* 128.1 : [   4] food\food_raw_tush
* 128.1 : [   4] food\food_tushkano
* 128.1 : [   4] food\snork_food
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_chocolate
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_cigar
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_cigarettes_lucky
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_cigarettes_russian
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_cloth_mask
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_glucose
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_glucose_s
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_hand_rolling_tobacco
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_mint
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_mre
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_raisins
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_ration_ukr
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_salmon
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_sausage
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_tobacco
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_tushonka
* 128.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_shells1
* 128.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_shells2
* 128.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_shells_green
* 128.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_shells_pisto1
* 128.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_shells_pistol
* 128.1 : [   4] prop\prop_kitchen_krujka
* 128.1 : [   4] prop\prop_voda1
* 128.1 : [   4] prop\prop_voda2
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_armor_repair_fa
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_armor_repair_pro
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_cleaning_kit
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_cleaning_kit_r7
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_cleaning_kit_u
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_glue
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_grease_solvent
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_gun_oil
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_gun_oil_ru
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_sewing_kit
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_sharpening_stones
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_textile_patch_b
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_textile_patch_e
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_textile_patch_m
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_toolkit_nato
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_toolkit_p
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_toolkit_s
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_toolkit_wp
* 128.1 : [   1] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_ak_shells_1
* 128.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_graff_32_1024
* 128.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_letter_25_1024
* 128.1 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ied
* 128.1 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ied_rpg
* 128.1 : [   4] wpn\wpn_pfm1
* 170.4 : [   4] act\act_gasmask
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_abakan
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74_sk1
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74_sk2
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74_sk3
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74_sk4
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74_sk5
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74_sk7
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74m
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74m_body
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74m_body_camog
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74m_sk3
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aksu
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aksu_sk3
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aksu_sk4
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aksu_sk5
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aksu_sk6
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_beretta
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_binokl
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_colt1911
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_colt1911_sk4
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_colt1911_sk5
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_colt1911_sk6
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_colt1911_sk8
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_desert_eagle
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_desert_eagle_nimble
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_desert_eagle_sk1
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_desert_eagle_sk2
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_desert_eagle_sk3
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_g36
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_g36k
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_g36k_sk1
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_grenade_f1
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_grenade_rgd5
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_groza
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_groza_grenade_launcher
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_groza_mag
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_knife
* 170.4 : [   6] wpn\wpn_l85
* 170.4 : [   6] wpn\wpn_l85_sk2
* 170.4 : [   6] wpn\wpn_l85_sk3
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_l85_sk4
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_mp5
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_mp5_sk3
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_mp5_sk4
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_mp5sd_sk3
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_pb
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_pb_sk2
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_pkm
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_pkm_magazin
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_pm
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_pm_actor
* 170.4 : [   6] wpn\wpn_pm_sk2
* 170.4 : [   6] wpn\wpn_pm_sk3
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_pmm
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_protecta
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_protecta_sk2
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_rg6
* 170.4 : [   6] wpn\wpn_rpg-7
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_sig-p220
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_sig-p220_sk4
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_sig550
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_sig550_sk3
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_spas12
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_spas12_sk1
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_spas12_sk4
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svd_body
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svd_body_sk1
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svd_body_sk3
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svd_grips
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svd_grips_sk1
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svd_grips_sk3
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svd_gripz
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_toz-34
* 170.4 : [   6] wpn\wpn_toz-34_sk3
* 170.4 : [   6] wpn\wpn_toz-34_sk4
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_toz-34_sk5
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_usp
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_vss
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_vss_nimble
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_vssk
* 170.6 : [   4] act\act_izlom
* 170.6 : [   4] act\metro\act_diger_slemnew
* 170.6 : [   4] item\item_xxporn2
* 170.6 : [   4] item\item_xxxporn
* 170.6 : [   4] act\act_mp_team_blue_armor_military
* 170.6 : [   4] akt\act_arm_mono_glove
* 170.6 : [   4] item\item_boots
* 170.6 : [   4] item\item_conserva
* 170.6 : [   4] item\item_flash
* 170.6 : [   4] item\item_rope
* 170.6 : [   4] item\item_rops
* 170.6 : [   4] item\item_torch
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_gl_gp25
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_mount_mtk83
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_mp5_mount
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_1p29
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_ac10632
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_acog
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_eotech
* 170.6 : [   6] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_l96
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_pks-07
* 170.6 : [   6] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_po4x34
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_susat_sk2
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_susat_sk3
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_45
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_9mx
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_atg
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_gemtech
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_kzrzp
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_nato
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_pbs1
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_pbs4
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_tgp-a
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_vihr
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_usp_match
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak100_grips
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak100_grips_camogreen
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak101_mag
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak101_mag_camog
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_akm_mag
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aps
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_apw
* 170.6 : [   6] wpn\wpn_bullet1
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_bullet2
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_dao12_sights
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_g3_mount
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_kiparis
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_kiparis_mag
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_kipariw
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_kipariw_mag
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_m17_carryhandle
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_rpk_maz
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_vsk94_butt
* 170.6 : [   1] amik\explosions\boom_0
* 170.6 : [   1] amik\explosions\boom_1
* 170.6 : [   1] amik\explosions\boom_2
* 213.5 : [   5] artifact\artifact_hell1
* 256.1 : [   4] act\act_face_zombie_02
* 256.1 : [   4] act\act_face_zombie_03
* 256.1 : [   4] act\act_ratwolf_01
* 256.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_freedom3a
* 256.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_soldier_2
* 256.1 : [   1] amik\explosions\explosion_flash_atlas
* 256.1 : [   4] artifact\artifact_val005
* 256.1 : [   4] artifact\artifact_val013
* 256.1 : [   4] artifact\artifact_val024
* 256.1 : [   4] artifact\artifact_val029
* 256.1 : [   4] artifact\artifact_val031
* 256.1 : [   4] drink\drink_flask
* 256.1 : [   4] food\food_boar
* 256.1 : [   1] fx\fx_gradient1
* 256.1 : [   4] item\[stayler]\w_medkin2
* 256.1 : [   4] item\item_lead_box
* 256.1 : [   4] item\item_mineral_water
* 256.1 : [   4] item\item_nuts
* 256.1 : [   4] item\item_ration_ru
* 256.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_bloodsplash2
* 256.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_expl_01
* 256.1 : [   4] prop\prop_tarp
* 256.1 : [   4] repair\repair_helmet_repair
* 256.1 : [   4] sap\sap_medal
* 256.1 : [   4] sap\sap_medal_00
* 256.1 : [   4] sap\sap_sand
* 256.1 : [   4] sgm\sumka_2
* 256.1 : [3271] sky\sky_oblaka
* 256.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_graff_50_1024
* 300.1 : [   4] sap\sap_generator_00
* 339.8 : [   4] majordolg\scaut
* 340.8 : [   4] wpn\wpn_hpsa
* 340.8 : [   4] wpn\wpn_hpsa_sk1
* 340.8 : [   4] wpn\wpn_hpsa_sk2
* 340.8 : [   4] wpn\wpn_hpsa_sk3
* 340.8 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svu-a
* 341.1 : [   4] wpn\wpn_k98_body
* 341.1 : [   4] act\act_arm_bandit
* 341.1 : [   1] amik\explosions\explosion_dynamite\explosion_din
* 341.1 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_kobra
* 341.1 : [   4] wpn\wpn_johnnysaxe
* 341.1 : [   4] act\face\act_face_risovalshik
* 341.1 : [   4] act\metro\act_stalker_nebo_5_white
* 341.1 : [   1] amik\explosions\final_expl
* 341.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\smokeshoot_1
* 341.1 : [   4] awr\leatherman
* 341.1 : [   1] fx\fx_gradient
* 378.1 : [   4] sap\sap_generator
* 378.1 : [   4] sap\sap_glass
* 378.1 : [   4] sap\sap_gubka
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_atach
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_faction_badges_tfw
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_monoold1
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_monoold3
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_mutant_boar_leg
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_puh
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_scientist_suit_orang
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_scientist_suit_red
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_scientist_suit_white
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_scientist_suit_yello
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_scientist_zombi_b
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_scientist_zombi_w
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_scientist_zombi_y
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_dolg_tactic
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_merc_sun1
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_monolith1
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_monolith_1
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_monoliths
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_voyak_exo
* 512.1 : [   1] amik\explosions\explosion_fuelcan\boom_1
* 512.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\00
* 512.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\45
* 512.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\shells_ak
* 512.1 : [   4] amk\items\500
* 512.1 : [   4] item\item_crowbar
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_ani-fire01
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_explotions_3
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\12ga
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\45acp
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\545x39
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\556x45
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\762x39
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\762x51
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\762x54
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\9x18
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\9x19
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\9x39
* 512.1 : [   4] sgm\sumka_1
* 512.1 : [   1] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_shells3
* 512.1 : [   4] shoker_mod\wpn\axe\axe_1
* 512.1 : [   4] sumka\sumka_4
* 576.1 : [   4] sap\sap_star_of_ph
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_9a91
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_galilscope
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_grenade_launcher
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_grenade_launcher_m203
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_1p59
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_pso-1m2-1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_pso1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_pu
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_susat
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_susat_sk4
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aek971
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aek971_sk2
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak105_body
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak12
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_akm
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_akm_gadgem
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_akm_gadges
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_akm_gadget
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_akms_gadges
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_akn
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aks74
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aks75
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aks76
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aks77
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ar15
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aug
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aug_sk4
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aug_sk5
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_cz75
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_cz75_sk1
* 682.2 : [   6] wpn\wpn_dao12
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_fn2000
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_fn2000_sk1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_fn2000_sk2
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_fn2000_sk3
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_fnp45
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_fnp46
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_fnp47
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_fnx45_sk2
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_g35
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_g3sg1_sk1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_g4
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_galil
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_galil_sk3
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_glock19
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_glock19_sk1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_glock19_sk2
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_grach
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_grach_sk1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_gsh18
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_lr300
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_lr302
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_lr303
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_m16a2
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_m17
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_m1891
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_m1891_scope
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_m1891_wood
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_m4a1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_m4a3
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_m4a5
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_m590a2
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_mosin_scope
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_mp133_sk1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_mp133_sk2
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_mp153
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_mp153_sk1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_mp412
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_oc33
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_rpk74m
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_rpk_body
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_rpk_bodz
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_rpk_grips
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_rpk_gripz
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_scar
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_sig551
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_sig553
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_sv98
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_toz194
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_toz194_sk1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_toz66
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_toz66_sk1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_toz66_sk2
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_toz66_sk3
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_tt33
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_tt33_sk1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ump45
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ump45_sk1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ump45_sk2
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_us2
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_val
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_vihr
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_vsk94
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_vz61
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_vz61_sk2
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_vz61_sk4
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_vz61_sk5
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_type63
* 768.1 : [  14] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_1
* 768.1 : [  40] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_2
* 768.1 : [  18] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_3
* 768.1 : [  14] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_5
* 768.1 : [  40] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_1
* 768.1 : [  24] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_2
* 768.1 : [  36] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_3
* 768.1 : [  32] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_4
* 768.1 : [  32] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_5
* 768.1 : [   6] sky\af3_blowout\blowout1
* 768.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout1_1
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout2
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout2_night
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3
* 768.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_1
* 768.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_1_night
* 768.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_2
* 768.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_2_night
* 768.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_3
* 768.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_3_night
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_night
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4
* 768.1 : [   3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_1
* 768.1 : [   3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_1_night
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_night
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5_night
* 768.1 : [   7] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5psi
* 768.1 : [   7] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5psi_night
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout6
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout6_night
* 768.1 : [   3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout7
* 768.1 : [   4] sky\af3_blowout\blowout7_night
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\00-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\00-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  25] sky\af3_clear\00-00-nm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\01-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\01-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  37] sky\af3_clear\01-00-nm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\02-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\02-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  25] sky\af3_clear\02-00-nm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\03-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\03-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\04-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\04-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\04-30
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\22-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\22-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\23-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\23-00-hm
* 768.1 : [   6] sky\af3_cloudy\19-00
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_cloudy\20-00
* 768.1 : [  16] sky\af3_foggy\06-00
* 768.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\07-00
* 768.1 : [  19] sky\af3_foggy\09-00
* 768.1 : [  40] sky\af3_foggy\10-00
* 768.1 : [  10] sky\af3_foggy\11-00
* 768.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\12-00
* 768.1 : [  27] sky\af3_foggy\13-00
* 768.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\14-00
* 768.1 : [  19] sky\af3_foggy\15-00
* 768.1 : [  19] sky\af3_foggy\16-00
* 768.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\17-00
* 768.1 : [  19] sky\af3_foggy\18-00
* 768.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\19-00
* 768.1 : [  22] sky\af3_foggy\20-00
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\00-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\00-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  25] sky\af3_partly\00-00-nm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\01-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\01-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  38] sky\af3_partly\01-00-nm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\02-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\02-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  24] sky\af3_partly\02-00-nm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\03-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\03-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\04-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\04-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\22-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\22-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\23-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\23-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  26] sky\af3_rainy\07-00
* 768.1 : [  30] sky\af3_rainy\09-00_19-00
* 768.1 : [  58] sky\af3_rainy\13-00
* 768.1 : [  24] sky\af3_rainy\15-00
* 768.1 : [  31] sky\af3_rainy\15-00-2
* 768.1 : [  44] sky\af3_rainy\16-00
* 768.1 : [  32] sky\af3_rainy\20-00
* 768.1 : [   5] sky\sky_12_vibros_cube
* 768.1 : [  26] sky\sky_13_cube
* 768.1 : [  16] sky\sky_13_cube_night
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\sky_13_vibros_cube
* 768.1 : [  10] sky\sky_14_cube
* 768.1 : [   4] sky\sky_17_clouds_cube
* 768.1 : [   4] sky\sky_17_cube
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\sky_18_cube
* 768.1 : [  11] sky\sky_19_cube
* 768.1 : [   4] sky\sky_1_clouds_cube
* 768.1 : [   4] sky\sky_20_clouds_cube
* 768.1 : [   6] sky\sky_20_cube
* 768.1 : [   4] sky\sky_2_clouds_cube
* 768.1 : [   4] sky\sky_2_cube
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\sky_3_cube
* 768.1 : [   3] sky\sky_4_cube
* 768.1 : [  32] sky\sky_5_cube
* 768.1 : [   7] sky\sky_6_cube
* 768.1 : [  11] sky\sky_7_cube
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\sky_8_cube
* 768.1 : [  49] sky\sky_9_cube
* 1024.1 : [   4] act\act_mtalker
* 1024.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_dolg_8_8_
* 1024.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_merc_2
* 1024.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_mercen_2
* 1024.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_monolith_3
* 1024.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral_2
* 1024.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral_3
* 1024.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_soldier_a
* 1024.1 : [   4] act\metro\act_att_gasmask_maska
* 1024.1 : [   1] amik\explosions\decal_concrete
* 1024.1 : [   1] amik\explosions\explo_end
* 1024.1 : [   1] amik\explosions\explosion_fuelcan\boom_3
* 1024.1 : [   1] amik\explosions\explosion_fuelcan\grey_xpl
* 1024.1 : [   1] amik\hit_fx\water_splash\water_splash_anim
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_1
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_2
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_3
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_4
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_5
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_6
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_7
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_phase_1
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_phase_2
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_phase_3
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_phase_4
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_phase_5
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_phase_6
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_phase_7
* 1024.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_ani-explosion-02
* 1024.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_ani-explosion-02-b-a
* 1024.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_ani-explosion-02a
* 1024.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_explotions_2
* 1024.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_explotions_4
* 1024.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_explotions_smoke
* 1024.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_explotions_smoke_benzine
* 1024.1 : [   1] shoker_mod\explosions\final_expl
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_mp_screen
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_multiplayer_background
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_multiplayer_game_menu
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_sleep_screen
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_common
* 1024.1 : [   4] wpn\wpn_bolt
* 1024.1 : [   1] wpn\wpn_crosshair_class
* 1024.1 : [   1] wpn\wpn_crosshair_fn2000
* 1024.1 : [   1] wpn\wpn_crosshair_l85
* 1363.3 : [   4] act\act_stalker_sviter
* 1364.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_l96
* 1364.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_skw
* 1364.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svt
* 1364.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svt_sk2
* 1364.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svu-n
* 1364.3 : [   4] act\act_arm_sviter_1
* 1364.3 : [   4] bodies\it_organs_13rs
* 1792.9 : [   6] item\item_detector_1
* 2048.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_soldier_v
* 2048.1 : [   4] akt\act_arm_mono_1
* 2048.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_cc_lightings
* 2048.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_hint_wnd
* 2048.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_weapons
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\05-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\05-30
* 3072.1 : [  66] sky\af3_clear\06-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\07-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\08-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\09-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\10-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\11-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\12-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\13-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\14-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\15-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\16-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\17-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\18-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\19-00
* 3072.1 : [  66] sky\af3_clear\20-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\20-30
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\21-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\21-30
* 3072.1 : [   6] sky\af3_cloudy\05-00
* 3072.1 : [  12] sky\af3_cloudy\06-00
* 3072.1 : [  11] sky\af3_cloudy\07-00
* 3072.1 : [  19] sky\af3_cloudy\08-00
* 3072.1 : [  24] sky\af3_cloudy\09-00
* 3072.1 : [  12] sky\af3_cloudy\10-00
* 3072.1 : [  12] sky\af3_cloudy\11-00
* 3072.1 : [  19] sky\af3_cloudy\12-00
* 3072.1 : [  11] sky\af3_cloudy\13-00
* 3072.1 : [  38] sky\af3_cloudy\14-00
* 3072.1 : [  29] sky\af3_cloudy\15-00
* 3072.1 : [  11] sky\af3_cloudy\16-00
* 3072.1 : [  19] sky\af3_cloudy\17-00
* 3072.1 : [  22] sky\af3_cloudy\18-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\04-30
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\05-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\05-30
* 3072.1 : [  66] sky\af3_partly\06-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\07-00
* 3072.1 : [  34] sky\af3_partly\08-00
* 3072.1 : [  34] sky\af3_partly\09-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\10-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\11-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\12-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\13-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\14-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\15-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\16-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\17-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\18-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\19-00
* 3072.1 : [  66] sky\af3_partly\20-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\20-30
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\21-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\21-30
* 4096.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_main_menu
* 4096.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_main_menu_one
* 8193.0 : [   4] item\item_detector_3
* 32768.1 : [   1] ui\ui_icon_equipment
"c:\users\admin\desktop\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. last day 1.3\bin\xrengine.exe" 
Call of Chernobyl version 1.4.22
using marshal library
* sound : cache: 65537 kb, 4856 lines, 13820 bpl
* phase time: 1556 ms
* phase cmem: 1139315 K
* phase time: 52 ms
* phase cmem: 1139315 K
* Loading spawn registry...
* 18652 spawn points are successfully loaded
* Loading objects...
* 37294 objects are successfully loaded
* Game admin - quicksave10 is successfully loaded from file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave10.scop' (1.743s)
* phase time: 1741 ms
* phase cmem: 1157096 K
* phase time: 64 ms
* phase cmem: 1157131 K
* phase time: 54 ms
* phase cmem: 1157131 K
* WARNING: player not logged in
* client : connection accepted - <All Ok>
* phase time: 58 ms
* phase cmem: 1157165 K
* phase time: 60 ms
* phase cmem: 1161373 K
* phase time: 4802 ms
* phase cmem: 1283859 K
compiling shader vert
compiling shader vert
compiling shader vert_point
compiling shader vert_spot
compiling shader vert_l
compiling shader vert_l
compiling shader simple
compiling shader simple_point
compiling shader simple_spot
compiling shader lmap
compiling shader lmap
compiling shader lmap_point
compiling shader lmap_spot
compiling shader lmap_l
compiling shader lmap_l
compiling shader impl_dt
compiling shader impl_dt
compiling shader impl_point
compiling shader impl_spot
compiling shader impl_l
compiling shader impl_l
compiling shader tree_s
compiling shader tree_s_point
compiling shader tree_s_spot
compiling shader lod
compiling shader lod
compiling shader tree_w
compiling shader tree_w_point
compiling shader tree_w_spot
compiling shader avg4
* phase time: 390 ms
* phase cmem: 1284012 K
* [Loading VB] 65522 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65339 verts, 2041 Kb
* [Loading VB] 63140 verts, 1973 Kb
* [Loading VB] 52871 verts, 1652 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65528 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 46946 verts, 1467 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65532 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 21783 verts, 680 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048572 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048572 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 449682 indices, 878 Kb
* phase time: 121 ms
* phase cmem: 1360552 K
* phase time: 104 ms
* phase cmem: 1362731 K
compiling shader detail
compiling shader detail_wave
compiling shader detail_still
* [DETAILS] VertexConsts(256), Batch(61)
* [DETAILS] 8418 v(20), 4514 p
* [DETAILS] Batch(61), VB(164K), IB(26K)
* phase time: 65 ms
* phase cmem: 1365742 K
* Loading HOM: c:\users\admin\desktop\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. last day 1.3\gamedata\levels\l11_pripyat\level.hom
* phase time: 84 ms
* phase cmem: 1366093 K
* phase time: 52 ms
* phase cmem: 1361886 K
* phase time: 52 ms
* phase cmem: 1361886 K
* t-report - base: 1730, 540466 K
* t-report - lmap: 10, 10241 K
* WARNING: player not logged in
* phase time: 2359 ms
* phase cmem: 1489313 K
* phase time: 61 ms
* phase cmem: 1489313 K
* [win32]: free[1928036 K], reserved[279276 K], committed[1986928 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[575162 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1489313 K], game lua[47407 K], render[1269 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[58201 K], smem[14815 K]
utils.load_var failed for drx_sl_quest_stash_2_id
task_functor.under_faction_control_target_id is nil
task_functor.under_faction_control_target_id is nil
task_functor.under_faction_control_target_id is nil
task_functor.under_faction_control_target_id is nil
task_functor.under_faction_control_target_id is nil
collectgarbage before=61185248Kb
collectgarbage after=58336768Kb
squad simulation_snork0069 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper2947 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_novice8393 has no target
squad simulation_dog_5_710182 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper18841 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper18910 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced18938 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_novice18958 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran19000 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced19744 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_red19893 has no target
squad merc_sim_squad_advanced19908 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs20107 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_novice20258 has no target
squad army_sim_squad_advanced20276 has no target
squad army_sim_squad_novice20307 has no target
squad army_sim_squad_veteran20330 has no target
squad simulation_cat20695 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced20752 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper20783 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran20789 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran20823 has no target
squad ecolog_sim_squad_veteran20923 has no target
squad simulation_boar20973 has no target
squad simulation_cat21289 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced21444 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran21499 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced21609 has no target
squad stalker_sim_squad_veteran21646 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_red22028 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_522034 has no target
squad simulation_cat22118 has no target
squad simulation_dog22125 has no target
squad simulation_snork22217 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog22612 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_red22631 has no target
squad simulation_dog_5_722685 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced22956 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_novice22987 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced22996 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_novice23048 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_red23079 has no target
squad simulation_cat23136 has no target
squad simulation_cat23170 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_novice23203 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran23251 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_novice23346 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_novice23394 has no target
squad ecolog_sim_squad_advanced_2e_2ls_1ss23476 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_novice23509 has no target
squad simulation_cat23526 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog23536 has no target
squad simulation_cat23541 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano23544 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_523557 has no target
squad simulation_chimera23569 has no target
squad simulation_burer23571 has no target
squad simulation_fracture23597 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog23807 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_veteran23967 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_novice23997 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_524040 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_advanced24062 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_novice24099 has no target
squad merc_sim_squad_veteran24471 has no target
squad simulation_hostile_killer24495 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_advanced24711 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_524750 has no target
squad simulation_snork24851 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano24854 has no target
squad simulation_dog24863 has no target
squad simulation_psy_dog24864 has no target
squad simulation_gigant_2weak24866 has no target
squad simulation_boar24928 has no target
squad simulation_boar24961 has no target
squad simulation_cat24965 has no target
squad simulation_dog24969 has no target
squad simulation_psy_dog24972 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano24997 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs25000 has no target
squad simulation_cat25014 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano25017 has no target
squad simulation_cat25041 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran25054 has no target
squad simulation_hostile_killer25087 has no target
squad simulation_dog25092 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran25442 has no target
squad simulation_contr_5dog25474 has no target
squad simulation_cat25575 has no target
squad simulation_controller25577 has no target
squad simulation_psy_dog25599 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced25632 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran25653 has no target
squad simulation_dog25777 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_black25820 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano25845 has no target
squad simulation_dog26047 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog26074 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper26095 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_novice26167 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced26172 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced26186 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_2weak26238 has no target
squad simulation_gigant26241 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs26243 has no target
squad simulation_cat26246 has no target
squad simulation_cat26255 has no target
squad simulation_psy_dog_squad26258 has no target
squad army_sim_squad_veteran26306 has no target
squad simulation_chimera26344 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced26396 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran26429 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper26459 has no target
squad ecolog_sim_squad_advanced26477 has no target
squad ecolog_sim_squad_advanced26495 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_veteran26585 has no target
squad simulation_dog_5_726698 has no target
squad ecolog_sim_squad_advanced26699 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran26784 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran26815 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran26915 has no target
squad simulation_boar27065 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog27079 has no target
squad simulation_dog27082 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano27085 has no target
squad simulation_cat27091 has no target
squad simulation_cat27093 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced27105 has no target
squad simulation_boar27510 has no target
squad simulation_dog27514 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_black27543 has no target
squad simulation_boar27547 has no target
squad merc_sim_squad_veteran27565 has no target
squad simulation_snork27586 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano27590 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran27595 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran27608 has no target
squad simulation_cat27627 has no target
squad stalker_sim_squad_advanced27631 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced27717 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran27739 has no target
squad simulation_fracture27764 has no target
squad simulation_snork27769 has no target
squad simulation_snork27772 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog27776 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs27778 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_black27782 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_527918 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran27934 has no target
squad ecolog_sim_squad_advanced27937 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_novice27970 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_veteran28080 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced28216 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper28239 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper28267 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran28276 has no target
squad simulation_contr_4zomb_str28319 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_black28335 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs28337 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_528340 has no target
squad simulation_contr_2sn_4zomb28344 has no target
squad merc_sim_squad_novice28422 has no target
squad stalker_sim_squad_advanced28478 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano28505 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano28509 has no target
squad simulation_mix_boar_flesh28519 has no target
squad simulation_cat28524 has no target
squad simulation_mix_boar_flesh28527 has no target
squad simulation_dog28531 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog28536 has no target
squad simulation_fracture28659 has no target
squad simulation_snork28914 has no target
squad simulation_dog_5_728918 has no target
squad army_sim_squad_veteran29479 has no target
squad ecolog_sim_squad_veteran29576 has no target
squad simulation_rats29583 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_2weak29605 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano_7_1029619 has no target
squad simulation_cat29627 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran29744 has no target
squad merc_sim_squad_advanced29845 has no target
squad simulation_cat29863 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_novice29899 has no target
squad simulation_mix_boar_flesh29924 has no target
squad simulation_dog29946 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced29964 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper30028 has no target
squad ecolog_sim_squad_advanced30090 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_advanced30114 has no target
squad ecolog_sim_squad_advanced30125 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs30237 has no target
squad army_sim_squad_novice30468 has no target
squad simulation_cat30469 has no target
squad simulation_dog30605 has no target
squad simulation_cat30610 has no target
squad simulation_dog_5_730614 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano30619 has no target
squad stalker_sim_squad_novice30626 has no target
squad simulation_rat30632 has no target
squad simulation_flesh30666 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_novice30823 has no target
squad simulation_rats31263 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_black31281 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_advanced31523 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_red31540 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran31756 has no target
squad simulation_snork31790 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano32055 has no target
squad simulation_snork32071 has no target
squad simulation_cat32075 has no target
squad simulation_cat32078 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced32082 has no target
squad simulation_dog32234 has no target
squad army_sim_squad_novice32274 has no target
squad simulation_flesh32401 has no target
squad simulation_poltergeist_tele32781 has no target
squad simulation_snork32798 has no target
squad simulation_dog32808 has no target
squad army_sim_squad_advanced33068 has no target
squad simulation_dog33109 has no target
squad simulation_boar33113 has no target
squad simulation_rat33336 has no target
squad simulation_snork33576 has no target
squad simulation_snork33590 has no target
squad simulation_dog33594 has no target
squad simulation_rats33598 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano33606 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog33609 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano_7_1033612 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano33620 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog33768 has no target
squad simulation_boar33770 has no target
squad simulation_boar33774 has no target
squad simulation_flesh33776 has no target
squad simulation_dog34063 has no target
squad simulation_boar34092 has no target
squad simulation_rats34564 has no target
squad simulation_snork34580 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano34616 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog34636 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_novice35104 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog36616 has no target
squad simulation_dog_5_736619 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs36642 has no target
squad simulation_boar37377 has no target
squad simulation_dog37396 has no target
squad simulation_snork37655 has no target
squad simulation_dog37662 has no target
squad simulation_cat37923 has no target
squad simulation_snork38410 has no target
squad simulation_boar38671 has no target
squad simulation_burer38690 has no target
squad simulation_controller38692 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran38726 has no target
squad simulation_rat38757 has no target
squad simulation_snork38828 has no target
squad simulation_fracture38831 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano38833 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog38837 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_black38853 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran38855 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran38870 has no target
squad simulation_dog38926 has no target
squad simulation_dog38948 has no target
squad simulation_dog38952 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs38992 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano38995 has no target
squad stalker_sim_squad_advanced39008 has no target
squad simulation_cat39031 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano39072 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran39087 has no target
squad simulation_snork39446 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_black39448 has no target
squad simulation_snork39481 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_539487 has no target
squad simulation_flesh39540 has no target
squad simulation_flesh39574 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano39577 has no target
squad simulation_boar39582 has no target
squad ecolog_sim_squad_advanced39595 has no target
squad merc_sim_squad_novice39615 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_novice39631 has no target
squad simulation_dog40202 has no target
squad simulation_flesh40212 has no target
squad simulation_dog40215 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_novice40249 has no target
squad simulation_boar40288 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_advanced40290 has no target
squad simulation_snork40299 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_novice40310 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs40328 has no target
squad simulation_dog_5_740334 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_540344 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_540350 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs41227 has no target
squad simulation_dog41274 has no target
squad simulation_rat41303 has no target
squad simulation_fracture41323 has no target
squad simulation_cat41325 has no target
squad stalker_sim_squad_veteran41348 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_novice41358 has no target
squad simulation_psy_dog_squad41375 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_black41383 has no target
squad simulation_psy_dog41404 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran41427 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_red41467 has no target
squad simulation_gigant41536 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_541538 has no target
squad simulation_psy_dog41541 has no target
squad simulation_chimera41543 has no target
squad simulation_burer41617 has no target
squad ecolog_sim_squad_advanced41734 has no target
squad stalker_sim_squad_advanced41750 has no target
squad simulation_mix_boar_flesh41754 has no target
squad merc_sim_squad_novice41777 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced41813 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran41837 has no target
squad stalker_sim_squad_novice41859 has no target
squad simulation_fracture41879 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano41916 has no target
squad simulation_boar41935 has no target
squad simulation_snork41943 has no target
squad simulation_boar41950 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano41957 has no target
squad freedom_sim_squad_advanced41963 has no target
squad simulation_snork42042 has no target
squad simulation_dog42049 has no target
squad simulation_snork42052 has no target
squad simulation_snork42055 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_black42072 has no target
squad simulation_cat42503 has no target
squad simulation_controller42517 has no target
squad simulation_chimera42519 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_black42521 has no target
squad simulation_fracture42726 has no target
squad simulation_gigant43328 has no target
squad simulation_psy_dog_squad43338 has no target
squad simulation_cat43389 has no target
squad simulation_psysucker43414 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker43416 has no target
squad simulation_snork43420 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran43458 has no target
squad army_sim_squad_veteran43798 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced43868 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_advanced43907 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_veteran43913 has no target
squad simulation_snork44033 has no target
squad simulation_snork44049 has no target
squad simulation_cat44074 has no target
squad simulation_rats44076 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog44085 has no target
squad simulation_boar44087 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano44093 has no target
squad simulation_cat45121 has no target
squad simulation_cat45314 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced46080 has no target
squad simulation_cat46343 has no target
squad simulation_cat46372 has no target
squad simulation_cat46374 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran46607 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran46637 has no target
squad simulation_boar46655 has no target
squad simulation_flesh46676 has no target
squad simulation_dog46696 has no target
squad simulation_boar46759 has no target
squad simulation_rats46792 has no target
squad simulation_dog46804 has no target
squad simulation_cat46820 has no target
squad simulation_dog48145 has no target
squad simulation_cat48388 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_novice49419 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_novice52500 has no target
squad freedom_sim_squad_veteran55046 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_novice64047 has no target
intro_start game_loaded
* MEMORY USAGE: 1510844 K
* End of synchronization A[1] R[1]
intro_delete ::update_game_loaded
* [win32]: free[1911972 K], reserved[191856 K], committed[2090412 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[588240 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1508937 K], game lua[46760 K], render[1269 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[66865 K], smem[14826 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 37291 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave1.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave1.scop'
* [win32]: free[1912612 K], reserved[176060 K], committed[2105568 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[588240 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1486708 K], game lua[43331 K], render[1279 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[66868 K], smem[14826 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 37291 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave2.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave2.scop'
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 37291 objects are successfully saved
* Game Admin - autosave.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - autosave.scop'
- Disconnect
- Destroying level
*  0.0 : [  70] $null
*  0.0 : [   2] $user$cmap0
*  0.0 : [   2] $user$cmap1
*  0.0 : [   3] $user$distort
*  0.0 : [ 738] $user$projector
*  0.0 : [   6] $user$rendertarget
*  0.0 : [   5] $user$rendertarget_color_map
*  0.0 : [   1] $user$sky0
*  0.0 : [   1] $user$sky1
*  0.0 : [   1] $user$tonemap
*  0.0 : [   3] prop\prop_lampa_g_red2
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_spark_02
*  0.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_spark_01
*  0.2 : [   3] wpn\wpn_protecta_dots
*  0.2 : [   1] pfx\pfx_step_blood
*  0.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_bubble
*  0.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_leaves_01
*  0.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_leaves_02
*  0.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_splash3
*  0.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_splash_02
*  0.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_synus
*  0.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_vehmetaldebris_01
*  0.3 : [   1] prop\prop_provod_02
*  0.3 : [   4] prop\prop_provod_03
*  0.4 : [   1] glow\glow_anamorphic
*  0.4 : [   1] glow\glow_rays
*  0.4 : [   3] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_blue_lense
*  0.4 : [   1] map\map_nomap
*  0.6 : [ 726] internal\internal_light_attclip
*  0.7 : [   4] act\act_stalker_head_glass_02
*  0.7 : [   4] mtl\mtl_bochka_02
*  0.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_concretedebris_01
*  1.1 : [   3] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_red_lense
*  1.3 : [   6] act\act_stalker_head_glass
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_21
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_bubble_1
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_bubble_water
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist2
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist2inv
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist3
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist4
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist7
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist8
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist9
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist_glass
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist_teleport
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_distort_anomaly
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_distortion
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flash_05
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flash_07
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_smoke_b
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_specks
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_specks_poison
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_spikey_star
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_splash_01
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_stonedebris1
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_stonedebris2
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_vehglassdebris_01
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_water_wave
*  1.4 : [   3] artifact\artifact_eye
*  1.4 : [   4] item\item_key_1
*  1.4 : [   1] artifact\artifact_glow
*  1.4 : [   1] fx\fx_rain
*  1.4 : [   1] fx\fx_sun_rise
*  1.4 : [   1] glow\glow_orange2
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_asfalt_1
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_asfalt_2
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_asfalt_3
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_brick_1
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_brick_2
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_1
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_2
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_4
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_5
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_6
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_7
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_ground
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_ground_1
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_ground_2
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik_1
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik_2
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik_3
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_1
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_2
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_3
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_4
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_1
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_2
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_3
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_4
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_5
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_6
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_7
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_8
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_9
*  2.7 : [   4] prop\prop_speakerphone
*  2.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_electrostatic
*  2.7 : [   4] prop\prop_box_3
*  2.7 : [   4] prop\prop_elec_kran
*  2.7 : [   1] prop\prop_fake_bed_fireplace
*  2.7 : [   4] prop\prop_instrument_2
*  2.7 : [   4] prop\prop_lock
*  2.7 : [   4] prop\prop_teapot_1
*  2.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_pkm_lenta
*  2.7 : [   4] act\act_pseudodog_fur
*  2.7 : [   4] act\act_pseudodog_fur1
*  2.7 : [   4] mtl\mtl_truba_pod_01
*  2.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist_glass3
*  2.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_smokepuffs2
*  2.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_sparks
*  2.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_sparks2
*  2.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_woodchips1
*  2.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_woodchips3
*  2.7 : [   4] act\act_jimmy_glaz
*  2.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\trace_01
*  2.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\trace_01
*  2.7 : [   4] food\food_raw___dog
*  2.7 : [   4] food\food_raw_flesh
*  2.7 : [   4] item\item_battery
*  2.7 : [   4] item\item_jar
*  2.7 : [   4] item\item_meinkampf
*  2.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\dtk_3
*  3.0 : [   1] artifact\artifact_anim_dist
*  3.1 : [   5] sky\sky_12_vibros_cube#small
*  3.1 : [  26] sky\sky_13_cube#small
*  3.1 : [  16] sky\sky_13_cube_night#small
*  3.1 : [  12] sky\sky_13_vibros_cube#small
*  3.1 : [  10] sky\sky_14_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   4] sky\sky_17_clouds_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   4] sky\sky_17_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   8] sky\sky_18_cube#small
*  3.1 : [  11] sky\sky_19_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   4] sky\sky_1_clouds_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   4] sky\sky_20_clouds_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   4] sky\sky_20_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   4] sky\sky_2_clouds_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   4] sky\sky_2_cube#small
*  3.1 : [  12] sky\sky_3_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   3] sky\sky_4_cube#small
*  3.1 : [  30] sky\sky_5_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   7] sky\sky_6_cube#small
*  3.1 : [  11] sky\sky_7_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   8] sky\sky_8_cube#small
*  3.1 : [  49] sky\sky_9_cube#small
*  4.1 : [   1] fx\fx_flare1
*  4.1 : [   1] fx\fx_flare2
*  4.1 : [   1] fx\fx_flare3
*  4.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flamefx_01
*  4.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_g-smoke-01
*  4.1 : [   1] ui\cursor
*  5.3 : [   1] act\act_controller_hit
*  5.3 : [   1] act\act_controller_hit1
*  5.3 : [   6] act\act_stalker_nauch_glass
*  5.3 : [   4] act\variation mod\act_neutral\gas_mask_glass
*  5.3 : [   4] door\door_sheet
*  5.3 : [   4] door\door_w01
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_1
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_16
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_17
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_19
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_3
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_4
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_5
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_6
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_8
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_88
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_9
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_blurry_cloud
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_brick
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_light
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_light1
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_light3
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_light4
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_lightning_01
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_lightning_02
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_ligth_6
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_plasma
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_smoke_a
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_sparks1
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_teleport
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_test_textures
*  5.3 : [   4] prop\prop_ballon2
*  5.3 : [   4] prop\prop_ballon3
*  5.3 : [   4] prop\prop_bottle_box
*  5.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_pkm_decals
*  5.4 : [   4] item\item_hammer
*  5.4 : [   1] amik\nature\stonedebris1
*  5.4 : [   1] glow\glow_04
*  5.4 : [   1] glow\glow_fire1
*  5.4 : [   1] glow\glow_fire1_soc
*  5.4 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flash_02
*  5.4 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flash_08
*  5.4 : [   1] shoker_mod\explosions\firesmokeparticle
*  5.4 : [   1] wm\wm_grenade
*  5.4 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_dead
*  5.4 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_horiz
*  5.4 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_blood
*  5.4 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_wood
*  5.4 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_wood1
*  5.4 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_wood2
*  5.4 : [   1] amik\weapons\6ways2
*  5.4 : [   1] amik\weapons\btr\muzzle 6ways2
*  5.4 : [   1] amik\nature\list
*  5.4 : [   1] amik\nature\wood_part
*  5.4 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\trail
*  6.1 : [  14] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_1#small
*  6.1 : [  40] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_2#small
*  6.1 : [  18] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_3#small
*  6.1 : [  14] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_5#small
*  6.1 : [  40] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_1#small
*  6.1 : [  24] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_2#small
*  6.1 : [  36] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_3#small
*  6.1 : [  32] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_4#small
*  6.1 : [  32] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_5#small
*  6.1 : [   6] sky\af3_blowout\blowout1#small
*  6.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout1_1#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout2#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout2_night#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3#small
*  6.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_1#small
*  6.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_1_night#small
*  6.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_2#small
*  6.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_2_night#small
*  6.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_3#small
*  6.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_3_night#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_night#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4#small
*  6.1 : [   3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_1#small
*  6.1 : [   3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_1_night#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_night#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5_night#small
*  6.1 : [   7] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5psi#small
*  6.1 : [   7] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5psi_night#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout6#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout6_night#small
*  6.1 : [   3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout7#small
*  6.1 : [   4] sky\af3_blowout\blowout7_night#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\00-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\00-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  25] sky\af3_clear\00-00-nm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\01-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\01-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  37] sky\af3_clear\01-00-nm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\02-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\02-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  25] sky\af3_clear\02-00-nm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\03-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\03-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\04-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\04-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\04-30#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\05-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\05-30#small
*  6.1 : [  66] sky\af3_clear\06-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\07-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\08-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\09-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\10-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\11-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\12-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\13-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\14-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\15-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\16-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\17-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\18-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\19-00#small
*  6.1 : [  66] sky\af3_clear\20-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\20-30#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\21-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\21-30#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\22-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\22-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\23-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\23-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [   6] sky\af3_cloudy\05-00#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_cloudy\06-00#small
*  6.1 : [  11] sky\af3_cloudy\07-00#small
*  6.1 : [  19] sky\af3_cloudy\08-00#small
*  6.1 : [  24] sky\af3_cloudy\09-00#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_cloudy\10-00#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_cloudy\11-00#small
*  6.1 : [  19] sky\af3_cloudy\12-00#small
*  6.1 : [  11] sky\af3_cloudy\13-00#small
*  6.1 : [  38] sky\af3_cloudy\14-00#small
*  6.1 : [  29] sky\af3_cloudy\15-00#small
*  6.1 : [  11] sky\af3_cloudy\16-00#small
*  6.1 : [  19] sky\af3_cloudy\17-00#small
*  6.1 : [  22] sky\af3_cloudy\18-00#small
*  6.1 : [   6] sky\af3_cloudy\19-00#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_cloudy\20-00#small
*  6.1 : [  16] sky\af3_foggy\06-00#small
*  6.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\07-00#small
*  6.1 : [  19] sky\af3_foggy\09-00#small
*  6.1 : [  40] sky\af3_foggy\10-00#small
*  6.1 : [  10] sky\af3_foggy\11-00#small
*  6.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\12-00#small
*  6.1 : [  27] sky\af3_foggy\13-00#small
*  6.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\14-00#small
*  6.1 : [  19] sky\af3_foggy\15-00#small
*  6.1 : [  19] sky\af3_foggy\16-00#small
*  6.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\17-00#small
*  6.1 : [  19] sky\af3_foggy\18-00#small
*  6.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\19-00#small
*  6.1 : [  22] sky\af3_foggy\20-00#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\00-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\00-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  25] sky\af3_partly\00-00-nm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\01-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\01-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  38] sky\af3_partly\01-00-nm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\02-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\02-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  24] sky\af3_partly\02-00-nm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\03-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\03-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\04-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\04-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\04-30#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\05-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\05-30#small
*  6.1 : [  66] sky\af3_partly\06-00#small
*  6.1 : [  34] sky\af3_partly\07-00#small
*  6.1 : [  34] sky\af3_partly\08-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\09-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\10-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\11-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\12-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\13-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\14-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\15-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\16-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\17-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\18-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\19-00#small
*  6.1 : [  66] sky\af3_partly\20-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\20-30#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\21-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\21-30#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\22-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\22-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\23-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\23-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  26] sky\af3_rainy\07-00#small
*  6.1 : [  30] sky\af3_rainy\09-00_19-00#small
*  6.1 : [  58] sky\af3_rainy\13-00#small
*  6.1 : [  24] sky\af3_rainy\15-00#small
*  6.1 : [  31] sky\af3_rainy\15-00-2#small
*  6.1 : [  44] sky\af3_rainy\16-00#small
*  6.1 : [  32] sky\af3_rainy\20-00#small
*  7.1 : [   1] artifact\artifact_anim_lightning
*  7.1 : [   4] wpn\wpn_g36_scope
*  8.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_gologramma
*  8.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\fake_shells
*  8.1 : [   1] ui\ui_fog_of_war
* 10.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_vog
* 10.7 : [   4] door\door_white_04
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_electricalunit3
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_kanistra
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_dog_red
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_dogs_big
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_dogs_black
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_dogs_brown
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_dogs_bulterer
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_green_stalker_head_3
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_green_stalker_head_3_mask
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_head2
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_pseudodog
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_rat01
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_ratn1
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_ratn2
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_ratn3
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_ryukzak
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_ryukzak_black
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_stalker_head_antigas_2
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_stalker_head_antigas_9
* 10.7 : [   4] door\door_katakomb_01
* 10.7 : [   4] door\door_white_02
* 10.7 : [   4] mtl\mtl_shkaf
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_blind01
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_dangerbox_2
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_el_shkaf_01
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_freez
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_item2
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_item3
* 10.7 : [   6] prop\prop_iten4
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_kitchen_stuff
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_plita
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_spade
* 10.7 : [   4] wood\wood_plank6
* 10.7 : [   4] wood\wood_table_02
* 10.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aksu_synth
* 10.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_protecta_sights
* 10.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_walter99_mag
* 10.7 : [   4] glas\glas_dirt
* 10.7 : [   4] mtl\mtl_barrel_02
* 10.7 : [   4] mtl\mtl_barrel_04
* 10.7 : [   4] mtl\mtl_barrel_05
* 10.7 : [   4] mtl\mtl_truba_pod_02
* 10.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_2
* 10.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_23
* 10.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_2_green
* 10.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_7
* 10.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_concretepuffs_01
* 10.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_lighting_stancia_01
* 10.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_lighting_stancia_02
* 10.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_smokepuffs1
* 10.7 : [   1] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_shells1
* 10.7 : [   1] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_shells2
* 10.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\dtk_5
* 10.7 : [   3] artifact\artifact_mp_green
* 10.7 : [   4] artifact\artifact_myasorubka2
* 10.7 : [   4] artifact\artifact_myasorubka3
* 10.7 : [   4] fx\fx_noise2
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_block_notes
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_calibrate_tools
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_cards
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_document_01
* 10.7 : [   6] item\item_gazmask1
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_gazmask3
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_medic1
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_medkit
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_medkit_2
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_medkit_3
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_medkit_4
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_parts
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_rebirth
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_small_tools
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_yad
* 10.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_bullet1_556
* 10.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_bullet1_939
* 10.7 : [   1] amik\anomaly\electric_radial
* 10.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\6ways1
* 10.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\btr\muzzle 6ways1
* 10.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\dtk_4
* 10.7 : [   1] amik\hit_fx\water_splash\water_spurt
* 10.7 : [   1] artifact\artifact_fire_light
* 10.7 : [   1] lights\lights_cone_handing_lamp
* 10.7 : [   1] lights\lights_ray1
* 10.7 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_blood1
* 10.7 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_metal
* 10.7 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_ston
* 13.3 : [   3] artifact\artifact_lava
* 16.1 : [   4] act\act_specnaz_glass
* 16.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\mg42out
* 16.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\trace
* 16.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\mg42out
* 16.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\trace
* 16.1 : [   1] fx\fx_rainsplash1
* 16.1 : [   1] fx\fx_volumefog1
* 16.1 : [ 726] internal\internal_light_att
* 16.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flame
* 16.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flash_01
* 16.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_gradient
* 16.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_gradient1
* 16.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_arial_14_1024
* 16.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_hud_01
* 16.1 : [   1] ui\ui_grid
* 16.1 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_drop_1
* 16.1 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_drop_2
* 16.1 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_drop_3
* 16.1 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_drop_4
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_face_mask_05
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_face_mask_06
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_faces_2_01
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_face_01
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_face_mask_01
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_face_mask_02
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_face_mask_03
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_face_mask_04
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_face_mask_07
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_face_mask_08
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_face_zombie_01
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_faces_1_03
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_faces_1_08
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_faces_4_02
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_faces_4_03
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_faces_4_04
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_stalker_soldier_1
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_ryukzag
* 21.3 : [   4] door\door_ship_metall
* 21.3 : [   4] mtl\mtl_bochka_01
* 21.3 : [   4] mtl\mtl_pod_01
* 21.3 : [   4] prop\prop_instrument_1
* 21.3 : [   1] amik\weapons\dtk_2
* 21.4 : [   4] aa\aa_freon
* 21.4 : [   4] kdm_ammo\ammo_57x28\ammo_5.7x28_ap
* 21.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_raii
* 21.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_rail
* 21.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_rair
* 21.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_bullet1_545
* 21.4 : [   1] artifact\artifact_lighting
* 21.4 : [   3] artifact\artifact_sopli2
* 21.4 : [   1] glow\glow_blue
* 21.4 : [   4] glow\glow_ghost
* 21.4 : [   1] glow\glow_orange
* 21.4 : [   1] glow\glow_orange_bright
* 21.4 : [   1] glow\glow_white
* 21.4 : [   1] glow\glow_yellow
* 21.4 : [   4] item\item_goggles
* 21.4 : [   4] item\item_money
* 21.4 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist_lens_base
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_10
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_11
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_1_1
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_1_2
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_1_3
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_1_4
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_1_5
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_3
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_4
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_5
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_6
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_7
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_8
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_9
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_glass01
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_glass02
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_glass03
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_glass04
* 21.4 : [   1] amik\weapons\dtk_4_1
* 28.5 : [   4] wpn\wpn_g35_scope
* 32.1 : [   4] arsenal_mod\ammo\50_ae
* 32.1 : [   4] arsenal_mod\ammo\762x25_p
* 32.1 : [   4] arsenal_mod\ammo\762x25_ps
* 32.1 : [   1] fx\fx_lightning
* 32.1 : [   4] item\item_beans
* 32.1 : [   4] item\item_beer
* 32.1 : [   4] item\item_caffeine
* 32.1 : [   4] item\item_corn
* 32.1 : [   4] item\item_medkitai2
* 32.1 : [   4] item\item_tomato
* 32.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_ani-smoke-01
* 32.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_cc_lighting_grad2
* 32.1 : [   4] repair\repair_steel_wool
* 32.1 : [   4] sgm\item_psyhodelin
* 32.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_letter_16_1024
* 32.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_letter_18_1024
* 33.0 : [   1] ui\ui_ani_cursor
* 42.5 : [   1] amik\weapons\9x39
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_head_mask
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_psevdogigant
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_monolith_rookie
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_nebo_1
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neut_2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral2d
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_soldierb4
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_trup_5
* 42.6 : [   6] wpn\wpn_upgrade
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_bure3
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_burer
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_ca2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_ca4
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_cat
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_cat2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_controlle2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_controller
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_free2old
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_himera
* 42.6 : [   6] act\act_krovosos_1
* 42.6 : [   3] act\act_krovosos_3
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_nauchniy_monolit
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_new_details_01
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_plot
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_pseudodog1
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_scientist_zombi_o
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_band_2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_bandit1az
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_bandit1bz
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_bandit1c
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_bandit_1
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_bandit_2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_bandit_3
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_bandit_3a
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_black
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_dolg2a
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_dolg3b
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_dolg_2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_dolg_2_2_
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_dolg_3
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_dolg_3000
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_dolgexo4a
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_dolgexo_4
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_dolgzom_2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_freedom2b
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_freedom4b
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_freedom_1
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_freedom_2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_merc4a
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_merc_5
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_mercen2b
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_mercen2c
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_mercexo_4
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_mercsuit1
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_monolith2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_monolith4a
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_monolith4b
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_monolith_2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_monolith_4
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_nebo_3
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral1a
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral1b
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral1c
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral1d
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral1e
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral1f
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral2a
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral2b
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral2c
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral2e
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral3a
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral4a
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral_1
* 42.6 : [   6] act\act_stalker_neutral_4
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_seva_1
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_soldier_4
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_trup_1
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_trup_2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_trup_3
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_trup_4
* 42.6 : [   4] wood\wood_collect
* 42.6 : [   4] wood\wood_walls8
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74m_gp
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74m_mag
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74m_mag_camog
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ammo
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_beretta_sk1
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_beretta_sk2
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_beretta_sk4
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_beretta_sk5
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_fort17
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_fort17_sk1
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_fort17_sk2
* 42.6 : [   6] wpn\wpn_gauss
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_grenade_40mm
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_grenade_rdg-m
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_grenade_rdg-s
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_knife_nr40
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_l85_susat
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_sig550_mag
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_sig550_mag_sk2
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svd_mag
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svd_mag_sk1
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svd_mag_sk3
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_vssk_sil
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_walter99_body
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_walter99_bodz
* 42.6 : [   4] act\variation mod\act_neutral\pockets_1a
* 42.6 : [   4] act\variation mod\act_neutral\pockets_1b
* 42.6 : [   4] act\variation mod\act_neutral\pockets_1e
* 42.7 : [   4] aa\aa_af_aac
* 42.7 : [   4] aa\aa_af_aam
* 42.7 : [   4] aa\aa_af_iam
* 42.7 : [   4] aa\aa_camelbak
* 42.7 : [   4] aa\aa_cooler
* 42.7 : [   4] aa\aa_frames
* 42.7 : [   4] aa\aa_kevlar
* 42.7 : [   4] act\metro\act_gasmask_metro_grey
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_shovel
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_spalnik
* 42.7 : [   4] aa\aa_plates
* 42.7 : [   4] aa\aa_surge
* 42.7 : [   4] act\act_exoskeleton
* 42.7 : [   4] act\act_face_26
* 42.7 : [   4] act\act_jimmy_face
* 42.7 : [   4] food\food_chimera
* 42.7 : [   4] food\food_protein
* 42.7 : [   4] food\food_raw_boar
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_ammo
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_book1
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_book2
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_book3
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_ckit
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_cutlery
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_drugskit
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_energy
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_foto1
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_grooming
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_guitar
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_jbox
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_kithunt
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_maps
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_milimap
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_mirror
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_s_guide
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_sack
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_swiss
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_tarp
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_universalpowerdevice
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_ustroystva
* 42.7 : [   4] item\med_bank
* 42.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_rail_1
* 42.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_docter_sight
* 42.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_fn2000_lens
* 42.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_k98_sil
* 42.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_scar_bullet
* 42.7 : [   1] amik\explosions\smoke_cannon
* 42.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\12x70
* 42.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\flameshoot_3
* 42.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\flameshoot_4
* 42.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\flameshoot_5
* 42.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\shells_12x70
* 42.7 : [   1] map\map_hospital
* 42.7 : [   1] map\map_l08u_brainlab
* 48.1 : [ 146] sky\sky_cube_weapons
* 64.1 : [   1] amik\static\gas_light\flame_zippo
* 64.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\dtk_6
* 64.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\dtk_8
* 64.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\flash_01
* 64.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\flash_02
* 64.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\flash_04
* 64.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\flash_05
* 64.1 : [   4] arsenal_mod\ammo\762x39_ap
* 64.1 : [   4] arsenal_mod\ammo\762x39_fmj
* 64.1 : [   4] arsenal_mod\ammo\762x51_ap
* 64.1 : [   4] arsenal_mod\ammo\762x51_fmj
* 64.1 : [   4] artifact\artifact_val000
* 64.1 : [   1] dinamic_hud\breath1
* 64.1 : [   1] dinamic_hud\breath2
* 64.1 : [   1] dinamic_hud\breath3
* 64.1 : [   1] dinamic_hud\breath5
* 64.1 : [   1] fx\fx_sun
* 64.1 : [   1] fx\fx_sun_fog
* 64.1 : [   1] fx\fx_sun_gradient
* 64.1 : [   1] fx\fx_sun_halo
* 64.1 : [   1] fx\fx_sun_morning
* 64.1 : [   1] fx\fx_thunderbolts_gradient
* 64.1 : [   1] fx\fx_thunderbolts_gradient_surge
* 64.1 : [1452] internal\internal_light_attpoint
* 64.1 : [   4] item\item_chili
* 64.1 : [   4] item\item_medkit_5
* 64.1 : [   4] item\jgut
* 64.1 : [   4] item\kielbasa
* 64.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_18
* 64.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_bloodsplash1
* 64.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flame_01
* 64.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_skinsplash1
* 64.1 : [   4] sap\sap_medal_01
* 64.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_console_02
* 64.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_graff_19_1024
* 64.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_graff_22_1024
* 64.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_hud_02
* 64.1 : [   1] ui\ui_hud_grenade_mark
* 64.1 : [   1] ui\ui_hud_hit_mark
* 85.2 : [   4] act\act_krovosos_new1
* 85.2 : [   4] act\act_mutant_boar
* 85.2 : [   4] act\act_mutant_boar_u
* 85.2 : [   4] act\act_stalker_nebo_2
* 85.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_usp_nimble
* 85.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_g43_body
* 85.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_k98_stock
* 85.3 : [   4] act\act_face_her9
* 85.3 : [   4] act\act_stalk_nimble
* 85.3 : [   4] item\item_stims
* 85.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_deagle_comp
* 85.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_lastochka
* 85.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_lastochkb
* 85.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_lastochkc
* 85.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_9a91
* 85.3 : [   6] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_9mm
* 85.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_aps
* 85.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_sr25_silencer
* 85.3 : [   4] act\eye\act_eye_ball
* 85.3 : [   4] act\metro\act_maska_leather
* 85.3 : [   1] amik\explosions\explosion_dynamite\flashlight
* 85.3 : [   1] amik\explosions\explosion_smoke03
* 85.3 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\flameshoot_1
* 85.3 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\flameshoot_2
* 85.3 : [   4] arsenal_mod\ammo\wpn_cartridge357
* 85.3 : [   4] drink\drink_cocaine
* 85.3 : [   4] drink\drink_match0
* 85.3 : [   4] item\[stayler]\w_medkin1
* 85.3 : [   4] item\[stayler]\w_medkin3
* 85.3 : [   4] item\item_detector_2
* 85.3 : [   4] item\item_drink_waterxx
* 85.3 : [   4] item\item_food
* 85.3 : [   1] map\map_labx8
* 85.3 : [   1] shoker_mod\explosions\explosion_smoke01
* 85.3 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_1
* 85.3 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_2
* 85.3 : [   1] amik\explosions\explosion_dynamite\smoke
* 85.3 : [   1] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_smoke_1
* 106.9 : [   3] artifact\artifact_lavahell1
* 128.1 : [   4] act\act_crow
* 128.1 : [   4] act\act_dog_noy_0
* 128.1 : [   4] act\act_ryukzaa
* 128.1 : [   4] act\act_ryukzac
* 128.1 : [   4] act\act_ryukzad
* 128.1 : [   4] act\variation mod\act_neutral\gp5a
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\357mag
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\50_ae
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\5x45x39
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\5x45x39_00
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\5x45x39_01
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\5x56x45
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\5x56x45_00
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\5x7x28
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\6x5x50
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x25_0
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x25_1
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x25_2
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x25_3
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x25_4
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x39_00
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x39_01
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x39_02
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x39_03
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x51_1
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x51_2
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x54
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x7x57
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x92x57
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\9x18_1
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\9x18_2
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\9x18_3
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\9x39
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\shells_ak_01
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\smokeshoot_0
* 128.1 : [   4] cooking\cooking_kerosene
* 128.1 : [   4] cooking\cooking_mfs
* 128.1 : [   4] cooking\cooking_wood_stove
* 128.1 : [   4] drink\drink_cigar0
* 128.1 : [   4] drink\drink_cigar2
* 128.1 : [   4] drink\drink_cigar3
* 128.1 : [   4] drink\drink_crow
* 128.1 : [   4] drink\drink_joint
* 128.1 : [   4] drink\drink_tea
* 128.1 : [   4] drink\drink_vodka
* 128.1 : [   4] drink\drink_water
* 128.1 : [   4] food\food_bls
* 128.1 : [   4] food\food_dog
* 128.1 : [   4] food\food_flesh
* 128.1 : [   4] food\food_pdg
* 128.1 : [   4] food\food_raw_tush
* 128.1 : [   4] food\food_tushkano
* 128.1 : [   4] food\snork_food
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_chocolate
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_cigar
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_cigarettes_lucky
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_cigarettes_russian
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_cloth_mask
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_glucose
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_glucose_s
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_hand_rolling_tobacco
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_mint
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_mre
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_raisins
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_ration_ukr
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_salmon
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_sausage
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_tobacco
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_tushonka
* 128.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_shells1
* 128.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_shells2
* 128.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_shells_green
* 128.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_shells_pisto1
* 128.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_shells_pistol
* 128.1 : [   4] prop\prop_kitchen_krujka
* 128.1 : [   4] prop\prop_voda1
* 128.1 : [   4] prop\prop_voda2
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_armor_repair_fa
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_armor_repair_pro
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_cleaning_kit
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_cleaning_kit_r7
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_cleaning_kit_u
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_glue
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_grease_solvent
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_gun_oil
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_gun_oil_ru
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_sewing_kit
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_sharpening_stones
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_textile_patch_b
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_textile_patch_e
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_textile_patch_m
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_toolkit_nato
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_toolkit_p
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_toolkit_s
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_toolkit_wp
* 128.1 : [   1] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_ak_shells_1
* 128.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_graff_32_1024
* 128.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_letter_25_1024
* 128.1 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ied
* 128.1 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ied_rpg
* 128.1 : [   4] wpn\wpn_pfm1
* 170.4 : [   4] act\act_gasmask
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_abakan
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74_sk1
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74_sk2
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74_sk3
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74_sk4
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74_sk5
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74_sk7
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74m
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74m_body
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74m_body_camog
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74m_sk3
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aksu
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aksu_sk3
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aksu_sk4
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aksu_sk5
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aksu_sk6
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_beretta
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_binokl
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_colt1911
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_colt1911_sk4
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_colt1911_sk5
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_colt1911_sk6
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_colt1911_sk8
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_desert_eagle
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_desert_eagle_nimble
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_desert_eagle_sk1
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_desert_eagle_sk2
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_desert_eagle_sk3
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_g36
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_g36k
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_g36k_sk1
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_grenade_f1
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_grenade_rgd5
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_groza
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_groza_grenade_launcher
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_groza_mag
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_knife
* 170.4 : [   6] wpn\wpn_l85
* 170.4 : [   6] wpn\wpn_l85_sk2
* 170.4 : [   6] wpn\wpn_l85_sk3
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_l85_sk4
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_mp5
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_mp5_sk3
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_mp5_sk4
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_mp5sd_sk3
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_pb
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_pb_sk2
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_pkm
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_pkm_magazin
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_pm
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_pm_actor
* 170.4 : [   6] wpn\wpn_pm_sk2
* 170.4 : [   6] wpn\wpn_pm_sk3
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_pmm
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_protecta
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_protecta_sk2
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_rg6
* 170.4 : [   6] wpn\wpn_rpg-7
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_sig-p220
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_sig-p220_sk4
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_sig550
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_sig550_sk3
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_spas12
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_spas12_sk1
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_spas12_sk4
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svd_body
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svd_body_sk1
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svd_body_sk3
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svd_grips
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svd_grips_sk1
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svd_grips_sk3
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svd_gripz
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_toz-34
* 170.4 : [   6] wpn\wpn_toz-34_sk3
* 170.4 : [   6] wpn\wpn_toz-34_sk4
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_toz-34_sk5
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_usp
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_vss
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_vss_nimble
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_vssk
* 170.6 : [   4] act\act_izlom
* 170.6 : [   4] act\metro\act_diger_slemnew
* 170.6 : [   4] item\item_xxporn2
* 170.6 : [   4] item\item_xxxporn
* 170.6 : [   4] act\act_mp_team_blue_armor_military
* 170.6 : [   4] akt\act_arm_mono_glove
* 170.6 : [   4] item\item_boots
* 170.6 : [   4] item\item_conserva
* 170.6 : [   4] item\item_flash
* 170.6 : [   4] item\item_rope
* 170.6 : [   4] item\item_rops
* 170.6 : [   4] item\item_torch
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_gl_gp25
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_mount_mtk83
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_mp5_mount
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_1p29
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_ac10632
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_acog
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_eotech
* 170.6 : [   6] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_l96
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_pks-07
* 170.6 : [   6] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_po4x34
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_susat_sk2
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_susat_sk3
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_45
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_9mx
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_atg
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_gemtech
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_kzrzp
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_nato
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_pbs1
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_pbs4
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_tgp-a
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_vihr
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_usp_match
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak100_grips
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak100_grips_camogreen
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak101_mag
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak101_mag_camog
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_akm_mag
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aps
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_apw
* 170.6 : [   6] wpn\wpn_bullet1
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_bullet2
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_dao12_sights
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_g3_mount
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_kiparis
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_kiparis_mag
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_kipariw
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_kipariw_mag
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_m17_carryhandle
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_rpk_maz
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_vsk94_butt
* 170.6 : [   1] amik\explosions\boom_0
* 170.6 : [   1] amik\explosions\boom_1
* 170.6 : [   1] amik\explosions\boom_2
* 170.6 : [   1] map\map_aes_1
* 170.6 : [   1] map\map_aes_2
* 170.6 : [   1] map\map_l04_darkvalley
* 170.6 : [   1] map\map_l05_bar
* 170.6 : [   1] map\map_l06_rostok
* 170.6 : [   1] map\map_limansk
* 213.5 : [   5] artifact\artifact_hell1
* 256.1 : [   4] act\act_face_zombie_02
* 256.1 : [   4] act\act_face_zombie_03
* 256.1 : [   4] act\act_ratwolf_01
* 256.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_freedom3a
* 256.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_soldier_2
* 256.1 : [   1] amik\explosions\explosion_flash_atlas
* 256.1 : [   4] artifact\artifact_val005
* 256.1 : [   4] artifact\artifact_val013
* 256.1 : [   4] artifact\artifact_val024
* 256.1 : [   4] artifact\artifact_val029
* 256.1 : [   4] artifact\artifact_val031
* 256.1 : [   4] drink\drink_flask
* 256.1 : [   4] food\food_boar
* 256.1 : [   1] fx\fx_gradient1
* 256.1 : [   4] item\[stayler]\w_medkin2
* 256.1 : [   4] item\item_lead_box
* 256.1 : [   4] item\item_mineral_water
* 256.1 : [   4] item\item_nuts
* 256.1 : [   4] item\item_ration_ru
* 256.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_bloodsplash2
* 256.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_expl_01
* 256.1 : [   4] prop\prop_tarp
* 256.1 : [   4] repair\repair_helmet_repair
* 256.1 : [   4] sap\sap_medal
* 256.1 : [   4] sap\sap_medal_00
* 256.1 : [   4] sap\sap_sand
* 256.1 : [   4] sgm\sumka_2
* 256.1 : [3271] sky\sky_oblaka
* 256.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_graff_50_1024
* 300.1 : [   4] sap\sap_generator_00
* 339.8 : [   4] majordolg\scaut
* 340.8 : [   4] wpn\wpn_hpsa
* 340.8 : [   4] wpn\wpn_hpsa_sk1
* 340.8 : [   4] wpn\wpn_hpsa_sk2
* 340.8 : [   4] wpn\wpn_hpsa_sk3
* 340.8 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svu-a
* 341.1 : [   4] wpn\wpn_k98_body
* 341.1 : [   4] act\act_arm_bandit
* 341.1 : [   1] amik\explosions\explosion_dynamite\explosion_din
* 341.1 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_kobra
* 341.1 : [   4] wpn\wpn_johnnysaxe
* 341.1 : [   4] act\face\act_face_risovalshik
* 341.1 : [   4] act\metro\act_stalker_nebo_5_white
* 341.1 : [   1] amik\explosions\final_expl
* 341.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\smokeshoot_1
* 341.1 : [   4] awr\leatherman
* 341.1 : [   1] fx\fx_gradient
* 341.1 : [   1] map\map_agroprom
* 341.1 : [   1] map\map_fake_start
* 341.1 : [   1] map\map_garbage
* 341.1 : [   1] map\map_jupiter_underground
* 341.1 : [   1] map\map_k01_darkscape
* 341.1 : [   1] map\map_l04u_labx18
* 341.1 : [   1] map\map_l07_military
* 341.1 : [   1] map\map_l08_yantar
* 341.1 : [   1] map\map_l09_deadcity
* 341.1 : [   1] map\map_l10_radar
* 341.1 : [   1] map\map_l11_pripyat
* 341.1 : [   1] map\map_l13_generators
* 341.1 : [   1] map\map_red_forest
* 378.1 : [   4] sap\sap_generator
* 378.1 : [   4] sap\sap_glass
* 378.1 : [   4] sap\sap_gubka
* 379.8 : [   1] map\map_k02_trucks_cemetery
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_atach
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_faction_badges_tfw
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_monoold1
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_monoold3
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_mutant_boar_leg
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_puh
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_scientist_suit_orang
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_scientist_suit_red
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_scientist_suit_white
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_scientist_suit_yello
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_scientist_zombi_b
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_scientist_zombi_w
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_scientist_zombi_y
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_dolg_tactic
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_merc_sun1
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_monolith1
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_monolith_1
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_monoliths
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_voyak_exo
* 512.1 : [   1] amik\explosions\explosion_fuelcan\boom_1
* 512.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\00
* 512.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\45
* 512.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\shells_ak
* 512.1 : [   4] amk\items\500
* 512.1 : [   4] item\item_crowbar
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_ani-fire01
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_explotions_3
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\12ga
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\45acp
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\545x39
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\556x45
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\762x39
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\762x51
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\762x54
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\9x18
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\9x19
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\9x39
* 512.1 : [   4] sgm\sumka_1
* 512.1 : [   1] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_shells3
* 512.1 : [   4] shoker_mod\wpn\axe\axe_1
* 512.1 : [   4] sumka\sumka_4
* 576.1 : [   4] sap\sap_star_of_ph
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_9a91
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_galilscope
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_grenade_launcher
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_grenade_launcher_m203
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_1p59
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_pso-1m2-1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_pso1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_pu
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_susat
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_susat_sk4
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aek971
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aek971_sk2
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak105_body
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak12
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_akm
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_akm_gadgem
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_akm_gadges
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_akm_gadget
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_akms_gadges
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_akn
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aks74
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aks75
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aks76
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aks77
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ar15
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aug
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aug_sk4
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aug_sk5
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_cz75
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_cz75_sk1
* 682.2 : [   6] wpn\wpn_dao12
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_fn2000
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_fn2000_sk1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_fn2000_sk2
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_fn2000_sk3
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_fnp45
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_fnp46
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_fnp47
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_fnx45_sk2
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_g35
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_g3sg1_sk1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_g4
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_galil
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_galil_sk3
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_glock19
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_glock19_sk1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_glock19_sk2
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_grach
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_grach_sk1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_gsh18
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_lr300
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_lr302
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_lr303
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_m16a2
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_m17
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_m1891
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_m1891_scope
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_m1891_wood
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_m4a1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_m4a3
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_m4a5
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_m590a2
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_mosin_scope
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_mp133_sk1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_mp133_sk2
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_mp153
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_mp153_sk1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_mp412
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_oc33
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_rpk74m
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_rpk_body
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_rpk_bodz
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_rpk_grips
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_rpk_gripz
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_scar
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_sig551
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_sig553
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_sv98
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_toz194
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_toz194_sk1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_toz66
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_toz66_sk1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_toz66_sk2
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_toz66_sk3
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_tt33
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_tt33_sk1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ump45
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ump45_sk1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ump45_sk2
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_us2
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_val
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_vihr
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_vsk94
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_vz61
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_vz61_sk2
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_vz61_sk4
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_vz61_sk5
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_type63
* 682.2 : [   1] map\map_escape
* 768.1 : [  14] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_1
* 768.1 : [  40] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_2
* 768.1 : [  18] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_3
* 768.1 : [  14] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_5
* 768.1 : [  40] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_1
* 768.1 : [  24] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_2
* 768.1 : [  36] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_3
* 768.1 : [  32] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_4
* 768.1 : [  32] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_5
* 768.1 : [   6] sky\af3_blowout\blowout1
* 768.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout1_1
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout2
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout2_night
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3
* 768.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_1
* 768.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_1_night
* 768.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_2
* 768.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_2_night
* 768.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_3
* 768.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_3_night
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_night
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4
* 768.1 : [   3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_1
* 768.1 : [   3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_1_night
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_night
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5_night
* 768.1 : [   7] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5psi
* 768.1 : [   7] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5psi_night
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout6
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout6_night
* 768.1 : [   3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout7
* 768.1 : [   4] sky\af3_blowout\blowout7_night
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\00-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\00-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  25] sky\af3_clear\00-00-nm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\01-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\01-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  37] sky\af3_clear\01-00-nm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\02-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\02-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  25] sky\af3_clear\02-00-nm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\03-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\03-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\04-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\04-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\04-30
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\22-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\22-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\23-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\23-00-hm
* 768.1 : [   6] sky\af3_cloudy\19-00
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_cloudy\20-00
* 768.1 : [  16] sky\af3_foggy\06-00
* 768.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\07-00
* 768.1 : [  19] sky\af3_foggy\09-00
* 768.1 : [  40] sky\af3_foggy\10-00
* 768.1 : [  10] sky\af3_foggy\11-00
* 768.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\12-00
* 768.1 : [  27] sky\af3_foggy\13-00
* 768.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\14-00
* 768.1 : [  19] sky\af3_foggy\15-00
* 768.1 : [  19] sky\af3_foggy\16-00
* 768.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\17-00
* 768.1 : [  19] sky\af3_foggy\18-00
* 768.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\19-00
* 768.1 : [  22] sky\af3_foggy\20-00
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\00-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\00-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  25] sky\af3_partly\00-00-nm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\01-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\01-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  38] sky\af3_partly\01-00-nm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\02-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\02-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  24] sky\af3_partly\02-00-nm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\03-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\03-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\04-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\04-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\22-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\22-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\23-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\23-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  26] sky\af3_rainy\07-00
* 768.1 : [  30] sky\af3_rainy\09-00_19-00
* 768.1 : [  58] sky\af3_rainy\13-00
* 768.1 : [  24] sky\af3_rainy\15-00
* 768.1 : [  31] sky\af3_rainy\15-00-2
* 768.1 : [  44] sky\af3_rainy\16-00
* 768.1 : [  32] sky\af3_rainy\20-00
* 768.1 : [   5] sky\sky_12_vibros_cube
* 768.1 : [  26] sky\sky_13_cube
* 768.1 : [  16] sky\sky_13_cube_night
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\sky_13_vibros_cube
* 768.1 : [  10] sky\sky_14_cube
* 768.1 : [   4] sky\sky_17_clouds_cube
* 768.1 : [   4] sky\sky_17_cube
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\sky_18_cube
* 768.1 : [  11] sky\sky_19_cube
* 768.1 : [   4] sky\sky_1_clouds_cube
* 768.1 : [   4] sky\sky_20_clouds_cube
* 768.1 : [   6] sky\sky_20_cube
* 768.1 : [   4] sky\sky_2_clouds_cube
* 768.1 : [   4] sky\sky_2_cube
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\sky_3_cube
* 768.1 : [   3] sky\sky_4_cube
* 768.1 : [  32] sky\sky_5_cube
* 768.1 : [   7] sky\sky_6_cube
* 768.1 : [  11] sky\sky_7_cube
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\sky_8_cube
* 768.1 : [  49] sky\sky_9_cube
* 1024.1 : [   4] act\act_mtalker
* 1024.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_dolg_8_8_
* 1024.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_merc_2
* 1024.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_mercen_2
* 1024.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_monolith_3
* 1024.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral_2
* 1024.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral_3
* 1024.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_soldier_a
* 1024.1 : [   4] act\metro\act_att_gasmask_maska
* 1024.1 : [   1] amik\explosions\decal_concrete
* 1024.1 : [   1] amik\explosions\explo_end
* 1024.1 : [   1] amik\explosions\explosion_fuelcan\boom_3
* 1024.1 : [   1] amik\explosions\explosion_fuelcan\grey_xpl
* 1024.1 : [   1] amik\hit_fx\water_splash\water_splash_anim
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_1
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_2
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_3
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_4
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_5
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_6
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_7
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_phase_1
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_phase_2
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_phase_3
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_phase_4
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_phase_5
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_phase_6
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_phase_7
* 1024.1 : [   1] map\map_l03u_agr_underground
* 1024.1 : [   1] map\map_l12u_control_monolith
* 1024.1 : [   1] map\map_y04_pole
* 1024.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_ani-explosion-02
* 1024.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_ani-explosion-02-b-a
* 1024.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_ani-explosion-02a
* 1024.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_explotions_2
* 1024.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_explotions_4
* 1024.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_explotions_smoke
* 1024.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_explotions_smoke_benzine
* 1024.1 : [   1] shoker_mod\explosions\final_expl
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_achivments
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_dialog_screen
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_menu
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_mp_screen
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_multiplayer_game_menu
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_newsmanager_icons
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_pda
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_sleep_screen
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_widescreen_sidepanels
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_common
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_hud
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_ingame2_common
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_pda2
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_pda2_noice
* 1024.1 : [   4] wpn\wpn_bolt
* 1024.1 : [   1] wpn\wpn_crosshair_class
* 1024.1 : [   1] wpn\wpn_crosshair_fn2000
* 1024.1 : [   1] wpn\wpn_crosshair_l85
* 1363.3 : [   4] act\act_stalker_sviter
* 1364.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_l96
* 1364.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_skw
* 1364.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svt
* 1364.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svt_sk2
* 1364.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svu-n
* 1364.3 : [   4] act\act_arm_sviter_1
* 1364.3 : [   4] bodies\it_organs_13rs
* 1364.3 : [   1] map\map_jupiter
* 1364.3 : [   1] map\map_marsh
* 1364.3 : [   1] map\map_pripyat
* 1364.3 : [   1] map\map_zaton
* 1792.9 : [   6] item\item_detector_1
* 2048.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_soldier_v
* 2048.1 : [   4] akt\act_arm_mono_1
* 2048.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_cc_lightings
* 2048.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_hint_wnd
* 2048.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_weapons
* 2048.1 : [   1] ui\ui_global_map
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\05-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\05-30
* 3072.1 : [  66] sky\af3_clear\06-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\07-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\08-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\09-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\10-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\11-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\12-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\13-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\14-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\15-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\16-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\17-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\18-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\19-00
* 3072.1 : [  66] sky\af3_clear\20-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\20-30
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\21-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\21-30
* 3072.1 : [   6] sky\af3_cloudy\05-00
* 3072.1 : [  12] sky\af3_cloudy\06-00
* 3072.1 : [  11] sky\af3_cloudy\07-00
* 3072.1 : [  19] sky\af3_cloudy\08-00
* 3072.1 : [  24] sky\af3_cloudy\09-00
* 3072.1 : [  12] sky\af3_cloudy\10-00
* 3072.1 : [  12] sky\af3_cloudy\11-00
* 3072.1 : [  19] sky\af3_cloudy\12-00
* 3072.1 : [  11] sky\af3_cloudy\13-00
* 3072.1 : [  38] sky\af3_cloudy\14-00
* 3072.1 : [  29] sky\af3_cloudy\15-00
* 3072.1 : [  11] sky\af3_cloudy\16-00
* 3072.1 : [  19] sky\af3_cloudy\17-00
* 3072.1 : [  22] sky\af3_cloudy\18-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\04-30
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\05-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\05-30
* 3072.1 : [  66] sky\af3_partly\06-00
* 3072.1 : [  34] sky\af3_partly\07-00
* 3072.1 : [  34] sky\af3_partly\08-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\09-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\10-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\11-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\12-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\13-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\14-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\15-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\16-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\17-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\18-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\19-00
* 3072.1 : [  66] sky\af3_partly\20-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\20-30
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\21-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\21-30
* 8192.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_portrets
* 8193.0 : [   4] item\item_detector_3
* 32768.1 : [   1] ui\ui_icon_equipment
* [ D3D ]: textures[556768 K]
*  0.0 : [  70] $null
*  0.0 : [   2] $user$cmap0
*  0.0 : [   2] $user$cmap1
*  0.0 : [   3] $user$distort
*  0.0 : [ 738] $user$projector
*  0.0 : [   6] $user$rendertarget
*  0.0 : [   5] $user$rendertarget_color_map
*  0.0 : [   1] $user$sky0
*  0.0 : [   1] $user$sky1
*  0.0 : [   1] $user$tonemap
*  0.0 : [   3] prop\prop_lampa_g_red2
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_spark_02
*  0.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_spark_01
*  0.2 : [   3] wpn\wpn_protecta_dots
*  0.2 : [   1] pfx\pfx_step_blood
*  0.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_bubble
*  0.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_leaves_01
*  0.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_leaves_02
*  0.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_splash3
*  0.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_splash_02
*  0.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_synus
*  0.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_vehmetaldebris_01
*  0.3 : [   1] prop\prop_provod_02
*  0.3 : [   4] prop\prop_provod_03
*  0.4 : [   1] glow\glow_anamorphic
*  0.4 : [   1] glow\glow_rays
*  0.4 : [   3] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_blue_lense
*  0.6 : [ 726] internal\internal_light_attclip
*  0.7 : [   4] act\act_stalker_head_glass_02
*  0.7 : [   4] mtl\mtl_bochka_02
*  0.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_concretedebris_01
*  1.1 : [   3] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_red_lense
*  1.3 : [   6] act\act_stalker_head_glass
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_21
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_bubble_1
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_bubble_water
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist2
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist2inv
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist3
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist4
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist7
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist8
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist9
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist_glass
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist_teleport
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_distort_anomaly
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_distortion
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flash_05
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flash_07
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_smoke_b
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_specks
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_specks_poison
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_spikey_star
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_splash_01
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_stonedebris1
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_stonedebris2
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_vehglassdebris_01
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_water_wave
*  1.4 : [   3] artifact\artifact_eye
*  1.4 : [   4] item\item_key_1
*  1.4 : [   1] artifact\artifact_glow
*  1.4 : [   1] fx\fx_rain
*  1.4 : [   1] fx\fx_sun_rise
*  1.4 : [   1] glow\glow_orange2
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_asfalt_1
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_asfalt_2
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_asfalt_3
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_brick_1
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_brick_2
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_1
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_2
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_4
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_5
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_6
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_7
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_ground
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_ground_1
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_ground_2
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik_1
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik_2
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik_3
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_1
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_2
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_3
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_4
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_1
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_2
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_3
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_4
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_5
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_6
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_7
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_8
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_9
*  2.7 : [   4] prop\prop_speakerphone
*  2.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_electrostatic
*  2.7 : [   4] prop\prop_box_3
*  2.7 : [   4] prop\prop_elec_kran
*  2.7 : [   1] prop\prop_fake_bed_fireplace
*  2.7 : [   4] prop\prop_instrument_2
*  2.7 : [   4] prop\prop_lock
*  2.7 : [   4] prop\prop_teapot_1
*  2.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_pkm_lenta
*  2.7 : [   4] act\act_pseudodog_fur
*  2.7 : [   4] act\act_pseudodog_fur1
*  2.7 : [   4] mtl\mtl_truba_pod_01
*  2.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist_glass3
*  2.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_smokepuffs2
*  2.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_sparks
*  2.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_sparks2
*  2.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_woodchips1
*  2.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_woodchips3
*  2.7 : [   4] act\act_jimmy_glaz
*  2.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\trace_01
*  2.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\trace_01
*  2.7 : [   4] food\food_raw___dog
*  2.7 : [   4] food\food_raw_flesh
*  2.7 : [   4] item\item_battery
*  2.7 : [   4] item\item_jar
*  2.7 : [   4] item\item_meinkampf
*  2.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\dtk_3
*  3.0 : [   1] artifact\artifact_anim_dist
*  3.1 : [   5] sky\sky_12_vibros_cube#small
*  3.1 : [  26] sky\sky_13_cube#small
*  3.1 : [  16] sky\sky_13_cube_night#small
*  3.1 : [  12] sky\sky_13_vibros_cube#small
*  3.1 : [  10] sky\sky_14_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   4] sky\sky_17_clouds_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   4] sky\sky_17_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   8] sky\sky_18_cube#small
*  3.1 : [  11] sky\sky_19_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   4] sky\sky_1_clouds_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   4] sky\sky_20_clouds_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   4] sky\sky_20_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   4] sky\sky_2_clouds_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   4] sky\sky_2_cube#small
*  3.1 : [  12] sky\sky_3_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   3] sky\sky_4_cube#small
*  3.1 : [  30] sky\sky_5_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   7] sky\sky_6_cube#small
*  3.1 : [  11] sky\sky_7_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   8] sky\sky_8_cube#small
*  3.1 : [  49] sky\sky_9_cube#small
*  4.1 : [   1] fx\fx_flare1
*  4.1 : [   1] fx\fx_flare2
*  4.1 : [   1] fx\fx_flare3
*  4.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flamefx_01
*  4.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_g-smoke-01
*  5.3 : [   1] act\act_controller_hit
*  5.3 : [   1] act\act_controller_hit1
*  5.3 : [   6] act\act_stalker_nauch_glass
*  5.3 : [   4] act\variation mod\act_neutral\gas_mask_glass
*  5.3 : [   4] door\door_sheet
*  5.3 : [   4] door\door_w01
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_1
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_16
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_17
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_19
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_3
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_4
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_5
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_6
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_8
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_88
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_9
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_blurry_cloud
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_brick
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_light
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_light1
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_light3
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_light4
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_lightning_01
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_lightning_02
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_ligth_6
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_plasma
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_smoke_a
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_sparks1
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_teleport
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_test_textures
*  5.3 : [   4] prop\prop_ballon2
*  5.3 : [   4] prop\prop_ballon3
*  5.3 : [   4] prop\prop_bottle_box
*  5.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_pkm_decals
*  5.4 : [   4] item\item_hammer
*  5.4 : [   1] amik\nature\stonedebris1
*  5.4 : [   1] glow\glow_04
*  5.4 : [   1] glow\glow_fire1
*  5.4 : [   1] glow\glow_fire1_soc
*  5.4 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flash_02
*  5.4 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flash_08
*  5.4 : [   1] shoker_mod\explosions\firesmokeparticle
*  5.4 : [   1] wm\wm_grenade
*  5.4 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_dead
*  5.4 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_horiz
*  5.4 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_blood
*  5.4 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_wood
*  5.4 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_wood1
*  5.4 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_wood2
*  5.4 : [   1] amik\weapons\6ways2
*  5.4 : [   1] amik\weapons\btr\muzzle 6ways2
*  5.4 : [   1] amik\nature\list
*  5.4 : [   1] amik\nature\wood_part
*  5.4 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\trail
*  6.1 : [  14] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_1#small
*  6.1 : [  40] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_2#small
*  6.1 : [  18] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_3#small
*  6.1 : [  14] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_5#small
*  6.1 : [  40] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_1#small
*  6.1 : [  24] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_2#small
*  6.1 : [  36] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_3#small
*  6.1 : [  32] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_4#small
*  6.1 : [  32] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_5#small
*  6.1 : [   6] sky\af3_blowout\blowout1#small
*  6.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout1_1#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout2#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout2_night#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3#small
*  6.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_1#small
*  6.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_1_night#small
*  6.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_2#small
*  6.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_2_night#small
*  6.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_3#small
*  6.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_3_night#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_night#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4#small
*  6.1 : [   3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_1#small
*  6.1 : [   3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_1_night#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_night#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5_night#small
*  6.1 : [   7] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5psi#small
*  6.1 : [   7] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5psi_night#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout6#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout6_night#small
*  6.1 : [   3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout7#small
*  6.1 : [   4] sky\af3_blowout\blowout7_night#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\00-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\00-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  25] sky\af3_clear\00-00-nm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\01-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\01-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  37] sky\af3_clear\01-00-nm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\02-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\02-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  25] sky\af3_clear\02-00-nm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\03-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\03-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\04-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\04-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\04-30#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\05-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\05-30#small
*  6.1 : [  66] sky\af3_clear\06-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\07-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\08-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\09-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\10-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\11-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\12-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\13-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\14-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\15-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\16-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\17-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\18-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\19-00#small
*  6.1 : [  66] sky\af3_clear\20-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\20-30#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\21-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\21-30#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\22-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\22-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\23-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\23-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [   6] sky\af3_cloudy\05-00#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_cloudy\06-00#small
*  6.1 : [  11] sky\af3_cloudy\07-00#small
*  6.1 : [  19] sky\af3_cloudy\08-00#small
*  6.1 : [  24] sky\af3_cloudy\09-00#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_cloudy\10-00#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_cloudy\11-00#small
*  6.1 : [  19] sky\af3_cloudy\12-00#small
*  6.1 : [  11] sky\af3_cloudy\13-00#small
*  6.1 : [  38] sky\af3_cloudy\14-00#small
*  6.1 : [  29] sky\af3_cloudy\15-00#small
*  6.1 : [  11] sky\af3_cloudy\16-00#small
*  6.1 : [  19] sky\af3_cloudy\17-00#small
*  6.1 : [  22] sky\af3_cloudy\18-00#small
*  6.1 : [   6] sky\af3_cloudy\19-00#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_cloudy\20-00#small
*  6.1 : [  16] sky\af3_foggy\06-00#small
*  6.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\07-00#small
*  6.1 : [  19] sky\af3_foggy\09-00#small
*  6.1 : [  40] sky\af3_foggy\10-00#small
*  6.1 : [  10] sky\af3_foggy\11-00#small
*  6.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\12-00#small
*  6.1 : [  27] sky\af3_foggy\13-00#small
*  6.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\14-00#small
*  6.1 : [  19] sky\af3_foggy\15-00#small
*  6.1 : [  19] sky\af3_foggy\16-00#small
*  6.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\17-00#small
*  6.1 : [  19] sky\af3_foggy\18-00#small
*  6.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\19-00#small
*  6.1 : [  22] sky\af3_foggy\20-00#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\00-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\00-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  25] sky\af3_partly\00-00-nm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\01-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\01-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  38] sky\af3_partly\01-00-nm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\02-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\02-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  24] sky\af3_partly\02-00-nm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\03-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\03-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\04-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\04-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\04-30#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\05-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\05-30#small
*  6.1 : [  66] sky\af3_partly\06-00#small
*  6.1 : [  34] sky\af3_partly\07-00#small
*  6.1 : [  34] sky\af3_partly\08-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\09-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\10-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\11-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\12-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\13-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\14-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\15-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\16-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\17-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\18-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\19-00#small
*  6.1 : [  66] sky\af3_partly\20-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\20-30#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\21-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\21-30#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\22-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\22-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\23-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\23-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  26] sky\af3_rainy\07-00#small
*  6.1 : [  30] sky\af3_rainy\09-00_19-00#small
*  6.1 : [  58] sky\af3_rainy\13-00#small
*  6.1 : [  24] sky\af3_rainy\15-00#small
*  6.1 : [  31] sky\af3_rainy\15-00-2#small
*  6.1 : [  44] sky\af3_rainy\16-00#small
*  6.1 : [  32] sky\af3_rainy\20-00#small
*  7.1 : [   1] artifact\artifact_anim_lightning
*  7.1 : [   4] wpn\wpn_g36_scope
*  8.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_gologramma
*  8.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\fake_shells
*  8.1 : [   1] ui\ui_fog_of_war
* 10.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_vog
* 10.7 : [   4] door\door_white_04
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_electricalunit3
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_kanistra
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_dog_red
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_dogs_big
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_dogs_black
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_dogs_brown
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_dogs_bulterer
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_green_stalker_head_3
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_green_stalker_head_3_mask
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_head2
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_pseudodog
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_rat01
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_ratn1
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_ratn2
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_ratn3
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_ryukzak
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_ryukzak_black
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_stalker_head_antigas_2
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_stalker_head_antigas_9
* 10.7 : [   4] door\door_katakomb_01
* 10.7 : [   4] door\door_white_02
* 10.7 : [   4] mtl\mtl_shkaf
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_blind01
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_dangerbox_2
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_el_shkaf_01
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_freez
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_item2
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_item3
* 10.7 : [   6] prop\prop_iten4
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_kitchen_stuff
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_plita
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_spade
* 10.7 : [   4] wood\wood_plank6
* 10.7 : [   4] wood\wood_table_02
* 10.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aksu_synth
* 10.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_protecta_sights
* 10.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_walter99_mag
* 10.7 : [   4] glas\glas_dirt
* 10.7 : [   4] mtl\mtl_barrel_02
* 10.7 : [   4] mtl\mtl_barrel_04
* 10.7 : [   4] mtl\mtl_barrel_05
* 10.7 : [   4] mtl\mtl_truba_pod_02
* 10.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_2
* 10.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_23
* 10.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_2_green
* 10.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_7
* 10.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_concretepuffs_01
* 10.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_lighting_stancia_01
* 10.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_lighting_stancia_02
* 10.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_smokepuffs1
* 10.7 : [   1] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_shells1
* 10.7 : [   1] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_shells2
* 10.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\dtk_5
* 10.7 : [   3] artifact\artifact_mp_green
* 10.7 : [   4] artifact\artifact_myasorubka2
* 10.7 : [   4] artifact\artifact_myasorubka3
* 10.7 : [   4] fx\fx_noise2
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_block_notes
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_calibrate_tools
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_cards
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_document_01
* 10.7 : [   6] item\item_gazmask1
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_gazmask3
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_medic1
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_medkit
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_medkit_2
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_medkit_3
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_medkit_4
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_parts
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_rebirth
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_small_tools
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_yad
* 10.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_bullet1_556
* 10.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_bullet1_939
* 10.7 : [   1] amik\anomaly\electric_radial
* 10.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\6ways1
* 10.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\btr\muzzle 6ways1
* 10.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\dtk_4
* 10.7 : [   1] amik\hit_fx\water_splash\water_spurt
* 10.7 : [   1] artifact\artifact_fire_light
* 10.7 : [   1] lights\lights_cone_handing_lamp
* 10.7 : [   1] lights\lights_ray1
* 10.7 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_blood1
* 10.7 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_metal
* 10.7 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_ston
* 13.3 : [   3] artifact\artifact_lava
* 16.1 : [   4] act\act_specnaz_glass
* 16.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\mg42out
* 16.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\trace
* 16.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\mg42out
* 16.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\trace
* 16.1 : [   1] fx\fx_rainsplash1
* 16.1 : [   1] fx\fx_volumefog1
* 16.1 : [ 726] internal\internal_light_att
* 16.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flame
* 16.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flash_01
* 16.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_gradient
* 16.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_gradient1
* 16.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_arial_14_1024
* 16.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_hud_01
* 16.1 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_drop_1
* 16.1 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_drop_2
* 16.1 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_drop_3
* 16.1 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_drop_4
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_face_mask_05
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_face_mask_06
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_faces_2_01
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_face_01
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_face_mask_01
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_face_mask_02
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_face_mask_03
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_face_mask_04
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_face_mask_07
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_face_mask_08
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_face_zombie_01
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_faces_1_03
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_faces_1_08
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_faces_4_02
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_faces_4_03
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_faces_4_04
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_stalker_soldier_1
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_ryukzag
* 21.3 : [   4] door\door_ship_metall
* 21.3 : [   4] mtl\mtl_bochka_01
* 21.3 : [   4] mtl\mtl_pod_01
* 21.3 : [   4] prop\prop_instrument_1
* 21.3 : [   1] amik\weapons\dtk_2
* 21.4 : [   4] aa\aa_freon
* 21.4 : [   4] kdm_ammo\ammo_57x28\ammo_5.7x28_ap
* 21.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_raii
* 21.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_rail
* 21.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_rair
* 21.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_bullet1_545
* 21.4 : [   1] artifact\artifact_lighting
* 21.4 : [   3] artifact\artifact_sopli2
* 21.4 : [   1] glow\glow_blue
* 21.4 : [   4] glow\glow_ghost
* 21.4 : [   1] glow\glow_orange
* 21.4 : [   1] glow\glow_orange_bright
* 21.4 : [   1] glow\glow_white
* 21.4 : [   1] glow\glow_yellow
* 21.4 : [   4] item\item_goggles
* 21.4 : [   4] item\item_money
* 21.4 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist_lens_base
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_10
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_11
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_1_1
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_1_2
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_1_3
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_1_4
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_1_5
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_3
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_4
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_5
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_6
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_7
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_8
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_9
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_glass01
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_glass02
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_glass03
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_glass04
* 21.4 : [   1] amik\weapons\dtk_4_1
* 28.5 : [   4] wpn\wpn_g35_scope
* 32.1 : [   4] arsenal_mod\ammo\50_ae
* 32.1 : [   4] arsenal_mod\ammo\762x25_p
* 32.1 : [   4] arsenal_mod\ammo\762x25_ps
* 32.1 : [   1] fx\fx_lightning
* 32.1 : [   4] item\item_beans
* 32.1 : [   4] item\item_beer
* 32.1 : [   4] item\item_caffeine
* 32.1 : [   4] item\item_corn
* 32.1 : [   4] item\item_medkitai2
* 32.1 : [   4] item\item_tomato
* 32.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_ani-smoke-01
* 32.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_cc_lighting_grad2
* 32.1 : [   4] repair\repair_steel_wool
* 32.1 : [   4] sgm\item_psyhodelin
* 32.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_letter_16_1024
* 32.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_letter_18_1024
* 33.0 : [   1] ui\ui_ani_cursor
* 42.5 : [   1] amik\weapons\9x39
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_head_mask
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_psevdogigant
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_monolith_rookie
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_nebo_1
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neut_2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral2d
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_soldierb4
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_trup_5
* 42.6 : [   6] wpn\wpn_upgrade
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_bure3
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_burer
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_ca2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_ca4
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_cat
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_cat2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_controlle2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_controller
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_free2old
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_himera
* 42.6 : [   6] act\act_krovosos_1
* 42.6 : [   3] act\act_krovosos_3
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_nauchniy_monolit
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_new_details_01
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_plot
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_pseudodog1
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_scientist_zombi_o
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_band_2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_bandit1az
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_bandit1bz
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_bandit1c
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_bandit_1
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_bandit_2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_bandit_3
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_bandit_3a
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_black
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_dolg2a
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_dolg3b
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_dolg_2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_dolg_2_2_
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_dolg_3
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_dolg_3000
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_dolgexo4a
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_dolgexo_4
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_dolgzom_2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_freedom2b
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_freedom4b
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_freedom_1
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_freedom_2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_merc4a
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_merc_5
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_mercen2b
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_mercen2c
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_mercexo_4
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_mercsuit1
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_monolith2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_monolith4a
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_monolith4b
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_monolith_2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_monolith_4
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_nebo_3
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral1a
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral1b
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral1c
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral1d
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral1e
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral1f
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral2a
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral2b
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral2c
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral2e
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral3a
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral4a
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral_1
* 42.6 : [   6] act\act_stalker_neutral_4
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_seva_1
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_soldier_4
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_trup_1
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_trup_2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_trup_3
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_trup_4
* 42.6 : [   4] wood\wood_collect
* 42.6 : [   4] wood\wood_walls8
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74m_gp
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74m_mag
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74m_mag_camog
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ammo
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_beretta_sk1
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_beretta_sk2
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_beretta_sk4
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_beretta_sk5
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_fort17
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_fort17_sk1
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_fort17_sk2
* 42.6 : [   6] wpn\wpn_gauss
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_grenade_40mm
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_grenade_rdg-m
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_grenade_rdg-s
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_knife_nr40
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_l85_susat
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_sig550_mag
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_sig550_mag_sk2
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svd_mag
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svd_mag_sk1
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svd_mag_sk3
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_vssk_sil
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_walter99_body
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_walter99_bodz
* 42.6 : [   4] act\variation mod\act_neutral\pockets_1a
* 42.6 : [   4] act\variation mod\act_neutral\pockets_1b
* 42.6 : [   4] act\variation mod\act_neutral\pockets_1e
* 42.7 : [   4] aa\aa_af_aac
* 42.7 : [   4] aa\aa_af_aam
* 42.7 : [   4] aa\aa_af_iam
* 42.7 : [   4] aa\aa_camelbak
* 42.7 : [   4] aa\aa_cooler
* 42.7 : [   4] aa\aa_frames
* 42.7 : [   4] aa\aa_kevlar
* 42.7 : [   4] act\metro\act_gasmask_metro_grey
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_shovel
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_spalnik
* 42.7 : [   4] aa\aa_plates
* 42.7 : [   4] aa\aa_surge
* 42.7 : [   4] act\act_exoskeleton
* 42.7 : [   4] act\act_face_26
* 42.7 : [   4] act\act_jimmy_face
* 42.7 : [   4] food\food_chimera
* 42.7 : [   4] food\food_protein
* 42.7 : [   4] food\food_raw_boar
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_ammo
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_book1
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_book2
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_book3
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_ckit
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_cutlery
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_drugskit
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_energy
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_foto1
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_grooming
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_guitar
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_jbox
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_kithunt
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_maps
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_milimap
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_mirror
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_s_guide
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_sack
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_swiss
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_tarp
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_universalpowerdevice
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_ustroystva
* 42.7 : [   4] item\med_bank
* 42.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_rail_1
* 42.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_docter_sight
* 42.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_fn2000_lens
* 42.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_k98_sil
* 42.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_scar_bullet
* 42.7 : [   1] amik\explosions\smoke_cannon
* 42.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\12x70
* 42.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\flameshoot_3
* 42.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\flameshoot_4
* 42.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\flameshoot_5
* 42.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\shells_12x70
* 48.1 : [ 146] sky\sky_cube_weapons
* 64.1 : [   1] amik\static\gas_light\flame_zippo
* 64.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\dtk_6
* 64.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\dtk_8
* 64.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\flash_01
* 64.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\flash_02
* 64.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\flash_04
* 64.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\flash_05
* 64.1 : [   4] arsenal_mod\ammo\762x39_ap
* 64.1 : [   4] arsenal_mod\ammo\762x39_fmj
* 64.1 : [   4] arsenal_mod\ammo\762x51_ap
* 64.1 : [   4] arsenal_mod\ammo\762x51_fmj
* 64.1 : [   4] artifact\artifact_val000
* 64.1 : [   1] fx\fx_sun
* 64.1 : [   1] fx\fx_sun_fog
* 64.1 : [   1] fx\fx_sun_gradient
* 64.1 : [   1] fx\fx_sun_halo
* 64.1 : [   1] fx\fx_sun_morning
* 64.1 : [   1] fx\fx_thunderbolts_gradient
* 64.1 : [   1] fx\fx_thunderbolts_gradient_surge
* 64.1 : [1452] internal\internal_light_attpoint
* 64.1 : [   4] item\item_chili
* 64.1 : [   4] item\item_medkit_5
* 64.1 : [   4] item\jgut
* 64.1 : [   4] item\kielbasa
* 64.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_18
* 64.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_bloodsplash1
* 64.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flame_01
* 64.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_skinsplash1
* 64.1 : [   4] sap\sap_medal_01
* 64.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_console_02
* 64.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_graff_19_1024
* 64.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_graff_22_1024
* 64.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_hud_02
* 85.2 : [   4] act\act_krovosos_new1
* 85.2 : [   4] act\act_mutant_boar
* 85.2 : [   4] act\act_mutant_boar_u
* 85.2 : [   4] act\act_stalker_nebo_2
* 85.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_usp_nimble
* 85.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_g43_body
* 85.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_k98_stock
* 85.3 : [   4] act\act_face_her9
* 85.3 : [   4] act\act_stalk_nimble
* 85.3 : [   4] item\item_stims
* 85.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_deagle_comp
* 85.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_lastochka
* 85.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_lastochkb
* 85.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_lastochkc
* 85.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_9a91
* 85.3 : [   6] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_9mm
* 85.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_aps
* 85.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_sr25_silencer
* 85.3 : [   4] act\eye\act_eye_ball
* 85.3 : [   4] act\metro\act_maska_leather
* 85.3 : [   1] amik\explosions\explosion_dynamite\flashlight
* 85.3 : [   1] amik\explosions\explosion_smoke03
* 85.3 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\flameshoot_1
* 85.3 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\flameshoot_2
* 85.3 : [   4] arsenal_mod\ammo\wpn_cartridge357
* 85.3 : [   4] drink\drink_cocaine
* 85.3 : [   4] drink\drink_match0
* 85.3 : [   4] item\[stayler]\w_medkin1
* 85.3 : [   4] item\[stayler]\w_medkin3
* 85.3 : [   4] item\item_detector_2
* 85.3 : [   4] item\item_drink_waterxx
* 85.3 : [   4] item\item_food
* 85.3 : [   1] shoker_mod\explosions\explosion_smoke01
* 85.3 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_1
* 85.3 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_2
* 85.3 : [   1] amik\explosions\explosion_dynamite\smoke
* 85.3 : [   1] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_smoke_1
* 106.9 : [   3] artifact\artifact_lavahell1
* 128.1 : [   4] act\act_crow
* 128.1 : [   4] act\act_dog_noy_0
* 128.1 : [   4] act\act_ryukzaa
* 128.1 : [   4] act\act_ryukzac
* 128.1 : [   4] act\act_ryukzad
* 128.1 : [   4] act\variation mod\act_neutral\gp5a
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\357mag
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\50_ae
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\5x45x39
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\5x45x39_00
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\5x45x39_01
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\5x56x45
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\5x56x45_00
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\5x7x28
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\6x5x50
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x25_0
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x25_1
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x25_2
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x25_3
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x25_4
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x39_00
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x39_01
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x39_02
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x39_03
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x51_1
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x51_2
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x54
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x7x57
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x92x57
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\9x18_1
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\9x18_2
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\9x18_3
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\9x39
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\shells_ak_01
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\smokeshoot_0
* 128.1 : [   4] cooking\cooking_kerosene
* 128.1 : [   4] cooking\cooking_mfs
* 128.1 : [   4] cooking\cooking_wood_stove
* 128.1 : [   4] drink\drink_cigar0
* 128.1 : [   4] drink\drink_cigar2
* 128.1 : [   4] drink\drink_cigar3
* 128.1 : [   4] drink\drink_crow
* 128.1 : [   4] drink\drink_joint
* 128.1 : [   4] drink\drink_tea
* 128.1 : [   4] drink\drink_vodka
* 128.1 : [   4] drink\drink_water
* 128.1 : [   4] food\food_bls
* 128.1 : [   4] food\food_dog
* 128.1 : [   4] food\food_flesh
* 128.1 : [   4] food\food_pdg
* 128.1 : [   4] food\food_raw_tush
* 128.1 : [   4] food\food_tushkano
* 128.1 : [   4] food\snork_food
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_chocolate
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_cigar
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_cigarettes_lucky
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_cigarettes_russian
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_cloth_mask
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_glucose
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_glucose_s
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_hand_rolling_tobacco
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_mint
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_mre
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_raisins
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_ration_ukr
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_salmon
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_sausage
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_tobacco
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_tushonka
* 128.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_shells1
* 128.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_shells2
* 128.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_shells_green
* 128.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_shells_pisto1
* 128.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_shells_pistol
* 128.1 : [   4] prop\prop_kitchen_krujka
* 128.1 : [   4] prop\prop_voda1
* 128.1 : [   4] prop\prop_voda2
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_armor_repair_fa
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_armor_repair_pro
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_cleaning_kit
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_cleaning_kit_r7
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_cleaning_kit_u
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_glue
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_grease_solvent
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_gun_oil
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_gun_oil_ru
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_sewing_kit
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_sharpening_stones
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_textile_patch_b
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_textile_patch_e
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_textile_patch_m
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_toolkit_nato
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_toolkit_p
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_toolkit_s
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_toolkit_wp
* 128.1 : [   1] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_ak_shells_1
* 128.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_graff_32_1024
* 128.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_letter_25_1024
* 128.1 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ied
* 128.1 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ied_rpg
* 128.1 : [   4] wpn\wpn_pfm1
* 170.4 : [   4] act\act_gasmask
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_abakan
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74_sk1
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74_sk2
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74_sk3
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74_sk4
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74_sk5
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74_sk7
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74m
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74m_body
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74m_body_camog
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74m_sk3
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aksu
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aksu_sk3
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aksu_sk4
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aksu_sk5
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aksu_sk6
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_beretta
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_binokl
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_colt1911
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_colt1911_sk4
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_colt1911_sk5
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_colt1911_sk6
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_colt1911_sk8
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_desert_eagle
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_desert_eagle_nimble
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_desert_eagle_sk1
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_desert_eagle_sk2
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_desert_eagle_sk3
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_g36
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_g36k
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_g36k_sk1
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_grenade_f1
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_grenade_rgd5
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_groza
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_groza_grenade_launcher
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_groza_mag
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_knife
* 170.4 : [   6] wpn\wpn_l85
* 170.4 : [   6] wpn\wpn_l85_sk2
* 170.4 : [   6] wpn\wpn_l85_sk3
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_l85_sk4
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_mp5
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_mp5_sk3
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_mp5_sk4
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_mp5sd_sk3
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_pb
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_pb_sk2
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_pkm
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_pkm_magazin
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_pm
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_pm_actor
* 170.4 : [   6] wpn\wpn_pm_sk2
* 170.4 : [   6] wpn\wpn_pm_sk3
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_pmm
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_protecta
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_protecta_sk2
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_rg6
* 170.4 : [   6] wpn\wpn_rpg-7
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_sig-p220
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_sig-p220_sk4
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_sig550
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_sig550_sk3
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_spas12
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_spas12_sk1
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_spas12_sk4
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svd_body
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svd_body_sk1
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svd_body_sk3
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svd_grips
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svd_grips_sk1
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svd_grips_sk3
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svd_gripz
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_toz-34
* 170.4 : [   6] wpn\wpn_toz-34_sk3
* 170.4 : [   6] wpn\wpn_toz-34_sk4
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_toz-34_sk5
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_usp
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_vss
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_vss_nimble
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_vssk
* 170.6 : [   4] act\act_izlom
* 170.6 : [   4] act\metro\act_diger_slemnew
* 170.6 : [   4] item\item_xxporn2
* 170.6 : [   4] item\item_xxxporn
* 170.6 : [   4] act\act_mp_team_blue_armor_military
* 170.6 : [   4] akt\act_arm_mono_glove
* 170.6 : [   4] item\item_boots
* 170.6 : [   4] item\item_conserva
* 170.6 : [   4] item\item_flash
* 170.6 : [   4] item\item_rope
* 170.6 : [   4] item\item_rops
* 170.6 : [   4] item\item_torch
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_gl_gp25
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_mount_mtk83
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_mp5_mount
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_1p29
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_ac10632
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_acog
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_eotech
* 170.6 : [   6] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_l96
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_pks-07
* 170.6 : [   6] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_po4x34
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_susat_sk2
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_susat_sk3
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_45
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_9mx
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_atg
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_gemtech
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_kzrzp
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_nato
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_pbs1
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_pbs4
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_tgp-a
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_vihr
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_usp_match
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak100_grips
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak100_grips_camogreen
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak101_mag
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak101_mag_camog
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_akm_mag
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aps
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_apw
* 170.6 : [   6] wpn\wpn_bullet1
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_bullet2
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_dao12_sights
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_g3_mount
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_kiparis
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_kiparis_mag
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_kipariw
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_kipariw_mag
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_m17_carryhandle
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_rpk_maz
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_vsk94_butt
* 170.6 : [   1] amik\explosions\boom_0
* 170.6 : [   1] amik\explosions\boom_1
* 170.6 : [   1] amik\explosions\boom_2
* 213.5 : [   5] artifact\artifact_hell1
* 256.1 : [   4] act\act_face_zombie_02
* 256.1 : [   4] act\act_face_zombie_03
* 256.1 : [   4] act\act_ratwolf_01
* 256.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_freedom3a
* 256.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_soldier_2
* 256.1 : [   1] amik\explosions\explosion_flash_atlas
* 256.1 : [   4] artifact\artifact_val005
* 256.1 : [   4] artifact\artifact_val013
* 256.1 : [   4] artifact\artifact_val024
* 256.1 : [   4] artifact\artifact_val029
* 256.1 : [   4] artifact\artifact_val031
* 256.1 : [   4] drink\drink_flask
* 256.1 : [   4] food\food_boar
* 256.1 : [   1] fx\fx_gradient1
* 256.1 : [   4] item\[stayler]\w_medkin2
* 256.1 : [   4] item\item_lead_box
* 256.1 : [   4] item\item_mineral_water
* 256.1 : [   4] item\item_nuts
* 256.1 : [   4] item\item_ration_ru
* 256.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_bloodsplash2
* 256.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_expl_01
* 256.1 : [   4] prop\prop_tarp
* 256.1 : [   4] repair\repair_helmet_repair
* 256.1 : [   4] sap\sap_medal
* 256.1 : [   4] sap\sap_medal_00
* 256.1 : [   4] sap\sap_sand
* 256.1 : [   4] sgm\sumka_2
* 256.1 : [3271] sky\sky_oblaka
* 256.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_graff_50_1024
* 300.1 : [   4] sap\sap_generator_00
* 339.8 : [   4] majordolg\scaut
* 340.8 : [   4] wpn\wpn_hpsa
* 340.8 : [   4] wpn\wpn_hpsa_sk1
* 340.8 : [   4] wpn\wpn_hpsa_sk2
* 340.8 : [   4] wpn\wpn_hpsa_sk3
* 340.8 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svu-a
* 341.1 : [   4] wpn\wpn_k98_body
* 341.1 : [   4] act\act_arm_bandit
* 341.1 : [   1] amik\explosions\explosion_dynamite\explosion_din
* 341.1 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_kobra
* 341.1 : [   4] wpn\wpn_johnnysaxe
* 341.1 : [   4] act\face\act_face_risovalshik
* 341.1 : [   4] act\metro\act_stalker_nebo_5_white
* 341.1 : [   1] amik\explosions\final_expl
* 341.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\smokeshoot_1
* 341.1 : [   4] awr\leatherman
* 341.1 : [   1] fx\fx_gradient
* 378.1 : [   4] sap\sap_generator
* 378.1 : [   4] sap\sap_glass
* 378.1 : [   4] sap\sap_gubka
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_atach
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_faction_badges_tfw
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_monoold1
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_monoold3
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_mutant_boar_leg
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_puh
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_scientist_suit_orang
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_scientist_suit_red
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_scientist_suit_white
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_scientist_suit_yello
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_scientist_zombi_b
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_scientist_zombi_w
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_scientist_zombi_y
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_dolg_tactic
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_merc_sun1
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_monolith1
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_monolith_1
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_monoliths
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_voyak_exo
* 512.1 : [   1] amik\explosions\explosion_fuelcan\boom_1
* 512.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\00
* 512.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\45
* 512.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\shells_ak
* 512.1 : [   4] amk\items\500
* 512.1 : [   4] item\item_crowbar
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_ani-fire01
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_explotions_3
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\12ga
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\45acp
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\545x39
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\556x45
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\762x39
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\762x51
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\762x54
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\9x18
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\9x19
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\9x39
* 512.1 : [   4] sgm\sumka_1
* 512.1 : [   1] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_shells3
* 512.1 : [   4] shoker_mod\wpn\axe\axe_1
* 512.1 : [   4] sumka\sumka_4
* 576.1 : [   4] sap\sap_star_of_ph
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_9a91
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_galilscope
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_grenade_launcher
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_grenade_launcher_m203
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_1p59
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_pso-1m2-1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_pso1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_pu
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_susat
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_susat_sk4
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aek971
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aek971_sk2
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak105_body
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak12
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_akm
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_akm_gadgem
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_akm_gadges
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_akm_gadget
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_akms_gadges
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_akn
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aks74
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aks75
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aks76
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aks77
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ar15
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aug
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aug_sk4
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aug_sk5
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_cz75
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_cz75_sk1
* 682.2 : [   6] wpn\wpn_dao12
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_fn2000
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_fn2000_sk1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_fn2000_sk2
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_fn2000_sk3
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_fnp45
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_fnp46
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_fnp47
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_fnx45_sk2
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_g35
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_g3sg1_sk1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_g4
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_galil
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_galil_sk3
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_glock19
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_glock19_sk1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_glock19_sk2
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_grach
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_grach_sk1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_gsh18
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_lr300
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_lr302
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_lr303
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_m16a2
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_m17
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_m1891
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_m1891_scope
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_m1891_wood
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_m4a1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_m4a3
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_m4a5
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_m590a2
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_mosin_scope
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_mp133_sk1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_mp133_sk2
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_mp153
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_mp153_sk1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_mp412
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_oc33
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_rpk74m
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_rpk_body
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_rpk_bodz
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_rpk_grips
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_rpk_gripz
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_scar
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_sig551
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_sig553
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_sv98
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_toz194
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_toz194_sk1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_toz66
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_toz66_sk1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_toz66_sk2
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_toz66_sk3
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_tt33
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_tt33_sk1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ump45
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ump45_sk1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ump45_sk2
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_us2
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_val
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_vihr
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_vsk94
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_vz61
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_vz61_sk2
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_vz61_sk4
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_vz61_sk5
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_type63
* 768.1 : [  14] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_1
* 768.1 : [  40] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_2
* 768.1 : [  18] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_3
* 768.1 : [  14] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_5
* 768.1 : [  40] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_1
* 768.1 : [  24] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_2
* 768.1 : [  36] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_3
* 768.1 : [  32] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_4
* 768.1 : [  32] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_5
* 768.1 : [   6] sky\af3_blowout\blowout1
* 768.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout1_1
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout2
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout2_night
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3
* 768.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_1
* 768.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_1_night
* 768.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_2
* 768.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_2_night
* 768.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_3
* 768.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_3_night
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_night
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4
* 768.1 : [   3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_1
* 768.1 : [   3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_1_night
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_night
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5_night
* 768.1 : [   7] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5psi
* 768.1 : [   7] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5psi_night
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout6
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout6_night
* 768.1 : [   3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout7
* 768.1 : [   4] sky\af3_blowout\blowout7_night
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\00-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\00-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  25] sky\af3_clear\00-00-nm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\01-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\01-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  37] sky\af3_clear\01-00-nm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\02-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\02-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  25] sky\af3_clear\02-00-nm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\03-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\03-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\04-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\04-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\04-30
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\22-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\22-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\23-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\23-00-hm
* 768.1 : [   6] sky\af3_cloudy\19-00
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_cloudy\20-00
* 768.1 : [  16] sky\af3_foggy\06-00
* 768.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\07-00
* 768.1 : [  19] sky\af3_foggy\09-00
* 768.1 : [  40] sky\af3_foggy\10-00
* 768.1 : [  10] sky\af3_foggy\11-00
* 768.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\12-00
* 768.1 : [  27] sky\af3_foggy\13-00
* 768.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\14-00
* 768.1 : [  19] sky\af3_foggy\15-00
* 768.1 : [  19] sky\af3_foggy\16-00
* 768.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\17-00
* 768.1 : [  19] sky\af3_foggy\18-00
* 768.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\19-00
* 768.1 : [  22] sky\af3_foggy\20-00
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\00-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\00-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  25] sky\af3_partly\00-00-nm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\01-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\01-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  38] sky\af3_partly\01-00-nm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\02-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\02-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  24] sky\af3_partly\02-00-nm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\03-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\03-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\04-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\04-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\22-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\22-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\23-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\23-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  26] sky\af3_rainy\07-00
* 768.1 : [  30] sky\af3_rainy\09-00_19-00
* 768.1 : [  58] sky\af3_rainy\13-00
* 768.1 : [  24] sky\af3_rainy\15-00
* 768.1 : [  31] sky\af3_rainy\15-00-2
* 768.1 : [  44] sky\af3_rainy\16-00
* 768.1 : [  32] sky\af3_rainy\20-00
* 768.1 : [   5] sky\sky_12_vibros_cube
* 768.1 : [  26] sky\sky_13_cube
* 768.1 : [  16] sky\sky_13_cube_night
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\sky_13_vibros_cube
* 768.1 : [  10] sky\sky_14_cube
* 768.1 : [   4] sky\sky_17_clouds_cube
* 768.1 : [   4] sky\sky_17_cube
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\sky_18_cube
* 768.1 : [  11] sky\sky_19_cube
* 768.1 : [   4] sky\sky_1_clouds_cube
* 768.1 : [   4] sky\sky_20_clouds_cube
* 768.1 : [   6] sky\sky_20_cube
* 768.1 : [   4] sky\sky_2_clouds_cube
* 768.1 : [   4] sky\sky_2_cube
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\sky_3_cube
* 768.1 : [   3] sky\sky_4_cube
* 768.1 : [  32] sky\sky_5_cube
* 768.1 : [   7] sky\sky_6_cube
* 768.1 : [  11] sky\sky_7_cube
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\sky_8_cube
* 768.1 : [  49] sky\sky_9_cube
* 1024.1 : [   4] act\act_mtalker
* 1024.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_dolg_8_8_
* 1024.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_merc_2
* 1024.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_mercen_2
* 1024.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_monolith_3
* 1024.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral_2
* 1024.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral_3
* 1024.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_soldier_a
* 1024.1 : [   4] act\metro\act_att_gasmask_maska
* 1024.1 : [   1] amik\explosions\decal_concrete
* 1024.1 : [   1] amik\explosions\explo_end
* 1024.1 : [   1] amik\explosions\explosion_fuelcan\boom_3
* 1024.1 : [   1] amik\explosions\explosion_fuelcan\grey_xpl
* 1024.1 : [   1] amik\hit_fx\water_splash\water_splash_anim
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_1
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_2
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_3
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_4
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_5
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_6
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_7
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_phase_1
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_phase_2
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_phase_3
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_phase_4
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_phase_5
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_phase_6
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_phase_7
* 1024.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_ani-explosion-02
* 1024.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_ani-explosion-02-b-a
* 1024.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_ani-explosion-02a
* 1024.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_explotions_2
* 1024.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_explotions_4
* 1024.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_explotions_smoke
* 1024.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_explotions_smoke_benzine
* 1024.1 : [   1] shoker_mod\explosions\final_expl
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_mp_screen
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_multiplayer_game_menu
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_sleep_screen
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_common
* 1024.1 : [   4] wpn\wpn_bolt
* 1024.1 : [   1] wpn\wpn_crosshair_class
* 1024.1 : [   1] wpn\wpn_crosshair_fn2000
* 1024.1 : [   1] wpn\wpn_crosshair_l85
* 1363.3 : [   4] act\act_stalker_sviter
* 1364.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_l96
* 1364.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_skw
* 1364.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svt
* 1364.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svt_sk2
* 1364.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svu-n
* 1364.3 : [   4] act\act_arm_sviter_1
* 1364.3 : [   4] bodies\it_organs_13rs
* 1792.9 : [   6] item\item_detector_1
* 2048.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_soldier_v
* 2048.1 : [   4] akt\act_arm_mono_1
* 2048.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_cc_lightings
* 2048.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_hint_wnd
* 2048.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_weapons
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\05-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\05-30
* 3072.1 : [  66] sky\af3_clear\06-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\07-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\08-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\09-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\10-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\11-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\12-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\13-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\14-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\15-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\16-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\17-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\18-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\19-00
* 3072.1 : [  66] sky\af3_clear\20-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\20-30
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\21-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\21-30
* 3072.1 : [   6] sky\af3_cloudy\05-00
* 3072.1 : [  12] sky\af3_cloudy\06-00
* 3072.1 : [  11] sky\af3_cloudy\07-00
* 3072.1 : [  19] sky\af3_cloudy\08-00
* 3072.1 : [  24] sky\af3_cloudy\09-00
* 3072.1 : [  12] sky\af3_cloudy\10-00
* 3072.1 : [  12] sky\af3_cloudy\11-00
* 3072.1 : [  19] sky\af3_cloudy\12-00
* 3072.1 : [  11] sky\af3_cloudy\13-00
* 3072.1 : [  38] sky\af3_cloudy\14-00
* 3072.1 : [  29] sky\af3_cloudy\15-00
* 3072.1 : [  11] sky\af3_cloudy\16-00
* 3072.1 : [  19] sky\af3_cloudy\17-00
* 3072.1 : [  22] sky\af3_cloudy\18-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\04-30
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\05-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\05-30
* 3072.1 : [  66] sky\af3_partly\06-00
* 3072.1 : [  34] sky\af3_partly\07-00
* 3072.1 : [  34] sky\af3_partly\08-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\09-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\10-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\11-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\12-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\13-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\14-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\15-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\16-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\17-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\18-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\19-00
* 3072.1 : [  66] sky\af3_partly\20-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\20-30
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\21-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\21-30
* 8193.0 : [   4] item\item_detector_3
* 32768.1 : [   1] ui\ui_icon_equipment
"c:\users\admin\desktop\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. last day 1.3\bin\xrengine.exe" 
Call of Chernobyl version 1.4.22
using marshal library
* sound : cache: 65537 kb, 4856 lines, 13820 bpl
* phase time: 1550 ms
* phase cmem: 1149150 K
* phase time: 53 ms
* phase cmem: 1149150 K
* Loading spawn registry...
* 18652 spawn points are successfully loaded
* Loading objects...
* 37291 objects are successfully loaded
* Game admin - autosave is successfully loaded from file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - autosave.scop' (2.049s)
* phase time: 2046 ms
* phase cmem: 1215244 K
* phase time: 69 ms
* phase cmem: 1215280 K
* phase time: 54 ms
* phase cmem: 1215280 K
* WARNING: player not logged in
* client : connection accepted - <All Ok>
* phase time: 58 ms
* phase cmem: 1215313 K
* phase time: 69 ms
* phase cmem: 1223869 K
* phase time: 4707 ms
* phase cmem: 1347449 K
compiling shader simple
compiling shader simple_point
compiling shader simple_spot
compiling shader vert
compiling shader vert
compiling shader vert_point
compiling shader vert_spot
compiling shader vert_l
compiling shader vert_l
compiling shader base_lplanes
compiling shader wmark
compiling shader wmark_point
compiling shader wmark_spot
compiling shader wmarkmult
compiling shader lmap
compiling shader lmap
compiling shader lmap_point
compiling shader lmap_spot
compiling shader lmap_l
compiling shader lmap_l
compiling shader impl_dt
compiling shader impl_dt
compiling shader impl_point
compiling shader impl_spot
compiling shader impl_l
compiling shader impl_l
compiling shader water
compiling shader water
compiling shader waterd
compiling shader waterd
compiling shader tree_s
compiling shader tree_s_point
compiling shader tree_s_spot
compiling shader lod
compiling shader lod
compiling shader tree_w
compiling shader tree_w_point
compiling shader tree_w_spot
compiling shader avg4
* phase time: 580 ms
* phase cmem: 1347943 K
* [Loading VB] 65529 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65514 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65530 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65528 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 30185 verts, 943 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65532 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65532 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65530 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 61949 verts, 1935 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65532 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65532 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 17768 verts, 555 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048572 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048572 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048572 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 517158 indices, 1010 Kb
* phase time: 146 ms
* phase cmem: 1452886 K
* phase time: 142 ms
* phase cmem: 1457362 K
compiling shader detail
compiling shader detail_wave
compiling shader detail_still
* [DETAILS] VertexConsts(256), Batch(61)
* [DETAILS] 40199 v(20), 21716 p
* [DETAILS] Batch(61), VB(785K), IB(127K)
* phase time: 107 ms
* phase cmem: 1466322 K
* Loading HOM: c:\users\admin\desktop\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. last day 1.3\gamedata\levels\zaton\level.hom
* phase time: 73 ms
* phase cmem: 1466574 K
* phase time: 54 ms
* phase cmem: 1458018 K
* phase time: 53 ms
* phase cmem: 1458018 K
* t-report - base: 1747, 553864 K
* t-report - lmap: 28, 28675 K
* WARNING: player not logged in
* phase time: 2532 ms
* phase cmem: 1612279 K
* phase time: 60 ms
* phase cmem: 1612279 K
* [win32]: free[1806600 K], reserved[258452 K], committed[2129188 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[606993 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1612279 K], game lua[42367 K], render[1123 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[60263 K], smem[14815 K]
utils.load_var failed for drx_sl_quest_stash_2_id
task_functor.under_faction_control_target_id is nil
task_functor.under_faction_control_target_id is nil
task_functor.under_faction_control_target_id is nil
task_functor.under_faction_control_target_id is nil
task_functor.under_faction_control_target_id is nil
collectgarbage before=43062356Kb
collectgarbage after=42436160Kb
squad simulation_snork0069 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper2947 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_novice8393 has no target
squad simulation_dog_5_710182 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_novice16640 has no target
squad simulation_cat16660 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced18776 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper18910 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced18938 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran19000 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced19744 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_red19893 has no target
squad merc_sim_squad_advanced19908 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs20107 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_novice20258 has no target
squad army_sim_squad_advanced20276 has no target
squad army_sim_squad_novice20307 has no target
squad army_sim_squad_veteran20330 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_novice20587 has no target
squad simulation_cat20695 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced20752 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper20783 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran20789 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran20823 has no target
squad ecolog_sim_squad_veteran20923 has no target
squad simulation_boar20973 has no target
squad simulation_cat21289 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced21444 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran21499 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced21609 has no target
squad stalker_sim_squad_veteran21646 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_red22028 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_522034 has no target
squad simulation_cat22118 has no target
squad simulation_dog22125 has no target
squad simulation_snork22217 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog22612 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_red22631 has no target
squad simulation_dog_5_722685 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced22956 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_novice22987 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced22996 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_novice23048 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_red23079 has no target
squad simulation_cat23136 has no target
squad simulation_cat23170 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_novice23203 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran23251 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_novice23346 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_novice23394 has no target
squad ecolog_sim_squad_advanced_2e_2ls_1ss23476 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_novice23509 has no target
squad simulation_cat23526 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog23536 has no target
squad simulation_cat23541 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano23544 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_523557 has no target
squad simulation_chimera23569 has no target
squad simulation_burer23571 has no target
squad simulation_fracture23597 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog23807 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_novice23997 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_524040 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_advanced24062 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_novice24099 has no target
squad merc_sim_squad_veteran24471 has no target
squad simulation_hostile_killer24495 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_advanced24711 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_524750 has no target
squad simulation_snork24851 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano24854 has no target
squad simulation_dog24863 has no target
squad simulation_psy_dog24864 has no target
squad simulation_gigant_2weak24866 has no target
squad simulation_boar24928 has no target
squad simulation_boar24961 has no target
squad simulation_cat24965 has no target
squad simulation_dog24969 has no target
squad simulation_psy_dog24972 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_novice24979 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano24997 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs25000 has no target
squad simulation_cat25014 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano25017 has no target
squad simulation_cat25041 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran25054 has no target
squad simulation_hostile_killer25087 has no target
squad simulation_dog25092 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran25442 has no target
squad simulation_contr_5dog25474 has no target
squad simulation_cat25575 has no target
squad simulation_controller25577 has no target
squad simulation_psy_dog25599 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced25632 has no target
squad simulation_dog25777 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_black25820 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano25845 has no target
squad simulation_dog26047 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog26074 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper26095 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_novice26167 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced26172 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced26186 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_2weak26238 has no target
squad simulation_gigant26241 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs26243 has no target
squad simulation_cat26246 has no target
squad simulation_cat26255 has no target
squad simulation_psy_dog_squad26258 has no target
squad army_sim_squad_veteran26306 has no target
squad simulation_chimera26344 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced26396 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran26429 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper26459 has no target
squad ecolog_sim_squad_advanced26477 has no target
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squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran26815 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran26915 has no target
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squad simulation_cat27093 has no target
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squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran27608 has no target
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squad simulation_snork27772 has no target
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squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper28267 has no target
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squad simulation_mix_boar_flesh28527 has no target
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squad simulation_cat30610 has no target
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squad bandit_sim_squad_novice31375 has no target
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squad simulation_cat32078 has no target
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squad simulation_pseudodog36616 has no target
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squad simulation_dog37662 has no target
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squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran38870 has no target
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squad simulation_dog38948 has no target
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squad simulation_snork39481 has no target
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squad simulation_flesh39574 has no target
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squad bandit_sim_squad_novice39631 has no target
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squad simulation_snork_2_540350 has no target
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squad stalker_sim_squad_advanced41273 has no target
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squad simulation_snork42052 has no target
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squad army_sim_squad_veteran43798 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced43868 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_advanced43907 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_veteran43913 has no target
squad simulation_snork44033 has no target
squad simulation_snork44049 has no target
squad simulation_cat44074 has no target
squad simulation_rats44076 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog44085 has no target
squad simulation_boar44087 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano44093 has no target
squad simulation_cat44822 has no target
squad simulation_cat44848 has no target
squad simulation_dog44851 has no target
squad simulation_mix_boar_flesh44854 has no target
squad simulation_dog44861 has no target
squad simulation_cat44866 has no target
squad simulation_cat44869 has no target
squad simulation_cat45121 has no target
squad simulation_cat45314 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced46080 has no target
squad simulation_cat46343 has no target
squad simulation_cat46372 has no target
squad simulation_cat46374 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran46607 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran46637 has no target
squad simulation_boar46655 has no target
squad simulation_flesh46676 has no target
squad simulation_dog46696 has no target
squad simulation_boar46759 has no target
squad simulation_rats46792 has no target
squad simulation_dog46804 has no target
squad simulation_cat46820 has no target
squad simulation_dog48145 has no target
squad simulation_cat48388 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_novice49419 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_novice52500 has no target
squad freedom_sim_squad_veteran55046 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_novice64047 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_novice18958 has no target
squad ecolog_sim_squad_advanced39595 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran27934 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran25653 has no target
intro_start game_loaded
* MEMORY USAGE: 1644553 K
* End of synchronization A[1] R[1]
intro_delete ::update_game_loaded
* [win32]: free[1765504 K], reserved[186096 K], committed[2242640 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[615514 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1643388 K], game lua[74459 K], render[1124 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[64387 K], smem[15070 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 37333 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave3.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave3.scop'
compiling shader model_def_lplanes_2
* [win32]: free[1767228 K], reserved[173900 K], committed[2253112 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[615535 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1645343 K], game lua[49296 K], render[1166 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[64222 K], smem[15070 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 37333 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave4.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave4.scop'
* [win32]: free[1753100 K], reserved[169716 K], committed[2271424 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[627866 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1648448 K], game lua[53305 K], render[1195 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[66093 K], smem[15072 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 37330 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave5.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave5.scop'
* [win32]: free[1753100 K], reserved[167828 K], committed[2273312 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[627866 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1627260 K], game lua[49501 K], render[1201 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[66164 K], smem[15074 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 37328 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave6.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave6.scop'
* [win32]: free[1753100 K], reserved[167456 K], committed[2273684 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[627866 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1621843 K], game lua[54789 K], render[1201 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[66171 K], smem[15074 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 37327 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave7.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave7.scop'
* [win32]: free[1754224 K], reserved[204016 K], committed[2236000 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[627866 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1609333 K], game lua[44980 K], render[1205 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[66523 K], smem[15074 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 37324 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave8.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave8.scop'
main_menu on console command is executed
* [win32]: free[1747384 K], reserved[198344 K], committed[2248512 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[631140 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1615088 K], game lua[55245 K], render[1205 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[66553 K], smem[15075 K]
* [win32]: free[1747768 K], reserved[197880 K], committed[2248592 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[631140 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1612575 K], game lua[55254 K], render[1205 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[66553 K], smem[15075 K]
Call of Chernobyl version 1.4.22
using marshal library
* sound : cache: 65537 kb, 4856 lines, 13820 bpl
* phase time: 1574 ms
* phase cmem: 1688272 K
* phase time: 70 ms
* phase cmem: 1688275 K
* Loading spawn registry...
* 18652 spawn points are successfully loaded
* Loading objects...
* 37324 objects are successfully loaded
* Game admin - quicksave8 is successfully loaded from file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave8.scop' (2.067s)
* phase time: 2066 ms
* phase cmem: 1711539 K
* phase time: 70 ms
* phase cmem: 1711542 K
* phase time: 69 ms
* phase cmem: 1711542 K
* [win32]: free[1720956 K], reserved[126896 K], committed[2346388 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[625486 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1711542 K], game lua[43099 K], render[1206 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[60442 K], smem[15061 K]
squad simulation_snork0069 has no target
utils.load_var failed for drx_sl_quest_stash_2_id
task_functor.under_faction_control_target_id is nil
task_functor.under_faction_control_target_id is nil
task_functor.under_faction_control_target_id is nil
task_functor.under_faction_control_target_id is nil
task_functor.under_faction_control_target_id is nil
current_state 5
next_state 5
item_sect wpn_aug
H_Parent sim_default_monolith_4
current_state 5
next_state 5
item_sect wpn_pm_rusty
H_Parent sim_default_bandit_2
collectgarbage before=36081744Kb
collectgarbage after=35524720Kb
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper2947 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_novice8393 has no target
squad simulation_dog_5_710182 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_novice16640 has no target
squad simulation_cat16660 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced18776 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper18841 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced18938 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_novice18958 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran19000 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced19744 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_red19893 has no target
squad merc_sim_squad_advanced19908 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs20107 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_novice20258 has no target
squad army_sim_squad_advanced20276 has no target
squad army_sim_squad_novice20307 has no target
squad army_sim_squad_veteran20330 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_novice20587 has no target
squad simulation_cat20695 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper20783 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran20789 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran20823 has no target
squad ecolog_sim_squad_veteran20923 has no target
squad simulation_boar20973 has no target
squad simulation_cat21289 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced21444 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran21499 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced21609 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_red22028 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_522034 has no target
squad simulation_cat22118 has no target
squad simulation_dog22125 has no target
squad simulation_snork22217 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog22612 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_red22631 has no target
squad simulation_dog_5_722685 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced22956 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_novice22987 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced22996 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_novice23048 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_red23079 has no target
squad simulation_cat23136 has no target
squad simulation_cat23170 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_novice23203 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_novice23346 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_novice23394 has no target
squad ecolog_sim_squad_advanced_2e_2ls_1ss23476 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_novice23509 has no target
squad simulation_cat23526 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog23536 has no target
squad simulation_cat23541 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano23544 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_523557 has no target
squad simulation_chimera23569 has no target
squad simulation_burer23571 has no target
squad simulation_fracture23597 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog23807 has no target
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squad simulation_snork_2_524040 has no target
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squad zombied_sim_squad_novice24099 has no target
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squad simulation_hostile_killer24495 has no target
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squad simulation_snork_2_524750 has no target
squad simulation_snork24851 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano24854 has no target
squad simulation_dog24863 has no target
squad simulation_psy_dog24864 has no target
squad simulation_gigant_2weak24866 has no target
squad simulation_boar24928 has no target
squad simulation_boar24961 has no target
squad simulation_cat24965 has no target
squad simulation_dog24969 has no target
squad simulation_psy_dog24972 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_novice24979 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano24997 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs25000 has no target
squad simulation_cat25014 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano25017 has no target
squad simulation_cat25041 has no target
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squad simulation_dog25092 has no target
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squad simulation_contr_5dog25474 has no target
squad simulation_cat25575 has no target
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squad simulation_dog25777 has no target
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squad simulation_dog26047 has no target
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squad monolith_sim_squad_novice26167 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced26172 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced26186 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_2weak26238 has no target
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squad simulation_mix_dogs26243 has no target
squad simulation_cat26246 has no target
squad simulation_cat26255 has no target
squad simulation_psy_dog_squad26258 has no target
squad army_sim_squad_veteran26306 has no target
squad simulation_chimera26344 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced26396 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran26429 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper26459 has no target
squad ecolog_sim_squad_advanced26477 has no target
squad ecolog_sim_squad_advanced26495 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_veteran26585 has no target
squad simulation_dog_5_726698 has no target
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squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran26815 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran26915 has no target
squad simulation_boar27065 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog27079 has no target
squad simulation_dog27082 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano27085 has no target
squad simulation_cat27091 has no target
squad simulation_cat27093 has no target
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squad simulation_snork27586 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano27590 has no target
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squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran27608 has no target
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squad simulation_cat27629 has no target
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squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran27739 has no target
squad simulation_fracture27764 has no target
squad simulation_snork27769 has no target
squad simulation_snork27772 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog27776 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs27778 has no target
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squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper28267 has no target
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squad simulation_snork33590 has no target
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squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran38870 has no target
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squad simulation_dog38948 has no target
squad simulation_dog38952 has no target
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squad simulation_flesh39574 has no target
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squad simulation_snork_2_540350 has no target
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squad stalker_sim_squad_advanced41273 has no target
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squad simulation_psy_dog41404 has no target
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squad simulation_snork42052 has no target
squad simulation_snork42055 has no target
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squad simulation_chimera42519 has no target
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squad simulation_gigant43328 has no target
squad simulation_psy_dog_squad43338 has no target
squad simulation_cat43389 has no target
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squad simulation_bloodsucker43416 has no target
squad simulation_snork43420 has no target
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squad army_sim_squad_veteran43798 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced43868 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_advanced43907 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_veteran43913 has no target
squad simulation_snork44033 has no target
squad simulation_snork44049 has no target
squad simulation_cat44074 has no target
squad simulation_rats44076 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog44085 has no target
squad simulation_boar44087 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano44093 has no target
squad simulation_cat44822 has no target
squad simulation_cat44848 has no target
squad simulation_dog44851 has no target
squad simulation_mix_boar_flesh44854 has no target
squad simulation_dog44861 has no target
squad simulation_cat44866 has no target
squad simulation_cat44869 has no target
squad simulation_cat45121 has no target
squad simulation_cat45314 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced46080 has no target
squad simulation_cat46343 has no target
squad simulation_cat46372 has no target
squad simulation_cat46374 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran46607 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran46637 has no target
squad simulation_boar46655 has no target
squad simulation_flesh46676 has no target
squad simulation_dog46696 has no target
squad simulation_boar46759 has no target
squad simulation_rats46792 has no target
squad simulation_dog46804 has no target
squad simulation_cat46820 has no target
squad simulation_dog48145 has no target
squad simulation_cat48388 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_novice49419 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_novice52500 has no target
squad freedom_sim_squad_veteran55046 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_novice64047 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran25054 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran23251 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced20752 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_novice39631 has no target
intro_start game_loaded
* MEMORY USAGE: 1720767 K
* End of synchronization A[1] R[1]
intro_delete ::update_game_loaded
* [win32]: free[1719348 K], reserved[126096 K], committed[2348796 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[627268 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1721472 K], game lua[72140 K], render[1207 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[65587 K], smem[15069 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 37324 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave9.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave9.scop'
main_menu on console command is executed
* [win32]: free[1715204 K], reserved[124588 K], committed[2354448 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[631140 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1726654 K], game lua[50950 K], render[1207 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[65588 K], smem[15069 K]
* [win32]: free[1715588 K], reserved[125792 K], committed[2352860 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[631140 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1722320 K], game lua[50950 K], render[1207 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[65588 K], smem[15069 K]
Call of Chernobyl version 1.4.22
using marshal library
* sound : cache: 65537 kb, 4856 lines, 13820 bpl
* phase time: 1560 ms
* phase cmem: 1685047 K
* phase time: 69 ms
* phase cmem: 1685050 K
* Loading spawn registry...
* 18652 spawn points are successfully loaded
* Loading objects...
* 37324 objects are successfully loaded
* Game admin - quicksave9 is successfully loaded from file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave9.scop' (2.075s)
* phase time: 2073 ms
* phase cmem: 1708266 K
* phase time: 69 ms
* phase cmem: 1708269 K
* phase time: 70 ms
* phase cmem: 1708269 K
* [win32]: free[1725392 K], reserved[125740 K], committed[2343108 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[621358 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1708269 K], game lua[42149 K], render[1207 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[60462 K], smem[15061 K]
squad simulation_snork0069 has no target
utils.load_var failed for drx_sl_quest_stash_2_id
task_functor.under_faction_control_target_id is nil
task_functor.under_faction_control_target_id is nil
task_functor.under_faction_control_target_id is nil
task_functor.under_faction_control_target_id is nil
task_functor.under_faction_control_target_id is nil
current_state 5
next_state 5
item_sect wpn_pm_rusty
H_Parent sim_default_bandit_2
collectgarbage before=36117800Kb
collectgarbage after=35559808Kb
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper2947 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_novice8393 has no target
squad simulation_dog_5_710182 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_novice16640 has no target
squad simulation_cat16660 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced18776 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper18841 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper18910 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced18938 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_novice18958 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran19000 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_red19893 has no target
squad merc_sim_squad_advanced19908 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs20107 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_novice20258 has no target
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squad army_sim_squad_novice20307 has no target
squad army_sim_squad_veteran20330 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_novice20587 has no target
squad simulation_cat20695 has no target
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squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran20789 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran20823 has no target
squad ecolog_sim_squad_veteran20923 has no target
squad simulation_boar20973 has no target
squad simulation_cat21289 has no target
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squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran21499 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced21609 has no target
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squad simulation_snork_2_522034 has no target
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squad simulation_snork22217 has no target
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squad simulation_dog_5_722685 has no target
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squad monolith_sim_squad_novice22987 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced22996 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_novice23048 has no target
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squad simulation_cat23170 has no target
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squad monolith_sim_squad_novice23346 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_novice23394 has no target
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squad zombied_sim_squad_novice23509 has no target
squad simulation_cat23526 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog23536 has no target
squad simulation_cat23541 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano23544 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_523557 has no target
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squad simulation_boar24961 has no target
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squad simulation_cat26255 has no target
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squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran26815 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran26915 has no target
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squad simulation_cat27093 has no target
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squad simulation_snork27772 has no target
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squad simulation_snork33590 has no target
squad simulation_dog33594 has no target
squad simulation_rats33598 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano33606 has no target
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squad simulation_tushkano_7_1033612 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano33620 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog33768 has no target
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squad simulation_boar33774 has no target
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squad simulation_dog37662 has no target
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squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran38870 has no target
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squad simulation_dog38948 has no target
squad simulation_dog38952 has no target
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squad simulation_tushkano38995 has no target
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squad simulation_snork39446 has no target
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squad simulation_snork39481 has no target
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squad simulation_flesh39574 has no target
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squad simulation_snork_2_540350 has no target
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squad stalker_sim_squad_advanced41273 has no target
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squad simulation_snork42052 has no target
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squad simulation_cat43389 has no target
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squad simulation_bloodsucker43416 has no target
squad simulation_snork43420 has no target
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squad army_sim_squad_veteran43798 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced43868 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_advanced43907 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_veteran43913 has no target
squad simulation_snork44033 has no target
squad simulation_snork44049 has no target
squad simulation_cat44074 has no target
squad simulation_rats44076 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog44085 has no target
squad simulation_boar44087 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano44093 has no target
squad simulation_cat44822 has no target
squad simulation_cat44848 has no target
squad simulation_dog44851 has no target
squad simulation_mix_boar_flesh44854 has no target
squad simulation_dog44861 has no target
squad simulation_cat44866 has no target
squad simulation_cat44869 has no target
squad simulation_cat45121 has no target
squad simulation_cat45314 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced46080 has no target
squad simulation_cat46343 has no target
squad simulation_cat46372 has no target
squad simulation_cat46374 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran46607 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran46637 has no target
squad simulation_boar46655 has no target
squad simulation_flesh46676 has no target
squad simulation_dog46696 has no target
squad simulation_boar46759 has no target
squad simulation_rats46792 has no target
squad simulation_dog46804 has no target
squad simulation_cat46820 has no target
squad simulation_dog48145 has no target
squad simulation_cat48388 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_novice49419 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_novice52500 has no target
squad freedom_sim_squad_veteran55046 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_novice64047 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran25054 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran23251 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced20752 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_novice39631 has no target
intro_start game_loaded
* MEMORY USAGE: 1721512 K
* End of synchronization A[1] R[1]
intro_delete ::update_game_loaded
* [win32]: free[1719592 K], reserved[128780 K], committed[2345868 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[627012 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1713113 K], game lua[45743 K], render[1248 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[65604 K], smem[15069 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 37314 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave10.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave10.scop'
* [win32]: free[1715464 K], reserved[132924 K], committed[2345852 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[627012 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1709076 K], game lua[47176 K], render[1248 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[65603 K], smem[15069 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 37314 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave1.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave1.scop'
* [win32]: free[1719592 K], reserved[142204 K], committed[2332444 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[627012 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1699390 K], game lua[49937 K], render[1248 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[65636 K], smem[15070 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 37309 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave2.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave2.scop'
* [win32]: free[1718080 K], reserved[149492 K], committed[2326668 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[628079 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1668095 K], game lua[52309 K], render[1248 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[65645 K], smem[15070 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 37311 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave3.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave3.scop'
* [win32]: free[1717056 K], reserved[206920 K], committed[2270264 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[629103 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1639634 K], game lua[48126 K], render[1248 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[65460 K], smem[15070 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 37287 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave4.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave4.scop'
* [win32]: free[1711656 K], reserved[208632 K], committed[2273952 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[632207 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1635295 K], game lua[53452 K], render[1248 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[65459 K], smem[15070 K]
* [win32]: free[1711656 K], reserved[208004 K], committed[2274580 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[632207 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1633068 K], game lua[53452 K], render[1248 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[65459 K], smem[15070 K]
Call of Chernobyl version 1.4.22
using marshal library
* sound : cache: 65537 kb, 4856 lines, 13820 bpl
* phase time: 1579 ms
* phase cmem: 1686779 K
* phase time: 70 ms
* phase cmem: 1686782 K
* Loading spawn registry...
* 18652 spawn points are successfully loaded
* Loading objects...
* 37287 objects are successfully loaded
* Game admin - quicksave4 is successfully loaded from file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave4.scop' (2.083s)
* phase time: 2081 ms
* phase cmem: 1710020 K
* phase time: 69 ms
* phase cmem: 1710023 K
* phase time: 70 ms
* phase cmem: 1710023 K
* [win32]: free[1717520 K], reserved[132568 K], committed[2344152 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[626553 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1710023 K], game lua[43971 K], render[1249 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[60483 K], smem[15061 K]
squad simulation_snork0069 has no target
utils.load_var failed for drx_sl_quest_stash_2_id
task_functor.under_faction_control_target_id is nil
task_functor.under_faction_control_target_id is nil
task_functor.under_faction_control_target_id is nil
task_functor.under_faction_control_target_id is nil
task_functor.under_faction_control_target_id is nil
current_state 5
next_state 5
item_sect wpn_toz34_obrez_worn
H_Parent sim_default_stalker_0
current_state 5
next_state 5
item_sect wpn_tt33_worn
H_Parent sim_default_stalker_0
collectgarbage before=27669796Kb
collectgarbage after=27107274Kb
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper2947 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_novice8393 has no target
squad simulation_dog_5_710182 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_novice16640 has no target
squad simulation_cat16660 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced18776 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper18841 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper18910 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced18938 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_novice18958 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran19000 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_red19893 has no target
squad merc_sim_squad_advanced19908 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs20107 has no target
squad army_sim_squad_advanced20276 has no target
squad army_sim_squad_novice20307 has no target
squad army_sim_squad_veteran20330 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_novice20587 has no target
squad simulation_cat20695 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper20783 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran20789 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran20823 has no target
squad ecolog_sim_squad_veteran20923 has no target
squad simulation_boar20973 has no target
squad simulation_cat21289 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced21444 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran21499 has no target
squad stalker_sim_squad_veteran21607 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced21609 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_red22028 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_522034 has no target
squad simulation_cat22118 has no target
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squad simulation_snork22217 has no target
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squad simulation_dog_5_722685 has no target
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squad monolith_sim_squad_novice22987 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced22996 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_novice23048 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_red23079 has no target
squad simulation_cat23136 has no target
squad simulation_cat23170 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_novice23203 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_novice23346 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_novice23394 has no target
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squad zombied_sim_squad_novice23509 has no target
squad simulation_cat23526 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog23536 has no target
squad simulation_cat23541 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano23544 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_523557 has no target
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squad simulation_fracture23597 has no target
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squad zombied_sim_squad_novice24099 has no target
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squad simulation_snork24851 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano24854 has no target
squad simulation_dog24863 has no target
squad simulation_psy_dog24864 has no target
squad simulation_gigant_2weak24866 has no target
squad simulation_boar24928 has no target
squad simulation_boar24961 has no target
squad simulation_cat24965 has no target
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squad simulation_tushkano24997 has no target
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squad simulation_cat25041 has no target
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squad simulation_dog26047 has no target
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squad monolith_sim_squad_novice26167 has no target
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squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced26186 has no target
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squad simulation_cat26255 has no target
squad simulation_psy_dog_squad26258 has no target
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squad ecolog_sim_squad_advanced26495 has no target
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squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran26815 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran26915 has no target
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squad simulation_cat27093 has no target
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squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran27608 has no target
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squad simulation_snork27772 has no target
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squad monolith_sim_squad_sniper28267 has no target
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squad simulation_tushkano28509 has no target
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squad simulation_snork33590 has no target
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squad simulation_tushkano33620 has no target
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squad simulation_boar33774 has no target
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squad simulation_dog37396 has no target
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squad simulation_dog37662 has no target
squad simulation_cat37923 has no target
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squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran38870 has no target
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squad simulation_dog38948 has no target
squad simulation_dog38952 has no target
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squad simulation_tushkano38995 has no target
squad stalker_sim_squad_advanced39008 has no target
squad simulation_cat39031 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano39072 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran39087 has no target
squad simulation_snork39446 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_black39448 has no target
squad simulation_snork39481 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_539487 has no target
squad simulation_flesh39540 has no target
squad simulation_flesh39574 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano39577 has no target
squad simulation_boar39582 has no target
squad ecolog_sim_squad_advanced39595 has no target
squad merc_sim_squad_novice39615 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano39656 has no target
squad simulation_dog40202 has no target
squad simulation_flesh40212 has no target
squad simulation_dog40215 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_novice40249 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_advanced40290 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs40328 has no target
squad simulation_dog_5_740334 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_540344 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_540350 has no target
squad simulation_mix_dogs41227 has no target
squad stalker_sim_squad_advanced41247 has no target
squad stalker_sim_squad_advanced41273 has no target
squad simulation_dog41274 has no target
squad simulation_rat41303 has no target
squad simulation_fracture41323 has no target
squad simulation_cat41325 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_novice41358 has no target
squad simulation_psy_dog_squad41375 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_black41383 has no target
squad simulation_psy_dog41404 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran41427 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_red41467 has no target
squad simulation_gigant41536 has no target
squad simulation_snork_2_541538 has no target
squad simulation_psy_dog41541 has no target
squad simulation_chimera41543 has no target
squad simulation_burer41617 has no target
squad ecolog_sim_squad_advanced41734 has no target
squad stalker_sim_squad_advanced41750 has no target
squad simulation_mix_boar_flesh41754 has no target
squad merc_sim_squad_novice41777 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced41813 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran41837 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano41916 has no target
squad simulation_boar41935 has no target
squad simulation_snork41943 has no target
squad simulation_boar41950 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano41957 has no target
squad freedom_sim_squad_advanced41963 has no target
squad simulation_snork42042 has no target
squad simulation_dog42049 has no target
squad simulation_snork42052 has no target
squad simulation_snork42055 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_black42072 has no target
squad simulation_cat42503 has no target
squad simulation_controller42517 has no target
squad simulation_chimera42519 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker_black42521 has no target
squad simulation_fracture42726 has no target
squad simulation_gigant43328 has no target
squad simulation_psy_dog_squad43338 has no target
squad simulation_cat43389 has no target
squad simulation_psysucker43414 has no target
squad simulation_bloodsucker43416 has no target
squad simulation_snork43420 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran43458 has no target
squad army_sim_squad_veteran43798 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced43868 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_advanced43907 has no target
squad bandit_sim_squad_veteran43913 has no target
squad simulation_snork44033 has no target
squad simulation_snork44049 has no target
squad simulation_cat44074 has no target
squad simulation_rats44076 has no target
squad simulation_pseudodog44085 has no target
squad simulation_boar44087 has no target
squad simulation_tushkano44093 has no target
squad simulation_cat44822 has no target
squad simulation_cat44848 has no target
squad simulation_dog44851 has no target
squad simulation_mix_boar_flesh44854 has no target
squad simulation_dog44861 has no target
squad simulation_cat44866 has no target
squad simulation_cat44869 has no target
squad simulation_cat45121 has no target
squad simulation_cat45314 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced46080 has no target
squad simulation_cat46343 has no target
squad simulation_cat46372 has no target
squad simulation_cat46374 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran46607 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_veteran46637 has no target
squad simulation_boar46655 has no target
squad simulation_flesh46676 has no target
squad simulation_dog46696 has no target
squad simulation_boar46759 has no target
squad simulation_rats46792 has no target
squad simulation_dog46804 has no target
squad simulation_cat46820 has no target
squad simulation_dog48145 has no target
squad simulation_cat48388 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_novice49419 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_novice52500 has no target
squad freedom_sim_squad_veteran55046 has no target
squad zombied_sim_squad_novice64047 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_veteran23251 has no target
squad monolith_sim_squad_advanced20752 has no target
intro_start game_loaded
* MEMORY USAGE: 1718122 K
* End of synchronization A[1] R[1]
intro_delete ::update_game_loaded
* [win32]: free[1715152 K], reserved[131196 K], committed[2347892 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[627055 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1718351 K], game lua[44975 K], render[1249 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[65429 K], smem[15070 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 37292 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave5.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave5.scop'
* [win32]: free[1714088 K], reserved[130464 K], committed[2349688 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[628079 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1717787 K], game lua[45246 K], render[1252 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[65238 K], smem[15070 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 37293 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave6.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave6.scop'
* [win32]: free[1709284 K], reserved[133140 K], committed[2351816 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[628079 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1688735 K], game lua[53369 K], render[1252 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[65303 K], smem[15070 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 37308 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave7.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave7.scop'
* [win32]: free[1710324 K], reserved[184976 K], committed[2298940 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[627055 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1667131 K], game lua[52200 K], render[1253 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[65308 K], smem[15071 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 37309 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave8.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave8.scop'
* [win32]: free[1704092 K], reserved[199848 K], committed[2290300 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[629103 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1657435 K], game lua[44452 K], render[1254 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[65329 K], smem[15071 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 37310 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave9.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave9.scop'
* [win32]: free[1705144 K], reserved[201132 K], committed[2287964 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[628079 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1650515 K], game lua[57075 K], render[1254 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[65329 K], smem[15071 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 37310 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave10.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave10.scop'
* [win32]: free[1702036 K], reserved[242772 K], committed[2249432 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[631193 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1614598 K], game lua[44063 K], render[1254 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[65432 K], smem[15071 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 37355 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave1.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave1.scop'
* [win32]: free[1702036 K], reserved[238604 K], committed[2253600 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[632227 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1616994 K], game lua[49811 K], render[1254 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[65437 K], smem[15071 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 37355 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave2.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave2.scop'
* [win32]: free[1702036 K], reserved[237576 K], committed[2254628 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[632227 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1616920 K], game lua[49329 K], render[1254 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[65853 K], smem[15071 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 37355 objects are successfully saved
* Game admin - quicksave3.scop is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\admin - quicksave3.scop'
* [win32]: free[1693800 K], reserved[237376 K], committed[2263064 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[636356 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1621045 K], game lua[54930 K], render[1254 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[65853 K], smem[15071 K]
- Disconnect
- Destroying level
*  0.0 : [  70] $null
*  0.0 : [   2] $user$cmap0
*  0.0 : [   2] $user$cmap1
*  0.0 : [   3] $user$distort
*  0.0 : [ 763] $user$projector
*  0.0 : [   6] $user$rendertarget
*  0.0 : [   5] $user$rendertarget_color_map
*  0.0 : [   1] $user$sky0
*  0.0 : [   1] $user$sky1
*  0.0 : [   1] $user$tonemap
*  0.0 : [   3] prop\prop_lampa_g_red2
*  0.0 : [   1] pfx\pfx_spark_02
*  0.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_spark_01
*  0.2 : [   3] wpn\wpn_protecta_dots
*  0.2 : [   1] pfx\pfx_step_blood
*  0.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_bubble
*  0.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_leaves_01
*  0.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_leaves_02
*  0.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_splash3
*  0.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_splash_02
*  0.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_synus
*  0.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_vehmetaldebris_01
*  0.3 : [   1] prop\prop_provod_02
*  0.3 : [   4] prop\prop_provod_03
*  0.4 : [   1] glow\glow_anamorphic
*  0.4 : [   1] glow\glow_rays
*  0.4 : [   3] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_blue_lense
*  0.4 : [   1] map\map_nomap
*  0.6 : [ 750] internal\internal_light_attclip
*  0.7 : [   4] act\act_stalker_head_glass_02
*  0.7 : [   4] mtl\mtl_bochka_02
*  0.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_concretedebris_01
*  1.1 : [   3] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_red_lense
*  1.3 : [   6] act\act_stalker_head_glass
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_21
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_bubble_1
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_bubble_water
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist2
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist2inv
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist3
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist4
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist7
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist8
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist9
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist_glass
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist_teleport
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_distort_anomaly
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_distortion
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flash_05
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flash_07
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_smoke_b
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_specks
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_specks_poison
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_spikey_star
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_splash_01
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_stonedebris1
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_stonedebris2
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_vehglassdebris_01
*  1.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_water_wave
*  1.4 : [   3] artifact\artifact_eye
*  1.4 : [   4] item\item_key_1
*  1.4 : [   1] artifact\artifact_glow
*  1.4 : [   1] fx\fx_rain
*  1.4 : [   1] fx\fx_sun_rise
*  1.4 : [   1] glow\glow_orange2
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_asfalt_1
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_asfalt_2
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_asfalt_3
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_brick_1
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_brick_2
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_1
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_2
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_4
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_5
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_6
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_7
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_ground
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_ground_1
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_ground_2
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik_1
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik_2
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik_3
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_1
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_2
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_3
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_4
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_1
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_2
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_3
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_4
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_5
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_6
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_7
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_8
*  1.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_9
*  2.7 : [   4] prop\prop_speakerphone
*  2.7 : [   4] act\act_rat
*  2.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_electrostatic
*  2.7 : [   4] prop\prop_box_3
*  2.7 : [   4] prop\prop_elec_kran
*  2.7 : [   1] prop\prop_fake_bed_fireplace
*  2.7 : [   4] prop\prop_instrument_2
*  2.7 : [   4] prop\prop_lock
*  2.7 : [   4] prop\prop_teapot_1
*  2.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_pkm_lenta
*  2.7 : [   4] act\act_pseudodog_fur
*  2.7 : [   4] act\act_pseudodog_fur1
*  2.7 : [   4] mtl\mtl_truba_pod_01
*  2.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist_glass3
*  2.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_smokepuffs2
*  2.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_sparks
*  2.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_sparks2
*  2.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_woodchips1
*  2.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_woodchips3
*  2.7 : [   4] act\act_jimmy_glaz
*  2.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\trace_01
*  2.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\trace_01
*  2.7 : [   4] food\food_raw___dog
*  2.7 : [   4] food\food_raw_flesh
*  2.7 : [   4] item\item_battery
*  2.7 : [   4] item\item_jar
*  2.7 : [   4] item\item_meinkampf
*  2.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\dtk_3
*  3.0 : [   1] artifact\artifact_anim_dist
*  3.1 : [   5] sky\sky_12_vibros_cube#small
*  3.1 : [  26] sky\sky_13_cube#small
*  3.1 : [  16] sky\sky_13_cube_night#small
*  3.1 : [  12] sky\sky_13_vibros_cube#small
*  3.1 : [  10] sky\sky_14_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   4] sky\sky_17_clouds_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   4] sky\sky_17_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   8] sky\sky_18_cube#small
*  3.1 : [  11] sky\sky_19_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   4] sky\sky_1_clouds_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   4] sky\sky_20_clouds_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   4] sky\sky_20_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   4] sky\sky_2_clouds_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   4] sky\sky_2_cube#small
*  3.1 : [  12] sky\sky_3_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   3] sky\sky_4_cube#small
*  3.1 : [  30] sky\sky_5_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   7] sky\sky_6_cube#small
*  3.1 : [  11] sky\sky_7_cube#small
*  3.1 : [   8] sky\sky_8_cube#small
*  3.1 : [  49] sky\sky_9_cube#small
*  4.1 : [   1] fx\fx_flare1
*  4.1 : [   1] fx\fx_flare2
*  4.1 : [   1] fx\fx_flare3
*  4.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flamefx_01
*  4.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_g-smoke-01
*  4.1 : [   1] ui\cursor
*  5.3 : [   1] act\act_controller_hit
*  5.3 : [   1] act\act_controller_hit1
*  5.3 : [   6] act\act_stalker_nauch_glass
*  5.3 : [   4] act\variation mod\act_neutral\gas_mask_glass
*  5.3 : [   4] door\door_sheet
*  5.3 : [   4] door\door_w01
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_1
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_16
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_17
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_19
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_3
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_4
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_5
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_6
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_8
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_88
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_9
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_blurry_cloud
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_brick
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_light
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_light1
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_light3
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_light4
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_lightning_01
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_lightning_02
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_ligth_6
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_plasma
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_smoke_a
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_sparks1
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_teleport
*  5.3 : [   1] pfx\pfx_test_textures
*  5.3 : [   4] prop\prop_ballon2
*  5.3 : [   4] prop\prop_ballon3
*  5.3 : [   4] prop\prop_bottle_box
*  5.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_pkm_decals
*  5.4 : [   4] item\item_hammer
*  5.4 : [   1] amik\nature\stonedebris1
*  5.4 : [   1] glow\glow_04
*  5.4 : [   1] glow\glow_fire1
*  5.4 : [   1] glow\glow_fire1_soc
*  5.4 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flash_02
*  5.4 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flash_08
*  5.4 : [   1] shoker_mod\explosions\firesmokeparticle
*  5.4 : [   1] wm\wm_grenade
*  5.4 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_dead
*  5.4 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_horiz
*  5.4 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_blood
*  5.4 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_wood
*  5.4 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_wood1
*  5.4 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_wood2
*  5.4 : [   1] amik\weapons\6ways2
*  5.4 : [   1] amik\weapons\btr\muzzle 6ways2
*  5.4 : [   1] amik\nature\list
*  5.4 : [   1] amik\nature\wood_part
*  5.4 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\trail
*  6.1 : [  14] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_1#small
*  6.1 : [  40] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_2#small
*  6.1 : [  18] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_3#small
*  6.1 : [  14] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_5#small
*  6.1 : [  40] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_1#small
*  6.1 : [  24] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_2#small
*  6.1 : [  36] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_3#small
*  6.1 : [  32] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_4#small
*  6.1 : [  32] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_5#small
*  6.1 : [   6] sky\af3_blowout\blowout1#small
*  6.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout1_1#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout2#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout2_night#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3#small
*  6.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_1#small
*  6.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_1_night#small
*  6.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_2#small
*  6.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_2_night#small
*  6.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_3#small
*  6.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_3_night#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_night#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4#small
*  6.1 : [   3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_1#small
*  6.1 : [   3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_1_night#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_night#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5_night#small
*  6.1 : [   7] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5psi#small
*  6.1 : [   7] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5psi_night#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout6#small
*  6.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout6_night#small
*  6.1 : [   3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout7#small
*  6.1 : [   4] sky\af3_blowout\blowout7_night#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\00-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\00-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  25] sky\af3_clear\00-00-nm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\01-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\01-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  37] sky\af3_clear\01-00-nm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\02-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\02-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  25] sky\af3_clear\02-00-nm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\03-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\03-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\04-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\04-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\04-30#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\05-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\05-30#small
*  6.1 : [  66] sky\af3_clear\06-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\07-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\08-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\09-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\10-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\11-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\12-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\13-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\14-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\15-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\16-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\17-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\18-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\19-00#small
*  6.1 : [  66] sky\af3_clear\20-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\20-30#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\21-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\21-30#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\22-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\22-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\23-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\23-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [   6] sky\af3_cloudy\05-00#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_cloudy\06-00#small
*  6.1 : [  11] sky\af3_cloudy\07-00#small
*  6.1 : [  19] sky\af3_cloudy\08-00#small
*  6.1 : [  24] sky\af3_cloudy\09-00#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_cloudy\10-00#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_cloudy\11-00#small
*  6.1 : [  19] sky\af3_cloudy\12-00#small
*  6.1 : [  11] sky\af3_cloudy\13-00#small
*  6.1 : [  38] sky\af3_cloudy\14-00#small
*  6.1 : [  29] sky\af3_cloudy\15-00#small
*  6.1 : [  11] sky\af3_cloudy\16-00#small
*  6.1 : [  19] sky\af3_cloudy\17-00#small
*  6.1 : [  22] sky\af3_cloudy\18-00#small
*  6.1 : [   6] sky\af3_cloudy\19-00#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_cloudy\20-00#small
*  6.1 : [  16] sky\af3_foggy\06-00#small
*  6.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\07-00#small
*  6.1 : [  19] sky\af3_foggy\09-00#small
*  6.1 : [  40] sky\af3_foggy\10-00#small
*  6.1 : [  10] sky\af3_foggy\11-00#small
*  6.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\12-00#small
*  6.1 : [  27] sky\af3_foggy\13-00#small
*  6.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\14-00#small
*  6.1 : [  19] sky\af3_foggy\15-00#small
*  6.1 : [  19] sky\af3_foggy\16-00#small
*  6.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\17-00#small
*  6.1 : [  19] sky\af3_foggy\18-00#small
*  6.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\19-00#small
*  6.1 : [  22] sky\af3_foggy\20-00#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\00-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\00-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  25] sky\af3_partly\00-00-nm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\01-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\01-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  38] sky\af3_partly\01-00-nm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\02-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\02-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  24] sky\af3_partly\02-00-nm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\03-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\03-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\04-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\04-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\04-30#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\05-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\05-30#small
*  6.1 : [  66] sky\af3_partly\06-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\07-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\08-00#small
*  6.1 : [  34] sky\af3_partly\09-00#small
*  6.1 : [  34] sky\af3_partly\10-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\11-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\12-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\13-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\14-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\15-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\16-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\17-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\18-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\19-00#small
*  6.1 : [  66] sky\af3_partly\20-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\20-30#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\21-00#small
*  6.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\21-30#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\22-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\22-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\23-00-fm#small
*  6.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\23-00-hm#small
*  6.1 : [  26] sky\af3_rainy\07-00#small
*  6.1 : [  30] sky\af3_rainy\09-00_19-00#small
*  6.1 : [  58] sky\af3_rainy\13-00#small
*  6.1 : [  24] sky\af3_rainy\15-00#small
*  6.1 : [  31] sky\af3_rainy\15-00-2#small
*  6.1 : [  44] sky\af3_rainy\16-00#small
*  6.1 : [  32] sky\af3_rainy\20-00#small
*  7.1 : [   1] artifact\artifact_anim_lightning
*  7.1 : [   4] wpn\wpn_g36_scope
*  8.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_gologramma
*  8.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\fake_shells
*  8.1 : [   1] ui\ui_fog_of_war
* 10.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_vog
* 10.7 : [   4] door\door_white_04
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_electricalunit3
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_kanistra
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_dog_red
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_dogs_big
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_dogs_black
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_dogs_brown
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_dogs_bulterer
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_green_stalker_head_3
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_green_stalker_head_3_mask
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_head2
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_poltergeyst
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_pseudodog
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_rat01
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_ratn1
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_ratn2
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_ratn3
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_ryukzak
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_ryukzak_black
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_sold_bandan_head_3
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_stalker_head_antigas_2
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_stalker_head_antigas_9
* 10.7 : [   4] act\act_stalker_headmask2
* 10.7 : [   4] door\door_katakomb_01
* 10.7 : [   4] door\door_white_02
* 10.7 : [   4] mtl\mtl_shkaf
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_blind01
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_dangerbox_2
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_el_shkaf_01
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_freez
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_item2
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_item3
* 10.7 : [   6] prop\prop_iten4
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_kitchen_stuff
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_plita
* 10.7 : [   4] prop\prop_spade
* 10.7 : [   4] wood\wood_plank6
* 10.7 : [   4] wood\wood_table_02
* 10.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aksu_synth
* 10.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_protecta_sights
* 10.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_walter99_mag
* 10.7 : [   4] glas\glas_dirt
* 10.7 : [   4] mtl\mtl_barrel_02
* 10.7 : [   4] mtl\mtl_barrel_04
* 10.7 : [   4] mtl\mtl_barrel_05
* 10.7 : [   4] mtl\mtl_truba_pod_02
* 10.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_2
* 10.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_23
* 10.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_2_green
* 10.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_7
* 10.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_concretepuffs_01
* 10.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_lighting_stancia_01
* 10.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_lighting_stancia_02
* 10.7 : [   1] pfx\pfx_smokepuffs1
* 10.7 : [   1] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_shells1
* 10.7 : [   1] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_shells2
* 10.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\dtk_5
* 10.7 : [   3] artifact\artifact_mp_green
* 10.7 : [   4] artifact\artifact_myasorubka2
* 10.7 : [   4] artifact\artifact_myasorubka3
* 10.7 : [   4] fx\fx_noise2
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_block_notes
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_calibrate_tools
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_cards
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_document_01
* 10.7 : [   6] item\item_gazmask1
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_gazmask3
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_medic1
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_medkit
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_medkit_2
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_medkit_3
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_medkit_4
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_parts
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_rebirth
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_small_tools
* 10.7 : [   4] item\item_yad
* 10.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_bullet1_556
* 10.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_bullet1_939
* 10.7 : [   1] amik\anomaly\electric_radial
* 10.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\6ways1
* 10.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\btr\muzzle 6ways1
* 10.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\dtk_4
* 10.7 : [   1] amik\hit_fx\water_splash\water_spurt
* 10.7 : [   1] artifact\artifact_fire_light
* 10.7 : [   1] lights\lights_cone_handing_lamp
* 10.7 : [   1] lights\lights_ray1
* 10.7 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_blood1
* 10.7 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_metal
* 10.7 : [   1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_ston
* 13.3 : [   3] artifact\artifact_lava
* 16.1 : [   4] act\act_specnaz_glass
* 16.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\mg42out
* 16.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\trace
* 16.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\mg42out
* 16.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\trace
* 16.1 : [   1] fx\fx_rainsplash1
* 16.1 : [   1] fx\fx_volumefog1
* 16.1 : [ 750] internal\internal_light_att
* 16.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flame
* 16.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flash_01
* 16.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_gradient
* 16.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_gradient1
* 16.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_arial_14_1024
* 16.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_hud_01
* 16.1 : [   1] ui\ui_grid
* 16.1 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_drop_1
* 16.1 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_drop_2
* 16.1 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_drop_3
* 16.1 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_drop_4
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_face_mask_05
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_face_mask_06
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_faces_2_01
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_face_01
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_face_mask_01
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_face_mask_02
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_face_mask_03
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_face_mask_04
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_face_mask_07
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_face_mask_08
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_face_zombie_01
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_faces_1_03
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_faces_1_08
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_faces_4_02
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_faces_4_03
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_faces_4_04
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_stalker_soldier_1
* 21.3 : [   4] act\act_ryukzag
* 21.3 : [   4] door\door_ship_metall
* 21.3 : [   4] mtl\mtl_bochka_01
* 21.3 : [   4] mtl\mtl_pod_01
* 21.3 : [   4] prop\prop_instrument_1
* 21.3 : [   1] amik\weapons\dtk_2
* 21.4 : [   4] aa\aa_freon
* 21.4 : [   4] kdm_ammo\ammo_57x28\ammo_5.7x28_ap
* 21.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_raii
* 21.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_rail
* 21.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_rair
* 21.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_bullet1_545
* 21.4 : [   1] artifact\artifact_lighting
* 21.4 : [   1] artifact\artifact_sopli
* 21.4 : [   3] artifact\artifact_sopli2
* 21.4 : [   1] glow\glow_blue
* 21.4 : [   4] glow\glow_ghost
* 21.4 : [   1] glow\glow_orange
* 21.4 : [   1] glow\glow_orange_bright
* 21.4 : [   1] glow\glow_white
* 21.4 : [   1] glow\glow_yellow
* 21.4 : [   4] item\item_goggles
* 21.4 : [   4] item\item_money
* 21.4 : [   1] pfx\pfx_dist_lens_base
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_10
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_11
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_1_1
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_1_2
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_1_3
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_1_4
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_1_5
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_3
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_4
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_5
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_6
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_7
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_8
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_9
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_glass01
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_glass02
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_glass03
* 21.4 : [   1] wm\wm_bullet_glass04
* 21.4 : [   1] amik\weapons\dtk_4_1
* 28.5 : [   4] wpn\wpn_g35_scope
* 32.1 : [   4] arsenal_mod\ammo\50_ae
* 32.1 : [   4] arsenal_mod\ammo\762x25_p
* 32.1 : [   4] arsenal_mod\ammo\762x25_ps
* 32.1 : [   1] fx\fx_lightning
* 32.1 : [   4] item\item_beans
* 32.1 : [   4] item\item_beer
* 32.1 : [   4] item\item_caffeine
* 32.1 : [   4] item\item_corn
* 32.1 : [   4] item\item_medkitai2
* 32.1 : [   4] item\item_tomato
* 32.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_ani-smoke-01
* 32.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_cc_lighting_grad2
* 32.1 : [   4] repair\repair_steel_wool
* 32.1 : [   4] sgm\item_psyhodelin
* 32.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_letter_16_1024
* 32.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_letter_18_1024
* 32.1 : [   1] ui\ui_magnifier2
* 33.0 : [   1] ui\ui_ani_cursor
* 42.5 : [   1] amik\weapons\9x39
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_head_mask
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_psevdogigant
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_monolith_rookie
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_nebo_1
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neut_2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral2d
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_soldierb4
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_trup_5
* 42.6 : [   6] wpn\wpn_upgrade
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_bure3
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_burer
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_ca2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_ca4
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_cat
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_cat2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_controlle2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_controller
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_free2old
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_himera
* 42.6 : [   6] act\act_krovosos_1
* 42.6 : [   3] act\act_krovosos_3
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_mercsun2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_nauchniy_monolit
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_new_details_01
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_plot
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_pseudodog1
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_scientist_suit_green
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_scientist_zombi_o
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_band_2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_bandit1az
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_bandit1bz
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_bandit1c
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_bandit2a
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_bandit_1
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_bandit_2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_bandit_2s
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_bandit_3
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_bandit_3a
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_black
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_dolg2a
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_dolg3b
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_dolg_2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_dolg_2_2_
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_dolg_3
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_dolg_3000
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_dolgexo4a
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_dolgexo_4
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_dolgzom2a
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_dolgzom_2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_freedom2b
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_freedom4a
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_freedom4b
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_freedom_1
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_freedom_2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_merc2a
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_merc4a
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_merc_5
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_mercen2b
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_mercen2c
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_mercexo_4
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_mercsuit1
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_monolith2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_monolith4a
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_monolith4b
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_monolith_2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_monolith_4
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_nebo_3
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral1a
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral1b
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral1c
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral1d
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral1e
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral1f
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral2a
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral2b
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral2c
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral2e
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral2g
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral3a
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral4a
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral_1
* 42.6 : [   6] act\act_stalker_neutral_4
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_seva_1
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_stalker_soldier_4
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_trup_1
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_trup_2
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_trup_3
* 42.6 : [   4] act\act_trup_4
* 42.6 : [   4] wood\wood_collect
* 42.6 : [   4] wood\wood_walls8
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74m_gp
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74m_mag
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74m_mag_camog
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ammo
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_beretta_sk1
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_beretta_sk2
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_beretta_sk4
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_beretta_sk5
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_fort17
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_fort17_sk1
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_fort17_sk2
* 42.6 : [   6] wpn\wpn_gauss
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_grenade_40mm
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_grenade_rdg-m
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_grenade_rdg-s
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_knife_nr40
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_l85_susat
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_sig550_mag
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_sig550_mag_sk2
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svd_mag
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svd_mag_sk1
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svd_mag_sk3
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_vssk_sil
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_walter99_body
* 42.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_walter99_bodz
* 42.6 : [   4] act\variation mod\act_neutral\pockets_1a
* 42.6 : [   4] act\variation mod\act_neutral\pockets_1b
* 42.6 : [   4] act\variation mod\act_neutral\pockets_1e
* 42.7 : [   4] aa\aa_af_aac
* 42.7 : [   4] aa\aa_af_aam
* 42.7 : [   4] aa\aa_af_iam
* 42.7 : [   4] aa\aa_camelbak
* 42.7 : [   4] aa\aa_cooler
* 42.7 : [   4] aa\aa_frames
* 42.7 : [   4] aa\aa_kevlar
* 42.7 : [   4] act\metro\act_gasmask_metro_grey
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_shovel
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_spalnik
* 42.7 : [   4] aa\aa_plates
* 42.7 : [   4] aa\aa_surge
* 42.7 : [   4] act\act_exoskeleton
* 42.7 : [   4] act\act_face_26
* 42.7 : [   4] act\act_jimmy_face
* 42.7 : [   4] food\food_chimera
* 42.7 : [   4] food\food_protein
* 42.7 : [   4] food\food_raw_boar
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_ammo
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_book1
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_book2
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_book3
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_ckit
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_cutlery
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_drugskit
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_energy
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_foto1
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_grooming
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_guitar
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_jbox
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_kithunt
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_maps
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_milimap
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_mirror
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_s_guide
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_sack
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_swiss
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_tarp
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_universalpowerdevice
* 42.7 : [   4] item\item_ustroystva
* 42.7 : [   4] item\med_bank
* 42.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_rail_1
* 42.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_docter_sight
* 42.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_fn2000_lens
* 42.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_k98_sil
* 42.7 : [   4] wpn\wpn_scar_bullet
* 42.7 : [   1] amik\explosions\smoke_cannon
* 42.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\12x70
* 42.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\flameshoot_3
* 42.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\flameshoot_4
* 42.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\flameshoot_5
* 42.7 : [   1] amik\weapons\shells_12x70
* 42.7 : [   1] map\map_hospital
* 42.7 : [   1] map\map_l08u_brainlab
* 48.1 : [ 150] sky\sky_cube_weapons
* 64.1 : [   1] amik\static\gas_light\flame_zippo
* 64.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\dtk_6
* 64.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\dtk_8
* 64.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\flash_01
* 64.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\flash_02
* 64.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\flash_04
* 64.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\flash_05
* 64.1 : [   4] arsenal_mod\ammo\762x39_ap
* 64.1 : [   4] arsenal_mod\ammo\762x39_fmj
* 64.1 : [   4] arsenal_mod\ammo\762x51_ap
* 64.1 : [   4] arsenal_mod\ammo\762x51_fmj
* 64.1 : [   4] artifact\artifact_val000
* 64.1 : [   1] dinamic_hud\breath1
* 64.1 : [   1] dinamic_hud\breath2
* 64.1 : [   1] dinamic_hud\breath3
* 64.1 : [   1] dinamic_hud\breath5
* 64.1 : [   1] fx\fx_sun
* 64.1 : [   1] fx\fx_sun_fog
* 64.1 : [   1] fx\fx_sun_gradient
* 64.1 : [   1] fx\fx_sun_halo
* 64.1 : [   1] fx\fx_sun_morning
* 64.1 : [   1] fx\fx_thunderbolts_gradient
* 64.1 : [   1] fx\fx_thunderbolts_gradient_surge
* 64.1 : [1500] internal\internal_light_attpoint
* 64.1 : [   4] item\item_chili
* 64.1 : [   4] item\item_medkit_5
* 64.1 : [   4] item\jgut
* 64.1 : [   4] item\kielbasa
* 64.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_anomaly_18
* 64.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_bloodsplash1
* 64.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_flame_01
* 64.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_skinsplash1
* 64.1 : [   4] sap\sap_medal_01
* 64.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_console_02
* 64.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_graff_19_1024
* 64.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_graff_22_1024
* 64.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_hud_02
* 64.1 : [   1] ui\ui_hud_grenade_mark
* 64.1 : [   1] ui\ui_hud_hit_mark
* 85.2 : [   4] act\act_krovosos_new1
* 85.2 : [   4] act\act_mutant_boar
* 85.2 : [   4] act\act_mutant_boar_u
* 85.2 : [   4] act\act_stalker_nebo_2
* 85.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_usp_nimble
* 85.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_g43_body
* 85.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_k98_stock
* 85.3 : [   4] act\act_face_her9
* 85.3 : [   4] act\act_stalk_nimble
* 85.3 : [   4] item\item_stims
* 85.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_deagle_comp
* 85.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_lastochka
* 85.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_lastochkb
* 85.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_lastochkc
* 85.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_9a91
* 85.3 : [   6] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_9mm
* 85.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_aps
* 85.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_sr25_silencer
* 85.3 : [   4] act\eye\act_eye_ball
* 85.3 : [   4] act\metro\act_maska_leather
* 85.3 : [   1] amik\explosions\explosion_dynamite\flashlight
* 85.3 : [   1] amik\explosions\explosion_smoke03
* 85.3 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\flameshoot_1
* 85.3 : [   1] amik\weapons\flame\flameshoot_2
* 85.3 : [   4] arsenal_mod\ammo\wpn_cartridge357
* 85.3 : [   4] drink\drink_cocaine
* 85.3 : [   4] drink\drink_match0
* 85.3 : [   4] item\[stayler]\w_medkin1
* 85.3 : [   4] item\[stayler]\w_medkin3
* 85.3 : [   4] item\item_detector_2
* 85.3 : [   4] item\item_drink_waterxx
* 85.3 : [   4] item\item_food
* 85.3 : [   1] map\map_labx8
* 85.3 : [   1] shoker_mod\explosions\explosion_smoke01
* 85.3 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_1
* 85.3 : [   1] wm\wm_blood_2
* 85.3 : [   1] amik\explosions\explosion_dynamite\smoke
* 85.3 : [   1] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_smoke_1
* 106.9 : [   3] artifact\artifact_lavahell1
* 128.1 : [   4] act\act_crow
* 128.1 : [   4] act\act_dog_noy_0
* 128.1 : [   4] act\act_ryukzaa
* 128.1 : [   4] act\act_ryukzac
* 128.1 : [   4] act\act_ryukzad
* 128.1 : [   4] act\variation mod\act_neutral\gp5a
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\357mag
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\50_ae
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\5x45x39
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\5x45x39_00
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\5x45x39_01
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\5x56x45
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\5x56x45_00
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\5x7x28
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\6x5x50
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x25_0
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x25_1
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x25_2
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x25_3
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x25_4
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x39_00
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x39_01
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x39_02
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x39_03
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x51_1
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x51_2
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x62x54
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x7x57
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\7x92x57
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\9x18_1
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\9x18_2
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\9x18_3
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\9x39
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\shells_ak_01
* 128.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\smokeshoot_0
* 128.1 : [   4] cooking\cooking_kerosene
* 128.1 : [   4] cooking\cooking_mfs
* 128.1 : [   4] cooking\cooking_wood_stove
* 128.1 : [   4] drink\drink_cigar0
* 128.1 : [   4] drink\drink_cigar2
* 128.1 : [   4] drink\drink_cigar3
* 128.1 : [   4] drink\drink_crow
* 128.1 : [   4] drink\drink_joint
* 128.1 : [   4] drink\drink_tea
* 128.1 : [   4] drink\drink_vodka
* 128.1 : [   4] drink\drink_water
* 128.1 : [   4] food\food_bls
* 128.1 : [   4] food\food_dog
* 128.1 : [   4] food\food_flesh
* 128.1 : [   4] food\food_pdg
* 128.1 : [   4] food\food_raw_tush
* 128.1 : [   4] food\food_tushkano
* 128.1 : [   4] food\snork_food
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_chocolate
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_cigar
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_cigarettes_lucky
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_cigarettes_russian
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_cloth_mask
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_glucose
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_glucose_s
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_hand_rolling_tobacco
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_mint
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_mre
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_raisins
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_ration_ukr
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_salmon
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_sausage
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_tobacco
* 128.1 : [   4] item\item_tushonka
* 128.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_shells1
* 128.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_shells2
* 128.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_shells_green
* 128.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_shells_pisto1
* 128.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_shells_pistol
* 128.1 : [   4] prop\prop_kitchen_krujka
* 128.1 : [   4] prop\prop_voda1
* 128.1 : [   4] prop\prop_voda2
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_armor_repair_fa
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_armor_repair_pro
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_cleaning_kit
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_cleaning_kit_r7
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_cleaning_kit_u
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_glue
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_grease_solvent
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_gun_oil
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_gun_oil_ru
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_sewing_kit
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_sharpening_stones
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_textile_patch_b
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_textile_patch_e
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_textile_patch_m
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_toolkit_nato
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_toolkit_p
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_toolkit_s
* 128.1 : [   4] repair\repair_toolkit_wp
* 128.1 : [   1] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_ak_shells_1
* 128.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_graff_32_1024
* 128.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_letter_25_1024
* 128.1 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ied
* 128.1 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ied_rpg
* 128.1 : [   4] wpn\wpn_pfm1
* 156.4 : [   1] amk\arts\elektron
* 170.4 : [   4] act\act_gasmask
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_abakan
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74_sk1
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74_sk2
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74_sk3
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74_sk4
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74_sk5
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74_sk7
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74m
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74m_body
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74m_body_camog
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak74m_sk3
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aksu
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aksu_sk3
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aksu_sk4
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aksu_sk5
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aksu_sk6
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_beretta
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_binokl
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_colt1911
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_colt1911_sk4
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_colt1911_sk5
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_colt1911_sk6
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_colt1911_sk8
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_desert_eagle
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_desert_eagle_nimble
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_desert_eagle_sk1
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_desert_eagle_sk2
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_desert_eagle_sk3
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_g36
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_g36k
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_g36k_sk1
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_grenade_f1
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_grenade_rgd5
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_groza
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_groza_grenade_launcher
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_groza_mag
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_knife
* 170.4 : [   6] wpn\wpn_l85
* 170.4 : [   6] wpn\wpn_l85_sk2
* 170.4 : [   6] wpn\wpn_l85_sk3
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_l85_sk4
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_mp5
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_mp5_sk3
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_mp5_sk4
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_mp5sd_sk3
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_pb
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_pb_sk2
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_pkm
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_pkm_magazin
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_pm
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_pm_actor
* 170.4 : [   6] wpn\wpn_pm_sk2
* 170.4 : [   6] wpn\wpn_pm_sk3
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_pmm
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_protecta
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_protecta_sk2
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_rg6
* 170.4 : [   6] wpn\wpn_rpg-7
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_sig-p220
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_sig-p220_sk4
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_sig550
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_sig550_sk3
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_spas12
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_spas12_sk1
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_spas12_sk4
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svd_body
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svd_body_sk1
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svd_body_sk3
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svd_grips
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svd_grips_sk1
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svd_grips_sk3
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svd_gripz
* 170.4 : [   6] wpn\wpn_toz-34
* 170.4 : [   6] wpn\wpn_toz-34_sk3
* 170.4 : [   6] wpn\wpn_toz-34_sk4
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_toz-34_sk5
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_usp
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_vss
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_vss_nimble
* 170.4 : [   4] wpn\wpn_vssk
* 170.6 : [   4] act\act_izlom
* 170.6 : [   4] act\metro\act_diger_slemnew
* 170.6 : [   4] item\item_xxporn2
* 170.6 : [   4] item\item_xxxporn
* 170.6 : [   4] act\act_mp_team_blue_armor_military
* 170.6 : [   4] akt\act_arm_mono_glove
* 170.6 : [   4] item\item_boots
* 170.6 : [   4] item\item_conserva
* 170.6 : [   4] item\item_flash
* 170.6 : [   4] item\item_rope
* 170.6 : [   4] item\item_rops
* 170.6 : [   4] item\item_torch
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_gl_gp25
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_mount_mtk83
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_mp5_mount
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_1p29
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_ac10632
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_acog
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_eotech
* 170.6 : [   6] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_l96
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_pks-07
* 170.6 : [   6] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_po4x34
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_susat_sk2
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_susat_sk3
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_45
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_9mx
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_atg
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_gemtech
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_kzrzp
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_nato
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_pbs1
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_pbs4
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_tgp-a
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_sil_vihr
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_usp_match
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak100_grips
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak100_grips_camogreen
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak101_mag
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak101_mag_camog
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak_grips
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak_priklad
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_akm_mag
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aps
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_apw
* 170.6 : [   6] wpn\wpn_bullet1
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_bullet2
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_dao12_sights
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_g3_mount
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_kiparis
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_kiparis_mag
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_kipariw
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_kipariw_mag
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_m17_carryhandle
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_rpk_maz
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_vsk94_butt
* 170.6 : [   4] wpn\wpn_sks_bullet
* 170.6 : [   1] amik\explosions\boom_0
* 170.6 : [   1] amik\explosions\boom_1
* 170.6 : [   1] amik\explosions\boom_2
* 170.6 : [   1] map\map_aes_1
* 170.6 : [   1] map\map_aes_2
* 170.6 : [   1] map\map_l04_darkvalley
* 170.6 : [   1] map\map_l05_bar
* 170.6 : [   1] map\map_l06_rostok
* 170.6 : [   1] map\map_limansk
* 213.5 : [   5] artifact\artifact_hell1
* 256.1 : [   4] act\act_face_zombie_02
* 256.1 : [   4] act\act_face_zombie_03
* 256.1 : [   4] act\act_ratwolf_01
* 256.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_freedom3a
* 256.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_soldier_2
* 256.1 : [   1] amik\explosions\explosion_flash_atlas
* 256.1 : [   4] artifact\artifact_val005
* 256.1 : [   4] artifact\artifact_val013
* 256.1 : [   4] artifact\artifact_val024
* 256.1 : [   4] artifact\artifact_val029
* 256.1 : [   4] artifact\artifact_val031
* 256.1 : [   4] drink\drink_flask
* 256.1 : [   4] food\food_boar
* 256.1 : [   1] fx\fx_gradient1
* 256.1 : [   4] item\[stayler]\w_medkin2
* 256.1 : [   4] item\item_lead_box
* 256.1 : [   4] item\item_mineral_water
* 256.1 : [   4] item\item_nuts
* 256.1 : [   4] item\item_ration_ru
* 256.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_bloodsplash2
* 256.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_expl_01
* 256.1 : [   4] prop\prop_tarp
* 256.1 : [   4] repair\repair_helmet_repair
* 256.1 : [   4] sap\sap_medal
* 256.1 : [   4] sap\sap_medal_00
* 256.1 : [   4] sap\sap_sand
* 256.1 : [   4] sgm\sumka_2
* 256.1 : [3271] sky\sky_oblaka
* 256.1 : [   1] ui\ui_font_graff_50_1024
* 300.1 : [   4] sap\sap_generator_00
* 339.8 : [   4] majordolg\scaut
* 340.8 : [   4] wpn\wpn_hpsa
* 340.8 : [   4] wpn\wpn_hpsa_sk1
* 340.8 : [   4] wpn\wpn_hpsa_sk2
* 340.8 : [   4] wpn\wpn_hpsa_sk3
* 340.8 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svu-a
* 341.1 : [   4] wpn\wpn_k98_body
* 341.1 : [   4] act\act_arm_bandit
* 341.1 : [   4] act\act_arm_svoboda_light
* 341.1 : [   1] amik\explosions\explosion_dynamite\explosion_din
* 341.1 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_kobra
* 341.1 : [   4] wpn\wpn_johnnysaxe
* 341.1 : [   4] act\act_ghillie
* 341.1 : [   4] act\face\act_face_risovalshik
* 341.1 : [   4] act\metro\act_stalker_nebo_5_white
* 341.1 : [   1] amik\explosions\final_expl
* 341.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\smokeshoot_1
* 341.1 : [   4] awr\leatherman
* 341.1 : [   1] fx\fx_gradient
* 341.1 : [   4] majordolg\ghill
* 341.1 : [   1] map\map_agroprom
* 341.1 : [   1] map\map_fake_start
* 341.1 : [   1] map\map_garbage
* 341.1 : [   1] map\map_jupiter_underground
* 341.1 : [   1] map\map_k01_darkscape
* 341.1 : [   1] map\map_l04u_labx18
* 341.1 : [   1] map\map_l07_military
* 341.1 : [   1] map\map_l08_yantar
* 341.1 : [   1] map\map_l09_deadcity
* 341.1 : [   1] map\map_l10_radar
* 341.1 : [   1] map\map_l11_pripyat
* 341.1 : [   1] map\map_l13_generators
* 341.1 : [   1] map\map_red_forest
* 378.1 : [   4] sap\sap_generator
* 378.1 : [   4] sap\sap_glass
* 378.1 : [   4] sap\sap_gubka
* 379.8 : [   1] map\map_k02_trucks_cemetery
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_atach
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_faction_badges_tfw
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_monoold1
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_monoold3
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_mutant_boar_leg
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_puh
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_scientist_suit_orang
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_scientist_suit_red
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_scientist_suit_white
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_scientist_suit_yello
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_scientist_zombi_b
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_scientist_zombi_r
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_scientist_zombi_w
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_scientist_zombi_y
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_dolg_tactic
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_merc_sun1
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_monolith1
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_monolith_1
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_monoliths
* 512.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_voyak_exo
* 512.1 : [   1] amik\explosions\explosion_fuelcan\boom_1
* 512.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\00
* 512.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\grishik\45
* 512.1 : [   1] amik\weapons\shells_ak
* 512.1 : [   4] amk\items\500
* 512.1 : [   4] item\item_crowbar
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_ani-fire01
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_explotions_3
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\12ga
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\45acp
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\545x39
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\556x45
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\762x39
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\762x51
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\762x54
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\9x18
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\9x19
* 512.1 : [   1] pfx\r_pop\shells\9x39
* 512.1 : [   4] sgm\sumka_1
* 512.1 : [   1] shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_shells3
* 512.1 : [   4] shoker_mod\wpn\axe\axe_1
* 512.1 : [   4] sumka\sumka_4
* 576.1 : [   4] sap\sap_star_of_ph
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_9a91
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_galilscope
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_grenade_launcher
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_grenade_launcher_m203
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_1p59
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_pso-1m2-1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_pso1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_pu
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_susat
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_addon_scope_susat_sk4
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aek971
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aek971_sk2
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak105_body
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak12
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ak_body
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_akm
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_akm_gadgem
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_akm_gadges
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_akm_gadget
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_akms_gadges
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_akms_gadget
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_akn
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aks74
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aks75
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aks76
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aks77
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ar15
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aug
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aug_sk4
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_aug_sk5
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_cz75
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_cz75_sk1
* 682.2 : [   6] wpn\wpn_dao12
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_fn2000
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_fn2000_sk1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_fn2000_sk2
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_fn2000_sk3
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_fnp45
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_fnp46
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_fnp47
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_fnx45_sk2
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_g35
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_g3sg1_sk1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_g4
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_galil
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_galil_sk2
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_galil_sk3
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_glock19
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_glock19_sk1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_glock19_sk2
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_grach
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_grach_sk1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_gsh18
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_lr300
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_lr302
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_lr303
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_m16a2
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_m17
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_m1891
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_m1891_scope
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_m1891_wood
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_m4a1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_m4a3
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_m4a5
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_m590a2
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_mosin_scope
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_mp133_sk1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_mp133_sk2
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_mp153
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_mp153_sk1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_mp412
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_oc33
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_rpk74m
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_rpk_body
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_rpk_bodz
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_rpk_grips
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_rpk_gripz
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_scar
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_sig551
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_sig553
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_sv98
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_toz194
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_toz194_sk1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_toz194_sk2
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_toz66
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_toz66_sk1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_toz66_sk2
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_toz66_sk3
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_tt33
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_tt33_sk1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_tt33_sk2
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ump45
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ump45_sk1
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_ump45_sk2
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_us2
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_val
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_vihr
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_vsk94
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_vz61
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_vz61_sk2
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_vz61_sk4
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_vz61_sk5
* 682.2 : [   4] wpn\wpn_type63
* 682.2 : [   1] map\map_escape
* 768.1 : [  14] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_1
* 768.1 : [  40] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_2
* 768.1 : [  18] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_3
* 768.1 : [  14] sky\af1_cloudy\cloudy_5
* 768.1 : [  40] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_1
* 768.1 : [  24] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_2
* 768.1 : [  36] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_3
* 768.1 : [  32] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_4
* 768.1 : [  32] sky\af1_foggy\foggy_5
* 768.1 : [   6] sky\af3_blowout\blowout1
* 768.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout1_1
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout2
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout2_night
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3
* 768.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_1
* 768.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_1_night
* 768.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_2
* 768.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_2_night
* 768.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_3
* 768.1 : [   2] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_3_night
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout3_night
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4
* 768.1 : [   3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_1
* 768.1 : [   3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_1_night
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout4_night
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5_night
* 768.1 : [   7] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5psi
* 768.1 : [   7] sky\af3_blowout\blowout5psi_night
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout6
* 768.1 : [   1] sky\af3_blowout\blowout6_night
* 768.1 : [   3] sky\af3_blowout\blowout7
* 768.1 : [   4] sky\af3_blowout\blowout7_night
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\00-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\00-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  25] sky\af3_clear\00-00-nm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\01-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\01-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  37] sky\af3_clear\01-00-nm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\02-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\02-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  25] sky\af3_clear\02-00-nm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\03-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\03-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\04-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\04-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\04-30
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\22-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\22-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_clear\23-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_clear\23-00-hm
* 768.1 : [   6] sky\af3_cloudy\19-00
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_cloudy\20-00
* 768.1 : [  16] sky\af3_foggy\06-00
* 768.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\07-00
* 768.1 : [  19] sky\af3_foggy\09-00
* 768.1 : [  40] sky\af3_foggy\10-00
* 768.1 : [  10] sky\af3_foggy\11-00
* 768.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\12-00
* 768.1 : [  27] sky\af3_foggy\13-00
* 768.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\14-00
* 768.1 : [  19] sky\af3_foggy\15-00
* 768.1 : [  19] sky\af3_foggy\16-00
* 768.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\17-00
* 768.1 : [  19] sky\af3_foggy\18-00
* 768.1 : [  11] sky\af3_foggy\19-00
* 768.1 : [  22] sky\af3_foggy\20-00
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\00-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\00-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  25] sky\af3_partly\00-00-nm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\01-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\01-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  38] sky\af3_partly\01-00-nm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\02-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\02-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  24] sky\af3_partly\02-00-nm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\03-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\03-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\04-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\04-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\22-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\22-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\af3_partly\23-00-fm
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\af3_partly\23-00-hm
* 768.1 : [  26] sky\af3_rainy\07-00
* 768.1 : [  30] sky\af3_rainy\09-00_19-00
* 768.1 : [  58] sky\af3_rainy\13-00
* 768.1 : [  24] sky\af3_rainy\15-00
* 768.1 : [  31] sky\af3_rainy\15-00-2
* 768.1 : [  44] sky\af3_rainy\16-00
* 768.1 : [  32] sky\af3_rainy\20-00
* 768.1 : [   5] sky\sky_12_vibros_cube
* 768.1 : [  26] sky\sky_13_cube
* 768.1 : [  16] sky\sky_13_cube_night
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\sky_13_vibros_cube
* 768.1 : [  10] sky\sky_14_cube
* 768.1 : [   4] sky\sky_17_clouds_cube
* 768.1 : [   4] sky\sky_17_cube
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\sky_18_cube
* 768.1 : [  11] sky\sky_19_cube
* 768.1 : [   4] sky\sky_1_clouds_cube
* 768.1 : [   4] sky\sky_20_clouds_cube
* 768.1 : [   6] sky\sky_20_cube
* 768.1 : [   4] sky\sky_2_clouds_cube
* 768.1 : [   4] sky\sky_2_cube
* 768.1 : [  12] sky\sky_3_cube
* 768.1 : [   3] sky\sky_4_cube
* 768.1 : [  32] sky\sky_5_cube
* 768.1 : [   7] sky\sky_6_cube
* 768.1 : [  11] sky\sky_7_cube
* 768.1 : [   8] sky\sky_8_cube
* 768.1 : [  49] sky\sky_9_cube
* 1024.1 : [   4] act\act_mtalker
* 1024.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_dolg_8_8_
* 1024.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_merc_2
* 1024.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_mercen_2
* 1024.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_monolith_3
* 1024.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral_2
* 1024.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_neutral_3
* 1024.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_soldier_a
* 1024.1 : [   4] act\metro\act_att_gasmask_maska
* 1024.1 : [   1] amik\explosions\decal_concrete
* 1024.1 : [   1] amik\explosions\explo_end
* 1024.1 : [   1] amik\explosions\explosion_fuelcan\boom_3
* 1024.1 : [   1] amik\explosions\explosion_fuelcan\grey_xpl
* 1024.1 : [   1] amik\hit_fx\water_splash\water_splash_anim
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_1
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_2
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_3
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_4
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_5
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_6
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_halo_phase_7
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_phase_1
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_phase_2
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_phase_3
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_phase_4
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_phase_5
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_phase_6
* 1024.1 : [   1] fx\fx_moon_phase_7
* 1024.1 : [   1] map\map_l03u_agr_underground
* 1024.1 : [   1] map\map_l12u_control_monolith
* 1024.1 : [   1] map\map_y04_pole
* 1024.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_ani-explosion-02
* 1024.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_ani-explosion-02-b-a
* 1024.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_ani-explosion-02a
* 1024.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_explotions_2
* 1024.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_explotions_4
* 1024.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_explotions_smoke
* 1024.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_explotions_smoke_benzine
* 1024.1 : [   1] shoker_mod\explosions\final_expl
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_achivments
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_dialog_screen
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_menu
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_mp_screen
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_multiplayer_game_menu
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_newsmanager_icons
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_pda
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_sleep_screen
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_widescreen_sidepanels
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_common
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_hud
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_ingame2_common
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_pda2
* 1024.1 : [   1] ui\ui_pda2_noice
* 1024.1 : [   4] wpn\wpn_bolt
* 1024.1 : [   1] wpn\wpn_crosshair_class
* 1024.1 : [   1] wpn\wpn_crosshair_fn2000
* 1024.1 : [   1] wpn\wpn_crosshair_l85
* 1363.3 : [   4] act\act_stalker_sviter
* 1364.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_l96
* 1364.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_skw
* 1364.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svt
* 1364.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svt_sk2
* 1364.3 : [   4] wpn\wpn_svu-n
* 1364.3 : [   4] act\act_arm_sviter_1
* 1364.3 : [   4] bodies\it_organs_13rs
* 1364.3 : [   1] map\map_jupiter
* 1364.3 : [   1] map\map_marsh
* 1364.3 : [   1] map\map_pripyat
* 1364.3 : [   1] map\map_zaton
* 1792.9 : [   6] item\item_detector_1
* 2048.1 : [   4] act\act_stalker_soldier_v
* 2048.1 : [   4] akt\act_arm_mono_1
* 2048.1 : [   1] pfx\pfx_cc_lightings
* 2048.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_hint_wnd
* 2048.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_weapons
* 2048.1 : [   1] ui\ui_global_map
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\05-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\05-30
* 3072.1 : [  66] sky\af3_clear\06-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\07-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\08-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\09-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\10-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\11-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\12-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\13-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\14-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\15-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\16-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\17-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\18-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\19-00
* 3072.1 : [  66] sky\af3_clear\20-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\20-30
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\21-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_clear\21-30
* 3072.1 : [   6] sky\af3_cloudy\05-00
* 3072.1 : [  12] sky\af3_cloudy\06-00
* 3072.1 : [  11] sky\af3_cloudy\07-00
* 3072.1 : [  19] sky\af3_cloudy\08-00
* 3072.1 : [  24] sky\af3_cloudy\09-00
* 3072.1 : [  12] sky\af3_cloudy\10-00
* 3072.1 : [  12] sky\af3_cloudy\11-00
* 3072.1 : [  19] sky\af3_cloudy\12-00
* 3072.1 : [  11] sky\af3_cloudy\13-00
* 3072.1 : [  38] sky\af3_cloudy\14-00
* 3072.1 : [  29] sky\af3_cloudy\15-00
* 3072.1 : [  11] sky\af3_cloudy\16-00
* 3072.1 : [  19] sky\af3_cloudy\17-00
* 3072.1 : [  22] sky\af3_cloudy\18-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\04-30
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\05-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\05-30
* 3072.1 : [  66] sky\af3_partly\06-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\07-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\08-00
* 3072.1 : [  34] sky\af3_partly\09-00
* 3072.1 : [  34] sky\af3_partly\10-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\11-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\12-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\13-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\14-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\15-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\16-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\17-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\18-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\19-00
* 3072.1 : [  66] sky\af3_partly\20-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\20-30
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\21-00
* 3072.1 : [  33] sky\af3_partly\21-30
* 4096.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_main_menu
* 4096.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_portrets_mlr
* 8192.1 : [   1] ui\ui_actor_portrets
* 8193.0 : [   4] item\item_detector_3
* 32768.1 : [   1] ui\ui_icon_equipment
* [ D3D ]: textures[571004 K]
compiling shader font2
DestroySingleton::RefCounter: 0
DestroySingleton::RefCounter: 0
DestroySingleton::RefCounter: 0
Input:  1
Config-file [appdata\user.ltx] saved successfully
Destroying Direct3D...
* RM_Dump: textures  : 1
*        :   1: ui\ui_actor_sleep_screen
* RM_Dump: rtargets  : 0
* RM_Dump: vs        : 1
*        :   1: null
* RM_Dump: ps        : 1
*        :   1: null
* RM_Dump: dcl       : 0
* RM_Dump: states    : 1
* RM_Dump: tex_list  : 1
* RM_Dump: matrices  : 0
* RM_Dump: lst_constants: 0
* RM_Dump: v_passes  : 1
* RM_Dump: v_elements: 1
* RM_Dump: v_shaders : 1
refCount:pBaseZB 1
refCount:pBaseRT 1
DeviceREF: 3




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@Monolitian  I cały ten długi log zmieścił się w tej malutkiej kuli wróżbity? :screaming:

A na poważnie. Jak się nie chcesz narazić "czerwonym" , to nie cytuj całych postów.

Wystarczy, że podczas pisania wciśniesz @ i bez spacji zaczniesz wpisywać nicka w tym przypadku tom3kb. Po kilku literach rozwinie ci się lista użytkowników i z niej kliknięciem wybierasz tego kogo chcesz. jego nick wskoczy sam do wpisu, a ty możesz kontynuować wyłuszczanie problemu.

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